Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 28,1891. eon WATCHING FOR THE MORNING. When the shadows gather, And the night grows deep, And the weary eyelids Cannot close to sleep; "Mid these hours of sadness, With their solemn warning, Comes that song of gladness, “Watching for the morning.” ‘When the morning clouds spread, O er the azure sky, And the howling wild winds Tell the storm is nigh ; When the stars all vanish, Erst the heavens adorning, Hope the gloom will banish, “Watching for the morning.” When disease has stolen Strength and cheer from thee ; And the careworn spirit Writhes in agony ; In the hour of sorrow, Startled by its warning, Comfort thou canst borrow, “Watching for the morning.” Years are gliding onward ; Ah, how fast they fly ! Wasting is life’s fountain, It will soon run dry. Death—he cannot harm thee— Tread on death with scorning; Brightest visions charm thee, “Watching for the morning” Though the shadows gather, And the night grows deep, And the weary eyelids, Close in death’s in] sleep; Through that night of sadness, With its solemn warning, Comes the song of gladness, “Watching for the morning.” Watching, watching, watching! Lord, how long, how long? When shall break the shadow ? When burst forth the song? Haste, O blessed daybreak, With thy bright adorning ; Let the joyous lay wake, “Mornine! Lo! The morning |” —D. D. T, McLaughlin, in Indepeudent. TIC TESST. OLD STOVEPIPES DAUGHTER. “Look, amigo!” said Tom, hastily snatching a smoking slice of venison from the glowing coals. “Look to- ward the Orient, and tell me the nature of that little dark object creeping along the crest of the divide, a movable atom silhouetted against the blue canopy of heaven. Name it if you can.” “What is it, Tom? A bear, or mountain sheep?” “Wide of tne mark, as usual. It looks more like a black ant; but I venture the opinion that it will soon resolve into a pony and a man ;and I will still predict that it will tarn out to be our old friend “Stovepipe,” on his way to our camp, prospecting for trilo- bites and bugs.” Tom’s keen eyes were as good as a spyglass. I looked upto him with the admiration I had always felt since in our boyhood days he had thrashed the bully of our village, who attacked me merely because nature had endowed him with more muscle than she had allotted me. Tom sent him howe blubbering, bidding him remember that there was no boy so strong but that there was another stronger. Yes, we were schoolmates and were gradu- ated in the same class at college; and when, after having become a rising young attorney, Tom suddenly threw up his profession and started for the Rocky Mountains, I, of course, did the same, I never knew just how Tom came to take this sudden notion to go West, but rumor had it that he had been jilt- ed by some silly girl; silly, I say, tor what girl of sense could ever hope to find the peer of Tom Hamilton? If a sound mind and a sound body ever dwelt together in harmony, they cer- tainly didin his person. Thus we two, destined by over san- guine parents for future presidents, be- came simple prospectors, and at the time my sketch begins, after roughing it for two years over the wildest and most remote portions of the great mountain ocean, had emerged from our tenderfoot stage and were engaged in developing a group of claims, which on’ account of their altitude, we had yelept “Sky-High!” At this moment we were in front of our cosy cabin, cooking and eating our morning meal almost simultaneously : for venison is not venison unless served straight from ‘the naked coals. Old Stovepipe, our prospective visi- tor, was neither very old nor yet a stovepipe. He was a famous scientist, whose devotion to nature's wonders .often led him through the most rugged and unexplored regions of our conti- nent, and whose one eccentricity of sheltering his brains with the regula- tion hat of society, had won for him the odd sobriquet of “Stovepipe.” Among the ordinary prospectors he was held in the same esteem as the rest of the “bug-hunters,” being looked upon as a man of little account; but with the more intelligent—of whom there were many—he passed for what he was, a brave, highly educated and pol- ished gentleman. After breakfast I took my way to our claims, which lay to the west of our camp, ard Tom shouldered a Washoe pick and set forth to examine some promising croppings several miles to the east. While skirting along the further slope of the mountain upon whose crest the solitary wanderer had been seen, his attention was attracted - tosome fragments of paper floating to. wards him in the light breeze. After a little skirmishing he secured one of them and read these startling words: “Badly hart. Cannot speak. Find me. Serey Horrann.” “Good God! Poor fellow,” exclaim- ed Tom, Without a moment’s hesitation he began climbing the steep mountain side, keeping as near as possible to the windward. His strong limbs soon brought him in sight of a dead pony, and a little further on lay poor Hol- land, badly hurt and speechless, but with & look of unutterable gratitude beaming from his eyes. Tom took but a moment for reflec- tion. Stripping himself half naked tor the purpose, he bandaged the broken limb so as to prevent it from swaying, and gently gathering the sufferer in his arms, began the perilous descent to camp, ‘| cluding Gulliver's Travels, the New After hours of herculean effort he de- posited his helpless burden on a bed of soft boughs in our eabin. The danger signal—three rapid shots—rang echo: ing out among the wild crags, and I came rushing into camp. Now, as the little story is about Tom, and not about myself, I have not pre- viously mentioned that I had been launched upon the world as a ‘“medi- cine man,” and although I had an in- herent antipathy to drugs, I prided my- gelf on my surgical skill. I soon found that the damage to our scientific friend consisted of a broken leg, fractured be- low the knee, and some ugly contu- sions about the neck and jaw, the lat- terly luckily without fracture, but the injury was so severe as to cause the rapid swelling that rendered him for a time unable to articulate. In a short time we had the limb set and the inflammation reduced, and with the volunteer aid of our few but whole-souled neighbors a comfortable room was added to our restricted quar- ters for the accommodation of the in- valid. It did our hearts good to hear the offers of assistance and see the tok- ens of sympathy and good will that poured in from the scattered camps. Venison, elk meat, grouse and trout were almost daily received, while newspapers {often of remote date), and even an incongruous collection of book were among the donations, in- Testament and Hayden's Reports. Thanks to the healthfal surround- ings and the absence of drugs, our patient progressed as rapidly as possi- ble to convalescence, and we felt more than compensated for our care, in list- ening to his conversation. On Sunday a few weeks later, while sitting in front of our cabin, Holland having so far recovered as to be able to recline in a rustic armchair construct- ed by the combined talent and execu- tive ability of the firm, we were great- | ly astonished by the sudden appear- ance of Lanky Jim, our next neighbor rushing toward us with mind and body greatly agitated by some unusual ex- citement: Without saying a word, puffing and blowing from exertion, he seated him- self on a block. Resting his hands upon his knees and craning out his long neck, he at length gave utterance to this one word : “Jehosophat !” “What is it, Jim ? Indians? “Indians nothing! Je-hos-o-phat? Wimmen! as I hope to live, and bear- ing right down on this camp.” As at that time none of the gentler sex were known to have penetrated within a hundred miles of us, we very nearly shared his astonishment. Neith- er Tom nor I spoke a word, but I am ashamed to confess that our first thoughts were of our shabby costumes, cleanly, to be sure, but coarse and fearfully frayed. “Right from Arkansas, probably,” remarked Tom, coolly. iE “Mormons,” I suggested. “Bet your life, no. Quality folks!” insisted Jim. We had no time for further conjec- ture, for the party, consisting of two ladies and a gentleman, were now in sight, and the younger of the ladies surged ahead of the others and came down upon us at a dashing gallop. A girlish figure, at that time and in that place, she seemed like a vision of celes- tial beauty, with her golden locks streaming in the wind, her cheeks blanched with anxiety and her eager blue eyes fixed upon the central figure in our group. Oblivioas of all else, she sprang unaided from the saddle, ‘and casting her arms around the in- valid, exclaimed, “Oh, father! father!” and burst into tears, “Annette,” said Mr. Holland, look- ing up to Tom, who stood near him, “this is Mr. Hamilton, the gentleman of whom I wrote you, and to whom 'I think you should show some grati- tude.” H “Oh, Mr. Hamilton,” she exclaimed, “how can I thank you?” “One deserves no thanks for simply doing one’s duty,” said Tom. Annette was of that golden age, halt child, half woman, and the assurance that Tom regarded her act as a caprice of childish gratitude, silenced her own misgivings. The elder lady was now introduced as Holland's widowed sister, and the young man hastened, with vigorous handshaking, to introduce himself as his son, and to declare his everlasting gratitude to Tom and me. Mrs. Belden, the widowed sister, a lady of great intelligence and of that quiet, self-possessed repose of character as lovable as it is rare, now explained their sudden appearance. When they received her brother's letter announc- ing the accident they were very much alarmed, and both Annette and George, who was home spending his vacation, were determined to go at once to their father. They had not telegraphed him because they knew that it would take several days for a message to reach him from the nearest station, and fear- | ed that he might attempt to move further east to meet them. During their short stay Tom and I did little work. It was our one bright holiday for years. Always leaving one | to care for our crippled friend, we took (the ‘visitors each day to some new | scene in that grand and romantic re- { gion. Now it was a majestic waterfall | that had sung its weird song for ages to the rocks and trees of some solitary gorge ; now a cascade, dashing down thousands of feet, from rock to rock, i foaming white as drifted snow ; and sometimes it was to look dcwn stu. pendous chasms, or to behold somber depths of forests, or climb the snow- seamed summits. How dream-like wae this episode in our hard miner's life! But it was brief ; tor a short time sufficed to make the invalid sufficiently strong to be re- moved to his eastern home. A year passed; a year of hardship and toil to us. Occasionally a letter came from, Holland, always referring to his stay with us, with expressions of gratitude for our attention, ' At the close of one letter he wrote: “Many thanks for the rare specimens of Pleurotornaria Taggarti received. I find they are mentioned in Hayden's report of 1875. Was unable to visit Colorado this season. Indeed, I do not know whether I shall ever dare to visit my old haunts again, unless aec- companied by my daughter, for since my unfortunate accident that young lady seems to thinks that I am not to be trusted far from home without a guardian. ; “By the way, Annette wishes me to ask Mr. Hamilton if he will be kind enough to send her a few of those tiny blue, sweet-scented artic flowers, such as he gathered for her from the summit of Bellevue last summer.” A month later, Tom Hamilton to S. C. Holland : “Camp Sky-Hica, Sept. 10. “Respected Friend—I take the liber- ty to send you by express the antlers of an elk, in the velvet, for a specimen which I remember you expressed a de- sire when here. The wearer of the horns was shot by the writer a few days since in one of the little parks on the Mount of the Holy Cross, “I gend the flowers as requested by Miss Annette. I send also for her ac- ceplance some specimens of peculiar rose-colored crystals from Crystal mountain, near the head of Rock Creek. These are called amethyst by the miners, but they are not very vala- able, being rare only because of their peculiar tint. Auother year passed, and it was an eventful one to us. The great carbon- ate discoveries had been made and the mountains were overrun with prespec- tors, while the mountain villages swarmed with speculators. We sold our claims for ten-fold the sum we had ever hoped to realize. Although neith- ‘er Vanderbilts nor Astors, we still had capital enough to start an important business in Denver and looked back to our years of manual labor 28 prospec- tors with that true American pride that regards no honest toil as degrad- ing. Meanwhile our friend “Stovepipe” was back in his old field, and one day the following letter came : “EacLE RIVER, Aug. 15, 187—. “Mr. Thomas Hamilton, Denver, Col. Dear Friend—My daughter is expected to arrive in your city the first of September, en route for Twin Lakes, where I am to meet her. Will you kindly see her safely embarked for that point, and oblige, yours truly, Horraxp.” The effect of this letter on Tom was extraordinary. He was first seized with a conviction that certain speckled beauties were swimming about in those beautiful mountain ponds known as Twin Lakes that could only be coaxed ashore by the seductive colors of some artistic flies of his own skillful prepa- tion, and he sat up late for several suc- cessive nights, engaged in their manu- facture. These preparations conclud- ed, it occurred to him, that it would be quite unsafe for Miss Annette to take her mountain journey alone, and that as he happened to be going in precisely the same direction, there was no reason in the world why he shouid not make the date of his owa departure from Denver coincide with hers. We met her at the depot. She was the same little Annette, as beautiful as ever, but more thoughtful and woman- ly. She gave me a hearty welcome, and as she extended her small hand I noticed on her wrist an elegant gold bracelet set with rose crystals. She seemed a little embarrassed as Tom grasped her hand, and both colored, as on their first meeting. Perhaps it was the memory of her rash act then that suffused her cheeks, and as for Tom— well, perhaps Tom blushed from sym- pathy. The night was calm ana mild, and mountain and valley were brilliant under the rays of the full moon as the coach, fllled with many passengers, slowly ascended the last rise in the Park Range, preparatory to descending into the picturesque valley of the upper Arkansas, when a sudden halt was commanded. The driver was ccm- manded to throw down the cash box, and the passengers to get out, form a line and throw up their hands. Under the persuasive influence of three level- ed revolvers this request was promptly complied with. “The lady can keep her seat,” said the leader. But the lady did not chose to keep her seat, and was already by Tom's side on the road. The passengers all submitted without a murmur to the search for coin, and the whole affair would have passed away as quietly as such business tran- sactions usually do, had not one of the ruffians, apparently more than half drunk, made an insulting remark to Annette. This was too much for Tom. For- getting the odds, he dealt the rascal a blow that seat him reeling (to the ground. It was a rash act. In an instant the leader felled Tom by a crushing blow with his revolver. Tom’s existence would have ended then and there, as the first villain had regained his feet and was bringing a six shooter to bear upon his chivalrous head, when like a flash Annette stood over the prostrate form, her eyes blaz- ing, her little fists clinched. crying out in a tone that would have done honor te 2 Siddans : i “You villain! I dare you to shoot!’ | “She's game by —-!" exclaimed the leader, himself checking the level | ed pistol. “No shooting, boys. We! are bound to perdition fast enough | without that.” Saying this, he bowed politely and ordered the passengers to get in and’ move on. Twin Lakes, Sept. 15, 187—, “Dear Fred: Ihave had a pretty tough time of it, old boy. They say I was delirious for maty days; but as for me, it seems a long sleep full of troub- led dreams. “The awakening was glorious; to find that she and her father had watch- ed and cared for me through all those days and nights of delirium, and to see the joyous smile that lighted her care- worn face when assured that all danger was past—that fully paid for a dozen broken heads! And when I asked it I had made a fool of myself in my wan- derings, she confessed that I had utteg- ed some very silly words, and she turn- ed her back to me and looked out of the window, and I could see that her ears were pink as sea shells. O, Fred, she 18 an angel—no, not that! Sheis an adorable little woman.” Tom’s next letter was dated some weeks later, when he had fully recover- ed his health. He still said nothing of the piscatorial interests that had | drawn him thither, and wrote chiefly on businéss topics. He added a sig- nificant postscript, however, saying: “It is all arranged, dear friend. I am going to introduce a new partner into the firm. The transaction will be completed on Christmas Day.” Annette makes a glorious house- keeper, and insists that I shall always make my home with them, declaring that she will not part two such friends as Tom and I have been. A happier couple cannot be found.—-New Orleans Picayune. False to Labor. The Minority Report of Secretary Cuf- frey of the K. L. Committee. HARRISBURG, Pa., Aug. 16.—The report of the Knights of Labor execu- tive committee recently published by Messrs. Butler and Wright does not meet with the favor of P. F. Caffrey, the secretary-treasurer and third mem- ber of that committee. When Chair- man Butler prepared his report to the Knights of Labor, secretary Caffrey re- fused to sign it, declaring it to be in- accurate und biased. To-day Mr. Caf- frey gave out a statement of his own which he says he can substantiate by the official report of the sessions of the last legislature. He says: “The re- port of the Knights of Labor investiga- ting committee, signed by Messrs. Wright ahd Butler, isso unfair, inac- curate and incomplete in its treatment of the subject that, in justice to friends of labor, to both sides of the house, to the order and to myself, I propose to issue a report upon the action taken on all bills. The votes published inthe so-called Butler report contradicts his own com- ments and conclusions in several in- stances. Here are a few samples : On page 16 of that report, the working- men are told that Senators Robinson, Gobin, Penrose, Lemon and Lieuten- ant-Governor Watres were ‘friendly’ on the republican side. The recorded votes in the appendix to the report show that Senator Robinson was ‘‘absent and not voting” upon the anthracite mine bill and the factory inspection bill. At a later stage of the proceedings Senator Robinson moved to indefinitely postpone the factory bill, using the very expres- sive appeal to his colleagues : “Let us butcher this bill,” and they did kill and bury it without ceremony on the even- ing of May 27. “The old Roman,” Senator Brant, is recorded as voting for all our bills. He made a gallant ficht for ballot and tax reform, and yet in the brilliant report spread broadcast his name does not ap- pear among those specially and honor- ably mentioned. Thatis a fair sample of the whole report. Senator Gobin, who, according to this report, was ‘‘friendly,” denounced ballot reform of every description and displayed his knowledge of public men and political events by saying that he would never accept a system coming as it had from a “land of convicts” — Australia. The report is full of excuses for the action taken upon the defeated labor bills. For instance A. C. Robertson of Pittsburg, who was nota member of either house or senate, is held re- sponsible for the failure to secure a genuine eight-hour law. Whom will the people hold responsible, these out- siders or the men who were elected to represent their rights and interests. The report says little or nothing about the house committees on railroads and corporations which killed Burke’s anti- Pinkerton bill, Wherry’s safety coupler bill and the railroad fence bills, general and local. Itpnames Walter KE. Ritter among the “uncertain” friends of labor, yet he is recorded as voting for almost every measure of reform demanded by the masses. It does not name the Dem- ocrats and Republicans who opposed in the house the amendments intended to give the mechanics and laborers a lien for work performed. It fails to fnform us that the Wherry and Brown consti- tutional convention bills were the ones approved by the Knights of Labor, and it does not give the vote by which eith- er was defeated ; neither does it tell the toilers that the minority party in joint caucus indorsed those bills, calling a convention of the sovereign people by direct enactment. It does not give the vote by which theanti-Standard oil bill was defeated in the senate and house. It does not give a record of vote taken on the anti-discrimination bill. It does not tell who opposed giving the miners ma- jority representation on the mine com- | missions. Tt bas time and :pace to de- vote to an old omnibus bil which was defeated in the house, but does nc t give a letter or word about an infamous meas. ure, from the labor standpoint—house bill No. 102—introdnced by a member from Mercer, which if passed would al- low the incorporation of numberless Pinkerton associations, acter was exposed and denounced by Messrs. McNilis, Wherry and Ferrell, and was shorn of its bad features by amendments. Why was that omitted ? These are but a few of the report’s fects, sufficient at this time to ah t de cate reasons for refusing to sigan it. is unfair, inaccurate and incomplete. A fall of about thirty feet between Lake Superior and Lake Huron at Sault Ste. Marie gives pircbably one of the greatest water powers in the world. It is to te utilized on the Canadian side by a race and on the American side by a canal 1000 feet wide and giving 236,- 000-horse power of force. Around this prophetically observes the Boston Culti- vator, will inevitably grow a great manufacturing city whenever the coun- | the bench that was almost dyed with . try arouund is sufficiently settled to sustain it. Its bad char-! A Sheep Parade. Shearing Scenes on Santa Cruz Island. Travelers who pass up and down the | Southern coast of California never fail to notice with interest the group of is- | lands to the seaward side of the Santa ‘Barbara channel. Their peculiar out- lines, theic isolation, and the apparent absence of human life, render them ob- jects of curiosity so long as the vessel re- mains within sight. They are by no means, however, so desolate and uniin- habited as one might suppose from a passing glance. That isabout all, by the way, the most people are able to ob- tain. The company that controls the! largest of the group is very strict in its | i enforcement of a long-established rule that strangers shall not land thereon, while the difficulty of access is such that few except those who have business there ever care to undertake the jour- ney. The islands of Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa | and San Miguel are utilized as sheep | | ranges, and firely adapted for that pur- | pose are they. There are no coyotes, | { licns or other animals which are so de- structive to sheep on the mainland, while the cockle burr, which is such a nuisance and deteriorates the value of | the wool so largely on the shore ranges, 1s unknown at least on Santa Cruz is- land. There being no danger from any source, the sheep on the islands are al- lowed to wonder at will without herders, the only care bestowed upon them being at the semi-annual shearing. On Santa Cruz island, which, by the way, is of considerable size, being from twenty-seven to thirty miles in length | by about four in width, the sheep.rear- | ing business is carried on upon an ex- | tensive and systematic scale, The | shore line of this island 1s marked by | ranges of hills, which afford pasturage, the moist atmosphere ot the ocean pro- | moting a heavy growth of natural | grasses and affording an abundance of | feed, which keeps green much later than on the main land. Between these parallel ranges of hills | is a lovely valley of large extent, where | | are located the headquartes of the com- | { pany, and in which is a large extent of | arable land upon which hay is raised by ! the thousands of tons for use in periods | when the natural feed runs short. This | Lay is stacked up under shelter, and | sometimes kept for two or three years in readiness for any demand that may arise. This idea was evolved years ago by the occurrence of a season of extra- ordinary drouth, during which it be- came necessary to kill thousands of sheep | for their pelts and the little tallow that adhered to their attenuated sides. Although many thousands of sheep are kepton the island, it is not necessary to employ one to lock after them, except during the shearing season. At such | times a large force of shearers, generally | native Californians, is brought over from the mainland. These men are ex- pert equestrians, as well as knights of tke shears, aud their first task on reaching their destination is to round up the! sheep or at least so many of them as it is desired to keep in shearing corrals at one time, These corrals are located pear the | island headquarters, in the centre of | two great interior valley. When everything is in readiness for | operations to commence, horses are sad- | dled’ and bright and early in the morn- | | ing the party of ahundred or more | | waquera shearsmen starts for one end of | the island. Arrived there they string out so as to make a cordon extending across the island, and then, with much hallooing and spurring of horses and scrambling over rough hills and across rugged barrancas, they work their way back toward headqnarters, driving the constantly increasing band of sheep be- fore them. It is an interesting spectacle both to watch and to participate in as the sheep are driven in dozens and hun- dreds and thousands toward the point where they are to be shorn of the great masses of wool which cumber their backs aod make travel in the hotsun a grievous task. ‘ Arriving at the great corral the sheep are driven in, the horses unsaddled and turned loose and the riders proceed to the shearing shed, which quickly be- comes a scene of the greatest animation. From the great corral open a number of small pens, and into these are driven enough sheep to keep the men busy for an hour or two. The shed is open at the sides, but as the sun is hot overhead the dust and odor from the sheep is al- most stifling. The men strip to the buff, frequently wearing nothing but a pair of overalls strapped about the waist and a hankerchief tied around the head. Their bodies glisten with perspiration, and thereis a perfect Babel of talking, swearing and other noise. The work is done by the piece, 5 cents being allowed for each sheep. Con- sequently the men work atthe top of their speed. A sheep is grasped by the hind leg, thrown on his back,a firm hold taken by one and both legs of the shear- er, and 1n an incredibly short time the fleece is removed. The writer timed a number of shearers, and found that the most expert consumed just four min- utes and a halfin taking a fleece, while the average time was about seven min- utes. As soon as the fleece was taken off the sheep was turned into a pen with his \ shorn mates. The shearer ran with the fleece to the end of the room, putit on a bench, called out his name and was giv- en a brass check representing 5 cents in value. The tally-keeper also entered a record apposite the name of each shearer "as the fleece was deposited. | Another man seized the fleece, weigh- . ed it, called out the weight, which was | | also entered in a book, rolled up the | wool, tied it up and and tossed it "into a bin, whence it was removed | subsequently and packed on the great { sacks used on this coast for such pur- poses. Through the shearers an overseer | moved continually, taking note of the manner in which the work was done. If any were too careless in thsir haste and {cut the flesh of the sheep they were | handling more frequently than was un- | avoidable they were admonished in | such language as one may perhaps ima- | gine but could scarcely be repeated, and if the warning was not heeded a fine ; them with easy was imposed, or if the carelessness was | too gross the shearer was discharged. Occa sionally a fleece was deposited on i blo od, und then a volley of profanity would be hurled at the head of the off. ender that added materially to the sold- ity of the atmosphere. So it went all day long, the men working on the jump and oniy stopping when the setting ot the sun and the coming of night made it impossible to continue. Then the bell rang for sup- per, and the shearers, stopping for a hasty wash, poured into the miesshouse and devoured a hearty meal, into which frijoles, chille and ‘‘sneep meat’ largely entered. Nosooner was the meal dispatched and the rough dishes cleared away than a new feature of the shearers’ existence was brought to light. Candles were lighted, greasy decks of cards produced, and soon two or three monte games were in progress, As eager asthe men were to get the pieces of brass during the day that represented their earnings, they seemed even more eager now to get rid of them. No coin is given out until-the close of the shearing season, and there - | fore the brass checks are the only cur- rency that is used meantime on the is- land. These are piled up on the ta- ble, and as the game goes on one by one the players see their stacks dimin- ish and drop out, until at last all the checks are in the hands of a few pro- fessionals and the game sheets down for the night. The next day the same operation is gone through with, and at night the game goes on again. More than one of the shearers, when settling time comes will no have a single brass check to be «cashed, although he may have sheared hundreds of sheep and worked as hard as it was possible. On the other hand quantities of checks will be cashed for men who have not touched a sheep but have put in their days smoking cigar- etjes and watching their comrades sweating in the shearing sheds, knowing full well that they would be able to win all their earnings over the gambling table. The Yellowstone Park Line. The Northern Pacific Wonderiand embraces a list of attractions simply un- equalled. ae The twin citi@s of St Paul and Min- neapolis at the head of navigation on the Mississippi, Duluth, Ashland and the Superiors at the head of Lake Supe- rior; to the westward the Lake Park Region of Minnesota, the Red River Valley wheat fields, Valley of the Yel- lowstone, Yellowstone National Park, Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley, He- lena and Butte, Missoula and the Bitter Root Valley, Clarks Fork of the Colum- bia, Lake Pend d’Greilla and Coeur a’ Alene, Spokane City and Falls,Palouse, Walla Walla, Big Bend and Yakima agricultural districts, Mt. Tacoma, Seat- tle, Puyalluy Valley, Snoqualmie Falls, Tuget Sound, the Columbia River, Port- land and the Willamette Valley, Gray’s Harbor and City, Willapa Harbor and City of South Bend, Victoria on Van- couvers Island, Alaska on the north,and California on the South. The Northern Pacific runs two daily express trains with Dinner car and com- plete Pullman Service between St. Paul and Tacoma and Portland, via Helena and Butte with Through Tourist and Vestibuled Pullman Sleepers from and to Chicago via the Wisconsin Central, and first class through sleeping car ser- | vice in connection with the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Passengers from the east leaving St. Louis in the forenoon and Chicago in the afternoon, will muke close connec- tions with the morning train out of St. Paul at 9:00 a. m. following day ; leav- ing Chicago at night, connection will be made with Train, No. 1, leaving St. Paul 4:15 the next atternoon: Yellowstone Park Season, June 1st to October 1st. District Passenger Agents of the the Northern Pacific Railroad will take pleasure in supplying information, rates, maps, time tables, etc or applica- tion can be made to Chas. S. Fee, G. P. A. St. Paul, Minn. Write to above address for the latest and best map yet published of Alaska —just out. 01d Sailors Get Sea Sick, Too. “Seafaring men often suffer from sea- sickness,” said a retired navy officer. “I used to get a touch of it every voy- age. Not the long continued and some- times deathly illness of the landsmen, but decidedly uncomfortable, neverthe- less. It usually lasted a day with me— sometimes only a few hours. It would repeatdtself as soon as we left noxt port. The only time I ever missed it was when we were chasing a Confederste blockade runner. I got so excited that I forgot all about it. Curiously enough when the excitement was all over I felt a tinge of it, as usual. “It is the bilious temperament. I’ve been so humiliated over it that I could shed tears. No, I wouldn’t dare go off the coast fishing because I know I'd be sick. There is really no sure remedy for seasickness, though the best precaution against a violent attack is to go without eating or drinking on the day you sail. Most people invite seasickness by over- loading the stomach with their friends just before sailing.”’— New York Herald. ——A colony of twenty-five Poles. sailed from New York recently for their ofd homes, stating that they were dizap- pointed with the country. They had been told that it was studded with gold mines, and free homes were ready for ways to make money. They thought they were coming to a sort of Eden, where they had only to pick the fruits. Those who were re- sponsible for their coming ought to pay their way back. This country is not adapted to the easy-going people who do not know what it aieans to hustle. The Leprosy Commission in In- | dia is making some interesting discover- ies as to the origin of the disease and methods of suppressing it. In one in- stance it found a family that had been leprous for five generations. The females of the family remain apparently free from the taint until about fifteen years of age, and are usually very attractive. As they get married about twelve the taint 18 spread to other families, and the plague has thus been carried through an extensive district. Economy : “100 Doses One Dollar.” Merit: “Peculiar to Itself.” Purity : Hood’s Sarsaparilla.