RTT RITE Farmers’ Instituts. Some Points Sent Out by the State Board of Agriculture. The following circular has been issued by the state board of agriculture and will be of interest to our farmer friends : STATE BOARD oF Aspyr) HARRISBURG Pa., August, 10, 1891, The attention of those intending to hold local farmers’ institutes is respect- fully called to the following rules adop- ted by the advisory committee: Itis specially requested that, in case you intend fo hold one or more institutes in your county during the coming season, you will make early application to the committee, so thatthey may know not only the number asked for but also the number which they will be able to grant. First. The board will appropriate one hundred dollars ($100) to counties in which but one institute is held. Second. Where two or more insti- tutes are held in tbe same county the board will appropriate the sum of hun- dred and fifty dollars ($150) Third. These amounts will be paid by the secretary to the person to whom the institute 1s granted and he will be beld responsible for the expenditure of the money under the provision of the act by which it is appropriated. Fourth. A voucher will be required for all amounts when paid, and at the time of final settlement an itemized statement must be forward to the sec- retary to be filled, as required by the rules of the board. Fifth. After October 1st the com- mittee will consider and act upon appli- cations from those not members of the board, and after date all applications will have preference in the order of their reception. Sixth. Until October 1st the right of holding institutes will be confined to members of the board ; but applications, whether from the members of the board or others, will be received and filled. Seventh. All applications must be made out on blanks furnished by the board, and should state, as nearly as Die the number of institutes to be eld and the points at which they will be held. Eight, In order to economize, it is necessary that the eommittee should arrange counties into districts so that the institutes of one district may be held during the same week ; applicants will please indicate the county which they prefer to have placed in the same district as their own. Ninth. Allessays read at institutes are the property of the board for publi- cation in 1ts reports, but no objection will be made to the publications in loeal papers, at the option of the writers. Tenth. Institutes will be grauted to the extreme limit of the fund appropria- ted for that purpose,but as it is impossi- ble to exactly anticipate the cost of institutes, appiications will be received and filed until neur the end of the insti- tute season, and the institutes asked for may be granted by the committee as soon as the amount of funds available is known. Eleventh. The secretary is authorized, at his option, tofpay a portion of the amount appropriated in advance, and in such cases the institute managers will be held strictly accountable for its expen- diture, Twelfth. The secretary is also au- thorized, at his option, to decline to make final settlement until satisfactory proof 18 given that all essays will bein accordance with rule No, 9. Respectifuily yours, THos. J. EDGE, Sec., eto. Tarek HARVEST Excursions.—The Burlington Route, C. B. & Q. R. R,, will run Harvest Excursions, Tuesdays, Aug. 25th and September 15 & 29th, from Chicago, Peoria, Quincy and St. Louis, to St. Paul, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Denver, Helena, Salt Lake and all other points in the North West, West and South West. Rates very low ; tickets for sale at all com- pany’s ticket offices at points on and east of Mississippi River. Many con- necting lines will sell through tickets for these excursions. Inquire of local agent for full information, or address P. S. Eustis, Gen’l. Pass. and Ticket Agt., Chicago. 32-4t. Run Over by a Locomotive and Only Scratched. SouTH BETHLEHEM, Pa., August 18. —Mrs, William M. Schaffer, whose ho- tel stands ten feet from the Lehigh Valley Railroad tracks, had a miracu- lous escape from death last night. ‘While a drum corps was passing she and a friend ran out on the track, and they failed to notice a slow-moving freight train. Mrs. Schaffer was struck by the engine, and thrown down be- tween the rails. The engine and tender passed over her before the engineer could stop the train. ‘When pulled from beneath the train nearly all her clothing was torn from her. One hand was partly erushed, there were several scalp wounds and her limbs were cut and bruised, but the woman was conscious, and she will be able to be about in a week: ——Aunother Chinese leper has been found, this time at Harrison, New Jer- sey. He was at once taken to a hospi- tal and his laundry closed, but people who had clothing there Aid nat waat {t any more. Two leprous Chinamen were discovered in New York last week, but through the foolishness of the health authorities were allowed to escape and now the physicians interested are argu- ing about the danger of contagion, some maintaining that there is no peril in letting the lepers go. In countries where leprosy is common there is no discussion of this question. Kvery now and then of late there have been notices of the discovery of leprous Chinamen in New York city and the impression is steadily gaining that there is some dan- ger that this horrible disease will be- come established in America through the carelessness of the Chinamen and the health authorities. Catch the lepers and send them to some island or hospital and then let the medical men discuss the danger, ——Subscribe for the WATouMAN. EAA ET A Billion-Dollar Profit. It is Estimated Farmers’ Crops Will Increase in That Sum. New York, August 16.—Farm pro- fits will be $1,000,000,000 more this year in the United States than they have been during the recent years of depres sion. At least this is the estimate put forward by the American Agriculturist in its anuual review of the harvests to be published in the forthcoming Septem- ber issue of the magazine. On the basis of present prospects this authority estimates the ‘corn crop of 1891 at 2,000,000,000 bushels; wheat 500,000,000 bushels, and oats, 622,000, 000 bushels, against 1,500,000 and 524,- 000,000 bushels respectively in 1890, and 1,700,445 and 578,000,000 bushels as the average for the preceding eleven years. This makes the total prospective crop of corn, wheat and oats 3,122,000,- 000 bushels, or 28.8 per cent. greater than last year, and 14.7 per cent. over the average of the preceding eleven ears. The American Agriculurist believes that unless unexpected influences wholly change the current of events the value of corn on the farm will average in Dec- ember fully 50 cents a bushel, wheat $1 per bushel and oats at least 40 cents. On this basis the value of the corn crop to the farmers will be $1,000,000,000 ; wheat $500,000,000, and oats, $250,000,- 000, or a total of $1,750,000,000. This is $450,000,000 more than the value of the average of these crops from 1880 to 1890 inclusive. Cotton and rice will command better prices than last season. Cattle are worth one-third more than eighteen months ago, with other live stock in proportion. Tobacco is ad- vancing heavily for cigar leaf (contracts being made for the crop in the field at an advanca of 15 to 50 per cent. over last year.) Hops are firm at good prices ; winter fruit will command large values, and all vegetables are yielding fairly, with ev- ery indication of a remunerative market. The export outlook was never better ; immensely increased sums will be sent to the United States for our products. Ulterior influences may, of course, in- terfere with this brilliant prospect, but we confess we are beginning to share more fully the hopes of certain well-in- formed but conservative agriculturists, who predict better profits for the farmers of the United States during the next five years than ever before. The Amer- ican Agriculturist says there will be no return to ‘‘war prices,’ but the money received above expenses will go further and enable the farmer to get more value out of his profits than at any previous period. EET ITS A Move to Corner Wheat. It now seems that there is truth in the report we published a week or so ago, to the effect that the farmers’ al- liance leaders were arranging to make a corner on wheat for the purpose of forcir.g prices to a high point. In con- firmation of this report a late dispatch trom St. Paul, Minn., says : «St. Paul has been made the head- quarters of the national movement by the united farmers’ alliances of the country to corner the entire wheat crop of the United States. At No. 817 Wa- bash street for several days a large force of employes has been engaged in send- ing out circulars with a view of having not only the alliancemen of the United States, but all classes of farmers, keep back the wheat crop until prices have been advanced to a high point. The alliance press bureau, reform press bureau and state press bureau are work- ing together endeavoring to unite the farmers of the United States in a gigan- tic wheat trust. The circular estimates the wheat crop of 1891 in the United States at 500,000,000 bushels. The promoters of the trust believe that four- fifths of this wheat can be held back by the farmers for from four to eight weeks and high prices be secured.” If the farmers of the country enter into this gigantic wheat trust, to be con- sistent it will be in order for them either to abandon their alliance organizations or eliminate from their platform of principles the plank denouncing trusts, combines and monopolies, and fall into line with these oppressors of the peo- ple. To Our Subscribers .The SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT which | appeared in our columns some time since, announcing a special arrange- ment with Dr. B. J. KeE~xpaLL Co., of Enosburgh Falls, Vt., publishers of “A Treatise on the Horse and his Dis- eases,” whereby our subscribers were enable to obtain a copy of that valua- ble work FREE by sending their address to B. J. KENDALL Co., (and enclosing a two-cent stamp for mailing same) is re- newed for a limited period. We trust all will avail themselves of the opportunity of obtaining this valuable work. To every lover of the Horse it is indispensa- ble, as it treats in a simple manner all the diseases wkich afilict this noble animal. Its phenomenal sale throughout the United States and Canada, make it standard authority. Mention this paper when sending for “Treatise.” 36-27-12t. g Arrested 100 Times. Notorious Career of Christian Wilson, Charged With Abduction. NEw York, August 15.—There has just been arrested in this city a noted character who has been arrested more than 100 times before this. He is Chris- tian Wilson, alias Sylvester Wilson,and is about 40 years of age. He is now charged with abducting Elizabeth Sun- derland, a ‘15-year-old girl, from her home in Binghamton, N. Y. » Wilson has the, reputation of having ruined more young girls than any other man living. He is known all over the country, and especially well in Cincin- nati and Philadelphia, in both of whish cities he had weekly newspapers. His greatest notoriety was achieved by start- ing, in 1879, two female baseball clubs, one the-Americen Brunettes, the other the Englisk Blonds. He took the clubs all over the country, and was arrested in a score of places on various, charges. His girls were all young, and he got them in his trap by promising them al- luring positions. iD ti A Hotel Romance. Exciting Scene in a Dinning Room. ScrANTON, Aug. 17.—Miss Huldah | Chamberlain came to Scranton from Sullivan county four months ago and hired out as a waiter in a hotel here. She was handsome, neat, spry and bright, and before many weeks she be- came the most popular girl in the house among the guests. Last Wednesday evening the head waiter seated a black- whiskered man at her table. Miss Chamberlin walked up behind the man and reached fora goblet to fill it with water. As she did so the man glanced up at her face, instantly grabbed her by the wrist,and said in a tone loud enough to be heard all over the room : ‘So you're here, are you ? Well,you won’t be here this time to-morrow.” Miss Chamberlain tried to yank her- self away, and the man arose from his chair and grabbed her other wrist. Many of the guests stood up, and the girls drew near, thinking that the stran- ger was crazy. Thelandlord rushed in and told the man to let the girl alone. He released Huldah, and the landlord invited the stranger and Iuldah to follow him to his private sitting room. They did so, and the landlord asked the stranger : «What business, sir, had you to seize this girl in the way you did ? “Because she’s my wife,” said the man. ‘She ran away from home six months ago and I have been looking for her ever since. She left me without cause and I'm go- ing to take her back home with me.” “Huldah, is this your husband ?” asked the landlord. “He was once,” said Miss Chamber- lain, “but I'll never live with him again. His name is James C. Potter. ‘We were married three years ago. He degraded me inevery way he could think of just because my folks were poor and his well off. I stood it aslong as I could and then I left him. I was always true to this man and I have been true to myself since I got away from him.” Potter denied everything the girl said, and once more told her that she had got to pack up her things and leave the house with him that night. Huldah declared that she would do nothing of the kind, and the landlord ordered Pot- ter 2 leave the hotel right away, which he did. : ——TItaly is becoming depopulated. Fifty-five hundred Italians sailed from Genoa for America last week. IDER MAKERS TAKE NO- TICE.—The undersigned has moved his hydraulic cider press to his shop near Milesburg depot, where he has it in first class order. It does away with strawbuckets, shov- eling of pumice, or rolling of barrels, the teams standing under the building while load- ing or unloading. $500 is offered and will be paid if this press will not make from one half to a gallon more cider to every bushel of apples than the old style press will make, and it will do it without waiting. Always bring capacity of fonr gallons for every bushel of apples you have. Please re- member the place, near Milesburg depot. New Advertisements. New Advertisements, New Advertisements, IDER BARRELS for sale at Pleasant Gap Distillery. Address J. C. MULFINGER, 36 31 3t* Pleasant Gap, Pa. (sam ERE COATS for children just received, all sorts and prices. ALSO a lot of beautiful Chenele Ta- ble Covers. Handsome designs and colors. CASH BAZAAR, No. 9, Srine Street, ellefonte, Pa. 35 21 1y YHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias and Ven- ditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Centre county, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1891, at 1 o'clock p. m., the following real estate to wit : The following, situated in the borough of Bellefonte. Beginning at a corner on High street and B. E. V. R. R. running along High street west about 110 feet to S. A. McQuistion’s land thence north along McQuistion line about 140 feet to a post thence east along line of land of Irvin & McCafferty about 110 feet to B. E. V. R. R. lands, thence south 150 feet along R. R to place of begining. Having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house and Boiler and Machine shops. The defendant’s interest therein being an undivided one half interest in and to said premises. Seized, taken in exucution and to be sold as the property of Charles McCafferty, No deed will be Solnowjadged until pur- chase mouey is paid or arranged for in full. Sherifi’s Office, July 22,1891. "W. A ISHLER, { 36284 Sheriff. OURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Honorable A. O. Furst,Pres- ident Judee of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun- ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Daniel Rhoads, Associate Judges in Centre county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 1st day of Aug. 1891, tc me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of Aug. being the 24th day of Aug., 1891, and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said county of Centre, that they be then and there in their proper per- sons, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the 24th, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recogni- zances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 3nd day of Aug. in the year of our Lord, 1891, and the one hundred and fourteenth year of the independence of the United States. WM. A. ISHLER, 36 28 2m.* ROBERT BEERLY. 36 30 Sheriff. Sechler & Co. 0 ii GI ECALER & CO. NEW PRICE LIST.—— EE 1 THE PLACE TO GET GOOD FRESH GROCERIES, AND WHERE YOU DON'T PAY TOO MUCH FOR THEM. —ti— Fine Dry Granulated Sugar, 5cts a pound. Arbuckle’s Coffee, 25cts a pound. Good Roller Flour, Champion Brand, $1.15 a sack. Finest Fall Cream Cheese,13cts a pound, 4 1b,for 50cts. New No. 1. Lake Fish 90cts for 15 pound pail ; do do do do $2.00 for 40 pound quarter. do do do do $4.00 for 100 pound half. A large bottle of Ammonia, 10cts. Best California Canned Fruit, 25cts a Can. Maple Syrup, full gallon can,$1.00; half gallon can 50c. California Dried Grapes, 5cts a pound. do do Raisins, 10cts a pound ; Seediess, 15cts a pound, California Apricots, 20cts a pound. Finest Sultana Prunes, 12cts a pound ; California Prunesl6cts & 20cts a pound. Columbia River Salmon, 15cts. ; Red Seal Lye none better, 10cts. In addition to the abova we have everything you want to eat—no matter what your appetite craves, at CORRESPONDINGLY LOW PRICES. cant 36-1- ECHLER,& CO, == # opus Bush House Block, ## BELLEFONTE, PA. QUPERIOR DRESS —+}—M A K I NG—{+ we (OY ees MISS M. CUNNINGHAM, 206 East Bishop St. 36 29 Imn* Bellefonte, Pa. BE LLFONTE ACADEMY.— The eighty-fifth year of this iustitution will commence on Wednesday, the ninth of Septem- ber, under most favorable auspices. The buidings have been thoroughly remod eled, the school rooms are nicely papered, wel lighted, well ventilated, provided with new ‘| fagaiture and comfortably heated. INSTRUCTORS. REV. J. P. HUGHES, principal, will have charge of the young men and boys in the main school room, teaching Natural Science, Mathematics and Book-keeping. MISS JULIA L. REED, so favorably known among us, will take charge of the young ladies in the south wing teaching, Geography, His- tory, Grammar, Rhetoric and Literature. MR. JAMES R. HUGHES will control the classical room, teaching French, German, Latin and Greek. MISS ANNA C. VALENTINE, a lady of cul- ture, and of seven years successful experience in teaching children, will have the care of the primary room, in the north wing, She will i instruction in Elementary English and athematies. MISS EMMA S. HUGHES will teach Instru- mental music, and class singing and conduct the calisthenic drills in the Calisthenic Hall, on the second floor of the north wing. Members of the instrumental class which ‘will be limited, may have the advantage or the drills in class singing and calisthenic exercis- es whether they are pupils in the other school departments or not. Inducements are offered those who wish to pursue special or advanced studies in literature, science or modern lan- guages. Pupils residing out of town can se- cure student's tickets at reduced rates on all railroads running into Bellefonte, and the re- citations of such scholars will be arranged to suit the railroad schedule. 36-30-46 NMcCalmont & Co. ERTILIZERS =—=- We announce to our farmer friends in Central Pennsylvania, that we have ar- ranged for a supply of four different grades of farm fertilizers, which we offer for sale with the full assurance that we are furnishing full market value for the money we receive for the same. CHAMPION $25.00 AMMONIATED SUPER-PHOSPHATE. Our Champion $25.00 Ammoniated Super-Phosphate bas been thoroughly tested by farmers, and we are informed by many of them that it has given en- tire satisfaction.. It isa complete fertil- izer. We have assurance from those who use it that they received an honest retarn in the crop for the money invest- ed. Owing to the delay in advising us how much was wanted by each farmer, we could not supply all the demand last year. To avoid disappointment this year we request farmers to place their orders with us before August 15th, 1891. DISSOLVED SOUTH CAROLINA ROCK. We have purchased two grades of Dissolved South Carolina Rock; one grade contains a minimum of 13 per cen.tand the other a minimum of 14 per cent. available Phosphoric Acid, the analysis of which we guarantee. The value of Dissolved South Carolina Rock consists in the amount of available Phosphoric Acid it contains. We are prepared to furnish the most value in- vested in this class of fertilizers, When the goods shall have been re- ceived, we invite a test analysis to be made of any sample or from the goods purchased by any farmer by the Chem- ist of the State Board of Agriculture, who is Dr. Frear, of the Pennsylvania State College. There is dissolved South Carolina Rock of various grades and called by different names, such as Acid Phosphate, being placed on the market, which is adulterated and cnly contains | 11 per cent. available Phosphoric Acid, | the value of which is at least four dol- | lars per ton less than the fertilizer we sell, which contains a minimum of 14 per cent. available Phosphoric Acid. We invite a critical examination and a thorough comparative analysis of the Dissolved South Carolina Rock we sell. We assure our farmer friends that we do not offer to sell them shoddy goods— our greatest ambition being to furnish the largest value for the least money. AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE. ‘We sell Lister’s goods, which are a complete Animal Bone Ammoniated Super Phosphate. BUFFALO HONEST FERTIL- IZERS. The Baftalo, which has been the leading fertilizer of Centre county for at least twelve years, still maintains its reputation of furnishing an honest re- turn for the money ‘invested. It is strictly what is claimed for it,'*An Hon- est Fertilizer.” Many of the leading farmers of Centre county, among whom we refer to Major Wm. I. Reyno Ids, of Bellefonte, Hezekiah K. Hoy, of Ben- ner township; and John H, Musser, of Aaronsburg, pronounce it the most pro- fitable fertilizer they have used, because it not only stimulates a prolific growth aswell as a large yield of wheat, but the grass shows the effects of its strength for several years. DEMAND FOR FERTILIZERS. From present indieations the demand for fertilizers will be very large this year, which makes it necessary for farmers to place their orders early to make sure of ‘théir supply. We sell these fertilizers by the bag, ton or car load at popular prices. McCALMONT & CO. « 36 29 6t. Bellefonte, Pa, DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE,— Letters of administration on the es- *ate of John Lutz, deceased, late of Benner townshir., having been granted to the un- dersigned, they requests all potions knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those gaving against the same to present them thenticated for settlement. MARGARET LUTZ, 36 32 66 JAS. H., LUTZ. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— ~~ Letters of Administration on the es- tate of Jas. Fulton, late of College township Centre county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in- debted to said estate aie requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same duly authenticated for settle- ment to WM. C. PATTERSON. 36-27-6t Administrator. DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE,— Letters of Administration on the es- tate of John C. Krumrine, late of College town- ship, Centre county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims PERSE said estate are requested to present the same duly authenticated for set- tlement to MRS. CHRISTINA KRUMRINE, JOHN N. KRUMRINE, os 36 29 6t. Administrators. UNS, FISHING TACKLE, ETC. Persons interested in guns, ammuni- tion and fishing tackle call on J. H. Oliger, Agt. Office and shop with Elmer Straub, boot and shoemaker, opposite the depot, on 237 West High street. Special attention given to all kinds of gas and lock repairing; umbrel- las mended, knives and scissors sharpened. Agent for Winchester riftes and shot guns. Call and get price for any kind of a gnn. 36 28 Im claims uly aun- Real Estate Sales. ARM FOR SALE.—A 400 acre farm, 140 of which is cleared, with log house and barn, good fruit and water, and 100,000 feet of saw timber, situated in Huston township, will be sold cheap, either as a whole or in parts, and terms made to suit purchasers. Address R. W. RICHARDS, 86 32 2m Julian, Pa. OTS FOR SALE.—The subsecrib- er offers for sale 10 acres of good land situated on the public road leading to Rock Mills and about two miles south of Bellefonte. About 3 acres in wood land. All under good fence and in good condition. Will be sold as a whole or in lots, to suit purchasers. Address PHILIP T. B. SMITH, 36 32 3m Bellefonte, Pa. ARM FOR SALE. The John Reese farm, in Union township will be sold on easy terms. CONTAINS 109 ACRES. and has good buildings. Apply to J. W. ALEXANDER, Atty. 36 28 3m. Bellefonte, Pa. ALUABLE TOWN PROPER- TY FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale om easy terms the valuable and pleasantly located property now occupied by Dr. Hayes, on west High Street, Bellefonte. Said property con- sists of a LARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, with all modern improvements, an excellent brick stable and other outbuildings, and one of the best located lots in the town. Posses- sion given April 1st,1891. For further particu- lars address MRS. DORA HIRSH 129 North Duke St. 35-48-tf Lancaster, Pa. ARM FOR SALE. The subscriber, executor of the estate of John L. Rumberger, dzceased, late of Fergu- son township, offers at private sale a valuable farm, containing * —EIGHTY ACRES MORE OR LESS.— Located on the line of the L. C. and L. railroad about one mile from Rock Springs, Pa., upon which is erected GOOD FARM BUILDINGS of all kinds, with an abundance of ire water, and excellent fruit. The land and fences are in the best of order, and everything is in good condition and calculated to make a pleasant home. Terms easy and payments made to snit pur- chaser. A. G. ARCHY, Executor, 36 28 3m. Pine Grove Mills, a. ARM FOR SALE-—A very ele gant farm for sale, situated at Ping Grove Mills, Centre county, Pa., containing ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR ACRES, in a fine state of cultivation. It is well im proved, having thereon a large two story BRICK HOUSE, LARGE BANK BARN and other out buildings; also a good orchard, and a fine large spring otf water at the buildings. It is one of the most desirable farms in the county. Good schools and churches within a mile of the property. The improvements could not be put upon the farm for the price at which it can be purchased. Terms easy. JOHN G. LOVE, 35-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa. PusLe SALE! I will offer at public sale on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, AUG. 22nd, 18915 on my store platform at Snow Shoe, all my STORE PROPERTY, which consists of the store building 87 feet deep and three stories high in front, and 50 ft, and three stories in rear with Butcher shop | and Ice House. One Blacksmith shop, 20x80, two stories, one three story barn 30x30, 300 ft. Railroad siding, with. 600 ft. railroad irom, 56 lbs to the yard, and all the grounds belonging to the property under deed made by the B. & 8.8. R. R. Co., to Geo. R. Boak, by inden- ture dated Feb, 19th, 1881, excepting one piece of land 55x70 sold {to Jno. G. Uzzle, May 14th, 1883, on which is erected a livery stable. There will be sold at the same time, though separate and distinct from the above, all the appliances necessary for the equipmentof a strictly first class blacksmith and wood work- tug shap, together with a caniplete set af toals of every kind. Terus—Dae-fourth cash and balance to suit the purchaser, with interest and security. Possession given on Detsky? 1st, 1891. C. BOAK, 36-23-3t Snow Shoe UBLIC SALE !—DBy virtue of an order of the Orphan’s Court there will De sold, on the premises of the late Samuel Woodring dec’ about 3 miles north of Port M a- tilda, in the township cf Worth, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 22nd, 1891. At two o'clock, p. m. All that certain ‘messnage, tenement; ant tract of land bounded on the North by lands of John I. Thompson and John Harpster, on the East by lands of John T Thompson, on the South by lands of Stephen and Rebecca Woodring and on the West by lands of Joseph Thompson deceased, containing 140 ACRES more or less, thereon erected a good TWO STORY DWELLING HOUSE, a'good new bank barn and other outbuildings This farm is in a good state of cultivation, about 70 acres cleared, balance well timbered, The place is also well watered by a never fail. ing spring. CONTAINS A GOOD ORCHARD. Terms of sale, ten per cent of the 1.8 of the purchase money to be paid or secur=d on day of sale, balance of the 1-3 on confirmation of sale, 1-3 in one year and 1-3 in two years, the last two payments to be secured by bond and mortgage with interest on the premises, D. W. WOODRING, 36-27-36 Administrator