Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 07, 1891, Image 4

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    Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 7, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Ebprror
mg—— — -
Democratic County Committee, 1891
Bellefonte, Ne Wesrriiiosennn «ee. W. 8. Galbraith
“ 5. WwW... + senor Joseph Wise
te vw. .. John Dunlap
Centre Hall Borough.. ... John T. Lee
Howard Borough........ . H. A. Moore
Milesburg Borough. A. M. Butler:
Milheim Borough ... A.C. Musser
Philipsburg, 1st W ames A. Lukens
t 2d W. €. A. Faulkner
3d W . Frank Hess
Phionyglie Borough...
~ . M.Griest
Burnside. .........”. .. Eugene Meeker
Benner...... Harvey Benner
Boggs, N. P .. Philip Confer
. «or. T. F. Adams
...G. H. Leyman
College, E. P ... W. H. Mokle
* . ... J. N. Krumrine
Curtin,........ . . N..J. McCloskey
Ferguson, E. P. Daniel Dreibelbis
a Ww, Geo. W. Keichline
.. James P. Grove
. Isaae M. Orndorf
.... Geo. B. Shaffer
we. Eilis Lytle
... J. W. Keller
W.T. Leathers
Henry Hale
] itner
8. W. Smith
... John D. Brown
... Jerry Donovan
.. James Carson
E. E. Ardery
. W.T. Hoover
Chas. H. Rush
. D. A. Dietrick
0. D. Eberts
L. A. SCHAEFFER, Chairman.
Quay’s Resignation.
Since our last publication the oft re-
peated reports of QuAx’s intention to
resign the chairmanship of the Repub-
lican National Committee have been
more thar verified, for he has not only
resigned the chairmanship but has al-
80 retired completely from the commit-
tee. Thismovement on the part of
the great Republican manager and
boodler, accompanied by a &imilar re-
tirement of Blocks-of-five DupLey, is
variously commented upon in different
quarters. Thus a special dispatch
from St. Paul says in regard to it : .
“Among the Republicans of Minne-
sota the feeling over the resignation of
Senator Quay and Major Duprey from
the Republican National committee is,
80 far as expressions have thus far
been made, one of unqualified satisfac-
tion and thankfulness:
This shows that in Minnesota the
Republicans fully understood the dis-
grace which the leadership of such
men as Quay and Duprey, and the
practice of their methods, brought up-
on their party. On the other hand
General ALGER regrets the loss of Quay
from the chairmanship of the Nation-
al Committee, believing that “he was
the right man in the right p'ace;” but
such a view could be expected of a man
like ArLoer who hopes to become
President through the means of his
The Indianapolis Journal says that
“Indiana Republicans have great faith
in his ability, and his retirement will
be generally regretted.” Nowhere is
the peculiar ability of the retired chair-
man better known than in the State
where the blocks-of-five business was
managed with such signal success.
The Globe-Democrat, the leading Re-
publican paper of St. Louis, takes a
different view. It says: “The tow-
~ line has had & hard strain to get Quay
out of the chairmanship of the Nation-
al Committee, but it has succeeded at
last. "It generally does succeed. The
agony is partially over; Mr. Quay
has resigned his position as chairman
of the National Republican Committee.
Now let him resign as Senator from
Fennsylvania, and he, will be on the
high road to reform.”
There is a dash of satire in this.
The mention of Quay as being “on the
road to reform” 1s certainly ironical.
It is even broadly humorous. But the
St. Louis journal makes a vain sug-
gestion when it recommends him to al-
80 resign as Senator from Pennsylva-
nia. Marraew SraNLey Quay hasn't
reached that degree of resignation.
The New York Press, taritt or-
gan, says that a New York firm adver-
tises to sell gray woolen blankets,
weighing four pounds, for $1.00, the
duty on which is $1.93, and with an
air of triumph asks, “Is the tariff a
tax?” These blankets were evidently
made in this country, for if they were
imported, with $1.93 tariff on them,
how could they be sold for a dollar?
Then the question arises, if these blan-
kets can be made here and sold for a
$1.00, what was the use of McKINLEY
putting a tariff of $1.93 on them?
There seems to be a discrepancy some”
where in this matter.
——T'he Kansas grangers ought to
be content this year. It is estimated
that the farmers of that State will have
$100,000,000 worth of surplus produc-
tion to dispose of. The corn crop alone
will yield 240,000,000 bushels. This
should enable them to lift some of the
Workingmen in Council.
The workingmen of the world are
going to hold a congress in Brussels at
wliich the general interests of their
class will be considered. There will
be a strong representation of working-
‘men from the United States. Among
other things they will consider will be
the tariffs by which the different na:
tions obstruct and injure each other’s
industries. Enlightened labor begins
to understand that these industrial re-
strictions hamper the progress of indus-
trial prosperity and are a relic of bar-
barous economic theoriesand practices.
Another question to be considered
will be the abolishment of the stand-
ing armies by which the people of Eu-
rope are impoverished and oppressed.
Standing armies and tariffs go hand-in-
hand as instruments of oppression.
We don't'suffer any from a standing
army in this country, but we suffer
more than any other people from the
tariff evil.
Last Monday the Xentucky
Democracy elected a full State ticket,
adopted a new constitution and elected
a Legislature to enfore it. The major-
ities for the State ticket range from 20,-
000 to 40,000 and for the constitution
from 50,000 to 100,000. What is call-
ed the “People’s Party” polled about
20,000 votes. The Alliance men gen-
erally jsupportedjthe Democratic nom-
ineesiand will have a strong voice in
the legislature and in the revision of
the laws under the new constitution.
The Prohibition party had a full tick-
et in thelfield but polled a very light
Minister Lincoln's Queer Statement.
What did" Minister Lincoln mean
when he remarked to a party of Eng-
glishmen, concerning the Chicago Fair,
that “laws of the United States which
might be construed adversely to exhi-
bitors would be amended so as to af
forded them every facility desired?”
If thisimeans anything it means that
the McKinley law will be set aside.
He'emphasizes this assurance by say-
ing that,he was authorized to make it.
Here isa nice state of things: Mo-
KiINLEY is running his campaign in
Ohio on the theory that foreign manu-
factures are an injury to home indus-
tries, and at the same time Minister
LincoLx assures his audience in Eng-
land that if they wish to make an ex-
hibition at Chicago with the hope of
creating a demand for their goods in
America, McKINLEY ’g prohibitive law
will be set aside to enable them to
do so.
Thejreport of the Massachusetts
bureau of statistics shows that the aver-
age of wages paid in the protected in-
dustries of that State is only 22 cents
on the dollar's worth of product. The
average protection is 60 cents on the
dollar's worth of product, or nearly
three times the amount of wages—
something that is curiously interesting
in view of the Republican claim that
the tariff 1s made high only to equalize
the difference between European and
American wages.
In about half a dozen of the
Southern States the cotton crop is re-
ported to haye suffered from the ex-
cessive rains:of the month of July;
in a good many Northern States the
grain crops are reported to have suffer-
ed from unusual drought; and com-
plaints are made in many local
ities, East and West, of the unfavor-
able influence of the low temperature
of the month. In this part of the
country, according to the Weather
Bureau, the July just ended has been
the coolest July on record. But not
withstanding the variable weather of
July, the reports of all kinds of crops
in every part of the country is satisfac-
tory, which are likely to be confirmed
before the end of August.
——The French newspapers are
publishing reports about the German
Emperor being sadly addicted to the
morphia habit. They say that his
physician has been compelled ta iater
fere and minimize the evil effects of the
opiate by substituting beer. There
may be some truth in the report that
the Emperor uses morphia, as he is a
great sutterer from a painful disorder
in one of his ears, but the extent to
which he uses it is no doubt exagger-
ated by French malice,
The “protected” coal and man-
utacturing operators ‘are displaying a
determination not to obey the law. In
Luzerne county a number of the coal
operations, including the Pennsylva-
nia Coal Company which employs
5000 men and boys, flatly declare that
they will pay no attention to the Semi-
monthly Pay law passed at the last
session of the Legislature. Some of
these corporations are also inclined to
treat the Anti-Pluck-me-Store law with
contempt. It is hard to loosen the
grip which these monopolists have on
the throats of the working people.
Wrongly Credited.
It was claimed by some Republican
newspapers. that while Ex:Speaker
REED was in France he induced the
French Assembly to repeal the law
against the admission of American
pork into that country. They were
too fast in ascribing so great a service
to Mr. Reep. There is no evidence
that he had anything to do with the
movement that was made to bring
about a mere liberal treatment of our
pork by the French authorities. But
if he did interest himself in the matter
his interest was entirely fruitless, as
the bill introduced in the French Sen-
ate to remove the restriction was de-
feated. .The Ex-Speaker, who was one
high tariff, would not be the right per-
son to advise the French to adopt liber-
al trade regulations in regard to Amer-
ican productions.
—-—Pennsylvania’s two United States
Senators spent a quiet day together last
Sunday at Donegal, the old country
seat of the late General Sion CAMER-
oN, and conjectures are rife as to the
political programme that was laid out
by those two “distinguished statesmen”
on that occasion. There is no doubt
that it had reference to the approach-
ing State campaign and involved the
laying of the wires necessary to regu-
late it. Fortunately the great State of
Pennsylvania is slipping beyond the
influence of two light-weights like Mar
Quay and Dox CameroN who have
been powerful only because the people
neglected to assert their strength.
—— It is now reported that AN-
prEWS will resign the chairmanship of
the Republican State Committee and
will be succeeded in that position by
Quay himself, who will lead the fight
for BLAINE and swing the Pennsylva-
nia delegation against IIARRISON.
There may be some truth in this re-
Ways That Were Dark.
Treasurer WRIGHT, the appointee of
Governor Parrisox to fill the place of
BarpsLEY, is unable to find among the
archives. of the Treasurer's office of
Philadelphia any of the books and doc-
uments of the last half dozen city
Treasurers relating to the city’s ac-
counts with the State. These would
be interesting and useful documents at
this time, not only as showing Barps-
LEY's method of doing business with
the State, but also as giving an insight
into the practice of other Republican
Treasurers in that relation. The fact
that these documents cannot be found
is evidence that the ways of those offi-
cials were ways that were dark.
——-The six hundredth anniversary
of the foundation of the Swiss Repub-
lic was celebrated last Saturday with
great ceremony and rejoicing. The
little Republic has maintained its in"
dependence during these many cen-
turies surrounded by powerful monar-
chical neighbors, and her people have
reason to be proud of the heroic history
of their country.
Several suits of a private char-
acter have arisen out of the Keyston e
and Spring Garden bank failures.
Men paid their creditors with checks
on these banks four or five days before
they closed their doors, but the receiv-
them at once, but held them over un-
til the banks closed their doors, and
now come back to the drawers for pay-
ment. They cannot recover, it hav-
ing been more than once decided by
the courts that checks must be present-
ed for payment within a reasona-
ble time after being received. No
man has any excuse for carrying a
check in his pocket for days before pre-
senting it for payment.
The Preserving Season.
Claus Spreckels Does the Housekeepers
a Good Turn.
New York, August 4.--A bitter
fight is raging between the sugar trust
and Claus Spreckels. A. few days ago
Spreckels announced a reduction 1 1-16
cents per pound. He cut seriously into
the trade of the sugar trust but no ac-
tion to meet the cut was taken, asit was
believed assoon as Spreckels’ supply
was placed he would retire from the
market. He kept on filling orders,
however, and practically supplied all
demands. Yesterday President Hav-
emyer returned and at once ordered the
sugar trust price for granulated sugar
reduced ¢ or 1-16 below the cut made
by Spreckels. The latter to-day then
made another reduction, bringing his
the trust, the reduction made bringing
the price for granulated sugar down to
4c per pound in Philadelphia, on which
two per cent. is allowed off, making the
net cash price 3.921-100c, the lowest on
record. The price named by the sugar
trust is 4 1-16¢ 1n August. In 1890, at
the formation of the trust, sugar sold at
8je per pound. A curious feature of
the fight is that in the raw sugar
market both parties are urgent buyers,
and the sugar trust to-day bought raw
sugar at 03.5 1-16e. This brings the
profit of refining down toa very low
point. In Lower Wall street great
interst is shown as to whether the trust
will to-morrow meet the last cut made |
I by Spreckels.
of the chief promoters of the American |
ers of the checks neglected to present |
price 1 1-16¢ below the price asked by |
The Investigation To Go On.
A Peep
Into the State Treasury and Au-
ditor General's Office.
HARRISBURG, Pa., August 4,—The
committee charged by the Legislature
with the duty of investigating the State
Treasury and the Auditor General’s De
partment had a meeting in the Senate
chamber to-day. Senator George Handy
Smith, the Chairman of the committee,
is in Europe, but Mr. Fow called it to-
gether. In addition to Mr. Fow there
were present Representative James J.
Fruit, of Mercer; Samuel E. Stewart,
of Allegheny; George W. Skinner, of
Fulton, and William H. Keyser, of
Philadelpkia. Mr. Fruit was chosen
Chairman of the committee in the ab-
sence of Senator Smith,
Mr. Fow was first to obtair the floor,
and he took the position that the ab-
{ sence of the chairman was no good rea-
son for further delay in the performance
| of its duty by the committee. An
| member, he said, had a right to call the
committee together. He moved that
the committee meet on the 11th instant
t proceed to business.
Mr. Keyser wanted to amend to Sep-
tember 1, but Messrs. Skinnerand Fow
objected, the latter saying that too much
time had been wasted, and Senator
Smith could have acted on the Govern-
or’s direct hint and called a meeting
long before he went to Europe.
Finaliy Mr. Keyser offered the foilow-
ing resolution, which was adopted :
Whereas the Chairman of this com-
mittee is absent, and other members
find it inconvenient to meet with the
committee at present, therefore,
Resolved, That the committee meet
at Harrisburg on Tuesday, August 25,
at 11 o'clock a. m., to proceed with the
work assigned it under the concurrent
resolution of the Legislature.
Resolved, That the Secretary of this
committee be instructed to communicate
by cable with the Chairman of this
committee, informing him of its action
and requesting him to be present, or
otherwise, in his absence, it will proceed
to discharge the duties imposed upon it
by the Legislature.
She Wanted to Be a Man.
4 Girl Runs Off, Dresses in Men's
Clothes and Works on a Farm.
A young woman of near Greensburg
ran away from home some time ago,and
although searched for far and wide, she
could not be found. About the same
time a young man, rather delicate look-
ing, made his appearance at a farm house
about 10 miles from the girl’s home and
applied for work, saying he could do any
kind of farm work. The farmer hired
him and he proved to be an excellent
worker. Things were running along
smoothly until one evening the young
man engaged in a game of ball with oth-
er young fellows, and in running to
catch the ball, in the excitement of the
play, he stumbled and fell, cutting his
head open on a stone. He was carried
into the house and a physician summon-
ed, who, in the performance of his du-
ties, discovered that the farm hand was
a woman. The farmer and his family
were astonished at the revelation, but
their astonishment was increased when
they discovered that she was none other
than the young woman who had run
away from home, an account of which
they had read. The young woman was
sent home and is now married.
Two Genuine Harvest Excursions.
‘Will be ran from Chicago, Milwau-
kee, and other points on the lines of the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail-,
way, to points in Western Minnesota,
Northwestern Towa, South and North
Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado,
Utah, Wyoming and Montana, at
cheap excursion rates, on August 25 and
September 29, 1891.
For further particulars apply. to the
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
Jo. R. Porr, D. P. A, Williamsport
or Gro. H. HEAFFoRD, Gen’l Pass, Ag’t
Chicago, Ill.
P.S.—It will do your heart good to
see the magnificent crops in South
Dakota. They are simply immense.
——The threshing machine is mak-
ing music in all the country districts.
——Company B, of this place, left
for camp on Friday morning and will
be soldiering for about a week.
——1TIt is reported that Maj. Wm.
F. Reynolds has housed over twenty-
five thousand bushels of wheat from his
Centre county farms this season. The
Major is not going to starve just yet.
The Euchre club met at Miss
Brockerhoff’s on Wednesday evening
and after all the games had been played
a few figures of the German were danced.
Miss Bess Green of Reading was the
honored guest.
FesTivan AY Mars Crekk.—The
citizens of Marsh Creek have combined
15, for the benefit of the Baptist Mission
church. It will be held on the Henry
Heaton farm, and will be attractive.
All who can possibly do so should at-
——At the Fireman’s convention at
18, next,aver $500 will be given in priz-
es for sieamer contests, horse races, hook
and ladder races, hub races, drills, best
State except home companies.
——Last Sunday morning there ap-
church of this place, Rev. Mr. Shade,
vance that has since been made.
Y | where.
J. Meyers of the same place.
to hold a festival on Saturday, August |
——The reports of the peach crop vary
materially. One day it is pronounced a
tity, and now comes the word that we
shall have a plentiful supply, and good
at that.
——The coroner’s jury at Johnstown,
in the case of Lucas T. Myers and Po-
liceman James Kelley, who were killed
by falling between two cars while fight-
ing on an excursiou train, decided that
the men met death through theirown
carelessness, and exonerated the rail-
road company.
——Charles Dorey, a Lock Haven
photographer, has invented a machine
for retouching and intensifying photo-
graphs, which, it is claimed, will be of
great value to photographers every-
With the machine, what now
requires a full hour’s work on the face
of a photograph can be done in ten
minutes. :
A Watsontown correspondent of
the Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin
says that it is stated on good authority
that the engineers will be put on the pro-
posed line of the Central Pennsylvania
railroad between Watsontown and
Bellefonte, in a few days, and that the
work of construction will soon follow
and he carried on for the balance of the
season. There has been a good many
reports about this road which we would
like to see materialized.
New Deputy CoLLECTOR.—In con-
sequence of the resignation of S. M,
McCormick of Lock Haven, as Deputy
Collector of this district, John B. Myers
has been appointed to succeed him. The
district includes the counties of Centre,
Lycoming, Clinton, Potter and Tioga.
Mr. McCormick was appointed in Sep-
tember, 1889, and since thattime has
sold revenue stamps to the amount of
WiLp Cars WaNrep.—Postmaster
Barker receives a great many letters
from persons who are in search of in-
formation and presume the postmaster
to be posted on any and all subjects on
which information is desired. A speci-
men of the letters received was one re-
cently from a resident of another state
‘who had been informed that some one in
this vicinity was engaged in the busi-
ness of raising wild cats. The name
and address of the grower of wild cats
was asked for..—Lock Haven Ezpress.
ENCE.—The committee of arrangements
will be around among the residents of
Bellefonte in a few days for the purpose
of procuring accommodations for the
preachers and laymen who will attend
the United Brethren conference which
will convene in this place on September
16th and last until the following Mon-
day. Itis to be hoped that the people
of our town will extend their usual hos-
pitality to these visiting church people.
The number for whom accommodations
must be provided will be between 125
and 150.
Bic TrAIN. — The Sunbury Daily
says: ‘Conductor Clay Saylor has
always been noted as the handsomest
railroader in Sunbury witha few ex-
ceptions. He is now proud because his
train was made up of 147 loaded cars,
Thursday afternoon. It was the largest
train brought into the R. F. yard for
some time. The train stailed at Mill
Siding and two engines were sent out to
pull it into the yard. Engineer Joseph
Keefer is happy because he got it to
Mill Siding without assistance. Clay
Saylor said it made him hustle to get
the numbers of the cars and other work
that falls to the conductor to do. As
Clay isa hustler he got through all
ed church at Millbeim will be dedicated
on Sunday, August 16th, at 10 a. m.
The dedicatory sermon will be preached
by Rev. D. M. Wolf, D. D., of Spring
Mills. The services will commence on
Saturday evening previous at 7 30, at
which time Rev. J. R. Brown, of Re-
bersburg, Pa., will preach, and on Sun-
day evening at the same hour Rev. S.
H. Eisenberg, of Centre Hall, will
preach. The music will be rendered by
the choir of Salem’s congregation near
Penn Hall, under the direction of Prof.
are good reasons to expect the services
to be highly interesting. The public is
Lock Haven, September 15, 16,17 and |
uniformed company inline. The con- |
tests are cpen to all companies in the |
cordially invited to attend.
A Bripge DispuTE.—Clinton county
recently appraised the bridge aeross the
river at Lock Haven at $12,000 and
The Bridge Com-
'pany will not accept the appraised
| value, consequently the adjustment will
| have to be made by a court and jury.
| The company has gotten achange of
| made it a free bridge,
| venue to this county and it will be a
| Centre county jury that will pass upon
| the dispute in issue. The Bridge Com-
| pany claims that the original cost of the
peared in the pulpit of the Reformed | bridge was $27,000 and that it had ex-
| pended $36,000 on it in repairs. The
now of Hagerstown, Maryland, who | stockholders of the company have an-
preached for the Reformed congregation | nually received a dividend ofsix per
in Bellefonte in 1855, when the church | cent. exclusive of. all repairs, expenses
was only a mission station. He wa {and taxes.
much surprised and pleased with the ad- ‘a Centre county court and jury will
We haven’t any doubt that
i equitably settle this misunderstanding.
failure as to quality, the next asto quan...
tution that is eighty-five years old has
certainly reached a venerable age, and
this is the age of the Bellefonte Acad-
emy, it having been established near
the beginning of the century. Its long
career and its usefulness as an education-
al institution, have given ita wide and
well-earned celebrity, which it. will con-
tinue to maintain under Prof. Hughes,
through whose management the build-
ings have been enlarged and remodeled
and the educational facilities extended.
During its long existence, under va-
rious able teachers, it was never in as
good condition as now for the great
work of educating tbe rising generation ,.
and there can be no.doubt that it will
have an increased patronage. See the
advertisement of this institution
another column.
Af MoDEL GARDEN.—The other day
we had the pleasure of examining the
garden of Judge Furst, connected with
his residence on Linn street, and we are
justified in pronouncing it one of the
best cultivated and most fruitful gar-
dens in the town. The vegetable
grounds are in admirable condition,
showing neat and careful cultivation,
and giving evidence of an abundant
yield, but what particularly impressed
us was his grape vines, which represent
.an unusual number of kinds, embra cing
the old standardg, such as the Concord,
Isabella and Hartford Prolific, and a
number of varieties of more recent in-
troduction. ‘We never saw vines more
neatly trellised, or a greater variety of
choice kinds on any private grou nds.
‘What makes them particularly interest-
ing at this time is the marvellous num-
ber of well developed clusters w ith
which they are loaded. So far as we
have observed the Judge is ahead of
any one else in this town in the way of
grapes. Certainly there is no other
fruit that is more desirable.
—-Complaint is being made about the
wanton destruction of the few quails that
are seen in this neichborhood and other
parts of the county. Through the se-
verity of the winters and other causes
these interesting birds were almost exter-
minated, and it was only by bringing a
colony of them from the Scuth some
three years ago, which were distributed
in Spring, Benner, Walkerand adjoining
townships, that these birds have been
partially restored to our fields. Their
number is yet quite limited, and that
they should, be again exterminated to
suit the purpose of a set of pothunters is
an outrage. In fact quails are of such
use to the tarmers in destroying insects,
and are such a delight to people of pro-
per sensibilities, that they should not be
shot at all. ‘We understand that a party
in Spring township some days ago killed
twenty of these birds and shipped them
to the New York market. This mean
est sort of bird hunting should be stop-
joint eampmeeting bet ween Spring Mills
and Centre Hall charges of the Evan-
gelical Association, will be held in the
Long Bros.” grove at Penn Cave, com-
mencing Thursday, August 20, and
continuing one week. The camp will
be under the cherge of Rev. J. Hartzler,
the presiding elder of the district. A
number of prominent ministers will also
be present. Tents can be rented for $2;
with bunk and floor, $2.50, Good board-
ing at reasonable rates at the Penn Cave
House, quarter of a mile from the camp
ground. Arrangements have been ef-
fected with the R. R. company to sell
excursion tickets to Rising Spring, be-
tween Montandon, Bellefonte and all in-
termediate points, from August 19 to 27,
good to August 28. All camp equipage
will be carried free of charge. Fer tents
and fartker information apply to Rev:
C. V. B. Aurand, Spring Mills.
—The Republican convention of Centre
county met in the Court house last Tues-
day to make their county nominations,
convening at 11 o'clock. Dr. George
F. Harris, of Bellefonte, was elected
President, Hard Harris, Secretary, and
George Hastings, of Benner township,
and H. C. Warfel, of Philipsburg, tell-
ers. The committee on resolutions were
W. I. Swaape, of Bellefonte, Chair-
man ; Joseph Barton, of Unionville, and
James McMullen, of Milesburg. For
Jury Commissioner Samuel Aley, of
Marion township, was the only nominee
that was presented, and he was put
through by acclamation. Riley Platt
and H. M. Kephart, of Unionville, and
J. C. Bathgate, of College township.
were nominated for delegates to the pro-
posed constitutional convention. J. A.
Aikens, of Bellefonte, and Harry War-
fel, of Philipsburg, were elected dele=
gates to the next State ccnvention. J.
M. Dale having refused to continue as
chairman of the county committee, W,
F. Reeder was elected tosucceed him.
The resolutions reaffirmed the party’s
attachment to a monopoly tariff, endors-
ed the national administration, and ex-
pressed sympathy for McKiniey in his
struggle to have the people endorse his
tariff gouge by electing him Governor
of Ohio.
——Suabscribe for the Warcaman.