Ballefonte, Pa., July 31, 1891. To CorxEsSPONDENTS. — NO communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY ——The Methodist picnic did not come off on Thursday on eccount of unfavorable weather. ——The new pump at the water- works is in operation and the supply of water is abundant. "——The Tusseyville Band made some money at their festival last Saturday afternoon and evening. ——Mr: and Mrs. Harry Schreyer, of Bellefonte, are preparing to visit friends in Alabama some time in August. The Royal Arcanum picnic at Philipsburg was a great success, having been attended by about 1500 people. ——Under the new registry law ev- ery one who wishes to vote at the next general election must be registerad on or before the 8rd day of September. ——The County Superintendent will hold an examination for granting pro- fessional certificates in the new school house, Bellefonte, on August 28th. The Grangers’ picnic at Warrior's Mark, last Saturday, which was address- ed by Hon. Leonard Rhoneand other grange speakers, is said to have been a grand success. ——Professor Frank M. McLaurey, formerly a teacher in the Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, has accepted the principalship of the Philipsburg High school. ——Mr. E. B. Tipton, father of Mrs. A. M. Miles, of Milesburg, and success- ful business man of Altoona, died at his home in that place on Sunday at the age of 79 years. C. E. Waite, the express agent of Lock Haven, who was hurt in the rail- road accident at Howard last week, has so far recovered from his injuries as to be able to be around. ——General Hastings is announced to act as judge at the prize drill by the Knights of Pythias at the annual ses- sion of the Grand Lodge in Harrisburg on August 18th. —— A large number of citizens of our borough took advantage of the appeal from the water tax last Friday evening. Their protests were heard and will be acted upon according to their merits. —— Professor George P. Bible, of Williamsport, formerly of Bellefonte, has been elected to the position of elocu~ tion and oratory in the Normal school at Indiana, Pa,, and will go there Sep- tember Ist. ——One night last week the house of Irvin G. Lucas, a mile from Snow Shoe, was totally destroyed by fire, together with its furniture. The fire is supposed to have originated from a defective flue, There was an insurance ot about $600. ——On Saturday evenin the followingg teachers were elected for the Eagleville Mountain schools: Grammar school, I. N. McCloskey ; Intremediate, David Robb ; Secondary,Laura V. Foresman ; Primary, Lida XKunes; Mountain School, Maud Snyder. ——A large concourse of people was drawn to the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening to hear Rev. Mr. Speer’s last sermon in his brief connection with the church as a partial substitute for Rev. Mr. Laurie. Mr. Speer’s eloquence bas favorably impressed the church- goers of this place. Mr. Hezekiah Hoy, of Benner township, is, so far, ahead this season in raising potatoes. An Early Rose potato stalk on his premises was 6 feet 10 inches high and it bore ten ex- traordinarily large potatoes, the weight of which was 6 pounds and 2 ounces, or almost one-half peck. ——The funeral of the late Samuel Hull, on Saturday afternoon, was a large oue, showing the number of friends he had in this community. Theservices were conducted by Rev. W. A. Houck, assisted by Rev. §Miles O. Noll. The pall bearers were Steel Hunter, William Steel, James McClure, John Keichline, Esq., Henry Hoffman and John Meese, ——Lieut Col. Amos Mullen, of Bellefonte, has been detailed to proceed to Arnold Station, “Camp Kensington,” on Wednesday, August 5, 1891, and fake charge of the camping details and prepare the camp for the reception of the 5th regiment. He will hold the officers and men to a strict account for ay infraction of discipline. One day last week Harry Cow- drick of this place found a roll of money amounting to $80 lying in front of Le 'Van’s tailor establishment. He placed it in bank and awaited an owner. On Monday he was informed that Austin Lambert, a crippled soldier, was the los- ar of the money ; that Mr. Lambert had just drawn $100 pension money from the bank, paid out $20 and in some way lost the remaining $80. The money was paid over to the owner who was lucky in the circumstance that it WEATHER For AUGUsT.—Rev. Ira R. Hicks prophecy for August, to be printed in the forthcoming issue of World and Works, is as follows: At- mospheric and electrical disturbances during the closing dys of July will have subsided, leaving the weather fair and moderate during the opening days of August. A storm period is central on the 4th, calling for rising tempera- ture about the 3d which will grow in intensity until the heat is modified by the passage of northwesterly storms on the 4th, 5th and 6th. The new moon on the 4th will tend to precipitate the disturbance within 36 hours of noon on that date, increasing any earthquake tendencies otherwise existing. Normal- ly, fresher, cooler air should follow until we approach the 10th, which with the 11th; call for very high temperature, with reactionary storms, reaching east- ern sections into the 12th. Lower tem- perature should follow. The 15th is the central day of the next storm period. Five days is the average life of a storm period, the tem- perature always rising and the wind current shifting to easterly and souther- ly during the first half of the period. By the central day, storm conditions, as a rule, are ripe in the west, and during the last half of the period they move across the continent to the east. Low temperature and high barometers break down in front of advancing storms and follow in the reverse order in the rear. Stortns, therefore, with very high tem- perature, may be looked for from August 15 to 17. After this cooler days and nights will follow to 20th, on which date and the 21st reactionary tempera- ture and storms will appear. Cooler to about the 26th. The last storm period for August is from the 25th to 26th. The 27th is the central day. Many parts suffering with heat and drought may look for partial relief through the disturbances at this period. The month will end with a fair, bright day and cool night. and drought as was expected, but very serious complaints are reaching us from numerous extremes. but by the end of August all will feel many parts of the eastern hemisphere to the verge of famine and want. INCIDENTS oF THE HowARD WRECK. —The Lock Haven Ezpress, of a few days after the railroad wreck at How- ard, says; “Express agent C. E. Waite, who was injured so badly in the wreck near How- ard yesterday morning, was resting comfortably this morning. Fireman Spiker is able to be about his house, and aside from a general soreness of his whole body is feeling very comfortable. The gashes in his scalp were numerous and fifty-two stitches wererequired to close them. Mr. Spiker says he was shoveling coal into the furnace as the engine was rounding the curve east of Howard, and hearing two sharp blasts of the whistle dropped his shovel and step- ped into the cab. Waite was seated on his side of the engine. He had hardly stepped into the cab when the engine left the track. He grasped the cab above his window, and a moment later was sent flying among the pieces of the cab which was broken to splinters, As soon as he was on his feet he hurried to the assistance of engineer Wood, who was buried under the coal, but who was soon removed and lived for nearly an hour after the accident.” AccIDENT T0 THE COUNTY CORONER. —Dr, H. W. Buckingham met with a misfortune Wednesday evening that will disable him for several weeks. Returning from a professional eall about 10 o'clock he was in the act of getting out of his buggy at Henderson & Co.’s livery stable, when his left foot caught in the lap robe and the right, failing to clear the wheel, caught between the spokes, breaking his right leg about four inches above the ankle. The Dr., who belongs to the medical staff at the Cot- tage Hospital, and knowing the ex- cellent treatment patients receive at that institution, expressed a desire to be ta- ken there. He was taken to the hospi- tal and his injuries properly dressed by Drs. H. Allport and Warren Andrews. — Philipsburg Journal. SHoT BY A Dog.—Last Sunday even- ing William Wayman, of Williamsport, aged 21, was shot and seriously wound- ed in a most singular manner, Another young man had been shooting rats, and had placed his gun on the ground while playing with a dog. In jumping around the dog stepped on the trigger, exploding the gun, the bullet from which passed through Wayman’s right lung, and lodged near his heart. Owing to the location of the ball the physician did not consider it policy to probe for it. His chances for recovery are believed to be shim. Opp Frirows PicNic.—The Odd Fellows of Sugar Valley intend to hold a grand union picnic near Mt. Pleasant in a few weeks. The Jersey Shore, Lock Haven, Renovo and Howard lod zes will be invited and several bands had been found by an honest person. of music. July up to the date of this writing | has not brought as severe general heat | ——Rev. Sam. Small will be at the Juniata Valley campmeeting on August 18th, 19th and 20th. ——The State fish commissioners, at their meeting just held in Harrisburg, decided to build a new additional hatch- -ery at Corry, Erie county. — Samuel J. Packer has been elect- ed president of the First National Bank of Sunbury in place of the late president John B. Packer, deceased. ——The State Board of Charities vis- ited the Miners’ Hospital at Philipsburg last week, and pronounced it to be well managed and in good condition. ——The entire outfit of Frank A. Robbin’s circus brought $1,681 under the Sheriff’s hammer at Huntingdon, almost everybody could have one of his own. The Halfpenny woolen mill at Lewisburg, one of the most successful industrial establishments of that section, was destroyed by fire last Saturday morning. It employed about 40 men and 35 young women. ——The L. M. Coudriet estate, in Covington township, Clearfield county, was appraised recentey at $65,000. On onebody ofthe land there are about 8,000,000 of choice pine timber which will be disposed of at public sale about the 1st of September. ——Mr. and Mrs. John Funk, well known in Philipsburg and late of Pueb- lo, Col., have bought an orange grove of ten acres near Redland, in Lower Cali- fornia, where they are now located. We learn that they had not owned the grove three days before they were offered $1,500 on their bargain.—Journal. ——We are pleased to see that our former reverend townsman, Mr. Charles Garner, is making himself useful in his new field of labor, Tyrone, in a gastro- nomic as well as in a spiritual way. Thus a paper of that place says: ‘Rev, Charles Garner has gone with the camp- i ing out party to Ardenheim to oversee Many parts of the | 0 culinary department and while country have been graciously favored, | there will serve them with re- | freshments alike for the physical and the drought and heat that have brought | spiritual bodies.”— Whether as a cook | or a preacher Charley gets there every time. Nirraxy Variey PracHEes.—The peach crop in Nittany Valley this year is immense, and on the farms situated within the distance of two miles between Shaffer's gap and Hill’s gap the crop is estimated at 20,000 busheis. ZLieuten- ant William Hayes has a peach orchard near Mackeyville, in wach there are twelve hundred trees just coming into bearing, He estimates his crop at 3,000 bushels. His entire crop is sold to a grocer at Philipsburg, and the first ship- ment will be made to-morrow.—ZLock Haven Express. DeAra To THE CANINES.—The dog poisoner has certainly been getting in his work, as about eight or ten dogs have died from the effects of poison within the past few days. Jake Cohn lost his beautiful large English mastiff, on Sat- urday, also Charles Hull lost a good fox hound, Yesterday the large Newfound- land dog of Dr. J. M. Smith, one pe- longing to the Cherry Grove dairyman George Grazier, one owned by John Miller, and one whose owner we failed to learn, all died from the effects of poison being administered. If the fiend would single out only the worthless curs, but instead he seems bent or killing the best ones. The poisoner had better keep a sharp lookoat, for if caught it will go bard with him.— Tyrone Herald. SuMMER’S PET INSTITUTIONS.—The great American institution, the picnic,is now upon usin dead earnest, and will blossom for a couple months. Take a full fledged picnic, one that is festooned with a brass band, seasoned with chats, laughter and hearty games, embellished with pratty girls and maidens, and fres- coed with oranges, cake, and ice cream, and it is quite an elaborate affair and productive of much pleasure and enjoy- ment. Itdoes the little folks good and invigorates the older ones, while the singing birds, green woods, pure air and health giving sunshine tend io refresh, refine and to make us ail better, point- ing us to the higher power whence cometh these many blessings. Yes, we welcome the picnic, we enjoy it, we revel in it. A NEW PLAGUE.—A new insect has made its appearance in some sections of the State, and for want of a better name it has been christened the ‘‘potato louse.” Tt is a worse pest thun the po- tato bug, for the bugs can be shaken off the potato stalks, but not so with the louse. + Paris green will kill the bug, but does not seem to have any effect on the louse. The farmers have tried many ways to get rid of the insect, but so far have not succeeded. The louse is very small, so small as to be hardly visible to the naked eye, and they cover the pota- to leaves so that scarcely any of the leaf can be seen. They eat the leaf, and in a few days it will wither. It does not take long for the insect to destroy acres of potatoes. At that rate circuses are so cheap that | BELLEFONTE WINS AT LaAsT,—After players pulled themselves together on Wednesday afternoon and treated the small audienceat the Ball Park to a streak of batting and fielding which has seldom, 1f ever, been equaled on a Bellefonte diamond. The P. BR. R. team, of Harrisburg, were the victims but when it was an- nounced that Gamble,the crack ex-Inter State League pitcher, would occupy the box for them, the most sanguine prediz- ted another defeat, but t’was not so, for our men had put on their batting clothes and even if they didn’t look very gay in them, we'll forgive it for the way they jumped onto Gamble. It was exhilera- ting indeed to sce big Bobby McKnight and little Pat. Rine lining out singles and capering around the bases. = It was new to them. It was new to us. .Petriken.Quigley and Atherton led the batting for Bellefonte,but we're sorry to say the visitors were without a leader, for Atherton had them at his mercy and when he didn’t strike them out they popped up little flies which our fielders took with an ease that was wonderful. For the home team we cannot pick outone man who pluyed better than an- other, and the play of the visitors was characterized by stupidity throughout. The score by innings was as tfoliows : Harrisburg P. R. R. .000200001—3 Bellefonte 4240010 0%—~11 Summary—Earnod runs, Bellefonte 5; 2- base hits, Petriken G., Riemer; 3-base hits, Petriken F.; sacrifice hits, Atherton, Smith ; struck out, Petriken R, 2, Rine, Stewart, Min- nick, Madden, Gamble 2, Riemer 2; stolen bases, Petriken R. 2, Woodcock 2, Petriken G., Atherton 2, Rine, Reese, Minnick 2, Madden, Gamble ; left on base, Bellefonte 7 Harrisburg P. R. R. 8; base on balls, Smith, Sweitzer ; hit by bail, Riemer ; passed balls, Kauffman 2, Stewart 3; time of game 2 hours; umpire Hughes. When the next game is played let ev- eryone turn out and encourage the boys to keep the winning gait they have struck. PossiBLE MURDER AND SUICIDE.— On Wednesday morning last the little English hamlet, called Keystone Hill, near Philipsburg, was the scene of a double tragedy which in all probability will result in a murder and suicide. Reuben Wilkings and John Wilson are Englishmen and fast friends. «. Both came to this country about four years ago, Wilson paying Wilking’s pas- age. Wilkings is unmarried and has made his home with Wilson's family. Recently reports reached Wilson's ears that a criminal intimacy existed be- tween his wife and Wilkings, and while he did not believe the rumors to have any foundation in fact, he told his wife that she had better tell Wilkings to leave and in that way stop the talk, She did not do so, however, but said that her husband should tell him to leave. The charges were repeated,and again he asked kis wife to give Wilkings his walk- ng papers; that he could not do so owing to his old friendship. Wednesday morning Mrs. Wilson told ‘Wilkings of the report,and asked him to leave. He expostulated, and words fol- lowing, he picked up a piece of a base ball bat, and while the woman was combing her hair in front of a looking- glass, struck her on the back of the head. The woman staggered a few steps and fell out of the door into the yard. Her skull is badly fractured. ‘Wilkings stood for a moment con- templating the deed he had committed, and believing that he had killed the woman, took a razor and cut his throat from ear to ear, severing the wind- pipe, though not the jugular vein. Wilkings was arrested and is now in the Cottage hospital for treatment. The woman is in a very critical condi- tion and with little hopes of her recov- ery. Wilkings age is about 84. Mrs. Wilson is 31 years of age. TractiON ENcINEs.—The business of McCalmont & Co., of this place, dealers in agricultural supplies, have, of course, felt the beneficial effects of theabundant harvest of this year and the consequent prosperity of the farniers. There was no limit to the amount of birder twine they sold, and the big harvest has also had the effect of increasing their sale of trac- tion engines and separators. These ma- chines have become indispensable in pre- paring the wheat crop for market and are an evidence of the advancement of agricultural science. During the past two months McCalmont & Co. have sold three traction engines, three separators and one portable engine, which indicates the preparations that are being made for handling the big wheat crop of this county. OBITUARY NoTICE.—Abraham D. Myers died at his son-in-law’s, July 18, 1891, aged 84 years, 9 months and 26 days. He, with his wife, Sarah, joined the United Brethren church and were baptized in 1833 at McCulnstown, Pa. He lived, labored and sacrificed for God and the church of his choice for more than 58 years. He wasa man true to his convictions of duty and was univer- sally respected, He was the father of nine children, of which only three re- main with their families and a large cir- cle of friends to mourn his death. His wife and six children preceded him to the better land. His funeral sermon was preached by Rev. G. W. Emin- hizer, and his remains were interred in the old cemetery at Zion where he rests from his labors. 1 ——Look up the CashfBazar’s impor- having played in nard luck so long our | tant notice for this week, ——John Goss, of Lock’s Mills, Mifflin county, found a six foot black snake in his woodhouse, and he imme- diately proceeded to kill the elongated reptile. ——Millheim, Aaronsburg, Centre Hall and other points in Pennsvalley are receiving their summer allotment of “fresh air’’ children from Philadelphia. ——Repairing executed with neatness and dispatch at McQuistion & Co's, ——The Journal wants an electric railway to connect Philipsburg with the mines and other points in the neighbor- hood. It would certainly bea great con- venience and would promote business. ——If you want furniture cheap, E. Brown, Jr’s is the place to get it. — Mr. Austin King, mine inspector of Philipsburg district, has sent in his resignation to Governor Pattison, with a view of accepting the general superin- tendency of the H. C. Frick Company’s coal and coke interests in the Connells- ville region. ——If you have not already visited E. Brown, Jr’s new store on Bishop street you should do so at once. Great bargains await you. The big giant, Col. Pickett Nel- son, boards at the Central Hotel and is an object of great curiosity to strangers, The other day, standing on the floor of the bar room, he reached up and put a card on the ceiling, pushing the tack through it with his thumb.—ZLock Hav- en Democrat. ——Mr. George A. Forbes, of the Lock Haven KEazpress, drew the third prize in the Home Fascinator’s (of Tor- onto, Can.,) word contest. Mr. Forbes made 498 words out of the sentence “The World’s . Fair.” The first prize was $1000 in gold, and the second a $400 grand upright piano, and the third, the one Mr. Forbes drew, a $120 silver tea set. ——Roland Butler, a young man of Howard, had a sad experience in this place last Friday. Soon after arriving here he commenced sam- pling Bellefonte whisky, and it wasn’t long before he gave evidence of demor- alization by raising a racket in the Racket store. The proprietors handed him over to the police who took him be- fore magistrate Foster, and the result was a fine and costs amounting to $4.50. Butlerreturned to his Bald Eagle Valley home a sadder if not a wiser man. On the visit of Dr. Kerwin last week to this place relative to the location of the new Insane Asylum, the commit- tee who had him in charge took him tos and gave him an opportunity of examin- ing farms owned by John Hamilton and Robert Valentine near Pleasant Gap; a farm belonging to J. D. Shugert; farms of Speer and Woodring and Harry Zimmerman in the Lamont neighbor- hood ; also sites in Pennsvalley near Centre Hall, and locations near Miles- burg. If the Asylum is not located in this county it will not be because there are not suitable sites. A Lost Sark Founp.—In the big flood of June 1st, 1889, the store of T. J. Smull, at Mackeyville, Clinton coun- ty, was washed away and with it the fourteen hundred pound safe and con- tents. Tuesday the safe was found about a quarter of a mile from where it had been lying underneath the water from June 1st, 1889, until July 28,1891. It was, however,of no value, as the door was broken off and the contents gone. BeEcHE CREEK RAILRoAD EXTEN- s10N.—The contract for the Beech Creek extension into Cambria county has been given to Contractor Miller, of Lock Haven. This contract extends from Kerrmore, Clearfield county, to Patton, Cambria County. This road parallels the new Cambria and Clearfield road, now in process of construction on the Chest creek, and will be a competing line under the Vanderbilt system. Itis not known at present how much further the road will extend, but rumors say it will connect with the Baltimore and Ohio either at Johnstown or Fitisburg. Sap DEATH OF A CHILD AT PHIL- IPSBURG.—A two-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. James Hobby,of Second street, met with a sad and fatalaccident yester- day about one o’clock. Mrs. H. was in the act of lifting the dinner, when she put & boiler containing potatoes upon the griddle, which was lying on the back part of the stove, and letting go of it, the boiler accidentailygfell off the griddle, and striking the coffee pot, which was full of boiling coffee, it fell over,the contents of which were emptied upon the child, who was playing upon the floor, scalding the poor little fellow upon the face, breast, back, and in fact all over his body. Drs. Dunwiddie and McGirk were summoned, and after do- ing all in their power to relieve the ua- fortunate boy his of suffering, who was working iu most excruciating spasms, the little fellow died at about a quarter past 3 o’clock.—Journal of Monday. WHERE Bears Re APLENTY.—The Renovo News says: «Samuel Betz, track walker on Mr. P, McGuire's divi- sion at Shintown, reports bears very numerous in that section. In the last three or four days he has seen four cross the river. Last night alarge black bear swam the river and went up the mountains at Dry Run.” ——McQuistion & Co’s is the place to get fine buggies, carriages and wa- gons of every kind. CHANGE oF VENUE GrRANTED.—The appeal of the Lock Haven Bridge Com- pany from the award of the viewers and for a change of venue has been granted. The court directs that the case be tried in Centre county and Prothono- tary Brown is directed to certify every- thing on record pertaining to the matter to the Centre county court.—L, H. Ez- press. .——E. Brown, Jr., wants you tose his stock at his store on Bishop street. Tee HARVEST 1s Past.--Reports from over the county are that the boun- tiful wheat harvest has been cut and housed, and the farmers’ barns are filled to overflowing. The weather for har- vesting was most favorable and the crops are the best grown for years. The yield per acre promises to be large and the farmers are certainly in luck this year. ——Novelties in furniture and wall paper are the order of the day at E. Brown, Jr’s on Bishop street. FeLL Dowwy Stairs.—On Saturday evening Mrs. Martha Edmidson, of Buffalo Run, came near meeting her death by falling down the cellar stairs. During tha day the family of John Hoy neighbors, went away and Mrs. Edmid- son volunteered to milk the cow in the evening. After milking she was taking the milk to the cellar. When she had gone down several steps she came to one that was broken off. It was dark and Mrs. Edmidson stepped off and fell to the ground. She cried for help and in a few minutes assistance came. It was found she was pretty badly hurt about the head and shoulders, but not serious- ly. Up tothis time she has been in bed. She is the mother of Miss Mollie Edmidson, of Bellefonte. ‘Wall paper in every shade and pattern at KE. Brown, Jr's on Bishop street. News From ScHoFIELD.—We have received a letter from our townsman, James Schofield, who is now on his na- tive turf in Ireland, and, true to his natural instinct, he writes about Irish politics. ‘Who ever knew an Irishman that wasn’t a born politician ? He has been taking a survey of the political status in the Emerald Isle and says that from what he has observed among the Irish voters and read in the Irish jour- nals, it is his conviction that Home Rule is doomed for the next fifty years. Noth- ing has had a greater effect in bringing about this situation than the personal conduct of Mr. Parnell. Itis a pity that it is so. ——The finest and largest line of Foreign and Domestic woolens for suit- ings and overcoats ever shown by us. Full assortment of Ready Made cloth- ing Hats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods. MonraoMERY &Co. Tailors. For Sale! A Geizer number one and a half thresher and Separator for sale, which was taken in ex - change on account of a larger one. It isin geod condition and will be sold at a bargain, McCATL.MONT & CO. Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up tosix o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper Joes to press: ow Weat............ven00n Old wheat, per bush Red wheat, per bushel.. Rye, per bushel.......... Corn, ears, per bushel... Corn, shelled, per bushel... Oats—new, per bushel... Barley, per bushel...... Ground aster, per to Buckwheat per bushe Cloverseed, per bushe; Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel 40 Eggs, per dozen 15 Lard, per pound 8 CountryShoulders 8 Sides... 3 8 Hams...... . 12 Tallow, per pound. Butter, per pound.......ueiessiisisssininiiinine 15 The Democratic Watchman, Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued un*il all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- i/inp by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol- OWS | SPACE OCCUPIED. 3m [6m ly One inch (12 lines this type......... $588 (811 Two inches is 7]101% 15 Three inches......ccesesssessnnsersessonns 1015 | 20 $jarier Column (4% inches).......| 12 | 20 | 30 alf Column ( 9 inches) “| 20| 385] B55 One Column (19 inches)............... 35 | 55 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 256 per cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line. wocal notices, per line.... Business notices, per lin * Job Printing of every kin h ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand at the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor: