Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 31, 1891, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
— Resignation is a virtue thatean’t
be expected of MAT QUAY.
--Mr. CLEVELAND should be the
leading educator in the Ohio campaign
of education.
—The “yellows” is effecting a trans-
mutation of color by making the pros-
pect of the Delaware peach crop look
quite blue.
—The French will never appreciate
our flitch until they learn how to bake
beans. Missionaries should be sent ov-
er from Boston.
—Fortunately the physical structure
of Governor PATTISON prevents the Har-
risburg Patriot from calling him a
“Stuffed Prophet.”
-—What sort of protection is that
which sends the American workman to
the poor house and supplies his place
with a cheap foreigner ?
—So great are the resources of the
Kansas farmers this year that they are
able to feed their hogs on peaches, and
yet they are not happy.
—The Bar Harbor liars, having gone
over the entire gamut of diseases, have
finally settled upon Mr. BraiNg’s kid-
neys as the seat of his ailment.
—While for every sort of farm
truck this is one of the greatest ygars on
record, Mr. QUAY sadly declares that it
isnot a good Republican year. There
isn’t going to be much of that kind of
—Ex-Speaker REED is on the briny
deep heading toward his native land,
and the whales are swimming round his
ship spouting their compliments to the
great leviathan of the Fifty-first con-
—In view of the increased cost which
McKINLEY has imposed on tin cans,
it is probably well that the peach trees
of Delaware fall short of producing the
crop which they promised earlier in the
—The Kentucky distillers have 40,-
000,000 gallons of whisky on their
hands. A true son of the Blue Grass
region would smile at the person who
should consider this an embarrassing
surplus of old Bourbon.
—The reported intention of the west-
ern farmers to corner the grain market is
anice commentary on the oft repeated
protestations of the grangers against the
greed of ‘monopoly ‘and the oppressive
combinations of the trusts. J
-—Secratary FosTER, who claims a Re-
publican majority of 50,000 in Ohio,
doesn’t take into his calculation the
shrinkage in the Republican count
which the honest method of the Austra-
lian system is sure to bring about.
—The circumstance that the govern.
ment of a Billion Dollar Country is so
low in funds as not to be able
to continue the supply of wood-
en legs to its legless soldiers, is an
incongruity, to say the least of it.
—The New York World says that
the robins are singing and all the other
little birds of the Buzzard’'s Bay region
are chirping merrily in anticipation of
an interesting event that is about to
transpire in the Cleveland household.
—Rev. SAM SMALL is being employed
at the camp meetings of the season not so
much for spiritual as for pecuniary re-
sults. Such is his drawing power
that it is in the matter of gate-money
that his ministration has the greatest ef-
—A movement is on foot in Phila-
delphia for the formation of an Anti-
Monopoly League. The most effective
combination for this purpose would be a
general understanding among the peo-
ple that it is time for the Republican
party to be bounced. |
—The English and American cruisers
have been quite successful in enforcing
the temporary discontinuance of the seal
fishery. Whenthe Eagle and the Lion
combine to protect the Saul, that docile
animal may enjoy its summer outing
with assurance that it won’t te victim-
ized by the stealthy poacher.
—The alliance that is developing be-
tween France and Russia is bringing
about a remarkable fraternization of
republicamism and absolutism. Just
think of the ¢Marseillaise,” the death
hymn of tyrants, being suug in the cap-
ital of the Russian despot as a compli-
ment to the French Republic.
—Notwithstanding the capering of
heretics and the high jinks of the agnos-
tics, Bishop LEoNARD,of Ohio, entertains
the comfortable conviction that the
Christian faith is about to achieve ex-
traotdinary triumps in the world. Fel-
lows like BoB INGERSOLL are powerless
to prevent the glorious consummation.
—An admirer of Mr. WANAMAKER,
who has the fullest confidence in his re-
ligious professions, writes reprovingly to
a newspaper that has been overhauling
godly .Joux, saying, “I know that
hedare not do a wrong. Ha dearly
loves his Lovd and Master.” After all,
it may be that when WaNAMAKER put
boodle to tha amount of $400,000 into
the campaign of 1883, he thought he
was doing iL in the interest of the Lord,
VOL. 36.
The Eagle and the Rooster.
The Australian ballot system having
been established in Ohio by law, the
voting in that State hereafter will be
regulated by it. The only defect in
the system is that illiterate voters, in
preparing their ballots in the privacy
of the election booths, will not be able
to discriminate between the tickets of
the opposite parties from the reading
that may be on them. Tojovercome
this difficulty the two leading parties
in Obio have agreed to print on their
ballots distinguishing figures which
will serve as a ganide to their voters
who are unable to read.
The Republicans held their State
conventioa first and consequently had
the first choice of an electoral symbol.
They chose the Eagle as the sign to be
printed on their ballots, and no
doubt thought they were doing a big
thing in selecting that bird. Itis cer-
tainly a bird of high repute,ibut when
all its points are taken into ‘account it
can hardly be accorded the marit that
is ascribed to it. We often wondered
why the fathers of the Republic adopt-
ed that fowl as the national emblem.
Its earliest emblematic history connects
it with the legions of Rome which con-
quered and oppressed every people
within reach of their military power.
A bird of prey, such as the eagle is,
and alway has been, fitly represented
the Roman rule. And since those ear-
lier days of rapine and oppression the
eagle has served as the fitting token of
Austrian, Russian and other European
despotisms. Such alfavorite has this
bird been with German and Muscovite
tyrants that they have put a double
head on it to increase its capacity of
preying upon its victims. In spite of
such antecedents the founders of our
Republic chose the Eagie as the Bird
ot Freedom, contrary to the advice of
FraxkrLiN who recommended the Tar-
key as the fowl that would, better,repre-
sent a country inhabited by a plain, in-
dustrious and practical people. It is a
delicate matter to say anything disre-
spectful of the bird which has become
identified with our history, and in
whose scream Americans have been
taught to take pride, but when we
come to think how rapacious it is, and
with what relentless cruelty it preys
upon the helpless order of,animals, we
are compelled to admit that a more
appropriate sign than the figure of this
bird could not have been selected for
the ballots of a party which has jmade
the majority of the people the helpless
prey of a favored,class of tariff bene-
The Democrats of Ohio have chosen
for their ballots the figure of the Roos-
ter, and they have no reason to be
ashamed of that honest, vigilant, cour-
ageous aud pugnacious bird. In fact
he isa true emblem of Democracy.
He isn't a bird of prey. In his conduct
there is no stealthy swooping down and
tearing to pieces of helpless and unpro-
tected victims. If this Democratic
bird has a misunderstanding with an
antagonist he stands np and fights it
out courageously. He is, moreover,
an example of all the domestic vir-
tues. He protects the females of his
family and has an eye to the safety of
hie children. Like a true Democrat
he sounds the alarm when danger
threatens his'commanity. His eye is
cocked with pugnsacious alertness
when some Republican hawk or owl
circles over his domain with predatory
ateation. His cheerful voice is a de-
light and comfort to the ueighborhood.
Even after death his virtues sre exhal-
ed from the savory pot.
We congratulate the Ohio Demo-
crats on their selecting the Rooster as
the sign for their ballots. His honest
figure is a fitting representation of an
honest vote. His clarion voice will
announce a glorious victory on the
morning after the election.
——There couldn't possibly be a
more dangerous individual than a doc-
tor under the influence of liquor. The
Georgia Legislature is evidently im-
pressed with this fact, as it proposes to
cure the medical fraternity of that
State of drunkenness, and to this end
a bill has been passed subjecting any
inebriated physician to a heavy penal-
ty. After having been convicted of
drunkenness the physician is debarred
from practicing. Drunken doctors
should be as scarce as drunken preach-
The Singular Effect of Being in Oppo-
A journal that starts out on a line
of opposition for no other reason than
personal resentment on the part of its
proprietors or backers, is pretty sure
to make a spectacle of iwelf before it
gets far on its course. This is what is
befalling the Harrisburg Patriot in its
crookedness toward the Pattison ad-
ministration. One of the singular ca-
pers it is cutting in its role of an oppo-
sition journal is 1ts carping at the Gov-
ernor because he does not assume dic-
tatorial power.
Hon. George HaNDY Syma, who is
chairman of the committee appointed to
investigate treasury irregularities, has
neglected to call the committee togeth-
er to perform its functions. The Pa-
triot represents the Governor as being
derelict in not taking Mr. Syira by
the nape of the neck and the slack of
the breeches, figuratively speaking,
and bringing him forcibly to a perfor-
mance of his duty. It says that the
Governor should exclaim in toues of
thunder, “Call your committee togeth-
er at once; this I demand in behalf of
the plundered people.” Nothing short
of so theatrical an ejaculation as this
from the Governor is regarded by the
Patriot as the correct thing under the
But, divesting this matter of all its
fustian, the fact remains thatthe Gov-
ernor has no right to make such a de-
mand of the chairman of a legislative
committee. Such a body as a commit-
tee is the creature of the Legislature,
subject only to its creator,and it would
be usurpation to make it the subject
of executive control. Ifthe Governor
were to pac on such airs of authority as
the Patriot says he ought to assume in
this case, chairman SyxutH would be
Justified to teiling him to mind his own
business, and that certainly would be
his answer to such an assumption
were he not so pre-emineatly polite a
The Governor in this matter has
done ail that his duty called upon him
to do,and gone as far ashe had a right
to go. Ina letter to the chairman,
with correct discrimination he recogniz-
es the fact that Mr. Syira’s com mittee
is ‘“‘a creation of the two branches of the
legislative department of the govera-
ment,” and therefore it is not for him
“to indicate the time at which 1t ought
“ to meet, the measure of its duties
“ and responsibilities, or the manner
“in which they ought to be discharg-
“ed,” yet, nevertheless, he reminds
the chairman of the committee that
‘“ by the terms of the joint resolution,
“approved January 26th, 1891, pro-
“viding for the appointment of this
“ committee, it was instructed to make
“ a thorough investigation of the pres-
“sent methods of conducting the bus-
“iness of the State treasury, especially
“in regard to the present system of de-
“ positories for the public funds, and
“to report as soon as possible, etc.
“ The joint resolutions, approved May
“27, 1891, extended the powers and
* duties of this committee to an inves-
“ tigation of the department of the Au-
“ ditor General, and instructed it to re-
“ port to the Governor ‘at the earliest
“ possibie time’ It seems to me plain
‘ therefore, that the intention of the
“ legislature was that the investigation
“ot the Treasury and Auditor Gener-
“ als department should be thorough
“ and systematic, and that it should
“ be diligently made, so that the re-
‘ port could be made to the executive
“ with such promptness as to enable
“ the state officials to act with dispatch
“in any matter which such report
“ might show demanded their atten-
[3 tion.”
If Governor ParrisoN had assumed
more than this in his communication
to the chairman of this committee he
would have gone beyond the limit of
his constitutional authority; and if he
had made such a fool of himself as to
have said to chairman Smith, “Call
your committee together at once 3
this I demand in behalf of the plunder-
ed people,” the Patriot would have
been among the first to condemn him
for putting on digtatorial airs,
—JOHN SHERMAN is the only remain-
ing United States Senator who served
while HANNIBAL HAMLIN presided
over the Senate. It wouldn’t be right
to allow Fog-horn ForAKER or Calico
CHARLEY FOSTER tojremove so vencr-
able a relic.
N 0. 29.
Mr. Cleveland and the Ohio Contest.
It was published in the papers last
week that ex-President CLEVELAND had
been invited to take the stump in Ohio
for Governor Camper and that he
had consented to make six speeches in
the campaign. = The announcement
was calculated to give pleasure to
Democrats, not only because they be-
lieved that speeches from Mr. CLEVE
LAND would do much to help the
Democratic cause in Ohio, but also for
the reason that the idea of his taking
an active part in Democratic move-
ments was peculially gratifying to
them. It is therefore a disappoint
ment to them to learn thatthe ex-Presi
dent denies that he had made any en-
gagement to speak in Ohio, intimating
quite plainly that his voice will not be
heard in the contest in that State.
This is unfortunate for the Ohio
Democrats and also for Mr. CLEVELAND.
Speeches from him in a contest in
which tariff reform will be’ the main
issue, would havea powerful effect. His
reason for not delivering them will be
misconstrued by his enemies. They
have already said that he is indifferent
to Democratic success; that he takes
no active part when a struggle for Demo-
cratic principles is going on; that his
voice was not heard in the contest
which resulted so gloriously for the
Democracy last year, and that he was
silent in regard to the bayonet outrage
attempted by the Republican party. A
New York newspaper of extensive cir-
culation, whose malign mission is the
pessonal abuse of Mr, CLEVELAND, has
been ringing the changes on such
charges as these, and it is a cause of
regret to Democrats that Mr. CLrve-
LAND should give an advantage to the
malevolence of such eneniies.
As the leading representative of the
principle of tariff reform the Democrats
have a right to expect him to take a
foremost place in a contest. in which
that principle is the paramount issue:
They don’t like it to ‘appear as if he
thought himself above the issue and
the party; and yet that is just the ap-
pearance that is presented by his not
coming down into the ranks and tak-
ing a part in the fight. He is no long-
er prevented by the dignity of a high
office from performing active political
duty. He is now but a priyate, and
his place is in the ranks with a musket
in his hand. No shots would do more
execution in a campaign than those
that he could fire,
—It appears that one JAMEs W. Lu-
CAs, who served in the confederate army
as long as he could, and as late as Feb-
ruary, 1865, killed a Union soldier, fig-
ures in the list of Uncle SAM’S pension
ers. When the pension agents become
80 successful in their pull on the treas-
ury as to be able to get pensions for re-
bel soldiers, it is about time to purge
the pension lists.
The Auditor Generalship.
Republican newspapers are booming
General Grega for Auditor General.
The animus of this movement is easi-
ly understood. The leading characters
of the party, among whom the offices
haye customarily been distributed,
have become so odious in consequence
of their corrupt practices that it would
not be safe to put any of them on the
State ticket, and therefore the party
would take refuge behind an honest
soldier until the clouds pass by. They
hope that by being able to point with
pride to a battle-scarred veteran on the
ticket, and by reviving the war feeling
that prevailed a quarter of a century
ago, they may induce the voters to
overlook the public embezzlements
and treasury raidings of the present
In the insolence of their power,
whea nominations followed the bid-
ding of the Boss and election was the
certain sequence of nomination, they
never thought of putting a modest and
honest soldier like General GREGG on
the ticket for an important office.
But he is not named now because his
worth is appreciated by the managers.
They simply wish to trade upon his
good name and record, and calculate
to manage him if he should be elected.
The Auditor Generalship is especially
important at this time in view of
the investigation that is necessary
for the interest of the State, and should
not be filled by any one, be he soldier
or civilian, why could in any way be
influenced by the Treasury ring.
Public Money Put to Political Use."
The reports of the experts’ who ex-
amined Barpsrey's books showed
that a check had apparently been sent
to Auditor General McCamant for $7,-
144.52 as part of the spoils resulting
from an exorbitant charge for mercan-
tile appraiser's advertising. This was
a damaging implication of a high
State official, who promptly denied
that there had been any such transac-
tion between him and the defaulting
city treasurer: Mr. McCamaNT has
since been before the city council in-
vestigating committee and upon ma-
turer reflection says that while none of
the money indicated by the check come
to him, it might have gone into a
channel through which it was used for
election purposes.
This confirms the suspicion that
for years public money has been used
by the Republican leaders in Penunsyl-
vania to corrupt the elections and by
such means to maintain their hold on
the State government. The State
treasury as well as the treasury of the
city of Philadelphia has been in their
keeping and they have sedulously pre-
vented investigation that would have
disclosed the way they manage those
trusts, Whenever an important elec:
tion came around they were always on
band with a sufficient amount of
boodle to influence the result in their
favor, and in this manner they have
succeeded in retaining control of the peo-
ple’s money with which they have cor-
rupted the people's elections. It has
been a system by which corruption has
perpetuated itself. It may be true, as
Auditor General MoCamanT claims,
that he did not get a cent of the Bard-
sley plunder, but he cannot be held
guiltless if he knew that this money
was being used for a political purpose
and did not prevent it.
——A Washington correspondent
says that ex-Governor CHENEY, of New
Hampshire, will succeed Mr. Progjor
as Secretary of War. The latter o#i-
cial goes out of the cabinet to become
the successor of Mr. Epyunps as Un-
ited States Senator from Vermont.
The Green Mountain State may regret
losing the distinction of having a re-
presentative in the cabinet, but it nev.
ertheless ought to be happy in the lib-
eral bounty that has been conferred up-
on its maple sugar production. Its
steadfastness to the Republican cause
was not forgotten when the Billion
Dollar Congress distributed its favors.
No State could have been more swee t-
ly treated.
Color Blindness.
Lieutenant MEias, of the United
States navy, who has been twenty-
eight years in service, is found to be
color-blind, which, it is said, will not
only prevent his promotion but will
compel his retirement. If this should
be the decision"of the naval authori-
ties it would indeed be a remarkable
piece of foolishness. After years of
service, during which his color blind-
nees did not in the least impair his
efficiency, it has beenjaccidentally dis-
covered that it incapacitates him from
the performance of his duty.
ART, FARRAGUT, and other heroes of
our navy, served their country and
fought its enemies successfully, and it
isn’t known to this day whether they
were color blind or not, and it wouldnt
have made any difference if they jhad
been, 80 far as their ability to whip the
enemy was concerned. We have no
doubt that Lieutenant Meigs knows
the difference between the red, white
and blue ot the Stars and Stripes and
the color of an enemy's flag, andj that
is all the knowledge of color that
should be required ofa fighting Ameri-
can sailor.
——Following close upon the at-
tempt of a lunatic, on the 14th inst.,
to shoot President Carnot, of France,
comes another attempt to kill him by
means of an explosive concealed,in a
Bible sent to him by some miscreant
who by such a cowardly method of as-
sassination would deprive the republic
of its excellent chief magistrate, It is
easy to see why there should be at-
tempts to blow up the cruel despot who
oppresses the Russian people, but why
anyone should want to kill the enlight-
ened and liberal President of the
French Republic is a mystery.
' Spawls from the Keystone,
—Butter 18 cents a pound at Sharon.
—Carlisle’s school has 1000 Indians,
—Reading doctors are to form a Trust.
—Johnstown has a Greek Catholic Church.
—Women Huns do farm work near Unione
town. :
—Lebanon’s little police station is overrun
with rats.
—Constable Foyle, of Hanover, shot a crane
five feet high. : :
—Potatoes are down to 60 cents a bushel at
Hummelstown. :
—They heve bored. a mile down for natural
gas at Grapeville.
—Lewis Pritchard's baby~dpank lye at Tre.
mont and may die.
— Williamsport will - observe Emancipation
Day on August 6.
—In three years a Camargo cow has had tripe
lets twice and twins.
—Chambersburg’s new shoe factory will em.
ploy seventy-five hands. f
—Simon Weaver, of Columbia, has a turtle
that weighs 112 pounds.
—An Irishman wrestled with a bear at Als
toona and wes knocked out.
—Girl bicyclists have appeared at Shamokin?
and the people are shocked.
—Twenty-four infants died in Reading last
week of cholera infantum.
—York’s registration under the new law
shows an increase of 92 voters,
—The Norristown Insane Hospital is full
and no more patients will be accepted.
—A Lehigh Valley express ran down George
Kraft, a deaf old man, at Wilkesbarre.
—John Wentzel, of Reading, was arrested
for deserting from the United States army.
—Five Italians were arrested at Reading for
assaulting Lawyers Maltzberger and Kremp,
—Drunken drivers ran over Mrs. David
Walters, of Lebanon, causing serious injuries,
—Three burglars stole $1000 worth of goods
from J. 0. Brookbank & Co.'s store, at Drift-
wood. .
—Miss Annie Brenneman, of East Berlin,
was instantly, killed by lightning last Fri«
day night.
—During a spell of coughing Miss Bertie
Troupe, of Harrisburg, dislocated her jaw on
—A rake in the hands of Mrs. Armpriester,
of Reading, pulled a drowning Polish boy out
of the canal. :
—A railroad tie hurled in the air by a hoiste
ing rope killed Michael Dough erty, mine boss
at Carbondale.
—George Bragly, aged 6, and William Pea«
cock, aged 8 years, were drowned in the canal
at Catasauqua.
—Reading folks find wagon loads ot huckle
berries and numerous rattlesnakes on th
Blue Mountains.
—Charles D. Henn, of Shoemakersville, has
been arrested for stealing property from the
Reading Railroad.
—A freight train ran over William Scheck«
ler, a brakeman on the Lehigh Valley, at
Quakake Junction.
~The report of the state fish commissions
soon to be issued, will be profusely illustrated
with colored plates.
—Henry Johnson, Michael Bluett and. Wil.
liam Vanzant, arrested for counterfeiting in
Reading, were released.
—John Snyder, a hotel keeper, near York
tried to kill his wife Sunday night by hitting
her in the head with a stone.
—Susie Miller, a 16-yesr-old deaf mute of
Mahanoy, City, had both legs but off by a coal
car and died shortly afterward.
—Six employes of the Philadelphia and Erie
Railroad at Ridgway have been discharged for
stealing whisky from the cars.
—Many young boys are suffering from a male
ady similar to St. Vitus’s dance, in Newcastle,
Joseph Harland’s son may not recover.
—A runaway horse hurled Abram Koch, ene -
of Mahanoy City’s business men, out of hig
wagon, and he may die of the injuries.
—A 6-yearold son of Henry Gambler, of
Lebanon, was whirled around by a wagon
wheel and his nose and leg were broken.
—A revolver in the hands of William Falla
mer, of Reading,accidentally sent a bullet.into
the knee of al0-year-old 1ad named Toy,
— Clarence Rathrock was arrested at Allen.
town and taken to Centre Valley to answer a
serious charge made by Mary A. Kiserman.
—George Brophy, aged six years, and Wile
liam Peacock, aged eight years, were drowned
in the Lehigh canal at Catasauqua Monday
—With 260 delegates and an aggregate mema
bership 700 larger than heretofore, the State
Grand Lodge of Good Templars is in session af
Lock Haven.
—To prevent an electric light pole from bes
ing erecied in front of his liquex store, in Lebyg
anon, John Matthews put a. chair over the
hole in the ground and sat on it.
‘—During services in the United Presbyte-
rian church, in Greenville,. Sunday morning,
a storm arose and the steeple was struck by
lightning and badly shattered. A panic fole
lowed, but no person was hurt.
—The Ropublican Invincibles, of Norrise
town, the strong Republican club of Montgome
ery county, is making. an active fight against
John B. Robinson, of Delaware county, for
president of the league of Republican clubs,
/ —Samuel Boyer, church organist, of Berks
county, puts in a claim to the championship,
He says he has listened 10 over nine thousand
sermons and never fell asleep over one of them,
He deserves a medal as big as a door-mat.
—Between eighty and one hundred mem-
bers of the order of railroad conductors from
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Harris.
burg, Altoona and other points, visited Read*
ing as the guests of Reading division on Sun-
—A West Chester man who went to his stg.
ble yard early the other morning to investi.
Kate a queer noise, found that a horse had
broken loose and a dog holding on to the hal, -
ter to prevent the animal leaving the prem.
—Charles Wall, the farmer who murdered
his wife with an ax» at Falls, Wyoming county,
Sunday evening, was taken to the Luzerne
county jail. He acknowledged the crime, ex”
pressing repentance and blaming his ungova.
ernable and jealous temper for having made
him a murderer.
—Bishop Bowman preached to a vast multi
tude in Allentown Sunday, during which he
severely castigated his enemies, accusing
them of conspiracy, falsehood and robbery in
depriving him of his legal rights and possese
sion of the property of the church, to regain
all of which he proposes to exhaust all proper