Demorraiic atc Bellefonte, Pa., June 26, 1891. Pe nme BEYOND THE®GATES. Harriet Mabel Salding, in Christian Intedli- aecner. Semetimes in dreams I see it, This city fair and grand ; Its doors of Jasper brightness Stand forth on either hand, *Twas here the pilgrim tarried, And here good cheer awaits The weary one who enters At the opening of the gates. Each window is an opal With hues born of the noon, Through which rich perfumes wander, Caught from the air of June, And here are sandals waiting In which the weary feet, New shod in royal splendor, May roam the shining street. Oh, City of the Beautiful, Could weaking hearts forget The dens where the lilies Like crystal flakes were set? Where heaven's doves in sunshine Like rainbows went and came ? Where the sun woke swathed in azure, And died on fields of flame ? Here, too, ara fountains playing To cheer this heart of thine, And meadows lush with violets And winds as rich as wine; ; While each thing glad and beautiful The loving soul awaits When once the veil is rended, And we stand within the gates. Dear City of the Holy, For the walks of palm I long ; For the love that maketh lovely, For the faiili that maketh strong, For thy green and growing cedars, Thy lakes of silvery caim, For thy peace past comprehension That floods thine isles of balm. Take Thou my hand, my Saviour, The way is dark and wild. Far off, a star, the city shines, It beckons on thy child." E Joy ! joy! then, come, the beautiful ! A myriad host awaits And heaven refulgent floods my soul At the widening of the gates. S————————————— A DEAD SHOT. In the summer of 1874, when Mar- tin G. Scott wasa-much slimmer, more dandified looking man than he is now, there were seated at one of the little round marble tables before the Cafe Ricci, in the Boulevard des Italiens, in Paris, two young Frenchmen,the cheek of one of whom bore a red mark as if some one had brought his hand sharp- ly against it. In an inner room of the cafe the person who had done this was engaged in wiping away from his shirt front the stains of some red wine which in his fury the recipient of the slap had hurled across the table. The man with the red cheek was the young Adolphe Ferrier, the son of the celebrated artist of that name. The man with the soil- ed shirt front was Martin G. Scott, of Mobile, Ala. There had been an exchange of cards. and Scott and his friend George E- Wainwright, twelve hours later sud, denly found themselves with a large sized, healthy French quarrel on their hands to be settled, as most of those matters are in France, under the code. When it came to a choice of weap- ons -Scott had wisely chosen pistols, for, while he was a notoriously bad shot, he was totally ignorant of the use of the rapier. The affair was to come off at Au- vergue, a little village distant about nine miles from Paris, in forty-eight hours’ time. The parties were to go out on the early train. I doubt if Scott was so much cut about the affair as Wainwright, even though he fully expected to be killed. Wain- wright kept on blaming himself for + having let his {riend get into such a scrape. It wasto be no child's play. They were to fire at twelve paces, and to continue firing until one of the parties was disabled. The more Wainwright thought over the affair the more he realized what an awkward job he had upon his hands. He lay awake all night at his hotel, revolving some plan by which they could get out of the scrape. He had frequently seen Ferrier practicing at a fashionable pistol gallery in the Rue du Capucines. He knew that he spent the best part of every evening there in ringing the bell on the target, to ac- complish which feat, as every one knows, it is necessary to hit the bull's eye. Wainwright arose early with the plan fully thought out. “Come,” he said to Scott, ‘we haven't too much time before us, We must go down to Maupassant’'s gallery and get some practice, You stay here and have some breakfast. Idon’t care to eat so early. I'll run down there and see if we can’t get the gallery all to ourselves for a couple of hours.” “That will be pretty costly, won't it 2” hazarded Scott. “Not more than a decent coffin and all the other funeral fixings,” replied Wainwright with some little sarcasm. “If possible I want to throw those ex- penses on the other fellow.” Wainwright jumped into a cab and dashed off to the Gallery Maupassant, where tor upward of half an hour he remained closeted with its proprietor. “It’s agreed, then,” said Wainwright at the conclusion of the interview. “Now, then, M. Maupassant, there are 250 francs down. The remainder of the 500 you get if the duel doesn’t come off} “Agréed,” said the Frenchman, and he sat down and wrote at least twenty letters like the following. : “M. Maupassant requests the plea: sure of your company to-morrow after- noon at 3 o'clock to witness the pheno- menal shooting of an American gentle man, who has kindly consented to give an exhibition of his skill at that hour.” While M. Maupassant was thus engaged Wainwright put in half an hour making sundry purchases, return- ing with them to the gallery, where the next hour was profitably employed by him in company with an ingenions | mechanic. Meantime, as the idea grew upon the mind of M. Maupassant, he chuck- led and wrote, extending his invita- tions, until, if one-half of them were accepted, the question was would there be standing room in the gallery ? “We must certainly go down and see this American shoot,” said M. Fer- rier’s second. “You may find some of his tricks useful to you at Auvergne to- morrow ?”7 M. Ferrier, whose courage was not of the 5-o’clock-in-the-morning kind, shivered slightly, though the weather was decidedly warm. He | “I wish that fellow had chosen rapi- ers,’ he muttered. “These Americans are such devils with the pistol.” It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon. M. Maupassant’s gallery was crowd- ed. M. Ferrier had an excellent seat. He sat talking with his friend and sec- ond: He had been drinking somewhat to keep his courage up, and his voice could be heard all over the room. With a Frenchman's love of gossip, his sec- ond had talked freely of the meeting of the morrow. As the American had not yet come a dozen voices called on Ferrier to step down and get some practice and amuse the company at the same time. Ferrier, who was a really good shot, was not a little proud of it, and with such an audience he was not slow to avail himself of the opportunity thus afforded of displaying his skill. Throwing off his coat he stepped down on to the floor of the gallery, and picking up a pistol marked two bull's eyes in rapid succession. His third bullet went just above, however—an inch at least to the right. “Your pistol is a little heavy on the trigger, monsieur,” said a voice behind him. Turning quickly,he recognized Wain- wright, who was standing quietly by, a smile full of meaning in his blue eyes, as Ferrier, quite disconcerted now, fired again and missed for the second time. At this moment a side door in the gallery opened, and scrupulously at- tired and holding in either hand a long dueling pistol of American manufacture came Scott, who being introluced to the audience, bowed, while M. Mau- passant, said : “Monsieur Scott has kindly consent- ed to give us an exhibition with the pistol.” Mr. Scott bowed again, and so much was the attention of the audience rivet- ed upon him that no one noticed Wain- wright standing quietly against the wall, feeling cautiously with his hands behind him for a small, round, white object. Mr. Scott bowed once more profound- ly to his distingniched audience. Es- pecially did he extend his salutation to that portion of the room where, pale as death,now sat the thoroughly alarm- ed M. Ferrier, and who in the redoubt- able American marksman had recogniz- ed the man he had insulted at the Cafe Ricci. “1 will now give you an imitation,” said Scott, in an ofthand manner, “of a western cowboy practicing on the head of a ten-penny nail at fiity paces. I I will fire first at the large bull's eyes, 80 as to get my hand in.” He lifted the two long duelling pistols and fired from them alternately,pulling the triggers like lightning. Above the noise of the explosion could be heard the tinkling of the bells as each bullet struck fair and square in the center. When the smoke cleared away not a mark was visible on the white portion of the target. He had firea twelve shots and eyery bullet had struck the bull’s eye. Scott turned and bowed modestly to his audience in acknowledgment of a vociferous round of applause. As before, he looked over to the seat occupied by M. Ferrier. The }rench- man’s face looked more anxious than ever, and he exchanged hurried whisp- ers with his second. “I'll now show you, gentlemen,” con- tinued Scott, “a somewhat more diffi: cult feat.” He took a pistol and threw it toward the ceiling, and,catching it in his hand as it descended, pulled the (rigger. A loud ringing of the bell announced that the bullet had again struck the bul"s eye. “Mon Dieu !"” whispered Ferrier,who was now in a clammy sweat through fear. “He will drop me at the first shot.” Scott now teok a small Winchester rifle from the hands of M. Maupassant, and, placing it over his shoulder,turned his back to the target and faced a large mirror where the same was reflected. Starting from the firing point and walking slowly toward the mirror, he fixed his eye steadfastly upon the re- flection of the target and rapidly work- ed the crank of the Winchester. As befpre, every one of the sixteen bullets struck the bull's eye, and the bell was ringing almost continuously. A perfect hurricane of applause now shook the gallery. M. Maupassant smiled all over, and several! French gentlemen left their seats and crowded around the American, offering their congratulations at the marvelous skill which he had displayed. Among the latter was the second of M. Ferrier. ! “Of course we shall meet you, M. Scott,” he said, “but I trust you will spare us. Nobody has a chance who stands up before you.” He was evidently as much frightened as his principal. Now was Wainwright's opportunity. He stepped forward and said to the little geoup : “Gentlemen, can’t this matter be patched up in some way? You see the kind of a shot my friend is. He hates to take life,” “I'll see what I can do,” said M. Ferrier's second eagerly, and he dived over to his principal. “Well, if you won't apologize you're an idiot. This time to-morrow you will be in the hands of the undertaker. I tell you T'll have nothing to do with the murder.” This settled poor Ferrier. Choking down his humiliation, he stammered out: “Well, you may apologize for me if you like. It's a dreadful thing to do. but I suppose I must. I certainly can’t afford to die at my age, and with my prospects ; but I shall never hold up my head at the club again.” Ferrier’s second then tendered a handsome apology to Scott, who, with a magnanimity which provoked ap- plause. thereupon immediately apolo- gized also, which so zffected M. Fer- rier that, afier the fashion of his coun- trymen, he would have thrown himself on M. Scott's breast and wept. And thus was the duel between M. Scott and M, Ferrier neatly averted by the ingenuity of M. Wainwright. M. Maupassant was a distinct gainer by the hoax, for in addition to the splendid reputation 1t- gave his gallery, he immediately received the remaining 250 francs from M. Wainwright. The electric bell, wire and batteries which Wainwright had purchased that morn- ing, and with the aid of the ingenious mechanic put in such admirable work- ing order, were also given by Wain. wright to the worthy proprietor of the gallery, who instantly disposed of the whole outfit for cash, even to the little button which Wainwright had pressed so efficiently every time his friend Scott fired off his blank cartridges. And Scott! Well, he was the hero of Paris for at least a fortnight, and was pointed out on the boulevards as the greatest shot in the world. His popularity continu- ed until a ballet dancer in black skirts caught the public fancy and cut him out. And thus it is ever with “the bubble reputation.”’— Austyn Granville in Romance. An Animated Scarecrow. Farmer Alanson T. Groff, of Forest Lake township, a Scranton correspond- ent says, placed an effigy of himself in sundown three crows alighted on the scarecrow’s hat and sat there for sev- eral minutes. Dave Holcomb saw the operation, and the sight of the three black rascals on top of his employer's old hat tickled Dave immensely. The boldness of the crows displeased the farmer, and he took Dave to task for being tickled about it. Dave retorted by declaring that Mr. Groff might as well stick a feather in the ground and expect to keep the crows out of the cornfield with it as to set his own image up out there, and the discussion be- came so hot that Dave finally offered to bet the farmer a gallon of whisky that he could fix himself up and stand where the scarecrow was until at least two crows came and alighted on his hat. Farmer Groff snapped at the bet at once,and the next morning Dave donn- ed his bestsuit of clothes and took the | scarecrow’s place in the cornfield. The [image was taken to the barn, and Dave pulled an old slouch hat over his eyes, stuck his hands in his pockets, braced his back against a post, and waited for the crows to come around and make themselves familiar with him. It was a holiday for the farmer, and while Dave was posing he sat on his porch, watched Dave every minute, and scan- ned the sky for crows. Not a crow came near the cornfield during the fore- noon, and when Dave adjourned for dinner he said he hadn’t been so hun- gry in a dog's age. Dave took an hour's nooning and then started in again. Farmer Groff kept an eye on him, and a little after 4 o'clock he saw a flock of crows sail out of a piece of woods and alight on the cornfield fence. They looked at Dave a spell, and then the whole flock arose in a body and settled down around him. Pretty soon three of them flew up and perched on Dave's shoulders, and when they had sat there for a minutes or so Dave reached up and caught one of them by the legs, All the other crows flew away in a hurry when they saw their companion fluttering and squal- ling in the scarecrow’s hand, and Dave, who said he had never been so tired in his life, marched to the house with his noisy bird and took a swig of the bet he had won. IAEA AE The Philosophy of Bathing. The first and common object of the bath is cleanliness. The great impor- tance of abstersion, and the necessity of keeping the skin clean and its moral ac- tivity will be more fully appreciated when we consider the importance of the function which the skin has to perform. One-third of all the morbid matter in the system arising from tissue change is thrown off through the skin, the other two-thirds being excreted by the kidneys and lungs. The excretion through the skin is ac- complished by the action of about two and a half millions of little sweat glands. Each of the glands is surrounded by a plexus of blood vessels, and has a duct extending to the surface, the average length of which is about one fourth of an inch. The aggregate length of these ducts as computed is about ten miles. Think ofit! A system of human sewer- age ten miles in extent! The deleter- ious effect upon the organism caused by a stoppage of this great system of drain- age will be perceived ata glance. The effete matter of the body, which in a state of health is excreted by the skin, nature now endeavors to get rid of through the kidneys and lungs. For the purpose of cleanliness the hot bath will be found to be of great service. Friction of the body with soap will aid in dissolving and removing the accumu- lated matter which fills the mcuths of the little ducts, and leaves them open and free for the egress of the natural se- cretion. et RTE — INcoMPETENT.-—‘I have sent for you, doctor,’ said a lady, anxiously, ‘lo see if you can tell me what to do for my poor little canary. He mopes, and—" “1 am not a bird doctor, madam,” in- terposed the physician, with proper pro- fessional dignity. “Don’t know anything about the dis- eases of canaries ? “Most emphatically I do not.” “Well, you really must excuse me then, doctor,” she said, “if I call in a more experienced physician. I think a great deal of my bird, and must do the very best I can for him.” —The growth of population and area in London is marvelous. A recent re- turn shows that the metropolis com- tion of fiye and a half millions. his cornfield the other day, and before. Found By His Family. All'doubt as to the identity of the poor, half-demented old soldier, the pa- thetic story of whose wanderings from cor house to poor house since he was reported killed at the battle of Shiloh has been told in the newspapers, has now been cleared up. | it Though his faithful old wife and other relatives felt sure they recognized him as William Newby, his own mem- ory was very weak and indistinct at first. There were neighbors, too, who doubted still that the veritable William Newby had coine back. They had cause to doubt when they thought of the long dead seldier lying in the Shiloh trenches and accounted for on the army records as William Newby. They had deeper cause to doubt when they saw the strange wreck claimed to be William Newby leok into the faces of his wife and children and mutter sadly: “Ido not know you. I was never married.” But on Saturday, says a recent letter from Mills Shoal, I11,, to the New York World, the awakening came. Standing opposite his white haired wife, with her voice still sound in his ears and the fam- iliar scenes of his boyhood spreading be- fore his eyes, memory returned to Wil- liam Newby in a flash. “Pheb,” said the poor, old wreck, calling his dear wife by the dear name he had murmured in farewell thirty years betore, “I know you now. You are my wife and I have come home to you and the children.” And the faithful woman who had been waiting hopefully, but tearfully, for such a recognition,burst out sobbing and threw her arms around her hus- band’s neck. “I knew you the very moment I set eyes on you, William,” she cried. “I would have known you anywhere." On Sunday last there was a big din- ner at the Newby farm. The entire Newby family was there. During the progress of the meal the old man laid down his knife and fork, and looked long and earnestly at his wife. «I declare, Pheb,’’ he said, “I don’t believe you've changed a bit since the day I left you to go to the front. It must have been the fault of my old eyes that I didn’t know you at first.” During the days following the sudden return of memory Newly had evinced the most insatiate curiosity as to the life of his family in the many years of hisab- sence, seeking to trace a resemblance be- tween the children of 1861 and the mid- dle aged men and women 1891. He was especially interested in hearing how his wife had “managed” as a widow, and whether his loved ones had known “hard times’ while he was wandering half-witted and helpless. Mrs. Newby is still hardly able to talk of her husband’s homeless wanderings without tears. “I can stand all the story well enough,” she said, ‘except when T think of his having been in the White County Poorhouse right here, three miles from his own home, for eighteen months before we found him. That seems cruel almost.” “And its the poorest poorhouse I struck in all my experience,” said New- by, laughing, “even if it is in my own county.” It transpires that about two years ago Newby drifted through his native coun- ty. Within two miles of his own home his own nephew took the pitiful-looking tramp into his house and gave him a good dinner. Newby told his wife of this Sunday, adding: “And you know, Pheb, everything seemed so familiar to me then, but some how or other I couldn't straigten it out, and 1 went away just like a stranger.” Newby is now able to tell a lucid story of what happened to him after he fell at Shiloh. He was first shot in the leg and then in the head, the latter wound rendering him unconscious. ‘When he again knew what was going on he was a prisoner on the way to An- dersonville: en from the field the very night of the ficht. After his release from Anderson- ville came the long years of half-crazed wandering and poorhouse existence. Finally, just how long ago Newby can- not remember, there crept into his mind a feeling that he must “get back to Illi- nois.” It is now known that the dead soldier lying in the trenches at Shiloh, for thir- ty years, thought to be Newby, is the missing Hy Morris, of company C, For- tieth [llinois Volunteers. His mystery has been cleared with that of William Newby. Table Linen Hints, Do not use a table cloth a whole week or a napkin after its freshness is gone, Soiled tablelinen spoil the daintiest dish. es. If Idid not know that scores o- housekeepers, with plenty of money forf household expenses, are absolutely stingy in regard to the use of tablecloths, I would not dare to writa these lines. Think of a wife not denying her family any delicacy of the season and sending many superfluous articles each week to the laundry, yet compelling her family to sit aiound a soiled table cloth five or six days of the week, and providing only one or two napkins for seven days. It seems incredible, but I know it to be true. Even in ‘small families the cloth should be changed two or three times a week and the napkins once every day or two at least. The table linen should be ironed until perfectly dry, and folded lengthwise with the edges even. Table linen should be hemmed by hand. It looks more dainty, and there is no streak of dirt under the edge after laundering. mc ——— A Rooster’s Fast, Some two weeks ago Mrs. Martha ter and, she purchased another. One evening about two weeks latter Mrs. and seeing a box near the coop detur- mined to first put it in the dry, that it might be used when occasion required. On picking up the box she was sur- prised to find the lost rooster, for Sir had lived on corn by the bushel. fourteen days. rises 700 square miles and a ypopula- F q 1 | tilted add imprisoned him like Genevra in the chest. Bis. age fin mms _ Forsythe missed a favonte Cochin rovs- | his way through an cld celery trench, and stepping on the box it had over- that out? He found he had been take |, Forsythe went out to lock up the coop | yrinisteri | Chanticleer stepped out as gayly as if he | The | the room full ot flies to-day ? i chicken had not had a grain of corn for | He had been picking | all appear of the f emule persuasion. Four Girls of Sprit. They Severely Trouncea Fellow for Say- ing a Mean Thing. The little village of Bartlett, twelve miles. from Memphis, has not yet ceas- ed discussing a sensational scene that occurred there on Thursday evening, in which four of the leading village belles, with long switches in their hands, ad- ministered to a well-known young man a severe chastisement for certain re- ports said to hove emanated from him. The young mau iu the case is Robert Yates, who lives at Bartlett, and uatil a short time ago was employed by the Tennessee Paper Company in Memphis. His parents are of the highest respec- tability, and he has stood high both at Bartlett and Memphis. The young ladies who covered themselves with glory are Misses Hanson (daughter of Judge Hanson, formerly of Shelby county), Lillie Smith, Josie Smith, and Mattie King. They are pretty and bright. It had come to the ears of the ladies that young Yates had made a statement to the effect that he could successfully assail the virtue of any lady in Bart. lett, with the exception of two or three. This remark was reported to have been made in the presence of some boys, who conveyed it to the ladies. The four girls concerned determined to take the matter of punishment into their own hands without consultation with their male relatives, and they laid a plan to encompass the desired end. Yates came to Memphis on Thurs. day, and was due to return to Bartlett in the evening about 5 o'clock. The girls were in waiting for him when he alighted from the train, each armed with a stout switch. He had not pro- ceeded far from the depot when they surrounded him, One seized him, while the others belabored him with their switches. He toreaway from his captors, but was seized agaiu before he had gone but a few steps by a boy,who held him until the girls had given him a terrible thrashing. They grasped their switches by the slender end and laid the heavy end on his face, arms, and back until he cried for mercy. The girls were there for punitive, not cau- tionary purposes, and they did not desist until they had accomplished their object: The scene was witnessed by half the population of Bartlett. IIE Deepest Hole in the World. One of the most important scientific explorations into tho depths of the earth ever undertaken will be carried out near Wheeling, under the joint aus- pices of the United States Government and the city of Wheeling. Some months ago the Wheeling De- velopment Company began drilling a well near that city in search of oil or gas. It was determined to bore as far as possible. The hole has already reached the depth of 4,100 feet, within 500 feet of the deepest well in the world. In this distance a dozen of thick veins of coal have been passed, oil and gas both sturck, bat not in pay- ing quantities, and gold, quartz, iron, and many other minerals found. The hole is eight inches in diameter and the largest of any deep well in the world. The other day Profzssor White,State Geologist, arrived from Washington, where he had succeeded in getting the Government Geological Survey officers interested in the exploration, and the result is that the hole will be drilled to a depth of one mile. Then the Gov- ernment will take up the work under the direction of two expert officers of the Geological Survey and drill into the earth as tar as human skill can pene: trate. The idea is to take the temperature and magnetic conditions as faras possi- ble, and by means of an instrumcnt constructed for the purpose, a com- plete record of the progress and all dis- coveries made will be kept and will be placed in the Geological! Survey exhi- bit at the World's Fair.— Philadelphia Press. The First Martyr of the Revolution. All of the school histories and popular text-books give us to under- stand that on April 19, 1775, at Lex- ington, Mass., the first blood of the American war of independence was shed. Within the last few years his- torians, who have been giving the mat- ter much attention, claim Westminster, Vt., as the scene of the first tragedy in that memorable conflict and one Wil- liam French as the victim. Vermont at that time was a part of New York. The people of the Vermont district were badly worked up over the royalist question, and had decided not to allow the regular session of the King’s court to be held in Westminster that spring. Accordingly, when the court officers were sent they were accompanied by a body of royal troops; The people were exasperated, and assembled in the Court House to resist. When the court officials and troops arrived orders were given for the people to vacate the room. This they refused to do, when the troops of George [{I. crossed the | grounds and fired into the little band | of patriots, “wounding some,” the ac- counts say, “and instantly killing Wil- liam French, who was shot clean through the head with a musket bail.” French was buried in the chureh- yard at Westminster, and a stone with the following inscription was erected to his memory : “In memory of William French, Who Was Shot at Westminster, March | ve 12th, 1775, by the hand of the Cruel al tools of George ye 3d at the Court House at 11 o'clock at Night, in | the 23 year of his Age.—St. Louis Re- | public. Must BE Lappy Fries.—She--Isn’t He— Very full, and what's odd, they She (astonished )—How do you make He¢—Don’t you notice how the most of them ate sitting on the looking glass? ET a | Curious Facts About Seas. | If the Mediterranean Were Lowered 660 Feet Italy Would Join Africa. St. Louis Republican. The oceans and seas are ihe great ras- ervoirs into which run all the rivers of the world. Ttis the cistern wiich fi- nally catches ali the rain that falls, not only upon its own surface, but upon the land as well. All of this water is remov- ed again by evaporation as fast asitis supplied, it being estimated that every yeara layer of the entire water surface of the globe, over fourteen feet thick, is taken up into the clouds to fall again as rain. The vapor is fresh, of course, and if all the water of the oceans could be re- moved in the same way and none of it returned it is calculated that there would be a layer of pure salt 230 feet thick left in the bottoms of these great reservoirs. This is upon the supposition that each three feet of water contains one inch of salt, and that the average depth of all oceans is three miles. At the depth of 3,500 teet the temper- ature is uniform, varying but a trifle be- tween the poles and equator. In many of the deep bays on the coast of Norway and other Arctic countries the water of- ten begins to freeze at the bottom before it does ai the surface. At the same depth, 3,500 feet, waves are not felt. Waves do not travel--that is the water does not move forward, although it seems to do so ; it remains stationary! It is the rising and falling that moves on. The pressure of the water increases rapidly with the depth. At a distance of one mile the pressure is reckoned at about one ton to the square inch, or more than 143 times the pressure of the atmosphere. To get correct soundings in deep water is difficult. The best invention for that purpose is a shot weighing about thirty pounds, which carries down a line. Through the shot or “sinker” a hole is drilled, and through the hole is passed a rod of iron, which moves easily back and forth. At the end of the bara cup is dug out, the inside being coated with lard. The bar is made fast to the line, a sling holding the shot in position. When the bar, which extends below the shot, touches the bottom the sling unhooks and the shot slides downward and drives the lard coated cup into the bottom. In that way the character of the ocean’s floor is determined. If the surface of the Atlantic waslow- ered 6,565 feet it would be reduced to exactly half its present width. If the Mediterranean wete lowered 660 feet Italy would be joined to Africa and three separate seas would remain. Consultation at Sea. A certain physician in a large New England town had acquired an un- enviable reputation for making his bills as large as possible without much re- gard to the state of his patient's purses. There persons who furthermore said that it really seemed as if there were ‘‘visits” on his bills which never had existence anywhere else. But he was a skilful physician, and his tendency to overrate his services on- ly served to amuse some of his patients who had plenty of money, and were not especially sharp in looking after it. “Why,” said one man to another, speaking of the doctor, ‘he brought my daughter Jennie up trom an attack of pneumonia, when two other physicians hadsaid there was no hope for her; but when she was quite well again he charg- ed me with three calls he made, to in- quire in a friendly way how she was getting on !” £That seems a little forced,” admitted the other man, “but it’s nothing com- pared with the experience I had with him, at the seashore a year ago. We happened to be in bathing at the same time one day, and I swam up to him, and inquired for his wife. ¢« «She’s very well,’ said the doctor. +t ‘And your daughters ?’ I asked. “(They're perfectly well, both of them,” replied he, rather shortly, I thought. So I said, ‘I'm delighted to hear it; remember me to them,’ and swam away. “And what do you think I received from him a week or two later? An itemized bill—one item «To consultation at sea, five dol- lars!’ 2 Although no one has ever seen that bill, the story clings to the doctor’s name to this day, after a lapse of many years. ETC ECE He Wants to Be Saved from His Friends. “Why de T keep my proposed trip to Europe so secret ?” repeated a man whose circle of friends is larger than coramon to a person who had asked him the question. “Well, to tell the truth, because IT want to escape being made a purchasing agent for a dozen or two of people whom I know. Whenever they learn that I am about to go abroad they overwhelra me with commissions of all kinds. One man wanis a photograph of a certain tower of the castle at Heid- ellerg; another wants a peculiar kind of a match-safe, which may be bought at certain shop in Paris; still & third is | anxious to have a few London neckties, | and others want umbrellas, sticks, opera | gla ses, cigar holders, jewels or some- i thing else. “It's a nuisance in the first place to i buy these things, especially as you are { likely to be in a harry at times. Then when you arrive back in New York you are likely to have trouble with the cus- toms officials, because your {friends al- ways expect you to get their articles in | duty free. Besides, no one ever pays | you in advance, and you have to go | around dunning the people. To cap | the climax, you often buy things that do not suit the persons who have asked the | favor of you, and their disappointed | looks or words make you feel unpleasant | to say the least. Consequently, having | been through these experiences several [ times, I now keep my intended depar- | ture as secret as possible.” { Tue Usvan TuiNg.--DeBull—De | Lamb has just made $10,000 by a sud- | den turn of the market, and is down town whooping things up lively. { DeBear—Intoxicated with joy, I sup- pose ? DeBull— No, thesame old stuff. RE ——_———..