Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 19, 1891, Image 6

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Be =
? Ammonia and its Uses.
A little ammonia in tepid water will
soften snd cleanse the skin.
Spirits of ammonia will often relieve
Skinning Eals Without a Knife,
“Lute” knows as much about skin-
ning eels as any man between Hunter's
Point and Sag Harbor. But he is not
Saddlery. :
lp oS ANA
Philadelphia Card.
i 5 ns li Ran TT - . AX Y [> J % }
+ Bellefonte, Pa., June 19, 1391. 2 Soyer hondache proud and admits that there was a time HARNESS HOUSE. Dealers in
— : ra a now a > ’ when he did not know so muen ahout . . HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS %C.
He " Geniral Arion Presidents Get . . Door RE by = this slippery produet of the Sgu-d. SERVATIVE INVESTORS. 429 Market Street:
Wi Sion bing with a cloth wet .n ammonia an “It cost me the cigars for a big crowd 15 1 PHILADELPHIA, PA.
No one who has not lived in Central
America has any idea of the fortunes
which the presidents of those petty re-
publics amass in a few years,” saysa’
Guatemalan merchant. “You see, these
follows are as complete dictators as Nap-
If the colorhas been taken out of
silks by fruit stains ammonia will usual-
ly restore the color.
To brighten carpets wipe them with
warm water in which has been poured a
few drops of ammonia.
once,” said he “to learn how to skin an
ee] without usin’ a knife, I didn’t be-
lieve it could be done and there don’t
noboky until they seesit forthemselves.”
I confessed that the skinning of an eel
without a knife would be an exploit
sufficient to excite my admiration.
We extend a most cordial invitation tc our
patrons and the public, in general, to witness
one of the
Light and Heavy Harness
We desire to call the attention of all persons
that wish te invest promptly and upon safe
real estate security, to the securities offered by
Equitable Mortgage Company
Railway Guide.
Dee. 14th, 1890.
Leave Belleionte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone,
6.55 a. m., at Altorna, 7.45 a. m., at Pittse
burg, 12.45 p. m.
Leave Reliefonte, 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
ever put on the Bellefonte market, which will
be made in the large room, formerly occupied
by Harper Bros., on Spring street. It has been
added to ray factory and will be used exclu-
“Well, now, just watch.” Lute drop.
ped the eel he held on the ground, put
his large and robust boot upon its tail and
oleon was in his best days. They han-
dle the public purse, and can lay out
what they want, and cover into their
One or two tabiespoonfuls of ammonia
added to a pail of water will clean win-
dows better than soap.
Condensed statement, June 30, 1890,
Capital subscribed. $2,000,000. 00
Capital paid in.......... cinenenee 1,000,000 00
nh - < , rolled it rapidly back and forth. The | sively for tha sale of harness, being the first | V ye S30 55 } © Aiie.
own exchequer “a very large amount, A few drops in a cupful of warm wa- Len pigly : : Ee iive salesroom ever used in this town, as | Surplus, Undivided Profits and 11.55 a. Io. uf Altoona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitts
which is put down on the books for pub- oil i tuil did not smash, as one would think, heretofore the custom has been to sell goods Guarantee Fund - 439,383 02 or fas :
I i Punts and secret service or, applied carelilly, will remove spol but after being rolled a dozen times or Ee ro in which they were made. This | Assetts.... « 11,168,985 04 | Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
ic 1mproven a v from paintings and chromos. i Poa ag h SER PD ta 3.40, at Altooua at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.55,
work. There is no question that Barrios, 5 .., | so the skin split in two seams along the | elegant room has mol feasted 2nd fanned VIA TYRONE —EASTWARD,
who hadn’t a dollar when he secured | Grease spots may be taken out with | sides, He took an end in each hand and Juma Ee sieays Eeliefonte, 5:35 a, m., arrive at Tyrone,
Ania 3 ne Q 3 . El) BUY Bu - Hiye 3 a RE : arrisbure. 10. SF 2
the control of Guatemala, was worth | Weak ammonia in water; lay soft white | pulled them apart. The skin peeled off | heatand dust, the enemies of ong wearin |g “ois Ll cpp il ig Lip 355 2 Hurnaug 10408, i, a6 Philadel
when he was killed ut least ten millions. | paper over and iron with a hot iron. easily in two sections. leather. Our factory now occupies a room | PLZ per (ent. ca oy phia, 125 p. m,
Leave Belletonte 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at
ind Piingaiohin, 6.50 p. m.
S—— Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m,, arrive at Tyrone,
t 6..40 at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Phila-
Denominations, $200, $300, $560, $1000, $5000, delphia, 4.25 a. m..
and $10,000. Price—par and accrued interest. * VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD.
. Leave Bellefonte, A%00. m,, arrive at Lock Ha
FING o : ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m.
a NGS CvRTIFICATHS «| Leave Tr: 9.32 a. m,, arrive at Lock
Certificates issued for three months bearing
16x74 feet and the store 20x60 added makes it
the largest establishment of its kind cutside
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Weare prepared to offer better bargains in
the future than we have done in the past and
we want everyone to see our goods and get
prices for when you do this, out of self defense
you will buy. Our profits are not large, but
y selling lots of goods we can afford to live in
Bellefonte. We are not indulging in idle
Wher acid of any kind gets on cloth- First Mortgage.
ing spirits of ammonia will kill it. Ap- | skin eel,” said Lute, “but it's just as
ply chloroform to restore color. good a job.—New York Herald.
Keep -nickel, silver ornaments and SN
mounts bright by rubbing with woolen ——To boil asparagus, shave off the
cloth saturated with spirits of ammonia. | hard outside, and cut away the woody
Old brass may be cleaned to look like | lower part, rinse in cold water, tie them
About half of this was invested in New “That’s wrong end first, as most folks
York property and in American gov-
ernment bonds, so the widow was all
right. His Guatemala property, how-
ever, was siezed by Buarillas, bis succes-
sor, under one pretext or another.
Barrios was an open handed dictator,
Haven, 11.00 a. m.
who never minced words or concealed
the fact that he would promptly remove
new by pouring strong ammonia on it
in dozens and put them into plenty of
philanthropy. It is purely business. We are
not making much, but trad= is growing and
414 per cent. interest ; for six months and
upwards 5 per cent. interest.
Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock
boiling water, slightly salted. They
ought to be done in twenty minutes.
I'hey get hard if let boil too long, and
Haven at 10.10 p. m.
and scrubbing with a scrub brush; rinse
in clear water.
that is what we are interested in now. Profits
will take care of themseives. :
When other houses discharged their work-
any one who aspired to oppose him.
Municipal, Railroad, and other Investment Bouds
Barillas was equally cruel, but he al-
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Has |
1 A spoonful of ammonia in a gal- es th in a ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.25 p. m., at |
ray masks his work under due forms of tablespo hme g td _ | men during the winter they were all pi ; . Al ay
bide Yo toes tipo the country of lon of warm water will often restore col- | moreover, would lose tneir flavor, to work in my factory, nevertheless the big (?) | Full Information can be obtained from Winns a mn cutrive ab Loot Has
, 8 , 9.32 8. mM. 3
gether with their delicate mineral mat-
ters, which render them so
houses of this city and county would smile if
i ar 3: i 3 J ite-
ors in carpets ; it will also remove white we compared ourselves to them, but we do not
wash from them.
large sums, and it is said he has several Attorneys at Law,
ven, 11.00, I~ave Williamsport, 12.20 B m.,
BY 4 te : vaiuable, Mia at
millions to his credit in the Bank of
at Harrisburg, 3.13 p. m., at Philadelp
: an to be so odious, except to venture the as- a : 3 NE :
2 : . : Remove the string after they are plae- | Mea to bX a 36 12 3m BELLEFONTE, PA. 6.50 p. m.
Eogiand, soshasshoniiho he taddenly | Yellow stains loft by sewing machine | (Pn Paihia oT RY S10 Peat [roi that none of them anit S905 U5 G0 | erin mmm on eet a | LAS Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha.
unseated by a popular revolution, he | oil, on white, may be removed by rub- | py co With then: soma malted batt CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story. ven, 10.10 iin leave Williamsport, 12.25
. : itl loth: wel with an SOL er, or Tourists m., leave Harrisburg, 3.45 a. m., arrive at
would havea competence for the re-| bing the spot with a cloth wet with am- a Bechamel sauce made slightly acid . Philadelphia at 6.50 ‘a. m.
The following are kept constantly on hand.
50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, prices from
$8.00 to $15.00 and upwards, LARGE
set $25.00 and upwards, 500 HORSE
COLLARS from $1,50 to $5,00
each, over $100.00 worth of
$400 worth of Fly Nets sold cheap
monia before washing with soap.
Equal parts of ammonia and turpen-
tine will take paint out of clothing, ev-
en if it be hard and dry. Saturate the
spot as often as necessary and wash out 4
in soap suds, :
Put a teaspoonful of ammonia in a
mainder of his days. Barillas has also
just played a shrewd game of mortgag-
ing his valuable coffee plantation to a
rich German syndicate for over two
miilions. With this wortgage on the
property, should he be driven into exiie
his estates cannot be confiscated, as the
German minister would at once demand
Leave Bellefonte at 6.10 a. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg at 9.20 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m.,
Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 2.45 p. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg, 5.45, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila. §
delphia at 4.25 a. m. |
and thickened with the yolk of one or
more eggs.
i ————————
r—— ra D.& 0.0
— Blonde hair is improved by being
crimped a little in the back : in fact any
except black hair looks better when it is
a little roughened. Nowadays the
: : . quart of water, wash your brushes and 1 i i §150 worth of whips :STWARD, CT iastwamy,
protection for the interests of the mort- | J bs in onic aud all are 4 dirt | vearing of false hair barely is tolerated, from 136 0 $3.00 euch, SUMMER TOURS, Pg of amy
; combs in this, and all grease and dir d h but little of th 100 $3.00 es | et D BE | 5
gagees. Barillas has also sold the coffee [ 0 'n rma d drv.| 20d women with but little of theirown Horse Brushes, Cury Combs EiEgl ¥ | Deels | F Rel 3
arop on his estates for three years, real | 1! G1Sappear. nse, shake and dry | hair arrange what they have to the best Sponges, Chamois, ~ RIDING EEE] E 1800. F EEE
iZing the snug sum of $1,600 000 for it. | I® the sun or by the fire. advantage. Of course a blonde can SADDLES, LADY SIDESADDLES PALACE STEAMERS. Low RATES. [87] 2 27): 8 bd
g g OULU, . 5 : oid : 3 Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low — Ee
3 ; 3 If those who perspire freely would use | give the effect of having a great deal Tied B hardiears alwnesonliand { | | i =
Taking these two things together, it . persj y g ving a g 1 prices, Saddlery-hardware always on ha rnlaw ia nlAm Ivan pelo
looks verv much as thouch he fears de- | & little ammonia in the water they | because she can make it fluffy on pins. | for sale, Harness Leather as low as 25e per Four trips per Week Between 6 40 11 55 6 45 ...Tyrone.... 8101310| 7 16
font in te struggle with Salvador next | bathe in every day it would keep their | If she is wise sho will not use u cnimp- | pout Welkoap exciytiinglo be fond fa ap geting
£ 4 Ya 7 n Toe . s * Ls . ie I or A LSS © pre C - 3 9 3) dive all... IB
summer, and that he is raising all the flesh clean and sweet, doing away with ing iron : instead she will put it Up On | ing, over 20 years in the same room. No two DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND [625 11358 640 Bald Eagle| 8253 21 7 33
money be can to be prepared tor flight. any disagreeable odor. pins, pinching it with a hot iron, being Zi I se fnedom io eae trade—NO 6 19] 11 32) 6 8... Dix 3: 83013 30 739
3 : te 1 Sits 0 is SELLING OU'T for the want of trade or prices. : 615 11 20; 6 30|... Fowler... 8 32/3 3:
Tha legend of Damocles’ sword is liter- . Flannel and blankets may be soaked careful, however, to have ane apa J a steady work an: Petoskey, The Soo, Marquette, and Lake 613] 11 26| 6 28. Foua 3 rAd = I 2
ally true of Central American presi- [in a pail of water containing one table- | between the iron and the hair itself. ter, This is our idea of protection to labor, ! 2 6 06 11 17| 6 21 Pt. Matilda. 8 43(3 44] 7 55
dents spoonful of amonia and a little suds. te —— hen ober hones discharged their hands, Hatori Porte 559! 11 0 6 13. Martha... 8 51.3 52| 8 05
dents. L pany ; : soon fo k with us. - 5 50| 10 59 6 05|....Julian....| 8 59/1 01] 8 15
‘ Rub as little as possible and they will be —— Mrs. Greyneck—“Now, just see they soon found Ia < with us mr | 605)... Julia
! I : : Mrs. G Now, 8 AS. SCHOFIELD 5 41{ 10 48| 5 55/.Unionviiie.| 9 10{4 10] 8 25
a white and clean and will not shrink. what you have done. I told you to | 3337 Spring street, Bellefonte, Pa. Every Evening Between 1633 1038 5 13 88. mag 134 18) 835
Travel Nioited hy outerritan: One teaspoonful of ammonia to a tea- | watch those rubbers and when they were me ————— DETROITAND CLEVELAND. |520 103 3 pl ioletmis| oso 32
A veteran who had been throuch half | capfal of water will clean gold or silver | dry to take them away from the fire,and § I 519 1012 5 25/-Milesburg,| 8 4714 20] 5 03
a 'dozen rata and was rts jewelry ; a few drops of clear aqua | here they are, burned to a perfect crisp.” Farmer's Supplies, Sunday Trips during June, July, August and : 2 1 ol 5 18). Curtin... ¥ S18 4 9 1
3 Fa £07 | ammonia rubbed on the underside of | Mr. Greyneck—“I want to know!” ini 2 5 ? > ol DEN MeN Jase, of% ool
i | y : i : e r Ere 9 948 5 07|...Howard...| 10 16/5 02 .
VE Tony of diamonds.will clean them immediately, | Mrs. Greyneck—¢“You want to know ? September Only. 4400 931 4 Bo Eagleville, 10 805 io ] 2
vs . ? making them very brilliant. Can’t you smell anything ? I smelt them \ §' SUPPLIES AT — 438 934 456Beh. Creek. 10 355 13] 9 45
most any SPR Lim end ras a block down the “street.” Mr. Gre- | KE A yp 15 0h bn Hal. aaa 0
NT a ha ae Bad for the Eyes. neck—t0, ves; I smelt them, but I ROCK BOTTOM PRICES,| OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, 150) §1oi § foiLei tiuven) 11 ools | do
Sudden! he heleht of the I A 1h ; thought Dudeleigh up-stairs was smok- PMA MA M| fiw amir x
Suddenly, at the height of the festivi 1€8 “R ; Salas 11 eis ing a cicarette.”’ Rates and Excursion Tickets will be furnished : §
the veteran came across a caterpillar in Speaking of thieves,” said an old ex- | Ing a Cig Q : ’ TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. £
hissalad. A furtive glance at the host- | detective the other day, “reminds me of - ” po SOUTH <O 0), CHILLED by your Ticket Agent, or address i 8 ELEARKIBLD,
ess diselosed the fact that she, too, had | cayenne pepper. The two will always Farms for Sale. BEND (§Y ot 4 PLOWS ; . %5 Fifi. | « A |B i
: i 1 _ | be associated in my mind together. x >> E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A. Detroit, Mich. | = | 5 Dee. 14, 5 | Bu i
discovered the embarrassing circum y 2 S SHARES Lp ) sl 2%) 3 3 Yih
stance. It was a critical moment, but | ‘Geta dose ?”” was asked. . > AticodTions Zt op, 218° | F Am. Z B= ] |
the old soldier was equal to the occasion, #1did ; and if there is anything else ARM FOR SALE-—A very ele G roan ith Sr THE DETROIT & CLEVELAND rq l
Without changing a muscle he eathered | like it on earth, I don’t kncw the name gant farm for sale, situated at Pin. 30 cts.—ali other repairs re. P.O. P.M. | AM. AM. [AM |p. Mm ]
up the tT 5 SE of al. |of it” Grove Mills, Centre county, Pa., containing duced accordingly. STEAM NAV. CO. 7 3°15 8 20/.. 6 50] 11 45/6 17 |
% z I ; 36 14 7m * 732) 3220 827 6 43| 11 38/6 10
ad and swallowed both. The look of | Relate.” ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR ACRES, CTT LED Pho te a 73s 321 831 6 37| 11 34/6 04
gratitude which he received from his “It was in Toronto, ang a good many hod ¢ enitivall + . Rolan bevel landside plow on earth; z 15 2 oo 5 2 Yinsoren. b 2 1 2 i
hostess a few minutes later warmed his | Years ago. I had gone there after a a als a, . L5s wen im prices reduced. INuminating Oil. $02 3050 855|MtPleasant| ¢ 10 33 al a2
: t 2 ked | thief named Billy Miles, who robbed |P > 8 8 y 3 905.8 i
heart. In duetime the story leake ; 3 ) BRICK HOUSE, LARGE BANK BARN 8 10| 358 9 05..Summit...| 6 09] 11 05/5 40
he old | the till of a store on Jefferson avenue. Gil . : '0 PLANTER 8 14 4 03 9 10/Sand.Ridge| 6 05| 11 00/5 34
out, and when somebody asked t e 0 I went there to locate and have him | and other out buildings; also a good orchard, POTATO PLAX : 8 16| 4 05 9 12|... Retort..... 6 03] 10 55/5 31
campaigner how he liked caterpillar 4 IT nd h ¢ and a fine large spring of water at the buildings. | The Aspenwall is the most complete potato 819) 4 06 9 15.Powelton..| 6 01| 10 525 30
salad the reply came like red-hot shot : arrested, an ound him at the dooro It is one of the most desirable farms in the | planter ever made. Farmers who have them ROWN ACME 825 414) 9 24...0sceola...| 5 52( 10 45/5 20
“Po you take me for a man who would a saloon. He was as pleasant as county. Good schools aud churches within a bios their own crops and realize from $25.00 to { . 835 42) 932 . Boynton... 5 46) 10 39/5 14
pt . e 3 h ffered t ith mile of the property. 30.00 per year from their neighbors, who will 8 40| 4 24] 9 37...Stéiners...| 5 43] 10 35/5 09
lad fi little th peaches, ofiered to come over without property. ¥ iT
spoil a dinner party for a little thing ? a ingly pay $1.00 per acre for the use of an, As- 8 42| 4 30 9 40(Philipshu’g| 5 41] 10 32/5 07
] Hi "3 papers and asked me 1n to take a drink. The improvements could notbe put upon the 2 eg
like a caterpiller ? ) : os : penwall Planter. 8 46/ 4 34] 9 44|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 26/4 59
He was so pleasant that I had no suspi- Sy muons a4Phich it ean be purchased. oii 8 52) 4 40 952 yEine Ball.| 5 33 10 224 55
S————————— 3 i . - vo y - BEST 8 58 449 9 59 Wallaceton.|, 5 28/ 10 15/4 49
What a Thistle Did gant ihe domin she fr 0 We 5 JOHN 6. LF, HARROWS—110 Farmer's Friend * Horse 9 05 4 57| 10 07/....Bigler....| 5 22| 10 07/4 41
hat a stle Did. entered, walked to the bar, and I was 35-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa. | G00 Luck Spring Tooth Harrow, seventeen BURNING OIL 912 502] 10 14/.Woodland..| 5 17| 10 00/4 36
TR i just drinking a glass of ale, when— teeth, one side of which can be used as a 919 508) 10 22/...Barrett....| 512 9 52/4 39
J g g : © e
_A Scotchman living in Australia and |“ hiff 1 whew dalitax I” single enltivator. [HAT CAN BE MADE 9 23) 512| 10 27). Leonard...| 5 09] 9 48/4 25
visiting his native land carried back a “Peppered you, eh 2’ For Sale. I PLANS Cas Vie SPRING 930) 5 18 10 34\. Clearfield. 304 904 1
S } ered you, ? : : , 2 2 BL by mn 2 Riverview.
Gnu, the gallo of Find, as 2s “A handful of cayenne right in my T TOOTH HARROW. FROM PETROLEDM. 9 42) 5 26 10 49 Sus. Bridge| 4 54) 9 26/4 00
reader i Sa ess ee : gran tace and eyes, and I don’t believe the TALUABLE TOWN PROPER- 9 50) 5 35| 10 55 Curwensv’e| 4 50, 9 20/4 06
banquet was held at Melbourne by 200 man who is burned at the stake can TY FOR SALE. Allen's Celebrated Cultivators, Garden P.M. P.M. | AO | A.M. | A.M Pm
Scoutchmen, and the thistle, in a huge
vase, occupied the place of honor in the
centre of the table. It was toasted and
suffer more than I did. I fainted away
from the pain, and 1t was eight days be-
The undersigned offers for sale on
easy terms the valuable and pleasantly located
property now occupied by Dr. Hayes, on west
Tools and Seed Drills, which were practi-
cally exhibited at the Granger's Pienie.
Time Table in effect on and after
: fore I could see daylight. My eyes | High Street, Bellefonte.” Suid property con- 2 : : Dec. i4, 1899.
cheered | and the next day ft was plant- | 1,005 SoU ue mF IERDL OY OYE femora pany CORN PLANTERS AND CORN SHELLERS, Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......6 45 a. m,
ed in the public garden with a great| ¢pov over be.” : LARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, _— 3 Li ny Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday..i0 30 a m, :
deal of rejoicing, The thistle grew and ‘And you never got even ?”’ with all modern improvements, an excellent HAY RAKES AND HAY TEDDERS Tt will Not Char the Wick. TROLLS OL nly wai] tid Lat 5 25 p.m.
thrived, and in Jue time its down was “Well, yes. It wasn’t six weeks af- ps Sale and oilier euthnidings, 2d one a nop] Ji Besa High Fire Test, oe i
y inds: is TD . of the best located lots in the town. Posses- | at cut prices. Farmers who harves een or 3 LLEFONTE, NITTANY & LEMONT R.R
Soatierad NF lhe Windsy sulier iiss), ger when Billy was lost with a cra t | sion given April 1st,1891. For further particu: | more Lite hay cannot afford to do without 14 dosh Nov Etplods {
sprang from the seed, and their down
was scattered and in a few years the
thistle had made itself thoroughly at
home in all parts of Australia. It has
rooted out the native grasses on thous-
and, I could almost say millions of acres
of pasture land, destroyed sheep runs by
the hundred and caused general execra-
tion of the Scotchman who took so much
pains to import the original. In a simi-
lar manner the watercress, the English
sparrow, the common sweetbrier and
other exotics, have proved very trou-
blesome and caused immense losses.
—-A writer in the New York 7ri-
dune thus transforms potatoes into “po-
tatoes a la maitre d’hotel.”—Cut boiled
potatoes into slices, fry them in hot lard,
put them into a stewpan with some
fresh butter, chopped parsley, salt, pep-
per and u few squeezes of lemon juice.
Let the whole get hot, and leave it on
the fire until well commingled; then
add a very little hot cream and serve.
This latter is Alexander Dumas’ recipe,
which warrants its excellence. You
can also do the way I learned in Swit-
zerland for “potatoes with cheese”.’’—
Slice some coll potatoes rather thin.
Put them in layers into a buttered
dish, alternately with layers of thinly
sliced cheese, finishing off with the lat-
ter. Put small pieces of butter on top.
Bake in a slow oven until a light brown.
The cheese underneath ought to be no
more than just dissolved.
EE —
Chocolate cookies are made in
this way: Beat the whites of two eggs
to a stiff’ froth, and stir gently into them
the fullowing ingredients, which have
been mixed by sifting: two ounces grat-
ed chocolate, four ounces powdered su-
gar, one ounce of flour. Drop the mix-
ture by the teaspoonful on buttered pans
or paper, and bake slowly for about
twenty minutes in a rather cool oven.
Sift with with powdered sugar while
—-—French scientists are puzzling over a
spider which was discovered in a cavity
in a stone. Itis estimated that the stone
must beat least 4000 years old; not-
withstanding, however, the spider is
quite lively and very youthful in its
antics. Itis blind and has no mouth.
on Saginaw Bay, and his body came
ashore floated with a life-preserver. They
said he must have laid at least twenty-
four hours in the water, but his death
was painless compared with thedose he
gave me ”’
How to Be a Happy Old Maid.
To have so much to do that there is
no time for morbid thought.
To never think for a moment that
you are not attractive, and to make
yourself look as attractive as possible.
To be so considerate of the happiness
of others that it will be reflected back
to vou as from a looking-glass.
To never permit yourself to grow
old, for by cultivating all the graces of
heart, brain and body, age will not
come upon you.
To beliave that a life-work has been
mappad out for you, thatit is near you,
and to do that which your hands find
for you.
To remember that the happy old
maid is the one member of a family
who, not kaving any other claims on
her, can be God’s own sunshine to
those in sorrow or in joy.
Try this recipe for domestic mac-
aroni: Beat two eggs and a pinch of salt
in as much flour as will make a stiff’ pas-
try. Roll very thin, sprinkle well with
flour, then roll up 8s you would jelly
cake, and begin at one end cutting into
small strips about the size of a straw.
Pat the strips lightly into a pan of boil-
ing water and let them boil a few min-
utes until they swell. Take them out,
and to each layer of the macaroni add
cheese, pepper, butter snd a little salt,
and some of the water in which it was
boiled, until the pan is filled. Bake
brown on top.
——Mrs. Greyneck—Now, just see
what you have done. I told you to
watch those rubbers and when they
were dry to take them away from the
fire, and here they are. burned to a
perfect crisp.” Mr. Greyneck—‘I
want toknow !I”’ Mrs. Greyneck—“You
want to know ? Can’t you smell any-
thing ? | smelt them a block down
the street.” Mr. Greyneck--0, yes;
I smelt them, but I thought Dudleigh
up-stairs was smoking a cigarette.”
lars address
129 North Duke St.
Lancaster, Pa.
Williams’ Wall Papers.
By'S H.
We have the Largest Stock and Fine t Line of
Wall Paper ever brought to this town.
(il [TRAE
A To :
Churns—1t Union Churns.
churns is constantly increasing.
supplies : in large quantiti
one of our Hay Tedders, which are built with
afork outside of each wheel, the same tedder
can be operated by one or two horses.
CHAMPION Wagons, are superior in
neat build, fine finish and durabilily:
“The Boss,” Bent Wood, Oval
Our sale of
Our steel and wood wheelbarrows are adapt
ed to all kinds of work of which we have a
11° large assortment at very low prices. ,
A large stock of
Flower Pots and Urns,
Agricultural Salt, our Champion Twenty-five
Dollar Phosphate; Lister's best make ; Buffalo
Honest Plpspbnie for use on barley, corn, po-
tatoes, and wh
at eat, as well as Mapes Potato Fer-
ilizer, all of which have the highest reputa-
ion for producing an honest return for the
money invested.
Our large trade justifies us in buying our
hence we buy at
he lowest prices, which enables us to sell at
IN GREAT VARIETY AND : the lowest prices; therefore, it will be to the
interest of every farmer in Central Pennsylva-
nia to examine our stock before purchasing.
It is without an equal
We stake our reputation as refiners that
Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by
34 35 1y Williamsport, Pa.
For sale a retail by W. T. TWITMIRE
Music Boxes.
Sale rooms and Headquarters for the Uni.
ted States at
No Music Boxes without Gautchi’s Patent
Safety tune change can be guaranteed,
Old and damaged Music boxes carefully re-
paired. Send 5 cent stamp for catalogue and
Music box owners please send or call for
Patent Improvement Circular.
3349 1y
season are especially beautiful in design
and coloring
We take great pleasure in entertaining
. farmers. It does not cost anything to examine
SHADES ow Shades and Fixtures, also a
FIXTURES full line of Room Moulding of
various widths and qualities.
With the above goods all in stock, a cor
of good workmen and 25 years experience in
the business, we think we are prepared tora
We havea large stock of Wind- the articles we have on exhibition.
Hale Building, Bellefonte, Pa.
Wn. Shortlidge. ones ns
Robt. McCalmont. } Business Managers.
35 4 1y
good Spring Trade at
Gas Fitting.
We asic all who think of doing anything in
our line to drop in and examine our goods
and prices.
M. GALBRAITH, Plumber and
Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa,
Pays perticular attentien to heating buildings
117 High Street. by steam, copver smithing, rebronzing gas fix.
urest, &e. 20 26
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from the cheapest
Dodger” to the finest
but you can get done in the most satisfactory
manner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work
by calling or communicating with this office,
To take effect Dee, 14, 1890.
111 103 114 112
P. M. | A. M. A, Mo PM,
215 5500... Montandon........ 9 20] 545
2.25] 6 20... Lewisburg........ 910] 58
2 35 5 2
2 40 5 20
2 50 510
3 05 4 55
314 4 46
3 38 4 22
4 00 4 00
4 17 3 43
4 30 3 28
4 37 3 23
443 8 316
448 8 .Oak Hall.. : an
452 8 ..Lemont... 6 34] 307
457 8 3. Dale Summi 629 3(3
5 06] 9 00|......Pleasant Ga; 619 283
5 15, 9 10,........Bellefont: 6 10] 245
P. M. | A. M. | A.M. [P.M
Trains No. 111 and 103 connect at Montandon
with Erie Mail West; 112 and 114 with Sea
Shore Express East.
5 g May 12, = =
i 5 1890. Be ®
2 B a]
fa. mp om lam le om
bi | [9 51 50sl... Sootia....] 021] 2 4...
...| 10 21] 5 25|.Fairbrook.| 9 09 4 21|......
a [10 28] 5 37|Pa. Furnace| 8 56 4 15/.....
a 10 34| 5 44|...Hostler...| 8 50| 4 08|......
fieees 10 46) 5 50/...Marengo..| 8 43) 4 01)
sreses) 10 52) 5 67. Loveville.) 837 3 bl
seers 10 58; 6 04 FurnaceRd| 8 31] 3 49
Seiere 11 0 6 08' Dungarvin.| 8 27) 3 46;
in 11 16] 6 18)... W.Mark..| 819] 3 48
i 11 20| 6 28 Pennington 8 10) 3 30
errs 11 32| 6 40,..Stover....| 758 3 18
Siete 11 40{ 6 50|...Tyrone....| 7 50 3 10
To take effect May 12, 1860.
6 2 1 5
Ps M.A. 'M . A. M. P.M
6 20| 9 10 Ar....Bellefonte...Lv| 6 00] 3 00
6 13| 9 03/........ScaleS........... | 607] 309
6 08] 8 50[rireene 611 313
6 03 854]. 616 319
559 851). 619) 823
b 57) 848. 622! 32
5 53] 8 44|.. 6 26) 330
5 47) 8 40|.. 6 32] 336
5 43 8 36/., 6 38; 3 43
539] 833. 6 46) 3 45
8 25.. 3 58
819 3 59
: 8 €9 4 09
524] 12 7 00, 459
520] 720 704) 504