Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 19, 1891, Image 5

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CouncrL PROCEEDINGS. —-At the meet-
ing of council on Monday evening Chas.
Callaway 2nd George Bush protested
against the erection of any oil tank in
the rear of thie Bush House.
The Water committee reported every-
thing in readiness for the new pump;
that the contract for furnishing the fix-
tures for the same had been awarded to
Jenkins & Lingle ; that the Court House
iron fence had been purchased, with
which to surround the Spring, with a
chance to sell the fence that is now
around the Spring, &e.
The Fire and Police committee re-
commended the allowing of Hoover &
Miller to erect their oil tank, but the
matter was allowed to fall under the
provisions of the ordinance against such
oil tanks.
The offer of Mr. Cunningham to put
down a crossing from Brockerhoff House
to First National bauk, the sweet com-
mittee reported favorably, and council
agreed to let Mr. Cunningham put it
down on the terms offered.
Mr. Williams reported a nuisance in
the shzpe of men, entirely nude, going
in swimming in the old car works dam.
Afr. Hillibish reported that the Water
committee estimated their expense for
the picsent year at seven thousand dol-
lars. The Finance committee recom-
mended that recognition be taken of the
water committee’s estimate.
Council voted to accept the invitation
of the Fourth of July committee to be
present at the celebration on the Fourth
of July.
A number of bills were approved and
the council adjourned.
CoxvenrtioN.—The annual convention
of the Altoona District of the Alleghe-
ny confenence of the United Brethren
church, was held at Julian, June 9th,
10th and 11th inst. Rev. J. F. Tall-
helm, of Julian, Presiding Elder of the
District, presided during the session of
the convention. Rev. H. T. Denlinger,
of Williamsport, was elected reporter for
the Conference Journal.
The following subjects were discuss-
ed during the convention: “The object
of a Sunday School Convention ;”’ ‘‘the
Sunday School Superintendent's charac-
ter and qualifications ;”’ “what is the
proper use of lesson help$ ;7’ “the duties
of the Church to the Sunday School ;”'
“the duties of the Sunday School to the
Church ;” the duties of pastor to the
Sanday School ; “the object of Sun
day School instruction ;’ “the teachers’
qualification ;”’ “the claims of the
Sunday Schovl upon the pastor ;”’
“the young people’s society of Christian
Endeavor, its views, its relations to the
church; “its claim upon the pastor.”
The following ministers were present
and took part in the discussions: Rev’s
T. P. Orner, C. W. Wasson, A. David-
gon, W. A. Jackson, Geo. Noden, John
Craig, G. W. Eminhizer, J. F. Tall-
helm, H. T. Denlinger, W. Cramer and
B. J. Hummel ; also Rev. J. C. Young
of the M. E. church. The convention
was a success in every particular.
A Sparrow ExrcurEp.—The Lock
Haven Democrat vouckes for the truth of
the following story about the execution
of a sparrow in that place. . Maybe the
bird that was thus capitally punished
was the sparrow that killed Cock Ro-
bin years ago and had confessed the
murder or been convicted on evidence
recent divulged. The following is the
story :
“Under the eves of the Schroeder
building on Main and Vesper streets,
there is a bird box, which is inhabited
by sparrows, and this morning the birds
coolly and deliberately hung one of their
number, for some offense, suspending it
by the neck uctil death ensued. After
death the birds then tried, as it were, to
cut their dead companion down and
picked its neck in their efforts to do so
until it was much mutilated. They
failed to accomplish their object, how-
ever, and the body was removed by one
of the spectators. Mr. Drake, the oil
man, was one of the persons who wit-
nessed the entire procedure. The birds
had a thread around the culprit’s neck
and he was executed in first class style,
hanging down several inches below the
bird box.”
It is a satisfaction to believe that in
the Cock Robin murder ease justice has
at last been vindicated and the offender
brought to punishment.
Resolution of Thanks,
Minessura, June 10th, 1891.
By a resolution, wa, the members of Dr.
Geo. Li. Pottar, Post No. 261, desire to express
our mogt sincere thanks to the following per-
sons and organizations who so greatly assisted
. in making our service a success on Memorial
Day :
First to the speakers, to the Rev. Fitz Wil.
liams, of Tyrone, who poke at Curtin and at
Milesburg ; to the Rev. Koons, who spoke at
the Advent cemetery ; to Li. I. Eddy and choir
for their excellent vocal music at Milesburg 3
o the dram corps, which furnished martial
music for the day; to the ministers of the
churches, the Sabbath schools and the child-
ren, for their bountiful supply of flowers; to
W. R. C. No. 3, and other ladies of the place,
who furnished luncheon for the Post; to the I
0.0f 0. F., 0. U. A. M. and P.O. 8S. of A.organ.
izations ; to Charles Adams, A. A. Kohlbecker,
E. H. Carr, Wm. M. Adams, sr, Wm Adams,
jr., Enoch Hugg, John Osewalt, Joseph Kitch-
en, J. M. Wagner & Son, Emanuel Shroyer and
Dr. W. C. Groves, who kindly furnished teams
for the transportation of Post to different cem-
teteries A. G. Rager,
Unionville Items.
The paper-wood industry is growing.
Boating on the Bald Eagle has become a
favorite pastime.
This community has no very great men,
neither has it any exceedingly small.
The game of quoits has revived.
‘We are on our good behavior, owing to the
arrival of the new preacher.
Union township is brushing its Sunday
clothes, in preparation for the grand Fourth of
July at Bellefonte.
The old tannery smoke-stack ought to be
sent to the World's Fair.
Is Beaver dead ?
Since botany and physiology are taught so
extensively in publie:schools, we are living in
hope that farming will be a grand success.
If a way should ba contrived to carry to
market at small expense the iron ore lying in
abundance near this place we might soon be
assuming airs of the twentieth century.
Nouwithstanding the sound logie, the keen
wit and the flow of eloquence which impressed
the large audiences at lyceum recently the
greal question, “Was Calhoun’s dog’s tail real-
ly cutoff ?” is still undecided.
The inventive genous of Thomas McCoy
often saves him a great deal of annoyance.
As an instance, he answered nearly nine hun-
dred anticipated questions last week by sim-
ply putting the following inscription on an old
hack that was brought to his shop : “This
vehicle was left here by Johnny Stere. He
bought it of Waite in Belletonte. Don't know
what it cost ; don’t know what he will do with
it ; nor don't care.”
Unionville has more retired school teachers
than business men ; which circumstance may
conduce to our future welfare, since education
improves the morals, feeds the soul and trans-
ports many men to elysian Canada. A few of
us are vulgarly inclined only to accumulating
money, but we feel an excruciating com fort
basking in the reflection of culture.
Griest, it’s hot,
That children can have ton much of a good
¢hing is evidenced by the gloomy counten
ances of the few that are attending select
About this time newspapers should cease
persecuting the corner loafer. Can it be sup-
posed that providence would create a species,
and preserve it through all the vicissitudes,
from flood time to the present, just for the fun
of annoying decent people? No; the loafer
has a higher mission. What is he todo? He
is to grin, wink, kick, bdx, swear, dance,
snicker, gossip, quarrel, use slang, trade hats,
write autographs, suggest new laws, crit:
icise the girls, assail characters, trip little
boys, slop the sidewalks, discover maudlin at-
titudes, nick the heads of pale fences, invent
new forms of government, speculate on the
natureof hell and illustrate how to get there.
——Canister shot will not be used in the
French army in the tuture. The shells
are filled with an explosive made of | gwelling house, barn and other out buildings.
chrysolite and a substance kept secret,
and every battery has seventy-five
rounds of these projectiles.
AUGUST 16 TO 22,
The Encampment will open Sunday, August
16th, with Religions Services and sermon by
one of the most distinguished divines in the
country, inthe immense Auditorium seating
3500 people.
of Agricultural Implements, Musical Instru-
ments, House Furnishing Goods, Farm Pro
ducts, Horticulture and Live Stock, from the
17th to the 22nd, exclusive.
An instructive and entertaining program,
musical and literary, with addresses by emi-
ment Agriculturists and Politeal Economists
will be provided each day of the Encampment.
A large number of wall tents will be erected
inthe park for the accommodation of those
desiring to remain the entire week ; and Meals
on be procured on the grounds at reasonable
will be run by the Pkiladelphia & Reading
and Pennsylvania Railroads. And railroads
generally will make excursion rates for par-
ties. Application for same should be made in
good time, »
An Electric Light Plant will Illuminate the
Park at Night.
No intoxicating liquors allowed on the grounds
For space, tents and information regarding
Exhibition apply to T. A. Corrern, General
Manager, Harrisburg, Pa.
For rates and general information apply to
Genl. Supt. Genl. Pass. Agent.
CorNwArn & Lusavox R. R. Co,
’ Old Honesty Tobacco.
| mmm
is indeed a luxury.
Comes as near being a piece of PLUG TOBAC-
CO as tit is possible to get to it, and is}§
known as a
Among dealers these goods are on the
market in only one shape, 3x12
full 16 oz. plug— the
most convenient
to cut in
Pocket pieces or carry Whole.
3624 1t Louisville, Ky.
virtue of an order of the Orphans’
Court of Centre county in the estate ot John
Fetzer, late of Boggs township, said county,
deceased, there will be exposed to public sale,
at the Court House in the borough of Belle-
fonte on
MONDAY JULY 6th, 1891,
at 2 o'clock p. m., the following described
real estate :
No.1. All that certain messuage, tenement
and tract of land situate in the township of
Boggs. near the Borough of Milesburg, bound-
ediby ands of Allison Houpt, John Glenn,
Daniel Bolean and others, containing
and thereon erected two
barn, stable and other foutbuildings, with
running water convenient to the dwelling
houses. This property will be sold either as a
whole, or in parts as may suit the convenience
of the purchasers.
No. 2. A farm or piece of land situate on the
gouth Branch of Marsh Creek, known as the
bounded by lands of Samuel Schenk, Andrew
Fetzer, Findlay B. Riddle, John Poorman and
more or less. Thereon erected atwo story
This is a good red shale farm, well adapted for
nie and grazing purposes and in good con-
No.3. A farm or tract of land situate in
Boggs township, and known as the
bounded by lands of McCoy & Linn, Lawrey,
Shope, Poorman and others, containing 190
acres, be the same more or less, and thereon
erected a two-story dwelling house, barn and
other out buildings.
No.4. A pieceortractoi land adjoining No.
3, and Wl i by lands of Mary Barret, Cur-
tins and others, containing 12 acres and 128
perches. No buildings.
Terms of sale : One third of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale ; one
third in one year, and the balance in two years
with interest ; deferred payments to be secur-
ed by bond and mortgage on the premises, or
judgment notes, as perchasers may prefer.
Sale to commence promptly at 3 o'clock p.m.
For further particulars inquire of the under-
signed. C.M. BOWER,
36-24-36 Administrator.
Henry Meyer, late of Harris town-
ship, deceased: The Auditor appointed by
the court to hear and pass upon the excep-
tions to the account of C. C. Meyer and J. Hen-
ry Meyer, Administrator of, etc., of Henry
Meyer, dec’d, as filled by J. Henry Meyer,
and whose powers have by a supplemental de-
cree been enlarged so as to make distribution
of any balance found by the auditor to be in
the hands of the accountant will meet the par-
ties in interest for the purposes of his appoint-
ment on Thursday, the 9th day of July, A. D.
1891, at 16 o'clock a m., at his office in Belle-
fonte, Pa., when and where all parties claim-
ing any part of said fund must present
their claims or be debarred from coming in
upon said fund. J. W. GEPHART,
36-24 3t ’ Auditor.
NESSES. —All potaone are hereby
notified that the special term of court fix-
ed for the 22nd,inst. has been discontinued by
order of the President Judge, Hon. A. O.
36 24 1t Sheriff.
The following letters remain uncalled for at
the Bellefonte P.O. June 15th,1891.
James Corlon, H. John Glasgow, Mrs. J.
Sadie Lee, Benjamin Perks, E. Harry Shorts,
(2) Wert J. Smith, M. Umburen, Johnty H.
Vaughn, John Voak.
When called for please say advertised.
Powers Shoe Store. °
If you are told tha
tre county, a more re
in foot wear of any description for less mon-
ey than you can at Power's Store, you will
find it a mistake by calling and examining
their prices and stock.
the business, in Bellefonte, has enabled
them to select goods suitable to the wants
of the people, both i
Their stock is as large, if not the largest,
as any in the county
gets all their attention,
with all the leading manufacturers and job-
bersin the country.
Owing to these f
think that any one can buy goods for less
money and consequently sell for less.
Ba Look for the sign of the Big Shoe.
t you can buy, in Cen-
liable or better article
years experience in
n price and quality.
and the shoe business
and they are familiar
acts it is absurd to
The four years we have been
in business. We consider
ourselves under many obli-
gations to you for the man-
ner in which you have stood
by us. But you deserve
more than thanks, and you
shall have it. We intend to
merit, your patronage now
more than ever.
Money is scarce—we know
it; but clothing is plenty and
we intend to put it within
reach of the very poorest.
If you want a suit for your-
self, we have everything that
is in the market. We can
give you those cheap shod-
dy goods that you see ad-
vertised for $3 and $4 per
suit. But that is not the
class of goods we want to
sell you. We want to sell
you strictly. honest goods,
goods that will give you ser-
vice, that you will be satis-
fied with, and make you
customers of ours for ever.
Now, then, we will sell
you a suit for yourself that
is all wool for $7. And when
we say all wool we mean it.
For your boy, if he is within
the age of 14 to 18, $5.50
will get him the same kind
of a suit. If he is within the
age of 4 and 14, and wears
short pants, $3.50 is all that
is needed.
These goods are all worth
a great deal more money
than we ask for them, but
we have got more than we
need. Some are single suits,
odds and ends, a few of them
from last season—but they
are all the greatest values
for the money that you have
ever seen, and you must see
them to get an idea how
cheap they are.
Thanking you again for
past favors, and hoping that
for your interests, as well as
ours, you will give us a call
and satisfy yourself that
there is no place in Central
Pennsylvania where you can
buy clothing cheaper than
from us.
Remain, Respectfully,
M. FAUBLE, Props
Rochester Clothing House,
Beilefonte, Pa.
Opp. Brockerhoft House.
New Advertisemenis,
Maize R. Graham has opened a hand
some line of millinery in the room formerly
occupied by Miss Mary McBride, She will be-
pleased to have you call and examine the
many fashionable things which stock her
counters. 36 18 6t.
Letters of Administration on the es-
tate of Phoebe Fisher, deceased, late of Fergn-
son township, having been granted to the un-
dersigned, he requests all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly authen-
ticated for settlement. .G.ARCHY,
36 22 6t. Pine Grove Mills.
Letters of Administration on the es
tate of S. H. Weaver, late of Oak Hall, Centre
county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay-
ment, and ail persons having claims against
said estate are requested to present the same’
duly authenticated for settlement to’
36 22 3t. Administrator.
TRAY CATTLE—Came to tres-
passing upon the property of the sub-
scriber near Julian, eight young cattle 3 steers
red and white with slit in left ear and hole im
right. 5 heifers with hole in right ear, suppos-
ed to be two years old. The owner is Taguest
ed to prove property, pay charges and take
them away, otherwise they will de disposed of
as the law directs.
3613 3¢ R. W. RICHARDS.
O THE PUBLIC.—We take pleas-
ure in informing our many customers
and public in general that we have located our
office next door to Schofield’s saddlery om
Spring street,in charge of J.H. Frits as agent
who will look after our business and your
wants with pleasure, and when in need of the
best machine the world has ever known, give
him a call.
36 20 4t
Letters of Administration on the es=
tate of B. F. Garbrick, late of Walker town-
ship, Centre county, Pa., deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to male
immediate payment, and all persons having
claims against said estate are requested :de
present the same duly authenticated for set
tlement to HENRY GARBRICK, 8
36 22 3t. Administrators.
phans’ Court of Centre county, in the
estate D. W. Kline, deceased. The undersiga-
ed, an Auditor appointed by said Court to
make distribution of the balance in the hands
of 8.8. Lyon, Trustee to sell the real estate of
said decedent, and distribute the proceeds
among those legally entitied thereto,
will meet the parties interested to at-
tend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in Bellefonte, Pa., on Saturday, June 20,
1891, at 10 o’clock, a. m., when and. where i
persons interested may attend. A. A. DALE,
36 22 3t. Auditor,
COUNTY.—In the matter of the es-
tate of Hon. S. S. Wolt, late of Potter township,
deceased. The undersigned, au Auditor ap-
pointed by said Court to make distribution of
the funds in the hands of the accountant, to
and among those legally entitled thereto, will
meet the parties in interest, for the purpose of
his appointment, at his office in Bellefonte, on
Monday the 22rd day of June A. D. 1851, at 18
o'clock a. m. whien and where ail parties inter-
ested will present their claims or be forever
debarred from oming in on said fund.
of the Bellefonte Gas Company. A
meeting of the stockholders of the Bellefonte
Gas Company will be held at the office of .B.
M. Blanchard, No 19 West High street, Belle-
foute,Pa., on Thursday, the 6th day of August,
1891, at 4 o'clock p. consider the propr
ty of authorizing the Board of Directors to ex-
ecute and negotiate a mortgage upon the pro-
perty and franchises of the company, for the
purpose of paying the present mortgage and
other indebtedness of the company inenrree
in the construction and improvement of tRe
plant By order of the Board. ’
36 22 8t Secretary.
To every reader of this paper who suffers
from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Nervous De-
bility or Consumption, a bottle of that mokt
wonderful medicine,
which is the only absolute and permane@t
cure for the above named diseases. 1 can saf-
ford to do this because I know that nine out 6f
every ten persons who try it will be so well
satisfied with the results they will take pleas-
ure in speaking about its marvelous curative
virtues to all their friends and acqueintances.
The value of this sort of advertising to me is
wolth many times the cost of the medicine
given away, so I am well compensated for the
seeming large expense.
I have over 70 000 letters on file from people
who have been cured of one or more of the
complaints above named. Write to-day stat
ing your disease and received a free bottle by
return mail, or ask your druggist for it and get
well, Address, PROF. HART.
3622 1¢.n.T. 88 Warren Street, N. Y,
Oculists and Opticians.
Jr & CO.
"the famous firm of Ocurists and OrTicTANS
Have arranged to send one of their Specialists
on the EYE to
He will be at the
From 8.30 A. M. to 5 P. M.
Those whose eyes are causing discom{grs
should call oi our Specialist, and they &
receive intelligent and skillful attention.
924 Chestnut St., Philad=lphis, Pa
36 21 1y
Muslin unlerwear!
We have just opened a fine line
of muslin garments, at prices
never before equaled.
Night gowns, drawers, chemise,
shirts and corset covers.
We are offering these goods «of
bargain prices, you ean hu
them cheaper than you cin
make them.
Come in and see the tull assortment.
36 21 1y No. 9, Spring Sircet,
ellafonte, Pa.