Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 19, 1891, Image 4

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Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., June 19, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - EpIToR
EE ————————
Democratic County Committee, 1891
W. S. Galbraith
.... Joseph Wise
John Dunlap
.. John T. Lee
Bellefonte, No. W
Centre Hall Borough..
Howard Borough.....
}nsshure Boroash, A. M. Butler
Milheim Borough.... .... A.C. Musser
Philipsburg, Ist W.. James A. Lukens
% 24 Ww... « C. A. Faulkner
“ 3d WwW A J. Gorton
.. KE. M.Griest
ugene Meeker
Harvey Benner
Philip Confer
. T. F, Adams
G. H. Leyman
W. H. Mokle
... James Foster
.. N. J. McCloskey
... Daniel Dreibelbis
. Geo. W. Keichline
saver Chas. W. Fisher
... James P. Grove
. Isaac M. Orndorf
. Geo. B. Shaffer
.... Eilis Lytle
. J. W. Keller
. W.T. Leathers
ren Henry Hale
.. Alfred Bitner
John J. Shaffer
Unionville Borough...
.... Hugh McCann
Thomas Turbidy
... John D. Brown
Jerry Donovan
... James Carson
reas E.E. Ardery
Taylora..... .. W.T. Hoover
Union... . Chas. H. Rush
Walker. .. D. A. Dietrick
WOT sii ioriinieioinicrinsirstosssrsessst 0. D. Eberts
L. A. SCHAEFFER, Chairman.
A High Recognitlon of the Pennsyl-
vania State College.
Pennsylvania has reason to be proud
of the reputation which her State Col-
lege has acquired, both in this country
and in Europe, as an institution of
learning, particularly in the line of
technical instruction. The advance:
ment of the State College to its present
eminence among the schools of the
country has taken place under its pres-
ent management, whose efforts have
also given it a European reputation. It
must be gratifying to the faculty to
receive such a recognition of the high
results of their work as was shown by
the action of the National Association
for the Promotion of Technical Educa:
tion in England, whose Secretary re-
cently wrote to Prof. ATHERTON ac-
knowleding that the courses ‘given in
the syllabus of the Pennsylvania State
College were regarded as the best for
the purpose of the English National
Association, and asking for a copy of
the 1888 report of the State College fo
their information and guidance.
A still higher recognition of the
merits of our State College was that
shown in Parliament where, in the
House of Commons, Sir R. Pacer
asked the President of the Committee
on Education whether it would be
proper to direct the Science and Art
Department, South Kensington, to
issue, for the use of such technical
schools as might require it, a series of
plates in the nature of those printed
in the annual report of the Pennsyl-
vania State College. which were said
to be “the best available illustrations
of the progressive series of exercises
for the course of the mechanic arts.”
Recognitions and admissions of the
superiority of our State College, coming
from such high sources, should stimu-
late both the people and government
of the State to give it liberal encour-
agement, so that it may advance to the
full measure of its usefulness in im-
parting instruction in technical knowl
edge and the mechanic arts.
——The exports of bread stuffs from
the United Statesin tbe last eleven
months were $30,000,000 less in value
than the exports of the corresponding
period of the preceding year. There
has been an obstruction of the import
trade by the tariff restrictions, and such
a thing cannot occur without attecting
the amount of the commodities we
send out of the country. The loss of
$30,000,000 in the value of exported
breadstuffs is largely the result of our
high tariff system. It is thus that the
McKinley policy is injuring the
The Bird Book Vetoed.
Among the pumerous bills
through which the Governor has jab.
bed his veto pen is the one which au-
thorized the printinglofadditional copies
of the celebrated Bird Book to the val-
ue of $33,000. This ornamental pub-
lication—more ornamental tha n useful
—had already cost the State $60,000.
The copies were mnch sought after by
people who fancied birds and liked to
tion was soon exhausted. With the ob-
ject of getting a new supply the bill
was passed, which the Governor coan-
sidered it his duty to veto. It is a pity
that every body can’t have one of those
highly ornamented volumes, but it is
not the business of the State to furnish
the people with picture books.
——Read the WATCHMAN for political
and general news.
| Bipriver Gerry, it being a derivative |
look at pretty pictures,and the first edi-
Hard to See the Relief.
Major McKINLEY has a queer way
of consoling the American tax-pay. In
a Decoration Day speech he tried to
comfort them with the statement that
whereas in 1869 we paid $130,000,000 .
annual interest on the public debt and
$28,000,000 for pensions these figures
have been so reversed that we now pay
$135,000,000 in pensions, and $27,000,
000 in interest. But as the money
comes out of the pockets of the people
in the shape of taxes, in what way can
the Major show that the people have
been relieved, since it appears that the
combined interest and pension expense
is greater to-day than it was in 1869?
Major McKiNLey should be re-
minded that when the pensions were
$28,000,000 a year an abler Republi
can and better statesman than he,
General GarrieLp, an old soldier, by
the way, predicted that the pension
appropriations would reach their maxi-
mum at $35,000,000, and thenceforth
steadily decline. The Gencial had uo
idea that they would be swollen to five
times the maximum he allowed ; but,
then, he had no conception of the ex-
tent to which his party would use the
pensions as a means of making Repub-
lican votes.
Tin-Plate Lies.
It is not safe to push the tin-plate
lie too far. It is likely to recoil on
the liar and bring him to shame, if. he
is capable of such a feeling as shame.
In illustration of this statement we
have the case of the New York Tribune,
which since the passage of the Me-
Kinley bill has been doing a good deal
of tin-plate lying. Last April, ridicul-
ing the charge that the high duties
would raise the price of tinware,
in its issue of the 24th of that month it
said :
Why, the McKinley bill was going to raise
the price of tin-plate! Don’t you remember
the free trade tears that were shed over the
“little tin pail of the laborer ?” And now to
learn that the American market in six months
time has been so far filled by American tin
plate as to compel the Welsh trust to shut
down to prevent a glut of the market !
Having been prodded namercifully
for this evident falsification, shame
compelled the Zribune last Wednesday
to make the following correction of its
misstatement on the tin plate ques
tion :
The Tribune will frankly say that in a short
paragraph in its editorial columns of April 24
a statement was made that the production of
tin plate in this country had been so large as
to compel the Welsh trust to shut down. That
assertion was a mistake and should never
have been made. No one regrets more than
the Tribune that an inaccurate item of that
kind should have been printed in its columns.
The tin-plate liar should be more
Appearances That Don’t Look Well.
It didn’t look well for the adminis-
tration to hesitate about allowing Mr.
Lacy, the Controller of the Currency.
to appear before the committee inves-
tigating the Philadelphia bank failures,
The inference must be drawn, rather
damagingly to the administration, that
it has something to -conceal with re-
ference to its supervision of the nation-
al banks. It should make every effort
to have these institutions properly con-
ducted. so that the public should suffer
no injury through them, and when a
case occurs in which such injury has-
been done, an administration, if entire-
ly faultless in the matter, should has-
ten to give every assistance to rectify
the wrong and punish those who were
responsible for it. The Harrison ad-
ministration has not acted in this way
in the cases of the Keystone and
Spring Garden Banks. It has held
back as if it were reluctant about hav-
ing an investigation.
In this connection there is an intima-
tion that General A. B. Nerrreron,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury,
had business relations with the Spring
Garden Bank that exercised an influ-
ence in the appointment of a receiver.
Altogether there are appearances in
connection with the Philadelphia bank
wrecks that do not look well for the
Harrison administration,
Politics in Massachusetts is cer-
tainly improving. The Legislature of
that State has passed a nonpartisan
congressional apportionment bill which
was signed by the Governor on Thurs-
day of last week. It provides for the
dividing of the State into districts with-
out reference to party advantage and |
with no other object than a fair repre- |
sentation of the people. The unfair
ness of the gerrymander originated in
Massachusetts, and is attributed to |
of his name. It would be historic jus-
tice if the first earnest effort to suppress
it should be made where it begau.
—— The failare of another woollen
mill in Philadelphia is to be scored to
( the credit of the McKinley bill. It
{ was an old establishment, having stood
| the ups and downs of 33 vears, but
He Bestrides His Party.
Republican. He is a hustler and is far
enlightened views. His political obser-
vations, recently made in
sive tour, ‘have reached from the
Mississippi to the New England States,
and the impression made upon him
has been given to an interviewer. He
says that towards Harrison personal:
ly but one sentiment exists all over
the country—that we have had him
for four years, and we have had him
just four years too much. “Everybody
instinctively turns to BLAINE.
brought him thousands of Republican
friends who six years ago were opposed
to him. The constant booms for Har-
in advance of his party in liberal and ;
an exten- |
His !
blazing triumphs of diplomacy have
! to pay the most money for them. The
| RISON come from newspapers the pro-
prietors of which have been appointed |
to office.” Itis easy to understand the
opposition to the President in the west, |
says Senator Worcorr, but he confess- |
es to be somewhat surprised to find it |
equally strong in the east. |
It is questionable whether the Sena-
tor takes a correct view of the antag-
onism of the Blaine element as against
the candidacy of the present incumbent.
Harrison is evidently master of the
situation. He bestrides his party
more masterfully than any previous
Republicans President. He apparently
has Brain cowed, the Premier exhib-
iting a tameness which is tar from in-
dicating a disposition to fight his chief
for the Presidential succession. This
may be caused by hisill health. He
may not fzel himself physically equal
to a contest for the Presidency.
The Illinois Legislature has al-
most unanimously endorsed a constitu-
tional amendment that would make
United States Senators elective by the
pzople. In the Senate there was but
one vote against it. The pablic is be-
ginning to be impressed with the neces-
sity of making this change. Nowhere
is this impression becoming deeper
than in the western part of the Union
where seats in the United States Sen-
ate are being made the jprizes of
those who are willing and able
higher branch of the national legisla-
ture is being filled with meneyed medi-
ocrity, through purchase, and the evil
can be remedied only by giving the
election of these officers to the people
instead of to legislatures that can be
——1In a conversation in New York
last week Senator Pueu, of Alabama,
expressed the belief that a free coinage
bill will be passed by the next congress.
Both Houses, he thinks, will go on rec-
ord in favor of it, although it may be
expected that the President will vote it. |
There wil! be strength enough in the
House to pass it over the veto, but it is
doubtful whether it could be done in
the Senate. He also expressed the
opinion that very substantial modifi-
cations of the McKinley bill will pass
the House without any trouble, and
will very likely pass the Senate. He
added : “If the senate should pass a
bill of this sort I doubt if President
Harrison could veto it. There is a
sentiment in the country that would
condemn him in such action.”
In the bituminous coal product,
according to the census figures, West-
moreland leads the counties of the
State with a value of $5,674,493;
Clearfield comes next with $4,403,000;
then Allegheny with $4,000,000. kay-
ette reports $3,792,000, Jefferson $2,-
117,000, while Washington, Tioga and
Cambriz, each approach the million
and a half line, the first named a litle
1n excess, Centre county's figures are
considerably smaller. The value of
the product of the Scate is $28,000,000,
and the wages paid $21,000,000.
JAKE K1Lra1N, who had the dis-
tinction of being defeated by the great
Joux L., in the celebrated mill in
Mi-sissippi which got them both into
trouble, was again unfortunate in a set-
to with Sravin, the Ausiralian cham-
pion, at Hoboken last Tuesday’evening
It took nine rounds for the antipodean
pugilist to knock Jake out. The honor
of the country in the fistic line now
depends upod SuLLIVAN'S doing up the
andacions Australian.
Will Eat in Heaven.
We cannot discuss the subject of
heaven with editors who show by their
statements that they have never studied
the question of the resurrection. Our
bodies will be material after the resur-
rection. ‘This is an article of faith.
Heaven is a material place. The object
of the resurrection is to reward the body
for its partnership in the good done by
the soul in the flesh. It shall have bod-
ilv enjoyments after the resurrection.
Wiil eating and drinking be one of
them ? We think so. Why not!
——The cells of the human lung are
75,000,000 in number, covering a sur-
| McKinley “fetched it.”
I ——Subscribe for the Warcumax,
face from two and a half to three and a
half times greater than the whole body
surface of ten full grown men.
i added as their acceptances are received.
| hus cropped out in certain quarters in-
The Farmer's Encampment.
Be the Largest and Greatest
Ever Known !
The Farmers’ Encampment at Mt.
Grewna will be held this year from Aug-
ust 16th to the 22nd, and from what
we already know, it promises to be one
of the largest and greatest exhibitions
and farmers’ gatherings ever before
convened in this country. Everybody
who attended last year's gathering at
| Mi. Gretna went away pleased, and
| those from other States,who had never
| before been at Mt. Gretna, were de-
i lighted with the placeand its surround-
| ings. This year thirty acres of cleared
i space will be added to the already large
{ area devoted last year to the exhibi-
| tion of machinery, and it is confidently
| expected that it will all be occupied.
| Already inquistes -for exhibits are com-
ling in rapidly, and in addition to those
who were there last year, who will
greatly enlarge and improve their ex-
hibits, many new ones will be there.
Mt. Greina, in itself is a great at-
traction and has become the famous
picnic grounds of eastern Pennsylvania.
Daring the summer almost daily there
are large excursions and picnics at this
place, and its adaptation for the ac-
commodation of large crowds, is one
of its principle features. A hundred
thousand people do not crowd the vast
grounds. The State Encampment of
National Guardsmen is held here and
it has been pronounced by United
States Army officers, who with their
commands have encamped with our
State troops, to be the finest camp
ground in the country. For such a
gathering as the Farmers’ Encampment
no better place than Mt. Grea could
be found.
There will be some great speeches,
and interesting events in addition to the
great exhibition, that will form attrac.
tive features of the great encampment,
Among the prominent men who wi'l
be in attendance may be mentioned
Hon. Jeremiah Rusk, Secretary of
Agriculture ; Senator Pfeffer and Con-
gressman Simpson of Kansas ; Leonard
Rhone, Master of the Pennsylvania
State Grange, and Henry C. Snavely,
President of the State Farmers’ Alli-
ance, and others whose names will be
No effort on the part of the manage-
ment will be spared, not only to make
the encampment a success, but the
largest gathering of agriculturists
and their friends ever before gathered
in one place, and Mt. Gretna is large
enough 10 hold them all.—York Dis-
For Cleveland's Renomination.
According to the New York Press ba-
fore leaving for his summer vacation ex-
President Cleveland suggested that a
consultation be held, and to it he invited
not only those who were prominently
associated with him while he was presi-
dent, but one or two others who did not
sustain intimate relations with him then.
Among those who accepted the ex-presi-
dent’s invitation were Senator Gorman,
Senator-elect Vilas, Don M. Dickinson,
Senator Brice, William C. Whitney and
Colonel Daniel L. Lamont.
Mr. Cleveland was very frank with
the gentlemen and stated that he desired
to know first of all ‘whether it was their
opinion that the Democratic party wish-
ed to have him become its standard bear-
er again. If that was the wish he would
cheerfully acceed. He also wanted to
know whether the disaffection which
dicated any serious opposition. If that
were the case, he would not be a candi-
date. The situation was gone over very
thoroughly. The conference, which was
protracted until a late hour, and was in
fact renewed the next day, resuited in
this determination : Messrs. Gorman,
Dickinson, Vilas, Briceand J. J. Bell,
of Minnesota, agreed formally that they
would at once begin to canvass for the
renomination of Grover Cleveland.
Senator Vest was asked Saturday at
St. Louis : “How about the charge that
the Democratic senators are working
against Cleveland ?”
He answered : “It is false, and every
Democrat who repeats it is helping the
Republicans. Of course, the enemy
wants all the internal dissensions and
distrust in our ranks that are possible,
but the Democrat who falls into the
trap is not intelligent. There is some
feeling among Democratic senators as to
Cleveland’s silver letter, but in my
opinion our ticket will be Cleveland and
Gray, and the Republicans will nomi-
nate Harrison and Morton."
Castoria is truly a marvelous
thing for children. Doctors prescribe it,
medical journals recommend it and more
than a million mothers are using it in
place of Paregorie, Batemau’s Drops,
so-called soothing syrups and other nar-
cotic and stupefying remedies. Castoria
is the quickest thing to regulate the
stomach and bowels and give healthy
sleep, the world has ever seen. Tt is
pleasant to the staste and absolutely
harmless. It relieves constipation,
quiets pain, cures diarrkea and wind
colic, allays feverishness, destroys
worms, and prevents convulsions,
soothes the child and gives ii refresh-
ing and natural sleep Castoria is the!
children’s panacea—the mother’s friend.
“Mrs. Murphy calls her slipper Castoria’ 7 2?
“Because the children ery after it!”
ARE You Going West of Chi-
cago? To points in Illinois, Iowa, Mis-
souri, Minnesota. Wisconsin, Northern
Michigan, South or North Dakota, Col-
orado, California, Oregon or Washing.
ton. To any point West, North-West
or South-West ? f
Send for a new map of the Chicago, |
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway system,
which is geouraphically correct. Tr,
with an appendix giving valuable in.
formation, will be sent free.
Call on or address :
Jou~x R. PorTEr,
District Passenger Avent,
Williamsport, Pa.
—The roe deer is the smallest and most |
nearly domesticated of the three species’
which inhabit Germany. Itis likewise
the most beautiful, and its flesh js the
daintiest vension known to the epicure.
Senator Worcorr, of Colorado, is a : The Coming Gathering at Mt. Gretna to ——Last Saturday Harter’s steam
‘saw and shingle millin Sugar Valley
was destroyed by fire. There was no in”
——The P. O. S. of A. will hold
their second annual picnic, in Long’s
Grove near Howard, July 25th,at which,
a highly enjoyable time will be assured
all who attend.
——There is an immense amount of
building and improving property going
on in Philipsburg this summer. The
sound of the hammer is said to be heard
all over town from morning till night.
——The Amateur brass band will ac-
company the Reliance Fire Company of
Philipsburg,to Bellefonte on the Fourth.
The Hope Fire Company of the same
place has engaged the Clearfield band to
go with them.
——There isn’t much vitality in the
Centre county Agricultural Society,
but what is left of it met last Saturday
evening and elected D. F. Fortney, esq.
E. C. Humes and George F. Dale, of
Lemont, as delegates to represent the
Society at the State College on the 17th
——About 3.000 people attended
Robbing’ circus at Karthaus, last Fri-
day, and the Times says at least $2,000
was lost by the people who tried to beat
the show people at their own games.
The losses ranged in sums from $5 to
$80. A long list of names of persons
who lost money is given in the Times.
—— Col. Mullen, who went especially
to Tyrone to invite the celebrated Sheri-
dan troop of that place to attend the
Fourth of July celebration in this place,
has received a letter accepting the in-
vitation. The company consists of sixty
men all mounted on fine horses,and they
will ride from Tyrone to Bellefonte.
——One evening last week a bed in a
room on the third story of Mr. Chas,
Calloway’s residence on Spring street,
was discovered to be on fire. [t was
observed by Miss Mary Brockerhoff
who quickly checked it by throwing a
blanket over it and thus sraothering it
It’s origin cannot be explained.
——7T'oo many men, selfish in the ex-
treme, are envious of their neighbor’s
prosperity, and hence they patronize
foreign establishments for everything
they need rather than buy at home and
thus help their own town: Articles
that are bought elsewhere are almost
always no better or cheaper than those
offered by home dealers. The short-
sightedness of such persons does not per-
mit them to see that their interests are
identified with those with whom they
are continually coming in contact in the
every day affairs of life.
ANorHER FESTIVAL.—The friends of
the Union Sabbath School at Lauver-
town will hold an ice cream, cake and
truit festival, on Saturday evening,June
27, to which all are ‘invited and wili be
made welcome.
man named Hogan suffering from deli-
rium tremens, was confined in the lockup
on Wednesday. He had removed all his
clothing but his shoes and was dancing
and yelling on the railroad track near
the tannery when Officer Simler went
after him. He has been on a drunk
since Memorial Day, and, it is said, has
spent $1200. He is a large and power-
ful man and gave his captors a good deal
of trouble. Dr. Lytle is treating him
and he will come around all right.
— Philipsburg Ledger. :
Daxaerous ELecTrICITY.—The Sun-
bury Daily states that a strange acci-
dent occurred near there Tuesday morn-
ing. A load of hay was brought from
Northumberland to Sunbury, belonging
to Hon. William Elhott. It was fas-
tened with a chain and as it was almost
through the bridge the chain touched
the electric road wires, making a short
current, and in a second the hay was on
fire. The driver hurried through the
bridge, and succeeded in getting the hay
out without setting the bridge on fire,
but the hay and wagon were entirely
residence of J. B. G. Kiusloe, Esq.
| editor of the Lock Haven Republican,
was entered last Friday morning about
2.30 a. m. through asile window by a
{ burglar who succeeded in stealing the
editor's gold watch and eighteen dollars
in money. His puntaloons were found
at the foot of the Oa the same
night the residence of Samuel Marsh,
of the same place, was entered and the
thieves got Mr. Mursh’s and his son’s
clothes, took them down stairs and ab-
cold wateh and
stracted therefrom a
chain and a nickel watch, and money to
the amount of a little over $40. Mr.
Marsh’s clothes were found down stairs
in the house, and his son's out in the
alley back of the stable. The robbers
are supposed to have been the same par-
ties that were in the Kinsloe residence,
as the same marks and tracks aso’ bare
feet leading to it were found. The out
kitchen of Frank E. Harder was also
burglarized, the thieves getting away
with a lot of eatables.
DeaTtH oF Mrs. WEAVER. —We are
pained to announce the death of Mrs.
Weaver,wife of A. B. Weaver, of Clear-
field, and daughter of John P. Harris,
Esq., of this place, which occurred at
her home 1n Clearfield lust Sunday af-
ternoon at 5 o'clock. She had peen ill
for some weeks, and although atone
period of her illness her death was look-
ed for, she rallied, and it was reported
that she was recovering. But her diz-
ease took a turn ending in death, as
above stated. She was about thirty
years of age and when a girl was noted
for her beauty and attractive qualities.
A husband and one child are bereft by
her untimely death. Her remains wera
brought to Bellefonte for interment, the
funeral taking place on Wednesday
Too SMART A Boy.— William Lose is
a hard-working farmer in Buffalo val-
ley,between Lewisburg and Miflinburg.
He is a veteran of the civil war and ve-
ceives $36 pension money every three
months, But Mr. Lose has a son,Jonas,
and he,/knowing all about the pension
matter, went to the post office in Mifilin-
burg,{got his father’s mail, opened the
pension envelope, which he recognized
at a glance, took out the draft, endorsed
it across the back with his father’s X or
mark, as the old gentleman couldn’t
write, forged the name of a brother of
his as witness to the signature, and then
presented the draft at a bank and got it
cashed. He then skipped, but was
captured on Tuesday last at Fall Brook
and sent to jail, where he will have time
to reflect’over the difficulty into which
Le has gotten himself by being too
Courpyx't Ger NEAR Him.—The
miraculous cures said to be effected by a
Catholic priest at Allegheny, this State,
is attracting wide attention among
those who have confidence in that
method of treatment. The following
from a Lock Haven paper relates to
these alleged medical miracles: “Oar
friend, Johnny McDonald, of the Cus-
ter House, who went out to Allegheny
on Friday to consult Father Mollinger,
returned home on Tuesday, having
been unable to see the disease-curing
priest at all. tle states that there are
apparently 15,000 people there camped
in tents in the fields and wherever they
can find a place, and that it is a wonder-
ful sight. The craze and excitement are
so great that he found it impossible to
get near the good priest, nor could he
by any effort find out the name of the
druggist who puts'up his prescriptions.
Mac. will have to try it again.”
‘W. H. Dill left for Washington, D. C.,
Saturday afternoon to spend Sunday
with Mrs. Dill, who has been visiting
friends in the Capital City. Mrs. Har-
rison learning that Mr. and Mrs. Diil
were in the city invited them to dine at
the White House at 6 o'clock Sunday
evening. There were present the Presi-
dent and Mrs. Harrison. Mrs. Dimmick,
Russell B, Harrison and others. It will
be remembered that Mr. Dill secured
the President’s visit to this place last
summer and that he managed the details
throughout. Mr, Harrison was so de-
lighted with the courtesies extended
him that he has taken every opportunity
to appreciate the same, and this invita-
tion to dine at the President’s mansion
no doubt grew out of the President’s
visit to this region.— Clearfield Public
A BorLp FoRGER.--A very bold and
persistent attempt to do business with a
forged check was done in this place last
Monday by a person who represented
himself to be an employe at the nail
works. He bought a $40 gold
watch and chain at Richards’ jewelry
store, giving in payment a check for
$25 and his due bill tor the
balance. The check was on the Centre
County Bank, signed ¢John G. Phil-
ips,” and endorsed,” L. M. Munson.”
It was pronounced a forgery when tak-
en to the Bank by Mr. Richards, who
immediately hunted up the man from
whom he got it,found him in the street,
demanded and got back his watch, and
handed the check back to him. The
mistake was made in not arresting him
at that very moment. He afterwards
went to the clothing store of Simon
Loeb and wanted to buy asuitof clothes
for $12, off2ring the same check and
asking in change the difference between
the price of the suit and the amount of
the check. Mr. Loeb’s suspicions were
aroused and he pretended that he had to
go to bank to get change, but his pur-
| pose was to have the check examined.
The man objected to this, saying that
he would call next week for the change.
But Mr. Loeb started for the Bank and
his customer disappeared, leaving the
suit. The check proved to ba the same
) forged one that had been given Mu.
Richards. The rascal was afterwards
looked for with the intention of having
him arrested, but he could not be found.
"ing licenses were issued during the past
week: Wm. M. Jackson, Bellwood,
Pa., and Miss Bertha McKinney of
Port Matilda.
John E. Woods and Miss Rachael
Cowher, both of Sandy Ridge.
John Watimaki and Miss Amelia
Jarvi, both of Bellefonte.