Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1891, Image 5

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    s p——
Humes StreEeT BLocKED.— Last
Tuesday the question of opening
Humes street in this borough was argu-
el in court with an adverse result. Some
time ago an ordinance was passed by
council to open a street at the eastern
line of the borough to extend from
Bishop to Curtin, and to be called
Humes street, in honor of one of our
oldest and wealthiest citizens. The
necessary preliminiares were perfected,
damages assessed, and there seemed to
be no obstacle, but when it was thought
that the new street was a fixed fact a
property holder, who would have been |
affected by the opening of the street, ap-
pealed and filed exceptions to the pro
ceedings on the ground that be had not
been notified before the ordinance was
passed. This had the effect of hanging
up the project, for the present at least,
and if the new streetis to be opened
there will have to be a new start and
the proceedings gone over again.
He Is Map Asour In.—The editor
of the Lewisburg News gives vent to bis
feelings as follows :
The bill that made Union and Sny-
der counties a separate judicial district,
where a Judge will receive $4,000 for
eight weeks work, was brought about by
the most daring manipulation ever direct
edjfrom Union county. It included bold
wire-pulling in Centre, in Huntingdon,
in Mifilin and in Snyder counties, in
which operation the forces gathered
during twenty years in the people’s ser-
vice were let loose to complete a deal
that is branded all over with infamy.
Revolutions that have made the gates
of Athens and the Eternal City tremble,
that have rent and shattered European
empires and laid waste continents, have
been caused by no greater outrage upon
the people than this unholy judicial ap-
portionment bill.
day and Wednesday of this week the
primary schools of Bellefonte closed for
the summer vacation, giving the schol-
ars a long recess until September. The
schools of Misses Laura Wright, Rosa
Fox and Carrie Weaver had the exercis-
es, usual on such occasions, on Tuesday
morning in the stone building on Alle-
gheny street. The exercises of the school
taught by Misses Ella Levy, Kate Powers
Lizzie Bottroff, Bella Rankin and Aunie
McBride came off in the High School-
room on Bishop street in the afternoon.
The scholars who participated in the
programmes acquitted themselves very
creditably, showing that the care and
attention that had been bestowed upon
them by their teachers had been attend-
ed with excellent results.
M. Wagner, chairman of the State Fire-
mens’ Association’s Committee on Trans-
portation, writes to tke Executive Com-
mittee in this city that he has secared
rates on all the principal railroads for
firemen who will attend the annual meet-
ing here injSeptember, at therate of one
and one-half cents per mile. Horses and
apparatus will be transported to and
from Lock Haven free of charge. Card
orders will be necessary in order to se-
cure these rates. Tickets will be sold
from the 12th to the 18th of September,
good to return to the 21st. This will
give all the visiting firemen an oppor-
tunity to remain in Lock Haven until
Sunday evening after the meeting.
— Lock Haven Ez press.
How Sue Was CARED For.—Some
weeks ago wementioned the circumstance
of a little girl being taken from a band
of gypsies at Philipsburg, she having
been stolen by them from the neigh bor-
hood of Harrisburg. She wasin a piti-
able condition when rescued. Through
the efforts of Rev. F. J. Clerc and oth-
ers arrangements were made to send her
to school for five years. On Thursday
morning Dr: J. H. Pierce started with
the little girl for an institution of learn-
ing at Jonestown, near Lebanon, where
she will be properly trained and receive
a good education. The good people of
Philipsburg are to be highly compli-
mented for so generous an act.
Ix ExcuancEror His PATENT.--
I is said that Mr. George Rodgers, of
this place, has received an offer of a
140-acre farm, situated on the Indiana-
polis and Vincennes railroad, 55 miles
from Indianapolis in exchange {for his
patent hydrant right for several western
states. The farm offered is all under
cultivation}; there is on ita good six-
room house, barn and other outbuild-
ings, a good apple orchard and a
spring of running water. The farm is
entirely enclosed with good wire fence.
The parties offering the exchange pro-
poses establishing a large plant to man-
ufacture the hydrants for the western
Ballefonte is to havea grand Fourth of
July celebration by the military, civie |
and the firemen. Preparations are be- |
ing made to have 1t the best thing of |
the sort ever held in that borough and a |
grand time will no doubt be the result.
Ex-Governor Curtin, the “old man elo-
quent,” is to be the orator of the day.
We acknowledge receipt of invitation to
be present.— Lock Haven Democrat.
The Opera House will be the
place to spend the evening of June 24th.
One hundred and seventy-five students
from the Catholic school will entertain
a crowded house.
The Half Not Told.
Some Very Prominent Persons Mived
up With Bardsley.
PHILADELPHIA, June 6.—The half
has not been told. Day after day come
more revelations in regard to the de-
faulting city treasurer, ‘‘Ilonest” John
Bardsley. All sorts of rumors are fly-
ing and the most sensational of these is
to the effect that Bardsley will get off
with a slight sentence. That there are
inany prominent peopie who stand in
fear of Bardsley there cau be no doubt.
It is certain that every effort is being
put forth to induce him to keep silent.
At the same time exertions are being
made to shut off’ the inquiry and not to
permit it to go any further. It is said
that this i§ the latest order from Wash=
ington. Men high in national position
are given as the authority for the order
to suppress the watter. The people,
however, have become aroused, and if
the investigation is stopped there will
be great indignation and 1t is likely that
it will be shown at a public meeting.
On the occasion of his recent visit to
this city, Mr. Wanamaker remarked
that Mr. Bardsley should make a clean
breast of the matter. And now Mr.
Alexander, counsel for Bardsley, sug-
gests that Mr, Wanamaker make a clean
breast of all he knows. [Lt is asserted
that for quite a while the postmaster gen-
eral held the $125,000 worth of over-
issued stock. What he did with it or
how he got rid of it is not stated. It is
also known that Mr, Wanamaker bor-
rowed $100,000 in excess of the legal
limit. Some three months before the
bank closed Mr. Wanamaker drew out
his entire deposit. Over 2,000 deposi-
tors were allowed to go on putting mo-
ney in and they were caught, And now
comes to the startling announcement
that the judges are not untarnished. It
is stated that three of them are mixed
up in the matter. This has naturally
created a great deal of excitement and
evervbody is wondering who the three
judges are. The judges who did not
borrow are hot with indignation as the |
rumors reflect on them as much as the
guilty. It is said that one judge had |
$15,000 and another $30,000.
Tram 12 on Pennsylvania R. R.
The new passenger train which was
placed in service on the 25th inst. by |
the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., has |
proven a great convenience to the trav-
eling public. This train leaves Will- |
iamsport at 4 p. m. daily except Sunday, |
arriving at Watsontown 4.45 p.m, |
Sunbury 5.21 p. m., Millersburg, 6:16
p. m., Harrisburg 7.05 p. m., making
direct connections at Watsontown to |
and from all points on Wilkesbarre & |
Western R. R. At Sunbury for all
points in the coal regions, arriving at |
Wilkesbarre 7.50 p. m., Scranton 9.01 |
m., Hazleton via. Neseopec 7.56 p. |
m., Pottsville 9.05 p. m., arriving at
Shamokin 6.20 p. m., Mt. Carmel 6.55
p- m. At Millersburg for points on Sum- |
mit Branch R. R. arriving at Lykens |
7.18 p. m., Williamstown 7.30 p. m. and
at Harrisburg for the east, south and
west, arriving at Philadelphia 10.55 p.
m., Baltimore 1040 p. m., Chambers-
burg 9.25 p. m., Hagerstown 10.20 p. |
m., Pittsburg 2 a.m. Train 112 now |
leaves Bellefonte 2 p. m. connecting at
Montandon and train leaving Scranton |
2.38 p. m., Wilkesharre 3.12 p. m. con-
nects at Sunbury with the new train
from Williamsport for all points South,
East and West.
The public will notice the close con- |
nections made at all junction points.
The connection at Harrisburg with
train 21 is a great convenience for par-
ties going West. Passengers from the
Coal Regions can now leave Wilkes-
barre 7.05 a. m., Pottsville 6.00 a. m.,
Hazleton 7.10 a. m. connecting at Sun-
bury with News Express arriving at
Williamsport 11.15 a. m. returning
leave Williamsport same duy on new
train at 4 p. m.
——Nothing hinders the constant agree- |
ment of people who live together but
vanity and selfishness. Let the spirit |
of humanity and benevolence prevail,
and discord and disagreement will be
banished from the household.
Books, Magazines, etc.
——Good things are as thick as roses in the
June Wide Awake; even their titles are an en:
joyment, promising so much pleasure to their
readers, all told there on 104 pages chuck full
of the most entertaining stories, poems, de- |
sceriptives articles, anecdots, ete., all beautiful-
ly illustrated, and making one of the most
readable magazines for botii old and young,
that is issued anywhere. Wide Awake is $2.40 |
a year; 20 cents anumber. A specimen (back
number) will be sent on receipt of 5 cents, D.
Lothrop Company, Publishers, Boston.
In Memoriam.
Nellie, eldest danghter of Thos. and Eliza:
beth Hickey, died at the residence of her par-
ents near Coleville, April 27th, 1891, aged 18
. years and 6 months. She died of consumption
and heart decease, having been afflicted
fore some time, and all that money and kind
parents and friends could do to restore her
were of no avoil. God saw flit to remove her
and take her to rest for which she so much
longed. She was only confined to her bed
two days. During that time she suffered much
but calmly and patiently submitted to Gods
will saying it will be well with me in the
morning. She said to the writer, I have suf-
fered much but my rest will be sweet. Death
was no terror to her, and was a welcome mes-
senger. When the death angel was hovering
about her she called her brother and parents
and only sister to her bedside and bid them
“the last farewell with a sweet smile upon her
countenance. When she saw them weeping
she said, *Do not weep, az I do not see any-
thing to weep about.” It was a consolation to
her heart stricken parents to know that she
was ready and willing to go,and be forever at
rest. She passed away without a struggle. She
called for fa drink and laid her head upon her
hand and fell a sleep out of which she never
Peaceful be thy silent slumber,
Peaceltl in the grave so low,
Thou no more wilt join our number,
Thou no more our griefs shalt know.
Dearest Nellie, thou hast loft us,
Where thy loss we deeply feel ;
But 'tis God that hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
Yet again we hope to meet thee
When the day of life has fled;
Then in heaven with joy to greet thee,
Where no farewell tear is shed, C.5. RB.
To My Friends.
Editor of WarcnyaN:
For some time past the papers of the town
have been giving daily notices of my intention
to return to my native land—old Ireland. A
good many in the last few days have been ask_
ing me if [ was really going home, as I failed
to go with Rev. Mr. Laurie, for some reason
the report having got out that Mr. Laurie and
myself were going together this month. This
was partly true, I being deprived of this grand
| opportunity only by the reverend gentleman
being obliged to start about three weeks ahead
of me. So I will state to my many friends,and
| especially to those who don’t believe I am go-
! ing until they see me start, that I will leave
hers about the 20th or 22nd of this month, and
| will sail from New York on the 27th of June
on the City of Rome,for Londonderry, Ireland.
| From there I will have torun down the coast
only about 68 miles to Belfast, the home of my
| boyhood. When I started away from my dear
mother and father I was 17 years of age, and I
remember well the promise I made mother.
Her last request was that I should come home
! in four years. If Ilive to get to the old home
i I will have come short of my promise by about
29 years; but this does not seem long to look
back to. Very respectfully,
Tribute of Respect.
By Boalsburg Lodge, No. 804, 1. 0. O. F. to
the memory of a departed brother.
WHEREAS, in the Providence of God death
has suddenly entered our fiaternity and re-
moved from it Past Grand S. H. Weaver, who
was a beloved brother and kind and faithful
friend be it therefore,
Resolved, That we bow in humble submis-
sion to the will of that supreme and over rul-
ing Providence that controls the destinies of
his people so as to subserve his diviae purpose
and promote their spirtual good,
Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved
widow and family the most tender and cordial
sympathies of the order.
Resolved, That the charter ‘be draped i
mourning for a period of thirty days. :
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
sent the bereaved family with the assurance of
our fraternal sympathies, confident that He
who doeth all things well will comfort and
| consoie them in their affliction, realizing that
He is also abundantly able and willing to sup-
ply their spiritual and temporal wants.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
sent to the county papers for publication.
R. B. Harrisox,
D. W. MyERs, Com.
T. W. 8. Grey,
Maize R. Graham has opened a hand
some line of millinery in the room formerly
| occupied by Miss Mary McBride, She will be
pleased to have you call and examine the
many fashionable things which stock her
| counters. 36 18 6t.
To every reader of this paper who suffers
from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
| Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Nervous De-
| bility or Consumption, a bottle of that most
. wonderful medicine,
which is the only absolute and permanent
cure for the above named diseases. 1 can af-
ford to do this because I know that nine put of
every ten persons who try-it will be so well
satisfied with the results they will take pleas-
| ure in speaking about its marvelous curative
virtues to all their friends and acquzintances.
The value of this sort of advertising to me is
worth many times the cost of the medicine
| given away, so I am we ll compensated for the
seeming large expense.
I have over 70.000 letters on file from people
who have been cured of one or more of the
complaints above named. Write to-day stat-
ing your disease and received a free bottle by
return mail, or ask your druggist for it and get
well. Address, PROF. HART.
26 22 1t.n.r. 88 Warren Street, N. Y.
Powers shoe Store. —- e
If you are told that you can bay, in Cen-
tre county, a more reliable or better article
in foot wear of any description for less mon-
ey than you can at Power's Store, you will
find it a mistake by calling and examining
their prices and stock.
years experience in
the business, in Bellefonte, has enabled
them to select goods suitable to the wants
of the people, both in price and Ty
Their stock is as large, if not the largst,
as any in the county and the shoe business
gets all their attention, and they are familiar
with all the leading manufacturers and job-
bersin the country.
Owing to these facts it is absurd to
think that any one can buy goods for less
money and consequently sell for less.
pes=Look for the sign of the Big Shoe.
Higa StreET.
The four years we have been
in business. We consider
ourselves under many obli-
gations to you for the man-
ner in which you have steed -
by. ‘us..»:But you deserve
more than thanks, and ycu
shall have it. We intend to
merit, your patronage now
more than ever.
Money is scarce—we know
it; but clothing is plenty and
we intend to put it within
reach of the very poorest.
If you want a suit for your-
self, we have everything that
is in the market. We can
give you those cheap shod-
dy goods that you see ad-
vertised for $3 and $4 per
suit: But that is” not ‘the
class of goods we want to
sell you.” We want to_sell
you strictly honest goods,
goods that will give you ser-
vice, that you will be satis-
fied with, and make you
customers of ours for ever.
Now, then, we will sell
you a suit for yourself that
is all wool for $7. And when
we say a// wool we mean it.
For your boy, if he is within
the age of 14 to 18, $5.50
will get him the same kind
of a suit. If he is within the
age of 4 and 14, and wears
short pants, $3.50 is all that
is needed.
These goods are all worth
a great deal more money
than we ask for them, but
we have got more than we
need. Some are single suits,
odds and ends, a few of them
from last season—but they
are all the greatest values
for the money that you have
ever seen, and you must see
them to get an idea how
cheap they are.
Thanking you again for
past favors, and hoping that
for your interests, as well as
ours, you will give us a call
and satisfy yourself that
there is no place in Central
Pennsylvania where you can
buy clothing cheaper than
from us.
Remain, Respectfully,
M. FAUBLE, Prop’r
Rochester Clothing House,
Bellefonte, Pa.
Opp. Brockerhoft House.
New Advertisements,
Letters of Administration en the es-
tate of Phoebe Fisher, deceased, late of Fergu-
son township, having been granted to the un-
dersigned, he requests all persons knowin sz
themselves indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly authen--
ticated for settlement. A. G.ARCHY,
36 22 6t. Pine Grove Milis..
Letters of Administration on the es-
wate of S. H. Weaver, late of Oak Hall, Centre
county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay-
ment, and all persons having claims against
said estate are requested to present the same
duly authenticated for settlement to
36 22 3t. Administrator,
TRAY CATTLE—Came to tres-
passing upon the property of the sub-
scriber near Julian, eight young cattle,3 steers
red and white with slit in left ear and hole 1n
right. 5 heifers with hole in right ear, suppos-
ed to be two years old. The owner is request-
ed to prove property, pay charges and take
them away, otherwise they will de disposed of
as the law directs.
3613 3t R. W. RICHARDS.
O THE PUBLIC.—We take pleas-
ure in informing our many customers
and public in general that we have lccated our
office next door to Schofield’s saddlery on
Spring street,in charge of J.H. Fritts as azent
who will look after our business and your
wants with pleasure, and when in need of the
best machine the world has ever known, give
him a call.
36 20 4¢
Letters of Administration on the es=
tate of B. F. Garbrick, late of Walker town-
ship, Centre county, Pa., deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and all persons having
claims against said estate are requested to
present the same duly authenticated for set-
tlement to HENRY GARBRICK, 3
36 22 3t. Administrators.
Specialty. Simplest, Most Durable,
Economical and Perfect in use. Wastes no
Grain; Ceans it Ready for Market. .
and Standard Implements
SAW MILLS generally. Send for Ill. Cata-
Pennsylvania Agricult’l Works, York, Pa.
86 23 8¢
phans’ Court of Centre county, in the
estate D. W. Kline, deceased. The undersign-
ed, an Auditor appointed by said Court to
make distribution of the balance in the hands
of S. 8. Lyon, 'I'rustee to sell the real estate of
said decedent, and distribute the proceeds
among those legally entitied thereto,
will meet the parties interested to at-
tend to the du:ies of his appointment at his
office in Bellefonte, Pa., on Saturday, June 20,
1891, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all
persons interested may attend. A. A. DALE,
36 22 3t. Auditor |
COUNTY.—In the matter of the es:
tate of Hon. S. 8. Wolf, late of Potter township ,
deceased. The undersigned, an Auditor ap-
pointed by said Court to make distrioution of
the funds in the hands of the accountant, to
and among those legally entitled thereto, will
meet the parties in interest, for the purpose of
his appointment, at his office in Bellefonte, on
Monday the 22rd day of June A. D. 1841, at 10
o'clock a. in. when and where all parties inter-
ested will present their claims or be forever
debarred from coming in on said fund.
of the Bellefonte Gas Company. A
meeting of the stockholders of the Bellefonte
Gas Company will be held at the office of KE.
M. Blanchard, No 19 West High street, Belle-
fonte,Pa., on Thursday, the 6th day of Angust,
1801, at 4 o'clock p. consider the proprie-
ty of authorizing the Board of Directors to ex-
ecute and negotiate a mortgage upon the pro-
perty and franchises of the company, for the
purpose of paying the present mortgaze and
other indebtedness of the company incurred
in the construction and improvement of the
plant By order of the Board. ,
36 22 8¢ Secretary.
Oy & CO.
The famous firm of OcuLisTs and OrriciaNs
Have arranged to send ona of their Specialista
on the EYE to
: He will he at the
From 830 A. M.to5P. M.
‘Those whose eyes are causing discomfort
should eall upon our Speeialist, and they witl
receive intelligent and skillful attention..
924 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa
36 21 1y
rrr SALE. ’
Muslin underwear!
We have just openeda fine line
of muslin garments, at prices
never before equaled,
Night gowns, drawers, chemise,
shirts and corset covers.
We are offering these goods at
bargain prices, you can buy
themi cheaper than you can
make them.
Come in and see the tull assortment.
35 21 1y No. 9, Spring Street,
Bellefonte, Pa.
Farms for Sale.
E> RM FOR SALE-—A very ele
gant farm for sale, situated at Pir
Grove Mills, Centre county, Pa., containing
in a fine state of cultivation. It is well im
proved, having thereon a large two story
and other out buildings; also a good orchard,
and a fine large spring of water at the buildigds.
It is one of the most desirable farms in Re
county. ood schools aud churches within a
mile of the property.
The improvements conld not be put uponghe
farm for the price at which it can be purcha®8a.
Terms easy.
= An . . ?
35-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa.