Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance Bellefonte, Pa., June 12, 1891. Epitor P. GRAY MEEK, - - - a Pine Grove Mentions. Democratic County Committee, 1891. Bellefonte, N. W.. . W. S. Galbraith hd S.W .. Joseph Wise “ W. W John Dunlap Centre Hall Lorough. John T. Lee Howard Borough... . H. A. Moore Milesburg Borough A. M. Butler Milheim Borough Philipsburg, 1st W id 2d W .. A. C. Musser ames A. Lukens C. A. Faulkner . A J Gorton . E. M.Griest gene Meeker Harvey Benner . Philip Confer .. T. F. Adams G. H..Leyman EE, College, E. P. W. H. Mokle 5 w..P. .. James Foster Curtin... ..onemier N. J. McCloskey . Daniel Dreibelbis Geo. W. Keichline ... Chas. W. Fisher . .... James P. Grove Haines, E.P Isaac M. Orndorf ‘ W, P. .. Geo. B. Shatfer HallIMOON. .coarrrstuyrastionsestolumss seis Eilis Lytle Ferguson, E. P.. Crm reggs, S. P... “ 8 1 N. P Harris... vs 4. W. Keller Howard. W.T. Leathers Huston.. .... Henry Hale Liberty. . Alfred Bitner Marion.. . John J. Shaffer Miles.. James P. Frank Patton «+ P. A. Sellers Penn..... J. C. Stover S. W. Smith Potter, N. P. 6 S,. PD. Rush, N. P.. Jas. B. Spangler Jas. Dumbleton .. Hugh McCann Thomas Turbidy . John D. Brown .. Jerry Donovan 8pring, S. P..... Sh NP . James Carson 5 W.P ... E.E. Ardery Taylor... W. T. Hoover Union... Chas. H. Rush Walker. D. A. Dietrick Worth. Julai La Sl Las 0. D. Eberts SCHAEFFER, Chairman. No Third Party in the South. The Atlanta Constitution, the great conservative organ of the South, in a recent article says that the object of the Alliance movement, in the North- west is to draw the Southern Alliarce men in the South from the Democratic party. It says that one of the Repub- lican steerers at the Cincinnati Conven- tion, who ostensibly represented a Northernwestern Alliance, declared that “unless the Democratic South can be broken he and his friends would re- main in the Repablican party.” The Constitution, speaking for the Southern farmers, says: “It is absurd to ask them to join a Third Pary, and there- by destroy a political and social solidi- ty which is essential to the safety of their property and their institutions. The farmers here are not dissatisfied with the Democratic party in any par- ticular, for they constitute a majority of its voters and have control of its organization. A Third Party in the South would be farcial in its concep- tion and tragical in its results, for it would be in the natare of an invitation to ignorance to step in and take charge of affairs.” The Constitution concludes its Arti- cle: The Alliance men perceive that it is only through tLe Democratic party they can carry out their plans of reform, and this fact, we predict, will be made clear to all those ele- ments in the West which cut loose {rom the Republican organization. When the North- western Alliance men threaten that they will not draw their votes from the Republiean par- ty unless the solid South is broken up, they show their hands too plainly. In what respect does the Republican policy commend itself to Alliance men? .fthey are in favor of high tariff taxation,the contraction of the currency, the debasement of silver, and the extrava- gance that has marked the later career of the Republican party, culminating into a billion dollar Congress, then they are Republicans and ought to vote with that organization. But if Alliance men, Northern, Westein Eastern or Southern, are opposed to legislative corruption and extravagance; if the are in fa- vor of tariff reform, a reductions of taxation, the free coinage of silver, and thorough finan- cial reform, then they are Democrats indeed, and will stultify themselves by voting for any candidates save those of the Democratic party. The Sourthern Alliance men understand the situation thoroughly, and for that reason they are Democrats. 3 A much needed bill has been signed by Governor Parrison and is now a law. It makes telegraph, tele phone and other electric companies re- sponsible for the damage done to shade trees by cutting them down or disfigur- ing them to make way for their wires. There has been great complaint for many years because the linemen em- ployed by these companies caused much ruthless damage to ornamental trees, in many cases seeming to go out of their way for the purpose of inflict ing injury maliciously. Owners of pro- perty may be trasted to enforce this law to its full extent. “Now that warm weather is here in earnest would it not be a good idea to give up Nilcott, Tascott, the Itata, and the tin plate factories until next fall 7 This suggestion of a hot- weather policy by the Washington Post is worthy to be adopted with amend- | ments. In the first place Silcott and Tascott were laid away in peace some time ago. Next, no heat has been gen- erated in the chase of the Itata, as she was obligingly surrendered. This leaves only the tin plate question, and the cool judgment of a discerning pub- lic is not likely to-.hecome heated on a subject that bears the strong impress of tant lying. —Subscribe for the Watchman, A Compulsory Ballot. Governor Camrpern, of Ohio, is strongly in favor of a compulsory voting law, believing that honest elec- tions cannot be completely secured by ballot reform laws unless every citizen is compelled to vote. His idea is that although the Austratian system may prevent corrupt politicians from undaly influencnig the casting of votes,by means of bribery, it will not prevent them from inducing those who might vote against them to stay away from the polls for a money consideration. This would be a species of bribery against which the Austratian law does not pro- vide, and 1t would be an evil as much to be depricated as the pay ment of mo- ney to secure votes. It would take more money, how- ever, to effect the purpose intended, for the keeping of a voter away from the polls is the gain of but half a vote, while the purchase or the intimidation of a vote is the gain of a whole one. Bat it is doubtful whether any indi- vidual or party would adopt, to any material exteut,such a method of affect- ing an election, for if any one should attempt to keep volers away from the polls in this manner he would be tak ing the chance of losing as many for his own side as he would keep away from the other. There would be an element of uncertainty about it that would make the investment risky, and hence it isn't likely that it would be extensively practiced. The propo- sition to make people vote if they don’t want to has something arbitrary about it, yet if all the citizens will not dis- charge the duty of citizenship by com- ing to the polls and voting, the full benefit of ballot reform can not be realized. The Governor has approved the Boyer revenue bill and the bills re- quiring the monthly return of state, county and poor taxes by collectors ; providing for the recovery of bounties by soldiers of the late war; to prevent pollution of streams supplying cities ; requiring county commissioners to pro- vide the superintendent of schools with office and storage rooms. Deadh of a Great Statesman. Sir Joux McDoxarp, the distin- guished Canadian Premier, who for half a century had been a man of prominence in the Canadian provinces, and for the past quarter of a century was the controlling political character of the Doininion, died at his residence at Ottawa last Saturday evening. His public career has been nearly par: allel in point of time with that of Graps1oNE and of BisMAreK in the of- fairs of Eogland and Germany. Grap- sToNE eatered parliament in 1832. Brsyarcx was admitted to the bar in 1835 and McDoxawp in 1836. That Lie did not win as brilliant renown as the highest of the European political leaders, was because Canada afforded too narrow a field of operation. His breadth of mind, his foresight, sagaci- ty, fertility of resonrce, knowledg of hu- man nature and inflexibility of purpose put him in the front rank of the great statesmen of the world. It has often been remarked that it was his misfor- tune not to have begun his career either in England or the United States. While his death was hourly expect- ed the Canadian newspapers speculated who would succeed him and carry on his work. A successor will be easily found, but it will be difficult to find one who will so successfully manage tle affairs of Canada. It is said that the State Chair- man of the Prohibition party protests against the alleged ballot reform bill that was passed by the late Legislature and is now in the hands of the Gov- ernor for his action, His objection is on the ground that it imposes an uu- fair limitation on independent or third party nominations. A limitation of. 3 per cent., as is required by the bill, would have disfranchised both the Prohibition and Labor parties in 1888, and would rule out such organizations in a great majority of instances. This is a good cause of objection for the Pro hibition brethren, who see in the paucity of their numbers the unjust bearing of the bill against their party. But members of all parties can with equal force object that the bill does not provide for secrecy of the ballot or a public count. There is no limit to the uses to which science is applying eleciricity. Human ingenuity is even making it useful as an insect exterminator, and in this way it is made to benefit the agriculturist. Thus, on a large es- tate in Germany a contrivance has been devised in the shape of an electric light which attracts insects at night. By a suction apparatus they are drawn into a mill, ground up and then utiliz- (ed as poultry food. Great are the | . . achievements of science. Partisan Judges. It 18 reported that President Harri son is about to appoint five Judges of the land court that was established by an act of the last Congress. Some one suggest rather timidly, that two of the five be Democrats. It oughtto be, if it is not, a sad commentary on our methods of selecting judicial officers that there should be any doubt in the premises. if he fills the new court entirely with Republican judges. There is nothing in the whole scheme of government so There is no executive act so open to adverse criticism as the selection of a judee on aceount of his political opin- ions or his personal friendships. The majority of the people of this country are Democrats, and the ap- pointment of none but Republicans to that among the majority there is no one who can be intrusted with the ad- ministration of justice and this would be such a wicked slander, that he who would utter it is unfit to be President. —1It is high time that that brutal pu. gilist JouN L. SuLLIvAN should be drop- ped from pablic notice. He has leng ceased to be interesti as a powerful animal of the human variety, and now draws crowds simply as a notorious tough. In San Francisco a few nights ago he appeared before his audience in a state of beastly intoxication and made a rambling speech at which the audience howled with delight. What there was in the maudlin harangue that delighted this intelligent San Francisco audience is not explained. —The Harrisburg Telegraph airily 1e- marks that “the financial officers of the State have thus fur little warrant for the recognition of Mr. WATCHORN as IMae- tory Inspector.” It would certainly suit the Telegraph's idea of the correct thing if Republican officials who have been turned out of office could go on drawing pay forever. England Growing Critical. Loxpox, June 6.— The developments of the baccarat trial have aroused the strong non-conformist feeling against the class of which the Prince of Wales is the leader, and from the talk in the lobbies of parliament there is evidently fear that the disclosures may affect the next election unfavorably for the Con- servatives. Among the nobility and gentry the conduct of the prince excites neither surprise nor objection. It is among the middle classes and the poor that severe comments are heard on the incidents of Tranby Croft. England has grown more critical since the days of the Mordaunt divorce and the public opinion of the multitude is evidently disposed to hold the prince to a responsi- bilty for his indulgence in gambling. A leading Radical remarked tbat the Cum- ming scandal would have an influence on the future of Great Britain that could not be mausured in this generation. As stated in these dispatches on Wednesday Lord Middleton, brother-in-law of Sir William, has been his backer from the first in the effort to redeem his name froin disgrace, and his lordship’s appear- ance in court was the open assertion of the sympathy he hus all along felt and displayed for his unfortunate relative. Cumming has many friends along among the audience and the fair portion espe- cially seem to be his attentive admirers. Present Giving in America. ®* A New Yorker who has been abroad says that the habit of giving small pres- ents to friends or acquaintances is far more prevalent in Great Britain than it is in the United States. “I do not refer to costly things,” he says, “or to cere- monial gifts, but to favors that please I saw a great deal in the British Isles. You will get a little fancy cap that was made for you out of a remnant, or a danty book worth six-pence, or a shilling picture for your wall, or a pretty pair of slippers, or a pocket knife, or some object of art, or something else just for remembrance. And the women give to each other all sorts of nice things for feminine use, from a thimble to a feather for the hat, or a bottle of perfumery. It is & pretty custom. Tt surrounds you with pleasant reminders of vour friends When among acquaintances ubroad I often heard of their getting: and giving presents such as we would never think of in this country.”—N. ¥. Sun. Bardsley Pleads Guilty Priraperruia, June 9.—John Bard- sley, ex-city treasurer of Philadelphia, was brought up from Moyamensing prison this morning and arraigned in the court of quarter sessions, before Judges Fell and Wilson, on seventeen separate indictments, charging him with loaning money as a public officer, deriving gain from the deposit of pub- lic money and converting public money to his own use. When Bardsley was asked how he ‘pleaded he pleaded euilty to every count of the tudicinent District Attorney Graham addressed the court and stated that, in view of Bardsley’s plea and the fact that his counsel has not had time to examine the bills of indictment, he would not press for sentence to be pronounced at once. It was then arranged that this day two weeks shculd be set for hear- ing the evidence for and against Bard- slev, and the court could then weigh it An Immense Output. Pennsylvania’s Big Showing in the Mining of Bituminous Coal. The Census Bureau at Washington Monzy mace a public bulletin on the subject of bituminous coal produc- ton in Pennsylvania. It shows the out- put of the bituminous regions in this “Suate to have been 36,174,039 short tons | in 1899, nearly donble that reported at the tenth census. The total value of the output is given as $27,953,215, or an President Harrisox will be guilty of | a great wrong to the people, and to the aR average of 100.8 cent per ton at the fundamental principle ot his profession, | average 77.2 cents per short ton at the wines, against $18,567,129 in 1880, or mines. The average number of persons em- ; ployed in 1889 was 53,780, against 33,- | 2.0, for 1880, the amount paid for wages in 1889 being $21,142,051, against $10,- , 865,583 tor 1880. The output of small bad as a judge who is a partisan, | local banks and farmers’ diggings is re- | ported at 820,170 short tons. No report of this product has heretofore been at- | tempted. I'he collection of this data intrusted to resident special agents familiar with the territory under their charge and the i product of this important element of ‘coul industry in Pennsylvania the bulle- i tin says is authentically given. The ; : i ity eal the beach is equivalent to the assertion | 4180 sold tothe local trade and to | employes by the regular establishments together with that in the neighborhood, amounts to 159,651 short tons, or 4.40 © per cent of the entire production. both the giver and the receiver, of which | and pronounce septence. In the sev- enteen indictments on which Bardsley | pleaded gnilty the total amount of | money involved is $673,805. The nmount of coal manufactured in- to coke during the year 1889 was 10,- 190,683 short tons, or 28.17 per cent. of the total production. Altogether the report shows a remarkable increase in bituminous operation throughout the State. The Earth is a Hugh Dynamo. Every day the needle of the magnetic compass hus been observed to sway first one way and then the other upon its pivot with no apparent cause, thus vary- ing from the meridian of a place. Scien- tists have for many years been trying to account for this. One of them has just published his theory of the cause of the disturbance. He ascribes it to electricity, assuming that the earth is whirling on its orbit between two mag- netic fields, and that the varying inten- sity of the current one way or the other produces the disturbance of the magnetic needle. The two magnetic currents, he believes, are streaming to us from the sun, one being produced by the corona, the other coming directly with the sun’s rays in straight lines. In cther words, according to this theory, electricity is generated by the sun. It reaches us the same way as sunlight does, and the con- clusion is that it is akin to, if not iden- tical with, sunlight itself. The revolv- ing earth 1s the gigantic dynamo which excites the electric currents and makes them manifest.—San Francisco Ex- aminer. A Corpse Turned Black. ALLENTOWN, Pa., June 6.—An elec- tric storm is said to have so affected the fluids in the body of Mrs. William J. Gilbert who died this week at Co- play, Lehigh county, that the corpse turned black, and was buried at midnight during a heavy thunder- storm by the light of a torch and burning tagots. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Novelties in furniture and wall paper are the order of the day at E. Brown, Jr's on Bishop street. ——The Logan Steam Fire Engine Company, will hold a festival in the Court Hoase yard on the Fourth of July. Dr. Atherton, of the Pennsylvan- ia State College, deiivered the oration to the graduating class of the Annopolis Naval school last week. : ——The Methodists of Fillmore will give a festival to-morrow (Saturday) evening, for the benefit of their church. All the delicacies will be served. Last Monday our distinguished townsinan, James Milliken, started on his annual trip to South Dakota, where he has extensive mining interests. Miss Bella M. Brisbin, sister of post master Brisbin, Centre Hall, was married at Winnebago, "Illinois, last week to Mr. I. S. Lindley,of that place. -— George Downing, intending to move to Altoona, where his daughter, Mis. Hoover, resides, has sold his house on Bishop street to John XKeichline, Esq. Mr. C. W. Smith, of Howard, was doing business in town on Thurs- day. Heis a very pleasant gentleman and has just returned from a trip to Tioga county. Miss Annie McCaffery will open a summer school in the stone building onthe 17th inst. Parents who know what is best for their children will be sure to patronize her. The commander of Gregg Post, No. 95, requests the attendance of every member at the Post room on Monday evening, June 15, to attend to special and important business, ——The members of the M. E. church of Rock Forge, Pa., will hold au ice cream festival on Saturday even- ing, June 20. lce cream, cake and all the delicacies of the season will be served. ——-The St. John’s Catholic school is rehearsing and practicing daily for the entertainment it wilt give in Garman’s Opera House on the 24th of this month. It will be an enteresting and entertain - ing affair. The reception given by the Bellefonte Club at their rooms in the Bush Arcade, last evening, was a brilliant affair, invi- tations having been extended to about 400 guests. The music was furnished by Stopper & Ficsk’s orchestra, of Wil- ' liamsport. hi ——Attorney Clough and contractor E. T. Gallagher of Lock Haven attended to business matters in Belle- fonte on Wednesday. A great job of fencing has been completed by Messrs. H. L. & R. S. Houser, who have enclosed with wire both sides of the Snow Shoe railroad from Snow Shoe to Bald Eagle, making in ali a line of 40 wiles of wire fencing. ——The Bellefonte School Board has awarded to Hillibish & Co., condition- ally, the contract for putting in new water closets in the stone school build- ing, laying concrete pavement in the cellar, and running a drain trom the school house to the creek. Mr. Fred Reynolds is making his appearance on our streets with a handsome team driven tandem. It makes & stylish looking team, but when driven that wav the fore horse al- ways looks as if he was wanting to know what he was there for. ——The friends of the M. E. church at Filmore - intend holding a festival, to-morrow,Saturday afternoon and even- ing. The proceeds to be used for church purposes. Everybody who wants to enjoy a good time, or partake of the good things that will be furnished in abundance, is cordially invited to at- tend. TempErRANCE UnioN. — Thursday evening of last week the Bellefonte Tem- perance Union elected the following officers for the insuning term: President, J. Linn Harris ; Vice President, An- drew Loneberger ; Secretary, Newton Gibson ; Treasurer, Elmer Straub ; As- sistant Secretary, John Morgan ; Execu- tive Committee, H. C. Valentine, lsaac Underwood, Chas F. Cook. ——On Saturday afternoon last, amateur base ball club, of State Col- lege, defeated the “Milesburg team by the score of 14 to 2. The game was very one sided and uninteresting and the College boys complained of bad treatment at the hands of the Milec-- burgers. Discourtesy of this kind shows want of good sense and is de- testable. ——A pleasant sicht meets theeye of the pedestrian on the railroad near the nail works. Itis the truck gardens of Mr. Jno.; Whiteman, which liealong the north side of the track. They are filled with early vegetable of all kinds and present an unusually well kept appear- ance. Hverthing about the patch is in apple pie order and the numerous varie- ties of the different garden vegetables are really all represented. ——Dr. H. B. Van Valzah, formerly of Spring Mills, this county, died at his home in Clearfield, of consumption, on the Sth inst. The Clearfield Republican in noting his demise says, “He was a good citizen and a physician who had few equals, if any, in this section, and of late years his services were sought after by persons from a distance, but his failing health prevented him from fol- lowing his profession. County Treasurer J. J. Gramley is chairman of the committee on deco- rations for the 4th of July, with the fol- lowing assistant committeemen : R. F. Hunter, E. F. Garman, W. X. Ludwig, B. C. Achenbach, A. C. Mingle, W. S. Zeller, C. F. Montgomery, C. M. Par- rish, C. L. Gates, Frank Naginey, L. A, Schaeffer, J. B. Strohm, G. B. Brandon, Frank Williams, A. S. Garman, John Kline and Jackson Showers. Michael Funk, an old resident of Warriorsmark Valley, died at his home near the village of that name Tuesday afternoon at the age of 91 years and up- wards. He is survived by two sons and three daughters— Martin L. at home and John W. Funk, of Redhand, Cal.; Mrs. H. F. Copelin, and Mrs. W. H. Roberston, of this place, and Miss Lyda, who has made her home with her aged parent. The funeral services took place on Thursday atternoon. ArE Sure Toar It Is He.—In re- gard to the man held at Madison, Wis- consin, on suspicion that it is Wilson, the escaped murderer of Waterhouse, District Attorney Meyer on Wednes- day received two telegrams from Madi- son in which the authorities say the man there at first confessed to being Wilson. His description is perfect aud they offer to pay one half the expense of a man to go outand identify him. They have also mailed Mr. Meyer a let- ter giving everything in full, which has not vet been received. REPORT OF Prof. D. M. LEIB oN rat BrrreroNTth Scrcors —Prof. D. M. Lieb, Principal otf the Bellefonte public schools, on Tuesday evening read his annual report to the School Board. It is as follyws : Gentlemen of the School Bowrd--The final examinations of the schools ending vesterday, and the closing exercises of the schools coming to-day, of necessity this report must be Lrief; time only be- ing given to jot down some points for vour consideration. GENERAL SCHOOL WORK. This has been good throughout the grades. The one weak branch noticed is Reading in the Upper Intermediate { and Grammar grades. In these it is | a _ weak only in comparison with the stiong condition of such branches ns History and Geography. The shown in these studies is due largely to the use during the past two years in the lower grades of supplementary readers in History and Geography. If books of a like interesting character were placed in the Grammar grades, and parents would aid in encouraging their children to read aloud at home, from useful books, magazines or papers; a marked advance could be had. The papers sub- mitted this year for examination by the pupils of the Grammar grades, in His- tory, Geography and Grammar, were in advance of any former year. The work of the Primary schools gave evidence of help received at the Altoona School of Methods, and in these as well as the In- termediate grades the work improved in professional tone. 3 HIGH SCHOOL. The attendance during the past year on our High School was larger than any year in its history. The pupils, about equally divided as to sex, were regular in daily attendance. The youngest classes were the largest in numbers, and the strongest in that school spirit which promises better things to come. The earnestness of Prof, Johnstonbaugh, and the fine character of Prof. Wolf were constant forces for good. It might be proper bere to ask parents to look upon lack of “school spirit” on the part of their children as an infallible evidence of a lack of “student spirit.” As to how “student spirit” is killed—it is certain that too much company, and that of an indiscriminate kind, is as fatal to it as if it were ordained to the work. As to the next year—all indications point to a larger school in numbers. The advancement GREAT NEED of the school is proper apparatus with which to illustrate the work, and make studies appeal to the reason and not so much to the memory. An articulated skeleton, some simple chemical appara- tus and a “High School Set” of Queen & Co's physical apparatus indicate the line of our urgent needs. TEACHERS’ MEETINGS. During the year twenty meetings of the teachers have been held for the study of special branches and the cultivation of professional spirit. Under Prof. Wolf, Prof. Johnstonbaugh, and the Principal of the schools a regular course of study was carried on and recitations of one hour’s length hedd on well defined por- tions of Psychology, English Grammar and Rhetoric, and Phsiology and Hy- giene, On the 2nd of May County Supt. Etters held a thorough examina- tion extending over five hours upon these branches. For the next year the following course is outlined : History—Thorpe’s Government of the United States, Geography—The Na- tional Resources of the United States. English—Rhetoric, Orthography and Definition. Extra— Latin, German. To the improvement of these meetings one additional advantage might be pro- vided by the Board or some generous citizen. EXTRA ADVANTAGE. Provide a course of illustrated lectures on the physical sciences, the art of teach- ing and Englisk literature. These would be in the manner of the ‘“univer- sity extension” so popular in England and so successful this past winter in its first introduction into towns and cities in the Eastern part of the State. The tal- ent for such a scheme can be found in the faculty of the State College and the professional representatives cf law and medicine in cur own community. The money required on the authority of Prof. Atherton of the College, (with whom a conversation was had some years ago on this point,) need not be greater in amount than the actual ex- penses, say ten dollars per lecture. To these lectures teachers, pupils and pat- rons alike should have admission. CARE OF BUILDINGS. The buildings are not yet kept in that neat and tidy condition they should be; and it is to be feared they will not be, until the janitors, paid a salary suf- ficient to warrant their giving all their time to the work, are made to come up to a standard of excellence or else for. feit their places. ENROLLMENT. The total enroliment for the year: Boys Girls Rotal. Stone... ; 50 3.8 Brick. wold 127 264 High.... ord 40 80 34 332 end The loss of come 100 pupils as com- pared with last year is due to the open- ing of the parish school. To teachers and pupils alike these pupils went out with many regrets, for all were pleasant, and many through the peculiur relations of several years’ association in the school room were especially endeared to us. In conclusion I thank the Board for their constant support, and though I fear the work has had many tanlts clear to their eyes, because of their duties as directors of a trust ard as parents, yet in all things the members have been in- dulgent, or else by kind private sug- gestions corrected errors. Very truly, D. M. Liks, Principal.