Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 12, 1891, Image 1

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    8Y P. GRAY MEEK.
Ink Slings.
—The tin-piate liar heads the proces- |
sion of high-tariff falsiliers.
-—A gambling “kit” is hereafter to
be recognized as a necessary part of the
royal outfit of England—as indispensa-
ble, in fact, as the crown.
—The English baccarat scandal
ought to furnish very interesting read-
ing for the American heiress who is
desirous of marrying into the English
—1If investigation could be thorough-
ly and honestly pushed it might be dis-
covered that the Bardsley deficit had it
start 1n 1888 when money was needed
to elect HARRISON and save the tariff.
— Senator QUAY 1s again indulging in
his annual habit of declaring that he
will “positively take no part” in work-
ing the coming state convention. Hv-
erybodv understands this little pleasant-
ry of the Boss. |
-—BARDSLEY has pleaded guilty to the |
seventeen indictments against him, in-
volving so long a term of imprisonment |
that when he gets out, if he ever]
shall, Republican rule will be nothing
but a nasty memory.
—1It has been discovered that BArDS-
LEY took charge of the Philadelphia
treasury without taking the oath as
treasurer ; but it isn’t supposed that aco
oath even of the iron-clad variety would
have kept kim from stealing.
— 230
think very lightly of the officer at the
head of their government, but what
would they think of a President who
should travel over the country with a
lot of gambling baggage in his train ?
American people sometimes |
-—Since under this Republican ad-
ministration bank examiners don’t ex-
amine, the people have lost confidence
in the national banking system. «Key-
stone Bank’ rottenness was impossible
under the careful and honest rule of
—When it was found necessary to
discharge young RauyM from the pen-
sion office on account of official misbe-
havior, he was allowed to resign and
thirty days extra pay was given him.
Was this intended as evidence of dis-
tinguished consideration ?
Mr. HarrIsoN was ridiculed a good
deal for traveling through the country
with a trunk full of ready-made speech-
es, but it would have been much
worse if he should bave had it packed
with gambling implements, after the
style of the Prince of Wales.
--The surrender of the Iwata to the
United States authorities withcut unnec-
essary kicking, was about the only sen-
sible thing connected with the Chilian
revolution. Even the South American
revolutionist is impressed with the dan-
ger of fooling with the United States.
—A deficiency of two million dollars
has been discovered in the Peter's pence
fund by the Pope’s auditing committee
of cardinals. As this money is not
handied by Philadelphia financiers the
deficit may be attributed to some
other cause than municipal crookedness.
--I{ is said that Mr. CLEVELAND'S
new summer home in Bergen county,
N.J., is “the healthiest spot in New
Jersey.” DANA, of the New York Sun,
would be better satisfied if the ex-Presi-
dent wera located in a Jersey swamp
full of malaria and alive with mosqui-
toes. .
—~-The Prohibitionists of Kentucky,
having raised a fund of $400, are talking
about making a rousing campaign.
This is rather a small sum for political
operations in the Blue Grass region, but
as the Kentucky Prohibitionists will in-
vest no money in ‘old Bourbon,” $400
may be enough.
--If a Democratic President had
been elected in 1883 there would not
now be national officers trying to hide
the crookedness the Philadelphia
Keystone Bank. That crookedness
would have been exposed before it
reached its disastrous culmination, by a
Democratic examiner who would have
—To the foolishness of being galled
by the tariff cry at every election is to
be attributed the plight in which the
Philadelphians find themselves with a
plundered treasury. BARDSLEY and
that class of roosters could always get
into ofllee on the cry that the tariff was
in danger and that its saivation depend-
| tricts, allowing three to each.
S - \
V7 Ny Mm
NO. 23.
or. 16,
| The Constitutional Convention ull
| Under the Bill providing for a con-
: stitutional convention, the voters will
| decide at the coming November elec-
| tion for, or against, the convention,
| At the same time they will vote for
| delegates to compose the convention,
in case the voters decide in favor of
one. The whole number of delegates
provided for is 177, of which 27 are to
be elected in the State at large, and
the remainder, 150, by Senatorial dis-
In the
t cage of delegates at large, as no voter
will be allowed to vote for more than
18, the election will resnlt in the
majority party electing 18, and the
minority party 9 Inthecase of district
delegates, no voter can vote for more
than two out of three, and this me-
thod of voting will give the Democrats
one in each Republican district, and
the Re publicans one in each Demo-
cratic district. This will allow the
minority party in each district to have
la representative in the convention,
which seems a very fair thing to do.
If the people vote against the conven-
tion, it ends there for the present; but
if they vote in favor of it, it becomes
the duty of the Governor, under the
law, to issue his proclamation calling
the convention and announcing the
delezates; the convention to meet in
the Hall of Representatives, IHarris-
burg, the first Tuesday in December,
1891, at, 12 o'clock, noon. The pay of
delegates is fixed at 31,500 and mile:
age, with an allowanue for stationery.
This Senatorial district, the same as
all others, will be entitled to three
delegates, and as it is a Democratic
district the Democrats will be able to
elect two of the three. Oar ambition
should be to send qualified men, for it
is no light affair to properly frame a
fandamental law for a free people.
A Defective Banking System,
The case af Bank Examiner Drew
presents the curious spectacle of an ex-
aminer who didn’t (examine. The ob
the condition of national banks by per-
sonal examination, determine whether
they are conducted according to the
law regulating such institutions, and
fee that the public is not injured by
their mismanagement. Examiner
Drrw has been forced to admit that he
dia not perform this part of his duty
in the case of the Keystone Bank;
that he was aware of the irregulari--
ties which the bank officers were com
mitting; that he did not interfere with
after he knew it was rotten, and allow-
ed the city and citizens to deposit their
money init when, from 1ts insolvency
well known to him, they were sure of
losing the amounts they deposited.
The very object of his functions as an
officer was to prevent such a wrong as
this, and yet he deliberately failed to
carry out this object. Ie wasunfaith-
tul to his official trast.
Such a situation as the one in ques-
tion is calculated to shake public con-
fidence in the reliability of the nation-
al banking system. That system has
been gradually depreciating in the es-
timation of the people. Its opponents
have been increasing in number among
4 large and intelligent class who do
not believe that the national banks are
giving the public adequate benefit for
the privilege and advantage they en-
joy, and just such cases as that of the
Keystone National Bank, ana such
conduct as that of Bank Examiner
Drew, the opinion and
strengthen the position of the enemies
of the national banking system.
A shrewd farmer down in Ten-
nessee has discovered a practical ob-
jection to the subtreasury scheme that
is so popular among the Alliance peo-
ed upon the Republicans carrying the
city elections.
—~After the party bosses have been
plundering Philadelphia for vears, and
has heen detected and
brought to justiea by no movement on
their part, bat rather in spite of their
efforts to conceal his rascality, it is
amusing to see the remark of the Press
that “the Republicans of Philadelphia
have the bahit of putting their rascals
in jail.” When one of them gets in
jail the retributive episode sends a shiver
of apprehension through the machine
managers who remain outside the prison
walls, but kncw very well that they
ought to be inside,
i ple. He thinks that if the govern-
{ ment had a store-house to locate in a
| particular locality all the farming
! townsin the surrounding country would
proceed (0 ent their neighbors’ throate
in order to securexdt. There would be
such a fight as usually springs up iu
the question of locating a government
post office building. Every town wants
one, and those that do not get them
are down on the administration. IIence
the subtreasury buildings in the rural
regions would be a source of political
rv ———————
ead the Warcina for political
and general news,
ject of such an officer is to inquire into
the bank being kept open for months
Twin Calamities.
the English sparrows similar to that
which the United States is having. . In
1860 fifty of these prolific and perni-
cious birds were taken to the island
continent for thé purpose of propaga-
tion, under the impression that their
presence would be beneficial. This,
however, proved to be a delusion. ‘In
the thirty-one years since the sparrows
were taken to Australia they have 1n-
creased to countless millions, and in-
stead of being a blessing they are nn
5 All kinds of vege-
by them
unmitigated curse,
table produ
and it is said that they do nothing to
cts are destroyed
abate the spread of noxious insects.
But there was some excuse for bring-
ing the sparrows into Australia, which
was comparatively a birdless country
and its people natarally longed for the
presence of birds. Bat there was no
reason for bringing them to America.
We were abundantly supplied with na-
tive birds that were sufficiently capa-
ble of dealing with our native insects.
The sparrows are driving away our na-
tive songsters while the insects are
not disturbed by them. The extent of
of the calamity which has been
trought upon the conntry by the intro-
duction of the sparrows is only in the
first be
stage of development. It will
fully felt after they have fully occupied
the country,
The Great South.
he Manufacturer's Record gives an
article from the pen of Epwarp ATxIN-
sox on the undeveloped resources of the
Soutl, in which he says:
In the very heart of the eastern part of the
United Sites is an area nearly as large as
4 with more varied resources,
than any other similar
2 limits of our common cour try,
parsely settled, and until a few
y known to New England
years a ¥
peoyle. The time has now come for men to
wrahend that there lies at our door a very
area of alinost unoccupied territory, ca-
pable of being made the home of millions of
intelligent and industrious families. It is a
| territory capable of supplying meats, fruit and
vegetables in almost measareless abi ndance,
where yet a large part of the grain and meat
i is imported from the West.
| No part of our great country has a
more encouraging future than the
{ South. So far hardly any of her vast
| resources have been developed, She is
rich in all the resources that contribute
| to the wealth and material progress
"of a country, to which may be added
the best conditions of soil and climate.
When these are developed she will dis-
‘pute the field of production with the
Middle and New England States. If
| the people of the South in developing
| their natural resources exhibit but half
| the energy and courage they displayed
i on the field of strife, there can be no
question of their success. In so doing
they can illustrate the waxim that
| “Peace hath her victories no less re-
nowned than war.”
The case of Professor Bricas
has raised a disturbance in the Pres-
byterian denomination that is not be-
ing easily aliayed. This is unfortu-
nate, as no one who tak es any interest
in religion would wish to see that
staunch old church disturbed by dis-
sentions. The unpleasantness of the
complication is increased by the action
of the Union Theological Seminary
whose directors are almost unanimous
in their determination to stand by
Prof. Briaas, ignore the veto of the
General Assembly, and defy its author-
ity. The directors do not consider this
rebeliion, for they say “that the veto
was a usurpation of powers never giv-
en nor intended to be given to the Gen-
eral Assembly, and that, since the voto
was illegal, the appointment stands.”
WHARTON BARKER, in a recent
letter to Colonel Henry A. DuPoxr,
‘of Wilmington, Delaware, on public af
fairs, says :
“The benefits of Protection are to
my mind, as to your own, unquestion-
ed, it the Protective system is to be
what its ardent advocates have intend-
ed it to be, but if it be made the shield
for capitalistic greed, then plainly we
must either dislodge those who abuse
its purpose, or give up the fight for its
That is just what the modern Pro
tective System is, “the shizld for capi-
talistic greed.”
——PFine job work of ever discription
at the Warcaman Office,
Antralia has had an experience with
A Sign of Deep Portent.
“There are signs in the political sky
that are calculated to make the Repub:
lican leaders uneasy. To them the
most portentous sign is the Third Par-
ty, and they do not speak of it with
the pleasantry they indulged in at first,
According to a Washington dispatch
«a member of the administration only a
few days ago said on this subject :
“The present is a period of doubt and new
interest. I cannot say it is one improving in
hopefulness. It will not do to dismiss the
new party movement with the flippancy cer-
tain of our newspapers deal with it. The Re-
publican party itself grew out of what was not
wholly unlike the present action of the agri-
cultural and other dissatisfied classes of the
voting population. We should be
The meaning that can be collected
from this is that the leaders are alarm-
ed at the attitude of the dissatisfied
voters in the strong Republican states
of the north-west, which appears as a
handwriting on the wall. It should
be alarming to them, considering the
fact that the Third Party movement
has developed chiefly the States
that give the Republican party its pre-
ponderance in every victory. But
what makes the movement particular-
ly alarming is that most of the leaders
as well as the rank and file of this new
party, until they recently split off, be-
longed to the Republican party.
Under this condition of things it is
natural that the faith of the leaders ih
the future of their party is shaken.
Aud this doubt has even entered the
White House, as it is said that the
see that infln-
ences are at work that are likely to
make liis re-election an impossibility.
A contemporary is of the opinion
that the Republican party, seeing that
its overthrow is impending, will ul-
President is beginning to
timately throw itself into the arms of |
And why should |
The Republican party |
its mission is end. | breach of duty in not passing a sena-
the, Third Party.
this not be so ?
has Tun its course ;
ed, When formed, thirty-five years
ago, its cardinal principle and founda-
PA., JUNE 12, 1891.
Tho Senatorial Gerrymander Still
Although the constitution of the
State of Pennsylvania requires that the
Legislature shall “immediately after
ezch United States decennial census”
apportion the State into Senatorial dis-
tricts, “as nearly equal in population
as maybe,” yet the Republican party of
the State, by direction of its leaders,
has refused to obey this command of
the constitution, both under the cen-
sus of 1880 and of 1890. The present
Senatorial apportionment was made
under so remote a census as” that of
1870. A lapse of twenty years, extend-
ing over two enumerations of the people,
makes it irregular and unconstitution-
In addition to is illegality, the Sen-
atorial apportionment,as it bas been al-
lowed to remain, is marvelously unfair
and unjust. The districts which the
requires to be ‘nearly
equal in populagion as may be,” range
from 48,000 population in the Leban-
on Republican district to 201,000 in
the Luzerne, Democratic. Twelve dis-
tricts have an average of 68,000 and 12
other districts an average of 154,000.
The design of making this iniquitous
apportionment perpetual is to enable
the Republican machine bosses to
maintain their control of the Senate,
a body in which corporate power and
the money interest have entrenched
themselves, It is there where the de-
mand for just and equal taxation, for
{ an honest ballot, and for legislation fa-
vorable to the laboring class, may be
successfully resisted, and the Republi-
can bosses will not surrender the ad-
vantage of such a position by allowing
a fair senatorial apportionment that
would reduce their numerical strength
in that body.
A Republican contetaporary at-
tempts to excuse the Republican
! torial apportionment, as required by
tion stone were the abolition of negro |
that issue ceased to exist, and, since
then, the party has had but a single
With the close of the war!
bond ot union, the *‘cohesion of public |
Governor would have been compelled
plunder; but party organization can-
not long be sustained by this. The
verdict of last November is evidence
that the party is about to go to pieces,
and the howl ot dissatisfied voters is
heard from ocean to ocean, Nothing
would be more natural under the cir-
cumstances than for the Republican
party to glide into the embrace of the
Third party, endorsed its principles,
and with these heterogeneous odds and
end proclaim itself the “People’s
party” in ’92. The political condition
in the camp of the opposition to the
Democracy is very analogous to that
of 1854, when the Know Nothings
swallowed the Whig party. It made
the K. N.’s sick at the stomach, and
they spewed out their new friends, but
they came together two years after-
ward under another name. The Re-
publican party is in a condition to
make a similar dicker now, and they
who live until "92 may see it,
——-Children will have to pay more
for their whistles than they did before
the McKinley tariff commenced to
shed its benefits upon the American
people. On this subject the Providence
Journal , a Republican paper, says :
“It is a serious and solemn fact that
one of the leading manufacturers of
toys in the country, located in New
Bedford, is complaining bitterly that
the cost of his chief raw material, tin
plate, has risen nearly a third since
the passage of the McKinley bill, and
is putting a heavy drag ong his busi-
ness,” In the entire vange of tariff
benefits Uncle Sam is “paying too
much for his whistle.”
——>Sotme of the religious denomdn-
ations are being agitated by differences
on question of faith to” an extent that
threatens serious Consequences, Lhis
is unfortunate in view of the material-
istic infidelity that is getting too much
ofa hold on popular belief. In view
of this alarming situation, Dr. Mc
CosH, in an address to a body of minis-
ters, expressing the belief that “we are
on the eve of just such a rationalistic
overflow as flooded England a century
ago,” said that the only way to
"checks it is to abandon theological hair-
* splitting and go to work.
| to disapprove of it?
the constitution, by saying that if one
had been passed it would have been
vetoed by Governor Parrison, Is it to
be inferred from this that the bill
would have been so unfair and unjust
in the division of the districts that the
It can not be rea-
sonably contended that if a senatorial
apportionment had been made that
would have given each party its fair
representation, the Governor would
have vetoed it.
But the truth is that the Republican
bosses have determined that their own
personal and political interest, as well
as the interest of the corporations, cap-
italists and monopolies which are the
objects of their service,are best promot-
ed by maintaming the infamous sena-
torial gerrymander made under the
census of 1870,. which, from present
appearance, is to remain the perma-
nent arrangement of the Senate dis-
tricts, in defiance of the requirement.
of the constitution.
~——Nothing so clearly exhibits
the effect of bad government as the de-
minution of the population of lre-
land. The last census, just taken,
shows that there is 468,674 less peo-
ple in the island than there was ten
years ago, the population being but a
little over 4,000,000, which in 1841
was nearly 8,000,000. Repressive laws
have had the effect not only of keep-
ing down the natural increase, but also
of driving hundreds of thousands of
the inhabitants out of the country.
Most of these have come to the United
States, so that what has been Ireland’s
loss has been America’s gain. We
have no better citizens than those that
have 1rish blood in their veins. The
Emerald Isle has contributed an excel-
lent element to the American popula-
tion. There couldn't be better or more
patriotic citizens of the republic. The !
fact is an Irishman is half an Ameri-
can before he reaches our shore.
A ———
A demand tor an increase in the
currency of the country is very great, |
and it is within the range of probabili-
ties that the Secretary of the Treasury
will issue certificates on the amount of
silver bullion remaining after the regu-
lar monthly issue of coin—that is on
the difference between the value of the
coin and the amount of silver it will
purchase. If the treasury resorts to
this expedient it will increase the cur-
rency to the extent of between $15,000,
000 and $20,000,000.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Hessian flies and blight are devastating
Berks county wheat fields. {
—A Williamsport boy took offense at a re-
mark of his father’s and ran away.
—Twenty-five coal trains per. day pass
through Reading over the Reading Road.
—Dr, Samuel L. Kurtz, of Readlng, has been
elected President of the State Medical Society.
—The halt, lame and blind are swarming to
Allegheny to benefit by Father Nollinger’s
—Albert Sweigert broke his nose falling from
the second-story of Mrs. Bennitch's house in
—W. J. Rainey, of Butler county, was picked
up by a vicious horse and shaken till his arm
was broken.
—A pike four feet long and weighing twene
ty pounds was caught in Bemustown dam near
—DMargaret Long, of Pittsburg, aged thirty.
six years, died from the effects of excessive
— Two boys discovered the carcass of a bull.
dog in a Wilkesbarre well, used. by a large
number of people.
—Two Johnstown women engaged in a fierce
fight over the right of one of them to obtain
water from a hydrant.
—Sixty-seven old prosecutions and 65 new
ones will keep the Berks County Criminal
Court busy for a while.
—A son of Amos Miller, of Reading, who lost
his speech after being struck by a carriage on
Saturday, is able to talk again.
—A cow belonging to John Moore, of Vane
port, fell into a cistern, but was rescued by
the digging away of the.side walls.
—A mule stepped on - Stephen Botts’ toe at
Williamsport. Stephen amputated the toe and
made unbiblical allusions to the mule.
—A $5 reward for the arrest of electric lamp
globe breakers at Reading resulted in a small
boy being twice hauled up for the offense.
—The Funeral Directors’ Association of
Pennsylvania will hold their tenth annual
meeting at Williamsport, beginning June 18.
—Adam Kammler, a well-to-do butcher, of
Butler, committed suicide by hanging himself
in his barn. No cause is assigned for the
—Edward Stevens, of Altoona, was run over
by an engine, the wheele passing over his left
arm. The arm has been amputated at the
—With his feet tied, and the rope hitched to
a tree, Dr. John Thompson, of Linesville,
Crawford county, jumped into a creek and
was drowned.
—Diphtheria is raging in southern Berks
county. Samuel Stotzfus, a farmer, lost two
children in one day, and there are numerous
serious cases.
—Philip H. Gahle was elected Secretary of
the Shenandoah School Board by a trick. His
salary was reduced to $25 per year from $200 in
—An Allentown clergyman’s Bihle fell into
the Lehigh River, and he followed it a mile
down stream, where it was rescued and his
broadeloth suit spoiled.
—Killed by a train at Scranton; Fireman
John Keely, aged 27, was the second son that
ex-Mayor Keely, of Carbondale, has lost in
that manner within a year.
—Colonel William Heins, of Bechtelsville,
has been disappointed in seeking his lost son,
Warren, in West Viaginia, wheye the boy was
supposed to have been killed.
—May returns to the State Board of Agricule
ture give a promising crop outlook, especially
with respeet-te wheat, which will bs above the
average for the past twenty years.
—Anthony Tartnoi, of Mahonoy City, appli«
ed to the Pittsburg police for assistance. in
finding Anthony Pasuansky, who had stolen
$100 and Tartnot’s two children.
—Squnire Figart, of Frankstown, Blair coupe
ty, has in his possession a clock which was
made in Vienna in 1641. It is said to be the
oldest:;timepiece in this country.
—David Allen, a colored bootblack of Allens
town, missed the train at Norristown on Satur.
day and stole a ride home in the firebox of a
new engine, a distance of fifty miles.
—The United Brethren Church of Allene
town on Sunday celebrated the 117th anniver-
sary of the founding of this congregation,
whose first church is still standing at Balti*
more, Md.
—Mrs. P. D. Baker, wife of the Clerk of the
Courts of York county, stepped upon a piece:
of glass which severed two of the arteries of
the right foot. The unfortnate woman neare
ly bled to death.
—Colonel Linton received the Democratic
nomination for president judge cf Cambria.
county at Saturday’s primaries by a majority
of over 1,200. His opponent was Mayor Rose,
of Johnstown.
—Jennie Bruce, aged fifty-one, committed
suicide near Ebensburg. A note left by her
stated that she was tired ot life. Her brother,
C. C. Bruce, killed himselz by shooting about
three weeks ago.
—The widow of Charles Aukenheil, the wells.
known eivil engineer who was killed on the
Philadelphia division of the Baltimore and
Ohio about a year ago, has brought suit against
the company for $100,000 damages,
—Barney Keener, his wife and five children,
of Greensburg, were out riding the other day,
Their horses ran away and upset.the carriage.
All were more or less injured, and, it is feared
a little girl, aged about five years, will die.
—The good people of Plymouth are horrifi.
ed. The male members of the Young Men's.
Christian Association of that town have accepts
ed an invitatien from the Cincinnati Female
Baseball Club to play a game-next Wednesday.
—Many of the Berks county farmers have
found that potatoes are the most profitable
crop that can be raised. Many of them realiz-
ed $135 per acre for their last year's crop of po-
tatoes, whereas wheat yielded them only $20
to §25.
—The Allegheny county court of quarter
sessions will be called on to decide whether
the state under the laws of 1794 has any juris.
diction over the Sunday excursion steamers,
whose owners have been sued by the law and
oxder society.
tear at Beaver and became so drunk that he
gulped down a half pint of turpentine, under
the {impression that it was whisky. It only
served to make him more vicious and he was
finally arrested and placed in jail.
—Isaae Lee Young, the South Easton burg.
lar who robbed stores to get food for his family
goes to prison for eighteen months; Daniel
Degrin,the ravisher, for three and a half years,
from the same place, and Allen Thies, William
Meyer and Robert Strong, the robbers of Bach»
mann’s store at Freemansburg, the first two
each three years, and the latter two years foy
i “squealing.”