Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 05, 1891, Image 5

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    Ax ExcrreMENT AT A HoTEL.—An
excitement was raised in the parlor of
the Brockerhoff House Thursday of la st
week, at the hour of noon, which threw
that respectable hosterly into something
of a panic. A scream was heard in the
ladies’ reception room which attracted
the attention of the guests of the hous e,
who at that time were at dinner, and so
unusual a sound brought them to the
room from which it emanated. Proprie-
tor Brandon also appeared upon the
scene. [t was discovered that the scream
came from Mrs. Christ Miller, and that
a shady character William Walker, was
the cause of the outcry. Walker, it will
be remembered, is the person who sever
al years ago was arrested in this plac-
for stealing sleighs in Mifflin county,
where he was taken, convicted and
sent for a term to the Western Peniten-
tiary. When he was in Bellefonte, pre-
vious to his arrest, he stopped with Mrs.
Christ Miller, who then lived in one of |
the houses in Brown Row, near the car
works. It appoars that at that time
Walker had a horse, wagon and other
goods amounting to about $400, which
before going to the penitentiary he as-
signed, together with some notes, to
Mrs. Miller, for safe keeping, as he says,
until he should return from prison.
After ho left, Mrs. Miller turned every-
thing except the notes into money, and
moved from Bellefonte to Centre Hall,
where she still lives. Oa Thursday she
came to town and was met on the street
by Miller, whose term of imprisonment
had expired, and who kad also made his
appearance in this place. They met
near the Brockerhoff House and Miller
demanded the return of his property,
making threats as to what he would do
if it was not returned. Mrs. Miller
sought refuge in the hotel and was fol-
lowed by Walker, and the altercation
that came oft between them in the par-
lor caused the scream which brought
the boarders and Landlord Brandon on
the scene. The intruders were quickly
ejected from the hotel. Mrs. Miller
left for Centre Hall the same afternoon
and Walker is still around.
Last Wednesday morning Thomas
Frazier, an old colored resident of this
place, and who for some years was one
of the curiosities of the town, died at
the house of Mr. McDaniels, on East
Howard street. He is represented to
have been 129 years old, but that is cer-
tainlyjan exaggeration such asis usually
connected with the age of old colored
people who are ignorant of the date of
their birth. He came from Maryland
to this place many yeurs ago and made
his living by sawing wood and other
kinds of werk in that line of occupation.
He was of an industrious and saving
disposition, and by his earnings bought
a piece of ground along Half Moon hill
upon which he built three frame
houses, two of which he rented and one
he occupied himself, keeping bachelor’s
hall. He cultivated a productive gar-
den ard raised fat hogs, frequently being
seen on the streets of the town with a
wheelbarrow, collecting swill in a bar-
rel, which he fed]to his hogs. He earned
considerable money by his labor and
spent as little ot it as possible, hiding it
away in an old chest in his house. It
was supposed he had a large amount of
money thus concealed, and about two
years ago some one attempted to rob him,
but did not succeed in getting any of
his money. This set him crazy and he
was brought before court, and Judge
Furst appointed Mr. Edward E. Humes
to take care of him and his property.
Mr. Humes got him into the family
of Jackson McDaniel, and upon search-
ing his premises the old chest was found
to contain $1,084.70, which was depos-
ited in the First National Bank to his
credit. Mr. Humes tried to persuade
him to bequeath some of his money to
the A. M. E. church of this place, but
he refused to do anything of that kind.
The property he leaves will be disposed
of as the law provides in such cases.
His funeral took place on Thursday
There was an interesting time at the
Presbyterian chapel last Monday even-
ing where the members of the congrega-
tion assembled to give good bye and
God-speed to their pastor, Rev. Dr.
Laurie, who was about to start on a
visit to Scotland, his native country,
and to bid a welcome to Rev. Mr.
Speer, who will occupy the pulpitidur-
ing Mr. Laurie's absence. The recep-
tion was a very pleasant affair; excel-
lent} music was rendered by the choir,
and addresses were delivered by Dr.
Laurie, Mr. Speer, Governor Beaver
and others.
Mr. Laurie left here on Tuesday
morning, going to New York, where he
will take a steamer on Saturday" for
Glasgow. He will spend a few weeks
in Scotland, after which he will proceed
to the continent, traveling through Ger-
many, Italy and France, and thence to
England, and after traversing that
country and Ireland, he will return to
Scotland and remain for a time. It has
been thirty-six years since he left his
native land, and he will get back to
America with his early memories re-
Facts About Taxes.
From the Washington Post.
For the next two’ years our Govern-
ment will spend annually more than
To pay one year’s expenses of the!
Government it will take nearly thecom:-
bined wheat and oats crop.
Qur annual output of gold, silver,cop-
per,iron coal, petroleum and lead will not |
foot our tax bill for twelve months.
Nor can we doit with a year’s pro-
duet of cotton, wool, rye, barley, wine,
potatoes and tobacco.
The combined capitalization of our
national banks is $599,000,000. One
year’s taxes will nearly swallow it up.
Now, all this is the Federal tax. We
have also to pay city, county and State |
We pretend to be a nation of plain
people, with no aristocracy, no princes,
no standing army and no expensive
frills, and yet our taxes are more enor-
mous than those of Austria, Germany
or Great Britian.
Back IN Harr AN Hour.—Mrs.
Highflier (after breakfast)—Martha,
I'm just going out to have a dress fitted.
I shall have to ask you to look after the
children awhile.
Martha—Yes, ma'am. And wi’ zou
take the night key, or shall Is. ap dil
you come in ?
Pine Grove Mentions.
D. W. Miller and wife,and D. G. Meek and
wife, were in attendance at Pomona Grange at
Zion this week, with a view of extending an
invitation {o that body’s next meeting at Cen-
tre Grange, 254.
Decoration day has again come and gone.
The several G. A. R. Posts and their details
visited all ofithe cemeteries during the day,
strewing flowers over the graves of the dead
comrades, Prof J. M. Thompson, of State Col-
lege, delivered.a fine oration before the Capt.
Campbell Post, with a fair sprinkling of citi-
zens, at Meek cemetery. The school choir
rendered several fine selections of music,
with Miss Mame Campbell’s artistic touch at
the organ. At Pine Grove at 3 o'clock, a large
audience assembled with plenty of vocal and
instrumental music. Owing to previous ar-
rangements the band was excused from any *
further music after decoration was over, as
they were slated for the same services at
Boalsburg at 6 o’clock, where the boys always
receive a hearty welcome. Miss Mary Ward
presided at the organ, assisted by a good choi”
rendering excellent music. Flowers and bou-
quets were abundantly supplied by the com-
mittee, Mrs. Sadie Heberly and Miss Esther
Eckly. Rev: Geo. Elliott and D. F. Fortney
were the orators of the day, and anything
we can say would add nothing to what has
been said by both of the orators, who are noted
amongst the best of outdoor orators.
Pine Hall was the next objective point, at
5:30, where a large assemblage awaited the
arrival of the Post boys from Captain Foster
Post and Capt. Campbell Post, headed by the
Penna. State College Band. The Decoration
services being completed in both cemeteries,
a shower coming up, services were concluded
in the Lutheran church, which the officers so
kindly opened and which was crowded to its
utmost capacity to listen to the oration of Mr.
Fortney, it being principally to the young
people and altogether different from his ad-
dress at Pine Grove. He was followed by Rev.
Aikens in an gppropriate speech. On motion
of comrade Port arising vote of thanks was
tendered to the orators, musiciamrs and com-
mittees, and to all who took such interest in
bedecking the last resting place of our heroic
Mr. Samuel H. Weaver died at his home, of
inflamation of the bowels, on the 27th ult, in
the 33rd year of his age. His untimely, though
not unexpected death, was a sad blow to his
aged widowed mother. A brother, wife and
three small children mourn his death. For
eight long weeks he'was confined to bed suf-
fering great pain, which could only be reliev-
ed temporarily. During allthis time his broth-
er members administered to his wants, two
doctors being in attendance. All that kind
hands and loving hearts could do wasdone for
his comfort and to relieve his suffering.During
his illness and suffering he expressed the full-
est confidence in the promise of God’s grace,
and felt prepared for the great change that
ended his work here below. In his death the
community has lost one of the noblest and
most energetic citizens and his Lodge,No.8%4.,
{.0.0. F., of Boalsburg, a true brother and
faithful member. The funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Mr. Trostle, The remains
being in charge of his lodge, assisted by mem-
bers from Centre Hall Lodge, No. 895., Lemont,
No. 717, Penns Valley, No. 276, and Bellefonte
153. This very large following to the tomb
showed the high respect in which the deceas-
edwas held. Bro. S. H. Ishler and District
Attorney Cal. Meyer performed the ceremony
at the grave at Boalsburg cemetery. Further
services were conducted in the Lutheran
church by Rev. Trostle who addressed a full
house from the words, “Just one step between
me and death.”
Nor Usep to THEIR WAYs.—New
Minister—Hereafter it will be necessary
to keep the windows tightly closed dur-
ing service. I was greatly annoyed
this morning by the noise of some neigh-
boring factory blowing off steam.
Sexton—That wasn’t a factory, sir.
That was the folks snoring.
EE EA A ——————
WeLL MEANT, But.—Daube--Now,
Miss Hunter, please look pleasant-—
"that’s it--keep that for a moment until
I catch it. * * * There. Now you
may resume your natural expression, if
you wish.
In Memoriam.
Harrier Mary Reby,
Born in England, died in Milesburg, Pa,
Wednesday, April 13th, at her beautiful Cot-
tage Home, where during her life she received
and enjoyed the society composed of the best
of the people of that borough and of Bellefonte
—who were pleased to assist in relieving her
from loneliness since her brother's decease.
She had so secured the frienship of her lady
acquaintances that in all her illness she was
cared by warm, affectionate hearts and with
soft and willing hands. They were with her
in her life and at her death. Serenity and
peace rested on her countenance as she lay in
her beautiful casket on and around which
flowers had been tastefully arranged. Now
she is gone from them but still lives in their
hearts while her body ‘lies silent in the
grave” in the beautiful Catholic cemetery at
Bellefonte. Her spirit is with God—her “re-
cord” is on high, and brother Charles is with
Miss Redy was born of well to do parents
and at their death was left with a competency.
She could have lived in ease and enjoyed the
comforts of life without having much to do
with its troubles. She was a Christian woman.
The love of Christ was imbedded in her heart
and along side there burned the love of broth-
er- “Oh, the length and breadth, the heigth
and depth of a sister's love.” “My brother is
alone in America. I have a mission ; I must
be at my brother's side and share with him
my competency and my company.” She did
not hesitate but across the sea she came—at
that time quite a venture. She found her
brother Charles and was never separated from
him till death severed the union. They came
to Bellefonte in the early sixties. They were
indeed a matchless couple; each striving to
make the other happy. The current of life
with them was an unbroken stream: Their
daily walk and life was at all times exemplary.
They lived and loved together.
Harpiny WepDED.—At 8 o'clock on Thursday
evening, May 28th, Rev. C. W. Wasson, pastor
of the United Brethren church of Tyrone, per-
formed the solemn ceremony which united
in marriage Mr. John I Bennett, of Port Ma-
tilda, this county, and Miss Laura J. Shad! e,
of Tyrone, Pa. The bride is a sister of Mrs.
Rev. Wasson, at whose home the wedding oc-
curred, and is well qualified for the duties of
life in the exalted sphere into which she has
now entered. The groom is a quiet, indus-
trious young man, who will fill with honor the
position which he has assumed. After spend-
ing a few days at the home of the groom’s pa-
vents in Port Matilda, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett
will begin housekeeping in Tyrone. Their
many friends wish them a life of unalloyed
peace and happipess. Ww.
phang’ Court of Centre county, in the
estate D. W. Kline, deceased. The undersign-
ed, an Aud'tor appointed by said Court to
make distribution of the balance in the hands
of 8.8. Lyon, Trustee to sell the real estate of
said decedent, and distribute the proceeds
among those legally entitled thereto,
will meet the parties interested to at-
tend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in Bellefonte, Pa., on Saturday, June 20.
1891, at 10 o'clock, a. m., when and where all
persons interested may attend. A. A. DALE,
36 22 3t. Auditor.
Letters of Administration on the es-
fate of Phoebe Fisher, deceased, late of Fergu-
son township, having been granted to the un-
dersigned, he requests all persons knowin x
themselves indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly authen-
ticated for settlement. A. G.ARCHY,
36 22 6t. Pine Grove Mills.
To every reader of this paper who suffers
from Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Nervous De-
bility or Consumption, a bottle of that most
wonderful medicine,
which is the only absolute and permanent
cure for the above named diseases. 1 can af-
ford to do this because I know that nine out of
every ten persons who try it will be so well
satisfied with the results they will take pleas-
ure in speaking about :its marvelous curative
virtues to all their friends and acqusintances.
The value of this sort of advertising to me is
worth many times the cost of the medicine
given away, so I am well compensated for the
seeming large expense. .
I have over 70 000 letters on file from people
who have been cured of one or more of the
complaints above named. Write to-day stat
ing your disease and received a free bottle by
return mail, or ask your druggist for it and get
well. Address, PROF. HART.
36 22 1t.n. 1. 88 Warren Street, N. Y.
Powers shoe ‘Store.
If you are told that you can buy, in Cen-
tre county, a more reliable or better article
in foot wear of any description for less mon-
ey than you can at Power's Store, you will
find it a mistake by calling and examining
their prices and stock.
TWENTY-ONE years experience in
the business, in Bellefonte, has enabled
them to select goods suitable to the wants
of the people, both in price and quality.
Their stock is as large, if not the largest,
as any in the county and the shoe business
gets all their attention, and they are familiar
with all the leading manufacturers and job-
bersin the country.
Owing to these facts it is absurd to
think that any one can buy goods for less
money and consequently sell for less.
p= Look for the sign of the Big Shoe.
36-20- 3m
neo Pe
The four years we have been
in business. We consider
ourselves under many obli-
gations to you for the man-
ner in which you have stood
by us. But you deserve
more than thanks, and you
shall have it. We intend to
merit, your patronage now
more than ever.
Money is scarce—we know
it; but clothing is plenty and
we intend to put it within
reach of the very poorest.
If you want a suit for your-
self, we have everything that
is in the market. We can
give you those cheap shod-
dy goods that you see ad-
vertised for $3 and $4 per
suit.” ‘But’ that is not’ the
class of goods we want to
sell you. We want to sell
you strictly honest goods,
goods that will give you ser-
vice, that you will be satis-
fied with, and make you
customers of ours for ever.
Now, then, we will sell
you a suit for yourself that
is all wool for ¢7. And when
we say a// wool we mean it.
For your boy, if he is within
the age of 14 to 18, $5.50
will get him the same kind
of a suit. If he is within the
age of 4 and 14, and wears
short pants, $3.50 is all that
is needed.
These goods are all worth
a great deal more money
.than we ask for them, but
we have got more than we
need. Some are single suits,
odds and ends, a few of them
from last season—but they
are all the greatest values
for the money that you have
ever seen, and you must see
them to get an idea how
cheap they are.
Thanking you again for
past favors, and hoping that
for your interests, as well as
ours, you will give us a call
and satisfy yourself that
there is no place in Central
Pennsylvania where you can
buy clothing cheaper than
from us.
Remain, Respectfully,
M. FAUBLE, Prop’
Rochester Clothing House,
" Bellefonte, Pa.
Opp. Brockerhoft House.
New Advertisements,
— =
Maize R. Graham has opened a hand
some line of millinery in the room formerly
occupied by Miss Mary McBride, She will be
pleased to have you call and examine the
many fashionable things which stock her
counters. 36 18 6t.
Letters of Administration on the es-
tate of S. H. Weaver, late of Oak Hall, Centre
county, Pa., deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate pay-
ment, and all persons having claims against
said estate are requested to present the same
duly authenticated for settlement to’
36 22 3t. Administrator. ™
O THE PUBLIC.—We take pleas-
ure in informing our many customers
and public in general that we have located our
office next door to Schofield’s saddlery on
Spring street,in charge of J.H. Fritts as agent
who will look after our business and your
wants with pleasure, and when in need of the
best machine the world has ever known, give
him a call.
36 20 4%
Letters of Administration on the es=
tate of B. F. Garbrick, late of Walker town-
ship, Centre county, Pa., deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and all persons having
claims against said estate are requested to
present the same duly authenticated for set-
tlement to HENRY GARBRICK,
86 22 3t. Administrators.
Orphans Court of Centre county in
the matter of the estate of James C. Rankin,
late, of Snow Show township, deceased. The
undersigned having been appointed by said
Court to make distribution of the funds in the
hands of the administrator of said estate to
and among those legally entitled to receive
the same, gives notice that he will be in his
office in Bellefonte, onJune 6th, 1881, at 10
o'clock a. m. for the duties of his said ap-
poinimen, where parties in interest will be
eard. E. R. CHAMBERS,
36 19 3t. Auditor,
COUNTY.—In the matter of the es-
tate of Hon. S.S. Wolf, late of Potter township,
deceased. The undersigned, an Auditor ap-
pointed by said Court to make distribution of
the funds in the hands of the accountant, to
and among those legally entitled thereto, will
meet the parties in interest, for the purpose of
his appointment; at his office in Bellefonte, on
Monday the 22rd day of June A. D. 1891, at 10
o'clock a. m. when and where al! parties inter-
ested will present their claims or be forever
debarred from coming in on said fund.
of the Bellefonte Gas Company. A
meeting of the stockholdersof the Bellefonte
Gas Company will be held at the office of E.
M. Blanchard, No 19 West High street, Belle-
fonte,Pa., on Thursday, the 6th day of August,
1891, at 4 o'clock p. consider the proprie-
ty of authorizing the Board of Directors to ex-
ecute and negotiate a mortgage upon the pro-
perty and franchises of the company, for the
purpose of paying the present mortgage and
other indebtedness of the company incurred
in the construction and improvement of the
plant By order of the Board. ol
36 22 8t Secretary.
1 ji & CO.
he famous firm of OcuLists and OPTICIANS
Have arranged to send one of their Specialists
on the EYE to
He will be at the
From 8.30 A, M. to 5 P. M.
Those whose eyes are causing discomfort
should call i our Specialist, and they will
receive intelligent and skiliful attention.
924 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa
36 21 1y
Srna SALE.
Muslin underwear!
We have just opened a fine line
of muslin garments, at prices
never before equaled.
Night gowns, drawers, chemise.
shirts and corset covers.
We are offering these goods at"
bargain prices, you can buy’
them cheaper than you can
make them.
Come in and see the full assortment.;
3521 1y No. 9, Spring Street,
ellefonte, Pa.
Farms for Sale.
YOARM FOR SALE—A very ele-
gant farm for sale, situated at Pine
Grove Mills, Centre county, Pa., containing
in a fine state of cultivation. It is well im-
proved, having thereon a large two story
and other out buildings; also a good orchard,
and & fine large spring of water at the buildings.
It is one of the most desirable farms in the
county. Good schools and churches within a
mile of the property.
The improvements could not be put upon the
farm for the price at which it can be purchased.
Terms easy.
35-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa.
The undersigned offers for sale on
easy terms the valuable and pleasantly located
property now occupied by Dr. Hayes, on west
High Street, Bellefonte. Said property con-
sists of a
with all modern improvements, an excellent
brick stable and otirer outbuildings, and one
of the best located lots in the town. Posses-
sion given April 1st, 1891, For further particu
lars address
129 North Duke St.
35-48 tf Lancaster, Pa.
Messrs. Shoenakar and Scott offer for
sale seven building lots located on east side of
Thomas street, 50x100 feet.
Also, thirty-five lots located on east side 6f
public road leading from Bellefonte to Belle-
fonte Furnace, 50x175 feet.
Also, sixty lots on Halfmoon Hill, 50x150 feet.
For further information ad) oA or address,
34 4 tf ‘Bellefonte, Pa.