RT TR I SE eT RET BY P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —Summer came on slowly, but when it arrived it left no one in doubt about its being here. —There is a question of taste as to rare beafsteak, but even the most cyni- cal will not attempt to question the quality of a ‘‘rare’’ June day. —1It is said that BARNUM’s body will be exhumed and cremated, probably to forestall the ghouls who want to resur- rect 1t for a speculative purpose. —An attempt is being made to form a coffin trust. We always thought they would go on with this trust business un- til they would run it into the ground. —Last Tuesday 5,290 foreign immi- grants landed at New York. These fellows are crowding into this country to participate in the blessing of protection to American labor. . —An industry that employs one Welshman and three bors may be a promising infant, but it 1s questionable whether sixty millions of people should be heavily taxed to insure its growth. —Governor PATTISON, with a fine Roman hand, is engaged in rcunding off the rough edges of the work perform- ed by the ‘late lamented” Legislature. If a little vetoing is needed he is the man for such an emergency. — With the light of past experience it is altogether improbable that the Gover- nor will call an extra session of the Leg- islature, although certain parties assume an air of wisdom in progrosticating such a contingency. — It isn’t an edifying sight to see the heir of the British crown appearing as a witness in a suit growing out of al- leged cheating in a game of cards. The situation in which he finds himself should cause a “royal flush.” —The French Chamber of Deputies has voted to increase the duty on the im- portation of pork. We are surprised that the French, who are an enlighten- ed people, should in this matter imitate the stupidity of McKinleyism. —A Dublin newspaper accuses PAR- NELL of stealing. The discredited leader has done quite enough to destroy his re- putation without the additional imputa- tion of theft. Since heis down what is the use of such a superfluous kick ? —4Turn the rascals out’ is a demand that is always in order where Republi- can rule exists, tut some one improves on it by demanding that they be turned ‘‘inside out.”” Something of that kind is very much needed in Philadelphia. —Mr. BLAINE, impaired in heaith and broken down with work, is slowly making his way toward Bar Harbor, which, it is to be hoped, may prove to be for him a harbor from which publiz care and labor will for awhile be barred. —INGALLS says that if the Republi- can party ‘has courage and conscience it can make a successful run next year.” But the tact is, the old party never had any conscience, and, as for its courage, that was pretty well knocked out by its defeat last year. —SARAE BERNHART astonished the servants at a California hotel by the liberality of her tips, $20 gold pieces having been scattered among them with a lavish hand. The divine Sarah may have a lean person, but she has a fat purse, and she is so well up in the role of CLEOPATRA that she is queenly even in her disbursements. --A reward of $5000 is offered for the apprehension and return of MARsH, the runaway President of the Keystone National Bank, but there are doubtless parties in Philadelphia who would give twice that amount to prevent the embar- rassment which MARSH'S revelations would be likely to create if he were brought back and put on the witness stand. —To be consistent with the action of last year the Republican state conven- sion of this year will have to endorse Quay. And if Quay is endorsed what would be the matter with a rescluticn endorsing BARDSLEY ? As custodians of public funds, didn’t they adopt the. same line of policy, and shouldn’t they be equally entitled to approval ? —Speaking of the Bardsley case, the Philadelphia Inquirer says: “BARDs- LEY was a Republican. The Republi- can party must take up his case and fol- low it to the end. Nothing must be left for the Democrats.” This is lofty talk, but the trouble with the Republi- cans in such cases is that theyjtoo fre- quently resort to the whitewash brush. -=In speculating with the State money and losing it, BARDSLEY did no more than follow the illustrious exam- ple of that bright paragon of Pennsyl- : vama Republicanism, MAT Quay. But MAT bad a friendiy hand to interpose and save him from the direful conse- quences of abortive speculation with public funds, while “Honest” Joun will have to face the law in the prisoner's dock and will be landed in the peniten- tiary as the result of hishaving imitated» Pennsylvania's Boss. { lightin the Presbyterian church has Ey TA Tuchman STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 5, 1891. 020, A Question of Executive Right. Some of the newspapers politically hostile to Governor ParrisoN, particu- larly the Philadelphia Press, are mak- ing adverse comments on his action in regard to the incumbency of the of fices of Superintendent of Public In- struction and Chief Factory Inspector. An attack is made on the Governor for refusing to issue commissions to Messrs. WarLer and MARTIN, ex-Gov- ernor Brzaver’s appointees for the of- fices in question. But when this mat- ter is fairly examined it will "appear that not only was the action of Gover- nor ParrIsoN, in refusing commissions to these men, in perfect accordance with his constitutional right and priv- ilege, as chief executive of the com- monwealth, but was also in line with the strict discharge of duty which has alway characterized the action of the present Governor of Pennsylvania. When Mr. Parison became govern- or of Pennsylvania for the second time on the 20th day of last January, there were vacancies 1n the offices of Super- intendent of Public Instruction, Chief Factory Inspector and State Librarian. It was in the way of his duty to fill these positions. It is true that shortly before the close of his term ex-Govern- or Beaver sent in appointments for all of these offices and they were con- firmed by the Senate. But a confirma- tion by the Senate is not all that is re- quired to fill a vacancy, and, as Govern- or Beaver had issued no commissions to those officials, when Governor Par- T1s0oN assumed control it devolved upon him.to fill the vacant positions. Under the law he could issue commissions to Governor BeAvER'S appointees, or make new appointinents. In the case cf the State Librarian he renewed the commission of Dr. EcLe, but in the cases of the other two offices to be fill- ed the Governor made appointments of his own, as he clearly had the right. He was no doubt astuated by the be- lief that in the filling of subordinate positions,for which he was responsible, he should be allowed the right of se. lecting men in whom he could have full confidence. There was nothing of an underhand character in this proceeding. g His con- duct in this matter leaves only the im- press of a strict regard for the trust that had been imposed on him, and of a determination to be in reality as well as in name the chief executive of the administration in which the people had placed him, In short, he did his duty to the people and to himself. But it is said that the Democratic Senators entered into a compact with the Republican Senators for{ the con- firmation of all of Governor BEAVERS appointments, but in this compact it is not shown that Governor Pattison was consulted, nor his wishes consider- ed. This argument would confound the executive with the legislative function. It would subordinate the governor to senatorial dictation. Con- sequently the Governor was not bound by a covenant formed in the precincts of the Senate chamber, and to which he was not a party. Messrs. SNYpEr and WATCHORN, Governor PATTISON'S appointees, will assume the respective positions to which they have been legally ap- pointed. ——The sudden death of Judge S. M. BeckENRIDGE, of St. Louis, 1n the Presbyterian General Assembly, at De- troit, on Thursday of last week, was one of the saddest events that has oc- curred for some time. He fell dead while about concluding a speech in the Briggs case. The last words he ever uttered were: “I feel that I have dis- charged my duty faithfuily, I ask you to excuse me from further words.” Thirty seconds later he had fallen pros- trate oa the platform, and within five minutes the announcement was made by the startled clerk, “Judge Becken- In his death a great ridge is dead.” gone out ! ——In five Maine counties, where the population is nearly all “native American,” the Maine Bible society has found 10,413 tamilies who confess that they never go to church, and 982 families who do not own a Bible, which leads the Pittsburg Post to ve- mark that “this partially explains why Reep and BovrrLLE go to congress.” A Halt Called on Philadelphia Cor- ruption. The Philadelphia Times calls a halt on the robbery that prevails in the management of the city treasury and other departments of the city govern- ment. Bat the system complained of, and which the Zumes would uproot, bas prevailed in the management of the city’s finances for the last quarter of a century, as is well known toall its intelligent citizens. There is hard- ly a voter who doesn't fully understand the corrupt character of its city gov- ernment. As a matter of fact robbery of the tax-payers seems to have be- come part of the city’s financial policy. The people of Philadelphia are them- selves responsible for all the robbery and jobbery in the management of ner finances,and if a halt were called on such dishonest administration, as the Times demands, itis likely that the taxpayers and voters of the Quaker city, who have become habituated to such prac- tices, would not be happy. It belongs to the political system which a majori- ty of its people have deliberately sanc- tioned by their votes, and is maintain- ed at the expense of the reputation of her public officers and of her public credit, to the end that the Republican bosses may have control ot the city. Asthe Doylestown Democrat remarks, “this robbery goes to furnish the sinews of war to the bosses in all their politi- cal battles; it puts their henchmen in- to office and keeps them there; and saint and sinner alike partake of the crumbs that fall from the bosses table.” If the people of Philadelphia, themselves, haven't the conrage and the manhood to rise up and throttle their public thieves, we see no reason why the newspaper press should con- sider it an especially incumbent duty to come to the front to correct the beset- ting evil. In the matter of municipal management the City Government of Philadelphia is one of the worst in the country, if not the very worst. In no other city,even down to the fourth class, are there such badly paved streets, 80 poorly lighted, with such an inade- quate supply of water, and so poor at that. A new city hall is built at an ex- pense of $15,000,000, while the streets are thick with mud; she has her Academies of Music and of Fine Arts, but the streets are so poorly lighted thatthe people can hardly see to get to them. The supremacy of the Repub!i- can bosses is, and must be, maintained at the expense of comforts and con- veniences which the people of every borough are entitled to, and generally have. A Busy Executive. The labor of the State Legislature was concluded by its adjournment las week, but the work of the Governor in connection with it will continue for some weeks yet. For the next thirty days he will be one of the hardest work- ed men in Pennsylvania. He has that time allowed him for the consideration of 263 bills passed by the Legislature, which he must approve, veto, or allow to become laws by failure either to ap- prove or veto. These bills involve the most important work of the session. In many instances what was merely formal and routine work on the part of the Legislature will give the Executive long and searching labor. As in duty bound, he is very careful what he shall put his name to; and it follows that, though the legislative mill has ceased to grind, more than half the product turned out will have to be sifted over again before it shall become a part of the statute law. —— It was considered important enough to be telegraph over the ocean that during GLADSTONE'S recent illness many plain, common workmen called to inquire after him and were treated just the same as any other callers. And why should they nothave been ? Is itso remarkable a thing to treat courteously men who earn their living by their la- bor that it should be alluded to as something wonderful ? rr ——r ——Senator PErrer says: “We want protection for the mauy, not for the few.” If this is really the desire of the Granger Senator he can more thor- oughly effect his object by acting with the party which opposes monopoly tariffs whose purpose is to enrich a few at the expense of the many. Money. We give up much space in this issue or the WarcHMAN to an article from the pen of our widely known townsman, Mr. Jaymes MILLIKEN, on the subject of “Law and Legal-Tender Money.” The article bears evidence, and is the result, of much observation, thought and investigation of the subject, both at home and abroad. It is written with vigor and in language that ap- peals to the common sense of all classes. The subject is one that is now occu- pying the attention and commanding the thought of the ablest minds of our country, and we cannot but regard this as one of the ablest contributions to the question that has come under our notice. Professed political economists throughout the world are evidently re- arranging their logic on the subject of money and its functions, and Mr. MiL- LIKEN'S work will fall upon listening ears, Mr. Francis A. Wanker, L. L. D.,of Boston, one of the most advanced writ- ers among men of thought on econom- ic questions, in his recent publica- tion, “I'he Tide of Economic Thought,” says most frankly : An economic phenomenon of the past few months has been the extraordinary woaakening on the part of a great many persons, merchants, bankers and edi- tors in the eastern portion of the Unit ed States, who have hitherto stood stiffly up against every measure that sought to increase the money supply. Whatever may have been the motive in producing this change of position in reference to a money supply, on the part of many of those who formerly called themselves, with much unction," the friends of “honest money,” there is little doubt in my mind that the ab- sence of a sufficient resisting or retard- ing force, at the present time, is largely due to the highly illogical and incon- sistent views of the money-function and the money-thing, put forward by our leading economists generally in the past. At no other point has American thinking in economics been so loose. Making an insufficient analysis of the money function to start with, most of the writers of the orthodox school have declared that inconvertible notes, how- ever fully and freely circulating, were not and could not become money; a position which Prof. HENRY Sipewick declares no English economist of repu- tation has taken.” Mr. MILLIKEN has shown us letters from some of the ablest jurists, econo- mists and financiers in our country, congratulating him on his work, An eminent economist and brilliant writer in St. Louis, writes to him, “you have got the truth, I predicc the success of the movement of which you are the father and to whom all the glory will be due.” His purposeand aim are ful- ly set forth in the publication we spread before our readers to-day. In acknowledging the compliments and approval of his work Mr. MiLLI- KEN makes reply to all as follows: “Your kind words will assist to stay up my hands in this mighty warfare that I have entered upon, that the truth may prevail, and I say to you, as to all others believing with you, I sincerely thank you; and for your approbation of ‘my publication, ‘Law and Legal Tender Money,” I also thank you. “Through false teachings and false doctrines our beloved country bleeds at every pore, and the laborer toils with a broken heart thereby.” * In Cambria county the Demo- crats will hold their primary elections next Saturday. Among the important offices for which candidates are te be placed in nomination are Judge and Sheriff. In Cambria the Democrats make their nominations by the Craw- ford county system, and, as the unter- rified are in the majority in our neigh- boring county, the candidates are whooping it up lively at the present juncture, and they are not confining themselves to eight hour working days. ——The 14th of June isthe anni- versary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes a3 the flag of the United States and the Sons of America are urging that the day should be com- memorated on that account. It is a patriotic suggestion, but Star Spangled Banner Day would come so near In- dependence Day that it might be in- convenient to celebrate both of them, NO. 22. Change in the Brooks License Law, Shortly before the Legislature ad- journed, and with but little discussion on the subject, important changes were made in the Brooks retail license law. The license fee in Philadelphia, Pitts- burg and Allegheny has been increased from $500 te $1000, but in the other cities, and in the boroughs and town- ships, the license fee has remained un- changed, It might be expected that such a high license fee would have a bad effect in increasing the number of speak-easies, and it certainly will have a tendency in that direction, but, nev- ertheless, considering the profitable character of the retail liquor business, and the fact that it is a profitable sub- ject of taxation, we believe there is more of benefit than evil in the change that has been made. The legalized sale of liquor, while, from thejpresent conditions ofsociety, it is an absolute necessity, it nevertheless has indissolubly connected with it an element of evil. It is impossible that it should be placed on the same level as other business, enjoying the same privileges and taxed merely for ordina- ry revenue purposes. Such a rule could never be tolerated, and if it were attempted it would arouse a formid- able opposition. Even if the increased license fee in the three large cities of the State should work in a partially prohibitive manner we do not suppose the majority of the citizens would regret the fact. The only trouble which may be aggravated is the increase of speak-easies, but with vigorous action on the part of the au- thorities there is no reason why the illegal sale of liquor outside of the pro- visions of a just license law, should not be kept in check the same as every other species of crime. The President of the United States visited Philadelphia on Decora: tion Day and was given a hearty welcome by citizens and soldiers. He was present at the memorial ceremo- nies in Central Laurel Hill, and two receptions were accorded by the citi- zens of Philadelphia, who responded in | thousands to shake hands with the chief magistrate. The distinguished visitor was the guest of G. G. MEeADE post, No. 1, and they gave him a royal welcome. Mayor Stuart welcomed the chief executive, and the President re- sponded in feeling tones. Secretaries Tracy, Proctor, Postmaster General Wanamaker and Private Secretary Havrrorp also took part in the exercis- es, Aithe Union League the President was given a luncheon by ex-Mayor FiTLER, after which a reception was held in the library. Rapid Newspaper Work. The Philadelphia Record has an- nounced a trinmph in the way of rapid work which has recently been achieved under ite auspices. Starting with a standing poplar tree, in twenty-two hours a printed edition of 10,000 Re- cords was produced. The time con- sumed in the various operations wasas follows: Chopping one and a half cords of poplar wood, stripping ‘and loading on boat, three hours; time consumed in manufacturing the wood pulp into paper, five hours; transport ing from Singerly station to Record of- fice, one hour and twenty minutes; wetting paper preparatory to printing, thirty minutes ; printing 10,000 Records ten minutes. This makes a total of twenty-two hours consumed in the en- tire process, and probably breaks all previous feats in this line. Wherever there is an opportunity for ability and energy to assert themselves, it matters not in what line, the Record can al- ways be relied uponto be there. Its success has been commensurate with its merits, and Monday's edition num- bered 150,000. : ‘Men are wanted to enlist for ser- vice on the cruisers of the new navy, bat they do not appear, and the result is that many of the vessels lack their compliment of firemen and seamen. The cause of this is that men will not submit to petty tyranny and the exac- tions of small officers when they can hold up their heads and get pay else where. Free born Americans will no longer put up with the assumptions of superiority on the part of officers. Nec- essary discipline is ‘one thing, petty tyranny another. Spawls from the Keystone, —The silk-mill at Wetherly is unable to se- cure enough girls. —A York woman, aged 97 years, says she never tasted medicine. —Pittsburg policemen are accused of “stand- ing in’’ with thieves. —A Christian Endeavor Convention has been in progress at Ashland. —A four-column Decoration day poera ap- pears in a Montrose paper. —More tobacco will be planted in Berks county than ever before. —The legislators kept close to the State Treasurer and his cash-box. —In the Pennsylvania oil fields during May 314 wells were completed. —The toll bridge over the Lehigh at Copley is to be freed at a cost of $9500. —The Reformed Presbyterians’ Convention at Pittsburg is as noisy as a political meeting. —The Joseph Lutz slate quarry, Lehigh county, has been sold to Dr. W. P. Kistle for $21,000. —Children of Frank Dieter, Fullerton, Le- high county, were injured under a falling barn door. —James Weaver, of a Williamsport turniture house, lost both legs assisting railroad men in shifting ears. —Twenty-thrae citizens of Johnstowniwere arrested by the Sheriff for illegally voting at the last election. —The Coroner is having a hard time trying to fix the murder of Henry Blose, at Bowmans= town, upon any particular person. —The Court has refused to receive the bond of Tax Collector Scally, of Schuylkill county, because he has too many women on it. —A bridge across Tuna Creek, at Bradford, gave way Saturday, dropped 200 fpeople inta the creek, injuring some of them severely. —John O. Stark and Chester Squires, while fishing in Tunkhannock creek near East Lema on, overturned their boat and were drowned. —Joseph Herch and George Kutz, proprie= tor and bartender of an Caston saloon, were arrested Monday for keeping a disorderly house. —Bertha, daughter of Julius Wild, of Dale borough, fell from a hay loft and broke her right arm at the elbow. She is about ten years of age. —A mammoth king snake with a double crown, which has appeared annually at Strass- town, Berks county, for many years, has just been seen again. —Washington Camp, of Pottsville, gave a. theatrical performance in which Generals. Sheridan, Gregg, Early,Breckinridge and Rus. sell were depicted. —The Supreme Court at Harrisburg Monday: refused the appeal of the Delamaters for a cons. tinuance until October of the hearing on their: application for a change of venue. —Johia Thompson, of Mount Nebo, Lebanon. county, was killed by being thrown from his carriage the other day, but the younglady who accompanied him escaped uninjured. —Saturday afternoon Edward Berringer: was arrested on the charge of embezzling $125 money belonging to his employer, Henry Hartman, a dairyman, residing at Warrense ville. —Claiming to be a consumptive anda rheu- matic, Samuel Hoack, at the Dauphin county jail, imposed on the keepers, and, takingjad- vantage of the liberties allowed him, made his escape. : —The Sunbury hook and ladder truck. was upset and-Wes. Reagal-haa--his collar bone broken, his rigut ear badly injured and his left arm broken. Warren Weaver’s xight. arm. was broken, —Victor E. Eshleraan, son of a soldier; is the successful candidate in a competitive exam~ ination in Lancaster for a West Point.cadet= ship. William Cramer has been recemmend~ ed as anh alternate. —The corner-stone of the Roman Catholic . church of Presentation, at Cheltenham, Mont gomegy county, Rev. John Loughran, pastor, was laid Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a large concourse of people. --Two boys, about eight years. old, were found in a Reading gutter dead drunk. One was in a serious condition all night, but is now out of danger. A vigorous effort is being made to discover the person who.gave them. the li- quor. —Conrad Beck, of Reading, playing jball in the Hessian camp, was strtiek on the left fine ger by the ball. The finger was badly split. Not noticing his injuries Mr. Beck. stooped for the “leather” and seeing the blood: spurting from the wound he fainted. —Elias Brey, of Krausdale, Lehigh county, left by will $100 to the Mennonite Church for Indian missions, $100 to the Carlisle Indian School, $100 to St.Paul’s Lutheran church, cf Upper Hanover, Montgomery county, and tha balance of $10,000:to friends. —The only member now. living: {of the com= mittee of one hundred appointedtomeet Gener= al Lafayette when he arrived. in this country on his memorable visit, is.Geozge Shiras, wha boards at Economy, Beaver county, Pa. Mr. Shiras is eighty-six years.o!d, hale and hearty, and still enjoys a day’s fishing sport. —Thomas Ewing, a Huntingdon county farmer, who had, until a few days ago, a rather handsome young wife, discovered that she was unfaithful to him, and that his brother was the man in the case. Thomas surrender- ed the woman to the brother upon conditicm that they leave the state, which they did. —There are all sorts and conditions of men in Hazleton and almost every nation is re. presented. There are English, Scotch, | Irish, Welsh, Germans, French, Spanish, Austrian, Hun, Pole, Prussian, Slav, Magyar, Bohemian, Greek, Syrian, Arab and Chinese, but stil} there was another added to the long list. Five Laplanders came last week. —Ex-Sanator Wallace negotiated a lease {a the Berwind- White company, of tPhiladelphia, of a large body of coal lands, the royalty frcm which will go very far toward a lighidation of his debts. He has also been successful in getting the Pennsylvania railroad company tQ construct branch lines to his coal lines. —John Yoh, aged about twenty«:ight years, and an inmate of the Reading alinshouss, has not eaten anything for twenty-four days. The young man is subject ta epileptic fits, and has water on the brain. He has been an inmate of the almshouse for a number of years, His pa= rents reside in that city, but where, the official do nct know. —The Fire committee of city council ac@ the president and firemen of each fire con pany at Lock Haven met in the counciljchama ber and re-elected George D. Fox, of the Good Will hose company, chief of the dep: rte ment and William E. Frank, of the Hand-ine Hand hose company, assisstant chief, each fo serve for one year,