Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 29, 1891, Image 8

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    Benue ald
Bellefonte, Pa., May 29, 1891.
To CoRRESPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
I ——
— To-morrow will be Decoration
— Miss Lula Smith, of Bishop
street, is visiting in Tyrone.
— Repairing executed with neatness
and dispatch at McQuistion & Co's.
——Keep the 4th in mind. Save
your money and prepare to decorate,
——Many trout fishermen are becom-
ing disgusted at the poor success attend-
ing them this season.
— The frost, at many points in
town, on Tuesday right, assumed the
proportions of a small snow.
Work will be resumed on the
Lutheran church, at the corner of Linn
and Allegheny streets, about July first.
— Thursday evening, June 11th, is
the evening on’ which the Bellefonte
Club’s reception will be given, and not
the 12th.
—TEx-Governor Beaver has been
elected president of the Philadelphia
Dental College, to succeed ex-Governor
— Lew. Erhard’s trick donkey “Col.
Pifer” died on Sunday. It had been
suffering with spine disease and it was
necessary to chloroform it.
— The Ladies of the Baptist church
at Milesburg will serve Ice cream, on
Saturday evening,May the 80th, on the
lawn in front of the church.
— At theage of 60 years Adam
Breth, of Clearfield, has mastered short
hand, type writing and a bicycle, and
all within the space of one year.
——Mr. A Lukenbach left on Mon-
day morning for a short trip in the in-
terests of Geo, W. Jackson & Co’s
Phenix Flouring mill at this place.
— Anorder of Knightsof Malta
will be incepted at Houtzdale, the first
week in June. A number of candidates
for full degrees will take advantage of
the ceremonies.
——The Phoenix Mill at this place,
owned by Geo. W. Jackson & Co., is
undergoing extensive repairs. An en-
tire new outfit of machinery is among
the improvements to be made.
——On Monday morning Mr. Mitch-
ell Gardner entered upon the duties of
book keeper for the new Valentine Iron
Company. The firm is to be congratu-
lated upon securing the services of such
a reliable young man.
——Mrs. Haley, a lady who resides
up on Ridge street fell down and broke
her leg on Sunday morning. She was
walking in her garden at the time and
the break was so serious that amputation
Was Necessary.
——Rev. W. S. Hayden is receiving
many flattering notices from the Dela-
ware press. He is lecturing through
that state in the interests of the temper-
ance organization and is greeted every-
where with full houses.
—— June 10th is the time set by coun-
cil, by which all property owners are to
have their pavements repaired and in
good shape. Ifitis not done by the
designated time the street commissioners
will do it at the owner’s expense.
—— According to an act passed by the
the legislature last week eels can be
caught in fish baskets from the 15th of
August to the 15th of November, but
the baskets must be removed immediate-
ly upon the expiration of the lawful
——TItis said by thoroughly compe-
tent judges that never before has Centre
county sustained such immense damage
by forest fires as this spring. It is esti-
mated that the value of improvements,
lumber and standing timber destroyed
will amount to $150,000.
——Recently Jacob Miller, of Hare's
Valley, Huntingdon county, aged 90
years, walked from bis home to that of a
friend near Newton Hamilton, in one
day, some eighteen or twenty miles, and
then walked down to his nephew's the
next day, nine miles more.
——The fellows who were so easily
gulled by the sharpers with Wallace &
Co’s show deserved to lose every penny
of their money. We are ready to wager
almost anything tbat if they had come
out three or four hundred dollars ahead
they would not have kicked at all.
——Dr. Wm. Glenn, of Altoona, ac-
cidentally fell and broke his leg on Fri-
day evening last while walking on the
porch of the Mountain House, at Snow
Shoe. The doctor is a cripple in one of
his limbs already, and the fact that his
uninjured one was broken makes the ac-
cident all the worse.
——The death of Mr. Samuel Fleck,
which occurred at his home in Phil-
ipsburg,on Friday evening of last week,
was a great surprise to that community.
His daughter, Mrs. Jas. Schofield, of
this place, had just gone over to pay her
parents a visit, but was very soon called
BE ——————————
AN ANSWER.—Some time ago the
Daily Gazette published an article cn
the dancing school and its attendants,
and as a result a number of opinions
have been expressed pro and con.
Among them we find an article which
appeared last week in the Public News,
a little paper published in West Phila-
delphia. It is replete with good sensible
views on the question and should be
read by every one, as the question is re-
ceiving considerable attention every-
where. It is substantially as follows:
An article in a Bellefonte, Pa., paper
criticising the actions of some Christians
in attending a high- toned social gather”
ing where dancing was the chief amuse-
ment, says if religion will not keep
Christians from dancing it is a complete
fizzle, The religion of Jesus Christ
will do all it claims to do. Will make
of men noble characters, elevate human-
ity, send sunshine into dark places,
cheer the broken-hearted, make life
worth living and the world better by its
infiuence upon mankind; but the reli-
gion of Christ will no¢ keep people from
dancing, will not frown upon socialen-
joyment, will not require young people
to be old, will not turn sweetness into
gall, will not deny amusement, cheerful-
ness nor happiness to God’s people. It
is not intended for that purpose. The
religion of Christ teaches that we are
placed here for a purpose. That pur-
pose is not accomplished by the people
who never smile, who see good in no-
thing, who make life a burden to every-
one; but by the people who [carry sun-
shine, enjoyment, smiles, good words
and good works with them wherever
they go. Religion does not antagonize
refinement, and one Christian lady in a
respectable dance will do more to up-
hold the principles of religion than a
heuseful of people who see no harm in
indulging in simple, silly, childish kiss-
ing games, but would be horrified at the
thought of dancing. Let people dance.
Let them laugh, sing or do whatever
their ewn common sense, or conscience
tells them to do, as long as they do not
i conflict with others, peace, or violate
God's commands. What would they
! do if Gabriel should summon them with
| their dancing garments on, asks this
i eritic ? They should be able to say
“we areready.” A Christian life should
be such that when summoned, whether
from the dance or any other place, from
pleasure or from labor, no matter where,
there will be no need of a hasty change
of garments. There is no time in the
life of a Christian that he should be
placed in such a position that the call
from Heaven would find him unprepar-
ed, and be no better prepared by an un-
necessary self denial of respectable social
enjoyments than by enjoying to the full-
est extent the short life given him in
this world. Give us Christians who,
firm in their own convictions, will go
ahead, and make the world better for
having been in it.
Tar WAY HE Fixgp Him.—A stran-
ger called upon a farmer in Buttler
county some weeks ago and for $25
painted the roof of his barn with a mix-
ture that he said would make it last
longer than the stone foundation. The
first rain washed all the paint off. Last
week he reappeared and wanted to sell
the farmer a patent corn planter. The
latter was still hot about the paint and
said he would not buy a corn planter,
but he would do a little painting at the
agent’s expense. The agent offered all
sorts of explanations, but they availed
nothing. The farmer sailed into him in
the real Butler county pugilistic style,
and in a few moments painted the agent’s
nose a beautiful carmine tint, and his
eyes a genuine blue-black. The colors
will last longer than the paint on the
During the parade of the Wallace &
Co. circus at Tyrone last Friday morn-
ing the wooden foot-bridge which crosses
the Bald Eagle creek at Hill street, gave
way and seven men were precipitated to
the creek, a distance of ten feet, A. O.
Sanders, night operator at Tipton tower,
on the Pennsylvania railroad, three
miles west of Tyrone was badly hurt.
Besides having his face cut he was badly
bruised about the body, and had to be
conveyed to his home in Huntingdon. A
man from Spruce Creek was also badly
hurt and there were several narrow
escapes from drowning. Drunkenness
reigned supreme all day and a number of
fights occurred. A woman was robbed
of her money while in the waiting room
at the railroad station, and several thefts
are reported to have been made at the
show grounds.
Pararyzep BY LieuTNING.—Dur-
ing the thunder storm Wednesday even-
ing of last week, Miss Amelia Root,
daughter of Mr. John Root, a farmer
residing in Nittany Valley, was para-
lyzed by lightning, and remained in an
unconscious condition until the next
morning. The house was not struck by
the lightning but Miss Root was affect-
ed almost as badly as though it had
been. She has since fully recovered
from the effects of the shock. None of
the other inmates of the house felt any
ill effects from the lightning.
upon to mourn the death of her iather.
at the WarcnuaN Office.
ET an LT SL Bt
— Guyer Mattern is completing sta-
tistics for a census directory of Centre
county. It will contain the name and
‘address of every resident by townships,
‘with political belief, and blank pages for
notes on changes ofresidence. It will
no doubt be a very valuable publication.
——John Speaks, a nineteen year old
all around colored athlete, of Altoona,
commonly known as ¢Speaky’’ died in
in the hospital, in that place, on Satur-
day. But one week before his death he
had eaten thirty-one raw eggs in seven
minutes, thus winning a wager at the
expense of his life.
—— We are indebted to the executive
committee of the Firemen’s Association
of the State of Pennsylvania for an in-
vitation to be present at the 12th annual
convention, which will be held in Lock
Haven on Sept. 15th, 16th, 17th and
18th. The people of that town are mak-
ing extensive preparations and no doubt
a great time will be in store for the visi-
——Cards are out announcing the
we dding of our young jeweler, William
Thompson Achenbach, to Miss Jessie
Tlizabeth Cooke West, of 1905, North
12th street, Philadelphia. The nuptials
will be celebrated in Grace M. E.
church, at Broad and Master streets, on
Tuesday, June 9th, at high noon. A
wedding breakfast, at the Stratford,
will follow.
——Quite an exciting wrestling
match took place in the carriage house
of the Brockerhoff House stable on Sat-
urday evening. Two men from the
nail and chain works were the partici-
pants and the little fellow succeeded in
giving his big opponent three very pret-
ty falls. The match was a friendly con-
test and furaished amusement for quite
a crowd of onlookers.
The death of Mr. Frank Gar-
brick, which occurred at his home, one
mile east of Zion, on Thursday morn-
ing, May 21st, removes from that com-
munity a highly respected and prosper-
ous farmer. A wife and seven children
are left. The funeral services were held
at his residence on Monday morning
and a large number of people assembled
to pay a parting tribute to a dead friend.
——On Monday morning officer Gar-
is arrested Will Walker for catching
trout on eel lines and he was held in
$100 bail for appearance at Court. He
made information against Wm.Thomas,
Chas. Ryan, Jas. Miller, Harry Houser
and A. Hull, all of whom had caught
trout on outlines. The boys have been
arrested and some discharged after pay-
ing the fine, while others have been
held for Court: Ignorance of the law
is the excuse given by all.
——On Friday morning last an acci-
dent occurred in Tyrone which might
have resulted in the loss of many lives.
A great crowd of people had gathered
on the bridge, across the Bald Eagle, at
Ridge street, to watch the parade of
Wallace & Co’s show, and the strain
being so great the bridge give way
precipitating the whole crowd into the
creek. Fortunately only two persons
were seriously hurt. The rest got their
bath a little earlier in the week than us-
ual, thats all.
——The turn-keyin the jail, at Madi-
son, Wisconsin, has turned up with a
fellow whom he thinks is John Wilson.
District Attorney Meyer has received a
letter from him giving a very minute
description, which tallies exactly with
that of the man we want, even down to
the tattoo marks on the arm, A picture
will be sent and then we will know
whether it is John Wilson or another
Will-o-the-wisp. The fellow is serving
a three months term in the jail at Mad-
ieon. : :
——Samuel B. Haupt, a native of
Centre county, where heis well and
favorably known, and a brother of Con-
ductor Allison Haupt, of the Tyrone
divison,has resigned thesuperintendence
of the motive department of the Norfolk
and Western railroad shops at Roanoke,
Va., a position he has held since 1883.
‘With his family he will shortly make a
trip to Europe, and on his return will
settle in Philadelphia, where, with
several of his brothers, he will engage in
the lumber and paper mill business.
——The Harrisburg Patriot of Wed-
nesday contained the following :
Representative Holt,of Centre county,
was in his seat yesterday after two or
three days’ absence. He had been at
home to attend the funeral of his daugh-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Mattie Iolt, of Snow
Shoe. Mrs. Holt was but twenty-eight
years old, and remarkably popular in
the community ia which she resided.
For several years before her marriage
Mrs. Holt had been a very successful
school teacher, and all her life had been
a consistent member of ths Methodist
church, and prominent in religious and
chantable work. Her loss is keenly felt
not only by her relatives, but all classes
of society in Centre county. Mrs. Holt
leaves a husband and five children, the
youngest but ten days old. 2
——Fine job work of ever discription |
' street.
—— Wall paper in every shade and
pattern at “E. Brown, Jr's on Bishop
cent enterprises which have added to
the business standing of Bellefonte,
there is none which partakesof the same
metropolitan air that pervades the whole-
sale grocery store of H, Brockerhoff &
Co, at 23-25 West Bishop street. The
venture is only new, but the business of
the the concern has assumed such pio-
portions already that the firm feels justi-
fied in greatly increasing its stock and
storage room. By the first of June the
rooms will be stocked with as complete
a supply of groceries as can be found
anywhere, and the fact that it is an in-
land store should not lead our merchants
to believe that they can buy cheaper
elsewhere, for they cannot, as the new
firm promises prices as low as the low-
Frank Lukenback, the young gentle-
man who has so creditably filled one of
the book-keeper’s positions in the Bank-
ing Houses of Wm. T. Reynolds & Co.,
and later of Jackson, Crider and Hast-
ings, has been selected to manage the
business of the store, and we feel sure he
will do it successfully and to the best in-
terest of his employers and their patrons.
A Sap AccipENT.— Benjamin Perks,
one of our most worthy young men, and
a brakeman on the coal train of which
his father, Mr. James Perks, is conduc-
tor, met with a very sad accident Satur-
day morning, shortly afier 7 o'clock.
The trainmen were shifting some empty
cars on the Derby branch, and as they
neared Lancashire switch, Ben., as us-
ual, began drawing the brake. Unfor-
tunately the chain broke, and the
young man was precipitated to the
ground, his left leg falling under the
car, two wheels of which passed over
the same, crashing it a little be-
low the knee.
He was immediately brought to his
home on Fourth street, where he receiv-
ed the best of care from Drs, H. Alport
and J. W. Dunwiddie. It is feared
that it will be necessary tc amputate
the injured leg, although there may be
a possibility of saving the same, and
with this object in view Dr. Fay, of Al-
toona, one of the oldest railroad surgeons
in the employ of the company, was sent
for and is expected here on the 4:30
train to consult with the attending
physicians.— Philipsburg Journal.
Below we publish the programme of the
commencement of the Pennsylvania
State College. It promises to be one of
the most entertaining weeks tha' visitors
could want and every arrangement for
the comfort of the guests is being made.
Sunday, June 28, 10:30 a. m.—DBacca-
laureate address, by the Rev. George
W. Chamberlain, of Brazil.
Monday, June 29, 8 p. m.—Annual
Address before the Young Men’s Chris-
tian Association.
Tuesday, June 30, 10 a. m.—Examin-
ation of candidates for admission to Col-
lege; 8 p. m.-—Senior Oratorical contest.
Wednesday, July 1, 8:30a. m.—An-
nual meeting of the Alumni Associa-
tion; 9:30 a. m.—Artillery Salute; 10
a. m. —Annual meeting of Trustees;
12m.—Alumni dinner (in the Armory),
2 p. m.—Meeting (in the Chapel) of
Delegates and Alumni to elect trustees ;
3 p. m.—Exhibition Drill of State Col-
lege Cadets; 7:30 p. m.—Annual Ad-
dress before the Alumni, by the Hon.
Marriott Brosius, M. C., of Lancaster,
Pa.; 9.11 p. m.—Reception of the Fac-
Thursday,July 2, 9:30 a. m.—Gradua-
tion exercises of the class of ’91 ; Com-
mencement Address, by the Hon. Alex.
K. McClure, editor of the Philadelphia
N. B.—A special train will run from
Bellefonta to Lemont at 10:30 Wednes-
day morning,July 1.on the arrival of the
train from Lock Haven.
Orders for excursion tickets over the
Pennsylvania lines can be procured of
John I. Thompson, Jr., at the College.
A NEw SwINDLE.—DBusiness men
should keep their eyes open for several
well dressed individuals who teavel in a
buggy and who are also working the
“gkin game.” The plan on which they
operate is to offer ten dollar bills in pay-
ment for small purchases and then ask
the parties they are dealing with to take
back the small change and return the
original note and in this way make a
confusion in the change, and by the
time they are done they have swindled
you out of several dollars in change.
These fellows have been “working”
neighboring counties, and it is hard to
tell how soon they will appear in this
county to cheat the unwary.
OFF For A VisiT.—On Saturday
morning, of last week, Mr. and Mus. H.
K. Hoy departed to visit their two
daughters, Mrs. Grant Peifer, of Pitts-
burg, and Mrs. D. A. Shuey, of Radnor,
Ohio, expecting to be absent several
weeks. While we extend to them our
best wishes for a pleasant visit we trust
that the young folks, who are left in
charge of things out at the homestead,
will have a good time also during the
absence of their parents.
WANTED.—A good horse in ex- |
change for carriage work, at McQuis- :
i tion & Co's.
Thursday. Good news.
—— George Mallory, the blacksmith,
has severed his connection with J. S.
Waite & Co., and opened up for him-
self in the old shop formerly occupied
by Heisler & Gross.
— The flower beds about the pas-
senger station, on High street, have all
been made and laid out for the summer.
The plants are of the same kind that
made such a beautiful showing last year.
—Tin Chin Pan, the Chinese laun-
dryman, is in trouble and has felt the
cold hand of thelaw. He would per-
sistén entering the out house of one of
his colored neighbors, and the chief of
police had to put a stop to the matter.
——Rev. C. H. Fitzwilliam, of Ty-
rone, will deliver his lecture, “The Bat-
tle of Life,” in the Baptist church at
Milesburg, this Friday night. 1t will
no doubt be a very entertaining and in-
structive talk as the lecturer is consider-
ed to be a very good orator.
foolish young man in Williamsport
named Martin hadn’ tsense enough to be-
have himself in church and annoyed
and worried the congregation by snap-
ping parlor matches, talking loud,
laughing, etc. Now his father, an en-
tirely innocent party, will have to pay
a fine of about $50,and unless the church
people agree to settle the matter the
young man will have to pine in jail for
about three months. That's about the
size of the cost for acting like a fool in
church.—L. H. Democrat.
A BrauTiFuL FoUNTAIN. — Mr.
Frank Green has added another beauti-
fier to his already handsome drug store,
in the Bush House, in the shape of an
elegant wall soda fountain. Tt is the
most complete and prettiest apparatus in
town and the cooling drinks which are
dr awn from its many little faucets are a
boon to the thirsty public.
It is one of the celebrated ‘Artic’
fountains and is mostly of Scotch gran-
ite and black slate,set off by a handsome
ebony cabinet and piere mirror, which
reaches to the ceiling. In the cabinet is
suspended a dainty fairy lamp, illumed
by electricity,and on the top is a beauti-
ful jet. The whole presents a very
handsome appearance and is an orna-
ment to the store. All the best fla-
vors are in the fountain and the drinks
which are served are most tasteful, in-
Wel Worte HEeariNG. —There
will be a lecture in the Baptist church
at Milesburg, an Friday evening, May
29th, by Rev. C. H. Fitzwilliam, of Ty-
rone. Subject, “The Battle of Life.”
The lecturer has been on the public
platform for thirteen years, and where-
ever he lectures crowded houses greet
him. The press, both in America and
England, speaks in the highest praise.
The following is what the press says
of him as a lecturer:
Mr. Fitzwilliam’s visit is hailed with
unbounded satisfaction, the Temperance
Hall being nightly crowded ; last even-
ing hundreds could not obtain admis-
sion.--- Oldham Chronicle, England.
The lecture on “The Battle of Life”
delivered by C. H. Fitzwilliam, was one
of the most eloquent and thrilling ever
delivered in this town. We consider
him the equal of John B. Gough.—7Ty-
rone Herald.
The Opera House was crowded last
night to hear Rev. C. H. Fitzwilliain
lecture. The Reverend gentleman isan
orator, dramatic at times, but pleasant
throughout.— Altoona Tribune.
WrRINKLES.—The woman with the
wrinkles in the “perfectly lovely skin
she used to have” comes to the front
more frequently with her despairing
queries than any of the afflicted. But
the oft repeated prescription of Lature’s
own cure seems to make no impression
upon her until the time of her own need
isat hand. The simplest and perhaps
the surest remedy for wrinkles is to bathe
the face in pure hot rain water,not luke
warm water, but hot, with a soft flan-
nel cloth, holding the cloth on the skin
as long as it retains the heat, and re-
eating the process many times in suc-
cession, then immediately plunging the
face in ice-cold water, which acts as an
astringent and restores the elasticity of
the skin. Eat nourishing food contain-
ing oily substance, stop worrying and
fretting, zo to sleep early at night, and
never go to sleep without removing all
the powder from the face and giving it
its bath, Gentle butbrisk rubbing with
the finger tips, marking all the lines
and rubbing in the opposite direction, is
a help, but the bath is the best. How-
ever, the best way to get rid of wrinkles
| is to avoid causing them in the first place
by constant contortion of your face in
either mirth or sadness, in eating, or in
tacing the strong light after the prover-
bial American fashion, and close your
eyes and rest your face in perfect repose
for a few minutes each morning, after-
noon and evening.
——E. Brown, Jr., wants you to see
his stock at his store on Bishop street.
—Sixteen car-loads of coke for the |
Valentine Iron Co., arrived yesterday, | people of our county will be surprised to
McFARLANE’'S T6 Cros Out.—The
learn that the hardware store of J. Kyle
McFarlane & Co., which was owned by
the late Col. Robert McFarlane, will be
closed out entirely unless some one
makes a purchase of the establishment:
William McFarlane, the only brother
of the deceased, will have charge of the
store until its close. If the sale of the
stock is not effected,one of the oldest in-
stitutions of our town will soon be a
thing of the past.
——The finest and largest line of
Foreign and Domestic woolens for suit-
ings and overcoats ever shown by us.
Full assortment of Ready Made cloth-
ing Hats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods.
MontGoMERY &Co. Tailors.
D. H. WeAvER DEAD.—On Tuesday
evening we received intelligence of the
death of Mr. D. H. Weaver, which oc-
curred at his home in Oak Hall, about
eight o’clock. The deceased was thirty-
one years of age and by hard work had
made himself known throughout the
county as a man of mark in business cir-
cles. Having purchased the flouring
mill at Oak Hall, he put in the roller
process and pushed it to the front as
a producer of the celebrated ‘“‘Miller’s
Daughter” brand.
His illness was of short duration, but
painful in the extreme, and when death
came to relieve him of his sufferings his
wife and five children were grouped
about the bedside, sorrowfully bidding
goodbye to a fond and affectionate hns-
band and father.
Funeral services were held on Thurs-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Odd
Fellows, of which he was a member,
——If you have not already visited
E. Brown, Jr's new store. on Bishop
street you should doso at once. Great
bargains await you.
——On Saturday afternoon while
Frank Lannen and his father. Mr. John
Lannen, of Union townskip, were driv-
ing{home from Bellefonte, their horses
became unmanageable and ran away.
The old gentleman was thrown out and
dragged quite a distance,sustaining very
serious injuries. Frank and the team
escaped unhurt.
——If you want furniture cheap, E.
Brown, Jr's is the place to get it.
——Mr. John Bauer has purchased
the fruit store of Louis Bagnerelli and
will conduct it hereafter. John is a go-
ahead, energetic young man and will no
doubt run a first class little store,
——MecQuistion & Co’s is the place
to get fine buggies, carriages and wa-
gons of every kind.
——Mr. Edw ard Huffman’s little son
Clyde was badly scalded on last Friday
afternoon, by falling into a vessel gon-
taining boiling water. The little fel-
low’s arm is in a terrible condition.
——Novelties in furniture and wall
paper are the order of the day at E.
Brown, Jr’s on Bishop street.
——George Brandon acted as pianist
for the Tyrone Banjo, Mandolin and
Guitar club, at its concert in Philips-
burg last night.
REESE.--On the morning of May 4th, at his
home, in Tyrone Pa., Jerome F., son of
Elizabeth and the late C. Reese, of Patton
township, aged 46.
“Leave him to God’s watching eye,
Trust him to the hand that made him,
Mortal love weeps idly by ;
God alone has power to aid him.
Lay him low, lay him low !
In the clover, or the snow ;
What cares he ? He cannot know.
Lay him low.”
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
White wheat, per 95
Red wheat, per bushel... ws 100
Rye, per bushel........... 90
Corn, ears, per bushel.. 90
Corn, shelled, per bush 90
Oats—new, per bushel 60
Barley = ushel... 65
Ground laster, per 9 50
Buckwheat per bushel. ve BO
Cloverseed, per bushes. $4 00 to $6 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ................ 90 to 100
Eggs, per dozen... 12%
Lard, per pound 1
CountryShoulde 8
Sides... 8
Hams... 124
Pailow, per pound. 4
Butter, per pound. 15
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe: annum (if paid strietly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
jising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
|3m |6m | 1y
One inch (12 lines this type......... $5 (88811
TWO INChes..cceersrersnssnecsanan wl T1I0) 16
Three inChes....cceosessnesee .;10115 1 20
12120 | 30
Signer Column (4%; inches). oo
alf Column ( 9 inches) “| 20(8 | 55
One Column (19 inches).. .185 | 65 | 100
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions
Each additional insertion, per line..
socal notices, per 1ine.....cuveeeeanns
Business notices, per line
Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
ness and dispatch. The Warcnmaw office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor;
J i es, NOR.