Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 08, 1891, Image 4

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erie. 2.00 A Year,in Advenee
« Bellefonte, Pa., May 8, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, Eprror
—In the tariff fight ¢hat is to come Ohio next fall it is proposed. that
every helmet and every itorch that shall
appear in the Republican processions
shall be made of American tin. But
this will be a false pratense, as there 4s
no American tin. It will surely ‘be
. English tin increased in price by an
American tariff. Such tik-clad ,pre-
cessions would be walking adveriise-
ments of the tariff gouge.
A New . Way of Eleeting Presidential
. Electors.
The Michigan Legislature has
passed a law whick changes
the methed of choosing ™Pres-
idential elestors in that State, whe
will hereafter be elected, one from eac¢h
congressional district, instead of all by
a general vete. The two electors
which belong to each State beyond the
number of its congressmen, will be.
elected by two.electoral divisions of the
“State, each electing one. As there is
no doubt that the Governor will sign’
the bill, this new way of choosing elec-:
stgblished in Michigan.
Similar bills werei introduced in the:
tors will be
Legislatures of Ohio and Wisconsin,
but we have not learned what progr ess:
they: have made.
This new methgc is entirely consti-
tutional, as the federal constitution
provides that “each State shall appoint,
in suck manner as §i.c legislature thereof
may direct, a number of electors, equal '
to thewhole number of Senators and
representatives to which the State may
be entitled in congress.”
that the present way of choosing elee-
{ the general vote of each State
is not. a specifie requirement of the
constitution. For a number of years
after the formation ot ithe government
the common practice was for the state
legislatures to choose the Presidential
electors. There was a gradual change
from this custom tothe present system
by.which the electors are elected by a
vote of the people. As late as 1824
six of the ‘States retained the method
of electing by their legisiatures, they
being Vermont, New York, Delaware,
South Carolina, Georgia and Louis-
iana. , In 1828 five of these abandoned
the old way and adopted the direct
vote by the people, leaving South Car-
olina the only State that-held to the
old method, which it eontinued to do
until the time of the reeonstruction
So it is seen-that the manner of the
election depende upon the will of the
State Legislature. The eoustitution
expressly gives it that power. It may
enact that the electors shall he elected
by itself, as wasthe old custom, or by
the general vote-of the people, or by
the people in ‘districts. Even if it
should determine that the electors
should be appointed by the Governor,
or the State Supreme Court, or by any
other authority, +t. would be strictly
Michigan has taken a departure
from the present method that 1s tobe
commended. It comes nearer to the
popular way of electing Presidents.
Where a State is entitled to a number
of electors there is no good reason why
the minority should not have its dae
share of them, and this is given them:
by the district method of election.
The arrival of 60,458 immi-
grants at the single port of New York,
during the month of April beats the
month’s record in any previous year,
even that of the year 1882. This
would be at the rate of over 700,000
arrivals in New York for the year, but
the spring months always show a large
excess in immigration. Of the 2,015
immigrants landed at New York last
Friday 1,428 were Italians. This is
the kind of American labor that some
of the fat-fried contributors to .cam-
paign funds in 1888 are solicitous ghall
receive steady employment in the coke
regions whenever it can be wtilized at
lower wages. ;
——The Road Bill has passed the
House acd is yet to be acted upon fi-
nally by the Senate. It was debated
with a good deal of acrimony, and its
friends were apprehensive of its defeat.
It 1s stated that some of its most im-
portant features were stricken out, but
they are not mentioned in the Legisla-
tive report that reaches us. It receiv-
ed 103 votes, just the number to pase
it. If the bill should be concirred in
by the Senate, and receive the Gover-
nor’s signature, an appropriation of
$2,000,000 will be required to carry
out the purposes of the Act in the next
two years. If this should not be done,
the road law would be useless for all prac-
tical purposes in giving us a better
system of road makiog gnd road mend-
So it is seen
This Year's Liveliest Fight.
In view of its being almost certain
that McKiNLey will be the Repub-
lican nominee for Governor of Ohio at
the election which will come off next
November, and that he will be oppos-
ed byjGovernor CAMPBELL as the Dem-
ocratic candidate, the tariff will be
discussed in that State during the com-
ing summer and: tall with unprecedent-
ed vigor and thoroughness. The can-
didacy of McKiNvLEY will be intended
to vindicate his tariff bill, and he will
stand forth in the fight as the special
champion of protection, upon whose
success may possibly hinge the next
Presidential nomination of his party.
Governor CamppeLL will stand for tar-
iff reform and opposition to the mon-
opolistic system -enforced by the Mo-
KiNLey law.
There will be side issues, but with
the author of the- monopoly tariff bold-
ly championing that measure as a fix-
ed government policy, the tariff will be
the absorbing issue in comparison
with which all others willsink into
insignificance. Governor CaMPBELL,
as the champion of tariff reform, will
welcome the fight on the issue which
McKiNLEY's nomination will present.
What probably will be the result ?
‘The election in 1890 in a great meas-
ure turned upon personal issues and
was largely affected by factional dis-
sensions in Cincinnati, the Republicans
carrying the state in consequence.
‘The tariff was in no way involved. If
it had not been for the causes mention-
«ed the Democrats would have carried
the State by at least 5000 majority.
The same causes will not operate this
fall, although Governor CampBBLL
may be opposed by certain elements
that hang on to the Pemocratic party
ia Cincinnati. Bat it is believed that
this loss, which is likely to be incon-
siderable, will be more than made good
by his strong hold onthe people out-
sideof that city.
The Farmers’ Alliance has complet-
ed its organization in Ohio and wil! en-
ter the canvass with a ticket of its own
on the Ocala platform, whicli is strong
for tariff reform. This complicates
the situation, but it is not believed the
third party movement will be unfavor-
able to the Democrats. Republican
farmers who cannot swallow the Me-
Kinley bill, and may be unwilling to
go over to the Democrats, may find
temporary lodging in the Alliance.
There is no doubt that the fat fried
manufacturers, and monopoly interests
generally, will flood Ohio with money
to save McKINLEY, but the “fat”
spread over the whole of the State will
havelese effect than it had when concen-
trated upon McKixLey's district last
year. Even then it did not effect its
intended purpose. With the issue
narrowed down ito tariff reform as op-
posed to monopolistic protection, the
Democratic party can enter the Ohio
campaign with good assurance ot suc-
Sam ————.
Democratic Work.
The Democratic societies, clubs, ete.,
throughout the State have commenced
preliminary work for the campaign of
1892. Hon. Cmauncey F. Brack,
president, and Major Jno. D. WorMAN,
secretary, with headquarters at No.
109 South Broad street, Philadelphia,
and at the United States hotel, Harris-
burg, are now constantly at work re-
plying to letters and formulating plans
to work in conjunction with the Demo-
eratic State committee and the Nation-
al campaign committee. Matters of
great interest will soon be called to the
«attention of the citizens of this Com:
amonwealth. Hon. ELriorr P. Ki-xEr
is the treasurer of the Democratic So-
ciety of Pennsylvama. The general
assembly of Democratic societies of
Penpsylvania will meet at Pittsburgh
in September next.
~The Wilkesbarre Leader gives
the truth in a few words when it says
that the people are now paying increas-
ed prices, for flour, etc., chiefly because
the condition of the grain markets hap-
pens to be favorable to speculative
combinations, and the farmers have
little interest in the matter. Before
the new crops come into market grain
will be haminered down to the normal
price, or possibly below it, and the ne-
cessities of the farmers will com pel
them to sell at any price. After the
@iew crop shall have been gathered in
from the farmers by the speculators,
prices may be advanced again, and so
on indefinitely.
——The alarming deficit in the pub:
lic treasury is the result of Regp's
rules for the government of the House.
When the arbitrary will of the Speak-
er could dispense with a constitutional
quorum and could put
through without discussion or exami-
nation, it could not be otherwise than
that there should be such lavish and
ly exhausted the surplus left in the
treasury by President CLEVELAND.
measures |
profligate expenditure as has complete: -
The May Day Movement,
The anticipated May day labor dis-
rope than in the United States, bat in
neither was it as serious as was expect-
el. The discontented workingmen
were more turbulent in Italy than any-
where else, there being lively collisions
between labor mobs and the military,
in which a number of lives were lost,
but with the inevitable result of the
agitators being suppressed and dis-
persed. There were disorderly demon-
trations in France which were kept in
check by the military. Paris was
held in estate of siege by 40,000 sol-
diers, but this precaution did not pre-
sent a number of collisions which, how-
ever, were not of a serious nature. Oth-
er parts of France were equally excited,
the demand of the workmen being for
an eight hour day. There were also
demonstrations in England, Germany,
Belgium, Spain and Portugal, but no
disorder prevailed.
The May day movement in the Uni-
ted States was far less extensive than
was looked for weeks ago. There were
strikes among working people at differ-
ent places for the eight hour day,
but the general turn out, partic.
ularly among the miners, that was
threatened did not occur.
The Road Bill Passed.
The Road Bill has passed both
houses and has been sent to the Gov-
ernor for his signature or rejection. It
has been so greatly changed from its
original wording that we do not know
what its provisions are. There is much
opposition to it, and efforts are being
made to get the Governor to veto it.
—The promoters of the “get rich
quick” associations of Philadelphia are
likely to find that they will get into jail
quicker than they will get wealthy.
fr ——
Summer at Atlantic City.
The Pennsylvania Railroad's Facilities
Jor Getting There.
The spring season which is just now
drifting into summer has been the most
prosperous in all the history of Atlantic
City. Never have so many people been
attracted to its great beacu from all sec-
tions of the land, and never have its
hostelries been so well equipped for pro-
viding comfortable and attractive ac-
commodations. In tLe present, which
is usually a breathing time between sea-
sons, visitors still continue to pour into
the city, so that when the summer hosts
come they will find a good-sized garri-
There will be ample room for all, how-
ever, and the indications foreshadow the
greatest summer season ever known.
Preparations are being made for it now.
New hoteis, of the lesser grade, are
building, new cottages are springing up
on heretofore vacant ground, and en-
largement and improvement of existing
structures is the order of the day. The
great board-walk, known by the more
dignified and appropriate title of the
Ocean Promenade, has withstood all the
storms of winter and is in perfect condi-
tion; the streets are bing improved, new
at the Inlet, and every one of the city’s
15,000 people appear to be doing some-
thing to make the great resort more
The facilities for reaching it are be-
ing developed with a view to the great
strain to which the summer traffic will
subject them. The Pennsylvania Rail-
road’s double lines from Market Street,
Philedelphia, are to be operated on a
plan which will yield the greatest speed
and promptness of movement, while
guaranteeing absolute safety and com-
fort. The tracks are in excellent condi-
tion, the rolling stock of the most ap-
roved kind, and the management keen-
v alive to the best interests of the
traveling public. Not only will a well-
adjusted service of fast and well-equip-
ped trains be maintained between Phil-
adelphia and Atlantic City, but the
through New York service,” which has
accomplished so much in securing travel
from the East, will be continued. Apart
from these facilities excursions of a
epecial or general character will be ar-
ranged from time to time from all points
on the Pennsylvania System at low
By these means the residents of the
remote as well as the near points will
enjoy every opportunity of spending
some time by the sea.
Atlantic City opens her gates in wel-
come to all, and the Pennsylvania Rail-
road and its connections is the high way
that leads to the sea.
Hi coughing to Death.
Miss Alice Woodford Being Fast Re-
duced to a Skeleton.
Birmixenam, Conn., May 1.—The
condition of Miss Alice Woodford, who
hiccoughed uninterruptedly for six
weeks last winter, and who was then
said to have been cured by inhaling
amyl, hus recently become very much
worse. Her attending physician, Dr.
Gould A. Shelton, says she hiccoughs
~ with every “mouthful ‘she attempts to
swallow, and in consequence receives
but very little nourishment.
The trouble he ascribes to nervous-
ness and indigestion. = Although she is
very weak, expects that she will recover.
He recommended a change of scene, and
the young lady is at present at the home
of her uncle, J. D. Dayton. The latter
has not’ much hope of her ultimate re-
| The amyl has ceased to be of any bene-
fit, and a hundred other remedies tried
i have failed to relieve her. Dr, Shelton
| hinted that other physicians were treat-
ing her. Those who saw her last say
she is very much reduced in flesh and
unable to stand up on account of weak-
turbance made more trouble in Eau- |
son already in possession of the fortress. |
facilities for amusemer.t are under way |
Cokers Driven from Home.
Hundreds of Families to be Evicted
this Week.
SCOTTDALE, Pa., May 6.—It is ex-
' pected that as many as 600 families in
the coke region will be evicted this week
by the Sheriffs of Westmoreland and
Fayette counties. This is in pursuance
| of the operators’ policy of providing
, homes for new men as fast as they can
| be brought into the regions
| Tt is said that the Frick and McClure
| companies will bring 6000 Hungarians
| and Ttahans from other regions to man
their plants unless they receive the ne-
| cessary quota from the ranks of the strik-
{ers. The Polanders had a centennial
| demonstration here this week, partici-
pated in by 2500 men and boys.
Italy Was Only Bluffing.
NEw York, May 1.--Chevalier
Louis Dontencin, the President of the
| Italian Chamber of Commerce of this
city, accompanied by his daughter, ar-
i rived on the steamship Britannia from
| Italy this morning. The Chevalier while
| in Rome made a special point to have
an audience with the Italian Cabinet in
| reference to the New Orleans affair. He
| said that the Italian Government,though
| feeling keenly the outrage perpetrated
| on her countrymen, never intended to
| dispatch their war-ships, as rumor had
| it. Italy, he said, is only too anxious
| to maintain the friendly feeling it has
| had with the United States; consequent-
| ly the report that it was intended to call
the Italian Legation from Washington
was absur.
Elias Miller, a substantial resident of
near Madisonburg, this county, came
very near being swindled out of $1500
bya member of a fraternity of swind-
| lers wko are traveling through the coun-
try in quest of gullible grangers. The
particulars are abcut as follows :
Last Monday morning a stranger
came to the livery stable of Abraham
| Baum in this place, representing that he
intended to buy a farm in Penns Valley
| and wanted a team to drive down there.
{ The team was furnished him and he pro-
| ceeded to the home of Mr. Miller,to whom
| be represented himself to be a broth-
| er of Mr. W. A, McKee, of this place,
and that his object was to buy a farm in
| the lower end ofthe valley, and that
' Mr. Miller had been recommendod to
him as a good man to go with him.
. This Mr. Miller consented to do, but
| before starting the stranger drew a large
“envelope out of his pocket in which he
said there was $8,000, and after taking
$500 out of it, which he said he might
‘need, requested Mr. Miller to put the
envelope containing the ballance into
| his sate, as he said he didn’t care about
carrying 1t with him. Mr. Miller did
as requested, and they then started to
look after the farm that was to; be pur-
| chased. Upon reaching ita bargain was
| made with the owner which required
$2000 to make the first payment. The
| stranger was anxious to close it imme-
diately, as he said that another man was
| coming that afternoon to purchase it.
| As he wanted to be quick about it, to
| get ahead of the other purchaser, and
| having but $500 with him, he asked Mr.
| Miller to loan him $1500, which would
be returned from the money in the en -
velope which had been left in his
safe. This was agreed to and as the
farm was not far from Millheim, they
proceeded to that place where Mr.
Miller would get the money out of the
bank. Arriving there they went to the
bank and Mr, Miller was in the act of
drawing the check for the money when
Mr. Baum appeared upon the scene.
For some reason suspecting that
the stranger was a rascal, he be-
came alarmed about his team,
He followed him, getting track of bim
in Brush Valley, where he learned
what was going on, and immediately
drove to Millheim, where he over-
took the party in the bank. His inter-
ference stopped the cashing of the check
and saved Mr. Miller from being swin-
dled. The stranger paid Mr. Baum for
Upon subsequently examining the
envelope left with Mr. Miller was
found to contain no money whatever
District Attorney Meyer tried to locate
the rascal on Tuesday, but he had suc-
ceeded in making his escape.
Last Monday evening Garman’s opera
house was filled to overflowing by an
audience which hal gathered to hear
General Hastings tell about the Johns-
town flood and tke thrilling incidents
connected with it. The General’s per-
sonal experience in connection with that
calamity enabled him to speak about it
in a way that greatly interested his
hearers. Although those who listened
to him were familiar with the details of
the disaster, his really graphis descrip-
tion of the flood, as it rushed over the
doomed valley, gave them a more vivid
impression of its resistless power. The
General paid a high tribute to Governor
Beaver for the part he took in relieving
the unfortunate people of the Conne-
maugh valley, and eulogised Governor
Pattison for his promptness in signing
the bill that reimbursed those who ad-
vanced the money for Johnstown’s re-
lief. The address was delivered in the
interest of the Y. M. C. A. of Belle-
fonte, and netted about $90 for that in-
his team and left as fast as he could. |
Everert.—In regard to the unhappy
ending of Bertha Everett, of Philips-
burg, Centre county, in the Parker
House, at Boston, the matter seems to be
clear enough. The gentleman who
bought tickets at Tyrone for himself and
a young son, and to whose care Mr,
Everett consigned his daughter, who
was only 17 years old, was named Lam-
son, and he took good care of the young
lady until Boston was reached. But the
train for Harverhill, which Miss Everet
was {o take, was gone and she wus oblig-
ed to wait until the next morning. Not
knowing what to do nor where to go,
Mr. Lamson recommended the Parker
House as a nice and safe place for a
young lady traveling unattended, and
himself accompanied her to the hotel,
saw her registered and explained mat-
ters tothe clerk, who assigned Miss
tired, Mr. Lamson going to his own
home feeling that he bad fully discharg-
ed his duty toward his young protege
and her father. Before going to bed Miss
Everett either blew out the gas and then
orelse too far round. At any ratein
the morning the gas was found unlit and
turned on full head and Miss Everett
dead in bed. All her belongings were
safe, nothing having been disturbed.
That was Thursday night of the week
before last and on the following Satur-
day Mr. Lamson saw a notice of the
death in the papers and hurried tothe
Parker House and from there to the
morgue, when what was his surprise
and horror to find that the beautiful
corpse was that of the young girl he had
escorted and who had so brightly en-
tertained him and his son from Tyrone
to Boston: The remains were sent home
to Philipsburg and the funeral which
was attended by an immense concourse,
took place on Friday afternon last at 2
the auspices of the Centre county W. C,
T, U. Miss Varnum will hold meetings
at the following points ; Fleming, Fri-
day, May 8th ; Milesburg Saturday,
May 9th ; Bellefonte, Sunday, 10th, at
2.30 p.m. in Temperance rooms, Crid-
er’s exchange; Millheim, May 11th,
12th and 13th’; Coburn, May 14th and
15th. Due notices of later dates will be
Miss Varnum isan enthusiast in her
work. [She has made a study of it, her
heart is init, and very naturally she
carries conviction with Ler arguments—-
Her addresses were not of the dry, put-
you-to-sleep,terrible-example description,
for which temperance lecturers used to
be noted. Her talks are vivacious, witty,
solid ; full of uncontrovertible facts and
arguments which cannot be disputed,--
She invites discussion.
sides. She has declared an uncomprom-
ising war against the liquor traffic, and
herarmy of recruits grows wherever
she goes. Miss Varnum’s visit to Sin-
clairville will not only be remembered
pleasantly by hundreds upon whom she
has prevailed to sign the pledge, but the
effect of her work will be lasting, and
will show itself later on.—Sinclairville
& pectator.
CrviL Cases TRIED.—Among the
proceedings ol the court this week was
the trial of the following civil cases :
Daniel Rishel vs. Henry Brown. The
Jury returned a verdict for plaintiff in
the sum of $190.94.
The caus: of C. A. Mayer vs. E. M.
Sturdevant was continued at the plain-
titf’s request.
F. P. Blair vs. Bellefonte Furnace
Co., a verdict for the plaintiff for the
full amount of the land in dispute.
Mary A. Neidigh vs. H. Krumrine’s
exrs., verdict for the defendant.
The following letters remain in the Belle-
fonte P. 0. unclaimed, May 4th, 1891:
Hulaa Deitzel, Frank Hall, Edith S. Meyer,
George Rude, Antona Rosic, Mrs. John M.
Shadle, Marion K. Vastine, Henietta Weaver.
When called for please say advertised.
J. A. FieoLer, P. M.
Pine Grove Mentions.
A.C. Frye and wife,of Tyrone, were the
guests of Prof. Rhone on Saturday last.
Mr. Kays, of Water street, formerly a citizen
of our town, was noticeable on our streets in
his usual pleasant manner, shaking his old
friends by the hand. He was summoned here
to attend the funeral of his daughter, Mrs.
Robt. B. Fry.
—Our friend, Harry Thomas, w ho dealt in
bank checks for which he was taken care of
ina striped suit in Pittsburg for a term of 15
months, is now at large, a wiser and better
boy, having improved his time in learning
broom making.
Hon. J. T. McCormickspent Sunday last with
his family. John bears his honors mildly. Be-
sides his Legislative honors his congregation
that day elected him one of their ruling elders,
which shows his moral worth and the high
esteem in which he is held by his neighbors
and people.
It is now the 7th of May and we have had
just one month hot dry weather: Some days
we have had to 80 at noon. Cherries, peaches
and pears are in full bloom, apples are coming
on rapidly. The prospect for alarge fruit crop
could not be better. It is sadly needed,
having failed for the last two years.
All ot last week forest fires were raging all
around and hundreds of acres have been burnt
over. Farmers were compelled to leave the
plow stand for days and assist by back firing
to save fences and buildings in the course of
the flames. A number of houses were saved
with difficulty.
Our agricultural friend John Musser met
with a serious accident a few days ago which is
causing him much suffering, ‘He was in the
act of replacing a newly shaped set of harrow
| pins, with the harrow over a prop, which gave
away leaving the harrow fall to the ground,one
Everett a room, to which she at once re- |
turned the cock on again inadvertently:
She studies both-
of the pins passing through his foot com-
pletely pinning him to the ground, with no
one near torelase him for his painful situa-
tion. His son finally came to the rescue and
he was gotten home. Dr. G.H. Woods was
immediately cal'ed and the wound dressed
and he is getting along nicely.
It is our sad duty this week to chronicle the
death of a worthy citizen, Mr. Martin Johnson,
who died at his home in this township on the
23 ult., after a brief bur most painful illness
caused by brain trouble, which required four
men to hold him in bed. His trouble was
caused by being thrown from a. horse some
few years ago, receiving such injuries that he
never entirely recovered. He leaves a wife
and several children to mourn the loss of a
loved husband and father, a good citizen, and
above all an honest man.
Thursday night at 11:15, aged 30 years, Tillie,
wife of Robt. B. Fry, of this town, died sud-
denly, though to her nearest friends not unex-
pectedly, asshe had been a constant suffer-
frem heart trouble. She calmly and peacef.l-
ly fell asleep in a sitting position reclining on
her husband's arm when the message came.
She had a foreboding of death and remarked
toa friend the day previous that she would
soon pass to a hoase not made with h ands.
She was a kind and loving wife and mother
and had the esteem and respect of all who
knew her. A baby boy two months old, one
three years old, and a bereaved husband
mourn her irreparable loss. The sympathy of
the entire community is awakened in their
behalf. The funeral took place on the morn-
ing of the 1st at 10 o’clock with utter silence
and solemnity. Many passed through tha
room to take the last look at the dead who
was almost enshrouded in white flowers in
and on a beautiful casket that was born to the
cemetery by W.J. Meyers, Dr. Livins ton, A.
G. Archey H. F, Meyers, J. E. Strauser and J.
W. Carter. Rev. Black, of whose congregation
deceased was a member, assisted by Rev.
Aikens, performed the funeral ceremonies.
Scientific Temperance Instruction .
TEx1-Books oR CHARTS ?
Every now and then word comes of an effort
on the part of school koards to substitu te
physiological charts for text-books on physi-
ology and hygiene. Superiniendents shou Id
earnestly oppose this. No chart can take
the place of a text book. At best it can only
supplement it. To abandon the use of text
books on physiology and hygine and use
gharis in their place is, besides, adirect viola-
tion of theschool law of the State, which in the
edition of 1890, reads as follows on page 111,
paragraph 163 ; “The subject must be system-
atically studied as well as taught, which can.
not be done successfully without text-books
in the hands of the scholars. The proper pre-
paration of the lessons assigned to the pupils
in the daily exercises of schools makes the
use of text books abselutely necessary, even
if the law did not peremptorily require their
general introduction as it does in this in-
I learn that an agent of the “Central School
Supply House” of Chicago is now going about
among boards iu this state trying to persuade
them to buy his charts in place of our indorsed
books, representing that “these charts, with
one hook for the teacher which goes with
them, are all-sufficient, and of more practical
use than a set of books for pupils.” The time
is at hand for the various book agents to
work among school boards, and I hereby warn
all Superintendents of Scientific Temperance
Instruction, or those acting as such, that
neither the adoption of these charts nor of any
others to the exclusion of properly graded text-
books will constitute a fulfilment of the law,
and I earnestly urge all women who care to
have the children thoroughly and not partial-
ly taught, to keep a strict watch against this
innovation, and 0 point out the law to their
respective school boards.
It has heretofore proved extremely difficult
to color charts so as to represent with absolute
scientific accuracy the effects of alcohol on the
human system in the early stages of its use,
which is the reason why our National Depart -
ment of Scientific Temperance Instruction
has not yet endorsed any.
When at the Department of Public Instruc-
tion in Harrisburg some time ago, I learned
that a school board in Clarion County had lost
the Sta e appropriation through the neglect of
the law, and that another in Bucks County
would probabiy lose it also.
The fact that the latter has lost itis now
published. The place is Bedminster, Bucks
County, and the loss is $900. That we have a
State Superiniendent of Public Instruction
who so faithfully enforces the law is cause for
thankfulness. Superintendents of Scientific
Temperance Instruction should re-publish the
above in their local papers, and make every
use possible of itas a warning to all delinquant
school boards. Mary F. Lovely,
ms ——
Democratic County Committee, 1891.
W. 8. Galbraith
... Joseph Wise
John Dufllap
Centre Hall orough . John T. Lee
Howard Borough...... « H. A. Moore
Milesburg Borough.. A. M. Butler
... A.C. Musser
James A. Lukens
... C. A. Faulkner
Milheim Borough..
Philipsburg, 1st W
" 2d W
3 3d W.... A J Gorton
Unionville E. M.Griest
Bornside............. . Eugen. Meeker
Benner...... - Harvey Renner
Boggs, N P .. Philip Confer
gem F. Adams
Ly G. H Leyman
W. H. Mokle
N. J. McCloskey
. Daniel Dreibelbis
Geo. W. Keichline
Chas. W. Fisher
James P. Grove
aac M. Orndorf
€0. B. Shaffer
Eilis Lytle
. W. Keller
.'T. Leathers
. Henry Hale
. Alfred Bitner
John J. Shaffer
ames P. Frank
P. A. Sellers
. J. C. Stover
S. W. Smith
Jas. B. Spangler
Potter, N. P...
o. B2...
Rush, N. P.. Jas. Dumbleton
“© SP, . Hugh McCann
Snow Shoe, W. P.. Thomas Turbidy
~ E.P. . John D. Brown
Spring, 8. P....... . Jerry Donovan
* N:P... . James Carson
§ W.P,. ores 2 Epc
Taylor..... W. T. Hoover
Coon .. Chas, H. Rush
Walker. . D. A. Dietrick
Worth O. D. Eberts
L. A. SCHAEFFER, Chairman.
Orphans’ Court of Centre county. In
the matter ofthe estate of Jacob Royer, late of
Potter towoship, deceased. The undersigned
| an auditor appointed by said court to hear au
pass upon the exceptions filed to the account
of W. J. Thompson, administrator & of, , of
Jacob Royer, deceased, and make distribution
| of the balance in his hands to and among
| those entitled thereto, will attend to the dut-
| ies of his appointmeut, at his office in Belle-
| fonte, Pa. on Monday, May 25 1891, at 10
| o'clock a. m,, wherejall parties interested will
please atten W. E, GRAY,
36-18-3t , Auditor.