- b- * ~~ BY | y MEEK. P. GRAY "ink Slings. — Anti-discrimination, ballot reform and tax equalization are dissolving in the dim distance on the Harrisburg horizon. —When the Blaine boomers get their licks in on BEN HARRISON at the next national convention it won’t be calla lilies that they’ll hit him with. —In addressing the southern people who came to see his caravan, the Presi- dent was very shy of speaking about the Force Bill. He left his bayonet at home. —Vox MoLTkA left a plan of cam- paign to be used in a future war with France, but it may be found de- ficient without a Vox MoLTKA to carry it out. —~Considering that the administration has got down to the last dollar in the | treasury there ought to bea new Mint | in Philadelphia of double working ca- pacity. . —-BEN BUTLER was once bottled up. The other day a Rhode Island CARPEN- TER nailed him up. Itis about time that he should’ be hermetically sealed. up and put on the shelf. — With the price of wool reduced five cents a pound since the McKinley tar- iff went into operation, the American sheep will consider it hardly worth while to part with its fleece this spring. —Instead of standing out for an eight-hour day the workers may con- sider themselves lucky in these high tariff times if they are allowed enough to keep soul and body together for a full day’s work. —1It is probable that a combination | between the sugar refiners and the wholesale grocers, which is being form- ed, will take the sweetness out of the benefit which the free trade sugar of the McKinley bill promised the people. --JACK-THE-RIPPER has transferred the scene of his bloody operations from London to New York. It isto be seen how long he can continue his ripping before the.ingenuity of Yankee detec- tives shall get the rope around his neck. —The Treasury Department has de- cided that foreign lottery tickets must pay a duty of 25 per cent. on their val- "ue. Since all the home lotteries have been squelched, what industry, infant or adult, is intend | ‘o be protected by this duty ? - . sz. —Governor PENoYER is correct in his opinion that the governor of a state is not a satrap who must meet his Presidential master, cap in hand, at the border of his satrapy. He has the true idea of the sovereignty of a state repre- sented by its chief] officer. —The Hungarian town of Hossuret has sent three-fourths of its male inhabi- “oy & ie rats; 29, STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 36. BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 1, 1891. NO. 17. The McKinley Low Wages. The McKinley tariff has been in op- eration for seven month, quite long enough to give the people a test of its quality. Speaker ReEp described the McKinley bill as a measure “which bas for its object the aiding of the poor by raising their wages.” McKINLEY made the same claim for it, and HAR- rison declared that the people would find it to be that kind of a bill, and would be pleased with it when they should become well acquainted with it. They have now had seven months acquaintance,and what do they think of its tendency to raise the wages of the poor? Welast week gave a long list of the reductions of wages in manufac turing esiablishments and mining in- dustries since the bill went into opera- tion, and we extend it by the following additional reductions which are authen- tic and vouched for as unquestionable : duction 10 per cont; 15,000 men on strike since February 9. z The iron mining companies of the North- west; reduction 10 per cent Or more ; many thousand men getting less pay or deprived of work. Manufacturers of pottery, Trenton, N. J.; 22 per cent. Coal mines, Duquoin, I11., from 59 to 60 cents per ton. Merrimac mills, Lowell, Mass.; mule spin- ners, 3 cents per hundred. Ribbon weavers in Paterson, N.J.; 15 per cent. Coal mines near Leavenworth, Kan. ; 11 per cent. Hopedale fabric mill, Hopedale, Mass. ; wea- vers, 214 cents per yard. ~ Cocheco Manufacturiag Company, weavers, 4 per cent. Brooke Iron Company, Birdsborough, Pa.; 7 per cent. Silk mill, Warehouse Point, Conn.; winders and doublers; 27 per cent, Sturtevant plowér works, Jamaica Plains, Mass. ; from 10 to 30 per cent. Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company, Scran- ton, Pa.; average reduction of 20 cents a day. Homestead steel works, Carnegie, Phipps & Co. ; 10 per cent. _ Coal mines near Evansville, Ind.; a reduc- tion, followed by a strike on February 7. Emma blast furnece, Cleveland, O,; 10 per cent. { Smithville cotton mills, Willimantic, Conn. ; spoolers’ wages reduced $1.50 per week. Wanskuck mills, Providence, R. IL. ; 600 wea vers struck on March 2 because of a reduction. Pullman Palace Car Company; reduction, about Febraary 25, affecting wages of makers of freight cars. Weybosset mills, Olneyville, R- I; work- men asserted on February 21 that their wages tants to the United States where they are working and sending their earn- ings home to their families. There | is nothing in the McKinley bill to pre- vent such a soft snap for the Huns. —Since the Chilians have demonstrat- ed how easily steel-clad warships can be blown up by torpedoes, King Hum- ‘BERT may be congratulating himself that the misunderstanding with the United States terminated in a way that prevented his navy from sailing in a skyward direction. —At the tariff banquet in Philadel- phia this week one of the subjects di- lated on was “The Wage-Earners’ Inter- . est in Protection.” The poor devils who are being evicted in the coke region have a more practical knowledge on that sub- ject than can be expressed by well fed tariff speakers. —The Chinese government has noti- fied the American government that it wont have anything to do with BLAIR as Minister from the United States. It 1s thus that the great New Hampshire educator has lost $17,000 a year clean cash by “talking too much with his mouth” about the heatben Chinese. —Hon. Jesse M.. BAKER is being prominently talked about as likely to be chairman of the Republican State Committee in place of ANDREWS. Probably this honor is to be conferred upon him asa reward for getting up a ballot reform bill that won’t reform. Such service in fooling the people should not be overlooked by the Bosses. —Although they were but Hunga- rian women who were shot down in the wage war going on in the coke region, nevertheless the thing has an ugly leok, particularly when viewed in connection with the fact that it occurred after the McKinley tariff had for seven months been shed- ding iis beneficence on the wage-earners of the land. —It is intended to hold at Raleigh, N. C., between the 1st of October and 1st of December next, an exhibition of the products and resources of the four- teen southern States. Among the exhi- bits it would be interesting to show a specimen of the bayonet with which the - Harrison administration wanted to pro- mote the peace, welfare and industrial bad been decreased by a change of the sched- ule of allowances. The weavers in the Arlington mills, Law- rence, Mass., about four hundred in number, notified that hereafter they would be obliged to submit to a reduction paid, and to run four looms on the work instead of three, as had previously been the custom. A strike resulted. The Lochiel iron works at Harrisburg, Pa,, have shut down—indefinitely, it is snpposed— Hecause of a difference on the wages question. The Reading Iron Company. The 2,000 em- sloyes were told on March 27 that a reduction of wages woula be made on April 1. Potts Bros. Iron Company, Pottstown, Pa. Nages of puddlers reduced about? per cent m March 16. Lehigh Iron Company, Allentown, Pa. A jleduction of 1) per cent was made on March 6. On April 19th about 230 of the men em foyed in the puddling mills of the Old Domin- im Iron and Nail Works Company at Rich- nond, Va., went out on a strike on account of areduction of their wages from $ito $3,756 per tin. The striking makers of cloth caps and hats it New York asserted on March 21 that their enployers had undertaken to reduce their wges 40 per cent. Knitting mills at Little Falls, N. Y. March 12reported reductions in McKinnon’s mill anl Sheald’s mill, as well as in the Saxony mil, which has heretofore been mentioned. These reductions were*made by cutting down theprice of piece-work. It may be stated ap- pr&imately, that employes who earned $15 a welk one year ago can now earn but $13 or $130 on the same class of work. This prop or- tio) will apply pretty generally throughout. Th tariff on knit goods was largely in- crased. he Norwalk woolen mills,Winnipauk,Conn Thiweavers struck on March 16 because they hadbeen required to talke up new work under conitions which caused a reduction reported to b about $2 per week. Te Cornell mills, Fall River, Mass. A strike toolplace on March 11, caused in part, it was saidby the agent of the company, by “many diffiulties that have arisen lately through lenghening the cuts of cloth, resuiting in a redbtion of wages.” Pineer silk mills, Paterson, N. J. The wags of weavers were largely reduced on Mar 21, and the weavers quit work. Afintic mills, Providence, R. I. The weav- ers, 000 in number, went ona strike three wees ago because they believed that their wags had been or were to be reduced by ex- cesye fines and new conditions. They re- turnd to work on March 23, and went out agaithree days later. W put these facts to the working- memf the country and ask them how mug they have been benefited by the McEnley tariff law? They are pay- ing hore for their food, raiment aad clotlng because of that law. They are gting less money for their work becate of that law. It cuts them prosperity of the southern people. bothtays. The “fat,” so to speak, is The coke companies of Pennsylvania ; re-- being fiied out of them by ri¥fionaire employers, but thissame “fat” will be used to grease an easy pathway to pow- er next year, But we don’t believe the working people can be tooled a sec- ond time. Against.Civil Service Reform. The Republicans have again. record- ed themselves against civil service re- form. This time it was in the Legis- lature of Pennsylvania upon Represen- tative WaerrY's bill providing for ap- pointments in the service of the State, cities and counties, wherever practi- cable, on the basis of merit, as in the classified Federal service. Inadvocat- ing his bill Mr. Wuerry denounced the spoils system as practiced in all minor appointments, and described the benefits that would accrue to the people under civil service reform, which aims to provide a safe, wise and just method in the selection of minor officials and employes who hold no relation to politi- cal functions. There are, he said, about 15,000 public employes who would come under the provision of the bill should it become a law. He held that as to these minor officials the same rules ought to apply to government business that apply to private business. The government ought to get the best service for its money. The reward system in politics is a disgrace to civ- ilization. Under it elections cease to determine public questions, and become merely scrambles for positions. Mr. WaerrY's arguments, however, were of no avail. The reform was rejected by a party vote of 54 to 77, the Re- publicans voting against it. ——The news that comes from Chili, that two of the improved steel- clad war ships engaged in the civil war going on there, were blown up by tor- pedoes, ig significant in view of the inter- est that was felt in our supposed de- fenseless condition if we should have been attacked by the superior navy of Lialy. If torpedoes can be as effective as they are said to have been in the Chilian waters, a large force of the latest improved steel-clad warships is of no material advantage to a nation, and instead of building them it would be wiser to make torpedoes. ——The Farmers’ Alliance of Ohio has drawn the color line. At its ses- sion last week it refused, by resolution, to accept colored men to membership. The platform adopted indorses the prin- ciples of the St. Louis platform of 1889, reaffirmed at Ocala, Fla.; asks that each county fix the salaries of county officers; demands that the dairy and food commissioner be elected instead of appointed ; favors free schoal books ; the Australian ballot system; redue- tion of railway rates of passenger fare to 2 cents, and proportionate reduction of freight rates; demands that the amount of mortgage on real estate be deducted from its assessed value for taxation, and favors pensioning all honorably discharged soldiers or their surviving families, The End of ft. The Bird Book has evidently taken wings and flown away. At least when the proposition to print another edition of this work, at the expense of the State, came before the House some days ago, Representative Gillen terse- ly said: “On the proposition to print 30,000 bird books, the state printer re- ports they would cost $1.10 each, or $30,300. While this to some persons may seem a small sum, to many it 1s a great sum,and these feel that the money might be better expended by purchas- ing needed school books for poor child- ren. This sum means that $10,100,000 of the taxable property of the common- wealth is to be set aside for the pur- chase of these bird books, for that would be the amount taxable at the rate of three mills on the dollar, which is the present tax rate on money at in- terest, to provide the needed $30,000.” That will settle the bird book business finally. ——The reason why the white wom. en of Topeka, Kansas, supported and elected the Citizen-Democratic candi- date for Mayor was because they dis- covered that the negro women were voting solidly for the Republican can- didate. They didn’t fancy black Re publicanism of quite so dark a shade. Agricultural Outlook. The April returns to the Department of Agriculture at Washington make the condition of Winter wheat 96.9, and of rye 95.4. The season for seed- ing was favorable over the whole Win- ter wheat area and afterwards the con- ditions for growth were mainly favor- able. The Hessian fly has appeared in many localities, and serious injury might follow should the early season prove favorable to its development. The general average for condition of wheat is the highest reported for April since 1882, and the State averages are remarkable for their uniformity. It is sixteen points higher than last year, and three above 1889. The near- est approach to per cent conditions during recent years was in 1884, when the largest crop ever grown was har- vested, but similar high conditions in 1886 were followed by a crop of little more than average proportions; the average of condition in New- York is 92. The returns make the following percentage of losses among farm ani- mals during the past year: Horses 1.7 per cent, cattle 3, sheep 4 and swine 8.4. The annual losses of horses vary but little. The percentage of loss of cattle is slightly higher than in 1888 and 1889. The Josses of sheep have been smaller than usual, while less disease than usual is reported among swine. —~—The meeting of the National League of Republican clubs at Cincin- nati was used by ForAKER as an occa- sion on which to thank BraiNg for the magnificent administration he has been giving the country. This was a clearly intended snub to HARRISON, whose name was not mentioned in con- nection with an administration of which he is the head. All the credit was given to BLaiNg, as if he were ranning the machine. The Harrison men at the League meeting kicked at this, but they were quieted by being told that it wouldn't look well to be wrangling on such an occasion. For- AKERS’ insult to the head of the party was allowed to stand, with all the rankling that necessarily attends it. The Prospect of the Crops. in crops all over the country. From far-off Kansas the crop report states that, should no drawbacks come, the wheat yield will be the largest ever known. This is good news for the peo- ple of that State, bat probably more welcome to the Eastern holders of Kansas mortgages. It will insure the payment of the interest and may enable the mortgagors to pay part, if not all, of the principal. Give Kansas three good crops and they will put her out of the woods. The same cheering news about the wheat crop comes from Indi- ana also which from present promises will be the heaviest grown in many years. If to these beadded good crops of corn, hay and other products, which this year may bring forth, the country will truly blossom like the rose. Al- though heavy crops will bring prices of products, aggregate receipts will be larger. This means prosperity to farm- farmers and all other classes, and furth- er than this it means more food for the poor and greater happiness for them. Late news from the peach district of Delaware tells us that the promise for that delightful fruit. the coming season, is phenomenal, and an abundance of fruit means health. ——Money is flowing into the gov- ernment treasury at the rate of a mil- lion dollars a day, the result of a gov- ernment tax upon almost everything we use. Under ordinary circumstances this would have the effect of overflow- ing the treasury with money, but the outflow is greater thau the inflowing stream, and the consequence is a treas- ury without any surplus. The Billion Dollar Congress provided extravagances which take the money out a3 fast as the taxes bring it in. ——The vetoes which Governor Par- 11soN has exacted.on a number of bills passed by the Legislature have met with popular approval. His objections to the measur2s have been so reason. able and strong that they have been ac- cepted by both houses. The Governor never yet has gone astray in singling out acts of legislation that should be disapproved. Senatorial Surprises. The resignation of Senator EpMUNDs, of Vermont, was a surprise. It could almost as well have been expected that the Green Mountains would walk off their base ae that the jesuitical old statesman of the Green Mountain State should voluntarily leave his place in the Senate. And now there is another surprise of the same character. Sena- tor REacaN, of Texas, who has been connected with congress ever since the collapse of the Southern Confederacy, has become tired of Senatorial labors and honors and has sent in his resig- nation. He isan older man by ten years than Senator Epmuxps who was by no means a senatorial spring chicken. ReacaN’s public career has been de- cidedly picturesque. He is a farmer- lawyer, and was an official of the re- publicof Texas before its annexation ; after that he was a State judge, and served four years in congress prior to He was the Confederate postmaster general, after a brief service in the Con- federate congress; was also secretary of the treasury of the Confederacy at the time of the collapse, and was with JerEERSON Davis's party when 1t was corralled by United States troops in Georgia in May, 1865. After the war he served 12 years in the house of rep- resentatives, and in 1887 was promoted to the United States senate. His term would have expired in 1893. Mr, Rracax distinguished himself in being chiefly instrumental in bring- ing about the interstate commerce law and the commission exercising federal supervision over interstate railroads. He was working for this great object at the time when Epmu~ps said that you couldn’t touch a privilege of the Pacific Railroad corporations without Jim BLaINg’s jumping up from behind the breastworks of corporate power, musket in them. The Senate will greatly miss the honest Senator from Texas. who bas HaroLp FRrEDERIC, “spent the last two weeks in Ireland, I says there are justtwo towns in that From the present outlook the com- jocttry where Mr. ParNnLL has prob. : . ; ably a majority following. ing season promises to be a prolidc one 2 : > b b | Dublin, the other is Thurles. One is Besides these there are, perhaps, “half a dozen little hamlets, dominated by local sa- loon keepers,” where PARNELL would command a majority. All the rest of Ireland is against him, and his follow- ing consists of “alittle mob of loafers ready to shout, fight and take his money.” Nevertheless, PARNELL has postponed home rule indefinitely. They Will be Vetoed. The Harrisburg Patriot warns the Legislature not to engage in the fruit- less and silly work of passing bills which from their very nature will be | sure to meet with the veto of the Gov- ernor. One of these bills 18 intended to appropriate $6000 to defray the ex- penses of the Governor's inauguration. They can’t expect to stick this expense on the State in the face of the follow- ing declaration which Governor Par- misoN made at the time of his first in- auguration : I am resolutely determined that so faras I can control the matter my inauguration as Governor shall not cost the people of Pennsyl- vania one dollar. Why should it? They de, rive no benefit from such scenes and the money spent thereon is wasted. It view of such a declaration there is not much probability that the $6000 mauguration expense bill will meet the Governor's approval. Another bill is to create additional clerkships in the Auditor General's De- partment. The Legislature that is pushing this bill seems to overlook the fact that in 1883 the Governor ve- toed a bill providing for a single addi- tional clerk in the treasury department for the reason that he thought it had a sufficient clerical force. If it is not clear that the Auditor General has not enough clerks the bill increasing his force is surely awaiting a veto. —————————S———N% —The members of the Massachu. setts Legislature having laid themselves open to censure for haviog made the State pay their cigar hills, a bill has been introduced into that body doub- ling the members’ salaries. They are determined to be able to buy their cigars without making the State pay for them. the rebellion, going out with his State. | hand, ready to defend Spawls from the Keystone, —The cigarette law is enforced at Williams- port. - —A Masonic Temple will be built at Lewis town. —A Wilkesbarre suburb is known as “Forty Fort.” —There are seventy-five lakes in Wayne county. —The alleged confession of Dave Nicely was a fraud. —The teamsters of Jeanette have organized a union, —Mrs, Daly, of Scranton, thinks she is worth $50,000,000. —Reading is having a “Bible-in-the-public schools” agitation. —A Fullerton man had his nose bitten off and went insane. —Isaac F. Runkle, of Willamsport, has been missing since April 1. —Spotted fever is scaring the residents in the vicinity of Oil City. —The Welsh Musical Convention will be held on May 9, at Wilkesbarre. —Martin Leininger-has five children down with scarlet fever at Myerstown. —A building at Scranton was fired by incen- diaries twice Saturday morning. —There is no trouble expected in Pottstown from the eight-hour movement. —South Bethlehem will increase its deb. to make permanent improvements. —Many of the collieries in the vicinity of Shamokin are resuming. operations. ~—A dressmaker of Reading accidentally swallowed her scissors the other day. —The price of bark in Tioga county has ad- vanced from $1 to $6.50 and $7 a cord. —There are fourteen persons in the mur- derer’s row of the Allegheny county jail. —Since the last assessment twenty new houses have been built in one ward in Sun- bury. —A Lancaster teamster deliberately drove into a funeral and wrecked a mourner’s car- riage. —Reading School Board expenses cover $151,535 per year, $18,590 in excess of the in- come. —The rescued Huns from the Jeansville mines will tour the country on their own ac- count. —A building boom has struck Columbia, and on almost every street new houses are being erected. —John P. Horan was instantly killed by an explosion of nitro-glycerine at an oil well near Simpson. —Reading’s collieries in the West Schuyl- kill district will soon double their present capacity. —Farmer Levi Barrick, of Carlisle Springs, Cumberland county, dropped dead of heart disease, —About 400 persons attended the annual re- union of Catholic Beneficial Union No. 447, at Greensburg. —The Junior Order United American Me. chanies presented the schools of Latrobe with a fine silk flag. —1I11 health caused Christian Keller,. an old Ashland man, to hang himself to a window- “shutter fastener. —Three lads of Williamsport killed a four- foot copperhead snake while gathering dande- lion a few days ago. —In his hurry to get a marriage: license a Chambersburg youth committed perjury, and has been held for trial. —Several Susquehanna people have lately visited Father Mellinger, of Pittsburg, to be healed of their infirmities. —“The Big Spring” at Newville is a famous trout stream, and at one time last week 169 fishermen lined its banks. —Attorney George W. Zeigler, of Sunbury, is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Register and Recorder. —Memtranous croup has taken three chil= dren suddenly from the family of David Haag, at Rebersburg, Berks county, —William Warntz, a youtnful slatepicker at the Burnside Colliery, Shenandoah, was killed between the bumpers of cars. —Charles Will, of Lenoxville, is so badly af- flicted with rheumatism that he has bean un- able to walk a step for two years. —School teachers of Reading are discussing the advisability of a session from 8 o'clock ta noon during the summer months. —Samuel P. Meyers was arrested at Wil. liamsport, for using profane and indecent lan. guage on a Pennsylvania railroad train. —By assessing Poles and Huns, who hava hitherto escaped, a Reading ward assessor eX pects to increase the eivy’s revenue $500. —Benjamin Griffith, a Centralia. colliery la borer, was seriously injured by a log falling upon him from abridge beneath which he stood. —A traveling quack has used the names of Port Clinton local physicians in collecting from eéitizens whom he knew to. be their pa- tients. —Samuel Schmehl, an aged farmer of Ros- comb, Berks county, had $2800.in money and bonds stolen. from his house during his teme porary absence. —William Day got thres years in the peni- tentiary for burglary and felonious assault at the residence of Mrs. Annie Spencer, Marietta, Lancaster county. —Fourteen-year old Maria Rumpf came un. attended from Germany to Tremont, Schuylsill county, wearing a tag addressing her to her uncle, Jacob Rumpf. —The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Reformed Church, of Bucks county, has made ower a thousand quilts. They are sold and the pro= ceeds devoted to charity. —Mrs. John Diffenderfer, of Sparling Hill, was surprised recently to find that she had recovered the sightof her eye, which had been useless for forty years. — Albert Zweigert, of Reading, foll in love with his boarding mistress, but his affection was not returned. Zweigert struck the wo- man and she had him arrested. —A Minegsville woman was put on trial on Saturday, charged with being a common scold by Rev. P. F. Beresford. She was convicted, but the Judge put part of the eost on the min- ister. —John D. Carry, of Clay township, Lancas- ter county, who failed and absconded, is found to have forged notes to the amount of $1500 and secured money on them from country banks. —A brother and daughter of Augustus Schmucker, who died atthe Borough Hall, Norristown, identified him, but refused to re- move the body or give it burial, and it will therefore bo sent to a medical college for dis. section,