Pine Grove Mentions. Mrs. H. M. Meek and Mrs. Wm. Sausser- man of Altoona, are visiting their parents and a host of other friends in and about our town. John F. Krebs has been summoned to at- tend United States district court at Pittsburg. Grandmother Krebs, mother of Judge Krebs, is again corily located in her former home where she has spent over three score years of her busy life. Mr. Wm. H. Miller, a noted trout angler, who always has his fishing traps in order, while winding his way over the mountains to the head waters of Stone Creek, discovered an unusual large opening in the trunk of a large tree, and upon closer investigation found that a bear was making it his habitation apparent- ly sound asleep. The news was conveyed to several of his Shingletown nimrodie friends who went in search of the lad next day and much to their delight bruin was still unmove ed. A consultation of attack was held when it was thought best to fire a shot, hit or miss. At any event he would be aroused out of his winter’s nap. The first shot at random took effect in the jaw and front foot which was no- ticeable as he came forth to show fight, but another load of shot in the head guaranteed a six dollar bear hide. Married. JOHNSON—BARR. — At the home of the bride’s mother,on April 2nd,1891, by Rev. W. A. Houck, Milton R. Johnson and Tura C, Barr. Both of Bellefonte, Pa. BUCHANAN—SYMMONDS.—April 16th, 1891, at the home of Cyrus Solts, Logan St., by Rev. W. A. Houck, Thomas H. Buchanan, of Bellefonte, aud Elizabeth A. Symmonds, of Pleasant Gap, Pa. HiCKLEN—PETERS.—April 16th, 1891, at the home of the bride’s mother, by Rev. W. A. Houck, C. K. Hicklen and Rhoda S. Peters, both of Bellefonte, Pa. MOORE—MOORE.—April 21, 1891, by Rev. W. A. Houck at the M. E. Parsonage, Bellefonte, J. W. Moore, of Taylor twp. and Lucinda Moore, of Huntingdon county, Pa. Jerry’s Sad Mistake. The Kansas Congressman Learns Some- thing About Hotels. New York Recorder. Let the Hon. Jeremiah Simpson re- late the incident as it occurred, and no more will the Kansas farmer fear him or scorn him because he was the guest of a $6 a day hotel. When the weary statesman—hungry because he had been boarding for a week in New England— dropped his carpet bag on the floor of the New York Hotel, he said to the clerk: ‘How much for room and board ?’ “Six dollars.” “Does this include washing such things as soc—hose and so on ?”’ “Laundry charges are extra.” “Guess I can stand it,”” mused Jerry. “I never got it for less than $4 in Kan- sas.”” And down went his name, and several admiring bell-boys took him in charge. : By the dim light, as Jerry lay in half sleep and wondered why he heard not the clarion call of the feathered Alliance songsters of his native State, his eve fell upon a legend that brought him to his feet : “This room $6 a day.” ‘And I thought it meant by the week’ he groaned, and when breakfast was over he paid his bill and went away a sadder ard a poorer man. A Great Labor War Imminent. PirrsBURG, April 19.—Over 125,000 men are ready to strike for eight hours work per day, or an increase of wages, on the morning of May 1 next. The most eventful May day labor ever had will occur this year. Omincus mutter- ings from all over the civilized world in- dicate the coming of the fiercest battle that has yet been fought between capi- . tal and labor. The growing discontent among workmen of every class has reached its culmination, and operators not only in the great cities of this coun- try, but in Europe, have been warned that on May 1 the storm will be upon them. * More than 125,000 workmen are ready to strike for an eight-hour day or more wages, and the coal miners, build- ing operators, iron-mills, carriage works and stone quarries of the land will be numbed with paralysis. The end of the bitter struggle cannot be seen at this distance. They Swapped Wives. A House and Lot as an Incentive to Marriage. ‘WILKESBARRE, Pa. April 19.—Last November, Peter Schmidt, a young Ger- man, ran off with Mrs. John Evans, and took up his residence at Port Bowk- ley, where he furnished a house. Schmidt left a wife in Germany, who heard of the husband’s escapade, and she came here. Mrs. Schmidt promptly caused the arrest of her husband upon the charges of adultery and bigamy. Ev- ans, the deserted husband, furnished the deserted wife with all the evidence needed. Schmidt was arrested and placed in jail. The wife said that they Sold prosecute the case to the bitter end. Now the strangest part of the whole affair is to be told. Mrs. Schmidt was good looking and only 33 years of age. Evans was not what might be termed prepossessing in appearance, but he was capable of making a good living. Evans and Mrs. Schmidt fell in love. Evans proposed marriage, and to show that he meant business he offered to sign over to has intended a small house and lot. Mrs Schmidt now found herself in a predic- ament. If she married Evans she was liable to be arrested un the seme charge as her husband had been held to an- swer, and she would probably be placed in jail. Kvans suggested a compromise. He proposed that Mrs, Schmit go to her husband and offer to withdraw the charges of bigamy and adultery if he would allow her to get a divorce. Of course, Schmidt was only too glad to do this. The result was that when the case was called in Court there was no prose- cutrix. Schmidt was discharged and re- turned to his house; where he is now living contentedly. As soon as the di- voree is granted Evans and Mrs Schmidt will be married. At present Mrs. Schmidt is keeping house for and at tending to the wants of Evans’ two children. esl —— ——Read the WarcHMAN for political and general news. » te Books, Magazines, etc. In curious contrast with Kennan’s papers The Century begins in May a brief series by the late George Mifflin Dallas, United States Minister to the courtof the Czar, in which are described the magnificence and luxury of the Nicholas I. A frontispiece portrait of Nicho- las accompanies this article. The English singer, Mrs, Margaret Watts IIughes, will print in the forthcoming Century an article on “Voice Figures,” in which she will give the curious shapes of flowers, ete., which she produced by means of her own voice. Mrs. Herrick of the Century, staff ac- companies Mrs. Hughes’ article with some ex- planatory scientific notes describing the cause of these shapes, and telling of other and simi- lar experiments. For Musica Prorre.—The Song Friend for April contains a biographical sketch, with por- trait, of the German Pianist, Frantz Rummel; “The Mind in Keeping Time,” by E. W. Good; “At the Beginning,” by E. I. Stevenson, and other articles of great practical value to sing- ers, players and teachers. Italso contains the following choice music: “Drifting from Home” (ballad), “Come Unto Me” (anthem), and “Visions in a Dream” (piano). The Song Friend is a 32-page journal of rare excellence. The subseriptioa price is only $1.00 a year, with a premiam of three pieces of select mu- sic. The publishers, 8. W. Straub & Co., 243 State street, Chicago, offer to send one sample copy for ten centsand make liberal induce- ments to canvassers. How To Pray Barn.—The popular *“‘Buck” Ewing, captain of the New York’s, has written an article for the Boy's Department of The Ladies Home Journal for June, on the ‘Ins and Outs of Base-ball,”_in which the fam ous catcher will tell how to play the game; how to form a nine; the hardest positions and how to fillthem ; how to throw a ball, ete, This is Ewings first article, and it is said to be the best which has ever been written for boys on the great national game. Rudyard Kipling will contribute to the forth coming number of Harper's Weekly, a new story of life in India, entitle “The Last Relief,” James Lane Allen’s new book, Flute aud Vio- lin, and other Kentucky Tales and Romances, is announced as ready for immediate publica- tion by Harper and Brothers. “Princeton College” is the subject of an il- lustrated article by Robert Bridges to appear in Harper's Young People for April 21st. Mr. Bridges was a member of the class of '79, and he will tell several things which, although not found in tire College Catalogue, every Fresh- man or prospective Freshman ought to know. err ———— The following letters remain in the Belle- fonte P. O. unclaimed, April 20th, 1891. Gertrude Dippery, C. C. Kealer, G. W. Mus, ser, Dora C. Money, Rev. Frank Pen, Mrs! May Peters, Miss Susan Reyer, Winfield Sum- mers. When called for please say advertise. J. A. F1eEpLER, P. M. a w New Advertisements. I CABINET PHOTOS. —f FOR {— 3150 PER DOZEN. — AT {— SHAFPFrERS GALLERY, BELLEFONTE, PA. This is a big cut—one-half the former price—but it is genuine. Of late some of those first class (2) leading (?) photographers of this section have been putting the prices way down to catch trade. Now I propose to put down the bars for a short time to give a little amusement to the people and make it interesting for my professional friends. This week I engaged several good workmen to assist me upon the great rush that will follow for good photos at low prices. “While the band is playing” don’t miss the opportunity to stop at my gallery. While the prices are down, I will continue to do the best of work, promptly and satis- factorily. This is no Fake, like others advertised. No deception, no fraud, and above all no poor work will be turned out. Call at SHAFFER'S STUDIO, Allegheny st. 36-16-1m BELLEFONTE, PA. Prersl SALE. Muslin underwear! We have just opened a fine Jine of muslin garments, at prices never before equaled. Night gowns, drawers, chemise, shirts and corset covers. We are offering these goods at bargain prices, you can buy then cheaper than you can make them. Come in and see the tull assortment. CASH BAZAAR, 35 21 1y No. 9, Spins Street, ellefonte, Pa. TT D. &6.C -——TO MACKINAC— SUMMER TOURS, PALACE STEAMERS. Low Rares. Four trips per Week Between DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Petoskey, The Soo, Marquette, and Lake Huron Ports. Every Evening Between DETROITANDCLEVELAND. Sunday Trips during June, July, August and September Only. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS, Rates and Excursion Tickets will be furnisheq by your Ticket Agent, or address E. B. WHITCOMB, G. P. A,, Detroit, Mich. THE'DETROIT & CLEVELAND STEAM NAV. CO. 36 14 Tm * WHERE SHALL I BUY MY CLOTHING? The changing seasons once again bring back this same old question to every man— YOURSELF INCLUDED. Of course you are going to spruce up a little this Spring as every one else does! Nothing extravagant, a new suit which will be more com- fortable and appropriate for the warm days that are com- ing and a few articles from our furnishing goods depart- ment will perhaps be all that is required to put you right before the world. Still there will be no dodging that oLD, OLD QUESTION. Where shall I buy ny clothing ? It is bound to come up and must be decid- ed before you make your purchases. Now what say you? Let us answer the question for you this time. We will pay well for the privilege and you shall be more than satisfied. This is our offer to those who will let us name the place where they shall buy their Clothes : First a square deal—SEc- OND, a saving of several dol- lars, more or less, according to the amount of your pur- chase. Tuirp, that good quality, material and make which is only found in cloth- ing that will stay by you. 4th, the newest, best of styles, in fabric, cut and fit and a gen- erous assortment in every grade that a first class cloth- ing establishment could be expected to carry in stock. Now these shall be yours if you leave to us the decis ion as to where you shall buy your clothes this season. There is no disputing that our new line of spring and summer goods is a marvel of fine qualties and good values at fair prices, Infact it is the largest and most completeassortment of cloth- ing and Gents furnishing goods ever brou oht to Center county. If you favor us with your patronage we promise you the best values which your money can obtain for you. Give us a call.. You shall have the most careful atten- tion, Unlimited lopportunity for a satisfactory selection, a perfect fit and the fairest prices you have ever re- ceived. M. FAUBLE, Prop'r Rochester Clothing House, Bellefonte, . Pa. Opp. Brockerhoff House. New Advertisements, New Advertisements, HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of Sundry writs of Fieri Facias, Levari Facias:and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Centre county and to me directed, will be exposed to pr blic sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on Saturday, the 25th day of April, 1891, the following property to wit : _All that certain messuage and tract of land situated in Gregg township, Centre county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the west by ‘McCool and Harter, on the north by land of George C. Breon, on the south by Caln’s heirs, and on the cast by the public road, containing two acres, more or less, thereon erected a log frame dwelling house, two stories high, stable and other out build- ings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property 5% Datel Kennelly. All that certain lot or piece of ground, situat- ed in the Boron: of Philipsburg, Centre coun- ty, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : Commencing ata post at the corner of Warren Dillen’s lot on 10th st., thence along 10th st., 33 feet to lot of A. J. Gearhart, 94 feet to an alley, thence along said alley 33 feet toa post at the corner of Warren Dillen’s, 94 teet to the place of beginning, baing a part of a larger piece of ground of the Richard Ather- ton estate, having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling house, stable, and other out- buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of F.P.Smith and his wife, Susannah Smith. : : ALSO All that certain tract of land, situated in Warriors Mark township Huntingdon county, Pa., containing 72 acres and 139 perches, the fee of which is owned by the mortgagor :, bounded and described as follows: Begin: ning at a small pine, thence north 82°, west 133 4-10 perches to a black oak, thence north 25° west 19 4-10 perches to a pine, thence south 52)4°, east 49 416 perches to a post, thence south 20° east, 57 2-10 perches to a post; thence north 52° east 10 perches to a post; thence south 3114°, east 60 68-100 perches to a post: thence north 58°, east 38 32-100 perches to a post; thence north 50, east 115 32-100 perches to a small pine, the place of beginning: thereon erected two 2 story frame dwelling houses, ten 14 story dwelling houses, pump house with boiler, 2 engines, water tank, 2 wells, derricks and reels, washer building and boiler, 2 engines, 1 Thomas churn washer, and 1 Bradford 3 log washer, 8 ore jigs, 8 large water tanks with pipes and connections, en- gi en engine, railroad track, ssels, sidings, ete. repair sho - smith shop, 3 stables, ete. b Ply Blade ALS _All the iron ore and other minerals, and the rights and privileges relating to the mining and carrying away of the same, on and under a large tract of land situated in Warriorsmark township, Huntingdon county, and Halfmoon and Ferguson townships, in Centre county, in the State of Pennsylvania containing 3292 acres and 106 perohss of land, being described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a post, supposed to be the corner of Franklin township and Warriorsmark township in the county of Huntingdon; said post being also located on the county line dividing the said county of Huntingdoa from the county of Centre; thence south by lands of G. K. and J. H. Shoenberger, 559130, west 895 perches to post and stones; thence north 39° 30, west 129 perches to post; thence south 3614°, west 39 48 100 perches to a post; thence south 1734°, west 22 2-10 perches to post; thence north 644% west 65 3-10 perches to post ; thence south 20°, west 59 6-10 perches to post; thence south 27 vo West 14 perches to post; thence south 344° west 40 3.10 perches to post; thence north 64°, west 8 9-10 perches to post; thence south 214°, west 75 6-10 perches to post; thence south 20%4°, west 100 5-10 perches to post; thence north 71° 24), west 10 perches to post; thence north 73° 12', west 20 perches to post ; thence nortu 75°, west 20 perches to pust; thence north 76° 48’, west 20 perches to post; thence north 78° 8%, west 4 perches to post; thence along other lands of said G. K. and J. H. Shoenberger, north 22° 20/, east 549 faq perohos to stone heap ; thence by land of I. N. Simpson and the said Shoeberger’s uorth 28° 45/, east 162 perches to post; thence along lands of Joseph Waite north 61° 45, east 148 perches to pine stump ; thence along same north 29°, west 61 perches to stones; thenca along same north 74°, west 9 perches to stone 3 thence along same north 44°, west 18 perches to post; thence along same 90 perches to post; thence along lands of Joseph Braunstetter, Abednego Stein, Benjamin Beck and Abedne- go Stevens’ heirs, north 52° 15’, east 356 perches to a post ; thence by lands of said Abednego Stevens’ heirs, north 43° 45, west 89 6-10 perches to a post ; thence along lands of Dautel Beek north 51140, east 110 25-100 perches to post; thence aong lands of the Snow Shoe railroad company, south 38149, east 168 perches to a post; thence along same along same south 37°, cast 6 perches to post ; thence along same north 5314°, east 103 perches to post ; thence along lands of 1 hom- as Rupp, south 14140,east 116 perches to stones, thence along lands of Shorb, Stuart & Co., south 3314°, west 30 9-10 perches to white oak thence along same south 1° 52, west 433 perches to post ; thence along land of J. W. Ellenberger south 67149, east 68 5 10 perches to a post, the place of beginning , thereon erect- ed a well, derrick foundation, and lumber for washer building, known as Wrye bank. Seiz- ed, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Amy Smediey Powell, Robert Hare Powell, De Veaux Powell, Julia De Veaux Peters, Amy Ida Powell, and Henry Baring Powell. ALSO (All that certain plantation or tract of land situate in Walker township, Centre county, Pa., bounded and described as follow to wit: Beginning at stones corner of lands of Wm. Gates and Adam Decker, thence by lands of said Adam Decker and Wm. Robb, North 4384° East 138 3-10 perches to stone, thence by lands of heirs of P. Seiles, S. ine E. 51 perches to stones, thence by land of I. Markle S. 64° W 43 3-10 perches to a pine, thence south 4614° west 87 9-10 perches to stones, thence by land of Wm. Gates nortii 43° west 28 3-10 per to stones the place of begining, containing 29 Acres and 145 perches neat measure, about 26 acres cleared, thereon erected a dwelling house barn and other out buildings, including a mine of valnable clay. Seized, taken ine xe- cution and to be sold as the property of Jacob Dunton. LSO All the right, title and interest of defendant in a certain lot of ground situated in the Bor- ough of Philipsburg, county of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, beginning at a post on Presquile st., thence south 80° 30, west 255 ft. to Cold Stream; thence along Cold Siream south 26°, east 176 ft.; thence South 229, west 48 f1.; thence south 35° 15/, east 30 ft. to a street; thence along said street. north 73°, east 216 ft. to a 30 ft. street; thence along said street north 17° 15), west 204 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 1 2-100 acres, thereon erected a small two story frame dwelling house, ALSO All that certain Jot or piece of ground situat- ed in Rush twp., Centre county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: Commencing at the north- west corner being a mile stone; thence south 30 rods along old line to a pine corner; thence east 49 rods toa post ; thenze north 80 rods to old line; thence along said line to place of beginnig, containing 20 acres net, being part of a larger tract owned by Palmer Elliot ; thereon erected a story and a half frame dwelling house, frame stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be be sold as the property of J. H. Hall. ALSO All that certain lot br tract of land situated in College township, Centre Co.;Pa. Begin. ning at the corner in the Boalsburg & Belle- fonte turnpike road, adjoining lands of Dan- iel Ximpors and Mrs, Margaret Whitehill, thence by land of the latter North 6014° West 8 5-10 perches to a corner, thence by land of Decker and Alexander, S 11° W 20 per. to a corner, thence by land of John Huey 8, 79° E.8 per. to a corner, thence along said turnpike road by land of Daniel Kimport N. 11° E. 17 5-10 per. to the place of beginning containing 150 rods, thereon erect- ed a two story frame dwelling house stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in execu- tion and tobe sold as the property of D, F. Taylor, ALSO All those two contiguous lots of ground, sit- nated on the northeast side of Sycamore street and north west side of Fifth street, ( also called Moshannon Avenue ) in the town of Snow Shoe, in the county and State aforesaid, being lots No. 637 and No, 638 in the general plan of said town, containing together in front and breadth on the said Sycamore St., 120 feet, and in length or depth north east- ward 200 feet to a 20 feet wide street. Bound- ed, northwest by lot No. 636, northeast by the 20 feet wide street, southeast by 5th street aforesaid, and southwest by the said Sycamore street, thereon erected two 2 story houses, one 2.story shop, stable and other out build- ings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the Property of Gemge Fravel, All that messuage or tenement and tract of land, situated on Bulletts Run in the township of Howard, Centre county, Pa, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning ata st, thence by other lands of the a2aid John ughes, north 68°, east 41 perches to a post thence north 37°, west 33 perches to a maple thence north 15°, west 14 perches to a stump ; thence north 46°, east 26 perches, south 44° east 12 perches, north 46°, east 72 perches fo stones by pine; “thence by lands of Isaac Packer and Curtin’s heirs, north 44°, west 13 erches to a pine ; thence by lands of Philip arnhart, south 46°, west 145 perches to stones by a chestnut oak; thence by land of F. Leathers and others, south 44°, east 136 perches to the place of beginning, containing 109 acres and 147 perches and allowance of six per cent. etc.; thereon erected 2 dwellin ouses, barn and other outbuildings. Seize taken in execution and to be sold as the property of George D. Johnston. ALSO All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land situated in Howard township, Centre county, Pa., bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning at a marked white oak, thence North 50°, East 150 perches to white oak, thence South 32°, East 170 perches to birch on the side of Muncy Mountain,thence by said mountain South 55°, West 150 perches to stone heap, thence 32°, West 170 perches to the place of beginning, containing 150 acres and 60 perches and allowance. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of A. G. Curtin, Jr., H. R. Curtin and Vireiniy E. Curtin Adminiseratrix of &e., of James B. Cur- tin, deceased. ALSO All that certain tract of land situated in Boggs township, Centre county, Pa., beginning at a post, thence north 50°, east 202 perches by land of Humes’ heirs and’ P. W. Barnhart to stones; thence north 32°, west 5514 perches to a white oak; thence south 7520, west 11 Perales to white oak ; thence by Jand of P. W. arnhart north 19°, west 155 perches to stones, thence by land of Roland Curtin’s heirs south 6814°, west 221 perches to post by rock oak, thence by land of Curtins, south 20°, east 12° perches to white oak; thence by land of Samuel Bumont, south 10°, east 152 perches to the place of beginning, containing 310 acres and 27 perches and allowance ; thereon erect- ed a two story frame dwelling house, bank barn, straw shed and other ontbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to Le sold as the property of Mary Neff. ALSO All that certain lot of ground situated in the Borough of Unionville, county of ('antre, State of Pa, bounded and described 1: follows, to wit: On the northeast by Walnut street, on the southwest by Place alley and on the northwest by lot of Harris Calhoun , fronting on Walnut street 60 feet and extending back to Place alley 120 feet ; thereon erected a two Slory frame dwelling house, stable and other out buildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Susan Blair. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m. of said ay. No deeds will be acknowledged until the purchase money is paid or arranged for in fall Sheriff’s Office, WILLIAM A. ISHLER, Bellefonte, Pa. April 1, 1891. Sheriff 36 13 — EGISTER'S NOTICE.—The fol- lowing accounts have been examined, passed and filed of record in the Register’s of- fice forthe inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all others in anywise interested, and will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of Centre county on Wednesday, the 29th day of April A. D., 1890. 1. The first and final account of William R. Barnhart, Executor of, &c., of Levi Dickson, late of Boggs township, deceased. 2. The account of M. L. Rishel, Administra- tor of, &ec., of John Peters, late of Potter town- ship. 3. The first and final account of John L Smith, Executor of, &c., of James H. Smith late of Ferguson township, deceased. 4 First and final account of S. S. Lyon, Trustee appointed to sell the real estate of D. W. Kline, deceased. 5. First and final aceount of Josiah J. Hoy, Guardian of Araminta and H. H. Hoy, minor children of Susan Hoy, late of Marion town- ship, deceased. 6. First and final account of J. B. Fisher, Executor of, &e., of Polly Fisher, late of Gregg township, deceased. 7. First and final account of J. B. Fisher, Administrator of, &c., of Margaret Weaver, late of Gregg township, deceased. 8. Account of Jasper A. Williams, Adminis- trator of, &c., of Newton Williams, late of Hus- ton township, deceased. 9. The axcount of F. P. Bower, Administra- tor of, &e., of Jacob Bower, Sr., late of Haines township, deceased. 10. First and Final account of W. F. Courter, {| Administrator of, &e., of James Wagner, late of north 50°, east 188 perches to a post ; thence | > o a Liberty township, deceased. 11. First and final account of Jonathan Schenck, Administrator of, &e., of Peter Van Horn, late of Howard township, deceased. 12. First and final account of J. M. Parker, Administrator of &e., of Samuel Holderman, late of Boggs township, deceased. 13. First and final account of John H. Sny- der and James A. Ott, Executor of, &e., of Levi Snyder, late of Potter township, deceased. 14. First and final account of Jno. BH. Mec- Cauly, Executor of, &c., of Jacob McCauly, late of Marion township, deceased. 15. Account of James P. Coburn, Executor of, &c., of Elizabeth Reese, late Millheim Borough, deceased. 16. First and final account of Sarah L. Gray, acting Executrix of, &e., of Isaac Gray, late of Patton township, deceased. 17. Final account of Henry Brown and David Dunkle, Administrators of, &c., of Rebecca Rockey, late of Walker township, deceased. 18. The final account of Pefer Hoffer and Carrie E. Osman, Adninistrators of, &e., of Hon. 8.8. Wolf, late of Potter township, deceased. 19. First and final account of W. E. Hart- sock, acting Executor of, &c., of Christian Hartsock, late of Patton township, deceased. 20. Second and final account of Jesse Swartz, Administrator of, &c., of 8. C. Thompson, late of Walker township, deceased. 21. The first account of W. C. Meyer, Execu- tor of George Meyer, late of Ferguson township, deceased. 22, The account of M. I.. Rishel, Trustee te sell the real estate of David Reese, late of Gregg townshiy., deceased. 23. The second separate and partial account of B. H. Arney, one of the Executors of, &c., of Jacob Arney, late of Potter township, dec’d. 24. The account of:John H. Beck, Adminis- trator of, &c., of W. C. Porter, late of Walker township, deceased. 25. The second partial account of M. D. Rockey, Executor of, &e., Jonathan Spangler, Sr., late of Miles township, deceased. 26. The account of C. T. Fryberger, Guardian of Wilbur H. Smeal Charles D. Smeal, Eleanora Smeal and Laura E. Smeal, minor children of Benjamin Smeal, deceased. 27. First and final account of T. A. Long, Executor of, &e., of Bridget M. Lonnor, dec’d. 28. First and final account-of C. P. Hewes, Administrator of, &e., of Jas. C. Rankin, late of Snow Shoe township, deceased. 29. The account of Wm. A. Neidigh, Admin” istrator of, &ec., of J. H. Neidigh, late of College township, deceased. 30. Firstsand final account of Jeremiah Fek- inroth, Administrator of, &ec, of Peter Shiflier, late of Centre Hall Borough, deceased. 31. The final account of Jas. B. Curtin, Guardian of Lida Gregg, minor child of Lida E. Gregg, as filed by Virginia E. Curtin, Ad- ministratrix of Jas. B. Curtin, deceased. 32. The final account of Jas. B Curtin, Guar- dian of Fannie Gregg, minor child of Lida P. Gregg, as filed by Virginia E, Curtin, Adminis. tratrix of Jas. B. Curtin, deceased. 33. First and final account lof Jno. B. Linn, Executor of, &c., of Mrs. A. M. Rockey, late of Spring township, deceased. 34. Firstand final account of Geo. W.and R. N. Ellenberger, Executors of, &c., of John H. Ellenberger, of Ferguson township, deceased. JOHN A. RUPP, 36-13 \ Register. ANTED.—A’ reliable, energetic young man who is determined fo make money, te sell our lubricating and har- ness oils to farmers and threshers in this and adjoining counties. We can offer paying posi- tions during the next three months, and if your work justifies it, a permanent paying position. Address, stating age, and naming references, KEYSTONE OIL WORKS. Cleveland, O. M. GALBRAITH, Plumber and Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa, Pays purticular attentien to heating buildings by steam, copuer smithing, rebronzing gas fix. urest, &e. 20 26