iit. Bellefonte, Pa., March 27, 1891. we To CorresPONDENTS. — No communications published unless accompanied by the real mame of the writer. a — —- - SPECIAL NOTICE.—As I contem- plate a change in my business, by the 1st of March, I now offer my entire stock of clothing and gents furnishing goods regardless of cost. This is ne humbug, but a straight offer. SIMON LOEB, = THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY. —The school children of Philips- burg have now $675.14 in the school savings bank. The U. S. mail at Rock Springs, this county, will be collected and distri- buted by Mrs. E. M. Gardiner, in the future, Judge Baer, on Saturday, refus- ed all applicants for license in Somerset, the county seat. The other county ap- plications were granted. ——Every one should hear the Glee and Mandolin clubs of Franklin and Marshall College. They will be in the Opera House on Thursday night, April 2nd. ——Ex-Sheriff Henderson, one of Huntingdon county’s most solid business men, and a Democrat of the right stripe, paid Bellefonte a short visit on Saturday last. Mr. Frank S. Graw, recently ‘book-keeper for McCalmont & Co., of this place, has secured the superinten- dency of the Central Lime Company’s works near Selinsgrove. Among the delicacies served to customers at Auchenbach’s bakery, on Saturday night, were strawberries and cream and strawberry ice-cream. They eome high, but we must have them. ~——A number of railroad employes at Renovo have been discharged for carousing in the cabins of the trains which lie in the yards at that place. A detective is hunting out all the offend- ers. Petty thefts are being committed in every part of town. The people on Linn street seem to be the greatest losers, however. Ned Chambers was relieved of a prospective Sunday dinner on last Saturday night. ——The house which the late Mich- ael Myers occupied, on the top of Bald Eagle mountain, above Coleville, was totally destroyed by flre on Sunday night last, It was owned by W. F. Reeder and was not insured. Mr. Willis Rowe, formerly se- nior partner in the firm of Rowe Bros. furniture dealers in this place, has with- drawn from the firm and will open a store for himself in Hagerstown, Md., where he has been selecting a location. ——Mr, D. M. Shearer and family, of Hich street, departed on Monday night for Reynoldsville where Mr Shearer has secured a position as ‘‘set- ter’ on a mill for Hopkins and Wey- mouth. In this case Beliefonte’s loss will be Renoldsville’s gain. ——An Aaronsburg woman is the possessor of a Cochin China hen which lays an egg weighing one-fourth of a pound, every other day. These large eggs always contain two yolks. She would be a valuable piece of property to own just about Easter time. ——The rumor that Louis Bagnerelli, the little Italian fruit dealer of High st., had perished on the ill fated Utopia is ungrounded. The young man who has charge of his stand during his ab- sence in Italy, says that Louis was not expected on the Utopia. If any one asks you the cause of that 8x10 grin that our popular young friend Mr. M. I. Gardner sports, just tell them “It’sa boy.” It came on Fri- day last and we are informed that it is a big, fat, hearty fellow and a son on which any parent could look with pride. A Zion benedict Las distinguished himself by having a calithumpian par- ty arrested and three of its number held over for court. Just whether he -wants to put a quietus to the innocent -sport at the expen: e of the newly wed- ded,or whether it’s from pure cussedness, +s not known. ——Wi star Morris, the head of the “iron firm of Morris, Tasker & Co., and oldest director of the Pennsylvania Rail- road Company, died at his home in Overbrook, near Philadelphia, at 5 w'clock Mouday afternoon. His wife was a Miss Mary Harris and is related to the Blanchards and Harrises of this place. —— Little Martha Jane, the four year old daughter of Mr. Wm. Lytle, died at her home in Half Moon on Friday might, March 20th, at 10 o'clock. This bright and interesting child was the third daughter of the Lytle household and was an universal favorite. A two week’s illness with catarrh fever ended in her death. Martha had an unusual- ly pretty doll and it was her desire that it be buried with her, accordingly the plaything was placed in the coffin with the little sleeper. . MoRrE PrisoNERs EscarE.—Wednes- day morning at Fort lshler was one which that official will long remember. Bright and early the high Sheriff and his estimable wife were up to prepare for a trip on the day express which leaves here at 5:30, but early as they were Mrs. Ishler was not long in dis- covering that some one had relieved them of the trouble of unlocking the massive jail doors. Everything was excitement in a minute. The Sheriff and his depu- ties flew hither and thither and all at orce it dawned upon them that some of their guests had departed without say- ing adieu. The jail was quickly enter- ed where all the cells were found un- locked and the big iron door leading out into the office corridor half ajar. Im- agine the Sheriff’s feelings upon finding this unusual state of things. The first thought was that his large family had | forsaken the shelter of the county domi- cile and struck for parts unknown, but the roll brought a ‘here’ fromevery prisoner except Andrew Timms and Henry Weaver, alias Pennington, Those two had decided that the place they were in did not cover enough territory, and left, but before going an invitation was extended to the others to get “in the swim.” Timms is the little cross-eyed, shriv- eled up clock tinker and expounder of the P. 8. and R., but recently released from the penitentiary, and was awaiting trial for an assault upon a little girl up in Rush township. His companion in flight was the nian Weaver or Penning- ton whom Judge Furst senteaced for a year at the January court for an at- tempt to commit rape in Milesburg. His home is near Axe Mann and itis said that he had $400 with him when he left. If this be true he is well prepared for a long “stand off.” It appears that the escape was effected by the use of keys which Timms skill. fully made out of an old stove pipe. He was a traveling tinker, and, though the personification of all that was ignorant, was quite a genius in his line as this job seems to indicate. Efforts are being made to recapture the fugitives, but the fact that they were well supplied with money is rather against their apprehension. The Sher- iff offers $25.00 for the capture of Timms and $10.00 for that of Weaver, but the commissioners do not feel justified in offering any reward. The description of the men is as follows: Timms is thirty-four years of age, 5 feet 6 in. in height, dark hair and a small black mustache. Has two teeth out of the upper jaw and his eyes are crossed and dark. Weaver is 28 years old, is six feet and weighs 180 pounds. A florid com- plexion light eyes and mustache and is a well proportioned, raw boned fellow. Newton GRAHAM'S Bony FoUuND.— At last the untiring efforts of Mr. Al- fred Graham, of Zion, to find the body of his brother have been rewarded with success. Our readers will remember the cir- cumstances surrounding the loss of New- ton Graham while hunting in the Alle- gheny mountains last December, and how, ever since, his sad hearted brother has kept up a search for the body which was believed to be lying under the snow on Leonard Ridge. It will be remem- bered that the last that was seen of him alive was when ha left the hunting camp, on Dec. 2d, to walk to Clearfield town a journey from which he never returned: On Monday morning last his brother decided to make a final search with a posse large enough to effectually scour the whole region: Accordingly one hundred and fifty men were engaged, and, as the snow had almost entirely disappeared, the search was immediate- ly begun with the results given in the following telegram : OLeARFreLp, March 24.—The body of Newiwn Graham was found this morning by the searching party who left early for Leonard Ridge. The body was lying on its left side, lying parallel with the Range, and about three miles from where he was last seen alive. Hisarms were folded over the breast, and the legs were drawn up, Graham’s face was disfigured by birds of prey or animals. The body was in a fair state of preservation. There was nothing disturbed about his clothing, excepting the disappearance of his watch. His gun, watch, chain, mittens, hat and rifie were found in different parts of the woods. His remains were carried in a ham- mock made of a blanket and taken charge of by Undertaker Leavy. His rifle, was left at Harder’s gun store for official examination. * The results of Tuesday’s work will certainly bring comfort to the sad heart of Mr. Alfred Graham, for now the sus- pense is over, and while his grief at his brother’s untimely end is no doubt poig- nant, yet the satisfaction of being able to administer the last sad rites over one’s dead will be balm to the mourning family. ——A Miss Solt, of Snow Shoe town- ship, was found dead in bed on Sunday morning. The post mortem disclosed the fact that death resulted from a ruptur- ed blood vessel caused by eating too many peanuts. It issaid that she ate three quarts before going to bed or Saturday night. Jno. F. Gray has moved his gro- cery store to Scotia, this county, where he will open in a general merchandise business. ——Goods selling rapidly at Dor- worth’s grocery, because he is selling at cost to close business. Hurry up if you want good bargains. Special attention is called to the fine assortment of milk crocks. ——Invitations are out for the wed- ding of Milton R. Johnson to Miss Keturah Barr. The ceremony will be performed at the bride’s home on Wil- low Bank street, Thursday morning: April 2nd. ——J. F. Van Valzah, vice president of the First National Bank of Tyrone, died from a paralytic stroke on Wednes- day morning. He was a leading citizen and a brother of Dr. Van Vualzah, of Spring Mills. ——The meeting of the stockholders of the Valentine Iron Company, which was held here on Tuesday, was drawn out into two sessions without definite re- sults. The rumor that the mine barks are to resuma on April 1st is unfounded. — Chief Westbrook, of the Lock Haven police force, traced S. M. Eber- hart, the Allison township, Clinton county, collector, to Chicago, whither he followed and arrested him. The Chief and his prisoner, who is charged with defaulting, reached Lock Haven on Friday night last. ——Jas, Miller, and E.Pearson, a boy 18 years old, attacked and robbed a drunken man, named Harman, near the Bellwood junction on Monday evening. They were watched by a crew of a night shifter and put under arrest. Miller has already served one term in the peni- tentiary and it is Jikely he will go back for another. The Houtzdale bank changed hands on Monday, Wm. H. Dill, of Clearfield, and John B. McGrath, of Houtzdale, being the purchasers from the Houtz heirs. The capital of the the bank will be $50,000, with Dill as president and McGrath cashier, It is said that the sale was made to forestall an anticipated ruin. ——TRead the Road Bill, us passed by the Senate, which will be found on an! inside page of this week’s WATCHMAN. If it is disapproved by the citizens they sbould bear in mind that now is the time to show their disapprobation by remonstrance. If such disapprobation is not indicated, the Legislature will conclude that the Bill suits the people. Commissioners Thompson, Gear- hart and Magaffey, of Clearfield county, were in Bellefonte Tuesday night. The object of their visit was to meet our board in relation to the building of the Moshannon bridges at Philipsburg. Messrs. Thompson and Magatfey, ac- companied by Commissioners Adams nad Strohm, were pleasant callers cn ‘Wednesday morning. ——An Altoona man, named Chris- tian Seibarz, went into a neighbor's house and put little Paul Schmidthur- ber on the top of a red hot slove. The fiend escaped and the child was horribly burned. Large pieces of flesh clung to the stove when the mother came to the rescue. Seibarz slipped into the house again on Sunday and grabbed the boy, but he was knocked down and arrested before he could accomplish his mission. ———Co. B, 5th Reg., P.N. G. was in- spected in its armory in this place, on Monday evening last, the inspecting officer being Maj. S. K. Patterson, of Pittsburg. Capt. Reber has been] sick tor a few days and was unable to be with his company, but it nevertheless passed an exceedingly creditable inspec- tion, especially in general tactics and the manual of arms. The company’s accoutrements were found to be in ex- cellent order. ——The W. C.T. U. gave a sociable at the residence of Mr. J. V. Thomas, on Friday evening last. The program prepared for the entertainment of the guests consisted of vocal and instrumen- tal selections, pieces by the banjo club, and humorous recitations by W. 1. Swoope,esq. The evening was very en- joyably spent by all present and the pro- ceeds were rather large for an entertain- ment of the sort. Quite a large number of people were present to enjoy the hospit- ality of the W's. ——The new jail at Somerset does away with the scaffold in executing murderers, The inside of the jail is en- tirely of iron, and double iron trap doors in the hallway of the upper floor consti- tute the drop and two iron rings fasten- ed in an iron joist of the ceiling of the second story serve to secure the ropes. The executions take place in an upper corridor of the building where the witnesses are stationed. The bodies drop through the trap and hang partly in the lower corridor. The room in the jail only allows about 85 or 40 persons, as no more can be accommo- dated. About 400 persons have address- ed Sheriff Good to witness the execution of the Nicely brothers. —Just openzd, new spring goods at the Rochester Clothing House. WELCOME VisiTors.—Among the people whom Bellefonte has at one time been honored to claim as residents, none receive a more universal welcome on their visits than do Mr. R. M. Ma- gee and his charming wife. For many years Mr. Magee and his family lived in our town and we must say we were real- ly sorry at his good fortune, for when the Brooklyn Life Insurance company, seeing in him a man of sterling worth and marked ability, made him their general manager for Pennsylvania, with head quarters at Philadelphia, they took from us one of our best citizens and we were sorry only for our own loss, but proud indeed of his success. Bellefonte concert goers will well re- member Mrs. Magee’s sweet voice and the frequency with which she sang for the many benevolent causes. Then there were Willie and Forest, the two bright boys upon whom the hopes of ot the fond parents are centered, to com- plete the family circle. Mr. Magee is prominently mentioned for State Insurance Cominissioner and is receiving the endorsement of many of the most influential organs in the State. They spent Sunday with Mr. Ma- gee’s sister, down in Penns Valley, and Monday was given to Bellefonte friends. RoBBED oF $650.—On Friday ot last week Mr. Abbot B. Garth, a promi- nent citizen and merchant of Mill Hall, Clinton county, received from the Lock Haven Trust and Safe Deposit Company the sum of $650 which he intended pay- ing to the employes of the axe factory, in wages. As was his custom he con- cealed the money in the bed in his own room and after supper went down to his Store, no one being in the house but his little son and daughter. About half past seven the little boy went across the street to get his grandfather to play checkers with him, and while absent his little sister heard a noise up stairs, whereupon she ran to tke window just in time to see some one jump from her father’s bed-room window to the back porch roof. Alarm was immediately given, but no trace of the thief could be found. He had departed with the en- tire sum and successfully carried out one of the most daring robberies that has ever been committed in that section. ‘WeDpDED oN TukspAy.—The social circles of Julian, this county, were set agog Tuesday morning by the ceremony which made Mr. D. C. Gingerick, one of the most prosperous young farmers of the Bald Eagle Valley, and Miss Celia Bullock, daughter of IL. C. Bullock, of Julian, man and wife. The nuptials were celebrated in the morning at the home of the bride's parents whither many guests had betaken themselves to see the young people married, After the ceremony the wedding party, six in number came to Bellefonte on the 9.32 train. The day was pleasantly spent here and they returned at 5.20. When the happy pair presented themselves to Rev. Bardens, in the nicely decorated parlor of the Bullozk home, the bride looked beautiful in a costume of tan satin and white, while the groom wore the conventional suit of black. Mr. Gingerich and his fair bride have the WATCHEMAN’S hearty congratulations. SerrousLy ILn.—We clipped the following from the Harrisburg Patriot of Tuesday morning, March 24th : Hon.Samuel T.Shugert, of Bellefonte, is lying seriously ill at the residence of his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ovid F. John- ston, on West State street. Mr. Shu- gert had a paralytic stroke a year or two ago, from which he has not recovered, and he has been more or less a sufferer since. To many of the present genera- tion the name of so prominent a Demo- crat and politician is hardly familiar He was chief clerk in the patent office under the administrations of Presidents Pierce and Buchanan, and had previous- ly served in the most important capaci- ties in his native State. Several years ago, he, in conjunction with Major R. H. Forster, of this city, started the Cen- tre Democrat, of Bellefonte, which is yet published. Mr. Shugert has arriv- ed at more than the patriarc hal age, and with his advanced years the gravest fears are entertained for his recovery. For Brine DRUNK. —At the last ses- sion of court at Hollidaysburg, Frank ‘Wood was called as a juror in the case of D. II. Meek vs. Blair County Bank- ing Co. When Wood entered the jury box he was discovered to be under the influence of hquor. Judge Dean sent him to hisceat and another juror was called in his place. Next day Judge Dean called Wood to the bar and ad- ministered a scathing rebuke and wound up by fining him $25 for contempt of Court and further directed that his name should never again be placed in the jury wheel in Blair county. TaE First DEATH.—Michael Mitch- ell, the Hungarian miner who was so badly injured by an explosion caused by his lighted lamp falling from his hat while filling his small powder can from a large one, died at the State Cottage Hospital, at Philipsburg, on Monday morning,the 23d. When admitted, the | hospital staff had very little hopes of his ' recovery and his death was not unex- ! pected. BE Te Sh TTI Rev. Geo. GUYER'’S Deatu.—The death of Rev. George Guyer, which oc- curred at his home in Tyrone on Tues- day night, removes the oldest minister of the Central Pennsylvania Methodist Conference. About two years ago he retired from the pulpit, having complet- ed his fifiieth year of ministerial work. Reverend Guyer, who was born February 28th, 1812, at Logan’s Branch, this county, was 79 years old at the time of his death, and the last ses- sion of the conference, which convened at Sunbury recently, was the first one he missed since his ordination in the minis- try in 1837. His entire work had been confined to the Central Penna. confer- ence and his appointments were always in Blair, Huntingdon, Clearfield or Cen- tre county. It is said that he had in- variably expressed the desire to work among his friends and relatives. Not having the benefits ot a collegiate edu- cation he nevertheless proved himself to be an exceptionally bright and able man. He acted as Presiding Elder for this district for two terms and wherever he was heard his sermons were noted for their beautiful portrayals of the truth of the gospel. In his demise the Methodist church loses a faithful servant and the world a man whose honesty sincerity and purity were beyond reproach. ——Rev. J. W. Haughawout, aged 81, a Methodist minister well known in Centre county, died at his home in Williamsport on Tuesday night. A GrAND BaLL.—The after Lent ball, which Co. B will give in its armory on Monday evening, March 30th, is go- ing to be a very nice affair indeed. The members of the company have been working hard to make the dance a suc cess and ‘we haven’t a doubt but that it will be such. The committee, Messrs, Frank Williams, Wm. Rider, Kirk Tate, Phil. Garbrick and Joseph Gross are old hands at conducting such affairs and we can assure you, if you attend, that you will have the pleasure of at- tending a nicely managed ball. A good orchestra has been engaged, and what, with a splendid floor and nice associates, could add more to the success of sucha night? Be sure to attend or you will miss a rare opportunity of an enjoyable dance. The very latest styles of hats,-- Prices Low—at the Rochester Clothing House. — The following notice, from the Philadelphia Times, of March 18th, should be ample guarantee of the gen- eral excellence of the Franklin and Mar- shall College Glee and Mandolin Club. It is especially flattering because of the fact that the clubs of Princeton, Rutgers and the W. of P. had just preceded them but a short time. The Glee and Mandolin Club of Fravklin and Marshall College came down from Lancaster last evening and delighted a large audience at Association Hall. The concert was for the benefit and under the auspices of the Medico- Chirurgical Hospital and was a success, both from an artistic and financial point of view. The programme called for sixteen numbers, but the numerous encores more than trippled the biil, each successive selection adding to the favor of the audience. No better college musical organization has been heard here this season, the concerted pieces ranging from the most rollicking of eollege glees to nicely balanced choral, sharing equal favor with the solos. The selections upon the mandolins, guitars and violins were also capitally received. ANorHER TRAIN WRECKED.— An attempt was made to wreck a train near Ramay junction, on the Moshannon branch of the T. & C. railroad, on Sat- urday last. The engine of a passenger train was thrown clear over on its side, but fortunately the engineer, John Has- son,and his fireman, John Casey, escap- ed withoat serious injury. It is thought that the plan was laid to wreck the “special” bearing officials, but as it followed the passenger train instead of preceding it, asis the general rule, i$ escaped the trap into which the passen- ger plunged. The wreck was caused by an old brake shoe having been placed in a position that the train could not keep the rail. A strenuous efiort is be- ing made to find the perpetrators of this hellish deed. ——The finest and largest line of Foreign and Domestic woolens for suit- ings and overcoats ever shown by us. Full assortment of Ready Made cloth- ing Hats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods. MontcoMERY &Co. Tailors. ——Children’s suits in immense quantities and the very prettiest of styles, at the Rochester Clothing House, Mr. John Griff has been appoint- ed post master at Pleasant Gap and di- rected to take charge of the office on April 1st. ——Shirts--white skirts, summer flannel, madras, sateens—in all colors and styles—just opened at the Roches- ter Clothing House. —— Look out for a brilliant display of millinery on Sunday when the East. er bonnet will receive its first airing. ——There will be no school in either the academy or the Bellefonte public schools to-day, it being Good Friday, OTR ET —New clothing, new hats, new fur- nishing, everything new for the coming season is now opened and ready for your inspection at the Rochester Cloth- ing House. TuE SIGN OF THE FisHEs.-—Some people put great faith in the sign of the fishes. An old lady calls attention to the fact that in a Lancaster almanac, for the month of April, there are ten sue- cessive days that are fish marked. This means heavy rains. In June, 1889, there were but five fishes. It is always to be expected that April is a month of copious showers, and it 1s not thought that this year it will prove an exceptional one. E ——DBoys suits, smits for small boys, large boys, young boys, old boys. In fact we have clothing for all kinds of boys at prices which will surely please you. Rochester Ciothing House. A Car Tuar KiLLeD Pias.—Jesse Richwine, a farmer in South Middleton township, Cumberland county, has, or rather had, upon his premises a large Tom cat, which had a strong appetite for the gore ot young pigs. One of the above farmer's sows owned a litter of pigs. They were ten in number. Every day or two Mr. Richwine noticed that the number cf little pigs was growing less. A watch was set and the cause discovered. The cat would jump into the pen, seize a pig by the throat, carry it away and kill it by sucking its blood. Eight pigs of the litter were killed in this way. Mr. Richwine killed the cat and no more pigs have been missing. ——DBlack cheviot suits, in sacks or cutaways, single or double breasted, in a dozen different qualities at the Rochester Clothing House. A SIGN oF INDUSTRY.-—On Monday morning the fires were lighted in the iron furnace of McCoy and Linn, just below town. The rolling mill was started in full blast at the same time and it is the intention of the proprietors to keep all departments running for one year at least. This will bring employ- ment to seventy-five or one hundred men in various departments, and as the furnace is one of the charcoal kind it will necessitate the sending out of wood choppers, colliers and haulers, thus mak- ing considerable business in a number of ways. It has the WATCHMAN’ sin- cere hope that the rest of our idle fur- naces will follow the example and go into blast ere long. The Chautauqua circle met on Tuesday evening at the residence of Mrs. A. O. Furst, on Linn street. Seeds. Messrs. McCalmont & Co. are now receiving a full assortment of choice field and 'garden seeds. They purchase the most of their gar- den seeds in bulk, such as beans, peas, sweet corn and many other seeds, which enables them to sellat much lower prices than those put up in papers by the seedsmen. This firm has had long experience in the seed business and they certainly enjoy an en- viable reputation for selling what they repre- sent; as near as possible for those to do who are engaged in the business. Their Choice Recleaned Clover Seed always bears the sharpest inspection, which is a re- commendation to them as being competent judges of seed as well as trustworthy dealers. Small onions er Onion Sets are now in de- mand for which this firm pays cash. 38 8 4t Sale Register, For the benefit of those who contemplate making public sale during the coming season, we will keep a register of all sales within the county as Jully as possible, examination of which will be Jree to all. Persons having their bills printed at the WATCHMAN office will secure notice of sale in this column free of charge. Marcu 31. At the residence G. D. &¢ W.E. Hoover, one mile west of Snow Shoe Inter- section, at 10 o'clock a. m. the following; 9 head fine horse stock, a 2 year old stallion 34 percheron, 2 cows, 5 cattle, two horse wagon, plows, harrows and numerous farm imple- ments. Bellefonie Green Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White wheat, per bushel... 90 Red wheat, per bushel.. 95 Rye, per bushel........... 55 Corn, ears, per bushel.... 65 Corn, shelled, per bushel... 70 Oats—new, per bushel... 60 Barley, per bushel.......... 55 Buckwheat per bushel.........seeisssiesesnns 50 Bloverseed, per bushel... $4 00 to $6 00 Ground Plaster, per ton........ccceeiiniiisrnenene Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel .........ceviiineeiiinn 90 to 100 Eggs, Per dOZeH..cceuirsssssavsissnvsecssrsiserasnrnes 15 Lard, per pound... . 1 CountryShoulders. 8 Sides.... - 8 Hams... re 12% Tallow, per pound. . Butter, per pound.. . 25 Onions, per bushel....cc...eciriciss ieinen — 5 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol- OWS : SPACE OCCUPIED. EL | 6m ly One inch (12 lines this type.........|§ 5 |$ 8 |§ 11 Two inches... 7/10] 15 Three inches.... 1015 | 20 uarter Column 12 | 20 | 80 alf Column ( 9 inches)... 20 | 35 | 6&5 One Column (19 inches).. 35 | 55 | 100, Advertisements in special column, 256 per cent. additional. Trangient advs. per line, 3 insertions Each additional insertion, per line.... Local notices, per line....ccuvveeeaenes Business notices, per line....... FA ..10 cts. Job Printing of every kind done with neat. ness and dispatch. ‘The Warcumaw office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be axecuted in the most artistic mannerand at the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor: a ————— TE