Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 20, 1891, Image 4

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i ———————— CL
Terms $2.00 4 Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., March 20, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - EpiTor
Democratic County Committee, 1891,
Ballefonte, No. W. S. Galbraith
te S.W... .. Joseph Wise
£ ww. . John Dunlap
... John T. Lee
.. H. A. Moore
A. M. Butler
..... A.C. Musser
. James A. Lukens
. C. A. Faulkner
Centre Hall | orough..
Howard Borough.....
Milesburg Borough.
Milheim Borough....
Philipsburg, 1st W..
“ dW.
* 3d W.. A J Gorton
Unionville Borough ... BE. M.Griest
Burnside ugene Meeker
Harvey Benner
Philip Confer
.. T. F. Adams
G. H Leyman
W. H. Mokle
ames Foster
. J. McCloskey
Daniel Dreibelbis
Geo. W. Keichline
Chas. W. Fisher
. James P. Grove
Isaac M. Orndorf
Geo. B. Shaffer
Eilis Lytle
J. W. Keller
W.T. Leathers
... Henry Hale
Altred Bitner
. John J. Shaffer
James P. Frank
... P.A. Sellers
. J. C. Stover
.. 8. W. Smith
Jas. B. Spangler
Jas. Dumbleton
svees Hugh McCann
. Thomas Turbidy
. John D. Brown
. Jerry Donovan
James Carson
. BE E. Ardery
W.T. Hoover
.. Chas. H. Rush
D. A. Dietrick
0. D. Eberts
L. A. SCHAEFFER, Chairman.
$s EP
College, E. P.
“ Ww.
Superfluous Service.
JERRY Snipsox, of Kansas, who has
sprung into notoriety -as &' congress-
man-elect, is showing somesense in the
view he takes of a congressman's duties.
Since his election his constituents have
been making all sorts of demands upon
his service. He objects to being made
“the errand boy of the people,” and
declares that “this thing of making a
claim agent out of -a Congressman
must be stopped.” ‘Simpson is right
in the position ‘he take on this sub-
ject. Ttis true that a congressman is
the servant of his constituents, but that
service legitimately is of a law-making
character and does not include atten-
tion to the requirements of every one
who may have a job to be done at
Washington. The constitutional du-
ties of congressmen probably would be
better performed if so much of their
time wasn't taken up with acting as
“errand boys and claim agents” for
their constituents.
a ————————
Partisan Policy.
The Republican ledislators at Har-
risburg are making a great mistake
and abusing the confidence of the peo-
ple in treating the Road Bill and Bal-
lot Reform as if they were partisan
measures. Partisanship never ran to
a narrower issue than in the assump-
tion that laws relating to the making
of roads and the regulation of elections
must have a party complexion. But
this is just what the Republicans at
Harrisburg are now assuming.
The true intent of Ballot Reform is
to secure honest voting and the purifi-
cation of the ballot generally, but this
great object is dwarfed when legisla-
tors strive to make it * party measure.
When this is done it is an evidence
of a desire to make Ballot Reform sub-
serve some partisan scheme.
Sincere and honest friends of a re-
formed system of voting will support
it whether it comes from a Democratic
or a Republican source. But this is
not the case with the professed friends
of Ballot Reform on the Republican
side of the Legislature. They arro-
gantly declare that it must be a Repub-
lican project, and this very declara-
tion excites suspicion of the want of
sincerity, as there can be no confidence
that a party which 80 recently rejected
an Australian ballot bill is now sincere-
ly in favor of a reformed electoral sys-
tem. In their arrogant control of the
question the majority vote down any
amendment offered by Democrats for
no other reason than because they are
offered by Democrats. These amend-
ments can not be objected to on the
ground that they are not in the direc-
tion of the object aimed at by the bal-
lot reform movement, but they are ob-
noxious to the majority for the reascn
that they come from the other side.
Itis the same as if that majority an-
nounced: *We are in favor of pass-
ing a Ballot Reform bill, .but it must be
a Republican bill or nothing.” Does
this satisfy the public desire in this
matter? Did the people demand at
the polls that the measure required for
the reform of our elections should be
twisted into a conformity with the
ideas and interests of any particular
party ? Is there not cause to suspect
that it is not ballot reform at ali that
is aimed at by such a policy ?
The same perversion of the legiti-
mate object is shown in the Repubii-
can treatment of the Road question.
The people want good roads, but the
course which the Republican majori-
ty are pursuing on that importaat
issue would seem to dicate that they
are determined that the public shall
have none but Republican roads. The
majority has at last got a ‘steering
committee” and considering the mire
into which that committee is steering
legislation Republican roads would
mean mud up to the hub.
Probability of Tariff Revision.
The United States Senate that has
just adjourned consisted of 51 Republi-
cans and 37 Democrats. The next
Senate that will assemble will contain
47 Republican, 39 Democratic and 2
Alliance members. How will this
body, as now constituted, act on the
tariff question? The Alliance and
Democratic Senators will certainly act
together for tariff reform. This will
give 41 tariff reform Senators. In the
last congress PLums, of Kansas, Per-
riGrEW, of South Dakota, and Pap-
Dock, of Nebraska, voted with the
Democrats against the McKinley bill.
HaxennroueH, elected to the Senate
from North Dakota by a fusion, is
pledged to tariff reform. Iere we
have the reform strength increased
to 45 Senators, or a majority of one.
But in addition the Minnesota and
some of the other western senators
whose terms will soon expire are be-
lieved to favor a modification of the
McKinley bill. The chances are,
therefore, extremely favorable that in-
stead of the Senate being “safe for ten
years’ in support of the present extor-
tionate tariff rates, which was the
boast a few months ago, there will be a
working majority in the first Senate af-
ter the passage of the McKinley bill
for the more or less radical revision of
that measure in a reduction of duties
and the placing of raw materials on
the free list.
A Republican Defeat of Ballot Reform.
Ballot Reform has been defeated in
the Republican Legislature of Maine
and this adverse action has created
quite a sensation in the State. The
Republican State convention last sum-
mer, in obedience to the demand of
labor and ballot reform associations,
inserted a strong plank in its platform
promising the Australian ballot sys-
tem. The party leaders talked a great
deal like some of our Republican roos-
ters in Harrisburg, as if they were the
sole guardians of the reform and the
Democrats its bitter opponents. When
the reform bill came before the Maine
Legislature hundreds of petitions pour-
ed in asking the members to support it.
ihe Republican party was pledged to
it, but the old party ring which has
controlled the politics of Maine for the
last 30 years, putin some heavy work
with the members who originally ta-
vored it, telling them that its passage
meant the certain destruction of the
Republican party in the State. Ac-
cordingly the bill was defeated by a
vote of 74 to 71. Every Democrat in
the House voted for it and every neg-
ative vote came from the Republican
Congressman BouTeLLE's paper, the
Bangor Whig, led the fight against the
bill on the ground that the Democrats
favored it and a secret ballot would
hurt the Republican party. If Speak-
er REED bad raised his little finger for
the bill it would have passed, but he
is not fretting about an honest vote in
Maine, and is well satisfied with the
existing system by which he does his
own buying and counting.
In speaking of this shameful result
the Boston Globe said :
the defeat of the bill can be explained
by the speeches of the men who worked
against it. They warned Republican
member that if the bill passed it would
be the destruction of the Republican
party in Maine, and the members were
implored both publicly and privately
to vote against the bill.”
en meee
The Soldiers’ Orphan Plunderers.
There are more developments of Sol-
diers’ Orphans School robbery. Reve-
lations at Mercer, Pa., disclose the
disgraceful fact that the State has been
robbed of over a million of dollars in
the managementfof these schools. In
one of the largest of these so-called
benevolent institutions it is shown that
the illegal profits amounted to $270,
000, it being among the three controll:
ed by the syndicate of which ex-Sena-
tor Groree W. Wrienr, of Mercer,
was the head.
It is charged that by pinching the
orphans and swindling the State eight
men accumulated fortunes, as follows :
George W. Wright, $300,000; John I.
Gordon, $285,000; S. F. Thompson,
$65,000; R. R. Wright,$65,000; James
L. Paul, $65,000; Major Moore,(W hite
Hall) 125.000; Professor Sweet, (Hart-
ford)$85,000; Rev. A. F. Waters, (Un-
iontown) $80,000. The total amount
thus heartlessly and unlawfully ac-
quired is $1,095,000.
It was during Governor Parrisox’s
first term that attention was called to
this orphan robbery and State swin-
“The cause of |
dling, and steps were taken to stop the
wrong and protect the helpless chil-
dren from the rapacity of the ghouls;
radical correction of this outrageous
malfeasance were suspended during
the term of Governor ParrisoN’s sae-
cessor. The Executive officer under
whose direction the Orphan School
rottenness was probed is again at the
heim and it may be expected that the
count. The plunder can be recovered
by process of law as the statute of lim-
itation does not work against the Com-
Lynch Law Rampant in New Orleans.
Sometime last summer Policeman
Hennessy of the city of New Orleans
was brutaily assassinated on the streets
oi that city by a mob of Italians.
Twelve of them were arrested and lock-
ed up in the city prison to await a trial;
the charge being murder in the first de-
gree. These Italians belonged to a so-
ciety called the “Mafia Society’” and its
greed on one of them. The people be-
came so indignant at the verdict that
went to the jail and shot nine italians
down in cold blood and hanged two out-
side of the jail wall. It was probably
the greatest slaughter by a mob that
ever occurred in the United States.
The following is abrief account:
The murder of Chief of Police Hen-
nessy was avenged Saturday by the
death of eleven of the nineteen banded
Italian assassins accused of the crime.
The instrument of vengence was a mob,
which included some of the ‘best cit-
zens’’ of New Orleans, a mob in deadly
earnest, a mob that met with little oppo-
sition and would have brooked no oppo-
sition had it found any. The man
whose death was thas summarily aveng-
ed was the thirtieth victim who had for-
feited his life in New Orleans to the
murderous band known asthe Mafia, ard
as yet there had not been a single man
convicted of these crimes: This it was
that drove the mob to the alternative
of lynch law:
It was a mob led by lawyers and mer-
chants and men of the highest wealth
and standing, and was so strong that the
authorities made no show of resistance
and succumbed before it. Indeed the
officers of the law threw up their hats
and cheered the men while it was exe-
cuting its murderous work.
In torcing the jail door a large billet
of wood was used, and when it gave
way with a crash the crowd poured in
with an impetuous rash, yelling for the
keys to the inside door. The sheriff was
away looking, he said, for protection
from the mayor, who was conveniently
not to be found, and the deputies in
charge dared not withstand the demand.
The authorities were really lukewarm
in the way of stopping vielence. Tha
keys were brought and again the crowd
surged in. At first they entered a large
cell attached to the white people’s yard,
which was crowded with trembling
prisoners, but when told that the men
they sought were not there they filed
out again.
Suddenly a blanched face was discov-
| ered at a grated window on the second
| tier.
“That’s Scoffaldi I’’ yelled one of the
mob, and a roar like that of wild beasts
followed the cry of recognition. A
dozen shots were fired atthe window,
but the face had disappeared. It was
not the Italian, and fortunately he was
not hit. Then some one shouted that
the prisoners sought were in the female
ward, and another yell for the keys was
heard. “The keys! the keys! Batter
down the door!”
“Hold on, gentlemen,” said a young
man with a Winchester, holding a key
above bis head ; “I have the key here.
But you do not want to shed innocent
blood. "Who knows the assassins?’
“I do, I do,” from a score of throats.
The Italians were found crouching in
a corner on their knees wailing and
shrieking for mercy. They had heard
the sound of the catapult and the cres-
cendo roars of the furious and blood-
thirsty crowd. They knew that they
were doomed, but still they cried pite-
ously for life.
The fusilade which followed was ter-
rific. Rocco Geracci was nearest and a
single bullet in the chest finished him.
| Charles Terrahin and Jim Caruso were
riddled with buckshot, and Frank Ro-
mero, alas “Nine Fingered Frank,”
was shot in the forehead as he knelt
facing the mob, his hands over his face.
Loretta Comitez was filled in head and
body with buckshot, while Peter Monas-
terio, the only one who had his back
turned to the avengers, was shot in the
back of the head. No time was wasted
for sentiment and leading members of
the committee gave the orders to fire.
Then the avengers ran back into the
prison again and found three others,
buddling in their cells—Antonio Scof-
faldi, Antonio Marchesi and Joseph P.
Macheca. The latter had secured a pis-
| tol by some means, and he fought like
(a rat in a corner, shooting Police Ser-
geant Herion in the neck, The aveng-
ers closed in on him, and after riddling
{ his clothes with shot, none of which
| strangely enough penetrated his body,
| proceeded to club him to death. Scof-
| faldi was killed by a gunshot wound
i above the right eye. Marchesi was shot
| in the head and left for dead, but did
{ not die until later on.
| The boy Marchesi was spared by order
| of Mr. Wickliffe, who said that he was
| too young to die, although undoubted-
| ly guilty.
| ~ But ‘there was a still more dreadful
| act in the tragedy to come. The aveng-
| ers were not yet satisfied. They wanted
| more, and they wanted to make a more
! public example for the benefit of Italian
[ bandits. A crowd of them got hold of
| Bagnetto and dragged him out of the
ijail. He was already wounded unto
death, and a trail of blood followed when
| they dragged him, while his dark face
| was all besmeared with blood. As the
crowd in the square caught sight of him
they uttered a roar of frenzied rage.
but the measures then started for the
cormorsnts will again be called to ac.
members were committing all kinds of |
depredations and finally the Southern |
people became tired of this kind of work
and began to make a raid against this |
organization. Last week these Italians |
were tried and the jury retuned a ver- |
dict that acquitted six of them and disa- |
three thousand of the citizens of that city !
They had heard the shots within the
jail, but had not seen the slaughter
which accompanied them. Now was
their opportunity. Some one brought
a rope and it was thrown around his
neck. The other end was cast over the
limb of a tree and the dying wretch
swung up. Then a fusilade from a score
of weapons ended his sufferings in an
On the other side of the jail the crazy
Manuel Polizzi met a similar fate on
the arms of 8 lamppost, and his body,
too, was riddled with bullets and buck-
This ended the slaughter, and the
leaders cried halt. They had accom-
plished the work for which they came,
and they were willing to let authority
in the person of the coroner resume 1s
| sway.
| Pattison the Leader in Ballot Reform.
New :York World.
The World has a right to advise the
Democracy of Pennsylvania. It earned
| she right by giving the people of that
| State the facts upon which judgment
' went against the Quay party last year,
and upon which judgment in the coun-
try will go against it next year, should
Quay be again the head of the organi-
The Pennsylvania Democrats have
a Governor. He has never betrayed a
trust nor deceived the people. He is
one to whom the eyes of the whole
people of the United States turn for
signal public service — for reform
which, in rescuing his own great com-
monwealth, shall help to rescue the
Now, the one thing to be done to-
wards this end in Pennsylvania is to
give the people a secret ballot. Gov-
ernor Pattison has gone straight at
the matter. With the candor and
courage which distinguish his official
conduct he declared in his inaugural
that owing to the peculiar constitution-
al provisions secrecy and freedom of
voting in Pennsylvania are impossible
without a change in the constitution.
What he said on the stump he says
under the responsibilities of office. No
human being doubts the truth of his
solemn declaration or the simple in-
tegrity of his leadership.
But nothing is done. The Legisla-
ture is under the control of the bosses.
The Philadelphia newspapers of both
parties, which declined to publish the
Quay exposure even after it was com-
mon property in the remotest quarters
of the Union, are doing all they can
to confuse the issue and mislead the
people. They pretend to favor a con-
stitntional convention, but always at
too distant a period to give the people
a free election in 1892.
It is a curious circumstance that
many of the so-called Democratic and
Independent newspapers of Pennsylva
nia can see no merit in‘any ballot re-
form measure except it be a Republi-
can measure. The Republican Baker
Bill—unconstitutional and ineffectual
—designed to frustrate the reform, and
the Republican Robinson Constitution-
postpone the Australian ballot until af
ter the Presidential election, are the
only ones in which these peculiar or-
gans of ballot reform can perceive any
merit or which the members of the
Legislature are inclined to forward.
Do the people of Pennsylvania really
want a free ballot 2 Do the Democrats
care to make the State Democratic ? If
they do, Governor Pattison has pointed
them the way—that is, a consitutional
convention, not next year,but this year,
accordin: to their solemn pledges to
the people in the anti-Quay campaign.
A Choice List of Summer Resorts.
In the lake regions of Wisconsin,
Northern Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa
and the two Dakotas, there are hundreds
of charming localities pre-eminently fit-
td for summer homes. Among the
f llowing selected hist are names familiar
t» many of our readers as the perfection
of Northern summer resorts. Nearly all
of the Wisconsin points of interest are
within a short distance from Chicago or
Milwaukee, and none of them are so far
away from the “busy marts of civiliza-
tion’ that they cannot be reached in a
few hours of travel, by frequent trains,
over the finest roads in the north west—
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway, and Milwaukee & Northern
Railroad :
Oconomowoc, Wis. Clear Lake, Towa.
Minocqua, Wis. Lakes Okoboji, Ta.
Waukesha, Wis. ~~ Spirit Lake, Towa.
Palmyra, Wis. Frontenac, Minn.
Tomahawk Lakes, Lake Minnetonka,
Wis. Minn.
Lakeside, Wis. Ortonville, Minn.
Kilbourn City, Wis Prior Lake, Minn.
(Dells of the Wis- White Bear Lake,
consin.) Minn.
Beaver Dam, Wis. Lake Madison.
Madison, Wis. So. Dakota.
Delavan, Wis. Big Stone Lake, So.
Sparta, Wis. Dakota.
Pewaukee, Wis, Elkhart Lake, Wis.
Wausaukee, Wis. Ontonagon, Mich,
Marquette, Mich. Mackinaw, Mich.
For detailed information, apply to any
coupon ticket agent, or send stamp tor
a free illustrated tourist folder, to Geo.
‘H. Heaff rd, General Passenger Agent,
Chicago, Ill 2t
-——Mrs. A. Luckenbach and little
son Charley were visitors at the Resi-
dence of Dr. S. G. Gutelius, at Mill-
heim on Tuesday.
-—— The paintings of Miss Lou Hen-
syl, of Howard, which are on exhibition
at Joseph's, are attracting considerable
A Bishop street girl had the
silliness to say “I reciprocate with
pleasure’ when the passion of her
young lover had just poured forth in a
sublime avowal,’
A number of arrests for driving
fast on the bridges have been made and
the police are having a lively time keep-
ing track of the wagons. We can’t see
however, thata fine can be justly im-
posed, for as yet there are no notices to
warn fast drivers.
History oF THE MAGINNIS-McGix-
Nis FamiLy.—John F. Meginness, who
for twenty years served as editor of the
daily “Gazette and Bulletin,” Wiliiam-
sport, Pa., is collecting information for
the purpose of publishing a history of
the Maginnis- McGinnis family in this
country and Europe. He has already
traced the family back a thousand years,
and finds its history in early times most
remarkable. Any one of he name un-
der whose eyes this may fall is solicited
to write him, giving name in full, an-
cestry, date and place of birth, occupa-
tion, place of residence, &e., so that they
may be recorded in the book. In addi-
tion to his editorial labors, Mr. Megin-
ness latey published a standard history
of the West Branch Valley of the Sus-
quehanna, and recently he issued an ex-
haustive biography of Frances Slocum,
the Lost Sister of Wyoming, who was
captured on the site of the present city of
Wilkes-Barre, Nov, 1778, when about
five years old, and nearly sixty years
elapsed before she was found. Her cap-
tivity and lite is regarded as forming the
strangest chapter in the annals of In-
dian literature. Members of the Mec-
Ginnis family are scattered all over the
United States, and many of them have
occupied positions of honor in both civil
and military life. He is anxious to
have any one bearing the name address
him at Williamsport, Pa., giving some-
thing of their history.
Mes. George DowNING.- -On Sun-
day night at ten o’clock the death of
this most estimable woman was an-
nounced at her late home on east Bishop
street. For a number of years she has
been ill, but always able to be about,
until about two weeks ago, when she
was compelled to take her bed.
Mrs. Downing wasa Miss Love and
was the only sister, leaving of a family
of six. A husband and five childrea.
Mrs. Robert Hoover, of Altoona, Mrs.
Reuben Spangler, of Centre Hall,
George, Frank and Emma are left to
cherish fond memories of their beloved,
departed mother.
Mrs. Downing was a woman whom
the entire community honored. She
was one in whom those in distress could
always find a sincere friend. Many an
oneto whom she has administered in the
time of sorrow and distress will mourn
with the bereaved family. The funeral
was held on Wednesday afternoon.
al Convention bill, intended solely to |
day last Mr. A. Graham, with one hun-
dred and fifty men, resumed the search
for the body of his brother who was lost
in the mountains between the Green
Woods and Clearfield town, during the
deer season in December last. Owing
to the great quantity of snow on the
ground the unfortunate man was lost.
It was impossible to make a thorough
search, so his brother is now scouring
the whole region with a force that will
surely find the body if it is there.
The case of the loss of Mr. Newton
Graham is an extremely sad affair and
his brother has the sympathy of every-
one who knows the circumstances.
— Yesterday, Thursday morning, after
five years of “no license,” Judge Furst
granted six of the nine applican‘s the
right to sell liquor during the ensuing
year. The Leister House, Franklin
House, Grube’s distillery, and Reyner’s
Bottling Works were among the fortu-
nate ones.
The temperance peopls of the county
are greatly put out about the matter and
ascribe the granting as the result of As-
sociate Judge Watson’s advent to the
bench. He is for license for everyone,
while his predecessor was a rabid prohi-
bitionist. Let them drink and be
MARRIAGE LiceNses.—Calvin A.
Weaverand Dora May Edmunds, both
of Aaronsburg; J. O. Meese, of Philips:
burg, and Emma Peters, of Port Matil-
da; William Wilson and Elizabeth
Hickman, both of Ashcroft, Clearfield
county ; Louis Youngdale, of Ashcroft,
and Mary Melngrew, of Philipsburg ;
Arthur A. Morris and Betsy E. Wash-
buiton, of Gearheartville; Harry
Woomer, of Tyrone, and Annie Dixon,
of Osceola.
~- Mr. Harry Woomer, of Tyrone,
and Miss Annie Dickinson, of Osceola,
came to Bellefonte on the 4.30 train
Monday afternoon, procured a license
and presented it to Squire Foster. He
tied the knot and the happy couple de-
parted at 5:30 the same afternoon, They
knew how to makesuch things fly. No
unnecessary time was lost in foolish-
Mr. H. P. Shaffer, one of Zion's
most agreeable young gentlemen, pro-
west, He will leave for Seattle, Wash-
ington, on March 30th. We wish him
success in the undertaking and hope
that there is enough of the boom left to !
i give him a nice share.
! It is rumored "that James Scho-
| fleld will accompany Dr. Laurie on his
| trip to Scotland. If Jim goes he'll tell
the Irish over there a thing or two.
! ——Among the distinguished arrivals
during the last week were Mr. and Mrs.
L. L. Brown. They are visiting at Gov.
nses seeking his fortune in the far
R. M. MAGEE For INsuranNcE CoM-
MISSIONER.—-The United States Review,
a prominent insurance publication, gives
our former townsman, R. M. Magee,
the following strong send off for an im-
portant state office, a prize which we
would like to see him obtain :
“There is considerable speculation as
to whether or not Hon. J. W. Foster,
who has held the office of Insurance Com-
missioner iu this State continuously since
the organization of the Department in
1873, will be renominated for the posi-
tion by Governor Pattison. Mr. Fos-
ter has many friends and if he
wishes to hold on to the position
he will be able to make a strong bid for
it. Various names have been mention-
ed for the possible succession. One of
them possesses especial interest so far as
local insurance circles are concerned. It
is R. M. Magee, formerly of Bellelonte,
but now the Phila. representative of
the Brooklyn Life Insurance Company.
Mr. Magee was at one time Superinten-
dent of Schools, and, at another, chair-
man of the Democratic Committee in
Centre county, besides which he is a
lawyer in good standing. He is a man
of rugged honesty, cxcellent mental at-
tainments and withal a good insurance
man, while he is also anderstood to be a
thoroughbred Jeffersonian Democrat,
which latter consideration cannot stand
in the way at all, under existing circum-
stances, in the gubernatorial office in
this State.”
Report of the Church Stewards of the
M. E. conference at Sunbury, $10,000
was asked for the next year, apportioned
as foliows : Altoona district, $2,050 ;
Danville district, $2,100; Harrisburg dis-
trict $2,100; Juniata district, $1,700 ;
Williamsport district, $2,050.
The statisticians made the following
report : Kxpended in repairs, $114,831;
present total indebtedness, $32,505 ;
number of probationers, 7,226 ; number
of full members, 49,966. Contributed
to benevolences ; missions, $39,347 ;
church extension $8,111; Freedmen'’s
Aid, $3,418 ; Bible cause, $537 ; tracts,
$480; Sunday School union, $487.
Church property is valued at $2,244,672 ;
parsonage property, $142,140; total in-
d:btedness on church aud parsonage
property, $142,140,
As the place to hold next year’s confer-
ence, invitations were received from
Harrisburg and York. The invitation
from York was accepted and the vote
made unanimous.
—Among the entertainments to be held
in Bellefonte in the near future, is a
concert to be given in the Garman
Opera House by the Franklin and Mar-
shall Glee Club for the benefit of the
Reformed Church choir. It is one of
the most popular Glee’ Clabs of this sea-
son. The following appeared in the
“Daily City Item’ of Allentown, the
morning after a concert by the Glee
Club in that city.
Franklin and Marshall College has
many traditions and institutions of
which to be proud, and not the least ot
these are her Glee Club and Mandolin
Club. An Allentown audience had the
pleasure of listening to the pleasant ad-
juncts of student life last evening. It
was a large and select audience,
and furthermore an appreciative au-
dience which was unstinted in its de-
monstrations of approval of the efforts
of the ycung men to entertain them.
The concert was given in Music Hall
under the auspices of the Young Peo-
ples Guild of St. John’s Reformed
Church and the proceeds were for the
benefit of the chapel fund. A varied
program was rendered. The selections
numbered sixteen and the encores num-
bered twenty-one. What more eloquent
tribute than this can be paid to the
young men ? Their selections were
good, mingling the pathetic and humor-
The vocal solos were ably rendered.
The mandolin club gave pleasing selec-
tions and Mr. Hopkins gave creditable
violin solos. Space alone forbids in-
dividual mention of all parts and of all
the performers, but a word of praise is
due to W. M. Irvine, the indefatigable
President of the club. His bugle calls
without the aid of any instrument were
marvelous. Mr. Irvine is Franklin and
Marshall’s great foot ball player.
Saw Logs Six Feer THROUGH.--
George Blanchard, of Tacoma, Wash-
ington, was the guest of Mahlon Fry-
berger on Wednesday. Mr. Blanchard
is the son of Dudley Blanchard, who
was formerly a citizen of Philipsburg
and Lock Haven, and was a prominent
lumberman of the Susquehanna river
and its tributaries. But his lumber op-
erations in Pennsylvania were insigni-
ficant compared to his vast operations in
Washington. Think of saw logssix
feet in diameter, and trees that cut from
five to seven twenty-four feet logs with-
out a knot. George Blanchard told the
writer that he had seen a saw log that
was fifty-one feet in circumference. The
; logs are skidded by means of a steel wire
'rope and a portable steam engine.——
i Philipsburg Ledger.
| James Lingle, an old and respect-
ed farmer of Penns Valley, died at his
home near Centre Hull, on Wednesday
morning. Deceased was 82 years of age
and had spent his whole life in single
blessed ness.
The very lowest prices, the very
best of goods, the squarest kind of treat-
ment is our bid for your patronage,
The Rochester Clothing House.
vus, and their vocalisms were splendid. -