— Bellefonte, Pa., March 13, 1891. A ———E—————— Mr. and Mrs. Bowser. Her Headache and His Comparedby the Bismarck’s Motto. It is said that Bismarck, when a young man studying law at Potsdam, never forgot bis rank and importance, and was careful to preserve what he considered his rights. ~ One day, his chief in law matters, with whom he had business, ap- peared to forget him, and Bismarck re- called his wandering attention by drum- Medicinal. SORIASIS 20 YEARS. BUDY A MASS OF DISEASE. SUFFERING FrARFUL. ALL THOUGHT HE MUST DIE. CURED IN SIX WEEKS BY CUTICURA REMEDIES. I have been afflicted for twenty years with ! | Centre Co., Pa., bounded on the north by lands an obstinate skin disease, called by some M. Coal and Wood. Philadelphia Card. UBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court there will De sold on the premises of the late Samuel Woodring deceased, on —SATURDAY, MARCH 14th, 1891.— At one o'clock, p. m. All that tract of land situated in Worth Twp., Yoana K. RHOADS, DEALER IN DWARD W. MILLER, WITH WOOD, BROWN & CO. Dealers in HOSIERY, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS &C. 429 Market Street: OHILADELPHIA, PA. a emmm—— 151 Latter. ming on the window sill. Ds Psoriasis, and others Leprosy, commenc- ; of John IL Thompson and John Harpster; on ANTHRACITE COAL, ST ELE i ing on my scalp; and in spite of all I could do, | th t by lands of John I. Thompson; _—m Railway Guide At another time he thought he was | G8 HC elp'of the most skilful doctors, it I Ai Ts lands of Stephen eo ea & Shi I am subject to nervous headaches. About once a fortnight. Mr. Bowser g@omes home at noon and finds me on sofa with my head tied up and my tem- Po throbbing as if they would burst. t’s just the next thing to being pound- in the ante-room altogeth- On being at last asked his «I came tu ask for i» kept waiting er too long. business, he replied, leave, but now I apply for dismissal In spite of his hautiness in regard to his own claims to importance and con- slowly but sure extended, unlil a year ago this winter it covered my entire person in «he form of dry scales. For the last three years I have been unable to do any labor, and suffering in- tensely ¢ll the time. Every morning there could be nearly a dustpantul of scales taken from the sheet on my bed, some of them half as large as the envelope containing thix letter. Woodring, and on the west by lands of Joseph Thomp ‘on, deceased, containing ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES MORE OR LESS. Thereon erected a good two story dwelling house, a good new bank barn, and other out buildings This farm isin a good state of calti- WOODLAND COAL, BITUMINOUS COAL, ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Dec. 4th, 1890. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Bellelonte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone, 6.55 a. m., at Altocna, 7.45 a. m., at Pitts- burg, 12.45 p. ma. ed on the head by a war club, and if gideration, however, he was almost in- | Tn the latter part of winter my skin commenc- | Jliion "pont 70 acres cleared, balance timber the house was on fire Ishould take my variably kind and thoughtful to his in- a i ve Sings) mots Jand. The place is well watered by a never KINDLING WOOD, Less RE 0 30a. mw, arrive at Tyrone, feriors in social position. When very | mp 5; : wy relief. | foiling spring. Contains a good orchard. 588. WM. uf Attdens, 1.5 p. m., ot Pitts: P Y | Phe 12h of June I started West, in hopes I | "8p 0 (Fok Fhe ~ Ten percent. of the 24 of the | by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers O01, 8.50 br mM : : fime about getting out, and that with- out trying to save anything except the eamphor bottle: The programme then runs as follows : Enter Mr. Bowser. Hangs up his overcoat and hat. Marches into back parlor, evidently suspecting some calamity. Stands and gazes at me as if I were some curiosity. I try to smile, but it is a dead failure. “Hump ! Cholera, I suppose “No.” (Very faintly ) «Yellow fever, then, I always knew you’d have it !”’ “No-0. Only—only”— “Qnly smallpox, eh! Nice thing to bring into the house, isn’t it!” «Mr. Bowser, I—I've got one of my headaches!” «Q-0-0-h ! Is that all! Good lands, but you gave me a scare ! Headache ? Hump! 1f I was a woman of your size and age I'd show a little spunk.” “But it’s dreadful I”? “Bosh | There's nine parts ot imagi- nation to one part of headache.” And he goes slamming around the house and whistling away, as if every sound did not fall on my skull like a 1 young, he always seemed to take just the right way with servants and those un- der nis command, and they always lov- ed him, though he demanded a great deal of them. At one time, when he and his brother were managing and overseeing the Pomeranian estate, Bismarck severely reproved a certain young land owner for his neglect and shiftlessness. The young man 1n excuse said that he had ot a particle of taste for agricultureand “I bave struggled with my disiike a long time,” concluded the unwilling farmer. “Not yet long enough!” answered Bismarck dryly. This reply brought the young man ‘to his senses. He continued the struggle,ov- er came his distate for the work, became a capital farmer, and to-day remembers thankfully Bismarck’s “Not yet long enough!’ This saying, by the way, has been connected with the name of Bismarck since olden times by the peasant pro- verb, which begins, ‘Not yet long enough,’ says Bismarck,” and goes on, connecting other sayings with the names could reach the Hot Springs. I reached De- so low I thought I should have to go to the hospital, but finally got as far as Lansing, Mich, where had a sister living. One Dr.— treated me about two weeks, but did me no good. All thought I had but ashort time to live, I earnestly prayed to die, Crack- ed through the skin all over my back, across my ribs, arms, hands, limbs; teet badly swol- len : toe-nails came off: finger-nails dead. and hard as a bone; hair dead, dry, and life- less as old straw. O my God!.how 1 did suffer. My ister, Mrs. E. H. Davis, had a small part of a box of Cuticura in the house. She wouldn't give up; said, “We will try Cuticura.” Some was applied on one hand and arm. Eureka! there was relief; stopped the terrible burning sensation from the word go. They immediate- ly got the Cuticura, Cuticura Resolvent, and Soap. I commenced by taking one tablespoon- fal of Resolvent three times a day, after meal; liad a bath once a day, water about blood heat used Cuticura Soap freely; applied Cuticura morning and evening. Result: returned to my home in just six weeks from the time 1 lett, snd my skin as smooth as this sheet of paper. HIRAM E. CARPENTER, Henderson, Jefferson Co, N. Y. troit, and was CuricurA REMEDIES are sold everywhere. Price, CuTICURA, the great Skin Cure, 50¢.; Cu- TICURA S0AP, an exquisite Skin Purifier and Beautifier, 25¢.; CUTICURA RESOLVENT, the new Blood Purifier, $1. Porter DRUG AND CHEMICAL CorPORATION, Boston. £a~Send for “How to Cure Skin Disease,” 64 pages, 50 illustrations, 100 testimonials. purchase money to be paid or secured on day of sale, balance of 24 on confirmation of sale, 24 iu one year and 24 in two years. The last two payments tobe secured by bond and mortgage with interest on the premises. D. W. WOODRING, Adar. 36 7 ts Ie PROPERTY FOR . SALE! The undersigned offers for sale his HANDSOME Al STORE PROPER- Situated in Snow Shoe, Centre county, Pa., AT A GREAT SACR'FICE " ney ave located on the principal thorough- | fare cf the town and make the most desirable | places thatany one could want. The store has always enjoyed an elegant trade and has been doing a ronr.ag business | of $40,000 a year, and as the business of Snow Shoe has doubled, [ feel positive if properly maneged it can be run considerably above this figure. My reasons for selling are purely on account of a desire to change my line of work. If you have money to invest this is an ex- ceptional opportunity to place itat extremely reasonable rates. GRAIN, CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS, {— STRAW and BALED HAY. —{ Respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, at HIS COAL YARD 25 18 near the Passenger Station. Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 5.40, at Altoona at 7.50, at Pittsburg at 11.56. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. ueav. Bellefonte 5.35 a, m., arrive at Tyrone, 5.55, av Harrisburg. 10.30 a. m., at Philadel- phia, 1 25 p. m. Leave Belletonie 10.25 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at Philadelphia, 6.50 p. m. @ Leave Bellefonte, 5.20 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.40 at Harrisburg at 10.45 p. m., at Phila- i delphia, 4.25 a. n.. ; VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ; ven, 5.30 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. i Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 11.00 a. m. Leave Bellefonte at 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Hardware, J Jonnwane AND STOVES —AT— ATE LOWER PRICES THAN EVER. NOTICE—Thanking our friends for ord AS HARDIE & COS rt Haven at 10.10 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 5.30. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.25 p. m., at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 11.00, leave Williamsport, 12.20 p. m., at Harrisburg, 3.13 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 8.49 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha- ven, 10,10 D m., leave Williamsport, 12.25 m., leave Harrisburg, 3.45 a. m,, arrive at Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.10 a. m., arrive at Lewis- burg at 9.20 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m., Philadelphia, 3.15 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.45 p, m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 5.45, at Harrisburg, 9.45 p. m., Phila- delphia at 4.25 a. m. blow of a hammer. of different influential families.-— Youth's IMPLES, black heads, red rough, eh ’ : «Coming to dinner?” Companion. : chapped, and oily skin cured by Cuti- | Snow Shoe is one of the most beautiful spots their liberal patronage, We desire to ex- BALD EAGLE VALLEY. g 1 cura Soap in Pennsylvania. Write to or call upon press our determination to merit a con- 2 7 “Mercy, bat J cunt eas.” me —— EE ree - CAMERON BOAK, irtidnos oT EG santo, bro low dadte of WESTWARD. | EASTWARD. _ “Can't, eh ? Well, if you let your During a dreadful storm, when | ° OW MY BACK ACHES! 36-6 Gt Snow Shoe, Pa. wer. PRICES IN HARDWARE Bl5e| 3 Dec. 14, 5 12s 5 i row Sub you in this | the River Tyne bad flooded the country Back Ache, Kidney Pains, and Weak- | 7 = We buy largeiy for cash, and doing our FES g 1890. FIER B manner I can’t it. There’s more left | all around, a number of pe ness, Soreness, Lameness, Strains, and Pain . \ NT : i > x % for me to eat, you ih Y assembled watching th Db people) relieved in one minute by the Cuticura Anti- OR SALE OR RENT. own work, can afford ‘0 sell cheaper | | Fl He looks in z he is ready to leave the bay i t > ; a 2 ido 1 At Pati hy UNIONVILLE, PA ee en 6 11% * i pal Sr 2 ks S 8 3 y v swept along in its rapid course. £ ———— IN UNIONVILLE, PA. we will always make it a point to do. 0 55/...Tyrone....| 8 1013 10/ 7 16 house and says: length a swan can.e in sig i ; ; 2 oli ot 6.33| 11 48 6 48/.E.Tyrone.| 8173 17| 7 22 “Ify yy is 0 ti n can In sight, strusgling Chichester’s English Diamond Brand. Ly, Prams Dualiing Mosse Tl) 629 1143] 64 Vail...... 8 2013 20! 7 28 you are down town this afternoon | sometimes for land and at others sailing ENNY ROYAL PILLS EIGHT ROOMS in each end, calculated for 6 25 11 38] 6 40|Bald Eagle| 8253 24 7 33 come in. Bye-bye, booby !”’ in its stately manner along with the tor- | = wr a oman ” i i gia ay loess pm 32| 633. 5 83013 30 7 39 Ve ; ie Ne it Ara adn Flanle . riginal and only Genuine. Safe, alu ays relia- STOR M in the basement 16x50. 5 11 29) 6 30]... Fowler... 3213 3 We have another programme--one | rent. As it drew near a black spot was | pie. Ladies ask your Druggist for Chichester’s —A FIRST-CLASS TIN SHOP— |613| 11 26 6 28... Baas : > 3 Sig which is followed when Mr. Bowser | observed or itssnowy plumage, which | English Diamond Brand in Red and Gold met- Good Stable, Tre House and Outbuildings. 6 06] 11 17{ 6 21|Pt. Matilda, 8 43/3 > 7 je comes home with a billious headache. | the spectators were astonised to find | 3° hones, sealed with bite rihon. Zeke m6 | Grapes and Pests onthe lot, and good well CONNECTED WITH OUR STORE. 559 1109) 613... Martha... 851352 805 If 1 happen to be looking when he gets | was a living rat ; and it is probable it ER PL a io of water. Terms easy. Call upon 200 2 i Julian....| 8 59/4 01 8 15 : : : Aig, s. zgist, or send de. in ALEXANDER | ionviiie. 9 10] off the car a block away I can tell what | had been borne from its dwelling in | for particulars, testimonials and “Relief for 36 42m 1.44 A 533 10 38) 5 48] 8.8. Tree 0 isi ia 8 3 I. mg He Sg dragging his | some hayrick, and seeing the swan had Loans a iy i Lome nn at ALL OTHER THINGS : 2 10 = 5 45) Pless 922/120, 839 legs v 10s 2 3 3 , ral rn onials. Sol a socal ruggists. 7 ads sR THING 201 10 25, 5 35..Belle 39/4 Be ea ou an oy closed, hastened to it for a refuge. On the paper. CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO., DESIRABLE IN HARDWARE 5 10| 10 1 | Milochure ya - 3a anc meet him at the door and in- | bird arriving on land the rat leaped off |= 3621y Madison Square, Philada., Pa. TERT 31 A FOR THE WANTS AND USE 5 02) 10 01) 1001/4 47) 911 gain 9 . its back and scamped off, but a man | = ee | ALTARLE an PROPER- OF Ti Sra: WITH : 2 9 56| It. Eagle..| 10 06/4 55| 9 17 2637. Bowser, have voaibe 0 2 : ie Lh . SALE. ; Ot] ED SO THAT 9) 9 48 5 07|...Howard...| 10 18/5 02 on ih Sie you been run over | having no respect for the sagacity which Colleges. ! The undersigned offers for sale on ALL CAN SEE, 4 40| 9 37 4 59 ..Eagleville.| 10 5005 10 9 2 thas et} i the rat had displayed killed it with a Em | easy terms the valuable and pleasantly located 438 934 456 Bch. Creek.| 10 35/5 13] 9 45 it Ysa n that!” he gasp, as he | blow of his staff. RR fSeoupied iy Dy Hayes, on west 0—AT LOWEST PRICES—o sao a ill Hall... 10 50 5 24| 10 01 site down on a stair step and holds his | High Street, Belletonte. Suid property con- 3 9 19) 4 43 Flemin’ton.| 10 54/5 27| 10 05 head in his hands. p a ae ; HE PENNSYLVANI A | sists of a For Everybody. 2 i 2 15) 4 40 Lek. Haven | 11 00{5 30| 10 10 “Have you been shou at or stabbed by | yf So fancy dress ball given by i STATE COLLEGE. LARGE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, i eM a ruffian ?”’ igi Rl i | with all modern improvements, an sxcglient TYRONE & CLEARFIELD « Would that I had 1” g stes ; 7 : . ! brick stable and other outbuildings, and one — HF rier “Mp. Bowser, wh f Cleopatra. Her dress was of the richest | Located in one of the most Beautiful and | of the best located lots in the town. Posses- o—JAS. HARRIS & CO.,—o NORTHWARD. SOUTHWARD. ys WW at aw ul, awful . . + y . v . on April 0 For further t 0 ) I] ol hine hfs hi : 5 white silk, entirely covered with Rhine Healthful Spots in the Alleghany | $100 8WER APTI 1st, 1801. For farther particu. | 23 2 BELLEFONTE, PA. oo 2 Ko ® E thing has happened ? Answer me at tence hi Nios Ss we pipe? lars address ; s eIEc| 3 Dec. 14, ¥ | E2 |B oy Sr ten | Sh ted ws poser, |= i ier “[’ve--I've got one of those infernal he quoise. Sar en to Both Sexes; Tuition Free; 35 28 Norih Dake 81, Machin —|— Zar headaches I” ns ae to Swen the floor. On one Board and other BEupenses pager HT Landasier, PR or3. Por pa. | AM Ly. Arla wom |r ou MIT wn pr wy (PS Rank sy EY The hi SOI j E 3 < , $ and ISquipment. 3 : Tai . oo a a hs ha ap helmet crown also made of fine gold i K ARM FOR SALE-—A very ele 7s 3 a si ara yoo. Sons pened. , dinner is ready, and I've | 1 ong gems. In her hand .she car- LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. gant farm for sale, situated at Pine TQ 3 755 242) 845 Gardners. I ex got pork and beans, as you requested.” | "4 2 2 : Grove Mills, Centre county, Pa., containing ENKINS & LINGLE, 8 02| 350 8 55 Mt.PI IS...) 6 25) 11 21i5 52 “P.nor < ried a fan of peacock feathers studded IT ATI 2 35 55 Mt.Pleasant| 6 16 11 12/5 46 pork and b-beans | My soul, x i; el] 1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AG- = a 0 8 10, 3 58) 9 05|...Summit...| 6 09] 11 05/5 40 woman, but how can you talk ~p-pork with gems, Her slippers were of white | RICULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR ACRES, [Successors to W. P. Duncan & Co,] 814] 403 9 10/Sand.Ridge| 605 11 oy } : P-P satin and heavily embroidered wi illustrations on the Farm and in the Labora- 816) 405 912/..R 5 0: ; and beans to a dying man!” y e vith ory. in a fine state of cultivation. It is well im- 819] 406 915 Toa or 6 03] 10 5515 31 “Only a headache! Why, what gos. 2. BOTANY AND HORTICULTURE; the- | proved, having thereon a large two story BELLEFONTE, PA. 8 25 414 924 ny 5 ou 2» 20 20 should # great big man like ‘you care : rere oretical and practical Students taught origi: : a 5 8 35] 4 20| 9 32\..Boynton...| 5 46| 10 39/5 14 about a headache ? tome to dinner.” STAND YOUR GroUND.—When you 2a) a on unugually full BR He anal na ii 7200 FOUNDERS : py : n 5 a Phciners,. Lyre ? 5 De : : a . SMI ; with a sually fu 2! 4 30 0| Phili ! But he staggers into the sitting room make ab your mind to take Hood's Sar- and thorough course in the Laboratory. y and other out buildings; also a good orchard 846 434 944... Se 2 Bn ee ” and falls sideways on the lounge and ut- saparilla, do not be induced to buy some | 4. CIVIL ENGINEERING; ELECTRICAL | and a fine large spring of water at the buildings. and 8 52| 4 40| 9 52|.Blue Ball.| 5 33] 10 22(4 55 type other preparation instend. Clerks may | ENGINEERING ; M ECHANICAL ENG I- ? it : 858 449 959 Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 15/4 49 g up | | oe : | NEERING. These courses are accompanied It is one of the most desirable farms in the MACHINISTS. 9 05 4 57| 10 07|....Bigler 5922 10 07 to an angle. claim that ‘‘ours is as good as Hood's” | ith very extensive practical exercises in the county. Good schools and churches within a > 9 12| 5 02 10 14. Woodland..| 517 n 00 i a «Mr. Bowser, these headaches are all and all that, but the peculiar merit of | Field, tie Shop and the Laboratory. : mile of the property. M 9 19] 5 08] 10 22|...Barrett....| 512| 9 52/4 30 i i Hood's Sars 5. HISTORY; Ancient and Mod th anufacturers of the A : imamiaavs.” I obs : ood’s Sarsaparilla cannot be equalled. 5. HIS Y; Ancient and Modern, with ‘he improvements could not be put upon the . 9 23| 5 12| 10 27|.. Leonard... 509] 9 48/4 25 ginary,” I observe as I take him by |; : 2g original investigation, The improvements could, pai ap 9 30] 5 18| 10 34|.Clearfield.| 5 the legs and swing him about s> that Therefore have nothing to do with sub- | ¢” INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN. it for the price at which it can be purchased. | VULCAN CUSHIONED POWER HAMMER |g 38) 5 20| 10 44|.Riverview.| 4 of 2 x i So touts or. his Laci. shes 2d i ap having Bons Jp LADIES Sines Iv AYER Sine: JOHN G. LOVE, 942 82 Io doSus Bridge| 4 54 9 26/4 00 “Oooh! arsaparilla, the bes i ND SCIENCE; ¥wo years, Rellities 5-43- 5| 10 55/Car > O.0.0h 17 p 3 t blood purifier and | pb De BoE nd instrumental. 35-43-tf Bellefonte, Pa. BELLEFONTE TURBINE DN a J nun e . A bi 30s “If I was a man of yoursize and age I'd show a little spunk.” building-up medicine, STEWED Beer A La Mobe.—Take 8. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE; Lat- in (optional), French, German and English (required), one or more continued through the HOICE BUILDING LOTS. WATER WHEEL, BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after 40-0-0 h! How can I stand it!” 5 . entire course. STEAM ENGINES, SAW MILLS < «Well, there'll be the more left for me | the desired quantity of round beef, cut | 9. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY ; | a Mess Shoomann Spd, Ses oR : SOI to eat. Better lie as quiet as into three ounce pieces, and dredge with | pure and applied. solo sever. building lets losated on cast sick © save Snow Shoe, execpt Sundsyini Sid mm; x q you a Fred ’ 2 10. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop Thomas street, 50x100 feet. TLOURING MILLS,» © bile ooo din Sine po af omer 3 00 p. m. can. our. Fry in the stew pan some beef | work with study, three years’ course; new Also, thirty-five lots located on east side of Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday....10 30 a. m. But I don’t go out to dinner. He drippings and a sliced onion. Put in | buildin aad gquipment, ublie rod leading from Bellefonte to Belle-]o o ROLLING MILLS, &C,&C. o | — == 5 p.m. wants a pillow for his head and he wants | the meat, and fry well stiring constant 11. MENTAL, MORAL AND POLITICAL | fonte Furnace, 50x17 feet. s hea , a 3 on: TENCE: reat] : 3 . BELLEFONTE, NIT CMON his shoes taken off und his feet covered |ly ten minutes. Then add” gradually SOIENGE Sonya Law and History, | = Ajgo, sixty lots on Halfmoon Hill, 50x150 feet. Works neat ¥, B. E. Depot. nay To take a SLnNY 2B ap, and then I have to remove his col- | enough water to cover the meat, sea- ni MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction | TOF further information ea on Undies, : WESTWARD. EASTWARD a puns ay tie a wet towel | son with salt, pepper, & teaspoonful Yieoroiion) an: practionl, including each arm 34 4 tf Bellefonte, Pa. EO. M. RHULE, m1 | 103 “ 114 | 112 an bi ore Ly ) god all his Pho each allspice, cloves and mace, a bay | 13. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT; Two | om—————— - TATION s departed. isn’t near as bad a | Je: a sh + +7 | years carefully graded and thorough. 3 sresstisieiennyany Dae A is Tat leaf, shi Sled lemon Let it sim 3h Spring Gas Fitting. ARCHITECT | ache 1 narveus wo % x mer gently four hours. term, April 8th, 1891; Commencement week, ¥ stats tusnetsassssiivneys SE d ple di y i» wi) bei June 28th to July 2nd. For Catalogue or M. GALBRAITH, Plumber anc Sid ouble discount any headache assigned As our reporter came along Wa- other information, address Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa. | o—— BUILDING CONTRACTOR —0 2 35 5 06 $0 a man to carry about; but she must ter S 1 ih ln 3 GEO. W. ATHERTON, LL.D., Pays perticular attentien to heating buildinge : 2 40 5 20 grin and bear it— Detroit Free Press er Street ast night, shivering with the resident, by steam, copver smithing, rebronzing gas fix- PHILIPSBURG, 2 50 5 10 + | chill night air, and drawing his over- | 27 25 State College, Centre county, Pa. ' urest, &c. 20 26 3437 1y CENTRE CO., PA: 305 455 . ——— coat tightly about bim, he thought, 314 4 46 Pure Grit at Wounded Knee. “now is the time for emughs and colds,” 3 38 42 ” but if poor mortals only knew what a Pianos and Organs. The Indians fought desperately until | certain cure Dr. Bull’s Cough SEDI] | sme see ee 4 00 en . 400 they were annihilated, but their bravery | how few would long suffer, and then it aa i 3 By 6 Se was no more conpicious than that which | costs only twenty-five cents.—Sandusky pr ! a 37 y 1 6 51 3 2 was unostentatiously displayed by some | Ohio Register. ; 4 43 643 316 of the soldiers. Perhaps the most ro- Sica : At all prices from $25 to §1,500. We sell the best Pianos 4 48 638 311 mniiabl h : > Tr Z from six different factories, all of which have a standard 4 52 6 34) 3 (7 arkable case was that of Private Kel- Hot-water stands are something PIANOS! of excellence that is unsurpassed. Our stock is large eee 4 57 629 33 ly, who was shot near the beart. He | new in the streets of Paris. A pail is enough to suit every home, from the poor man’s humbo BARGAINS We always havea number of 08 g 1018.68 ll nia ken od rr and as he rolled over he said to Private | ey dropped in the slot, and out rushes a There is the widest variety of tone, from the soft and pa. ful and economicil buyers. We cannot print Trains No. 111 and Font Girbach: “I’m gone sure; so roll me | jet of steaming hot water, which runs PIANOS! thetic so the sharp rd brilliant. The prices are low lists of them as the stock is always changing. with te 2a S14 10) oped 3 Vad Sain around and make a breast work of me.” | until nine quarts have flowed out. This PIANOS! ais ane sui Prices range from $25 to $300, on easy monthly Shore Express East. ? That was courage. _ | is a great convenience, especially in the > reach of everybody 1f you want a Piano, please call on us payments when desired. Please write us and LEWISEU IRR Private McKinzie of troop B was hit | poorer districts, where many families PIANOS! or write us fail particulars, We sell a great many pianos we will mail a list of those now in stock. SpuRas TY BONY BAIROAD. hard in the leftshoulder. One of the | find it difficult to keep a cook-stove run- * {aie eatresponaees, ? ann, Coper Xad EASTWARD surgeons saw he was wounded and sent | ning at all hours. The water is also us- = B | Mayiz 2 = a litter bearer to bring him in. But |ed by cab drivers, who fill tanks, which 3 8 1800. E i McKinzie would not go. He insisted on | they keep in the bottom of their cabs = Le Bo shooting away at the stubborn foe. “I | for heating purposes. 5 JS fiymisnt know I'm getting weak,” said he, “hut samrerecm ence o 55 ....Scotia.. | % 5 Py I've aot to have a couple of shots yet.” MoNEY FOR EVERYBODY. — Mrs. 5 25..Fairbrook. 9 09) 427 He did fire once or twice more, than he | Wells asks “Is ita fact that a person 2 Sips Furnace 3 o : 2 Cg loss of blood and was taken | can mak $30 to $40 a week in the plat- ORGANS! w2 take pani) pride in calering fo Organ, shslomess, READ THIS You can soon learn to play 2 2 Marengo. 8 5 1 c1f.. he i iness 77 Yes [i e have always given careful attention to this Depart- i 5 : ; ; 5 57..Loveville..; 8 3 65|.. Weiths. ck Moko, had what ing business 2 Yes, I make from $5 to ORG ANS! ment and our reputation for selling good Organs is Ds by using Heppe's Music Chart. 1t is a simple DF hdl 2a a) OIG 1ks call Harit " ira : $8 a ay, p ating and selling plated - reproach. We have all styles, of course, at various prices, arrangement that fits on the keyboard of any 6 08/Dungarvin.| 8 27| 3 46 » folks ca grit. Is rst wound | ware. W. H Griffith & Co., Zanes- from $25 to $500. Please call or write to us and we will Piano or Organ, and you can learn more 6 18/...W. Mark... 819 3 38. was in his left hand, and minute or two | villa, Ohio, will give you full instruc- ORG ANS! cheerfully reply. for. tinh hititos {I p 6 28/Pennington| 8 10| 3 30|. tater he got another bad one in the hi ir ii postness thers “IF YOU CAN'T PLAY, then the Aeolian Organ is the fom 7614 ive’ miduses tin You can irom 6 40|...Stover....| 758 318 That id bh tisfed th p- | tions. In this business there is money ORGANS! instrument for you. It is a splendid Instrument, resemb- a hundred instruction books. Mailed to any 6 50|...Tyrone....| 750{ 310 at wou ave satisfed the average | for ev erybody. G. W. RUSSELL. hing a full Orchestra, and it can be easily played, by any address on receipt of one dollar. EN ————————— ———— child, after five minutes instruction. Sen catalogue. warrior, but the sergeant was not in- for special clined to retire. Just then Sergeant LLEFONTE, BUFFALO RUN ii ORGANS! - AND BALD EAGLE RAILROAD. ——A French statistician alleges that Holes was killed almost at Tritle’s side | within the French capital twice as oO (0) 0 To take effect May 12, 1890. Tad saw {he India who fired the fa- | many crimes are committed by persons EASTWARD. WESTWARD. 5 o A + though his own left hand | petween the ages of 15 and 20 as between 6 2 1 5 a shattere and blood was pouring | the ages of 20 and 40. In a single year ; STATIONS. msm steadily from his hip, he said: I'll get | the crimes committed by nom tnelod- —EVERY NEW PIANO OR ORGAN GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS. — BA Dallefonie.by Ln EN bay 1» ian. e did, and an in- | ed 30 cases of murder, 39 of manslaugh- 613] 9 03].uvero le | 607] 309 stant later a hostile bullet penetrated | ter 3 of parricide, 2 of poisoning, 44 of $10 < oN. 3k his oh ha “I guess I'll get these | infanticide. HONEST DEALING Qrmmmssmen{ 0) ° DOLLAR POR DOLLAR. 5 5 8 a : 6 10 3 2 wounds dress n is fai >. er a mark = eal igh fo i od Dv BETWEEN MAN AND MAN : I Bal 84d 36 330 Are as or Ye Pean. ie As was anticipated by those well : ee LZAD370 ProemY 2.58 Sa a 3 will almost surely recover. ; $ inal ; ] Min si acquainted with the principles of its 5 43| 8 36. 638 343 rT — wanufacture, Mellin’s Food has won its 1 i 530 858. cin 38 a on 4 Nropminen) Wall street doctor | way to public favor. This can only be 5 HEPPR & SON py Ad BO pay fou have charge | attributed to the unquestioned value of Cor 61H & THOMPSON STREETS. vio : i os aising of all children, eo that | the food in cases of insufficient nutrition 328 7B wih Too). 4.83 PHILADELPHIA. PA. 5 20| 7 20/Lv.State College. Ar| 7 04] 5 04 ESTABLISHED 1865. 35 30 6m none of them would be spoiled. "or delicate organism. THos. A. SHOEMAKER, Supt,