Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 13, 1891, Image 4

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    Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., March 17, 1881.
‘Democratic County Committee, 1891.
W. S. Galbraith
... Joseph Wise
John Dunlap
. John T. Lee
.. H. A. Moore
A. M. Butler
- = - Epitor
Bellefonte, No. W
@ 8S. W...
Centre Hall borough
Howard Borough
Milesburg Berough..
Milheim Borough..... ... A.C. Musser
Philipsburg, 1st W James A. Lukens
f 2d W. ... C. A. Faulkner
“ A J Gorton
aatre E. M.Griest
Eugent Meeker
3d W...
Unionville Borough
Benner ye Benue
P os ilip Confer
kL .. T. F. Adams
“ "2p G. H. Leyman
W. H. Mokle
College, E.D.
«= W.P...
Curtin... or. .. N. J. McCloskey
Ferguson, E. P.. Daniel Dreibelbis
bs W.P. Geu. W. Keichline
Chas. W. Fisher
James P. Grove
Isaac M. Orndorf
Geo. B. Shaffer
Greggs, S. P...
“ 88 N. P
Haines, E. P...
«TW. DP,
. Haltmoon.... . Eilis Lytle
Harris...... J. W. Keller
Howard. .'T. Leathers
Huston. Hepry Hale
Alfred Bitner
ohn J. Shaffer
James P. Frank
.. P. A. Sellers
. J. C. Stover
.. 8. W. Smith
Jas. B. Spangler
Jas. Dumbleton
.. Hugh McCann
. Thomas Turbidy
. John D. Brown
.. Jerry Donovan
. James Carson
E. E. Ardery
"James Foster .
A Question of Veraeity.
In commenting upon Judge Fursr's
remark at the recent license court of
Centre county,that ‘in Bellefonte there
are three licensed houses and no speak-
easies,”’ contrasting it with Huntingdon
where “speak-easies’” abound in the
absence of licensed houses, the Altoona
Tribune says:
It is very apparent that his honer is not well
pasted coneerning Bellefonte. Knowing ones
who visit that town periodically will laugh at
the statement from the bench that there are
no “speak-easies” there. Possibly:if his honor
had given as much attentionito ferreting out
“gpeak-easies” in Bellefonte as he seems to
have done in Huntingdon, he would have been
‘rewarded by discovering numerous dens of
vice in which drinking, gambling and other
offenses against good morals go briskly on, as
the swelled heads and empty pocket-books of
the frequenters thereof will establish.
The question of superior knowledge
as to the existence of “speak-easies’ in
Bellefonte is thus raised between the
‘Judge and the Tribune. The demoral-
1zed state of affairs which the latter
represents as existing in this place is
merely a matter of hearsay so far as
its knowledgeis concerned. The Judge
is on the spot and ought to be the better
informed of the two. He is candid
enough to admit that he has “personal
knowledge’ of the existence of “speak-
easies” in Huntingdon. The Judge
should “speak easy” on this subject,
as it is rather a delicate matter. But
“W. T. Hoover . . :
Eg Chas. H. Rush | he evidently intends his ‘‘personal
als - DA. Dietrick | knowledge” to be taken in a Pickwick
: i A SCHAEFFER, Chairman. | ian sense.
ee — o
~Anti-Discrimination again Defeated.
There was but little reason to expect
that the present State Legislature
would do any better than those that
immediately preceded it in enforeing
‘by proper legislation the long neglect-
ed provisions of the constitution; there-
fore it is not surprising that the Seanor
Anti-Discrimination biil, which was
designed merely to carry into effect a
.plain.provision of the State constitu-
tion; was regatived by the House Ju-
diciary General committee. That com-
mittee-simply obeyed the behests of the
great railroad companies which find it
to their interest to discriminate in
freight eharges.
The people are injured by such dis-
_crimination ; they want it stopped, and
in order that it should be stopped the
‘State constitution made it unlax ful
But to.make this constitutional provi-
,sion operative a statute directly prohi-
ibiting railroad discrimination and pro-
widing a-punishment for it, is necessary;
‘but one. legislature after another has
refused to pass such a law, and the pre-
.sent one coolly follows the example of
its predecessors by contemptaously
throwing aside the bill which the peo-
ple want so much and the constitution
.empkatically. requires. The trzatment
.of the Burdick pipe-line bill and the
rejection of the Seanor anti-diserimina-
tion: biil, both strangled in committee,
confirm the fact that it is impossible
for a Republican Legislature to get be-
yond «the control of the corporations.
Canada Politics.
The .élection last week was the
most exciting and important event of
the kind that ever.came off in Canada.
It was an-clection of members of the
Dominion parliamenton the question
of closer trade relations with the Unit-
ed States. The Conservatives, or To
ries, under the leadership of Sir Jomx
MoDoxsxp reduced the. question to one
of loyalty to ®ritish supremacy, as
they represented that a defeat of their
party meast annexation to the Ameri-
can Union. The Tories won a small
parliamentary majority, but if the is-
sue was as Sir Jory McDoxaLp put it
there is a wonderfully large number of
Canadians who want their country
annexed to the United States.
The Republicans of the State
Legislature who thus far in the session
have suffered for the want of intelligent
and effective gnidance, being like sheep
without a competent shepherd, got to-
gether on Tuesday eveningand selected
a “steering committee,” which shall
hereafter guide them through the de-
vious ways of partisan legislation. A
correspondent of the Press says they
made another blunder in not including
the Revenue Bill among the objects
which are to be looked after and pro-
moteditby the “steering committee.”
But the correspondent should know
that tax reform lies in a direction in
which Republican Legislatures have
not been in the habit of steering,
EC A T—————
[t%is proposed to turn the In-
dians into soldiers in the pay of the
United States government, the proposi-
tion being to raise two regiments to be
composed entirely of reskin fighters.
Naturally the Indian is a warrior and
could be put to better use in that way
than in any other. We have black
soldiers in our army, and why not red
ones? With the three colors repre-
sented, white, black and red, the Unit-
ed States army would be the mest poly-
chromatic organization in the world.
Philadelphia's Disappointment.
te. en
The bill that passed congress and
was signed by the President, authoriz-
ing the erection of a new Mint in Phil-
adelphia, tarns out to be a delusion
and a disappointment. It appears
that the congressmen from that city
who had it in charge didn’t watch it
close enough that while it
provided for the erection of the build-
ing ata cost of $2,000,000 it entirely
overlooked the provision for the money
that would be required to build it.
Congressman BiNeraM is held respon-
sible for this blunder, it never having
occurred to him that it takes money to
build Mints and that money can’t be
used ‘or such a purpose without a
special appropriation. The defective
bill is in the hands of the Attorney
General who is considering what can
be done to overcome the difficulty.
New York at the same time got a bill
for a four million dollar custom house,
but those who had it in «charge were
smart enough to have the money pro-
vided for it.
—— Some of the Western legislatures
are displaying a remarkably cranky
disposition. In the Senate of Minne
gota, for instance, a bill has been fav-
orably reported providing that any “te-
male person” who shall wear tights
and expose her “nether limbs” in pub-
lic shall be fined or imprisoned. It is
upon such subjects as this that these
legislators would show their morality,
with the chance that few of them
would resist the influence of corpora-
tions or millionaires willing to pay
cash for legislation.
A Tardy Record.
The Congressional Record has swell-
ed to prodigious and useless proportions.
Under the pernicious custom of giving
members leave to print, at the public
expense, long speeches which they nev-
er deliver, being merely intended for
buncombe circulation among their con-
stituents, the Record has grown se
that its volume in one session is now
as large as it was in two sessions during
the war when many new and tremend-
ous questions were debated at great
It must be said for the Congressional
Record, however, that it is printed in
time and delivered upon the desks of
the members on the morning following
the day whose events it chronicles.
But this merit does not belong to the
Legislative Record printed at Harris-
burg. It usually falls behind at the
beginning of the session, and at each
succeeding week it continues to keep
behind, its dilatoriness increasing until
its contents may justly be considered
ancient history.
So far as the tardy information of
the Record is concerned nobody cares
what his representative said on a meas-
ure that had passed some weeks previ-
ously. What constituents most want
is an immediate knowledge ot how
their representatives voted, and this
the Record does not furnish them. The
Legislative Record of the last session
cost $26,624.28, and for the practical
good it did it would have been dear at
the odd cents. Two members of the
| dast State Senate were candidates be-
{ fore the people at the last State elec-
| tion almost a year and a half after
| the session adjourned, and yet it was
| impassible to obtain an indexed file of
' the Record from whieh to officially as-
| certain their position on any publie
| question. The publication of the. Ze-
"cord should be kept up to date, or it
should not be published at all,
Safety for the Toilers.
The bill now before the State law-
makers, intending to make employ-
ers liable for calpable ' negligence
that may cause bodily injury vo their
employes, is one that, if passed, will
afford much needed protection to work-
ingmen engaged in dangerous occupa-
tions. An amendment that has been
made; to it greatly increases its efficacy
by providing that courts and juries
shall determine the proper measure of
culpability and responsibility, thus de-
priving employers of the opportunity to
shift the burden upon the shoulders of
subordinates when they should share
it by reason of their own neglect.
Such a law is required to enforce
greater care in the management of
, mining operations, and to protect em-
ployes from the danger that always
attends the use of machinery, which
is largely increased by the carelessness
and indifference of those who have
the responsible ownership and man-
agement of such works. This bill
should be passed as a measure of safety
to those who are compelled to make
their living in such dangerous employ-
After an unexampled struggle in
the Illinois legislature, extending
through the greater portion of the win-
ter, General Joux M. PaLuMEr, the
Democratic nominee for United States
Senator, was elected on the 154th bal-
lot, two of the three Alliance members
voting for him, giving him just enough
votes to elect him, 103. He will be a
credit to the State, an honor to the
Senate, and the country will be benefit-
ed by his election,
The day on which the Republi-
can Legislature at Harrisburg express.
ed its admiration of Speaker REerp’s
methods by a complimentary resolu-
tion was the very day on which the
people of his own city of Portland re-
padiated Reedism by giving a Demo-
cratic majority for the first time.
—It is beginning to be shown that
INGALLS was the most potent agent in
defeating the Force Bill. If this can be
established most of the sins that the
obnoxious Kansan has been guilty of
can be forgiven.
The Middleman and Over-Production.
Think of such a state of things as
Mr. Mills gives an instance of, in re-
counting his experience among the des-
titute poor of Liverpool. One cold De-
cember morning he found in a certain
door to him a tailor out of work, and
next door again, a shoemaker in the
same plight.
many days,” be says, ‘‘that none of
them had what could be called a pair
of shoes, and none of them a proper
suit of clothes, and they were all ex-
ceedingly anxious to get bread; and
to help each other.” The trouble was
of course, so faras each individual was
concerned, that their, services could
not be employed at a profit by any one,
the markets. perhaps, being already
stocked with bread, and ciothes, and
there being no money in making any
bered that the aim of industry, as at
present organized, is not to meet the
needs of the people, but to produce
such things as people can buy, so that
bursting bakeries aud starving bakers
are perfectly compatible with each
other.— From “The Problem of the Un:
amployed,’ by William M. Salter, in
New England Magazine tor Narch,
Packed with the Purk,
St. Louis, March 11.—A special
from Tacoma, Washington, says: A
prominent Tacoma physician has made
a horrible and startling revelation in
which he alleges that he was called
two months ago to the death-bed of a
poor Swede named Lars Pederson.
He told the physician he wished his
dying confession written, and it is as
follows :
Pederson worked in Armour’s pork
house in Chicago until 1887, then he
went to Sioux City, to Silverhorn's
paeking-house, where ke worked until
the spring of 1889, when he killed a
man named Larson Harstram, who
worked with him cleaning the floors in
the killing rooms. Ie stabbed him
many times, and his blood flowed down
the gutter to the fertilizer, mixing with
the blood of the swine killed that day.
He then put him in the chute and ran
his body in among 10,000 carcasses
killed that day.
Near morning he took the body to
the chopping blocks, cut it in pieces,
covered it with salt, and ran them to
the fertilizing rooms among piles of
pork left there for months, He then
burned the clothes in the furnace.
Pederson lived in Sioux City for two
months after the murder and thea
| came here. .
Alaska is now the roomiest of our
Territories. It contains eighteen square
miles for each inhabitant. Its popula-
lation consists of 22,135 natives, 4419
whites, 2125 Chinese,82 blacks and 1568
half breeds of uncertain paternity.
Professor Charles A. Young
thinks the most wonderful fact is as-
tronomy is that ¢‘the great Lick telescope
reveals about 1,000,000, of stars, and
{ that every one of them is a sun,.theoret-
jcally and by analogy giving light and
heat to his planets.”
yet, although one was a baker, and |
Two Years of Republican Rule.
At noon to-day the Republican party
will lay down by command of the peo-
ple the power it took up two years
Then it came into possession of the
Executive Department of the Govern-
ment and control of Congress. Now it
gives way in the House to an overwhelm-
ing Democratic majority, its control of
the Senate is doomed to a similar fate,
and there is every probability thata
Democratic President will be inaugu-
rated in two years. Hence it may be
safely asserted that the control of the
government is soon to pass from the Re-
publicans to the Democrats.
‘this we have said is by command of
the people, and itis because of an al-
most unprecedented abuse of the power
intiusted by them to the Republican
party two years ago. In the first session
of the present Congress, which is des-
tined to be & memorable one for some
good measures adopted, but a more
notorious one for the outrageous parti-
sin legislation carried through and at-
tempted. Three of the most iniquitous
schemes brought forward since the ill-
famed reconstruction era were pushed
with obstinate indifference to the in-
terests of the peopleand a partisan reck-
lessness that aroused popular amaze-
ment and indignation.
Fortunately one of these,the infamous
Force bill, was pushed in vain, But the
pension job, which has already plunder-
ed the Treasury to the tune of tens of
niillions, and is siill plundering it, was
got through. So was the most oppressive
tariff law ever enacted in time of peace
—a law never designed for reveaue, but
for extreme protection pure and simple ;
never intended for the good of the peo-
ple, but for the benefit of monopolists
and trade barons, to enable them to fur-
nish means for keeping the party in
power ; a law that raised the price of
every necessary of life and increased
the already oppressive burdens of the
poor in every part of the land.
These and other high-handed Re-
publican measures were openly aided
and abetted in the House by a Speaker
who for that purpose did not scruple to
brush aside all parliamentary prece-
dents and traditions, ignore all constitu-
tional restraints, defy popular sentiment,
‘trample on the rights of the mirority
and set up in the Speaker's chair a des-
potism before unknown to American
history and contrary to the spirit of
‘ Republican institutions.
The session of Congress which wit-
nessed this deflant abuse of power came
to end last September. In November
the will of the people was voiced.
‘ mind.
Their verdict is still fresh in the public
It is enough to say that it was
the most sweeping and emphatic con-
demnation of a party to be found in re-
cent political annals. It was simply a
popular uprising against Republican
wisrull—a demand for surrender of the
power so grossly abused.
. But not even this loud voice of the
people has been heeded by the con- |
demned party. Inspited of it much of
the present session has been wasted in
desperate attempts to get the Force bill |
through, and the Speaker of the House
" has continued to be a partisan despot. |
| Worse than all, the extravagance which
house a baker out of work, and next |
one was a tailor, and one a shoemak-
er, they could not stir a hand or a foot |
' that must either bankrupt the Treasury |
was reckless last session has since be-
ceme alarming.
When the Republicans took the reins
of government two years age there wus
casurplus of a hu d millions i
ol 2oaks ot forget tor Pp a hundred millions in the
Treasury, and it was steadily growing.
Revenues exceeded expenditures. The
problem that confronted the statesman-
ship of the nation was what to do with |
the surplus ; how to check its increase ;
how to lessen the National revenues.
What do we see to-day ? The sur-.
plus vanished, expenditures’ swollen be-
yond revenues, alarming appropriations
! or subject the paople to the most oppres-
For it must always be remem- |
sive war taxation. That is tha result of
two years’ Republican misrule, of riot-
ous extravagance. The people’s money
has been thrown away by hundreds of
millions. The Treasury has teen raid-
ed, plundered, looted. Such reckless
and inexcusable appropriations have
never been made by any other Congress
in time of peace.
The enormity of this offence has only
be to realized to create universal conster-
nation and indignation. It is enough
to damn and hurl from power any party
guilty of it.
Fortunate itis for the country that
this riotous reign has come to an end.—
New York Herald, March 3.
The Maine Revulsion.
"I'he revolt against Republicanism in
Maine continues to spread. Bangor, the
home of Boutelle ; Belfast, tha home of |
Miliken ; and, Lewiston, the home of |
Frye and Dingley, have gone Democra-
tic by from three to six hundred ma-
jority. They have usually given heavy
Republican majorities. In Portland, the!
home of Speaker Reed, the vote was so
close between the parties as to neces-
sitate a second election. The wave that
swept the rest of the country in Novem- |
ber appears to have reached the north-
eastern limit at last. It has strewn the
State with wreckage and made a sor-
rowful home coming for the Maine
Fatal Accident ac Williamsport.
WILLIAMSPORT, March 11.-—=While a
force of men were engaged in tearing
down the walls of a hotel here this after-
roon the entire front collapsed, falling
in and crushing the second and third
floors to the street. Four workmen
wert down with the mass of debris.
The injured are: Forman F. Swartz, !
crushed internally and head ent, his in- !
juries ave fatal; James Crawford, head
cut and side bruised ; Edward Bonsch,
both legs badly hurt; Franets Ulmer,
left leg bruised ; Christian Auch, bruis-
ed about the body. All the men wera
buried under the wreckage, their escape
from death being miraculous.
Talk of a Franco-German War.
BERLIN, March 7.—The Bismarckian
Allgemeine asserts that the French Cab-
inet is divided on the question of forcing
a war with Germany, M. De Frey-
cinet, the French Minister of War, and
Constans, Minister of the Iaterior, are
urging the Government to seize the ear-
liest chance to attack Germany, while
President Carnot and M. Ribot, the
French Minister of Foreign Affairs, ad-
vocate peace,
| Novel Tours to the Pacific Coast via
Pennsylvania Railroad.
The early spring always attracts the
tourist, and of late years many travelers
who bave neglected their own country
for European wanderings have been
brought to some sense of realization of
the wonders of their own country, and
have profited by visiting and informing
themselves of it. An ocean voyage has
its many disadvantages, which do not
attach to the Pennsylvania Railroad’s
personally-conducted tours to the Gold-
en Gate. The magnificent Vestibule
Pullman Palace Trains are luxuriously
equipped and manned by the most effi-
cientcrews. The tourists are under the
charge of a Tourist Agent and Chaper-
on, and have at their call for ready ser-
vice a ladies’ maid, a stenographer, and
typewriter. The two remaining tours
will leave New York Thursday March
26th, and Tuesday, April 14th, and the
round-trip rates will be $275 and $300
respectively. The later tour will be run
via Portland and Tacoma, returning.
The rate includes Pullman accommoda-
tions, meals en route going and return-
ing, six side trips and several carriage
rides. For itineraries and space applica-
tion should be made without delay to
Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pas-
senger Agent, Philadelphia, or to
Tourist Agent, Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, 233 South Fourth Street,
Philadephia, or 849 Broadway, N. Y.
Suing for Twelve Years’ Wages.
Reaping, March 7.—An interesting
suit has just been brought in the com-
mon pleas of this county by Mrs. Amelia
Long against Valentine Geist for the
recovery of twelve years’ wages, at the
rate of $2.50 a week. Geist is a farmer
of Longs vamp township and the plain-
tiff claims that she worked for him that
length of time, and that whenever she
asked him for her wages he put her off
with small sums of from one to three
dollars and said he would make it all
right by leaving her a large sum in his
She says that during her service she
performed not only housework, but did
all sorts of rough work on the farm,
such as loading manure, loading hay,
binding oats and wheat, harnessing and
driving horses, etc. Some time ago she
became engaged to be married to her
present husband, James Long, and
wher she announced it to her employer
he became very angry and said that if
she married and left him he would not
only not pay her anything, but would
not leave her anything in his will. She,
however, married in spite of him and
now sues to recover her wages.
Free Trade in Bibles.
Rev. Talamage’s Unavailing Appeal
to Congressman Cummings.
‘WasHINGTON, D. C., March 7.—Rev.
T. DeWitt Talmage is a good Republi-
can and a Protectionist, but he Lelieves
in free trade so far as the Bible -is con-
cerned. The night before the adjourn-
ment of Congross Dr. Talmage sent the
following telegram to Congressman
Amos J. Camminzs : “In the name of
' religion, would ask that the conference
committee on Copyright bill when ap-
pointed, and if within its power, would
su amend the bill as to allow the Bible,
in whatever language and from what-
- ever land, to enter tree. There should
‘ be noduty on the Bible, and it would
be a glorious thing for our American
Congress to set an example to the na-
! tions of the earth by placing the Bible
{on the free list.”” Mr. Talinage’s sug-
gestion fell upon deaf ears.
The Blue and Gray.
| Monster Reunion of Both Armies Dur-
ing the World's Fair.
i MoxTIicELLO, ILL. March 8.—Col. E.
| T. Lee, of this city, aide-de-camp to the
| commander-in-chief of the G. A. R., has
! received the plans cf the Confederate
| veterans of Mississippi for the grand
| reunion of the blue and gray to be held
at Chicago during the World's fair. The
| State is to help build a grand blue and
| gray pavillion, where all war relics are
| to be stored during the fair, and each
| State is to furnish transportation to its
veterans. The government is to furnish
| tents and rations to all, and the troops
| are to camp by states. The reunion is to
| Jast thirty days, and is intenaed to show
to the world that the old veterans are
united under the flag of one common
The Confederates have appealed to
President Harrison and the southern
senators and congressmen, and the G.
A. R. to assistin making the reunion a
Senator or Governor ?
From Harper's Weekly.
The doubt and the discussion concern-
ing Governor Hill's probable course
have been perhaps a painful revelation
to him of the view generally entertained
of him. That the man selected by the
State of New York to be a Senator of
the United States would undoubtedly
allow his private advantage to deter-
mine his public course is as severe a
judgment as could be passed upon a pub-
lic man. Yet this is apparently the
significance ot the situation. Tt is per-
be regarded as Quixotic and absurb that
such Senatorial selections are made, and
that men more minnful of the essential
meaning and dignity of great office are
apt to decline the contest for it?
should seck the man. If the tradition
should become again a practice, would
the public welfare suffer?
No Oceasion for War.
, create the impression that a war with
England is impending, will full flat.
There is no danger, at least now, of a
rupture, and even if trouble should
arise the intelligence of the Knglish
speaking people would enable the mat-
ter to be adjusted without a resort to
arms. From present indications the
Behring Sea dispute will be amicably
I settled,
{ ——A bright litle Fifieenih ward
givl uses one of her roller-skates as a
baby-ccach for her doll.
} §——Clearfield county is guarded by
6185 dogs on which a tax amounting to
$3,870.50 per annum is paid.
——Dr. Theodore S. Christ, of Post
197, G. A. R., Lemont, will be one of
the delegates to the next Nativnal En-
campment of the Grand Army of the
——The improvements whic Col.
Wilkinson is making to his China Hall
will greatly increase the storage facilities
of the hall and give the Colonel ampler
room in which to display his fine
——1In all the army of employes now
engaged’by the P. R. R. there is not one
more attentive and watchful over its in-
terests and lives of the public than Mr.
Cathcart, at this place, notwithstanding
the Gazette’s misstatement.
— The car load of Percheron horses
which John Armagost will put on sale
to-morrow the 14th inst on the Diamond
in this place will include some of the
finest draught horse: ever bro’t to this
- -—Mormonism 1s being practiced in
Philipsburg. According to the Ledger
they havea man who lives with two
wives under the same roof. We will
wager that he wouldn’t stay long if the
two mother-ir-laws should put in an ap--
——The final events of the first
annual in-door field sports of the
Pennsylvania State College athletic as-
sociation, which were held in the Ar-
mory on Saturday last, were very inter-
esting and some good records were
——Dr. Glenn, John W. Stuart, esq.,
and Joseph Hoy, all of State College,
were in town on Thursday looking after
the incorporation of that village as a
borough. They seemed quite sanguine
of the outcome of their petition, and
their borough lines will include
most a mile square.
—--Miss Helen Hastings, the bright
little daughter <f Adj. Gen. Hastings,
entertained a number of her friends at
her home on Tuesday evening. Danc-
ing was on the cards and the children
tripped merrily to the excellent music
rendered by George Brandon. It wa
quite an affair with the young people.
Some Facts Asour EAsTErR.—The
fact that Easter falls on a very early
date this year, March 29, has caused a
“friend of fact and figures” to col-
lect some curious statistics. In 1883, he
says, Baster fell on March 25th, and it
will only once again this century, name-
ly in 1894, fall on so early a date. In
the three folowing centuries it will occur
only eight times on that date—namely,
in 1951, 2035, 2045, 2057, 2108, 2114,
2125 and 2198.
The earliest date on which Easter can
full is on March 22d, and this only in
case the moon is full on March 21st,
when this date happens to fall on Satur-
day. This combination of circumstances
is exiremely rare; it occurred in 1390,
1751, 1817, and will happen again in
1990, 2076 and 2154, while during the
three following centuries it is once ‘‘on
the books” at this early date.
On the other hand, Easter never falls
later than April 25th ; this was the case
in 1663, 1734 and 1886, and will only
happen ence in the next century—
namely in 1943.
Cen tral Pennsylvania Conference of the
Methodist church was in session this
week in Sunbury, baving commenced
in the M. KE. church in that place on
Tuesday, Bishop Fowler, of California,
presiding. In the organization of the
conference Rev. D. S. Monroe, of Al-
toune, was unanimously elected Secre-
tary, and he selected Revs. W. W. Ev-
ans, T. S. Wilcox and W. A. Carver as
his assistants, M. P. Crosthwaite was
elected conference Treasurer, with Revs.
John Horning, M. C. Piper, J. Y.
Shaunon and P. P. Surawinski assis-
tant treasurers. A resolution of welcome
to Bishop Fowler was passed.
In the reports of the Presiding Elders
Rev. Hamlin reported ten new churches
| dedicated in his district, one in con-
| nection with the Bellefonte charge, a
neat edifice costing $1,000. In the
haps because any other course would |
It |
was a republican tradition that office |
The efforts of some of the alarmists to
dedication of this church, the pastor, the
Rev. W. A. Houck, was assisted by
Rev. G. D. Penepacker. An addition
costing $800 has been made to the
| church at State College. Four hundred
| dollars have been expended in repairing
the church at Milesburg, Rev. G. W.
Bouse, pastor. Two hundred and sev-
enty-five dollars have been expended on
church improvements Half Moon
circuit, Rev. P. Wharton, pastor
About $5,000in all have been expended
in the district in church improvements.
Of the $566 of church indebteduess in
Pine Grove circuit only $110 remains.
Six hundred and seventy dullurs have
been paid in liquidation of a debt incur-
red lust year in the purchase of a parson
age for Penn's Valley circuit.
The conference appointments will be
published in the issue of next weel.
———A blizzard like that which swept
over this country just three vears ago
bas invaded England and puta complete
embareo on travel. This country has
not bad a monopoly of meteorological
surprises this winter.