Bemarraic atch Bellefonte, Pa., March 13, 1891. A FANATIC. Ayoung knight made his battle-cry— “I'll ight the evil till I die !” And forth he rushed, with heedless might, To do his battle for the right. i And recklessly he laid about. And ruthlessly, and felt no doubt, | But blindly struck what’er he saw That seemed to him to have a flaw. At lenghth a doubt-came to his mind : He paused, and turned, and looked behind. Alas! too late hesmnderstood How deftqyumingles ill with good. With swimming eye, with reeling brain, He saw the good that he had slain. Himself seemed evil to him now, And then he thought upon his wow. And, lo ! the warrior lay at rest, With his own dagger in his breast ! — Lippincott Magazine. HAVING HER OWN WAXY. “But I don’t want to be rich!” eaid Violet Howard. ‘I'm quite as rica as I need be already. Whaat do I gaia by another fiity thousaad dollars?” Old Herodotus Howard stared at his saucy grand-daughter as if she had propouaded a piece of rank heresy—as indeed it system of eyery day theology. “Vielet, you are a fool,” said he, harshly. ‘And it's lucky for you you have a grandfather who can look after your interest better than you seem able to do yourself. Mr. Ericson is to be here to-morrow afternoon. And you will please’ with an ironical emphasis on the word—*‘receive him as your fu- ture husband!” Violet opened wide her saucy browa eyea. “And what is to become of Oliver Belton ?*7 she asked; demurely. “Oliver Belton ie nothing to me!” stormed her grandiather.g“Neither you nor Oliver Belton thought it proper to consult me before you wound up a boy and girl love affair with a boy and girl engagement: and I might long ago have told yeu that Mr. Ericson had honored you by a proposal! As it is, you must take the consequences of your own folly!” And Mr. Howard strolled off down the gardea path, to lock at his buds of talips and jouguils. Violets eyes followed her grandfath- . er, with a mischievous twinkle in their ..hazel depths. ; “Now [ wbnder!”she thought to her- ~gelfy “if grandpapa really thinks I am going to tie myself for life to that old fossil of a Caleb Ericson! To carry Jhis slippers, pour his tea, listen to his lectures upon the“movement cure,’ and ‘salt water bathing,’ for—uobody can guess how many years! Not if I know myselt to be really and truly Violet Howard! Bat then, I've got very cautiovg, tor I know grand- papa owes him a deal of money, and poor grandpapa has been very kind to me, even though he don't guite under- stand how Oliver Belten and I feel to- wara each other 1” Violet sat dowa on the .farm-house step, her cheek resting in one hand, and pondered deeply. What a pretty little ‘eabinet picture’ she would have made in the cool after- noon sunshine, with theapple blessoms showering their tiny plas shells all around her on the gram, and the doway, yeilow chickens peeping around her for a morsel of meal or a bit of crumbled bread. She was plump and round and chubby herselt like the chickens, and pink, like the apple blossoms, and passing fair to look up- on. Whoever Oliver Belton might have been he was unquestionably a gentleman of good taste. Presently Violet rose up again and went into the house, only stopping to gather a cluster of cinnamon roses io pin in her golden-brown hair as she went, “Dorcas!” said she, putting her face into the kitchen, where the said anaid -servant was chopping suet for an unc- _tuous pudding: ; Dorcas looked up, even her hard ‘countenance softening at the radiant apparition of youth and beauty in her homely kitchen world. “Well, Miss Vi'let!” “We shall commence to clean house to-morrow.” “To clean house! Miss Vi'let, aud company coming.” Violet's brows coatracted. “Company ought te make no differ- ence at a regular institution like this, | Dorcas.” “Bat it’s a full fortnight earlier than ever we commenced afore,” remon- strated Dorcas. “I can’t help that,” said Violet briskly, “can’t have the spring clean- ing dragging half through the year, “There's something in that,” said Dorcas refleciively, “Bat what will master say ?’’ “He needn't know it, Doreas, until we've got the .carpets all up and the Aloors all deluged with soap-suds. And theu you see, Dorcas,” and the brown eyes shown miscievously, “he can't help himself” Dorcas smiled grimly. Dorcas White never had a lover a love affair in all her six and fifty years of her solitary life, but Dorcas had a woman's instinct lying dormant within her heart, and she evidently comprehended the whole affair. “Very well, Miss Vi'let,” she said. And Violet went singing off to skim the cream for tea. _ Mr. Ericson came in the next even- ing’s stage, complacently looking for- ward to country air, country rest and wife 1n the personality of Violet How- ard. Mr. Howard had.gone to the nearest village that day onsome legal business ] and only contrived to meet his expect | ed visitor at the very garden gate. “Delighted to see you, I'm sure,” said Mr, Howard, taking off his stove- pipe hat and mopping his brow with a spotless silk pocket handkerehief. 1 “Lovely spring weather we're having. Yes, yes; walk in, walk in. Dorcas, where's Miss Violet?" Dorcas. who made her appearance | with a visage as stony ‘as that of the |Gorgons of old, and her head tied {up in a towel, sat:down her pail and | scrubbing brush. “She 1s up-stair, sir, polishin’ the back windys.” “Polishing the ‘back windows! my granddaughter !” “Yes, sir, we're cleaning house, sir,” chuckled Dorcas. “The deuce you are!” Mr. Howard's under jaw dropped. He turned to his guest. “There 18 no accounting for woman's freaks,” said he, sourly. “But I certainly told Violet you were coming.” “Don’t, I beg of you, let me interfere with any of your household arrange ments,” said Mr. Ericson, whose idea of house-cleaning consisted of leaving a dirty room in the morning, and com- ing back to new curtains, fresh chair covers and polished furniture at night. You see our old bachelor had yet much to learn. Violet came to the tea-table, her pretty face disfigured by a close cap, a bib apron enveloping her figure in its voluminous and curious .folds and a pre-occupied air. There was nothing to eat but bread and buuter, damaged pickles and cold pork. “Eh! How's this?” asked Mr, Howard, surveying the board with a disgusted air, “Is this the best you have to set before us, Violet?” “Grandpapa!” said Violet, with an injured air, “you see I havesome ambi- tion to become a good housekeeper— and how can I clean house properly and yet spend my whole time in the kitchen? Besides, I for one don’t be- lieve in indigestible dainties. If ever I keep house I shall live on plain gra- ham bread and simple cold water!” Mc. Ericson, whe was rather fond of harmless litle side dishes and salads, jellies and creams, winced visibly. Grandpapa Howard stared at the saucy little girl in blank wonder. After tea Mr. Ericson sat down to a chat with Violet; but he had scarcely spoken a sentence before she rose. “Excuse me!” said she; “but I must go and see that the carpets are brought in from the grass and the white-wash pails covered: Your room was white- washed to-day, Mr. Ericson, and thor- oughly scrubbed, I saw to it, my- sel!” “Eh?” gasped the elderly lover thinking of his rheumatism and scia- tica. ‘‘Possibly it might be a litle damp—if—it any other apartment was equally as couvenient—" “The bedsteads are all down, and the carpets all up!” interrupted Violet. “You can either sleep there or in the barn, which ever you choose !”’ Mr. Ericson looked rather digcomfit- ed. Evidently the velvet kitten could scratch, if she chose! And wasn't it just possible that Violet Howard might he a shrew?” Ie was no Petruchio to attempt taming this Katherine— and — Just then Mr. Howard eame in, and the old gentleman's reverie was cut short. He went yawning to his bedroom at nine o'clock. Ii was rather stupid to sit by the hight of a kerosene lamp and listen to old Howard,s platitudes. Vio'et came near him no more. “Phe—e-w!"” said Mr. Ericson, look- ing hopelessly at the wet floors, and reeking walls of his room. ‘Sheets damp, L'il bet a cookey! “My good woman‘ to Dorcas, who was carrying his lamp; “how often does your young iady clean house ?” “Four times a year, sir,” eaid Dor- cas promptly, “and oftener, if she thinks the house needs it. She'sa dreadful smart housekeeper, is Miss Violet.” “Four times a year!” echoed Mr. Ericson, in dismay. “Why a man’s life would be scoured and serubbed and steamed away from hin at this rate.” He woke up at the first dawn of the morning. stiff, sore, with aching pains ‘in every joint. “Coufound house-cleaning he thought as he contrived to draw his broadcloth | €oat across the newly whitened wall, thereby causing it to assume a resem- lance to a miller’s blouse. I've had enongh of it”! He came down to a breakfast of weak coffee, pickles and cold pork again with a bag ready packed. “You're not going to leave us, Eriec- son?" cried his host. “I—I find important business will take me away this morning,” unblush- ingly lied our wenerable hero. “And look you here Howard—a word in your ear—I find, on mature reflection, that it would be very foolish for an old codger like myself to think of allying myself, to your — ahem —charming granddaughter. May and November, eh ? and all that sort of thing? She'll be a great deal happier with some one nearer her own age. And,” speaking very fast to anticipate the opposition he saw in Mr. Herodotus Howard's face, “about that trifle of money be- tween us, we'll ery quits. What does a few dollars signify between friends ?”’ Take it as a wedding present to Miss Violet, whenever she finds seme one to take my place. Ha! ha! ha)” And away went Mr. Ericson. Violet Howard did not wastea single tear over her recreant lover. She country delicacies, after his long dusty Journey. He was a portly, well-pre- | served old gentleman, with a bald head a dyed mustache and a set of expensive | false teeth, who considered that, as | money had bought pretty much every- thing else in this world for him, it might wind up matters by pur-' chasing g pretty eighteen-year-old went merrily on with the spring cleaning, And when the annnal cere- monial was over she married—Oliver Belton! It was very singular how Violet Howard always contrived to have her own way. : EN ——Hoop earrings are again asserting themselves, * BABIES OF THE FUTURE. When woman’s rights have come to stay, Oh, who will rock the cradle 2—N. Y¥ Sun. “When woman's rights have came to stay” (And Heaven speed the blessed day !) No cradles will there be, nor toys, Nor anything that now employs The minds of infant girls and boys. So scholarly will be our wives, So sternly studious their lives, No crying babe will then be known, Instead, we'll cherish as our own A race of gnomes with whiskers grown. Too young to work, too old to play— Watch over them, O Lord, we pray ; Protect them from the darts of sin, And till their motners shall begin, From dirt without and croup within. — Milwaukee Seutins’. A Counterfeiter’s Mania. Spending Weeks in Making a Twenty Dollar Note With Pen and Ink. “This is the most remarkable piece of counterfeit money I ever came across,” said an agent of the Treasury Department Secret Service recently, rawing froma big wallet what to all appearances was an ordinary tweaty- dollar bill. The agent or operative, as such men are called in official docu- ments, handed over the money to the reporter, who, on looking at it closely, was unable to make up his mined posi- tively that the note was counterfeit. The officer then handed him a good bill, and the resemblance between the two was remarkable, “This one,” continued the Secret Service man, pointing to the one he had pulled from his wallet first, “was made entirely by hand with pen and ink. The man who made it must be a monomaniac on the subject. It must have taken weeks to make the bill. Certainly the man spent mach more time on it than it would have taken to earn the money honestly. Every one of these lines had to be made with a pen, and the fellow has a most remark- able artistic skill.” A close examination of a note [made in the Government Printing Office shows how faithfully the counterfeiter has copied every detail of the design of the engraver. “The maker of this bill issues one of them at long intervals, so that he can- not depend on his counterfeiting for a living. I feel sure, therefore, that he takes so much pleasure in outwitting the Government officials that he will spend time that ought to be worth sev- eral hundred dollars to him in making one paltry twenty dollar bill. “No, I don’t suppcse that there is much chance of capturing him; be- cause he utters so few of the spurious notes. At the same time it is entirely possible that we will be able to trace the next one back to him. It is likely as not that hes a man who holds a respectable place in his community, and that his arrest would cause a sen- sation.” The Secret Servtce man had just re- turned from a long trip in the west,and as the result of his labors, exhibited thirty piec.s of counterfeit money, no two of them alike. One of the clever- est of the lot was a one dollar bill which had been raised to ten. The Secret Service officers are haying much trouble just now with counterfeiters, who are pouring out spurious silver do:lars in large numbers. The coins are supposed by officers of the Govern- ment to be made by Italians. Just why they believe persons of that na- tionality are the guilty ones they will not say. The dollars are ‘admirably executed mechanically; having a good milled edge and the fizures being clear and sharp. The coin is exceedingly deceptive, because it has such an excel- lent ring, for most people drop a coin on the table when they wish to satisfy themselves that it is good. Theone defect of the counterfeit dollar is its lightness, which is about 10 per cent. The coin is made chiefly of tin and antimony. The Queen's Rebuke. A fact but little known is that be- sides Lord Kinsale and Lord Forester, there 1s another individual who has the prerogative of remaining covered in the prasence of the British sovereign —name- ly, the Master of L'rinity College, Cam- bridze. Anent this a curiou: anecdote has been narrated : A superstition pre- vails concerning the necessity for exer- cising the right or losing it altogether, so when on a certain occasion the Queen visited Cimbiidgs University, thethen well-known and highly popular Master of Trinity kept his hat on during the proceedings, The Queen apparently did not notice the circumstance, and the Master began to feel uncomfortable. At length, just as her majesty was about to depart, he deferentially approached and suid: “Your Majesty has perh-1ps won- dered that I should appear so far want- ing in respect as to keep my hat on all day, but—er perhaps it has escaped your Majesty’s memory that Lord Kin- suie in Ireland, Lord Forester in Eng- land and also the Master of Trinity have a right to keep their hats on in the pre- sence of their Sovereign.” “Quite so— ahem—but not in the presence of a lady !” was the freezing rejoinder.— Philadelphia Record. A FeMALE CorNET BanNDp.—Lake Maitland, in Orange county, Fla. claims to have the only complete female cor- net band in the South, and although it is a purely social organization, com pos- ed of the most beautiful and accomplish- ed young ladies of that delightful win- ter resort, the playing of the young la- dies is of the highest merit. There are thirteen young ladies and two gentle- men in the band. Ben. J. Taliaferrc, an Atlanta musician of great versatility, is the leader, and Jere. Townsend, also a Georgian, plays the tuba. Miss Bess Hingerford on the cornet, and Miss Simmons on the baritone, handle their instruments like old bandmen while playing.—Atlanta Ga., Journal. RIE. ~——The Chinese are coming along. Two of them watched with delight the | futile efforts of a stout man to catch a Ninth street cable car ; and one turning | to the other exclaimed, with child like deligh : “Man not in it. Sabbe ?" A Business Woman, Indeed. Mrs. Lorrata J. Beard, ot Montana, who has a Mexican Government con- cession for a railroad 262 miles loag from Tucson, Ari,, to Lobos, Mexico, showed to a World reporter in her of: fice, at 401° Broadway, papers which indicate her heavy. interest in various other enterprises. She is negotiating with capitalists of Munich, Bavaria, to develop an onyx quarry in Arizona. She has placed on the London Ex- change six silver mines located in Ari- zona and Mexico which belonged to the late G. L. Morse. She is interest ed in a scheme for the development of Lower California and for the raising of coffee on land there, when it is made possible to ship the product by rsilroad connections; she has a concession from the government of Honduras for a canal from Truxillo Bay to the Rio Agauni, to open up the United States market for tropical fruits and precious metals; she holds a Mexican conces- sion for a steamship line from the Gulf of California to Vancouver, B. C., and has a ‘free contenental trade” bill which will be introduced in Congress, which Senator “Joe” Blackburn, of Kentucky, is said to have promised to support. Mrs. Beard, is the wife of Colonel Beard, of Montana. She is about forty- five years old, a native of Havana, and a daughter of Joaquin A. Velasquez, a General in the Mexican army. She owns estates in Central America ag- gregating 24,000 acres, along with railway and steamship and mining in- terests, and attends closely to business, though she manages to find time for home life and to care attentively for a three-year-old son, of whom she is very fond.—New York World. Humpy Came Up, “Boys, what's the meaning of that crowd down there?” he asked, as he pointed down Congress street. “Awful time down there,” was the reply. “But what was it?” “You know Jerkey the boot black ?"’ No.” “Know Humpy, the newsboy ?” “No.” “Well, you know, Jerkey was sittin’ on the hydrant eatin’ an apple, when Humpy cam up and— “Oh, it was only a quarrel between boys? Funny why such a thing should draw a crowd.” “Only a quarrel! What ar’ ye giv- in’ me! Quarrel! Didn't Huwmpy git inftwo square knock-downs before the copper got there, and didn’t Jerkey reach out with his right and get in a blow over the heart which is goin’ to keep the other fellow in bed for iwo weeks? Wonder to me that the crowd don’t namber 10,000, It’s the scien- tifickedest mill we have had in a year." Not His Lookout. A horse attached to a wagon loaded with light wood was slipping and syrawl- ing along State street in the heavy frost of Saturday morning, when a policeman halted the rig and suid to the colored driver: “Your horse hasn’t got a shoe on any foot “No, sah. He's jist like de Lawd dun made him.” ‘But how do you expect he’s to get along in this frost ?”’ “Dat’s not my bizness, sah. If de Lawd makes a hoss widout shoes an’ den brings a frost to make him slip down, it hain’t fur me to find fault. Reckon dar’s an objeck in it, an’ it’s a good un. Hey, Douglass—hole yer head up higher!” SMALL PAY For MANY GIRLS.—The average wages of 150,000 ill fated work- ing girls of New York is 60 cents a day, and that ineludes the income of the stylish cashiers who get $2 a day as well as the unfortunate girls who receive 30 cents a day in the east side factories and shops. The lot of the average saleswo- man who has not the help and shelter that parents or a married brother or sis- ter could share is hard indeed. One has only to look into the pale, pinched faces of these poor girls to know that thousands of them are actually starving to death. And that, too in New York. —New York World. A LirtLE BRIEF AUTHORITY.—Mr. N. Peck—Where’s your mother, John- ny. Johnny--Dunno. where. Mr. N. Peck—And you are sure she is not at home ? Johnny—Yas. Mr. N. Peck—Come here to me, you impudent young rascal. You want to suy “sir” when you talk to me. I'll show who is boss in this house—for a little while, anyhow. — Indianapolis Journal. She's out some- —— A child whose life was insured in an Allentown, Pa., company died a few days ago. While the little one lay cold in death its father and a friend went to Allentown to collect the insur ance money. They received the mon ey and spent it all for whisky, so that they returned home penniless. Money had to be borrowed to pay the ex: penses of the funeral. ——A tragic incident ‘occurred in the court at Hawpburz, Germany. on Monday. Two Socialists where order- ed to appear before the magistrate to answer charges of blasphemy, preferred by the public prosecutor. Although suffering from acute influenza, they obeyed the summons, and while listen- ing to the evidence against them they’ both suddenly expired. that a cyclone carried your house away,” “Well, I lost the house,” replied the Kansan, “but I don’t blame it altogeth- ' er on the cyclone.’ “No? “You see I was fool enough to put wings on the building.” A Peculiar Pebble. There is now on exhibition at the Woman's Exchange a most wonderful little pebble. At first sight it looks to be only asmall fragment of red lime stone. As a matter of fact, that’s what it is,but itis a peculiar fragment. When you held it a certain angle with your eye, a man’s face is seen, perfect in every feature even down to the mustache. It isa face of great strength, but such an exceptionally sad one, that, as somebody who looked at it the other day declared, “it might almost be taken as the embodi- ment of the three S's—Serrow, Sacri- fice and Suffering.” The pebble was picked up in 1880 by Mrs. Becon on the summit of the Ko- felspitze, a mountain overhanging the village of Oberammergau, whereshe had been to see the Passion Play. She slip- ped the pebble into her pocket with several others, and upon her return to her home in Atlanta, Ga., she placed it in her private collection with various other mementues of her tour. About two years ago the collection was burned, but the pebble escaped destruction. Afterward, when going through the ruins of her treasures, while holding the little pebble at a certain angle she receiv- ed the face for the first time. The peb- ble has created a great deal of interest, and has been seen and carefully examin- ed by a great many wise men, learned in rocks.— New York Sun. Influence of a Simple Invention. One cannot always tell, until after the event, on what apparently insignificant act his whole future hinges. Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, president of Middlebury col- lege in Vermont, and formerly of Maine in a recent address at Woodtord’s said his life depended on the making of a screw. When at Bowdoin colleze in 1832 he made a brass screw for Profes- sor Smith’s theodolite, and that led to his making a steam engine, the first one built in Maine. He had never seen one in all his life but he asked the professor if he thought he could sell an engine, if he could make one, for as as much as he could earn by teaching in the vacation. The profes- sor thought he could, he had made the screw so perfectly. So he went to Port- land ; and went to work in a clockmak- ing establishment. At the end of ten weeks vacation the engine was com- pleted, and sold to Bowdoin college for $175. He could have but $40 teaching. The price of the engine was sufficient to pay a year’s expenses at Bowdooin in those days. Where Theartical Interests Clashed. The theatrical caterer has often to con- tend with outside influences over which he has no control, resutling in scanty audiences, or it may be no audience at all. The manager of the old Bower sa- loon meeting a friend one day near the Horse Guards, the latter inquired how he was getting on. “Oh, we live, sir, we live,” was the reply. “Well, I must be off,’ said his friend, “1’'m in a hurry to see about seats at the Italian opera next week.” ¢“ What exclaimed the Bow - er manager “does the Italian opera op- en next week ? I'm very sorry to hear it:”” Why, what can it matter to you ?”’ cried the other. “Surely you don’t imagine that the opera performances will clash with yours?’ “Won't it, though 2” wag the answer. “My audi- ence won't be inside Her Majesty's, but they will all be there—picking pock- ets!” and shaking hands, the dismayed manager went sadly on his way. To Circumvent ‘he Sampler. An effective method of reducing loss- es from sampling, and at the same timo allowing goods to be seen by customers, has been adopted by many retail grocers. B.xes about the height of a barrel, and of similar capacity, are constructed of bard wood, with a hinged glass cover. The contents can be asily seen, owing to the fact that the covers slope downward from the back about thirty degrees, and can be removed ws expeditiously as from an ordinary barrel. Only the most impudent sampler would dream of lifting the covers to get at the goods hence the saving in the course of a year must amount to a considerable sum in stores where the huziness is large. ma ——— A Joke on the Mind-Reader. Cholly Slimleigh--I don’t believe in mind-weadehs, you know. Misss Alert —I suppose they could do anything. Slimleigh—They’re all fwauds, all fwauds. We had one at the club last night, ye know, and he tried to weal my mind. Made a failure of it--total failare. Had to give it up. Miss Alert—don’t you think the joke was cruel. Slimleigh--There wasn’t any joke about it, I assuah you. He twied and twied and couldn’t make anything out of it. But we tweated him well--gave him all the cigawettes he would smoke and told him we didn’t doubt his ability to wead ohdina/y minds, you know, to make him feel comfortable. Miss Alert—Poor fellow ! REFERRED TOP A.—Lovely Daughter —Pa, Mr. Nicefellow proposed to me last night, and I referred him to you. Pa— Well, I really don’t know much about the young msn, and T’ll have to— Daughter--When he calls to see you about it, you are to receive him kinaly —real fatherly, remember—and help him along all you can, until he asks for my hand and then you are to look alarm- ed, and talk about what an angel I am, and how many millionaires and dukes and princes I've refused ; and then you are to reluctantly consent and give him your blessing. Oh, I. am, am 17 don’t, then what 7”? “I'll marry him anyhow.” But suppose I CoMFrorTs OF TRAVEL. —Professional ETRE | Guide (to palace car porter)—1I have an Winp AND Winags.--“I understand ! English lord in charge and I want him | to get a good impression of the comforts said a Chicago man to a Kansas friend. | of travel in this Here's five dollars. Porter— Yes, eah. county. Do you want me to gib him extra attention, sah? Guide- -Great Scott, no! I want you to keep away from him.— New York Weekly. Long-Lived Indians. Monterey County is becoming famous the world over for the remarkable long- evity of some of its aboriginal inhabit- tants. A few months ago the Index gave an account of the life of old Gabriel, who was 151 years old when he died the 16th of March last. Old Gabriel's son, Zach- ariah, by his third wife, live 114 years. Then there was Casiano, who died a few years ago aged 136. Another Indian, named Lauriana, died at the county hospital some four years ago at the age of 110 years. These are all well autbenti- cated cases. Now comes an old native woman known as Mrs, Olaria, who claims that she was twelve years of age at the time of the building of the Carmel Mission in 1772, which would make her 130 years old at the present time. The ancient lady lives with relatives over on the Carmel, and has retained her mental strength and physical vigor in a remark- abl degree.-—Salinas Cal. Index. A EASY Easter This Year. Easter will, this year, come at the earliesi date it has since 1838, on March 29. With the exception of 1894 this will be the only coming March Easter in the present century, and in 1894 Easter comes on March 25, within three days of its earliest possible coming. The 22d of March, 1818, was Easter day and that was the only time it has fallen at that, its earliest date, in this century. Its latest date, April 25, was reached only vnce this century, in 1886 and will not occur again therein. There have been only two Easters in the century falling on March 29, so far—in 1807 and 812. SE Knew One Tune. Some persons have an ear for music and others have not. Gen. Grant used to say that he knew two tunes ; one was “Yankee Doodle and the other wasn’t, One night not long ago Mr. Homer Lee sat. at a banquet table in the Hotel Brunswick. A muscular and indus- trious orchestra was struggling manfully with “The Last Rose of summer.” Mr. Lee listened with evident enjoyment for some sec: nds and then exclaimed: ‘¢Ah, that is a sweet air. TI always did enjoy ‘Away Down Upon the Suawnee River.’ » Be —— Rica MEN'S BRAINS. — Omaha Law- yer—I have just heard of the death of your uncle, whom you knew was an old client of mine. Nephew--Uncle’s dead, eh. Smart man that uncle of mine. Started on nothing and made million after million without half trying. : “Yes, he was a smart man, there is no doubt of that.” “Smartest mar I ever knew. Saw him only afew months ago and his brain was as quick as a stell trap, old as he was. You have charge of his will, I believe.” “Yes ; he left all his money to orphan asylums.” “He did ? That will wontstand. He’s been a nalf idiot these twenty years,” —————————— Two bright Chicago women, Isahella A. Wylie and Elizabeth A. Govgar,have formed a novel firm. They took the money earned by school-teach- ing, united their capital, and opened an office nt 108 Dearborn street, under the firm name of Wylie & Gougar. Here they deal in real estate, loans and rent- ing. The Chicago Post say they al- ready have more business than they ean attend to. Their customers are largely school-teachers. ——— Notwithstanding the fact that the late Admiral Porter leit an estate of over $300,000 and has for twenty years enjoyed a salary of $13,000 for doing nothing, his widow is a lady hooked for a pension of $2,500. The feature of our pension system, by spe- cial act, is the granting of large ypen- sions to the wealthy widows of deceas- ed officers, who in their lifetime were the recipients of liberal official incomes. Dipx'r Kxow Ancur Ir.--Fogg— Fenderson is a curious chap. Good opinion of himself, you know, in spite of his cephalic faculty. I happened to say, the other day. ‘“there’s nothing perfect in the world.” Brown—And what did Fenderson say ? Fogg--He started up as though some- body had struck him. “I don’t know about that ; said he, I don’t know about that.” WHAT SHE WAS ASHAMED OF. —A little girl who lives on Columbus heights has a very stubborn will. She was recently punished with some sever- ity, and when the chastisement was over her mother said : “Now, arn’t you ashamad 2” *Yes'm.” “What are vou ashamed of 7”? “Of you,” was the prompt and im. pertinent reply. Bur Teey DipN’r.-John Hays, a Nebraska youth, receiied 460 letters from his girl, and she received 470 from him." Each one wrote on every letter, “Burn this after reading,” but both took great care not to do anything of the sort. If you want a woman to save your love letters just let her think vou want them burned.— Detroit Free Press. AWESTRUCF VIsiTor—It must Le very difficult to produce such an exquis- ite work of art. Von Dauber—Nonesense !| Almost anybody can paint a ji:ture, but finding a sucker to buy it atterit is painted is where the art comes in. ——Those suburban bluebirds had rd flannel around their throat this morning, and were all singing “From Greenland's icy mountains.”’—Boston Transcript. Rev, William H. Ryder has , caused a sensation at Gloucester, Mass., | be attacking the bai monojly from , the Universalist pulplt a second time. | ——Mr. Parnell will make a great mistake if he comes to the United “tates for political funds. We will | bave considerable politics of our own to pay for within the next year or two.