BY P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —Philadelphia will have plenty of fresh lamb this spring, but it will have no new Mint. —The Philadelphia congressmen ap- pear to have overlooked the fact that it takes a mint of money to build a Mint. — Ballot Reform involves almost every -other kind of political reform the coun- try is in need of. The others will nat-. rally follow in its wake. REED and Rusk is sufficiently alliter- ative for a Presidential ticket, but “Rum Romanism and Rebellion” will always be a warning of the danger that lurks in the letter R. —New York has subscribed $25,00C for a statue of General SHERMAN. The metropolis may be liberal in the matter of statues, but in the Grant case its par- fimony is monumental. —The smallest town in Kansas has a hotel called the Metropole. But towns are like human beings; the smaller they are th> greater is their disposition to swell. ——The contention for the next Re- publican Presidential nomination is likely to be between BLAINE’S brains and ALGER’S money. HARRISON will ‘not be in it. —The funeral of Senator HEARST of California will cost the government $100,000. 1t is questionable whether a live Senator is worth that much to the government. —Those who are dissatisfied with the backwardness of the season should re- member that this week two years ago the big blizzard was howling through the country. —-Editor WATTERSON claims that Gov- ernor HiLL should not have been oftend- ed by the letter he wrote him because he wrote CLEVELAND one that was equally offensive. —A hundred years have passed since the death of the great Wesley, yet the the Methodist brethren have not been sufficiently liberalized to allow the sis- ters to take part in the conferences of the church. —Whiie the Brazilians are regarding Mr. BLAINE'S reciprocity with suspi- cion the Canadians absolutely reject it at the polls. From either point of the compass the great Pan-American pro- ject receives but little encouragement. —Lieutenan Governor JoNES of New York has definitely announced that he will be a candidate for Governor, and in consideration of the promptness with which he has “paid the freight’’ higher honors should be awarded bim, —Immediately after the adjournment of congress the President went duck- shooting. It was well for his personal safety that his gun didn’t kick as hard as the country did when he attempted to shoot off his Force Bill. —The idea which prompted an Ed- gerton, Ohio, Doctor to have the band play Annie Rooney as his coffin was be- ing lowered into the grave, was evident- ly more in the line of his tactics as a physician than as a balm to the mourn- ers who rapidly succumbed as those chestnut strains were blown forth. —REED manages between his tears to denounce the Democrats of the last House as‘‘an unprincipled migority.”” But sure- ly the people must have thought that that minority had principles, otherwise they would not have converted it into an immense majority that will wipe out of existence the tyranical rules of the beefy czar. -—In allowing BurraLo BILL to take u hundeed more Indians to Europe to perform in his Wild West Show, the Interior Department acted upon the be- lief that foreign travel has a civilizing effect even upen the untutored savage. It may do for the Indian what it has failed to do for many a white American tourist. —The passage of a bill anthorizing the building of a Mint without provid- ing the money needed to build it, was not the only slovenly piece of work done by the last congress. It actually passed a bill in March, concerning the new Circuit courts, that was to go into ef- fect in January of thesame year. Its operation was to begin two months be- fore it became a law. But what better could be expected of a congress whose time was taken up with squandering the millions wrung from the people by tariff taxation ? —No sooner do we Lear of the pru- dish Governor of Wyoming refusing to use the State seal because itis orna- mented with a naked woman than the baldheaded Minnesota legislators pass a bill which will deprive their hopeful scions of the pleasure of sesing the gid- dy whirls and high kicks of the Amazon ballet dancers who appear in tights. But the old women of Philadelphia cap the climax with their protest against nudity in art. What is the world com- ing to anyway ? If the first man had had such modesty as these people profess poor Eve would be somewhere up that apple tree yet. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 36. BELLEFONTE, PA., MARCH 13, 1891. NO. 10. Appalling Expenses. The people of this Republic are com- pelled to face the appalling fact that the appropriations made by the profli- gate congress that has just gone out of existence amounted to the enormous figure of one billion of dollars. Every expedient of extravagance was resorted to. Every means by which the treasury could be depleted was employed to dissipate the money wrung from the people by increased taxation. One billion of dollars spent by one congress in a period of profound peace —almost a third as much as was re- quired to see the country through four years of the most expensive war in history ! The hundred million surplus jthat was left in the Treasurer two year ago when the Democrats went out of pow- er has been squandered, and other hundreds of millions have been added to the profligate expenditure by which the party which the people repudiated at the last election appear to be deter- mined to overwhelm the couutry before they relax their grip on the reins of government. This amazing extravagance means either a bankrupted treasury or more oppressive taxation to meet these reck- lessiy incurred expenses. ee, .. ————— In a Hole. The Republicans in the State Legis. lature,although they have a decided ma- jority in both houses, appearto be saf- fering for want of leadership. In neith- er house is there any ote of sufficient force of character or commanding abil- It May Be Strangled. Imfnediately after the late election public opinion set in the direction of reforming the method of managing the money in the State treasury, the defects of the present management having be- come conspicuous in the Delamater and Jamison defaults, which involved a large amount of State mouey. It was declared on all hands that these funds should be better protected and that the loose manner of giving them to favored banks and bankers should have an end put to it by required legis- lation. The matter has been put in the hands of a committee with the design of furnishing a bill chat would meet the necessities of the case, but this committee is reported to have made but little progress, and there is asuspi- cion that it doesn’t want to do any- thing in the matter,but intends to adopt such a course of ‘masterly inac- tivity” as will ignore its object entire- ly, leaving the question of improved treasury methods among the strangled propositions of the session. Nothing would better suit those who have an inwerest in the present loose way of managing the State money. ——No less than fifty amendments have been made to the Road Bill pend- ing in the Legislature, all this patch- ing having been made to satisfy the ob- jections and protests which have come from various parts of the State. The principal amendment, we understand, is in dispensing with the county engi- neer originally proposed by the bill. It is claimed that it is much simplified by the changes made and that it is likely to be more favorably received by the people most interested in better roa is. Waving Aside. A Republican organ induiges in lof- ity to become a leader and assume the dxeotion whidkall bodies of men re-' quire. The consequence is that the party is losing the advantage of its numerical strength. This was admit- ted by a prominent Republican who is represented by a reporter to have said the other day : We are all at sea. Nobody seems to know what must be done, or the best way to accom- plish it. The Democrats have a steering com- mittee appointed by their caucus, and when important bills are to come up they meet and agree upon a course to pursue. We have no organization. Lasl week we had an excellent chance to put the Democrats in a hole on the | ballot bill. They are pledged to it the same as i we are, but when it came up we sat in our seats practically dumb and let Wuerry and Fow postpone our bill for a week. On Thursday | we let the solid democratic party, aided by some Republicans, amend the Brooks law and stulify our party on this question. We have control of both houses, and if we let the Dem™ acrats outwit us, and cause us to break the promises made in our platform last year, the Republican party will have to suffer. This is really a distressful situation, and when it is attributable to the want of a “steering committee” the distress- ed party should at once supply itself | with that necessary article. But why should they want “to put the Demo- crats in a hole on the ballot bil 1?” If they are pledged to a reform of the ballot they couldn’t do better for that issue than to support WHERRY'S bill for a constitutional convention which offers the only thoroughly reliable way of securing honest elections. But it is altogether likely that it is ballot reform as well as the Democrats that the Republicans in the Legislature would like to put in a hole, but, as they admit they have no ccmpetent leaders, they won't be able to do it. ——1If the Republicans of the present State Legislature are really in earnest about carrying out their pledges of bal. lot reform, tax reform and other meas- ures beneficial to the people, they shouldn’t waste so much time of the session with irrelevant resolutions con- demning CAMERON for opposing the Force Bill and praising Reep for play- ing the part of the petty tyrant. The hundred days in which they have to do their work are fast slipping away and they shouldn’t waste any more time with nonsense that doesn’t belong to their legitimate duties. ——Mr. WHERRY's sinking fund bill should be passed, and it will likely be passed this week, as both parties are united in its support. It will add a million dollars more to the revenues of the State, a feature which is in itself a ty language when it says that “in the matter of ballot reform legislation the re ublican legislature should calmly wave the democratic minority aside and tell them their interference is un- warranted and cheeky.” The waving-aside business is not likely to be as successful in the Penn- sylvania Legislature as it was in Coo- gress under Reep’s administration. If they had the ability the weaklings who lead the majority in the State Legisla- ture would not only wave the minority aside, but they would also wave aside ballot reform and every other retorm measure that the people demanded at the last election. But the Democratic | minority, backed by public sentiment, will so persistently keep these meas- ures to the front that the waving aside scheme will not succeed as well as it did at the last session when a proposed ballot reform bill was waved complete- ly out of sight. Money for the Factions. The two opposing Irish factions have sent representatives over to this coun- try to raise money for their conflicting campaigns. Lhe Americans have tak- en a warm interest in the Irish nation- al cause, believing that the people of Ireland bave a right to manage the lo- cal governmeant of their own country, and that England has done a wrong in depriving them of that right; but the factious division that has sprung up among the Irish leaders has dampened American ardor for the Irish cause and weakened their confidence in its suc cess. Under the circumstances the representatives of the factions who come over to ask pecuniary assistance will not find the Americans as ready to give as they would be if the Irish were themselves united. It is a great pity that so good a cause has degener- ated into a factional fight. ——The resolution which passed the House at Harrisburg on Monday, com- mending Speaker REED for the manner in which he performed his duties as presiding officer of the lower house of congress, was, of course, of Republican origin and rereived no other than Re- publican votes. There is an appear- ance all along the line that the Republi cans are unsettled in their belief that REED did the correct thing, and this may account for their effort to bolster it with resolutions, But such expedi- ents will not make the people regard REED in any other light than that of recommendation, an upstart iyeant who abused the brief authority which his office gave him. Tax Equalization. Among the most urgent duties that have devolved npon the present Legis- lature is the consilleration of'the Reve- nue Commission Tax bill which was started on the thorny path of legislation this week and will no doubt receive as much opposition from its enemies as it will receive support from its friends. It 18 a continuation of the prolonged but often defeated effort to secure a more just equalization of taxation in this State. It is of most interest to the landholders and other owners of real estate who have heretofore borne the heaviest burden of the taxes. The second reading of this bill has been fixed for March 18, and the third reading for March 24. In its consider- ation two especially conflicting interests will come in contact. The farming in- terest is enlisted in its passage, and the Granger members are preparing to concentrate their strength on this bill as through it they hopé to lighten the tax burden of the farmers. But on the other hand the railroad companies and large corporations, which are benefited by the present tax arrangement, will fight tax equalization to the uttermost. It is to be seen which has the greater influence with this Legislature. The Difference. A lot of New York railroad mag- nates, including CuauNceEy DEPEW, are under arrest. There is an important question at stake now, and the out- come will be watched with the greatest interest all over the country. A coro- ner's jury decided that the company, and hence the officials, were responsi- ble for the tunnel catastrophe. This means a long-drawn-out legal fight. To predict the conviction of the accused would be hazardous, and to expect their punishment, if convicted, would be almost ridiculous. Railroad mag- nates are not sent to jail, although oc- casionzlly a careless or drunken em- ploye is punished for his criminal neg- ligence. The reason is as obvious as the difference between the two cases. The Massachusetts House of Representatives has refused by a vote of 95 to 68 to adopt a resolution en- dorsing the Force Bill. After its de- feat in congress it is hard to see what was expected to be obtained by the ac- tion of the Massachusetts Legislature on the subject. If Hoar and Lobge wanted an endorsement of their force project in their own State they signally failed in that object. It May Make But Little; Difference. On account of a stupid blunder the bill for the building of a new Mint at Philadelphia did not provide the mon- ey for it, nor is there an appropriation for this purpose in any of the appropri- ation bills. It was completely overlook- ed. To the ordinary comprehension this would appear like a stoppage of the project until the money is provided, but its promoters are already at work trying to twist the bill so as to make the Treasury spend the $2,000,000 be- fore Congress has authorized it. Speak- er Reep says this can be done, but, from the antics he cut with the rules, we should not esteem him a very safe interpreter of the'law. As the;Repub- lican party has spent piles of money with no greater authority, we shall not be surprised if they go to work and spend the whole of the $2,000,000 be- fore Congress shall have given them authority. ——The Baltimore Sun says the leaders of the majority in the last con- gress actel as {if there was to be no hereafter. This thought is shared by many, but the strangest thing is that it seems to occupy the minds of half a dozen of the most influential Republi- can leaders. Hoarand EpMuNDs have staked their reputations on the predic- Jon that the shelving of the force bill practically shelved the party. It is be- ginuing to be understood that some other issue than the bloody shirt will be necessary to revive the party. ——The Legislature of Indiana was polled the other day on the Presiden: tial question and of the 40 Republican members only 17 were for Harrison. Most of them preferred Brave. If Hagrrsiox is Indiana's favorite son this was a poor way of showing it. Of the Democrats in the Indiana Legislature the big majority were for CLEVELAND. The Rapid Increase of Expenditures. The estimates of the total appropria- tions made by the last congress place them at $1,000,000,000. This total is $190,000,000 greater than the appro- priations of the last Congress and $255,- 000,000 more than for the preceding one. Ia a period of less than fifteen years, starting from a poin% where ap. propriations had been brought down to the lowest figure since the war, there has been nota gradual but a rapid in- crease in national expenditures. Dur- ing the first half of that period, the in- crease of each was forty to sixty mill- ions, or twenty to thirty millions for each year. Daring a decade of peace, when the population has increased something over 26 per cent. the expenditures of the Government have increased over 112 per cent. While there has been a gratifying growth of population, it is not gratifying to observe that public expenditure has grown at a four times greater rate of speed. It was never charged prior to 1880 that the national apprapriations were insufficient for the creditable maintenance of the Govern. ment ; but it now appears that we had then only a faint idea of what was meant by lavish expenditure. ——Secretary WiNDoM was not as good at figures as he has had credit for. The expenditures for 1891 and 1892 will exceed his estimate by $150,- 000,000. At this rate of expenditure where will the Government get to by 1900? If the people are watchful of their own interests they will never again allow the same wasteful party to get hold of all branches of the Govern- ment. A ——————" Another Negro Problem. Has the negro question been solved? A solution now presents itself that is novel in the extreme "and must bring joy to the hearts of people who long to be white. Some time ago we had a story of a doctor who claimed to hay2 discovered a way to make the black white by a process of skin-grafting. But what good will that do if the new- ly-made white man is still to have kinky hair? Some way must be found to make the locks straight. So a Phil- adelphia “professor,’”’ himsélf the color of the proverbial hat, announced to the world that he had a means off do- ing this very thing, and his office was soon swarming with vain blacks. But now the professor is under arrest for taking a fat fee from a colored matron without giving her the value received, that is, straight hair. So the advance of science is thus blocked,but only tem- porarily. Kinkless hair will some day be placed within the reach of the color- ed people, and then there will be joy in the land. He Isn't Alarmed, Ex-Senator INGALLS, in a recent ar- ticie in a New York periodical, vigor- ously handles those Americans who are inclined to be alarmists. He de- nies the danger of a war involving the United States, and claims that if there should be one our resources are such as to enable us to defend ourselves at short notice. In making this argu- ment he, of course, hits certain Repub- lican statesmen some pretty hard blows. | : 3 n . ‘train on the Lewisburg branch of the Penn- He is, perhaps, unnecessarily bitter to- | wards Great Britain. The English have their faults, but they can’t be charged with cowardice. Mr. IncaLLs is right, however, in arguing against the need of a gieab ar- mament to protect our coast. IHe.may be mistaken in being too confident that when the necessity for a navy arrives the vessels will be ready just as will be a mighty army and generals. to com- mand it. In the matter of a navy some preparation 18 necessary. m————————— ——Staunton, Virginia, is a very beautiful place, and is the capital of Augusta county, in the Shenandoah Valley. It is rapidly improving and offering great advantages to persoas who wish to locate themselves in one of the most delightful sections of the South. A very interesting and hand- somely illustrated pamph'et descriptive of the place has been issued by the Staunton Development Company, the receipt of wirich is hereby acknowledg- ed. The work does credit to both com- pany and publisher and is certainly an excellent send off for the good old town, naw renewing its youth, Spawls from the Keystone. —Pow-wow Dr. Henry Grate has been arrest- ed at Allentown minus a diploma. —Prof. 8. G. Boyd, of York, Pa., began th e- practice of law at 61 years. —Oné of the Lucy funaces owned by Car- negie & Co., has been shut down, —The State Fish Commission has but 2,125, 600 trout fry to supply applications for 3,000,000: —Alice Kissinger, a dissolute Reading wo- man, died ina deserted building, on Tuesday night. ; —State Directors of the Poor convene at Rea ding on the third Tuesday in Octobe next. —A Pittsburg student found a corpse, that had turned to India rubber, in an abandoned mine. —The four rescued miners at Jeanesville are all doing well and gaining in strength every day. —Cyrus A. Porter is on trial at Uniontown, for poisoning sheep and cattle belongirg to Miss Adeline Moore. —The Adelaide silk mill, of Allentown, has reduced the wages of heavy grads ribbon weavers ten per cent. —All the saloon keepers of Bethlehem have been summoned to appear at court, before any license will be granted. —The resiaence of Joseph Robb, at Latrobe was destroyed by fire and a domestic, Miss Wilson, burned to death, ~The Nicely brothers were refused a rehear- ing by the Board of Pardons, and they will be hanged at Somerset on April 2. —The condition of Vicar General Koch, of Shamokin, who is suffering from neuralgia of the stomach, is slightly improved. —A 75 ton casting of an anvil to be used on government work was success {fisfly made at the Bethlehem Iron Works on Monday night. —Thirty-niue fatal accidents in the mines of the Ashland district last year—one to each 115,357 tons o fout put, on which 18,257 persons worked. —With a towel twisted over a..gas jet Ulica Wahpo Ina, a Russian woman, banged herself in the ladies toilet roo m in the Union Station, Pittsburg. - —William McGrath, of Philadelphia, is hunting about Slatington, Lehigh county for his daughter, who has eloped with a man named Hull. —The Big Vein Colliery and the New Phila- delphia Coal Washery near Pottsville, have re- sumed operations, giving employment to 400 men and boys. —Anticipating the strike will last four weeks many of the Hungarlaus are leaving the coke regions for a visit to the old country. Some will not return. —A valuable team efhorses driven by Char- ley Cook, sprang over a forty foot embankment at Jeanette, smashing the wagon and killing one of the horses. . —James Hamilton, of Altoona, an engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad, on Tuesday, made a misstep and fell from a bridge;: by which he was killed. —E dward B. Carr of Sunbury, who is ae- cused of conspiracy with intent to defraud William Bensinger, wazs-arrested in Carlisle by Detective Johnson. - Two unknown Arabian peddlers were struck by a train on the Lehigh Valley Road at Shenandoah and terribly cut and braised: One of them will die.. —The Slate Lick Presbyterian church, near Freeport, was destroyed by fire on. Sanday morning. The loss will amount to about :$20,- 000; insurance only $2,000. —Harry Gundlach, aged 18, was terribly beaten and robbed of some money with which. he was sent to pay the rent late Saturday night: in the lower portion of Reading. — Yesterday evening the wife of: Chief ;of* Poli ce Fry, of Mechanicsburg, acoidently fell into the cellar. Both her arms were broken and she was also:severely cut about the head: —Lee Springstel, a bridge builder from €in- cinnati, fell from the new California Avenue br idge in Allegheny, and was so-badly injured: that he died while being removed to the hos- pital. —Charles Sastmann, a Poitstown butcher was committed to Norristown Jail on: the charge of felonious assault on the fifteen- year-old daughter of a Pottsgrove township farmer. —A mortgage of $2,000,000 in favor of: the Girard life-insurance company; at Philadel phia, has been recorded at Bbensburg against the Cambria and Clearfield railroad ‘company, payable in 1941. —The next annual fair of the Perry: county agriculpural society will be held in~ the so- ciety’s: grounds, at Newport, on. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: September 15, 16; 17, and 18. —Mrs. Ziba Brown was arrested: and held under bail at Scranton, charged: with arson The building in which she lived was fired and circumstances seemed to indieate that she had, set it on fire. —The trial of Frank Braden, of" Jolnstown charged with killing his wife; was begun at Ebensburg. The prisoner’s son: and: daughter wens placed on the stand, and their testimony was very damaging. — While standing on top-of: a mowing freight sylvania Railroad, Brakeman Harry Ulse was yesterday struck by a covered: bridge near Shamokin and killed. —Order were issued Tuesday for the shut- tingdown of the Alaska. shaft, Buck Ridge and Bear Vslley collieries at Shamokin. They are owned by the Reading Company and em- ployed about 2,000 men. —The Congressional bribery cases, in which three delegates to the Rapublican convention last June were charged with accepting money: to vote for Alexander McDowel,, were contin® ued, at New Castle, until t he June term of court. ~The committee appointed at the last meeting of the. “Pennsylvania German So- aiety,” have issued a call asking all represent- ative Germans to attend a meeting to be held in Laneaster- during the latter part of this month. —TIt is stated that the Harmony society at Economy has offered one half of the large lot on Seventh avenue, Beaver Falls, for $10,000 as a location for the new government build ing. The price is one-half the actual value of the ground* —A colored driver from a Carlisle. livery sta=- ble started on Wednesday evening to drive a drunken stranger over the South| Mountains. The colored man and horse were found frozen into the middle of a mountain stream, dying next day. Nobody can explain it. —Zack Walton, in jail at Morgantown for the robbery of Mrs. Hoffman, has een granted a new trial, owing to the belief that the crime of which he was convicted was committed by Teaters and the Durr boys, who were ‘convict- ed of the toll gate tuyder in Washington county. = 4