Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 06, 1891, Image 4

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    — — -
Terns $2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., March 6, 1891.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - = EDITor
EE ——————————
~ Democratic Ceunty Committee, 1891.
Bellefonte, N. W_...
W. S. Galbraith
... Joseph Wise
John Dunlap
. John T. Lee
. H. A. Moore
Centre Hall isoroug
Howard Borough
Milesburg Borough ... AM. Butler
Milheim Borough... ... A+C. Musser
Philipsburg, 1st W. ames A Lukens
-. C. A. Faulkner
.... 4 J Gorton
.... Bo M.Griest
Engen¢ Meeker
Unionville Boreugh.
Benner... Harvey Benner
Boggs, N. Philip Senter
“ w.P T. F. Adams
“ EP G. HH Leyman
College, E. W. H. Mokle
ke w James Foster
Curtin. J. McCloskey
Daniel Dreibelbis
eo. W. Keichline
. Chas. W. Fisher
Greggs, >
Haines, E. 3 )
ew, Geo. B. Shaffer
... Eilis Lytle
J. W. Keller
W. T. Leathers
.... HenryHale
.. Altred Bitner
.. John J. Shaffer
. James P. Frank
.... P. A. Sellers
... 8. W.-8mith
Jas. B.- Spangler
. Jas. Dumbieton
... Hugh MeCann
Thomas Turbidy
.. John D. Brown
«Spring, 8. P...... ad .. Jerry Donovan
s N:P... . James Garson
1s W.P. ... E. E. Ardery
Taylor . W.T. Heover
Union Chas. H"Rush
. D. A. Dietrick
... O..D. Eberts
FFER, Chairman.
The Hungarian Tax Bill.
The bill introduced in the Senate,
‘imposing a tax of $3 a year on unnat-
airalized foreigners for the benefit of the
poor fund in the districts in which:they
‘may be located, passed that body fi-
anally on Tuesday by a unanimous vote.
Htwill now go to the House where,
we trust, the equity and expediency of
‘the measure will secure favorable-gon-
-sideration and action.
The promptness and unanimity with
which the Senate gave its assent is evi-
dencethat its view of the bill was guite
different from that taken by the con-
stitutional lawyers of ithe Centre .Demo-
erat, Bellefonie BR epublican, and Centre
Caution Should Be Observed.
“Lige project of the State going inte
ithe business of publishingschool books
ifor her public schools is a question that
involves much that coneerns the peo:
ple. There are two bills on this
ject now before the Legislature, differ
ing in detail, but with the same ohject,
that of authorizing the State authori-
ties ta:have prepared and published the
sehool text books. Where this has
been tried the experience has not been
encouraging. Hon. J. W. Axpersox,
Superintenilent of Public Instruction
in California, gives the following ac-
count of its working in that State where
it has been tried :
The cost has. been tremendousr—over $400,000
for an edition. 0{:50,000 of each of the ten books
published. Thewcost of the books, it is true,
has beau reduced, i. e., the private boek pub-
lishers have been compelled to reduee the cost
of their books. But now, the cost of books, as
published by the State, is more than superior
books eould be purchased for in the open
market, even without diseount. The books
are inferior in matter, adaptability and execu-
tion. In shert, they have little to eommend
them. The superintendents of the State, at
their biennial convention, hetd in this city on
the second and-third days of December, 1890,
pas«ed a strong resolation of condemnation
upon all of the ten now published, except two.
Ohio has imitated California in this
dnatter, but has found out that it is
dmpossible to earry eut the law. The
“School Book Board,” of which Gov-
ernor CampeLL is the head, have just
| ax.
made a full report of the difficulties
that beset them.
In contemplation of the passage of
her school book Jaw the State printer
of California was asked. for an estimate
of the probable cost to the State of
manufacturing a givea number of text
books te supply her schools. The esti-
mate put the cost at 59.5-8 cents apiece,
bat after.the law was passed and the
books furnished their actual cost was
$1.05—almost double. The experi
ence of California and Ohis should
make our Legislature cautious in hand-
ling the same subject.
Calculated to Make Trouble.
There 1s scarcely any occasion for
the change of boundary lines of eoun-
ties in this State, yet Representative
JOHNSON, of Cambria county, has a bill
before the Legislature on this subjeet
which, it seems to us, can make a good |
deal of mischief in disturbing the pres-
ent existing county limits. It provides
that if at any time two thirds of the
resident taxable inhabitants of a town-
ship, or any portios of a county, shall,
for any reason, desire to ehange the
boundary lines and be set off into an.
other county, the change shall be made
upon petition to the Seeretary of Inter-
nal Affairs,who,together with the Gov-
ernor and Secretary of the Common
wealth, shall consider the application
and shall grant it upon recommenda-
tion of three commissioners appointed
by them to survey the territory and in]
quire into the advisability of the:
change. It is possible there may be a
single case intended to be covered by
this bill, in which the change provided
for is proper and advantageous, but it
is not the kind of law that ought to.go
on the statue books. There is no need
of additional facilities for changing
county boundaries, and a great deal of
confusion, if notactual harm, might-be
easily created under this proposed law.
How They Do It Out West.
Strange things are going on ameng
the farmers of the West. In Kansas
they are organizing sccieties to prevent
the foreclosure of mortgages and the
leasing of farms sold under foreclosure.
In Minnesota they refuse to pay their
assessments to a live stock insurance
company aud threaten to lynch the
man who sues them. A St. Paul dis-
patch says: “The Minnesota M iiual
Live Stock Insurance Company, of
Fergus Falls, has sued a number of
farmers in Norman County for assess-
ments due, which the farmers had re-
fused to pay. The suit came off yes-
terbay, and the farmers were at Ada in
a crowd to“fight their case. ‘Jou
Ericksov, of Fergus Fall, secretary of
the insurance company, was the man
that worked up the insurance in the
county. Whea the farmers found that
he was thereto fight them they were
infuriated and decided to scare him in-
to a relinquishment of his -claim
against them. They procured a rope
and went to Mr. EricksoN’s room at
the hotel. The leader told him what
they came for, and after some parley-
ing and fleurishing the rope, Mr. Erick-
SON threw up his suit and gave the
farmers a release of the compacy’s
claims againet them.
sr —
The bill prepared by the Ballot
Reform Association, with some amend-
men's added by the Judiciary General
committee of the House, is now before
the House of: Representatives at Har-
risburg for its consideration and action.
It should be regarded as supplementa-
ry to the definitive action of a constitu-
tional convention, but still, as a tempo-
rary measure, its object is desirable.
It isin the hands of the politicians
whom it may not be safe to credit with
being overzealous in the interest of
honest elections. But the people are
in earnest on that question, and it is a
wise politician ‘that will coasult their
wishes and act in accordance wiih
The Ceal Tax Bill.
There has sprung up from unexpect-
ed quarters opposition to the bill that
is now before the State Legislature
which proposes to-put a tax of one
cent a ton on all. coal mined in the
State, the revenue:arising therefrom to
be used for the relief of injured miners
end for the peasioning of their wives
and children. One of the members,
who is himself a practical miner, op-
poses the bill for the alleged reason
that it would do the miners no good,
as it would lead to-& reduction of their
wages to meet the:tax. The opposi-
tion of another member is grounded on
the fear that such a tax would paralyze
the-coal trade. To these objections it
may be answered that the coal barons
must-have hearts as hard as Pharaob’s if
they begrudge the smail amount of one
cent a ton for the relief of injured min-
ers and their distressed families, and
the coal trade must be in a shaky con-
dition if it can’t stand such a slight
It.would be interesting to know
Bow many of these coal barons, who
oppose this one cent a ton tax, besieged
the halls of Congress when the McKin-
ley bill was up, and clamored for “pro-
tection’ against the foreign producers
of coal.
——GEorce F, Work and James S,
DuxeaN, the wreckers of the Bank of
America and the American Life In-
surance Company, of Philadelphia,
last Saturday svere convicted in the
Court of Quarter Sessions of that city
of the offense .echarged against them.
Preirrer, who was President of the
Bank, pleaded guilty and was used as
a witness against his partners im the
offense. The convicted parties have
not yet been sentenced, but they should
receive punishment commensurate to
their misdemeanor.
—The Press appears to antagonize
Senator MEEk's Hungarian tax bill |
{ through an apprehension that it will
drive that class of foreigners into natur-
alization. Butin this matter it need not
give itself any trouble on party grounds,
for when ignorance gravitates to citizen-
ship the Republican party always gets
its full share of it. It will take, how-
ever, more than $3 to induce a Hunga-
rian to become an American eitizen,
particularly if he intends to go back
to his native land to enjoy the money
he has made jn competing with Ameri-
can labor,
Another Road Bill.
The general dissatisfaction in the
farming community, in most parts ef
the State, with the road bill as drawn
by the commission, has induced the
introduction of another bill by Senator
Brown, of York county, which is re-
cognized as the Granger road bill. It
avoids the objectionable features of the
other bill, the difference being on very
material points.
Senator BRowN's measure seeks to
have the entire management of the
roads placed in the hands of the town-
ship authorities. It dispenses with
road engineers, and does not provide
for a contribution from the State, plac-
ing the entire expense of improving the
roads on the respective townships. We
are not prepared to give an opiaion on
the comparative merits of the two bills,
but one thing is certain, aud that is,
that no bill should be passed that is
obnoxious to a majority of the people.
Buu it is to be hoped that the Legisla-
ture will succeed in passinga satisfac-
tory law that will lead to the improve
the State.
The New England Qutlook.
The Boston Advertiser hasn't any
hope of keeping New Hampshire in
the Republicau line. It says: ‘Messrs.
four years be colleagues in the Sen-
ale representiug the same party, and
yet having a most bitter and determin.
el feud with each other. How any
one can expect that New Hampshire
can be carried by the Republicans in
1892, after the devolepments of the last
three months in Concord, is bzyond
comprehension. No matter whose
fault it may be, the fact is evident
that the Republicans of New Hamp-
shire are hopelessly divided and with
no prospect of any improvement in the
future.” The truth is, that it the
Democrats do not make any serious
mistakes the Republicans will car-
ry ouly two New England States in
1892, Maine and Vermont.
it Holds the First Piace.
The P:nnpsylvania Railroad Com-
pany has made its forty-fourth annual
report by its President, Mr. Roberts,
It presents figures that are really colos-
sal, equaling in magnitude the finan-
cial transactions of u nation. The
Company includes 120 corporations,
representing 7,915 miles of railroad and
canal, with a bounded capital of $700,
000,000, and a gross revenue of $133,
000,000. To secure this enormous in-
come 137,000,000 tons of freight were
moved znd 84,000,000 passengers car-
ried, Through the able administration
of its managers the Pennsylvania Rail-
road Company takes the E:st place
among the great corporations of the
Ex-Sheriff WiLLiay R. Leeps,of
‘Philadelphia, was unexpectedly ap-
pointed, last Tuesday, to the U. S.
Marshalship of the Eastern District
ofiPennsylvania which was made va-
cant by the death of the late lamented
Axprew H, DiLL. On account.of Mr,
Legn's somewhat damaged political
reputation there was great opposition
to his appointment, and it is said that
it was principally through Mr. Wana:
MAKER'S influence that the President
consented to give him the plum. May-
or Frreer and General Hastings were
also among his backers. The appoint-
ment was promptly confirmed by the
——~Congress adjourned finally eon
Wednesday, 4th inst. The resolution of
thanks to Speaker Rep for “the able,
and performed the arduous and impor-
tant duties ofsthe chair,” was opposed
by every Democratic member. The
offering of it was an insult to the
Demoerats who bad been outraged and
tyranized by Rep, and they resented
it by a unanimously negative vote.
Sc ——
Letting .a Man Alone,
That a husband is at times silent and
preoccupied does not argue that he is
indifferent to Lis wife, writes Mrs.
Phineas T. Barnum in The Ladies’
Home Journal ; he may be depressed,
and yet not feel that marriage, for him,
isa failure; he may be captious and
fretful, yet feel no irritation against his
wife. I am not absolving men from the
obligation to be agreeable to their wom-
ankin, norextenuating their frequont in-
fractions of the code of marital amenities ;
lam only assuring you, for your own
good, that these things are often the out-
ward and visible sign of an inward and
spiritual disaccordance which you have
not eaused, and about which you would
be unwise to grieve. Learn to wait, and
by-and-by you will find that business
went wrong that day; or hesatina
draft and all his bones ached Swith an
incipient cold ; or he had eaten an in-
digestible meal (not at home of course),
and was depressed he knew not why.
Wait | wait ! and when you have found
out what the matter was, you will be
thankful you did not weary him with
! foolish questions,
ment of the roads and highways of
impartial and dignified manner in which -
he has presided over its deliberations;
Does Not Look Well.
Pittsburg Commercial Gazette.
‘What is the country at large to infer
trom the statement that the managers of
the Chicago Exposition have been com-
pelled to enter suit against some 7,000
residents of that city to collect the first
installment of their subscription: ? The
amount delinquent is about $700,000.
When it is remembered that these sub-
scriptions were volantarily made and
were heralded all over the country as an
earnest of what the business men
of that wealthy and progressive city in-
tended to do in support of the enterprise,
there is no escaping the «conclusion that
many of the subscribers either lost their
heads in anticipation of rich profits to
be reaped in case the big show was held
in their town, or they subscribed with
the expectation that they would never
be called upon to pay.
‘Where projects are floated so largely
on wind and froth, as was that of the
selectiun of Chicago as thesite for the
fair, it was to have been expected that
some of the subscribers to the guarantee
fund would need pr dding to secure
payment, but if it had been foreseen
while the bill was pending in congress
that in so short a time the delinquents
would number 7,000, the ability of Chi-
cago to carry, on the fair at all would
have been doubted, and a different result
might have been reached. Senator Far-
well gave personal assurance to the spe-
cial committee having the fair in charge
that the subscriptions had been made in
good faith and would be paid, which
serves to show how badly he had been
The time is near at hand when the
Pennsylvania legislature will take up the
subject of making an appropriation suf-
ficient to pay theexpenses of the Key-
stone state in making a display befitiing
its position in the union and in keeping
with its mineral, agricultura!, industrial
and commercial resources and facilities.
There is no state, east, west or middle,
that has more to gain by a proper display
at the forthcoming World's Fair than
Pennsylvania, and that adequate means
will be provided for that purpose there
can be no reason to.doubt. But the pre-
sent condition of -affairs at Chicago 1s
not encouraging. It is really depressing,
and unless the managers pull themselves
together pretty soon, select a sight and
20 to work in dead earnest the fair
will not be the suecess which the country
bas been led to anticipate.
Exodus ef Mormons.
The Saints and Their Wives and Pro-
perty Bound for Mexico.
Saur Lake, March 1 .—A reg
ular exodus of Mormons from Utah
to Mexico is taking place and within
the next three months a large number
of the Saints will have left.
Frank Wall, of Sevier, with two
wives; Carl Olsen, of Mayfield, with
three wives ; William Bench, of Man-
ti, with two wives ; .J. C. Petterson, of
Ephraim, two wives ; Andrew Neilson,
of Chester, two wives; Chris and
James Sensen, of Meroni, with two
each ; Henry Brown, of Mount Pleas-
ant, with two wives ; William Reynolds
of the same place, with two ; R. Back,
Spring City, with two; Abram Acords,
of the same place, with three; Philip
Hunter, of Fairview, with two ; Nel-
son Christiansen, of Castledale,. with
two ; Juseph V. Roberson, of Filmore,
with two, left about two weeks ago,and
others will follow as soon as the semi-
annual conference is over.
The Mormons have a tract of land
in the State of Chihuahua, 125 miles
long and 15 wide, which they are set-
thing on. A colony of sixty will leave
Provo early in April. All over the
Territory the saints are preparing to go
South “to live their religion.”
The majority of those mentioned are
offenders againt the law who would
not submit to the rule of government
established by the United States and
abandon their plural wives.
The head of the Church is said to be
encouraging this emigration, and is
putting up funds for those who have
none. It is estimated that at least
2000 families will abandon Utah this
Summer and go to the new land of
Flirted With the Preacher,
The Belle in a Covenanter Church Chid-
ed from the Pulpit.
KinastoN, N. Y., Feb. 27.—Rev.
Mr. Milligan, of Pennsylvania, who
was recently disciplined by the Reform-
ed Presbyterian (Covenanter) Confer-
ence at Pittsburg as an advocate of
Christians voting and exercising all the
rights of citizenship, created a sensation
from the Covenanter palpit at Colden-
ham, where he recently preached as an
applic: nt for the vacant pastorate, by
“I regret to state that I am an ex-
ceedingly nervous man, and am annoy-
ed by a young lady in the congregation
who bas been endeavoring to flirt with
me this morning. I have neither the
time nor inclination to return the com-
pliment at this time, but may do so later
He looked straight at the pretty and
blushing belle of the town as he spoke.
She may not like him the better for i,
but the church bids fair to extend him a
I —————
A Desperado at Bay.
He Has Killed Siz Men and Has Five
HunriNgpoN, W. Va., March 1.—
At Ironton last night Ed Jackson, one
of the boldest desperadoes of the West
Virgania mountains, was surrounded
by officers and captured afier a fght in
which he was shot twice. Jackson
has killed six men, his last crime being
the shooting of a man named Crouch
tor failing to do some work, and re-
wards aggregating $5000 were offered
for his arrest. In 1882 he killed two
brothers, Aikens, in a quarrel over
land, and a year later he killed one
man and fatally wounded another in a
drunken fight. Jackson was also a
gay man and boasts that be has five
{ wives living within & radius of forty
Gasoline a Moh Destroyer.
“What shall Ido with my fur cape ?”
an anxious damsel was overheard by a
Pittsburg Chronicle reporter inquiring
of a druggist lately. “I have been away
on a visit and there have been moths in
my friend’s wardrobe, for first I found
one little bare plac: in my cape where
there ought to have been fur, and now
there is another and I am in despair.
“Tt is useless to try to find moths in a
fur cape,” was the druggist’s answer
“but take a big bottle of gasoline and
saturate your cape with it. Then roll it
up in paper for a day or two, and you
will find no more bare spots unless you
go visiting and hang itin the same
#:‘But I am afraid of gasoline.”
“Yes, it is dangerous when used care-
lessly, but if you treat your cape to its
gasoline bath in a room without fire and
with open windows you are entirely safe,
except from odor ; there is no escaping
that, for a few hours at least.”
Gasoline seems to ba about the only
remedy which can be applied with de-
spatch and certain effect when moths are
discovered invading a valuable fur gar-
ment and in this season of fur it is well
to bear the remedy in mind.
Surely furs were never so fashionable
as now ; and if you would be in style, at
least one fur garment must be found in
your wardrobe.
And really, it makes very little differ-
ence whether it is a dainty little Astra
kban shoulder cape, costing from $14 to
$20, or a sealskin mantle, trimmed with
Russian sable, which the dealar assured
you was a bargain at $1000.
Mystical Musie.
[t is pretty generally known that in
the Pascagoula River, near Scrauton,
Miss., strange sounds are frequently
heard, as of a musical instrument play-
ed at a distance, under the water.
Boating partiesare often startled at the
distinctness of this music. They liken
it to the sounds produced by the vibra.
tion of musical classes or of harpstrings.
The sound rises and falls as if watted
by the wind, and is locally known as
‘the mysterions music.” The origin
of the so'ind is generally ascribed to a
movement of sand at the bottom of the
river, although there is no evidence of-
fered that the sand does move or any
reason given why it should moves The
explanation, donbtless, rests upon the
fact that such a phenomenon as sing-
ing or barking sands is known to exist
in several parts of the world. It is not
likely chat wet sand would produce the
sounds mentioned. It is more proba-
ble that fishes make these noises, for
fish can sing, very nicely, too. It seems
rather funny to speak of singing fishes,
but many of them do certainly produce
vocal sounds. Croakers get their
name from the noise they make. Blue
fish protest indignantly when they are
pulled out of the water, bot these are
not such sounds as constitute the mu-
sic ot the flshes.— Mobile Ala. Register.
A Baby Shoots Himself.
WiLrLiamsport, Feb. 27.—A special
just received here from Ridgway says :
A 5-year-old son of Widow Garduer,
residing on the Warren road about Sve
miles from here, received a serious
bullet wound yesterday. An older son
had a twenty-two calibre revolver out
to shoot a skunk, and bringing it in
the house handed it to his mother,
who placed it on a low cupboard, from
which place the baby brother reached
for it, and turning the weapon towards
himself he pressed it to his body, and
with the childish remark, “Mamma, I
am going to shoot myself,” he pulled
the trigger. The ball entered just
above the stomach. Dr. J. T. Wailm,
of this place,was called upon and rend-
ered all the aid possible, and the un-
fortunate boy, though quite low, will
be quite likely to recover from the ef-
fects of the shot, as no signs exist of
the penetration of any vital organ.
The Last of Puck Meyer.
His Ashes Scatterel to the Winds from
Liberty's Statue.
New York, March 1.—A committee
from the Staten Island Schuetzen Corps
appointed to carry out the request of
Henry Meyer, proprietor of the Puck
Hotel at Port Richmond, that his ashes
be seattsred to the winds from the top of
the statue of Liberty, fulfilled their mis-
sion to-day, he having been cremated.
Four committeemen, each holding one
of the bags containing the ashes in his
right hand, pronounced these words to-
gether: “Here goes the last of Puck
Meyer; Happy Days,” and then scatter-
ed the ashes to the four winds. The cere-
mony was concluded by the opening of
ing to the memory of “Puck’ Meyer.
Millions for the Fair.
Officials Claim That They Have $32,-
000,000 Assured Them.
CHicAco, I1l., March 1.--Tt is claim-
ed by the officers of the Columbian Ex-
hibition that they now have $32,000,000
insight for the World’s Fair. This in-
cludes the capital stock subscriptions
the $5,000,000 voted by the city of Chi
cago, State and national appropriations
for special exhibits, and appropriations
by foreign governments for national ex-
hibits. Director General Davis desires
to conduct the Foreign Affairs Departs
ment himself, and in a general way the
Directors approve of this arrangement,
but reserve the right to supervise.
The Kansas Alliance.
HurcainsoN, Kan., Feb. 25 --The
Farmers’ Alliance editors of the state
met here and organized the Reform Press
association of Kansas with the following
officers : Senator-elect Peffer, president
A. C. Pattee, of Salina, vice president ;
S. McLallin, of Topeka, secretary and
treasurer. Resolutions were passed de-
manding the formation of a National
Farmers’ Alliance party, recommending
the eternal severance from all other par-
ties, demanding that all classes of labor
be accorded equal privileges in the pec-
ple’s party, and that congress pass the
service pension bill.
two bottles of champagne and thedrink- |
Didre’t Work,
It Wasn't the Right Time and Mr Diltz
Gave It Up.
Polhsmus Diltz laid down the paper
he was reading, put his nose glasses
back in his pocket, took his hat und ov-
ercoat down from the hook and started
“I'll do it I” he repeated to himself as
he walked along. “I'll court my wife
as if she were a girl again, the way the
fellow did in that newspaper story. I
expect it'll go pretty tough,” he reflect~
ed, throwing away his cigar and wiping
his mouth carefully as he approached
his home. ‘I’ve been a good deal of a
rhinoceros about the house, and it’s hard
thing to break off old habits all at once,
but I'm going to give it a trial if 1t
takes the hide off.”
Mr. Diltz enterad the house, hung his
hat and overcoat in the hall instead of
throwing them down in a heap on the
sofa in his usual fashion. Then he
went on tiptoe upstairs, put on his best.
necktie, combed his hair carefully, and
came softly down the stairs again.
“Mary Jane!” he called
Wkere are you, dear ?”
“Out here,” answered a voice in the
kitchen. “Did you bring that package
of chocolate I told you not to forget
when you went down this morning ?’*
“Why, no,” said Mr. Diltz regretful-
ly, as he went into the kitchen. “I for-
got it, dear.”
Mrs. Diltz looked at him suspiciou sly
He hadn’t called her ‘‘dear” for ab out
eleven years.
“You forgot it? Hump! I just ex-
pected it. What are you up to now ?’?
This query, somewhat sharply utter-
ed, was prompted by an unexpected
forward movement on the part of Mr.
“Don’t you see I'm cleaning this
chicken ?” she exclaimed. “Look out !
You'll make me cut myself. T’m work-
ing at the gizzard. A man has no busi-
ness poking round in the kitchen when
he can’t do any good.”
Mr Diltz stepped back. He had in-
tended to kiss his wife, but concluded to
postpone the matter for a little while.
“Mary Jane,” he said, “my dear’’——
“What are you all slicked up for,
anyhow ? Going anywhere ?”’
“No, love. I expect to spend the rest
of the day at home. 1 camean hour or
two earlier, thinking”
“I wish you had brought-that choco-
late. That's what I wish.’,
“Darling,” said Mr. Diltz, “I—that’s
no way to go to work at a chicken giz-
zard. Let me”
“Maybe you know more about this
kind of work than Ido. Maybe I
haven’t cleaned hundreds of chickens
since I've been keeping house? What
are you snooping around out here for,
(anyhow, with your hair all plastered
I down and that smirk on your face 2”
“My dearest Mary Jane, I”
“Polbemus,’” broke in his wife, laying
down the portion of the fowl’s anatomy
she had been dissecting, and looking at
him keenly, “what on earth is the ob-
ject of this palavering ? What new
dodge are you trying to work now 2”
“Why, Mary Jane, I've made up my
mind to try to get along with you in a
dif" —
“To get along with me? What do
you mean ? Do you tell me to my face
I’m bard to get along with ?
“Not at all, Mary Jane ; not at all.
I was only going to say that we might
live together more comfortably, you
know, if-er-if we'd quit this quarreling
and be sociable, you know, as we used
to be. There’s no need of us acting like
cats and dogs’’ 6.
“Who says we act like cats and dogs,
I'd like to know ? Look here, Polhe-
mus ! you've been drinking.”
“Its a blamed—now, Mary Jane;
don’t you give way to that temper of
“Who started this fuss ?”’
You did.>’
“I didn’t.
tI didn't I”?
“You know better.”
“Tell your wife she lies. do you ?
Well itisn’t the first time. If you have
any business to attend to at your office
there will be plenty time for you to go
and do it before supper. I'll get along.
I don’t need any help on this chicken.”
“Diddledy dad-swing the dog-gone
old hen!’ shouted Mr. Diltz, beside
himself with rage. “Dad swizzle its
everlasting go-dinged old carcass !”
He went out of the kitchen, slamming
the door behind him, and in less than a
quarter of a minute he was on his way
back to his office, muttering excitedly
to himself and crushing the in-ffensive
sidewalk hard beneat his vindictive heel
as he strode along.
Mr. Diltz has not entirely given up
the idea of courting his wife, but he has
registered a castiron vow never to under-
take the job again when she is anatom-
izing a to chicken - Chicago Tribune.
You did yourself.”
CuickeNs Spanisa SryLe.—Put two
spoonstul of whatever you use for fry-
ing in a large saucepan. The Sani
ards always use lard, but either drip-
pinz or butter may be substituted.
When hot. add two onions cut fine, and
three large tomatoes cut in slices. Fry
for a few moments, and add two young
chickens, cut as for a fricasse, seasoned
and rolled in flour. Let these fry,
turning them occasionally, for 10
minutes; cover with hot water, and
simmer. When nearly tender add a
pint of potatoes cut in cubes. Cook
very slowly until all are done. Meats
to be roasted or broiled, should be
given the greatest amount of heat pos-
sible at first, that the surface may be
hardened and the juice retained.
Sweer Porarors Friep Wirth Bacon.
—Cold sweet. potatoes are delicious
fried with pork or bacon. Fry eight
ounces of thinly sliced pork or bacon,
transfer to a hot dish and fry in the
drippings a quart of potatoes which
have been boiled, peeled and sliced,
rather less than half an inch thick.
ArrLE AND Tarioca Pupping.—To
a teacupful of tapioca vse, a quart of
boiling water ; let stand awhile and soft-
en ; sweeten a little, add a lump of but
ter the size of a walnut, then slice in
tart apples, sufficient to makea layer
over the top. Bake until the apples are
tender. Eat with sweetened cream.