Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 06, 1891, Image 2
————— Bellefonte, Pa., March 6, 1891. ROBIN, MY SWEETEEART. Oh, avesingare mine, with the bonnie brown air, With eyes so merry:and brow se fair, ‘Tis a year to day since you came to woo, And never was lover more loving and true, Robin, my sweetheart. Yet I wonder, semetimes, as I'fold you fast, If love like yours cen forever last, How it will be as ‘the years arertold When you have grown wiser and I have grown 0 Robin, xy sweetheart. You barei won my heart by .yeur words and smiles, You Rave won my heart by your witching wiles And I wish, oh,T wish I could hold for aye The place in your heart that I hold to-day, Robin, my sweetheart ! But when I am sadder and far {oss fair, When the snows .of time are thick in my air, When pain has furrowed my cheek :an d brow, Will you love me then;as you love me now, Robin, my sweetheart? You bring to my lips your young life's wine, And promise, dear, totbe always mine ; Yet still I wonder howiit will When you are thirty instead ofithree, Robin my sweetheart ! But away with doubt !-and fears away ! You are mine to-day, sweetheart, to-day ! So we'll sing and be merry, and dance, care- Robin, my sweetheart. —Emma C. Dowd, initheYouth’s Companion. BRIGITTE'S FORTUNE. Short, thin, dry. and wrinkled as an apple that lay withered during a long winter, such was the good man, Farm- er Landry. Indeed, he was one of those close-fisted ald. French peasants of whom it is graphically said that they can shave something from an egg shall. + Since the death of his wife he had retired from agricultare and lived alone in a little house at the end of the village. And yet, not ewtirely alone, for he had with him his eld servant Brigitte. But:the poor woman counted fer so lit- tle in the household, a little above the dog, but not so mmeh as the donkey that cost a hundred and twenty francs. She entered his family at the .age of twelve to guard thewows, and hal been there ever since. She kmew ne other family life than this one, and the ex- ceeding parsimony of the master seem- ed to her entirely matural. She was now a:tall, hale woman of fifty, red-fac- ed, square-shouldered, with feet and hands that might have been the pride of a pugilistic trainer. While exact- ing very little in the way of compensa- tion, she drudged like a peck horse; for indeed, she eould mot do otherwise in Farmer Landry's house. Besides, in her simple mind existed a canine at- tachment and real admiration for her master, who was not ashamed to take advantage.of her good mature. Of course,in the service of this miser Brigitte had rot earned a fortune. But the honest creature was amply satisfi- ed when the old peasant, in a patron izing tone, praised her: “What a . good, simple creature you are, Brigitte, are you uot? Then the good woman's would open into a loud laugh. “He! he! he! master! You have mouth always your little manner of joking: hel he! hei” as not to pay ithe mason, he made a false step aud fell into the pool just over the point where the deepest hole was. : few moments, calling vainly for help with all the pawer of his langs. At last, worn out by his efforts, he was about to sink from sight, when Brigitte at last heard nim. The devoted creat- ure caurageously jumped into the wa- ter, at the risk of drowning herself. ‘She succeeded in pulling him to the - bank; he was entirely unconscious, but she raised him in her strong arms, as she would a child, put him to bed, .and with rubbing and remedies recall- ed him to life. - of joy. “Ah, good master, how glad I am that you are not droweed and buried in : that hole?” : The old peasant was glad of it, too, .although he had one lively regret—the loss of his trowel, which fell into the ~water at the same time with himself. However, he had the decency not to ex- ;press the wish that Brigitte should re- turn and jumpin after that also. In- «deed, in the first impulse of gratitude he said to his.servant witk a touch of «emation : “It is you who pulled me out of the hole; I shall mever forget it, my good girl, you may be assured of that. I am going to make you a present.” “Oh. master, indeed, there ig no need .of that!” “Bat I tell you.I will give you some- thing; don’t doubt 1t!” And really, the same evening, after a thousand hesitations. he drew forth his long leathe: purse and called Bri- gitte to him. While making a grimace like one having a tooth drawn, he se- lected a silver piece of twenty cents. “Here, Brigitte, is your present. It shall not be counted in your wages, you know. Do not be extravagant with it; that would be a sin.” For the service rendered it was not unbridled generosity on the part of the giver, and the former had some dim | intimation of the fact, for he added (as if to enhance its value): “It is just the price of a lottery tick- et. Buy one, my girl, and you may win twenty thousand.” It was the first time in his life that the poor man aliowed himself to be liberal, so the thought of it haunted him for a long time; he was constant- ly wondering about the fate of his bright silver piece. He often asked the ser- vant if she had yet bought her lottery ticket. _ “Not yet, master,” was her unvary- ing answer, But at length she decided to end this | constant questioning by pacifying him, He splashed wildly about for a 1 On seeing him open; his eyes, the good Brigitte shed tears 1 So one day she replied: “Yes, master, I have bought one.” “Indeed! What number?” “@h, the number is 34.” “¥ery good!” said her master, re- peating the number to impress iit on his mind. Be careful not to lose it!” “Never fear, master.” uh “Because if you do fear sometimes to dose it—"" : > = “Eh, master? “Well, you need only give it'to me and I will hide 1t in my bureaun.” “Qh, I shall certainly not lose it.!" The habits - of daily life in the little household, disturbed by these events, soon settled into their regular course ; eating sparely, very temperate drink- ing, few hours for sleeping and many for work. ‘Farmer Landry was almost consoled for his forced prodigality, when one morning, in the barber's shop, where he went from time to time to read gratis the Gazette, a terrible emotion struck him. He read the result of the lottery ‘drawing and at the head these words like lines of fire, flashed befcre the daz- led spectacles of the good man : “The number thirty-four has won the great prize of 100,000 francs.” The old gentleman gave such a sudden cry that the startled barber, in turning to- wards him, almost clipped a corner from the ear of the schoolmaster, free, | whom he was shaving. Nor dream of the time when you may not be “What's the matter, Father Lan- dry 2” he asked. “Ob, nothing, nothing,” answered the farmer, who quickly recovered his calmness. Rearranging his spectacles, he read again slowly, spelling each syllable to “make assurance doubly sure.” There was no mistake ; the number 34, Brigitte's ticket, had won, He dropped the journal and started off in great agitation towards his house. Brigitte bad prepared her master’s fru- gal breakfast of nuts and cheese. He placed himee!f at the table,butihe conld not eat, for his emotion seemed to .eiinch his throat and prevent him from swallowing. “What is the matter, master?’’ anx- iously asked Brigitte. “Nothing at all.” “You are:not ill ?”’ “No, I tell you,” he answered an- grily. During several days he secretly ob- served the .poor woman. Did she know that she had woa 100,000 france? No indeed! Entirely ignorant that she was the object of such close scruti- ny, she performed her daily tasks with her usual good humor, while her mas- ter was in a fever of unrest. ‘One day he dared to asked her, trembling while doing so: “Is there any news, my good girl?” “Nothing, master, except that one of the hens has the pip.” Very good! She knew nothing about her good fortune. As for announcing seemed to him monstrous that another should profit by this marvellons wind- fall of a hundred thousand francs, produced by his piece of twenty sous— his own bright, silver bit! Time was lengthened from days to weeks. A no- tice in the journal (he really bought a copy of the one containing the an- nouncment) formally stated that after a delay of three months the unclaimed prizes weuld be employed for a new | capital. One day while Farmer Landry was, himself replastering his garden wall, so, The poor man had no more appetite for eating or drinking, or power to sleep; he was dying of uneasiness. Twenty times he was. on the point of speaking of the ticket to Brigitte ; and tengue. Oue word only might put his servant in the way to learn her good fortune. ©ne morning, after an unusally sleep- less night he rose with a smile on his thin lips, He had found the key to the problem. He commenced by ordering Brigitte to kill the plumpest chicken, and to cook it in the oven with & good piece of pork. And finally he gave his servant mones to buy cof- fee and sugar. Brigitte asked herself if her master had gone mad? Surely some demon hasitaken pos- session of his mind!" she thought with a thrill of fear. It seemed a fearful increase of the malady when the old gentleman, after having ordered her to lay the table for two asked her to.take her place as his vis-a vis. : ‘Dh, master, I should never, never dare to do that!” “Sit down there, I tell you foolish woman 1” Brigitte had heard that one must not oppose the wishes of maniacs. So, without answering, she seated herself in great embarrassment on the edge of the chair. “Come, eat and drink, Brigitte, my girl,” he said, filling her plate gener- ously. However, this was not the last sur- prise for Brigitte. When the coffee was served the old gentleman suddenly said : “You see, my good Brigitte, this ried !” “Indeed, master, itis not yet too late ; if you are old, you are still hale and well,” answered the simple servant approvingly. “Since that is your view, if you like, we will marry each other.” After the roast chicken and pork, and the coffee and sugar, Brigitte ex- pected to hear almost anyastrange thing on the part of her master. But that! Oh, not that! “You are joking me, master!” Not at all,” answered the old peas- ant. He explained that he was grow- ing old, was without children or family, and did not wish to die alone like a dog. Beside he was grateful! He could not forget that Brigitte had sav- ed his life—his faithful Brigitte. One must not be forgetful of such a service. Finally, the worthy woman, whose head was turned by this stroke of good fortune, believed in his sincerity. She, a humble servant, marey her master? Think of it! It was, indeed, some- thing to turn one’s brain. The bans were published, and the marriage followed. The couple were greeted at the church by the good na- tured smiles of the whole village. After the ceremony thenew husband | hurriedly conducted his wife home. | Having crossed the threshold he | hastily demaned in a joyful voice, while ‘energetically rubbing his hands: “Brigitte, my girl, where have you put your ticket?’ “What ticket?” “Your lottery ticket, No. 342" “What lottery ?" patiently. “The one you bought with my twenty-sou piece, that I gave you!” The bride began to laugh stupidly. “Ah! the twenty sous! Listen, Master. One seldom wins in those lot- tories. It was very cold last winter, very cold.” “Well, well?” interrogated Landry, who began to grow very yellow. “Oh, indeed,” she concluded, “I did not buy the ticket. With the money I bougnt me some good fur-lined slip- pers, which I was sure would do me good. Yes, indeed.”— From the French, in American Cultivator. a The Porcupine. The Micmac or shore Indians are very partial to the porcupine as an article of food, the Abenakis not esteeming it so highly, much preterring the flesh of the muskrat, which the iormer Indians do not care about, indeed the Micmacs call the Abenakis (of St. Jonn River at any rate) muskrat or musquash Indians. The Indians make use of the quills of the porcupine, which they dye to orna- ment their birch bark boxes with. Some of this work is very pretty. When the white hunters of our forests find a por- cupine they very often make use of his flesh for food. The black cat or fisher 1s very partial to the flesh of the porcu- pine, and will dare all the dangers of his quills to secure one ; and the hunter of- ‘ten finds that the fisher which he has captured carries some of these quills in his hide. The porcupine is very fond of fat or grease of any kind. It frequents old it to her—that was entirely too much for his nature and long life habit. It twenty times he bit the tip of his means that I am going to get mar- camps, and one almost always sees some { part of the deacon-seat on which grease ! has been spilled gnawed away by the psharp teeth of this animal. I I admit that the porcupine does eat the bark of trees. I do not think, however, that he girdles them so that they die. His chief food in winter seems to be the leaves and small boughs of the sapling hemlock. He is a good climber, but slow in fact, he isa very slow walker and his movements are far from grace- ful. As Mr. Flower says, the porcupine can strike quick and dextrous blows with his tail. I have cut a piece of beech and stirred up a porcuping in his den by means of it and on withdrawing the stick found the hard wood filled with quills which had been driven it by the animal’s tail. With Mr. Flower I admit the damage which one of these animals can do toa field of buckwheat, but I do not think that they are especially notorious , for trespassing on man’s domain, chiefly confining themselves to the forest. They ‘are very fond of making their dens among loose rocks. The interior of Nova Scotia, which is very rocky and "has little soil, is the best ground which I have ever seen for porcupines.—-Forest and Stream. It’s a Way They Have in Russia. The Veritzins were nobles of enor- mous wealth and power. Paul held his high office in court. One night, glit- tering with jewels and orders, the young prince, who was one of the handsomest men in Russia, danced in a gnadrille op- posite the empress. As she passed him 'in the dance she fancied that his eyes scanned her gross figure with covert amusment. After the quadrille she beckoned to him, and with a smile handed him her tiny ivory tablets, con- taining seven pages, one for each day in the week. On the first was written : The imperial ball room, St. Petersburg.” On the last, ‘the mines, Siberia.” He read it ; his face grew gray as that of a corpse, he bowed low, kissed her band and withdrew, ‘taking’ says the old chronicle, ‘his wife, the beautiful Princess Ivanovna, with him.”’ He was h-ard to say, as he left the ball room, “My minutes are numbered ; let us not lose one.” Fhight or resistance was impossible. The hold of Catherine on her victims was inexorable as death. Prince Veritzin was forced to remain passive in his palace, while each day the power, the wealth and the happi- ness that life had given him were strip- ped from hiin. First he was degraded from all his of- fices at court; next, his estates were con- fiscated by the crown ; his friends were forbidden to hold any communication with him ; his very name, one of the noblest in Russia, was taken from him ; and he was given that of a serf. Then his wife and children were driven out of the palace to herd with beggars. “On the last day,” says the record, ‘Paul Veritzin, in rags and barefoot, chained to a conviet, bade an eternal farewell to his home and departed to the dark and icy north. He was seen of men no more.” A Mexican Farm. “On one farm in Mexico I saw enough of the luxuries of life produced to make any man happy,” remarked C. F. Wood. of El Paso, Texas. “The farm was not large as some farms go in Mexico; it was, to use a slang phrase, a ‘stunner.’ I don’t think the mind of man could imagine a vegeta- ble product that could not he produced on that farm. Atanyrate [ saw grow- ing there coffee, sugar, rice, potatoes, rye, wheat, oats, corn, berries, cabbage, tomatoes, apples, bananas, cocoa, figs, On the upper end of this farm you could find gold, silver, sapphires, onyx, and other precious stones, Some of these * articles were not produced in quautities large enough to pay to mark- et them, but they were all found there, and all at the service ofthe owner of the land. Oh, | suppose the farm con- tained 10,000 or 20,000 acres of land, but it extended through all tempera- tures and all elevations,"”— Kansas City Times. “You know very well,” he cried, im- | cochineal, and a dozen other products. "EQUAL IN THE GRAVE, ©Creesus is dead ; remove his obe And strip him of hisgold ; The reaper grim has come for him, His form is still and cold. The crimson stream has ceased to flow, The haughty head is lying low, | He’s done with worldly pomp and show, Hererests his'pulseless mold. Upon you bier a per les, His soul*has taken flight ; His seneless clay wears no display— Ah, ’tis a sorry sight. His unsuccessful course is run, With tribulation he is done, His perfect rest is just begun— ‘I'he rest of death’s long night. Lay this one in his marble tomb nd you one in the ground : O’er this a stately shaft uprear O’er thata simple mound, But which shall sleep the sweeter sleep— Which first shall break the silence deep ? Ah! they are equal in dsath’s keep, Till Gabriel’s trump shall sound. —Frank B. Welch in Buffalo Express. An Awkward Mistake. A clubman relates at his own expense the following reminiscence of his visit to London last summer. Wishing to take advantage of the alleged cheapness of clothing in London he carried with him no more than he actually needed for the voyage, and on his arrival posted up to London in his steamer dress, to flnd an important dinner engagement awaiting him, only a few days off. It was an ex- tremely hot day and he was tired, but he went at once to the establishment of a tailor who had been recommended, and asked to see the proprietor, Mr. X. That gentleman appeared and the fol- lowing conversation took place : “You are Mr. X 7?” the American asked. “Yes,” was the laconic reply. “Well,” continued the American, “I met your customer, Mr. A., on the steamer I've just landed from, and he advised me to come and see you before looking anywhere else.” “But really, my man,” the tailor said, looking the dusty, travel-stained visitor over from head to foot, “I am awfully sorry not to oblige Mr. A., you know, but really we don’t need any more help at present.” The American is neither vain nor lacking in a sense of the ludicrous, so that instead of becoming mortally of- fended, as many might have done, he simply laughed and explained that he wanted some work done himself, and on this footing he was at once treated with a consideration designed to atone for so awkward a mistake. Insurance Agent’s Profits. First class life insurance agents who can approach what the companies cail “big fish” earn almost tabulous amounts of money. A gentleman who represented one of the big New York companies in this city for a number of years, and who never ‘‘touched” a man for less than a $10,000 life policy, was | wont to boat that his annual income never fell below $30,000. He was tell- ing the truth, tuo. Mr. Gildendigit was a great success as solicitor. His company transferred him to New York, where he had a wide field of work. There he was as successful as he was in Cincinnati, and he flaunted in every cafe and bar in Broadway, between Union square and the Gilsey house the certified cneck for his commission. The check was for $30,000 and he boasted that he had ‘landed his fish”’ in one month. This accomplished life insurance so- licitor was sent to Berlin by his com- pany, and reports from the German capital on the banks of the Spree are to the effect that there he is doing quite as well as the getleman who kept the hotel. This man was “self made” in all that the term implies, for when he first came to Cincinnati, he worked asa common laborer in a yeast manufactory here. He was ostentatiously liberal, offensively so at times, but it was a part of his business. The Head and Hair of Infants. The heads of infants should not be washed in brandy, whisky, spirits of hartshorn, or other stimulating washes. They do no good, cause pain, and may so irritate the tender scalp as to cause disease. For cleaning the head, soap and wa- ter, or water and a little borax in it, is all that is needed. After washing the scalp, a soft hair brush should be used. This will remove any dirt or dandruff, and will not irritate the skin as a comb would be likely to do. The hair of both boys and girls should be kept short till eight or nine years of age. This will conduce to cleanliness ; prevent a great deal of trouble 1n comb- ing and washing ; will leave no harbor for the abominable creepers to which children are exposed ; and, by keeping the head cool will render children less liable to the inflammatory affections of the brain—to which they are strongly predisposed at their time of life. Thus managed the hair will be smooth and glossy ; sores and disgusting tions on the scalp will be prevented ; trouble will be saved ; and the health, comfort and happiness of mother and child greatly promoted. The custom of putting caps on infants having been abolished by all well in- formed people, it is hardly necessary to say that the practice should be aban- doned by all, as the head is warm enough without the cap, is very likely to be too warm with it, and in tLis way causing the brain affections to which children are so prone. Language of the World. Whiie the lingual cranks are getting ready to impose anew tongue on the glcbe,commerce, invention and other re- sults of brain and brawn are rapidly forestalling the superserviceable enter- prise of the cranks. The English lan- guage is now the world’s language in a sense and to an extent that can be truth- fully affirmed of noother tongue. Eng- lish is not only the language of Great Britain, Canada and the United States, but you hear English plentifully in Gibralter, Malta, and Cypress, in the British provinces of East and West In- dia, Australia and South Africa; that is, in large parts of five continents. On the continent of Europe, English is as necessary as French in the schools. English is the language of commerce, and that means that eventually it is likely to forestall Volapuk. Lincoln’s Advice to a Naval Hero. Among the inmates of the National Soldiers’ Home at Togus, Me., is Rich- ard Rowley, who was captain of the guns on the Kearsace when she sunk the Alabama off the harbor of Cher- bourg, France and performed an act of bravery which probably saved his ship and her crew. The battle had raged for over an hour and a half, when a 100- pound rifle shell from the Alabama struck the gun which Rowley was sight- ing and fell on the deck, with the fuse still burning. In an instant Rowley picked it up and threw it into the sea, where it exploded just as it touched jthe water. The sailor's mustache and beard were burned off by the fuse, but he stepped back to his gun and sent a shot into the sinking Alabama. Capt. Winslow at once gave the order to man the rigging and give three cheers for Quarter-master Rowley. The latter was greatly lionized after his return to this country. Congress voted bim a gold medal, he received other valuable gifts, and President Lin- coln personally thanked him. For sev- eral days before his irterview with the President, Rowley had accepted fre- quent invitations to drink champagn®, and probably showed the effects. As he aroseto go Mr. Lincoln gave him $100, saying: ’ ‘Now, don’t drink too much liquor; drink just a little, but not too much. I know you old sailors all like a little grog, but be careful and not drink too much.” SHE'S A CrUEL COREATURE.—The comedian on the stage had brought a laugh by some allusion to a boy’s first shaving encounter with a barber, when the young man leaned over his girl and whispered : “That’s true to life, I can tell you.” shaw do you know?” inquired the girl. “How do IT know ?”’ he repeated in a whisper, “why, by experience, of course that was the way with me when Ifirst got shaved.” “When was that?’ she asked innn- cently. “Oh! before I raised my musta che,” he returned, moving uneasily. “What mustache?’ she inquired, a little surprised. “What mustache do you suppose ?” he retorted, turning red. ‘Why, Charlie,” whispered the girl, “I neversaw any mustache. Do you mean—"’ “Never-mind what I mean,” hissed the young man through his teeth, and became silent. There was lots of fun in the play, but Charlie never lauched again. He took the young woman home, but on the following Sunday night he went to see another girl. Southern Negro Superstitions. Women in the North have trouble enough over theservant girl question,but their waysare paths of pleasantness com- pared with those of Southern women except that the southern woman is less disturbed over the more serivussituation. When a Virginia woman wants to change girls she is compelled to go at least three days without any girl at all. The kitchen help is black, of course,a nd superstitions. No colored girl will go into a house until three days after the retiring belp has vanished, for fear of being “tricked,” — in other words, hoodooded, placed under a spell —by the dismissed help. Whatever the colored person doesn’t understand he fears. He is full of of superstition, believes in good luck from the rabbit foot when in his own possession and in bad Inck when it is “put on him” Not long ago a large number of negroes were on a Virgima Railroad platform waiting for a train to take them to a picnic ground. A Bos- ton drummer, with a face as serious as a parson’s, took a piece of chalk and a rabbit foot and in the most business-like way began to make crosses on the backs of the negroes and touch them with the rabbit foot, The crowd broke for the woods in a panic and there was no pic- nic thav day. Threatened Strike of Pennsylvania Rail- road Employes. A difference in regard to wages threatens to bring about a strike on the entire railroad system. The company baving refused to comply with the de- mands of the men, a despatch from Pitts- burg, dated 25th inst., says: Forty en- gineers, representing the brotherhood of engineers of all the Pennsylvania rail- road organizations, have decided to act with the other orders in their efforts to secure higher wages. This action was declared at the engineers’ conference to- day. The conference has been in ses- ston since Monday and concluded its work this afternoon. This decisio” was received with the utmost satisfaction by the members of the other organizations. It means now that the engineers, fire- men, conductors, trainmen and switch- men of the entire system concentrated, act as unt. The engineers authorize the statement that the work of equaliza- tion of a part of th- company is equiva- lent to cutting down at one point‘and filling up at another and will not be satisfactory. THE WAY PAVED FOR A STRIKE.— “Anything wreng with the coffee this morning, John?” “No, it’s good enough.” “Biscuits all right ?” “J haven't any fault to tind with the biscuits.” «Steak cooked all right ?” “I don’t see anything wrong with the steak.” “No complaint to make about any- thing 2” ** No. “John, I wish you would let me have fifty cents to buy some ribbons: MiLk As A SUMMER Dikr.—A v rv important element of summer diet is milk, but it must be taken in modera- tion and carefully. Drink it slowly in small mouthfals, and if there be any ! tendency to dyspepsia beat the milk a few moments to break the butter glob- ules and render it easier of digestion. Skimmed milk and fresh buttermilk are infinitely preferable to ice water as cool- Ing and refreshing summer drinks. Ice- water dyspepsia is a complaint which is very general, though its cause is very Iittle understood. How They Make Slate Pencils. In the northwestern part of the town of Castleton, Rutland Vt, is the only manufactory in the United States of slate pencils. The stone as it comes from the quarry is first sawed into blocks from four to 7 inches wide, according to the length desired for the pencils. These are split quite easily into little slabs a little thicker than the finished pencils— say 5-16 of an inch. These are passed through a planing machine and over an emery belt to make them flat, smooth and of a uniform thickness of about 3-16 of an inch. Next they are pushed into the jaws of a “crocodile,” which consists of a pair of steel plates, inthe under one of which are six rows of curved knives, each set so as to cut a little deeper than the one that went before it. These plow out parallee grooves half way through the slab, which a man then turns and lays on a steel plate, having ridges which just fit these grooves. This slides back under the six rows of teeth of a second crocodile lying in wait alongside, which puts the grooves on the other side, and leaves the pencils side by side. Lastly they are broken and rolled off for an instant, to point them, upon an emergy belt. A man can give this. last touch to about 8,000 in a day. The average daily output is about 30,000, and the mill gives employment to some thirty-five hands. The old plan was to saw out square pencils from the slab one by one. These were boxed and distri- buted among poor families, who whittled them round by hand at from a quarter to a dollar per theusand. In a New State. Driving over the prairie, yesterday, I came across an old man sowing his wheat. It is no offense to introduce yourself here—the people are sociable. I stopped him when he got to the end of his row, and asked him how long he'd been in Dakota. “I ben in Dakoty,” he said, ‘goin’ on. eight year.” “Where did you come from ?"’ “I was born in Vermont, but I kim here from Wisconsin.” “How much land do you own ?”’ “Jest one square mile.” “How much did you own in Wis- consiu ?”’ “Two lots in a buryin’ patch.” “How much wheat did you raise: last year 777 “Air you buyin’ wheat ?”’ “No, but 1'd hke to know, if you don’t mind telling.” “Tain’t no secret. I raised a crop of two thousand six hundred bushels.” “What'll you sell yeur farm for ?” “Air you buying’ property ?”’ “No, bu—"’ “Oh, T got my price. Anybody whe. pays me fifteen thousand dollars down kin hev my farm.” “How much money did you have when you came here 77’ “1 hed my things to setup house- keepin’ with and fifty dollars in money which I borried. I didn’t sell my lots in the buryin® groun’.” Down With Trusts- The Indiana Senate knows how to talk about trusts. It has passed a bill making a!l combinations to decrease outputs, control prices or limit produc- tion, criminal conspiracies to defraud, punishable hy $1,000 to $5000 fine and two to five years imprisonment. Every stockholder is to re such criminal and fraudulent conspirator, the charter is t. be torteited, and civil damages to the amount of dpub'e the injury in- flicted by a trust on a citizen's busi- ness ean be recovered. Public opinion likes and will sanction just such mailed hand blows at trusts as thi=. The peo- ple are tired of the way these great grasping concerns crush out the small producer with one hand and squeeze the consumer with the other. A Finavcran Discussion. — Old Man Moneybags (facetiouly)—“Come, my dear, aren’t you going to advise me? Here’s a man that wants me to lend him $10,000 on his Atchison stock. Now what do you advise me to do ?”’ Young Wife—“Why, you know that I don’t know anything about money.” Old Man Moneybays—“Don’t know anything about money! That’s pretty good, when you made as much in one day as I have made in all my life.’, Young Wife — “Why, when was that ?”’ Old Man Moneybags (uproariously) —“When you married me.” Young wife —“Yes, but all my friends have told me that I couldn’t bave made a worse bargain.” Many a man bas broken his back and lost his heart on a poor farm which he has suffered to run down by bad man- agement. He has spread his labor and capital over 100 acres, when by confin- ing himself to twenty-five or thirty he might have become happy and rich. The way to repair such an error is to be- gin with one field and get that into good condition, and let the rest lie, and $0 20 on through the farm. One rich field will then make i* easy to enrich another or two; and while the begin- ning is slow, it is down hill work, and as the end is nearly reached progress is fast and easy. -—One pint of flour, two teaspoon- fuls of baking powder, one-half tea- spoonful of salt. Rub in a generous ta- blespoonful of butter. Beat one egg light and add to it three-fourths of a cup of milk. Mix with the flour and other ingredients into dough. Pour the mix- ture into shallow pans and spread half an inch thick. Stick into the dough three rows of one-eigth sections of ap- ples and bake half an hour. Serve with sugar and cream orsauce, or it can be eaten as a toa cake It is recommended: as excellent. TiME FoR BUDDING. —-Pears on pear stocks are usually budded in July; on quince in the first half of September. Plums are in the best shape for ths operation from the later part of July until the middle of Aun cust, and apples from the first to the middle of August ; cherries on mazzard stocks about the first of August, and on mabale about a’ month later. Peaches are usually bud- ded in the nurseries the same season the seeds are planted and about the first ot September. . «a