an ME ne (Statement contir ued from 6th page.) Somujjsslons & lunacy... 45 00 turn judges X a Hp A Mullen Co. Detective. . 290 00 To cert. discharging S SCALP PREMIUM PAID. Robt Cook Jr Sheriff 1658 42 I eR 738 fox scalps. . 738 00 L A Schaeffer... 158 75 To transmitting aceeptances 32 wild eat 64 00 J C Henderson. 1142 65 of 7 Justices to Sec. of 1a2minks = 0. 35 50 MS Fiedler... 884 72 Commonweal hn 17% 418 justices affidavitts 01 40—8 941 90 J D Decker.. 887 92 To tax and entry on sundry — sich J BStrohm.. 800 00 FUAZIMENTS. cuoveeiennes creases 5 55 CONSTABLES’ PAY. B Galbraith 300 of To recording petitions and re- Ra Cyrus Goss Treasurer 2010 (0 POTtS weeervnns vatrvessanrarene CO For returns Jan. sessicn... 5 20 Dr.ES Dorworth. 100 0+ To stationery for use of Court 7 65— $303 00 © April £0 3 28 D F Fortney 71 85 CR Aug. 8 137 8&2 H C€ Demuth 25 00 « XE «ITT 133 76— $926 06 | State tax expense. 316 70 BY Conny ondary, in son 100 0 sapere Commonwealth of I 3108 60 By gary od hy Bpancio % AUDITORS’ PAY. Public Park... sereserees 10 50 fn go A : Road and bridge views 261 10 Si » C i ie W A Krise....... 51 00 Stenographers pay 842 61 supreme Court Com. vs. Samuel T Gray. 43 32 D O Ltters 200 00-851406 99 Shires & Kennedy. .v 8:00 HA McKee... 45 00 Basen iin ape IE > By balance. oe eesssesssrssasanannne 187 00— $303 00 OTR. ivesaeeees 40 00 oo tA : DE Ein auditing acc’ts of CENTRE €O. IN ACCOUNT WITH L. A.! To bal. due L. A. Schaeffer Reg. Rec. and Proth’y.... 33 00 —3212 32 SCHAEFFER PROTH'Y 1890. Prothy Jan. 5th Ol. $187 00 Sr = DR. TINT SY iN ato mT VIR INQUESTS HELD. | To cortificates Court Stir CENTRE CO. IN ACCT. WITH ROBERT nlel “ i: ATS. cures derirenenes 18 75 A Rankin on body of Clara hs s appointing twp ir serene 2 ’ 15 00 | To filing cons ables pets 35 00 “ ag “ Mrs. eins o Lo 38 ponds 9 00 Dr ang Jr Ap 20m { To swearing in 36 constables ont body of ED Weav- | and filing oaths... covers 9 00 OT. BF en) wa | To certificates for constables Dr a el. PAY eres terest 3 00 for 44 Ls seein pon mer 20 00 «| To filing bonds of twp offices J G Garthoff inquest on_ body To ata r 50 of Andrew Weaver, Sr 9 ogy of | Af > 3 28 f bdrew Weay er, Pleres 1 = 881 24 | & bor. officers elected...... 49 40 Ro : TTERITE | To notifying 36 constables to ROB'T COOK, JB, SHERIF. appear to be sworn in........ 9 00 Tal. on acet. of 1889.......0 esses 1162 02 | To filing Co. Auditors report 50 Error in acet 1889 relating to i To certificates for traverse fines...........s oe iseveranes 201 00 JUTOTS PAY .usarareisnrersenusnes 16 25 Watching Hopkins paid by { To "cert. fo grand jurors pay 3% deeree of court... 1 { To recording grand jury’s re- On acct. of 1890... 12 ! port and copy to Comr’s 6 00 anne 7 | To cert. for Judge Munson’s MT RTTS Q "REASURER } pay wuts 50 CYRUS GOSS, TREASURER. To cert. for Judge Riley's pay 50 Salary for 1800 ee. 2000 00 { To sundry orders to view Stationery for 1800. 10 00—82010 00 Bridges. oe emsisnsieneees ants 6 00 3 i — | To sundry venire todraw jury 11 10 Re - To cert. of jury tees earned 3 ERS PAY. hg STENOGRAPHER'S PAY and fines imposed for use Wm F Reber... 702 61 of Co. Auditors 6 10 J I IMagerman..... £0 00 —ss42 61 | To cert. to pay Vv s ; recording reports... 23 60 D.F. FORTNEY. To swearing Sheriff, jury 3 Comr’s and clerk ov 100 Services and fees in Centre > To filing election return 2 00 Co. ve. Benner twp. over. To 1 day counting vote.......... 3 00 seers, ease of E B Bush &71 85 | To transmitting 52 names to mrp Sec'y of Commonwealth... 13 00 COUNTY PHYSICIAN. To entering 52 pss of can- 3 . didates voted for........... 5 20 Dr.E 8 Dorworth salary for '90 100 00 | To oaths of clerks of election TELUTNS tooeeererraernrnessnannane 30 AMOS MULLEN, CO. DETECTIVE. To filing and recording 32 col- 8 lectors bonds 90. .ceeeeeennts 8 00 Salary 800 . 2 ah : : Solary for 13% 210 00 | 3, filing and recording 32 col- AAAI RBA ANT lectors bonds '88..ecuieniin 8 00 B GALBRAITH, JANITOR, To filing and recording 31 col- Salary for 1800u.ciinsiceiinen 300 00 lectors bonds "80... ieee 775 r mie ; To certifying costs of inquests 295 D. 0. ETTERS, COUNTY SUPT. Teachers Institute... WARREN ASYLUM. Maintaining lanaties....coouueens 273 15 DANVILLE ASYLUM. 200 00 | To cert. to Senatorial return jundges...... i To "Recording returns of re- CYRUS GOSS, TREASURER, IN A( ARISING Bal.onhand | A FROM | Maintaining lunaties.......oeeeeeee 1170 25 s — ee i Jan. 1,90. | WESTERN PENITENTIARY. a {| oh ; Benner Jd 0% 168 | Keeping convicts for 1889........ 306 72 | Bogus J 43 49 | 2 = Burnsic 176 87 HUNTINGDON REFORMATORY. College. 3 4 > Z i artin.. 208 Keeping convicts for 1880...... £127 48 rhe 89 47 . ie ear 04 STATE FISH COMMISSION. Greggs H C Demuth fine for illegal . fishing..eoses es Lh 25 00 | Harris... Howard . 1. A SCHAEFFER PROTH'Y Bal. on ace’t of 1889... 58 5 On ace’t of Proth’y feos for 90 100 00 —$158 75 J B STROHM, COM’RS CLERK. Salary for 1890. cee umiiiins wees COMMONWEALTH ON PENNA. JF Harter reporting mortgages 21 20 1. A Schaeffer % judgments 88 40 HT H K Boyer State Treasurer Worth on tax of 1889 .... ....3000 00 vonent Cyrus Goss Treas. Jonas esressorecers 89 00—$3198 60 State tax... EXPENDITURES Frank & Calvin Miller, mow- Hath 3 reich : | Amt. paid |Bal on hand ing Parle ea 10 50 TOWNSHIPS. Jan. 1,90. { = ’ | Comission | out in '90. | Jan. 5, °91. WATCHMEN ON HOPKIN: & ANDREWS. | gy ner... = ea ETE realy lg wn Clell Bamford guarding and Boggs. | 31 41 429 42 | F147 Jo. 2980 141 36 AENARNCEE. ven essrmrscessrasass 106 50 Burnsid | 250 34 | 0) i 46 2 250 34 883 28 Jacob Croyle guarding and College { 3 08 Sa 6 6 16 attendance mw Curtin... 4 OE 818 50° | 40 93 500 00 A A Walker guarding and at Ferguson | 100 49 | | 100 49 tendance.......... 84 00—8261 00 | Gree .. 1 08 30 35 ds Te Haines. | 309 | 135 STATE TAX EXPENSE ACCOUNT. islfneon a 2 » 52 60 arris..... . 7 ; M F Riddle clerical work on Howard J 13 83 | 27 66 Catch BOOKS....creesesessnssnens 55 00 Huston. 1 85 Clarence Walker clerical work Liberty | 36 37 36 37 catch on hooKS.iiiinns Marion. A 8 38 29 38 J H Oliger clerical work on Miles .. : 27 | 43 74 catch bOOKS. cei sruunriiniiene 3 00 Patton. - 75 00 J F Harter reporting mor Penn... “l 41 96 ZAZOS.crrsasnreersanes = Ly. 28,70 Potter. = J B Strohm keeping R ; Rush Re ! judgments and mortgages 200 00 —8316 70 | Spring. | —_— Snow Shoe. 885 37 FINANCIAL STATEMET. Taylor | 218 11 Union . 70 00 LIABILITIES. Walker. 109 43 Bal. due Ex Co. Treas. Cy- Worth... 807. 1. a Tus Goss... 7663 09 81694 14 | $4783 74 | $6208 90 Bal. due Sheriff Robt. Cook 1556 73 — « Proth’y L A Schaef POOR. B ie on fen. AST sen Hoek 187 00 mere — —r— —— Er ———————r al. due Proth’y I. A Schaef- s > 4 55 : C Bal. onhand| Amt Col | Treasurer's | Amt. iow. |Bal on hand SES..euuseer Hf S. : : \ ¥ FSi . Bt fue 1 A Shyer for bt ue TOWNSHIPS Jan. 1, ’90 in oC. Commission.) out in90, | Jan.5, 91. reporting judgt’s.......o.e.0 170 00 oDDGT TO $16 48 — Foie Tew Te gar Bal. aur Hewes for sal- oh Boggs 23 56 210 25 12 00 163 56 88 24 Bald ritalin Batre | 17 5 52 5 2% £2 187 65 505 85 7 es lege. 2 5 37 vices from ’88 89 '90...... 490 00 pole 5 39 36 od Bal due Western Penitent’y 379 28 Sr. - 2 ‘i 2 : ® 5. % o “ Huntingden Refom't 307 28 ES ny 2 0 18 08 90 59.65 i 2 Bal. due Comw’lth of Penna. A 5s 55 ; > > 0. Haines. 233 42 55 213 3 53 39 22 a, Se A Anaad any Bg Tor fm arris.. 36 7 : ( 18 26 Dn TO Howard 128 jou 151 wa.l Oa Comw’lth yr worsens. B43 46 Huston. 7 21 8 a Bal. due for inquest bills 34 99 Liberty 22 2 180 20.5 WH indry unpaid bills 208 15 Maton my 29 i 2. eh iio ns Miles 9 85 16 84 84 10 59 15 26 bI'ks for Prothy office... 298 80 Patton 10 4a 78 20zaln dna 10.08 Bal. due Jno Ru LE we Foun 0 gale 2 63 ‘tionery Reg cn WD Poreras LR Lok Iu hy os Bal. due for books furnished Rush vos 79 url rn 1000.00 21 02 Reg. & Rec. office 80 00 Spring. 6 21 31 107 21 00 ih Bn “ i Su Shoe 2 a it 2 2 2 = = 817 07 toate SSIONS Taylor... . 7 ou SL 43 5 47 Prine ied exonerations fcr 30000 Union. 3 149 58 334 T7 16 74 74 93 92 68 ISD. Woe 34 71 138 38 6 92 34 71 131 46 ir ie od a1 agoniag 33 | Worth. al WH TEE 68 37 $1722 71 85737 99 $286 91 $2826 38 $4347 41 ASSETTS. Outstanding taxes from 90 10680 53 a r,t : i 2 8) 2375 29 CYRUS GOSS, TREASURER, J Cran, Bo GH AND ROAD FUNDS ARISING & 88 150 63 3 SES ID “ « _7 29 57 CR Se eee Due Co. from State tax of'90 2304 44 BOROUGHS AND Bal. on hand| Amt. Coll. | Treasurers | Amt. paid | Bal on han Botes In Janae of Att'y for io%; a TOWNSHIPS, Jan. 1,90 in'90. | Commission. out in 90. | Jan.'5,°91. rolled! erensarrastiasssserrese 020 & Notes in hands of Comr’s Relicfonte boro aE 270 00 | Tan 256 50 that are collectable... 154 00 nn 3 Br 3% Ha 0 LS Asylum bills due from twps. 1562 00-$17871 70 | Centre Hall ¢ 90 00 4 50 85 50 Liabilities in excess of assetts Howard = Po im 3% 4 as eXCPRS assetts 5 i “ . 85 50 90 00 4 50 171 00 (County indebtedness ... ®3267 63 Mihein . i x ” | 1 i 5 62 | Gregg . | 37 50 | 106 86 Potter 35 62 | 37 50 1 88 35 62 35 62 General expenditures......... 35000 00 Peni... ‘ 71 24 37 50 188 106 86 For new bridges.. 4000 00 Snow Shoe. . 75 00 37 54 14 nn For repairs on bridgos _...... 500 00 Walker. | 8750 | 188 35 62 For repairs to Public Park 600 00-$40100 00 | — | T8360 | $62 80 | 7 g8 15 | SIIOL 50 | $206 45 Estimated value of taxable » EE C—O - arty in Centre Co... 11,500, -— — Tr property in Centre Co $11,500,000 00 SUMMARY | ee RECAPITULATION OF EXPENSES. Miscellaneous expenses... $3343 92 Auditor's pay 2 32 2469 40 Assessors’ pay. . . 13145 39 Bridges:and repairs. Commonwealth costs 352012 Court expenses 5982 16 Court House expen 1193 7 Constables’ pay.. 526 06 Jail expenses. 1211 63 Printing..... wal 23 Scalp preminiu.. 941 90 Western penitentiary. 306 72 Jury Commiszione 113 52 Election exper ses 1858 49 Soldier's burial 471 75 Danville asylum 1170 25 Warren i, 213 75 Refunding accoun 311 10 Watchmen .. 261 00 INQUEStS..ceesieieinaiien eye 81 24 Huntingdon Reformatory... 127 43 800 00 ON PUBLIC PARK. Huston Liberty Marion Miles... Patton. Penn.. Potter. Rush... Spring. Snow Shoe | Bal. on hand, Amt Coll. |Tre COUNT SCHOOL. COOK JR., SHERIFF *DR. To 4171 days hoarding prison- ers @ 25 ets... wrinni0i2 15 To 172 turukey fee .., 36 00 « conveying A. Hoffman to Huntingdon Reft’ 10 30 « conveying Laura Harris and Henry Irvin to Dan- ville 32 65 « conveying Fietta Weaver, Maggie Speece and Alfred Davis to Penitentiary... 52 93 « conveying W H Young to Western Penitentiary...... 25 57 « Executing W.S. Hopkins 15 00 eo Alfred Andrews 15 00 « Notifying Jury Comr’s 4 times 1890 266 45-$20439 62 eeneenrennne 12776 53-$12776 53 9 ses, during 1890 $7663 00—§7653 09 oners of Centre county, do hereby certify, to the best of foregoin report is a true and correct statement of the re- ceipts and ex enditures of said county for the year 1890, and order the same to be published. G. IL. GOODHART, T. F. ADAMS, J. B. STROHM, COMMISSIONERS. We, the undersigned, Auditors of Centre county, do hereby certif the books and accounts upon which the above Sy is based, an that we have examined find it correct. B. MITCHELL, E. H. CARR, §. T. GRAY, AUDITORS. | io ann SPAVIN CURE. "Bellefonte, Pa., February 27, 18 gl. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY as it is certain in its effects Read proof below. Playing a Rackel, Among the personal effects of a young Sl gly iy man arrested for drunkenness the other day was a check for $3,000. It was plain enough to the officer that the paper was N.-G., and when the young man sobered up he was accused of being in a confidence racket. «Oh come now,” he replied, “1 am straight and all right. That was a little racket on my own account.” “How?” «Why, I'm going with a girl who loves me for myself alone, bat her mother looks at the cash side of the question. «And you filled out this check to de- ceive her.” «That's what T did. I showed her that I had $3,000 in the bank, but what did she do but post right down there to find out that I didn’t have a hairpin on KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, BrLvervox, Pa., Nov, 27, 1890. Dr. B. J. Kexver Co. : Gents—I would like to male known to those excellent Liniment. Ihave used iton a Blood Spavin. The horse went on three three years when I commenced to use your Kendall's spavin Cure. the horse and have worked him for three years since and has not been lame. Yours truly, WM. A. CURL. GrryanTowy, N. Y., Nov. 2,188). Dg. B. J. Kenparns Co.: Enosburgh Falls, Vt. Gonts—In praise of Keadall's Spavin Cure I 2 Sn deposit. will say, that a year ago I had a valuable young “And what 77? horse become very lame, hock eularged and “Why, that’s how I came to get swollen. The horsemen about here (we have “ no Veterinary Surgeon here) pronounced his drunk. ~ She showed me the door and I | jameness Blood Spavin or Thoroughpin, they found the gate myself. I knew from | all told me there was no cure for it, he became the wav she whistled for the dog that the about useless, and I considered him almost 3 : for t o : worthless. A friend toid me of the merits of syndicate was busted, and so T went to | your Kendall's Spavin Cure, 80 I bought a bot- ruin at the nearest saloon. tle, and I could see very plainly great imnprove- : A ———————. ments immediately from its use, and before kaise ain amg the bottle was used up I was satisfied that it The Atlantic Laid Bare was doing him a great deal of good. 1 hought a second bottle and before it was used up my horse ws cured and has been in the team do ing heavy work all the season since last April showing no more signs of it. Kendall’s Spavin Cure a valuable medicine, and it should be in every stable in the land. Respectfully yonrs, EUGENE DEWITT. Figuratively speaking, the bed of the Atlantic ocean has at last been laid bare. English, American, German and French sounding expeditions have mapped every section of the ooze that lies as the bottom of the great watery waste. According to these maps and diagrams the Atlantic is a huge water trough of varying depthes extending from pole to pole. Here and there rocky peaks, like that of Teneriffe. or huge mountains of sand, like the bank of Newfoundland, reach up to or be- yond the surface. Between Ireland ¢nd Newfoundland there exists a re- Prices $1 per hottie, or six bottles for $5. All druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by he proprietors. DR. B. J. KENDALL CO, Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, Without Morphine. a ———— 32 14 2y nr Turxirs As Pourrry Foon.—The ITS STOPPED FREE.—Marvel- ous success. Insane persons restored. Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer for all brain and nerve diseases. Only.sure cure for nerve affections. Fits, Epilepsy, ete. taken as directed. No fits after first day’s use. Treatise and $2 trial bottle free to fit they paying express charges on box when re- ceived. Send name, P. O. and express ad- dress of afflicted to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. See Druggists. Beware of imitating frauds. 35-21-1y winter A mess of cooked turnips, to which ground grain is added, will prove more beneficial than either turnips or For this reason the turnips All who make = AVE YOUR CHILD'S LIFE! Should your little one be taken to night with Membranons Croup, what would you do? What physician could save its life 2 None. —BELDIN'S CROUP REMEDY—{ Is a tasteless, harmless powder, and is the on- ly safeguard. In 20 years it has never failed. Order now from your druggist or from us. Price 50e. A sampie powder by mail for 10e. THE DR. BELDIN PROPRIETARY, CO. Geese and TTA TRAE A HorrIsLE PosstBiLity.—Ticks— what’s the matter ? Wickles— Well, I've just asked old Goldbags for his daughter. 3550 ly Jamaica, N. Y. Licks—And the old idiot said no? mr te fred Wickles—On the contrary, he said yes so quick that I'm afraid he can’t be ENUINE HUNGARIAN ME- DICINAL T-0-K-A-Y W-I-N-E-3 (Swarr AND DrY) EH RTI———— For Brokers. He stood and watched the ticker, Saw his favorite fall to par; Read from the tape—this message ; «“Pake a dose of Has«on’s Tar.” Matters not how damp the weather. Of cold and snow do not be afraid, For investment in this Syrup Will be more than well repaid. Direct from the Grower, ERN. STEIN, Erpo-BexyE, Toxay, HUNGARY. ERN. STEIN'S TOKAY WINES have a wide European reputation as fine, agree- able Wines of delightful bouquet, ripe and rich color, and as appetizing and stengthening tonics ; they are peculiarly suitable for lunch- eon wines, for ladies, and for medicinal use. SUB AGENTS WANTED. A —— LG SE Invest IN Provensmarms.—They What shares would you advise me Do you own farm property? replied ties of these Tokay wines at $10. ERN. STEIN. Yes, I own free and clear, 20,000 Old €otton Exehange, N.Y best farm land in Iowa, answered the agriculturist. 35-30-ly * ‘Well, then, take a friend’s ad- SE vice, said the Wall street man. Invest GIVE AWAY __T have been troubled with chro- nie catarrh for years. Ely’s Cream Balm is the only remedy among the many that I have used that affords me relief. —E. W. Willard, Druggist, Jel- lett, Il. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Complaint, Sick Headache, ful medicine, ~~ FLORAPLEXION~— for the above named diseases. EST InpIAN TrROUBLES.—-General Killem (regular army)—What’s become of all those hostile Indians who were expected to make an attack here? Mr. Starven (Indian Agent)--T—T gave ’em something to eat, and they went off. to ail their friends and acquaintances. ing large expense. ———————r— your ease pd feonite a fos bottle : 0 turn mail, or ask your druggist for it an There is danger in impure blood. | well. Address, PROF. HART. There is safety in taking Hood’s Sarsa- | 3514 iynr. 88 Warren Street, N. Y. who are almost persuaded to use Kendall's Spavin Cure the fact that I think itis a most legs for 1 used ten bottles on = I consider your Infallible if atients, | _ —_— FAI Write for'sample case containing one dozen |’ fall pint bottles selected of tour different quali- |! To every reader of this paper who suffers from Liver Nervous Debility or Consumption, a bottle of that most wonder- which is the only absolute and permanent eure 1 can afford to do this because 1 know that nine out of every ten persons whe try it will be so well satisfied with the resuits they will take pleasure in speaking about its marvelous curative yipes e value of this sort of advertising to me is worth many times the cost of the medicine given away, so I am well com pensated for the seem- have over 70,0000 letters on file from peo- ple who have been cured of one or more of the complaints above named. Write to-day sieing Te- get Attorneys-at-Law. C. HARPER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte the Pa. Oflice in Garman House. 30 28 WwW ILLIAM 1. SWOOPE, Attorney-at-Law. Y Y Furst building, Bellefonte, Pa. 3425 1y F. FORTNEY, Attorney-at-Law, Belle o foute, Pa, Office in Woodring'’s build ing, north of the Court House. 14 2 M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- + fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s new ouilding. with W. H. Blair. 19 40 OHN G. LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle fonte, Pa. Office in the rooms formerly ceeupied by the late W. P. Wilson. 2 "ND. RAY, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. >, Special attention given to the collection of claims. Office on High street. p. H. HASTINGS. Ww. F. REEDER. ASTINGS & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law, © Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North Al- egheny street. 28 13 J. L. SPANGLER. c. P. HEWES. SPAN eon: & HEWES, Attorneys-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Consultation in English or German. Office opp. Court House. 19 6 OHN KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office on second toor of Furst's new building, north of Court House. Can be con- sulted in English or German. 29 31 sy Crna HALE, Attorney-at-Law, Collections and all other and Clearfield coun- 23 14 OHN MILLS Philipsburg, Pa. legal business in Centre .| ties attended to. C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- o fonte, Pa. Ofiice in Garman’s block, opp. Court House. All professional business ih receive prompt attention. 30 16 Physicians. 8. GLENN, M. b,, Physician and Sur- « geon, State College, Centre county,Pa. Oftice at his re i ce. 35-41 HIBLER, M.D, Physician and Surgeon, 8 4 offers his professional services to the Sitizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 26 N. Allegheny street. 11 23 R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur- geon, offers his professional services to ihe citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 2 : 35-40-1 markable submarine plain, always re- hey Bt | on North High street, next deor to Judge Or- forred to as ‘‘the telegraphic plateau,” ma a vis’ law office, opp. Court House. 29 20 which is evidently a continuation of the : an ” i : : 7 K. HOY, M. D,, Oculist and Aurist, No. great w at rshed, which between latitudes HILDREN H. North High Street, CR TRE 40 and 50 degs. north surrounds the C 4 ul Office hours—7 to 9 a m.,1 to 2 and 7 to8 earth and divides the waters fiowing p.m. Defective vision aretiy orseoted: south from those flowing north. CRY FOR Spectacles and Eyeglasses furnished. 218 : > R. R.L, DARTT Homeopathic Physician T iS . R. Li, UZ ate le Autograph Collecting. PITCHER'S and Surgeon. Oifice in residence No. 61 North Allegheny street, next to Episcopal Are you fond ot autographs, Mus. retry church. fie Sour 9uine. TW, 1143 5007 Mushroom ? nsked the msthetic young Sead a " to9 p. m. Telephone. 3245 lady of the practical visitor. C A 9 2 R 1 ! TT. of Bellefont No, I don’t go much on ’em but my C Agron 114A! TL. B. 1. DARTT, of Beieionte, vy 2 el C As TON I A Pa., has the Brinkerhoff system of son who's away at college has a big . Y: Real treatment for the cure of Piles, Fis- collection of the handwritin’ of great ccee sures amd other Rectal diseases. Information | celebrights. TI recken I'll surprise him furnished upon application. 30 14tf some when he gets back this summer. Some er In what way ? Dentists. Well, ye see, some ol them celebrights HEALTH eC ————— writ such poor writin’ that L had all the FE. WARD, GRADUATE OF BALTI- names copied off in a neat band in a big and 3. MORE DENTAL COLLEGE. Officein nook. You have no 3dee how mueh ; Crider’s Stone Block, High street, Bellefonte: better they look. That other truck that SLEEP pa, meme : Bankers. : ACKSON, CRIDFR & HASTINGS, (Suneces- J sors to W. F. Reynolds & Co.) Bankers, Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Notes Discounted ; Interest paid on special deposits, Exchange on Iastern cities. Deposits re- ceived. 17 36 Insurance. EO. L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent: the best companies, and write peli- cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason- able rates. Cffice in Furst's building, opp. the Court House. 225 C. WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE Agent, Belletonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates. Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna- does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. 3412 1y 8s Agent for the best o—FIRE, LIFE or ACCIDENT—o0 INSURANCE COMPANIES. All business in his line carefully and promptly attended to. 35 37 Hotels. 1. GARDNER. Opposite the Court Housa: ee eee — In consequence of the similarity of e names of the Parker and Potter: Hotels, the proprietor of the Parker House has-chang- the name of his hotel to T THE PUBLIC. t 0—COAL EXCHANGE HOTEL.—o He has also repapered, repainted and other- wise improve it, and has fitted up aJarge and tasty parlor and reception room on the first . door. WM. PARKER, 83 17 Philipsburg, Pa. rene {PRL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KOHLBECKER, Propriator. This new and commodious Hotel, located op- site the depot, Milesburg Centre county, as been entirely refitted, re urnished and re- plenishedi throughout, and is LOW second to none in the county in the character of accom- modations offered the public. Its table is sup- plied with the best the market affords, its bar Sontains the purest and choiesst liquors, its stable has attentive hostlers, and every conve- nience and comfort is extended its guests. Ba~Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent place to Funch or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 min- utes. 24 24 T o—CUMMINGS HOUSE—o0 BELLEFONTE, PA. petite, the great blood purifier. 100 | =s========== —- oses one aollar. / Book Bindery. ATER A | ura BOOK BINDERY. [Established 1852.] His Winter Mermop.—Bunting-- Yonng Hunker is a regular ladykiller. Larkin-—Ah! How does he dispatch his victims ? Bunting —Just now he sleighs them. SE ACR AAS —— prepared to BIND BOOKS AND MAGAZINES — Always keep che bottle handy, Do not place it out of sight, For it cured our little Andy, Who was coughing day and night. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. of all descriptions, Special attention given to the ruling of pape and manufacture of BLANK BOOKS. i Orders will be received at this Rea ad 1 shot a pr 1 ress . Li. iR, A fowl should nop fe fed for tweive ®g,ox Binder, Third and Market Streets, hours previous to killing. ! 2518 Harrisburg, Pa. Having the "atest improved machinbry 1am or to rebind old books, Having assumed the proprietorship of this Enely logated and well known hotel, I desire to inform the public that whilejit will have no bar, and be run strictly asa temperance hotel, 1t will furnish to its patrons all the comforts conveniences and hospitalities offered by others. Its table will not be sur- passed oy any. Its rooms are large and comfortable. Its stabling is the best in town, and its prices to transient guests and regular boarders will be very reasonable. Tr - I earnestly solicit a share of the public patronage. 83 13 GOTLEIB HAAG, 1