Du moet dic Ala (jane = MEEK. av =. GRAY Ink Slings. —1Tt is too early to predict a peach crop until the stormy month of March shall have done its worst. —If the cigurettes are not extinguish- ed they will extinguish the dudes, which may be an argument against interfer- ing with the cigarette habit. --Tt is an evidence of the benevolence of the chicken that she does the most laying about the time when the necessi- ties of Easter require the most eggs. —The Columbus editors kept up their fusilade with as much spirit as if they were shooting on Kentucky soil, and with the fatality of a Harlan county feud. —There seems to be a question whether Rev. Senator-elect KYLE of South Dakota is a Republican or a Dem- ocrat, bat there can be scarcely a doubt that he is a crank. —-There are people who won't believe anything else than that the Standard Oil Company is piping a large quantity of lubricating material into the Pennsyl- vania Legislature. --In selecting Calico CHARLEY Fos TER for the Treasury Department Presi- dent HARRISON may find that in cutting the coat accordingly to the cloth he got hold of an article that may not wash. — When the Democratic congressmen come to think how much they owe Tom REED for the recent great Democratic victory they may conclude that a vote of thanks from them would not be out of place. —If it be true that ornithological or- naments are to disappear from the head- gear of the ladies, the birds will have reason to pipe their merriest lays when they shall make their reappearance in the spring. —It is now reported thant Chicago is going to put $25,000,000 into the ‘World’s Fair. If wind could be coined into dollars she would experience no difficulty whatever in raising that amount of money. — The Twenty-secend of February annually revives the tradition in which a cherry tree and a boy who couldn’t tell a lie are the prominent figures. Such boys, although detrimental to the cherry crop, ornaments to their country. are —Unless a close watch be kept on it the ballot reform bill; may go up the spout where the woodbine of Republi- can promise twineth deceptively, and where the tax bill mysteriously dis- appeared from human sight two years 820. —A Cincinnati physician says tbat he can operate successfully on idiots. We are afraid he wounld find an incurable case in the fellow who believes that the tariff isn’t a tax and that the duty on imported goods is paid by the foreign importers. —When it is showa that JouxNY DavexrorT in the last eighteen years received $250,000 from the gevernment for supervising elections it is no wonder that he threw all his ingenuity into the getting up ofa force bill that would per- petuate his occupation. —The President told the Sioux In- dias that they couldn’t always be a public charge and that they must pre- pare to work for their living. Pretty much the same thing will be told the Republican federal office-holders about two years from tais time. —-CLEOPATRA BERNHARDT is going to invade Connecticut with her asp, and the truly good people of the Nutmeg State couldn’t be more shocked if the French actress should purpose to come among them with a real rattlesnake. They den’t like her reptilian style. —The success that has attended skin- grafting endangers the reliability of tte old adage that the Ethiopian can not change his skin. As to the leopard not being able to change his spots it has been shown long ago that when he gets tired of one spot he goes to another. -~President Harrison is represented | balt-holiday. SC wr VOL. 36. A emocralic ES STATE > AN D FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., FEBRUARY 27, 1891. NO. 8, The Question of the Stare Capitol Building. The question of a new capitol build- ing at Harrisburg is again bringing itseif to the attention of the legislators at Harrisburg. It is admitted by all that enlarged and improved accommo- dations for the Legislature is needed, and there is complaint that the health of the members is injured by prolong- ed work in badly ventilated and poor- ly heated apartments. But on the part of many there is a reluctance about making a movement for a new capitol through an apprehension that it will run into extravagant expendi- ture. When buildings of this kind are contructed there is no telling when the job will end nor the limit of the ex- pense. The state capitol at Albany- and the public building in Philadel phia are examples. A House Committee on State Capi- tol has been appointed, cousisting of Representatives McCuLroucH, of Alle- gheny, WuEeRrry, of Cumberland, and Taceart, of Montgomery, to which will be added two Senators not yet se- lected,who will consider and report up- on the question of a new structure, or the enlargement of the present build- ings. [tis said that the committee will favor an enlargement rather than a new elifice. There are some who think that it would be better to have an en- tirely new building, their argument be- ing that the second State in the Union should have a capitol befitting her dig nity in the sisterhood of States the cost of which would not exceed $5,000,000 if the work should be placed in proper hanas. The latter consideration is where the difficulty lies. Wht parties could be found that wouldn't want to make a big job of it? As the majority do not appear to be in favor of a new capitol the principal question that will be before the com- mittee will be the cousideration of a ‘been improperly controlled. pian for enlarging the present quarters. The features of the Boyer bill of 1887 are receiving careful consideration in this counection by the members who are taking an active interest the sabjeet, and it is now deciared that in the probable outcome of the comumit- tee’s lubors will be a recommendation similar to that measure. Mr. BoYER's plan was to build a fire-proof library building at the southern end of the capitol grounds.at a cost not to ex- ceed $250,000. Such a structure would be needed, it is claimed, even the event of the State building a new capi- tol within a few years when the bur- den of taxation has been so equalized that the farmers will not object to con- tributing a portion of their hard earned money for glory and the benefit of con- tractors. The library, with all its val- uable records, is now at the mercy of the flames at any time. In addition to this, it was proposed to enlarge the oresent capitol and remodel its interior at a cost of $350,000. This would make the total expenditure about $600,- in 000. The library building was to be designed to accommodate the State and [Executive Departments, now crowded into the second story of the building occupied by the State Treasur- er and Auditor General. This would give these departments much needed room. It is not surprising that a great deal [of opposition ic showing itself at Harrisburg from the country districts against the bill to make Sacmrday a In the eities giving the to have taken a great faney to Mr. | employes of stores a half-holiday on BrAixge's reciprocity idea and would like to turn it to his own advantage ; bat if both these distinguished officials | i i { | interfered with business. | Saturday has worked very well, it be- ing a beneficent measiare that has not In the coun should work the, reciprocity racket for | try Saturday afternoon is when a great their o vn benefit it would cause a split | deal of business is done in the stores in the administration. —The case of young HOLLAXD in Philadelphia should be a warning to the man who keeps a revolver in his house tha. it is unsafe to bang away at a suppos- ed burglar until heis fully assured that it isn’t his sister making a perambulation. Ifit should be hi: mother-in-law it wouldnt so much difference. merely | by the farmers, and is about the busi- nocturnal | make | 1! — Eggs having come down to 16 cents | a dozen the Press clucks the claim that the McKinley bill had something to do with it. But itis the hens that have brought down the price. Nothing could be meaner than to try to rob them of the credit that is due them for the zeal with which they always commence spring business. their two were elected. ‘ouch est part of the week in such establish- No wonder the country people oppose a cessation of business at that time, ments, ——TI'he borough election in Brock- wayville, Jeflerson county, on the 17th by the “kids.” They ran what was called the Kintergarden ticket, on which all the candidates but The new chief burgess old, and the new bor- treasurer voted on age at the election that pat him into office, The boys are wild over their victory, and it is probable that the eitizens will be wild by the time these kids get through with their borough government, 1st, was run is only 21 years o The Reform Ballot Bill. Considerable anxiety is felt by the people concerning the ballot reform bill now pending in the Legislature and which is in the hands of a special ! committee of the House cousisting of Messrs. Baker, Low, LyrLg, RiTER, Waerry and Jous:oN. No other measure that has been before the Leg- islature in many years was more deep- ly interesting to the earnest and hon- est citizens than is this one that is in- tended to provide for fair and honest elections. The committee will probably report the bill favorably this week. The mea- sure proposed will not go as far in the direction of electoral reform as would be effected by a constitutional amend- ment that would do away with the numbering of the ballots and provide for personal registration of every voter. But the bill zs it stands will secure the legal equality of party and independent nominations; the free printing of uni- form ballots; secrecy in making up the ticket of the voter, and an open and public count. This would be in a great measure a protection against the practice of bribery and intimidation by which the elections of the past have There should be no delay in securing this measure of reform until there is time to perfect the work by a constitutional convention. There should be a reform ballot law in operation at the next Presidential election. RA a ——————————— The Annexation Question. - » ‘I'he Canadians are excited over a poiitical contest in which the question of annexation to the United States is | largely mixed. There is an extensive and growing class in the Dowinion who are dissatisfied with their political and commercial situation, believing that it would be improved by a union with the United States. The younger | generation are especially affected jg | this feeling and the ranks of the an- nexationists ate largely recruited from them. They see a broader field for | their activity as citizens of the great re- | public. | very few who take any But in the United States there are interest in of Canadian annexa- The majority of our people be- lieve that the Republic is large enough, and probably too large for convenient and safe handling; we already possess all the resources that a nation could de- the tion. question sire, and it is hard to see in what way | the addition of Canada could increase the strength or promote the prosperity of our iin Its Mission Ended. JERRY S1MPs0N, the Granger states- man of Kansas, although his feet may | be devoid of socks, appears to have his | head well supplied with brains. evidence of the latter is his opinion ! that the mission of the Republican par- ty is ended. Iu an interview the other day he said: “The third party move- ment is growing in strength every day, | and it will be considerable of a factor | in the next Presidential campaign. Tae Republican party has bad its day. It is dead. The Republicans have no reforms to offer the people, and they are so honeycombed with cor- ruption and have given the people so much class legislation that the time has arrived to infusenew blood into the government. The Democratic party has existed since the foundation of the government and will always The sockless sage of Kansas has a correct idea of the vital force and deathless mission of Democratic pariy. live.” the They Should Be Overhauled. When such Republican papers as the New York Zribune see an outrage- ous perversion of the pension system and calls for an erasure of names not properly upon the rolls, joining with D:mocratic and Independent papers in asking for an investigation that will rid the rolls of names that should not |! be on them, it.is high time for the small fry Republican sheets to with- draw their opposition. IMounest pen- | sioners have nothing to fear from this! investization, which we trast will be undertaken by the next House. but the dishonest ones, who are entirely too numerous, may well feel shaky and fear the jst indignation of the people who have been and are , being robbed of millione for their benefit. An | The New Road Law. The new road law lately introduced lin the Legislature is attracting wide- e | spre. ud attention. It will completely { change the present road law of the State, aiming at the establishment of a system that will give us better roads and highways. The prosperity of the country, and especially of the farming class, is largely due to the kind of roads they have to get their produce to market. Good or bad transportation facilities increase or decrease the val- ue of land. A good macadamized road or turnpike in front of a man’s farm adds at least ten dollars to every acre. There may be some defects in the bill, but upon the whole it is in the di- rection of better highways, The State is to make 4d very considerable appro- priation for the improvement of the roads. If some such system had been established fifty years ago the country would now be supplied with good and serviceable highways, millions would have been saved that have been wast- ed on poor roads, and millions added to the value of farms which is always enhanced by easy access and practica- ble avenues of transportation to mark- et. This might have been the case if a better road system had been estab- lished years ago, but it is never too late to begin a good work, On Tuesday a Granger's petition was handed into the Senate protesting against the passage of the road bill. As its object is chiefly for the venefit of the rural districts, objections coming from that quarter should receive due consideration, but it is to be hoped that they will not be found incompati- ble with the greatly needed improve- ment of the roads. It May Be Only Neglect. One of the honorable State Senators the other day made such a powerful appeal for the erection of a monument to the Pennsylvania