EE A A A TO | Te A A Sa coco : Wn : "Medicinal Miscelinncous Advs. J L Dunlap... 3 00 Hugh Adams poor tax B F Frank Weight © 10 00 4 CH raticd fla ally He — ee | elma J Mayer Lyon, x 2 00 Morgan tax ... 7 60 Thomas Beightol 10 00 AY Ad { bivives ) Yo oh a th ¥ N fowin oe 22 Ym Orage 3 I = Jos 2 Mors BX i: 99 8 YT « Se Saari a OTA LEY HELF LESS D~ TROIT SURE GRIP STEEL GW Campi e 8 Ds a Ls > % g on . - 00 mE P Feb 20, 180. I 4 1" TACKL a BLOOH, —Half os sens J no 100 ie.. 3 50 C P Hewes collection fees. 34 80 W L Wilson 24) 9 w 3 ’ i . | of hoistin aved to Storekeepers, Butchers, | Jno Anders 3 5 4 4 i 3 y > Bellefonte, Biel © ruary FROM SCIATIC RIUMATISM—WHOLLY Ah righ Builders, Corea, to Sirah 3 . y Ro a fos 50 00 14 Deda oh al juror’ Nov. 2 6 mores w— CURED BY HOCD'S SARSAPARILLA. and OTHERS. Admitted to be’ the greatest | Lew McQu 3 50 SD Ray surveying in Fictta ys S a 7 "Ne ho | improvement EVER made in tackle blocks. | C E Decke 3 00 Weaver case : 31 89 ne 1 AY: juror Nov. & Trades and Trade Schools. The fact that rthemmatism is cansed by accu- | Freight prepaid. Write for catalogue. Wm Shope 168 I BE Linn off for retain to ! €SSIoN 18EY mrusersecrsenennenns 4 40—85982 1¢ pm mulation of acid in the blood, and the [fact FULTON IRON & ENGINE WORKS, Wm Grassire 168 board rev-com’s - 100 COURT Ta TX PENS Springfield Homestead. that Hood's Sarsaparilla has wonderful power | Established 1852. 10 Brush St., Dos : 2 4 Jas Harris § Oos m . . : Cony HOUSE EXPENSES. If every boy learned a trade thorough- | ii, purifying the blood, explain the success of | 36-17-1y Detroit, Mich | Thos Butler..... 15 paling sans 1 Bleetric Light Co., light and purifying , exp Thos Butler.. 1 50 R L Erhard 1 bu salt. 60 lamps 236 85 the market would not be gluatted as | gooq's Sarsaparilla in curing this disease. : nin . B Butler. 5 94 D Garman horse hire search. Bellare. Gan “Co, steam ? present with unskilled labor, and 1a Man 1565. 1 waniaken with sciatie vhen- HEAP COW. CATILE AND I: Mn groan, 318 ing for Wilson... 3.0) ROL vsnetn rims ian 364 34 there would not be so many young men HN 3 HORSE FEED Giayion Baney. $20 Larimer Bros. horse hire Logan Machine Works steam ound in offices trying to make matism in my legs and arms. It entirely pre- COTTON SEED MEAL Pie ons bl 7 ’e Dian ser for Wilson 150 fitting repairs. ar 1 as N Bell MAL, J W Adams 6 32 . lap services ses vented me from working, and I was confined " TIN H Shalt oy unlapservices sea W C Heinle Insura on. sone: generally useful at $5 to $9 : 1 . GLUTEN MEAL. shultz . 672 for Wilson.. 1 50 GL Potter o my bed entirely helpless. I had medical ce Robt Parson 4 50 Joshua Foulk s wee k, while they are learning scarcely : : : LINSEED MEAL. | yi10 Harri 5 ’ § Seale 5 Robert Cole ventilating appa- attendance and in August I was just able to a, 5s Jane Harris. 4 30 ing for Wilson. 150 TRE. reer tusinerons ions 75 y nything of actual business and are on re anid. 1 wat veibeadto PRATTS' FOOD FOR CATTLE & HORSES. James Ginter. 1 50 A Philes nec to Loch Yl ey = I the road to nowhere in particular. This The best and lowest priced food for cattle and Robt Harris... 1.50 Haven searching for Wisn 5 08 W T Twitmire repairs to roof Ss the Situation: and:Col. Auchmuty, of A MERE SKELETON Botoos Bord Sonjannn 1 » J A Rupp 2 bot writing fluid 1 30 god SPORLING. uur asariseriens 6 10 the New York trade school, descsibed ; Owing to the high price of Corn and Oats, | Jia Garbriok.... a Sundry bersonsaarying segs 10 9 D W Eberhard repairing win- ) and my appetite was gone. It was thought! Cotton and Linseed Meal cost less per hundred | "5 inn 5 70 8 bonis erical work HOWE 8G rrressriseernsnensn 8 50 the remedy in an extremely interesting by all my friends that I could not possibly live. | pounds than mixed chop; notwithstanding | W's ‘Porto. 22 “ ol da books & duplicates 75 60 Robt McFarlane nail, locksetec 8 50 and valuable lecture at the board of I took al rervihii that, it has been demonstrated by W. C. Patter- SI a De in Simler reward for arresting A Loeb 18 yds carpet. i800 ook almost everything I could hear of but son, Supt. at the State College farm that one Dr. E 8 Do: 4 50 Andrews.. .. 150 00 H Savitz repairing fu c 505 trade rooms Wednesday evening. The | ii, 1o good results, during the winter. One Hr ans a a. ns ete J.C Boal 2 47 J H Keller rewar S H Williams glass & glazing 4 20 3 apprenticeship system has passed out of | guy reading about taking Hood’s Sarsaprilla in | as two pounds of Corn meal,and Linseed Meal is Dr. J I Alexander. 3 48 hich, crosses: 20 00 F E Naginey lige fore court : h : Ys 3 ars Seed 1 4 Robt Cook Jr.. 14 52 S ID Ray water tax for 1890...... 95 00 ee 00 vogue in the U nited States, and the ma worth as much a, Cotton Seed Meal for feeding 3 gD : } Bx 1 ) ) A A 3 : . Johnathan Schenck. 5 58 G Haag supper for jury.......... 4 80 MARCH, APRIL AN 8 d 1 f M: > RIL AND MAY, stock--One pound of Cotton Seed Meal, one al Y pper for jury.,....... jority of i RR it. ¢ pound of Gluten or Corn Mealand four pounds | Hay Bigany 2 WC Gearhart witness fee in 319 born. A young man nowadays ish I concluded to try it. One bottl 2 gave me so of Wheat Bran make a most excellent feed for w ye ingle Turnpike case... el 62 Jno McDermott i tiling 3% pick up his trade, at best in a “slipshod much relief that I took four bottles, and since | mill cows ; and one handful of Linseed Meal n J Guaghe BB Moree lo Come. err is 0) P B Crider & Son lumber........ TT1—81193 74 manner in such a position as he can get. | then I have not been troubled with rhuma- | fed to horses and mules twice a day, promotes | pu; Williams ial a Daa 500 "JAIL ACCOUNT. The trade unions are hostile to the tism,and my general health has never been A hm one sick | plery Stanton. W E Gray expense be ar- ln Tid a NY . iat on s g 8 8 FP. Weaver 25 00—83343 92 | Electric Lig > i g training of apprentices ; their policy is { better. My appetite is increasing and Tam| We have recently sold W. C. Patterson, Supt. dma fa don Board for for F. Weaver im £3343 92 | H i ig it Co Hele and i to corner skilled labor. The trade school is the solution of the problem. The 2,500 young men who have learned trades in Col. Auchmuty’s school have earned from $2.20 to $5 per day on leaving, and testify that the school has been the making of them. Plasterers have gone right out and earned $4 a day. Bright young men master the course in plumbing in three months, in some instances, and find work awaiting them on graduating. The work of the bricklayers who learn the trade there is far superior to the average contract work. The old sys- tem of training induces a boy to leave school, to find employment in a work- shop. The trade school system encourages “him to remain at school, to go to college, if he can, and then learn his trade in a trade school. Thirty-one of the forty- four states of the Union are represented at the New York school. Col. Auch- muty asks what more useful and endur- ing gift Springfield could receive from the business men than such a school. nema A Ride Across Europe. A correspondent in Paris sends an in- teresting account of Lieut. Asseyefl’s ge from Lubni, in Poltava, to the Paris Exhibition, = He is only twenty- five years old. When be determined to go to Paris he followed the Czar Nicholas’s method of laying out a route with a difference. He did not use a ruler, he took a thread, and stretching it across the map from Lubni to Puris, marked off his route in a straight line. Then he started on horse back ulone, Lieut. Asseyeff rode on one horse and led another on the Turcoman system, riding each horse on alternate days. One steed was half English and half Don Cessack, the other was of pure Russian breed. He rode or an average a little over fifty miles a day, and cov- ered the whole distance in thirty days. The cost of riding across Europe with a couple of saddled horses was only £30, or about twenty shillings a day. If it can be done as cheap as this, equestrian tours will become common. WHAT A CHANGE.—Is wrought in people who suffer from rheumatism ‘when they take Hocd’s Sarsaparilla. The acidity of the blood which causes the disease is neutralized, the blood is purified and vitalized, the aching joints and limbs rest easily and quietly, and a ‘ecling of serene health is imparted. Hood's Sarsaparilla has accomplished wvorders for thousands subject to rhuma- tism. Try it yourself. CATARRH IN NEW ENGLAND.-—Ely’s Cream Balm gives satisfaction to every ane using it for catarrh troubles.—G. IL. Meller, Druggist, Worcester, Mass. I believe Ely’s Cream Balm. is the best article for catarrh ever offered the public. —Bush & Co.” Druggists, Wor- cester, Mass. Anarticle of real merit.—C. P. Alden, Druggist, Springgeld, Mass. Those who use it speak highly of it.— Geo. A. Hill, Druggist, Springfield, Mass. Cream Balm has given satisfactory re- cults. W. P. Draper, Druggist, Spring- field, Mass. *——Tt is essential for the proper dav- lopment of mind and body that a suffi- cient quantity of soluble ard assimilable phosphates be introduced into the sto- machs of young children, Mellin’s Food is rich in blood-forming, brain- forming and bone-forming compounds. Who the New Kansas Senator Is. Judge Peter is a native of Cumber- jand county, Pa..and a brother of B. K. Peffer, ex-director of the poor, and well known to many readers of this paper. n.1852 he went to Indiana and engag- ©G attarming ; in 1857 he went to Mis- souri and at the ln out of the war moved to Illinois, where he enlisted in the Eighty-third regiment, Illinois vol- unteers, and was placed upon detached service and charged with responsible duties In 1870 he settled in Kansas, opened a law office and established the Kansas Farmer, of which he is still editor. He entered politics in 1874 as a Republican. -and was elected to the Kansas state senate where he served one term. He is60 years of age, and tall and slim. A——— A CLERGYMAN's OpinroN.— Having had an opporttinity to test the excellent qualities of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. I hesitate not to say it is the best remedy T have ever used in my family.—Rev. ‘Wm. Chapman, Pastor M. E. Church, Georgetown, D. C. —~——Mr. Miller, wife of the Governor of North Dakota, dropped into the office of a newspaper at Dryden, N. York., re- cently, and set a couple of stickfuls of matter as a reminder of the old days when she was a compositor in that of- fice and the Governor was “making up” to her. A GUARANTEE.—There is no case of rheumatism or neuralgia, which will gaining in flesh. ed with like disease. GR ever put up.” Wx. Cameron Co., Penn. stated.” JoNATHAN Peace, Emporium, Sold by ail druggist. red only by C. I. Hoo Lowell, Mass. 100 DOSES ONE I attribute my whole im- provement to taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and I earnestly recommend it to all who are troubl- I consider it the ANDEST MEDICINE P. “I hereby certify to the foregoing facts as GIFFORD, Justice HOODS SARSAPARILLA Penn.—Be sure to 81; six for $5. Prepa- d & Co., Apothecaries, DOLLAR. Tayror, Emporium, of the ge of the State College farm, for fg eding pur- poses, 614 tons of Cotton Seed Mea and we are quite stire that he wonld not buy it in such large quantities, unless the use of it proved to be profitable; therefore, we can recommend it for feeding stock, with the full assurance, that we are furnishing more value for the money received than is offered in any other class of feed. We have a large stock of this feed on hand, and are prepared to furnish it in large or small quantities at the lowest price. Orders left at our office in the Hale building, Bellefonte, Pa., will receive prompt attention. 35 483m MceCALMONT & CO. Gas | Fitting. M. GALBRAITH, Phambier an and Gas and Steam Fitter, Bellefonte, Pa. Pays purticular attention to heating buildicgs hy steam, copver smithing, rebronzing gas fix urest, ge. 20 26 STATE AND COUN RECEIPTS AND OF CENTRE COUNTY EX PEN DITURES FOR THE YEAR 1300. TY TAXES LEVIED AND OUTSTANDING, JANUARY 5, 1891. | C COUNT Y. STATE, paid, By road & bridge views By stenographers... By Institute expe nS6S.. By 10 days delivering cate and Reg '89.... By 10 days de By 10 days deliverin election blanks '9u.. assess’t blanks 90... Reg. 9 By 10 ts deliverin election blanks 00 office ’90 .... By traveling expenses. May 13th 89. not be relieved by the use of Salvation 0il. Price 25 cents. DR. To sundry order: . “és $1142 65 M.S. FIEDLER. CR. By bal from acct of 18°9......... 112 65 By 5 days delivering Feb elec- tion blanks.........iiveeninan - 15 00 By 10 days delivering T . eriptand notices '90........ By 10 Figs ehvering Ling! and 3 By 218 days services in Com’s. By orders from Co. Comr’s 50103 2! 261 841 62 200 00-§51406 99 2 = Baye oy 3 To sundry OrderS.......veves $884 72 To Unseated land fund........ 417i 98 Ee Cash from redemp’n US land 2 76 | Cash from licenses.. 31 25 i 710 Fine for illegal fishing. 25 00 J. D. DECKER CR. Fine for sale Oleomarg 50 00 . By bal. from ace’t of 1880........ 97 81 From Com’rs Asylum bills... 1775 23 . By 5 days delivering Feb elec- « JW Bennet... 3 00 | tion blk’s .. 1500 « «State T refuned 1475 33 | By 7 days d “ “ Taxes from du- | blanks.... Fo 21 00 plicates of '86 '87.1. 499 17 | By 7 days delivering rans- Jurors Com. fines and costs 649 69 _eript and notices. 21 00 “ : lear y 7 ds eli a com's of Clea By7 ays delivering Dup and a 12000 | Beg cei sini, 700 By : days delraring Nov. 663 09-$51406 99 election blanks........ccceeie 8 00 7 ® By 195 days services in Com’rs office......s. -.. 583 00 By traveling e Xp! of May 13th, ’89 109 11— $887 92 y To sundry orders......occcrenns $887 92 COSTS PAID IN SUNDRY COMMON- WEALTH CASES Com. ys. Alfred Andrews sun- dry witnesses.. Com. vs. Fietta Weaver sundry 621 57 witnesses............. 375 67 Com. vs. JB dry witnesses.. 111 03 Com. vs. Supervisors “Boggs twp sundry witness......... 227 08 Com. vs. Alfred Davis sundry witnesses.. 0 80 Com. vs. Jno Wilson ‘sundry @XPENSeS ...cosvrrsrirarans 60 00 Com. vs. Luther Kline sundry witnesses. « 3540 Annie Knoffsing 474 W R Willlam 7 56 | ST Gray.. ..... 347 i Della Grenninger S 82 i J Dolterer........ 5 28 Robt Patterson 228 Edward Beckwith.. 4 50 Aaron Orwig. 5 04 Christ Sharre 74 Albert Newman.. 5 40 + J M Monigal..... 4 56 V Beckwith.. 672 DH Bean... 2 bb Clem Dale for sundry persons 17 64 Wm Roberts & Ls) 18 18 M Podolsky...cer er: vsrssssiscn 200 . Ed Brickley Abe Hottm: wn James Mc Frank Cas Wm Garland.. John Penny.. Jas Johnson.. Wm Quick. S Hazzard.. Wm McEwen Wm Woods. Isaac Haupt.. M L Rishel. Wm M Walk D B Malone.. Ed Rowe.... I. C Bullock Calvin G'frerer Annie Fortney Alfred Osman.. Thomas Weston. Harry Wolf. James MceM: H Brown.. AE Graham . A M Gill, for sandy per ons. x Wm Stine. ont JW Musser. John Page..... Joseph B Kuhns. F Kurtz. H C Quigley CF Deininger. W A Murray. J S Housman J F' Merryman. J F Garthofi.. W C Farner H P Sankey. Kuma Wane W F Courter, A Harter. JO MeCormick.. BJ Laporte. H C Bane) Mrs R Hay J H Keller., Julius Weid T Bot Bechtel. Jennie Gares... vw JohnR Smith Emma Boyer Ephraim Fishe James Gray. Hattie Kissel Maggie Kiss J B Resides J H Lever... Thomas Lauve Harry Anderson. A*B Meyers John Orwig. Sarah Watkips Jerry Ryan.... W 1" Leathers E E Young. Dr Geo F Harris C B Sandford. A J Gorton. Central Telephone Co., use of F L Hutter ass’t bool y & election sup Wm Mann & Co, pens.. . F R Miller binding tax book W G Johnston & Co., 1 deed book GT Bisel pens for reed office 1 W F Murphy's Sons docket for reg. rec, and phty’s offices 91 Cyrus Goss 150 treas. deeds, sale June 1890........ersieneen 468 J F Harter watianery for ree. office .... - 32 C Eckenroth © Son’ “rubber bands......... eisdresivestserarartass © Bamford 4 letter receivers 6 Robt MeFarlane lock, cord, wire, twine, ete.. we. 24 Hiram Thompson fi ng ballot boxes... 2 Logan Hose. Co., sub for Fire Engine .......coeeeesiservnssersnte 25 Speer & Cowan 1 vest gridence Andrews case.. 1 J Kerstetter 1 ballot bX 1 Jno Miller cleaning C H yard 1 Sundry persons Shoveling SNOW. 4 Jno MceDe tor curb... Utz & Martz “emithing “and carpentering 3 Jas McCafferty hauling. 1 Eli Baney Jas Thompson office Janitor & shoveling SNOW... veeeieens oe 65 A Mills RR tare for Aisennags ed prisoner............. 1 Annie Hockenbe dischg’d prisoner 2 Joseph Brown com. on B F Morgan tax... ccna 2 S F Fostar... 60 55 J S Smith. 12 82 ’ D H Yeager.. 719 JT Jones 3 32 R J Haynes. 735 W N Neff. 16 46 Wm Garis. 15 30 Joshua Foulk 33 80 Harry Simler. 21 26 H H Montgomery. 30 08 Amos Mullen. 270 53 L A Schaef 226 40 J C Meyer. . 375 54—§3520 12 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. Instruit’s for 1890.............. 75 90 L A Schaeffer rearranging p'p’rs in Pthy’s office...... 300 00 A and J Garbrick ice for the SEASON ..ceeersvensansvarvaseennessan 36 55 M Graham shaving S Hopkins 3 60 W O’hara 150 J D Decker carriage hire to Karthause and expense to Houtzdale.......eovumrereneses 13 74 Adams Express Co., Sundry BIS. error sti ryaes 12 04 Samuel Gault building hang- mans ezallows.................. £5 00 G Haag painting Jsngmans gallows. 8 00 Wm McClure cap for Hopkins 2 50 A Mullen special guards Hop- kins execution........cueeees 14 00 A Mullen special ganas An- drews execution . 16 00 S D Ray bal. on sur veying An- drews case.. 53 65 W Haines ass’t St ArewWSs Case... snserrsrersnennns 770 Dr. Formad expert chemist Andrews case...........svereere 220 00 GG Pond expert chemist An- ATeWS CASC..vvvuree resrarssiannns 275 00 Linden detective agency ser- y vices Andrews case........ £9 96 Dr. A Hibler medical atten- tion Andrews.. .. ve. 50D J L Spangler award le- fense of Andrews Sissavererees 100 00 J H Orvis fee for ass’t council com. vs. Andrews.............. 275 00 JL Spangins aay t council com. Hopkins. .......... dH iv is retaining foe coun- sel com. vs. J Wilson........ 50 CO J C Meyer expense to Phila in Andrews ecase............ 15 20 S Confer burial of Andrews... 35 00 J H Dobbins P. M. postage. 5 00 dA Fiedler © = *¢ ... 44 63 Western Union Telegraph Co. 29 H Y Stitzer stationery for Coms office....... seesees 13 08 LA Schieffer Stationery for Prothy’s office... 75 45 00 02 50 00 50 ASSESSOR’ 3 3 P. AY. Delletonte Borough— x. V.—H H Harshberger. S. W —Josepn Fo W. W.—Wm Long. Centre Hall Borough D A Boozer. Howard Borough : WE Confer............... cossussee 42 92 Milesburg floronghs J 1 Morris. 58 37 Millheim Borough : CW Hartmal....eceseesererane 35 16 Philipsburg Borough 1st W.—A H Smith.... 52 50 2d W.—J C Williams 69 61 3d W.—M G Gray.. 59 TH Unionville Borough . B Rich... Benner Towns W A Ishler.. 57 30 Boge Township: E. P.—S Bathurst.. 31 35 W.P—AC Iddings.. 58 12 NP —D F Malone... 43 81 Burnside Tow pets: : M'B Loy. wersssarasaisrenser 40.27 College T ownship : Jno EE Murray 81 45 J W Stuart regs't... 8 00 Curtin township: '? 8B Delong..........cocnionnit 53 06 Fergnson Towns} E. P~—John T McCormick... 5% 02 E.P.— “ “ “halon 188) 25 84 W.P—M Rider........... eee 3013 Gregg Township: PJP Grove, bal on 1889 13 71 N.p— ¢ * on 1890 28 69 8S. P.—J P Heckman............ 56 33 Haines Township : FE. P—T E Smith . 46 T1 W.P.—C A Weaver. 51 63 Half Moon Township: PT Wilson Woy..........oviivoeee. 44 74 Harris Township: FP Waher hi. laa 61 39 Howard Township: Johnathan Sclienk.............. 73 49 Huston Township : E R Wiliams Liberty Township : Henry Thompson.............s 5 68 Marion Township : Jag’ S Martin... 0.0L 4567 | Miles Township: JC Morris...) ...... serareessens 73 OF Patton Township: G&G Mattern................ Sei coves 58 90 Penn Township: AW Uirich........ ............... 60 75 Poer Township : N. P.—J A Keller... 41 00 S. P.—WW Royer. 54 45 Rush Township: N. P.—James Dumbleton..... TT 15 S. P..—A M Black.... 54 14 Snow Shoe Township : E. P.—T P Lucas 70 88 W.P.—Jno A Yeager. 50 37 Spring Township MF Riddle... ....veeciiiiiien: W. P.—J H Oliger regs't... 6 N. P.—J G Dubbs............. « 800 Taylor Township: V Beckwith ireers 60 43 Union Township : Owen Underwood...eeess sees 55 48 Walker Township: James H Carner.................. 42 80 Worth Township WB Gingery............ resesicnier ELECTION EXPENSES. Feb. Bellefonte Borough, N. W........ 817 95 ty S.W 7 50 te “ Ww, 7 59 Centre Hall ves 20 23 Howard “ 18 99 Milesburg © Tl Miliheim “ 21 51 Philipsburg Borough Tot Wee 27 27 2d W... 19 87 ¢ 4 34 W.. 18 87 Unionville 4] 19 31 Benner Township... ve. 13 42 Burnside 2¢ 19 Boggs 8 ‘“ 3 “ . “ Curtin hr sees College “ “ “ Ferguson : Gregg Haines * Harris <6 Half Moon * Howard f Huston £5 Liberty i Marion 4 Miles “4 Patton il Penn £0 Potter z Rush « “ ‘“ Snow Shoe x at “ Spring [13 “ Taylor is Union Walker Worth 4% Philipsburg Bor 3rd cial Election April J C Meyer computing Novem. ber returns.. DS Keller computing Novem ber returns......ceearenssreen oon J H Rankin computing Novem- ber returns. Daniel Heckman ‘Senatorial e- torial return Judge CF Jiafiands omy Bema Judge eer... $911 19 Total... COURT EXPENSES. Grand Jurors Jan. Session... 305 66 April 230 36 £ Aug. $1. 1200.36 tt Nov. th 227 92 Trav, Jurors Jan. fess. lst week 311 76 2nd 249 44 $ March Edy “263 76 og a) 2nd “349 32 bi April 1st “ 35132 by 2d * 28572 “ Aug Ist “ 57784 o & od“ 951 32 id Nov. ist * 6192 " th 2nd 460 12 Jury in Andrews murder trial 265 08 G B Brandon boarding for jury in Andrews trial..... Jury in Fietta Weaver mur- der trial G B Brandon boarding j y in . 126 50 162 60 Fietta Weaver trial... 35 00 B Galbraith court crier......... 148 00 S F Foster court messenger 148 00 C W Hunter tipstaff.... ot 6 00 A J Gorton 12 00 V Beckwith a 20 00 H H Montgomery *“ 22 00 John Dawson i 56 00 S Haupt ¢ 102 00 “ M so 39 40—$2469 40 Nov . 25 15 10 CO 1 90 2 Z 00 16 30 $947 30 $1858 49 Belletonte Gas Co. steam heat 416 40 Logan machine works steam fitting and plumbing........ Bellef’t Fuel 2 Supply Co coal CE Cook coal Mrs. Kate Weagley washing for prisoners ..... pi Cook washing for priso re, 74 00 26 00 trvussrevesneensaraaness 6 60 33 52 S 8611 Kate Weagley paling ticks and bolsters. Wm Krape filling ticks and holsters... silva S Loeb clothing for prisoners Lyon & Co“ “° '88'89'90 TC Brown * : /! J A Harper 210 & Co. Racket store Co, * % 33 A C Ming'e Lpr slip ers... . 35 HA oes ee m'd’se for jail oe 95 P B Crider & Son lumber......., 9 46 D W Eberhard material and TEPAILS .ooerroeenecerncsncitonenn 1 00 C Schrock repairing gate... 1 50 George Flick wood.. 5 00 McGalmont & Co. 2bb wisi 80 Frank Miller cleaning cess pool and ditches.. “249 S Bolinger removing Ashes, 17 W Fleck digging at cesspool 150 H D Yerger repairing cel 25 56 W B Rankin Insurance....... 126 00—$1211 63 ROAD AND BRIDGE VIEWS, Road view, Howard tgp reer 14 70 Potter 12 90 € Spring “ “ Gregg “ hd Burnside ¢ ., £6 Gregg & Potter...... i Liberty 46 Fe Taylor ee Bridge view, Kartha: s br “ Mileshn irg bor How:ird twp Haines “ Liberty * Huston « 1 Sundry orders unpaid in 1889 19 95—8261 10 “ 6 « ot COMMISSION ON LUNACY. Jno Kline in case of Eliza- beth Baumgardner......... 15 00 JH Soup in case of He i Dr. ES Dor Laura Harris.. 15 00— $45 00 REF UNDING ACCOUNT. Money refunded to sundry potsons for legal cause Hints & Reeder redemption of II. S. land......, TRRsEIsA EY 30 58 E J Pruner yEdompAon of U. JH Bets as redemption of U. 8. land..... s233avsnerssutvsese 41 92 Mary M Frank redemption of U.S. Jand,. s erbeers rsmissen: 78 72 C M Bower redemption of x S. land. DS Keller HARA ree neicier somrannss § DG Meek exergy nx » 628 Wm Miller 5 0. tax 86 51 F P Musser “ G 4.312 Tsaae Midlane “ State “ '89 4 50 WR Camphell'®' '«:, « gy 80 JE Weber ¢ Co, | “ui. 89 +619 8S E Showers “ tax 18:8........ 149 Mrs. Josephine Reed refund- ing on note of Wm Reed 3 00 —8311 1¢ PRINTING ACCOUNT. Amt. paid printers for adver- tising and job work : iL Gates.......... 91 00 HC Williams 32 30 W T Bair. 19 28 RA Bumiller.. CR Kurtz 1889 bal. 18 20 Cassidy & Feidler P Gray Meek........ 5) 00— $731 23 SOLDIERS BURIAL ACCOUNT. Amount paid for funeral ex- penses of Abraham Welleslagle.... . 33.00 Samuel Wheeler 34 75 Philip Dietz..... 35:00 G W Swinehart.. . 34 00 Jehu P Lucas. . 3500 Wm Kellerman.. . 3500 John Youdes 35 00 John Schrefil 35 00 P B Reading... 35 00 Michael Fausey. ee 35 00 Two tomb stones furnished by J B Mayes & 30 00 Four tomb stones furnished by CW Hanter...........eecseo... 60 00—S47L 75: JURY AT Samuel Aley.. 37 20 George Bower . 46 32 R K Wilson clerk. ow 12:50 J B Strohm....... ve 17 50— $118 5 BRIDGE ACCOUNT. Milesburg bridge— Pittsburg bridge Co., bal. on superstructure (due in 1889) 1uuis vesantatanannnnns vesvaers 936 68 Pine Creek bridge— Pittsburg Bridge Co., bal. on Sapsesis uecture (due i in 1889) .. Karthaus Tories Pittsburg Bridge Co., bal. Centre Co, 1 half of sup- erstructure (due in 1889).. 6402 0) Commr’s of Clearfield 14 expense filling abutments 94 £0 Commr’sof Clearfield Cos 21 repairing cribbing............ 30 00 R H Boal engineer’ for Services .....uiuu rere 10.00 R C Leathers ‘add nal Work on pier.,.........coneme 210 00 Pittsburg Bridge Co. rais- ing and govairing super- structure ...........s seesseessa... 160 35 Moshannon Bridger Pittsburg Bridge Co. Cen- tre Co's 14 of superstruc- ture (contract of [1880)..... 1483 53 Howard Dam bridge— Pittsburg Bridge Co. bal on superst’r (contract of 1889) 1750 11 Colyers bridge— D M Butts services as en- ZIN@OT ure ivress teens sasananennne 776 Pittsburg Bridge Co. Sp erstructure.. seen eens 950 00 Evans Run hridge— DM Butts engn’r services 8 61 Pittsburg Bridge Co sup’tr 750 00 Unionville bridge— WS Miller & Co. lumber 96 01 B Rich labor, spikes, etc 22 33 Curtins bridge— Sam’'l Bathurst plank........ 175 Julian bridge— T A Ardell 1load stone... 1 50-§13145 30 (Statement continued on 7ih page.