[HELE Bellefonte, Pa. February 13, 1891. Farm Notes. The very best pr. lucts of the farm have the least competition. Winter squashes, especially the Hubbard, are worth at vat $20 per ton. Squashes should pay at «nch prices. The feet of the sheep should be care- fully looked after. If thetoes are long cut them off. Do not wound the feet in so doing. When oats are scalded at night and left until morning they make an ex- cellent mess tor pigs. This is easier and cheaper than grinding them. If the fowls are healthy to begin with, and are well fed and cared for, no artificial preparations are necessary to maintain good health. If every farmer would aim to increase the yield of every acre, instead of in- creasing the number of acres, the ex- penses would be less and the receipts greater. Potatoes are recommended for feeding cows for four or five weeks before calv- ing as a preventive of milk fever. Any. sort of feeding that will preveat costive ness is good. If nitrate of soda will increase the yield of fruit one-half of what 1s claim- ed for it, it is worth trying. The claim is that it will double the yield especial- ly of strawberries and raspnerries. If the pig insists on rooting up the pig-pen make him do so in dry litter, and not in a pen that is wet and filthy. Keep the pig-pen well supplied with leaves, cut straw, weeds or anything that will help to make manure. Wool must be equally strong the entire length of the fiber, or necessarily it will be of less value to the manu- facturer ; and wool of that kind cannot be grown unless the sheep is kept in good condition all the time. A farm near a manufacturing town is worth a large percentage more than one distant from it. Why? Because the town furnishes a ready cash mar- ket for perishable crops that cannot be shipped far or held for sale, bnt that are the most profitable crop to raise. Once in a while, or oftener,some one avers that sheep will get along very well without water. Yes, they will get along with very little water if they have succulent food or snow to eat; bat itis a poor “get along,” and no sheep that is deprived of water wil. grow a perfect fleece. If the milk has a “cowy’ ordor it is because you have got manure in it; that always makes a very “cowy” odor. The remedy is to keep the milk and the manure in separate receptacles —not by straining the manure out of the milk, though; that kind of odor doesn’t strain out. ’ If your cow, after behaving like a lady for months, surprises you with a kick, don’t kick back, but find out why she kicked; she had a good reason for it, else she wouldn't have done it. Per- hays one of her teats may le cracked or scratched and very sore, or her ud- der may be inflamed. Costiveness in sheep is pretty apt to occur in winter when no roots or en- silage are fed. In such a case the val- ue of oil meal can scarcely be overes- timated. If the flockmaster has no green food we believe that it will pay him to buy some oil meal at any cost that anybody will likely have to pay. Good pure seed costs more than foul and impure seed, and in the wholesale trade the distinction 1s always made. The reliable retail seedsman, however, always has this poor seed to contend against in his trade, and always will have as long as purchasers are more anxious to save a little in buying than to.pay a fair price for a good article. Those persons who think they can- not milk a cow without wetting their fingers may try as a substitate for this objectionable practice the use of a lit- tle fine salt rubbed on their hands. This will sufficiently moisten a dry hand, by absorption of moisture from the air, to make the milking easy. Bat really there is no need for it, as dry milking is easy enough. Orchards are not considered worth the manure made on the farm. Many old app'e orchards have never received an ounce of manure or fertilizer. The result is knotted fruit, disease, an un- profitable orchard and waste of land. An orchard will pay well, but it must receive its share of manure. A good orchard should give a larger profit than any crop that can be grown on the farm, The mutton of our country is being 80 rapidly improved by the use of good mutton sires ai d better fzeding that our people are rapidly becoming mutton eaters. The nice, juicy lamb chop, eut from a well-bred, properly fed Down lamb, when nicely cooked makes a convert every time, and the more such mutton we can produce and put on the market the more call we will have tor it. A lady writing in an exchange, says: 1] have a method of cleansing rancid and poor butter that makes it better and more economical to use in making pastry than lard. I melt it, and then boil sliced raw potatoes in it. When the potatoes are brown I know the butter is cleansed, and that they have absorbed the butyric acid that chiefly makes the butter rancid. 1 skim ofi the surface, and pour the pure oil in jars to stove it till time of use.” The garden provides the luxuries of the farm. Iushould be the first plot to be manured a.d fertilized. Many farmers have no time, as they suppose, to attend to a garden, yet there is more profit to be derived from the garden, even when used for supplying the fam ily, than from larger areas of land planted to a staple crop. and small fruits (4 In one minute the Cuticura Anti-Pain 5 jostns ! a BARGAINS ora E'S PURE BARLEY MALT W HISKY! DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, 20 «ll wasting diseases ean be ANTIRELY CURED BY IT. Malaria is completely eradicated from he system by its use. PERRINE'S PURE BARLEY MALT WHISKY revives the energies of those worn with exces- sive bodily or mental effort. It acts as a SAFE GUARD against exposure in the wet and rigo- ,| rous weather. Take part of a wineglassful on your arriva home after the labors of the day and the same quantity before your breakfast. Being chemi- cally pure, it commends itself to the medica. profession. WATCH THE LABEL. None genuine unless bearing the signature of the firm on the label. M. & J. S. PERRINE, 3136 1y 38 N. Third St., Philadelphia. IMMuminating Oil. (oon x ACME. THE BEST BURNING GIL I'HAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM. It gives a Brilliant Light. It will not Smoke the Chimney. It will Not Char the Wiek. : It has a High Fire Test. It does Not Explode. It is without an equal) AS A SAFETY FAMILY OIL. We stake our reputation as refiners that IT IS THE BEST QIL IN THE WORLD. Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by ACME OIL CO., 34 35 1y Williamsport, Pa. For sale at retail by W. T. TWITMIRE Watchmaking--Jewelry. F © RicarD, ° And dealer in CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. Special atéention given to the Making and Repairing of Watches. IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this print distinctly by lamp or gaslight in the evening, at a distance of ten inches, your eyesight is failing, no matter what your age, and your eyes need help. Your sight can be improved and reserved if properly corrected. It is a wrong idea that spectacles should be dispensed ir as long as possible. If they assist the vision, use them, There is no danger of seeing tco well, so long as the Beit is not magnified ; it should look natural size, but plain and dis- tinet. Don’t fail to call and have your eyes tested by King’s New System, and fitted with Combination spectacles. They will correct and preserve the sight. For sale by o—JEWELER and OPTICIAN—o| —+—CIRCULAR SAW. —+ IRON FRAME, STEEL SHAFTS AND ARBOR MACHINE CUT GEARS, CENTRE OF_TABLE MADE OF IRON. Send for Catalogue giving full description and prices of our HAND AND FOOT POWER MACHINERY. J. N. MARSTON & CO., 3550 1y * Station A. Boston, Mass. INUG little fortunes have been made at work for us, by Anna Page, Aus- tin, Texas, and Jno. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio. Eee eut. Others are doing as well. Why not you ? Some earn over $500.09 a month. You ean do the work and live at home, wherever you are. Even beginners are easily earning from £5 to $10a day. All ages. We show you how and start yon. Can work in spare time or all the the time. Big money for workers. Failure unknown among them. New and wonderful. Particulars free. H. HALLETT & €O., 361y Box 839 Portland, Maine. ATENTS.—If any of our readers have made an invention for which" they have thoughts of taking a patent, they are invited to communicate with Messrs. MUNN & Co., of the Scientific American, who for a period of more than forty-three years have conducted a most sueeessful bureau in this line. A pam- phlet of instructions will be sent free, contain- ng full directions how to obtain a patent,costs, ete. In very many cases, owing te their long experience, Messrs. Muny &Co., can tell at once whether a patent probably can be obtain ed; and advice of this kind they are always happy to furnish free of charge. Address MUNN & CO. Scientific American office, 361 Broadway, New York. 36 2 6m 33000 A YEAR !—I undertake to briefly teach any fairly intelligent per- son of either sex, who can read and write, and who, after instruction, will work industriously, how to earn Three Thousand Dollars ayear in their own localities, wherever they live, Iwill also furnish the. situation or employment, at which you can earn that amount. No money for me unless successful as above. Easily and quickly learned. I desire but one worker from each district or county. I have already taught and provided with employment a large number, who are making over §3000 a year each. It's new and solid. Full particulars free. /[ddress at once, E. C. ALLEN. 36 1y Box 420, Augusta, Maine. 136000.00 a year is being made by John R. Goodwin, Troy, N.Y., at work for us. Reader you may not make as much, but we can teach you quickly how to earn from $5 to $10 a day at the start, and more as you goon Both sexes, all ages. In any part of America, you can commence at home, given all your time, or spare moments only to the work. = All is new. Great pay sure for every worker. We start you, furnishing everything. Easily speed- ily learned. Particulars free. Address at once, STINSON & CO,, 36 1y Portland, Maine. ONEY can be earned at our new line of work. rapidly and honorably, by those of either sex, young or old, and in their own localities, wherever they live, Any one can do the work. * Easy to learn. We fur- nish everything. We start you. No risk. You can devote your spare moments, or all your time to the work. This is an entirely new lead, and brings wonderful success to every worker. Beginners are earning from $25 to €50 per week and upwards. and more after a little experience. We can furnish you the employment and teach you free. No space to explain here. Full information free, TRUE & CO., 361y Auguta, Maine. Music Boxes. I I ENRY GAUTCHI & SONS, 0—MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS—o OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. o—M USIC BOXES—o ST. CROIX, SWITZERLAND. Sale rooms and Headquarters for the Uni. ted States at 1030; CHESTNUT S8T., PHILADELPHIA, PA No Music Boxes without Gautehi’'s Patent Safety tune change ean be gnaranteed. Old and damaged Music boxes carefully re- paired. Send 5 eent stamp for catalogue and circular. HEADQARTERS IN AMERICA FOR MU. SIC BOXES. Music box owners please send or call for Patent Improvement Circular. 3349 1y Western Farms, vpn A FAILURE. The Red River Valley of Minnesota and North Pakota has never had a failure of crops. It preduced 30,000,000 bushels of wheat besides other cereals in 1890. Farms can be had on the crop plan, or long time cush payments. It is not an uncommon thing to pay for a farm from the proceeds of one crop. It has all of the advantages " of an old country in the shape of school, church, market, postal and railway facilities, and all the chances of a new country in the way of cheap lands, rich soil and increase in values, It is one of the most fertile and promising regions in America not yet fully occupied. In the rush to the far west, however, this rich valley has been overlooked. It has room for a million more people. Write to F. 1. WHITNEY, St. Paul, Minn., for particulars. F. C. RICHARD, 281 en AND OATS ee 2749 42 High St. opp. Arcade, Bellefonte, Publications sent free. 85-9-1y