Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 06, 1891, Image 4

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Terms 82.00
Bellefonte, Pa.,
The County Auditors’ Report.
Our readers will doubtless be inter-
ested in the Auditors’ report of the fi-
nancial condition of this county, which
is published in this issue of the
WarcHyaN. It is the work of careful
officers and competent accountants,
and if it shows a state of county fi.
nances unsatisfactory to the people, it
is not their fault. They give the fig-
ures and the facts as they found them.
They unquestionably would have pre-
ferred to furnish an exhibit of better
financial management it they could
‘have done so.
The first inquiry that will be drawn
from the curious reader upon perusing
this report, will be, whathas become
«of the Surplus? Where, oh, where is
the handseme balance of over thirty
thousand dollars in cash and available
assets, which the last report of Demo-.
cratic county management showed to |
‘have been in favor of the county ? Three
years of Republican management ap-
pears tokave dissipated it as the fog is
‘scattered by the wind.
But'ia the place of that Democratic
balanee we find a shortage of $5267.63
asshown by the report of this year.
There appears to have beea uousu.
ally bad financiering in the last year of
‘the Republican county administration,
although it wae bad enough all
through. In the Auditors’ report of one
year ago it was claimed that the coun-
‘ty -had a balance in its favor te the
amount of about $23,600. Now the
balance is on the other side of the ledg-
.er—against the county—to the amount
of $5,267.63, showing a sudden ard un-
.explained evaporation of nearly $30,
-000—a shrinkage, to that amount, of
the county’s cash and available assets.
“This is a good illustration of how a 2
mill tax got away with an alleged bal-
ance - of $23,000, and put in its place a
debt of nearly: $6000 in a year’s time.
There are some peculiar features of
the report we print in this issue which
we can’t refrain from calling attention
‘to. Inthe Bridge Account such items
as the following will be found : Miles-
burg bridge, Pittsburg bridge company,
balance on superstructure, $936.68 ;
Pine Creek bridge Pitsburg bridge
company, balance on superstructure,
$190.21; Karthaus bridge, Pittsburg
bridge company, balance of Cen-
tre county’s half of superstructure,
$6402, together with otherexpenses on
that bridge amounting to $534.85;
Moshannon bridge, Pittsburg bridge
company, balance of Centre county's
‘half of superstructure, $1483.58 ; How.
_ard dam bridge, Pittsburg bridge com-
pany, balance on superstructure,
These expenses, amounting altogeth-
cer to $11,297.43, belonged to 1889, as
stated in this Auditors’ report. But
‘they were purposely omitted from the
‘report of that year. The Repnblican
commissioners wanted to wake as
good a showing as possible, with the
object of affecting the next election, and
they deceived the people by omitting
from the report for 1889 the large
amount of over $11,000. But murder
‘will out, and the deception confronts
the deccivers in the report for 1890. It
was by such practices they made it
look asif there was a balance of $23,
«000 last year in favor of the county.
With the same object of deception three
charges of HENDERSON'S amounting to
$90, made in 1889, and for which he got
‘the money, were kept out of last year's
report and appear in this year's audit.
Another peculiar feature of the re-
port we publish this week 1s the large
amount of tewnship funds used for the
payment of county orders. This irregu-
Jar anc unlawful disbursement is
shown to hawe amounted in the last
year to $7,663.09, in clear violation of
the statute which makes such misap-
plication of township money puuish-
able fine and imprisonment.
This use of township fands contrary to
law showed how eompletely a Repub-
lican administration had depleted the
county treasury. Further comment is
—The Governor uses his veto with
strict impartiality, He not only puts his
foot down on a resolution that favors
the intrusion of the military at the polls,
but also knocks out a bill to print 10,-
000 copies of his inaugural address. He
doesn’t believe in putting the State to
the expense of printing what everybody
has the opportunity of reading in the
--A poll of the Arkansas Legislature
upon the question of the next Democra-
tic nomination for President, resulting
in 96 for CLEVELAND and 5 for HLL,
showed that another term for GROVER is
the predominant desire of the lawmak-
ers of that State,
Death of an Excellent Citizen.
We regret to hear of the death of
GORGE Jacoss, Esq., a prominent law-
yer and Democratic leader of the Ju-
uiata Valley, which occurred at the
Grand Hotel, Harrisburg, last Sunday
morning. He wen® to the State capi-
tal on business where he was taken
with an attack of pneumonia which
tersinated fatally after nearly a week's
illness. The surprise of thisannounce-
ment will be equal to its painfulness to
those who remember seeing him at the
recent fureral of Hon. A. H. Dur,
where he represented the Juniata
county bar and paid a glowing tribute
to the worth of his deceased friend and
fellow Democrat. Subsequently at
the inauguration of Governor PATTISON
he exposed himself to the effect of
inclement weather which may have
had its influence in bringing on his fa-
tal illness. His age was about 42.
He was a man of a high order of char-
acter and ability. Able, earnest, hon-
est and genial, he had the highest es-
teem of all who knew hith. In his
death his family have sustained an
irreparable loss, and the community in
which he lived and the State have
been deprived of an excellent citizen.
Congressional Apportionment.
The congressional apportionment
bill has passed both houses of congress
and has gone to the President for his
signature. It 1s based upon the recent
census and makes the House of Repre-
sentatives consist of 380 members, an
increase of 24, and raises the elector-
al college to 444. It gives Pennsylva-
nia two more congressmen, increasing
her delegation from 28 to 30. It is al-
ready proposed by the State Republi
can managers to give one of these two
additional congressmen to Philadelphia
by raising the representation of that
city from five to six representatives,
with the intention also of wiping out
the Democratic district so long repre-
sented by Mr. Ranparn. Fortu-
nately there is a Democratic Governor
to interpose his veto to any unfair ap:
—— Governor ParmisoN paid a mer-
ited compliment in making Mr. O. E.
McCrLeLLAN, the popular Superintend-
ent of the middle division of the Pern-
sylvaunia railroad, one of his aids with
the military title of Colonel. In doing
this the Governor recognized a good
Democrat and a relative of the great
Democratic soldier, General GeorGe B.
A Capable Leader.
The St. Louis Globe- Democrat, the
leading Republican paper of the Missis-
sippi Valley, with great truth remarks :
“ The Democrats of the senate have
“out-generaled the Republicans all
“ through the present session, simply
“ because the force bill fanatics have
“put their party in a weak and dis-
« creditable position.”
Well, probably this, to a great ex-
tent, was one of the causes that led to
their discomfiture, as it placed them in
a false and weak position, but the lead
ing cause of their defeat is to be found
in the superior generalship by which
the movements of the Democrats were
led. As a tactician, as well as the
master of the critical points of debate,
Senator GorMaN, who was the leader
cal usurpation and military oppres-
gion, has shown himself to be possess-
ed af extraordinary ability and re-
sources, coming out of the force bill
fizht with the highest honors. The en-
emy doubtless had a vulnerable posi-
tion, with the sentiment of the country
against them, but their defeat is more
to be attributed to the fortunate cir-
cumstance of their opponents having a
leader of unusual capacity.
Cuauncey F. Brack, writing from
Washington to the {New York World,
speaks in the following high terms of
Senator Goryan's: leadership in this
great contest for political freedom :
From first to last there was not a single
break or misstep. From the beginning of the
session to the unexpected andgbrilliant triump
of Monday Mr. Gorman committed no single
error and incurred not a word of adverse crit
icism from any quarter.
There is absolutely no parallel to this case in
the history of England or America—a man
leading in a struggle vital to the liberties and |
interests of the people, involving, possibly, the
very existence of a political party, the struggle
extending through several weeks with varying
fortunes and chances, and this man trusted
and commended with absolute unanimity at
every turn, and accorded the full measure of
credit for his conduct at the end without a sol-
itary dissentirg voice! Not GrApsToNE nor
Papvenn in Great Britain; not even RANDALL
in the great conflict of the Forty-third congress
and certainly not any one of the Democratic
leaders since in the house of representatives,
has contributed a page so fair and undisputed
to the annals of English-speaking freemen.
This is high praise, indeed, but it is
fully deserved.
Er e—a———
Death of Secretary Windom.
Secretary of the Treasury Winpvox
died suddenly last Friday night in
New York while at a dinner given by
of the Democratic Senators in their pa- |
triotic fight against a scheme of politi- |
tion at Delmonico’s in that city. He
had just concluded a speech in which
he advanced his views in regard to im-
portant financial questions, when, al
most immediately after taking his seat,
he was overcome by an effection of the
heart and died in a few minutes. So
sudden a visitation struck the assem-
bled guests with consternation and the
banquet was immediately bronght to a
The deceased Secretary was a man
‘of wide public experience, having oc-
cupied a number of important official
positions, and was esteemed as much
for his integrity as for his ability.
was probably the ablest member of
President HARRISON'S cabinet.
Be —._.
Two weeks ago the Centre Hall
Reporter, intending to place him in a
false position before the public, alleged
that Hon. LgoNarp RuoNE was an
or Parrison's administration. We do
not know that there would be any dis-
grace in any one seeking a position
under an administration that promises
to be as fair and popular as the
one just starting, but we do know
that Mr. RHoNE neither solicited nor
sought a place for himself. His efforts
to secure the nomination and election
of Governor ParrisoN were made, not
in the interest of office, but in the in-
terest of tax reform, and if the editor
of the Reporter would do as Mr.
Ruoxe did, in this matter—forget self,
in the interest of his party and the pub-
lic, there would be a different feeling
and a different state of affairs in the
neighborhood where the Reporter is
MAarr1AGE Lrcenses.—The following
are the marriage licenses issued from
the Register’s office since last publica-
tion: James Redding and Sarah Smith,
both of Snow Shoe; John Elliott and
Annie Sandford, both of Philipsbu.y
H. M. Dinges, of Centre Hall, and Mrs.
V. K. Walton, of Bellefonte; A. L.
Auman, of Coburn, and Sarah E. Heck-
man, of Spring Mills; Dormer G.
Smith, of Freesburg, Pa.,and Emma
Heckman, of Centre Hall; Wm. H.
Holt and Jennie Frieze, both of Curtin
twp.; RB. E. Cronemiller and Mary L.
Ghaner, both of Benore; John L. Say-
lor and Edith McGinness, both
He Saw His Saapow.—Although
Monday morning was cloudy the sky
grourd hog a chence to come out and
see his shadow. In consequence of hi
| seeing it he went back into his hole, and
if the animal knows anything about the
| weather we are going to have a rough
| time of it for six weeks yet.
Can the woman who recently had
her nose pieced out by physicians, who
i replaced the missing part with a piece
| of chicken bone, be arrested for passing
. a counterfeit bill ?
Borough Election.
It should be the interest of all the taxpayers
in this Borough to call a meeting of the citi-
zens and to organize for the purpose of placing
in nomination candidates for the different of-
fices in this Borough who will faithfully dis-
charg the duties of their offices, Itis true we
have some good men in office, but they are
few and far between. We should nominate
and elect competent men to the town council
for the reason that they have the power to
make contracts for the borough and spend
the money, and for the same reason we should
nominate and elect competent men to the
school boaad. They have the power to make
contracts and spend the money. There
should not be more than one Overseer acting
in this Borough. It is an outrage upon the
taxpayers of this Borough to be compelled to
keep up the expenses of two overseers. If two
Overseers continue to act the result will be
that the Overseers will be compelled to levy 9
mills next year to pay past indebtness and
the running expenses. during the year.
will faithfully discharge the duties regardless
of politics, be he a Democrat or Republican,
and who will do what Overseers did in the
past when 5 mills paid the running expenses
and past indebtness.
We should consider well who we nominate
and elect for taxcolleeter. He holds the finan-
cial power all within himself. He deals out
this Borough, to the overseers, school board
and town council. If he does not collect and
pay over, the financial wheels of this borough
will stop running. The question that now pre-
gents itself to the taxpayers of the borough, is
a collector? No, he will not. He has already
amount to that he has against them, Is he
elapsed since he received the duplicates and
now five per cent. is added to their taxes aud
two thirds of the taxpayers have not yet been
notified of their taxes. Taxpayers are moving
away from town. They do not know whether
they owe him taxes or not. What will be the
result of this is easy to explain. The millage
will be increased and the taxpayers that do
pay will be compelled to bear the burden of
the increase taxes. We should nominate and
elect a man to this office who will faithfully
and honestly discharge the duties of this of-
fice, He is at the head of the financial foun-
tain of this Borough. He should be a man of
good judgment, and a good financier. The
present collector is lacking in all the requisit
| that are required to make a good collector. We
as taxpayers shovld consider well before we
cast our ballots for tax collector whether he is
the right man for that position, be he a Demo-
the Board of Trade and Transporta-
crat or Republican. A REPUBLICAN.
He |
applicants for a position under Govern-
cleared oft later in the day, giving the |
We |
should nominate a good man to this office who |
the money to all the municipal departments of |
the present collector a collector that will col” ;
lect and will faithfully discharge his duties as |
proved a failure. Two thirds of the taxpayers
of this Borough up to this time have not yet |
received notice from him what their taxes
too lazy or is he afraid? Six months have |
“Temple of Ceres.”
It is proposed by the women of the Order of
Patrons of Husbandry to erecta Temple to
the honor of the Order and that of agriculture,
to b> known as the “Temple of Ceres,” in
Washington, the Capital City of our Nation. It
is requested that each Grange appoint a Com-
mittee on Woman's Work in the Grange, who
are to collect the fands for the erection of this
| An appeal is hereby made to devoted Pat-
rons, and all friends of our Order, to contri-
: bute “a free will offering,” ‘so that there can
| immediately be erected a grand Temple that
+ will be an honor to our Order and that of agri-
' eulture for all time to came, which will not on
ly serve as a home for the Grange, where its
business can be directed, and its records pre-
| served, but the rentals of which will create
sufficient revenues to defray the entire cur-
| rent expenses of the Order, and maintain a
| National Home at the seat of Government that
| will make our Order a power and influence in
| behalf of agriculture that cannot be resisted.
| The plan for raising the funds is easy and
| practicable and is to be managed by the sis-
| ters ot our Order.
| It is proposed that every member of the Or-
der is to be personally waited upon and be giv-
en an opportunity to contribute brick for the
The price for brick will be $1 each. Booiks
with twenty bricks each areto be printed.
The name of each contributor is to be entered
| upon as many bricks as they wish to contri-
{ bute to the Temple, :
As soon as all the bricks in a book are taken
| itis to be forwarded with the money to Dr.
| John Trimble, 145 F. street, Washington, D.C.,
who will deposit the money in the Fiscal agen-
cy of the National Grange, where it will draw
The names of all contributors will be enroll-
ed in the Special Roll of Honor, to be preserv-
ed in the Temple for all time and published in
such Grange papers as Will contribute space
These contributions are to be “freewill offer-
ings,” and I feel sure that every Patron wants
his or her name on the “Roll of Honor.”
The plan is that each State Grange, each
County Grange, each Subordinate Grange and
every individual Patron shall be invited to
contribute bricks to the Temple.
Patrons are requested and permitted to re-
ceive contributions from those who are not
Patrons who wish to contribute to aid our sis-
ters in erecting a monument in honor of agri-
culture and perpetuate the names and heroic
deeds and devotion of the farmers’ wives and
daughters of America.
It is urged that all our sisters at once enter
upon this work. Sister Annie M. Holstein
(chairman State Grange committee on Wo-
man’s Work), Bridgeport, Pa., will send each
Grange books with instructions; or write Bro.
X. X. Charters, Fredericksburg, Va., for books
and information.
This is a grand opportunity for the women
of our Order todo a great and useful work
that will be an honor to their memories for all
| time to come, and will be pointed to with pride
| by every patriotic American citizen.
{ Fraternally,
LroNarp RuONE,
Master Penna. State Grange.
| rms
A Merited Defense.
The following is a minute from Pomona
| Grange held Jan. 30th, 1891.
WHEREAS, a certain newspaper claiming re-
i sponsibility and honor, is constant'y and per-
! sistently publishing low personal attacks upon
| Master of the Penna. State Grange, which are
intended to lessen his influence in the Order
and bring reproach upon him as a citizen,
Therefore, Resolved,
1st. That our confidence in the honor, in-
tegrity and usefulness of Worthy Master
Rhone is undiminished.
2nd. That we recognize him as a heroic and
successful leader of our organization.
3rd. That we denounce the attack made up-
on our Worthy Master as ungentlemanly,
wanton and outrageous, and deserving of the
severest condemnation.
4th. That we deem it but right and proper
that patrons should “boycott” the paper that
sinks the dignity of a respectable public jour-
nal and perverts the higlr pxivileges of a jour-
Hecla Items.
The old and young are alike enjoying them
selves making use of the excellent sleighing
the past week and more.
Miss Kate M. Zimmerman has returned
home after a pleasant week’s visit with her
brothers at Curtin’s. She reports a very enloy-
able time.
Mr. Henry Dunkle, of Lock Haven, former-
ly of Walker township, has made s short
| visit with his son, J. T. Dunkle, and other re-
! latives of this place.
John N. Deitrich, who had been at work in
| Bellefonte, took ill very suddenly; he is at
| the present writing with his brother Henry of
this place and is rapidly convalescing.
Mr. Frank Garbrick, one of our esteemed
citizens, is very ill at this writing, We sincere-
| 1y wish him speedy recovery.
| It is quite interesting, indeed, to hear our
| two brave soldiers, Messrs Wm. Cronoble, of
this place, and Wm. Gnipe, of Michigan, relate
their adventures on the battlefield. They de-
serve much credit for their bravery and should
receive our highest honors for their nobility
and love manifested to this glorious country.
We have some “get up” about us here
too, as well as other places. Shuman Zimmer- |
man says he gets up bright and early every
morning, and out he goes for a fox chase on |
| his Canadian, with two favorite canines, Ring |
and Spring. He is, oh, so very successful; his |
| latest game being that of rheumatism, but
still he seeks his prey with the deadly weapon,
a new Winchester, as you may suppose.
Public Grange meetings will be held at Zion
Feb. 10th, 1891, at 10 a. m., also at Hublersburg |
at 2 p. m., of seme day. Hon. Leonard Rhone, |
State Master, and St:te Lecturer Ailman, and |
others, will be present to address the meeting. |
The oyster banquet which was recently sery-
ed atthe home of our muc'. esteemed friend, !
Lewis 8. Zimmerman, was altogether a social |
and pleasant affair. Oysters, cakes, bananas
and other delicacies were in abundance and
not till after twenty-five guests had their inner
man fally satisfied did the table cease its
groaning caused by these palatable delicacies.
P. S. Hockman takes the prize as the cha mp-
ion oyster eater. The participants return their
¢incere thanks to Mr. Zimmerman and family
for the kind hospitable manner in which they
were entertained.
mm eTr——
Sr. Nicnoras ror FEBRUARY.—A tribute to the
Fourteenth is paid in the February St Nicho-
las with the poem “An Old-Time Valentine,”
by Helen Gray Cone, with the frontispiece il-
lustration by Edwards, and then Max Bennett |
describes “How the Mails are Carried,” in an |
account of the Railway Post-Office, with illus-
trations by C. T. Hill. Mary E. Wilkins, in |
her story *“Mehitable Lamb,” shows all the |
deftness of touch and perfection of choice
which is so characteristic of her sketches of
the character and actions of Hon. L. Rhone, !
New England character, whether the person-
ages be children or adults. We would call at
tention, also, to Mr. Davies's illustrations, be
cause of their careful adherence to the types
of the time and place. “A Little Girl's Diary
in the East,” by Lucy Morris Ellsworth, is de-
lightful reading, apart from its conscious and
unconscious humor. The verse of the num-
ber includes poems by Louise Chandler Moul-
ton, Mary E. Wilkins, and a most amusing one
by Oliver Herford, whose verse and pictures
strive equally for superiority. Besides, there
are uninventoried riches in the pictures and
departments, enough ta rank the number with
its brilliant predecessors.
Tribute of Respect.
At a regular meeting, January 30th, 1891, of
Ha!f Moon Lodge, No. 845, I. 0. O. F., the fol-
lowing resolutions were passed:
WHEREAS, it has pleased God in his infinite
wisdom to remove by death our beloved Broth-
er, J. W. Householder, a member of our lodge,
Resolved, that by his death we sustain a loss
which is keenly felt, and while we mourn his
loss we will cherish a recollection of his vir-
Resolved, that we drape our lodge room for
the space of thirty days as a token of respect
for our deceased Brother. :
Resolved, that these, resolutions be recorded
in our minutes and published in our county
papers, and also that a copy of the same be sent
to the family of the deceased.
R. J.P. Gray, Committee.
H. B. WaIrE,
ss mrma—————
The following letters remaining in the Belle-
fonte P. O., unclaimed, Feb. 3rd, 1891.
Jess Barna, D. J. Chatham, John Corman,
Dollie Davidson, Howard Danzer, May
Hirseh, Cordilla Hill, Sallie Jackson, Maud
Porter, George Stewart, Geo. N. Torrence, E.L.
Walker. :
When called for please say sdvertised.
COUNTY.—Notice is hereby given
that application will be made to the Legisla-
ware now in Session, by the undersigned, to
pass a law regulating and increasing the pay
of Election Officers and Clerks in tae County
of Centre, Penna.
Feb. 3, 1891. E. I. WALKER,
New Advertisements.
NOR SALE. —A valuable tract of
timber land sitnated in Union town.
ship, near School House Crossing, vn the Selle-
fonte & Snowshoe R. R. The tract contains
and will be sold at a bargain. Address,
2504 Frankford Ave.
Phila. Pa.
36 5 3t*
IVORCE.—In the Court of Com-
mon Pleas of Centre eounty, No. 156
April Term, 1890. Alias Subpena in Divorce
Non est inventus. Laura Ee Norris by her
next friend J. W. Kramrine vs Georg P. Nor-
ris. To George P. Norristhe above named re-
spondent, you are hereby commanded to be
and appear before the Judge of the Court of
Common Pleas of Centre county on the Fourth
Monday of April next, to answer the complaint
of the libelant in the above case. In default &
decree will be made against you in your ab-
sence. A. V. M.
Sheriff's Office, W. A. ISHLER,
Bellefonte, Pa., Feb. 3rd, A. D. 1891. Sheriff.
365 at
UN STORE.— [he undersigned
respectfully announces that he has
removed from the room iately occupied with
W. M. McClure, on High street, and is now lo-
cated in a room in the Bush House block next
door to Adams Express office, where he will
be pleased to meet all persons interested in
Having increased facilities, and secured the
assistance of a practical gun smith of thirty
years experience,and he is in position to do all
kinds of gun and lock repairing on short no-
tice. Charges will be reasonable, and satisfac-
tion guaranteed in every particular.
Will keep on hand an assortment of single
and double, breech and muzzie loading shot
guns, rifles and ammunition. Agent for the
RIFLES,as well as for all other make of guns
now on the market. Anything not in stock
will be furnished on short notice. Dealing
directly with the manufacturers, I will be pre-
pared to furnish everything at cash bottom
prices. Satisfaction guarantee, or no sale. En-
quire fortha NEW BAKER GUN.
Gratefully appreciating the liberal patron-
age in the past and believing that fairand hon-
orable dealing will merit a continuance, I re-
spectfully solicit your patronage.
36 5 4t J. H. OLIGER, Agt.
365 3t
By orders from Co. Comr’s
i a 50103 28
261 10
841 62
200 00-$51406 99
By road & bridge views
By stenographers......
By lustitute expenses.
By bal. of acct of 1889 161 74
By 10 days delivering June
assess’t blanks 89... ..... 30 00
By i0 days delivering aupli-
cate and Reg "89... woven 30 00
By 10 days delivering Nov.
election blanks '89.......... 30 00
By 10. days delivering Feb.
election blanks "9 fuieen 30 00
| By 10 days delivering April
sssess’t blanks '90............ 39 00
By 10 days delivering Trans
eriptand notices '90.. . 30 00
By 10 days delivering Dap. and
Reg. "90... uivieiseevennnaenns . 30 00
By 10 days delivering Nov
election blanks 00 ......... 30 00
By 218 days services in Com’s.
OEE 90 coves errns is coins 1054 00
By traveling expenses ac't of
May 15th 800... ici ecivinis 86 91—$1142 G5
To sUNAry OTdert. ..u.uiesssesnss $4142 65
{ By bal from acct of 18:9......... 112 6b
By 5 days delivering Feb elec-
tion blanks.......coviviinnie 15 vo
DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. Levied. Outstanding|Levied. Outstanding
1890. | .
Bellefonte Borough 8. D. Ray ....... $ 2118 69] $ 900 05 § 2751 61| § 42278
Centre Hall 147 George W.Ocker 212 68 53 62 198 61 25:06
Howard N P Riddle 216 0: 104 11 173 03 16 58
Milesburg £, Z T Harshb: 210 99 133 55 56 64 38 34
Millheim ge W E Keene...... 317 67 149 42 164 85 44 50
Philipsburg “ C A Faulkner 1269 79 529 69 437 07 29 39
Unionville 4 J W Hoover.. 151 69 34 57 78 46 835
Benner Township R F Hunter .. 907 05 487 59 80 10 17 59
Boggs te H L Barnhart. 644 66] 441 92 90 20 39 76
Burnside ot Wm Zimmerman.. 123 53 69 28 74 94 1 46
College € Harrison Knarr.. 1161 71 448 59 146 25 125 14
Curtin hi Wm Wentrel.. 118 87] 118 17 13 14 13 14
Ferguson 3 Jacob Krumrine. 1320 02 203 56 178 81 38 51
Gregg $ H M Cain... 1460 82} 499 76 276 63 50 16
Haines $e M F Hess... 1161 03] 338 23 519 96 57 11
Harris 3 O W Stover TIT 64 313 36 198 66 61 05
Howard & N G Pletcher 367 31 202 92 34 49 291
Haltmoon $e Geo Fisher. 600 £0 216 60 53 33 13 48
Huston “ 1 F Davis..... 233 70] 128 60| 64 69 17 77
Liberty se N H Johunson.. 467 44 131 50 81 10 34 24
Marion by David Harter.. 681 10 281 66 81 05 17 02 & Cor Stover... 11565 27 470 25
Patton fF L H Musser. 687 £9 241 22 79 20 14 29
Penn 4 H M Swarta..... 31 77 295 87 104 33 10 47
Potter £ 1589 47 738 65 168 61 38 67
i Rush 2 (Nec Collector) 542 86) £08 87 80 50! 43 17
Sprin J B Miller 1723 43) 721 98] 311 44 27 92
or Sie £ R J Haines, Jr. 439 81 201 67 27 11 10894
Taylor by P Richards. 166 32 120 41| 20 92 20 92
Union J H Stover....,.. 290 25 171 97 39 08
Walker » Benjamin Beck. 1060 53) 487 87 128 84 11 76
Worth ¢ G J Woodring... 189 56} 145 68 25 50 4 31
[7823107 10 $9423 94] $7209 46! $1256 59
Philipsburg, C A Faulkner... ve $ 688 20%
Benner, J F Meyers.. 56 08%
Boggs, Jerome Conf 163 29
Curtin, N J McCloske 60 65
Gregg, H M Cain..... 48 29
Harris, 8 F Ishler... 41 78
Marion, John L Shaffer... 28 42%
Patton, George F Stevenson... 69 78
Potter, R B Treaster...... 34 23%
Rush, John Callahan 399 92
Spring, - John S Roan... 399 40
Snow Shoe, R J Haines Jr. 4 99
Taylor, V Beckwith... 91 49
Union, EM Fisher. 6 96
Walker. J D Milier.... 248 §2
Worth. A C Williams 33 29—$2375 29
Union, Wm Spotts Sr. 99 32
Curtin, N J McCloske, 47 06
Howard, Wm N Neff... - 4 31— $150 63
Union, Wm Spotts Sruceeeeeemneriiiiiinneeiiiiiins iiss sbeen rats 29 57— $29 57
Accounts marked with (¥) have been paid since January 5th, 1891.
CYRUS GOSS, TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT By 5 days delivering April
WITH CENTRE COUNTY. assess’t blanks.....oeeeens 15 00
DR By 5 days delivering trans-
- { seript and potices........... 15 00
To bal on hand Jan, 1,90... $3167 11 By 5 days delivering dupli- .
Cash rec'd from collectors i cates and Reg..c.oveeeeerenes 15 00
Jan & Feb....ccoovrssrsaeinnns 7672 60 By 5 days delivering Nov elec-
To cash rec'd from col Mch.. 285 93 : tion bIANES creme rss irene 15.00
* 3 April. 957 40 | By i87 days services in Com’r:
4 e May. 4015 I , a 561 00
: : hy Janes 4 i By traveling expenses ac’t ; ns
4 - Aug... 167 5 ; 9.. .... 136 07T— $884 72
. fun TE May 13th, 1889 07— §8
i i & Qc... 17499 60
* # it Nov... 431 85 s ry 8s sdeiivenes inns 84 72
3 Deon 1908 57 To sundry orders $88
To Unseated land fund....... . 417. 98 ‘ LJ i a
Cas! from redemp’n US land 264 76 J.D. DECKER CR.
Cash from licenses........ =: nln By bal. from ace’t of 1880........ 97 81
Fine for illegal fishing......... 25 00 BY 5 days delivering Feb elec-
Fine for sale Oleomargarine 50 0 HORDES. .oc ie tvs ssns tions . 1500
From Com’rs Asylum bills... 1775 25 By 7 days delivering assess't
wie TW Benaot. 0 000 Re er ni 21 00
3 = State T refuned 1475 33 By 7 days delivering trans.
ey v ine Jeo du- 199.17 eript and notices.....ivs 21 00
plicates . u 1 < ali oj
Jurors Com. fines aids 649 69 { By hay delivering Dap and 2100
fo cominTaf Gu By 6 days deliver :
field Co... 120 60 joy ptr blanks..... E Pn 18 00
: J € Meyer Io | By 195 duys services in Com’rs
To balanee......ccomweee-sne 663 09-$51406 99 | 7 Gffice..mnunrens ihr int 585 00
By traveling expenses act of
May 13th, 89 .creniionne 18 11— $887 92
To sundry orders............ $887 92
Com. ys. Alfred Andrews sun-
dry witnesses.........cosenene 621 57
Com. vs. Fietta Weaver sundry
WILHGSSEE, eves sbrivivsssnsvuss 375 67
Com. vs. J B Viehdeffer sun
dry witnesses..........coeovees 03
Com. vs. Supervisors Boggs
| twp sundry witness......... 2:7 08
Com. vs. Alfred Davis sundry
witnesses 90 80
Com. vs. Jno
expenses... 60 00
| Com. vs. Luther
Witnesses. ues 35 40
Annie Knoffsinger. 4 74
W R Willlams.... 7 56
ST GIaAY cs vet vreses 3 4T
Della Grenninger.. 8 82
J Dolterer...... .. 5 24
Robt Patterson.. 228
i Edward Beckwith. 4 50
| Aaron Orwig..... 5 04
| Christ Sharrer 7
i Albert Newman. 5 40
J M Monigal.... 4 56
V Beckwith, 6 73
| D H Bean. 2 5d
Clem Dale 17 64
Win Roberts 18 18
M Podolsky -
(Statement continued on 5th page.)