Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 06, 1891, Image 2

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    Bellefonte, Pa, February 6, 1891.
(40 Per cent. ad Valorem.)
With fingers weary and worn,
With eyelids heavy and red,
A woman sits at a taxed machine
With high taxed needle and thread,
Tax! tax! tax!
In her poverty she must pay
A tax upon everything she buys
From her wages day by day.
Tax! tax! tax!
With the body growing t hin
But the Welshmen out in the
Are taking out the tin !
Seam and gusset and band,
Till her hands can work no more ;
But the tin plate lords; may drink champagne,
As she faints upon the floor !
Western mines
Work ! work! work!
With the comforts of life aloof,
Buta higher rent for the higher tax
On the tin upon the roof.
It’s Oh! to be a slave
Along with the pauper Turk
Or sewing woman who pays a tax
On the unprotected work.
With fingers weary and worn,
She presses her aching head ;
While the party levies its taxes on -
Machine and needles and thread.
And she heaves a little sigh
That is silent and soft, but deep;
“Alas! that men are so prone to lie ;
Alas! that prices should be so high,
And wooden men so cheap!”
The memory of the soldier's first
battle will never be forgotten by him,
The impressions were burned so deeply
into the brain and spirit that a century
of peace would not efface or even dim
them. Twenty-nine years have pass-
ed since I went through the first “bap-
tism of fire,” and yet the scenes and
events are as fresh and as vivid in the
soul vision as is the storm of yester-
day eve.
I want to tell you something about
it. Ishall not name the time nor the
place—the living who were with me
will remember the facts—for the re-
cord I give is historic, is real, not ideal
or fanciful, and I wish to have the re-
cital so worded thatany man in the
world can read it without a feeling of
bitterness in any known direction. The
picture I give is not for the man who
wore this or that uniform. I want a
cameo that will outlast the passion that
produced the bloody struggle.
I do not pretend to give a history of
aa entire battle; no one man can do
this unless he draws upon the expe-
rience and observation of others, for
each actor in any great battle sees the
struggle differently from what it ap-
ears to others. I shall relate my own
individual experience and observation
—what I personally saw and heard of
one fiercely fought battle—one memor-
able in the history of the war—my first
passing into and through its flame of
A soldier's first battle in war does
not always come at the appointed,look-
ed for hour. Many of the volunteers
went to the front, expecting to wipe
out the fight the next morning after ar-
rival—cither before or after breakfast
—then to return home crowned with
immortal honors. But with thousands
many weary months elapsed before op-
portunity of meeting the foe came in
real earnest, and when it did come
countless thousands were not expecting
it. After my enlistment as a soldier 1
had not long to wait the coming of the
® ow oo» ¥ o% 0%
Night had enveloped the camp, and
I was dreaming of sunny fields, of
smiling meadows, of a happy home—
of mother, and all that was near and
dear to a human heart, But the de-
stroying angel came, and all vanished
into the realm of sweetened shadow.
For a comrade stood beside me with
his hand on my bosom. As he leaned
over toward my ear I heard him say
tremulously—the man’s heart in a flut-
ter of emotion.
“Wake up! They are advancing!”
Was there the hue on his lips that
made me think instantaneously of the
Whispering ‘with white lips, “The foe—they
come! they come!”
The first beams of the full morning
were penciling the orient sky, and the
rays fell upou a group of half a dozen
anxious faces gathered around the ad-
jutant’s tent. Two horses were there
—one with drooping head and limb at
rest; another was panting heavily and
reeking with smoke as the courier still
sat on him. The commanding officer
was reading a note, hastily scratched
in pencil, under starlight alone.
The officer was en dishabille. Yet
1 heard him speak hurriedly and anx-
iously to the bugler just called up:
“Bound reveille at once, and boots
and saddles immediately afterward.”
Turning around he added, addressing
his servant, “saddle my horse at once,
Strange it is what a magnetic influ
ence, as it ‘were, that will pervade a
mass of men in the hour of danger and
duty. Three minutes had not elapsed
after the sounds of the last bugle blow
had thrilled the camp till the squad-
rons were forming.
“Move the column down the road,
captain,” said the commanding officer.
“T will gallop on and ascertain the real
We passed another and another cour-
ier, and then we came to a body of
men holding horses behind a clump of
Just then there seemed to be an aw-
ful stillness in the morning air, sudden:
ly broken by a noise that sounded
strange to me.
“What is that?’ I asked.
“It is the rumbling of their artil-
lery,” said Gen. S. Then he turned
round, looking us all squarely in the
face, and added in a confident tone,
“Yes, they are advancing, and in
There was no mistaking the sound
that next greeted the ears, there was a
clear, ringing report that punctuated
the stillness, then there was another
and another and the rifle cracks died
away. They were the prelude of the
battle soon to begin in earnest.
The clattering of horses’ hoofs sig-
naled another courier who dashed up,
exclaiming in tones of feeling :
“General, our dismounted men are
skirmishing with them.” We had
heard the rifle shots half a mile away.
“Captain, gallop back, and hurry up
the intantry. Tell Capt. Hart we need
the artillery at once. He, too, is com-
in Hid
en there was another and anoth-
er ring of the c'ear voiced rifle, then a
terrific volley and a double shot or two,
and then the guns were hushed for a
moment. Men were seen hurrying
from the direction of the sound. They
were the dismounted skirmishers who
were being driven back by the strong
advance in front. The men rallied
with our column,
“Fall in, men,” cried a sergeant near
me. “Fall in, men! fall in promptly:
Fall in there!”
Oh, this terrible tongue of war!
Fall in here! Fall in! This is the
most awful appeal that greets the sol-
dier’s ear. Fall in. It isa tocsin that
dies away only with the funeral knell
| of many—for to them it says:
death !”’
A second staff officer had been sent
back to “hurry up the infantry.” The
noble fellows were coming. You could
hear the deep, muffled hum of their
footsteps as the double quicking har-
ried them onward. As they came up I
heard the short, quick command:
“Move out by the right flank! Into
line! Steady, men; steady! I expect
every man to do his duty now!”
Move out, and move on, my dear
comrades! Alas! many moved on in-
to that column which passed on, never
to return. Their first battle was their
There was a lull in the firing mn
front, but out to the leftward volley af-
ter volley poured, out upon the morn-
ing air—the sun just rising over the
hills to our right. I had followed at
the gallop the general, who was hurrying
to the front. He was more silent than
I had ever known him. Suddenly he
halted and turned to see who all were
about him. ;
“What troops are those; I asked
him doubtfully, as I saw a long line of
infantry men double quicking behind
a high rail fence distant not 150 yards
away. I could not distinguished the
uniform, and I was not aware of the
direction (rom which all our riflemen
were to enter the battle.
“My God!” said the general, “that
is the enemy !”
We were upon them before we were
aware of their close proximity. They
discovered us, too, at once, and were
preparing for the greeting.
“Get out of the road!” shouted the
general. There was a clump of trees
on either side of the highway upon
which he had thus far advanced.
“Get out of the road! Don’t you =ee
they are bringing the battery to bear
upon us from the hill yonder ?”
I looked, and a white puff of smoke
greeted my vision, and the same instant
—whiz-z—whur-r r—chee-ee-ee — went
a shell right between the general and
his staff, and it bounded down the road,
exploding in our rear.
The general addressed me again:
“Get out of the road, and gallop
back and have the calvary moved on
the flank of that line yonder in the
Another shell came in the mean
time, and made the air resonant with
the flying fragments.
Then there was a volley of rifles and
a faint cheer near to our flanks—for
our infantry were now moving out of
the skirt of the woods and opening the
battle in earnest.
Capt. Haat, too, had come, and he
unlimbered his guns on the battery on
the hill in our front, though he soon
turned his aim to the infantry line that
was nearer, and I heard the shots rat-
tling upon the rails behind which the
enemy had fallen.
“Thank God, the infantry are here,”
said one. They are the men whose
shoulders move the wheels on to victo-
ry. I heard the commanding general
shout, as the Jong line came hurrying,
just as the men emerged from the skirt
of woods, “Move on that line behind
in—fall in—to the arms of
A red and white and blue line of fire
answered from the enemy.
“Fall down and fire!” I heard an
officer shout.
Alas! many had already fallen—
fallen to rise no more.
Half a hundred men of a regiment
stood up, and their irregular fire rat-
tled mockingly along the fence.
It was the work of but a moment,
for a whole gbrizade in our front an-
swered the fire of the little band. The
battery rained grape and canister and
shrapnel against the brigade, and now
the battle had joined in awful earnest-
ness all along the line,
Battery replied to battery, hostile
brigade replied to hostile brigade, with
sheets of iron and leaden fire. There
were in the terrific din the hurling
shot, the screaming, screeching shell,
and whistling whirr of the deadly
minie, Amid the roar were the shouts
of command, the wailing shriek of the
wounded and the moans of the dying.
The hours were passing, the musketry
was roaring with an unbroken note,
the batteries were bellowing at each
other, when suddenly there was a deep,
dull thud—a mighty force which at
once shook the whole battlefield. Two
heavily laden caissons were blown up
simultaneously. Then there was an-
other sound which could not be mis-
taken, There was a lull in the firing
on our right, and the whole earth seem-
ed to be laboring and groaning. Thous-
ands stood listening amid the horrid
hell !
Oh, it was the charge of the cavalry!
“Charge! charge!” shouted the
throats of a dozen officers, and the bu-
gle blasts, ringing out faintly in the
din, mingled and died away in the
fierce shouting of the squadrons.
Boom! boom! boom! went the ar
tillery bosses!
. Clang! clang! clang! rang out the
| glittering sabers as they leaped from
i the scabbard.
It was, however, but an instant of
awful chorus when the wailing cry of
Waterloo, sauve qui peut l—‘*save him-
self who can !”—went up before the
onrushing squadron of furious horse-
men, who broke out 1n the wild shout
of victory that deadened the guns along
the whole line-—and troops on the
right—troops on the left—troops in the
centre—all caught the notes, and there
was one long and terrific thunder note
of victory! The cheers of infantry men
greeted the shouts of cavalry men—
while the little squad about the artil-
lery—brave fellows, with bands of red
upon their uniforms, cried out, as the
defeated were seen flying in stricken
masses in front:
“Hurrah for our battery!”
And well might the living victors
* * * * *
And well may the dead rest—friend
and foe in “one red burial blent.”—M.
V. Moore in Atlanta Constitution.
The New Kansas Senator.
William Alfred Peffer was born in
Cumberland county, Pa., September 10
1831. He is of Dutch parentage. His
schooling was obtained between the
ages of 10 to 15, when he attended the
public school seven months of each
year. At the ageof 15 years he was
made master of a small district school
and taught there until he was 19. In
1850 he caught the gold fever and
went to Calitornia, where he remained
two years. He made considerable
money and returned to Pennsylvania
in 1852. There he married Sarah
Jane Barber, and removed to Indiana.
He engaged in farming near Crawford-
ville, but business reverses impoverish-
ed him and he went to southwest Mis-
souri. At the breaking out of the war
he enlisted in the Eighty-third Illinois
volunteers. He served until June 26,
1865, having been detailed principally
on detached . duty as quartermaster,
adjutant and judge advocate. During
the two latter years of his service he
devoted himself to the study of law,
At the close of the war he settled at
Clarksville, Tenn., practicing law.
He remained at Clarksville until 1870;
when he moved to Kansas, taking up
a claim in Wilson county. He moved
to Freedonia in 1872, and there estab-
lished the Freedonia Journal, a weekly
newspaper, at the same time continu-
ing his law practice. He was a dele-
gate to the national Republican con-
vention in 1880. In that year he mov-
ed to Topeka, assumed editorial con-
trol of the Kansas Farmer, and after-
wards bought the paper. He has
been engaged in the publication of that
paper ever since.
A Long Sleep.
Miss Grace Gradley Awakens After a
Nine Months’ Slumber.
AmBoy, Ill, Jan 27.—Miss Grace
Gradley, who awoke a day or two ago,
after being in a trance for nine months,
seems to be in good health, having lost
but little flesh, but she cannot converse,
the power of articulation having left
her. She only answers in unmeaning
guttural tones.
About nine monts ago Amboy experi-
enced a great religious awakening. The
entire community became enthused and
the meetings were very largely attended.
Among the most enthusiastic attendants
was Miss Gradley, a handsome young
lady of eighteen years. One night she
returned from a meeting 1n a high state
of excitement and went to bed in the
same state of mind, although otherwise
in perfect health. The next day she
could not be aroused from a deep sleep
into which she had fallen.
Doctors were called in and all known
remedies applied, to no effect. The girl
slept on, day after day, not once awaken-
ing or even arousing up, Her eyes were
tightly closed and her cheeks flushed,
while her lips were parted in a half
smile, It seemed as [though her sleep
was utterly profound. She took nour-
ishment of a liquid form from a spoon,
the act of swallowing being perfectly
The case attracted physicians’ atten:
tion from all parts of the country, and
the conclusion on their part was that
the religious excitement had mentally
overtaxed the girl in an abnormal man-
ner, producing absolute suspension of
mind activity.
Girl Queens of Europe.
During the present century three
girl queens have, before the advent of
Queen Wilhelmina, almost. simulta-
neously ascended the throne of a Eu-
ropean nation : Maria de Gloria of Por-
tugal, Isabella of Spain and Victoria of
England. The first two had the misfor-
tune of attaining to the regal power
while still mere children, There has
been a wide difference between the
histories of the spoiled daughterof Spain
and the head strong Portugese damsel
and that of the grand and conscientious
maiden of 18 who was called upon to
reign over Great Britain. By her close
affiliations, through her sister, the
Dutchess of Albany, te the English
court, Queen Emma will probably pro-
fit by the example set by the Duchess
of Kent in the education of her daugh-
When the Planets Will Be Brightest.
At what time in 1891 will the princi-
pal planets be in their brightest phase
of the year?
Venus is now about at that stage.
She is the morning star, however. That
is to say, ske rises and sets before the
sun. At about 50’clock in the morning
she will be in view in the southeast,
and wiil be visible {rom that time until
day dawns. Two months hence Saturn
will be at his brightest stage. He will
rise at that time in the east just as the
sun sets. Jupiter will be at his best
early! in September, appearing in the
southeast after sundown.
—“A God-send is Eiy's Cream
Balm. I had catarrh for three years.
Two or three times a week my nose
would bleed. I thought the sores
would never heal. Your Balm has
cured me.”—Mrs. M, A, Jackson,
Portsmouth, N. H,
All Around the House.
Some Tempting Novelties That Find
Favor with Shoppers for the Home.
Among the pretty things that tempt
shoppers at this season may be noted tne
«electro deposit’ silverware, Wood,
shell, porcelain and glass have been
made the subjects of the process of de-
positing silver by means of electricity
in such a way as to produce most artis-
tic effects. Porridge bowls and plates
of china are overlaid in this manner
with perforated silver ornamentation
and are very handsome, the color of the
under ware being of course a matter of
taste. Especially beautiful is the silver
deposited on cut glass, the differing
brilliancy of the glass and silver giving
extremely eftective results. The deli-
cate white porcelain of tall coffee ewers
and creamer and sugar bowl, shining
through a mass of silver foliage, are
among the successes of this novel and
artistic work.
Small French vases in solid color
have an ‘electro deposit” of silver ap-
plied sc as to form a framework around
a landscape design in enamel.
A thing that will please housewives
who lean not either to the huge lamps
or the dripping wax candles that are
fashionable is a small lamp, with cut
glass globe, set in a cut glass stand, and
given the requisite touch of eolor with
pale yellow or rose crepe shade.
Some very dainty table mats are
worked on fine white linen, the whole
design being button holed and the linen
cut out.
A new shoulder rest is the “knap-
sack,” a square cushion with a roll of
soft, pale tinted satin. Floral cushions
are still in great favor, the pansy, the
rose, etc., being favorite shapes,
Long, narrow mirrors, showing an
upper panel, painted over in oil colors,
after the fashion of those of our grand-
mothers’ days, are seen; the frames are
usually dainty ones of white enamel
and gold.
A beautiful “reversible .teacloth” is
half linen and halt silk, woven in hand-
some damask pattern. On one side the
design shows in cream tinted linen, on
the other in amber silk. A wide fringe
of silk and linen finishes the cloth.
His Wife is Suspicious.
He was standing in a doorway on
Jefferson avenue, and presently he halt-
ed a pedestrian with a wave of his hand
and beckoned him to approach, and
said :
“How do I lock ?”
“Why, you present a pretty shabby
appearance, if you want an honest
answer,” replied the surprised citizen.
“That's good. Shabby refers to my
dress. How’s my facial appearance ?”’
“Pinched and hungry.”
“That's excellent. Do I look like a
man who had money ?”
“Would you class me as hard up and
friendless 7”
“T certainly would.”
“Thank you. To sum up, you would
set me down as a victim of unfortunate
circumstance, who couldn’t get out of
this town too fast ?”
“That's about it.”
“Thanks. Here is a letter I have
written to my wife asking for money to
get home. She a suspicious woman,
and she won’t take my word for it.
Please write at the bottom:
te tAttest. It’s a durned sight worse
than he says it is.” And sign your
The citizen complied, and the letter
was at once taken to the postoffice.
Provisions fora Lona Trip.
Have you any mince pie? he said,
bustling up to the proprietor of a Nas-
sau street restaurant and letting his au-
tumn tinted nose harmonize with the
cranberry tarts.
Certainly, sir.
Little early, isn’t it, for mince ?
Oh, no.
Aren’t remnants or markdowns from
last year, are they ?
Of course not, answered the proprietor
Well, you do me up a whole pie. I'm
going to start for Omaha at 5 o'clock
and I want a stayer for the trip. You
see,” he added, leaning confidentially on
the cake rack, when I went west last
year 1 eat half a mince pie before I
started. Well, sir, I never seen any-
thing stand by yer like it. Couldn't
eat a mouthful of anything till I got to
St. Louis. This year I'm buyin’ a
whole pie, and I reckon she’ll see me
clean into the state of Nebraska.
The Cost of Living.
‘While many skilled mechanics can
command from $1,200 to $1,500 a year,
working from seven to nine hours daily,
clerks and accountants seldom reach
that income, and many young profes-
sional men, ministers and doctors, pass
some of their best years in attaining it.
The assertion is all very well that a per-
son cannot live on such a sum as $2 a
week, for instance; the cold fact remains
that people do just that, and live well,
too. Of course a number associated can
fare better than two or three persons,
for every housewife knows the advant-
age of relying upon the appetite or di-
etetic peculiarities of many individuals
to strike a balance in table accountsy
Our Trade on the Lakes.
The American flag may be an infre-
quent and unimportant one on the
ocean-going vessels of the world, aside
from those which are engaged in the
coasting trade of the United States, but
it is fast running the “meteor flag’ of
Great Britain out of sight on the great
lakes. The record of the St. Mary's
Canal show that while the value of
American vessels passing through the
lock rose from $17,684,550 1887 to $25,-
328,600 is 1889, the Canadian shipping
actually decreased from $2,089,400 to
$1,597,600. The proportion of the
freight carried through the canal in
American vessels was 93 per cent in
1887, 94 per cent in 1888, and 96 per
cent in 1889.
——The tenor Narconi, who sang in
the Campanini troupe, upon hearing
that he had lost his entire fortune
through the failure of a bank, lost his
voice also, and is’ now under treat-
Groner’s Hawk Trap.
It Mows Them Down While Apparent-
ly Offering a Friendly Perch.
HARRISBURG, Jan. 17.—Although
the legislature of Pennsylvania two
years ago officially recorded its belief in
the theory that the owl and the hawk
are friends and not enemies of the farm-
er by repealing the law that placed a
bounty on the scalps of these birds, there
is at least one rock-ribbed old farmer in
the state who still holds to the belief of
the fathers that hawks and owls are
pestiferous and destructive enemies of
the agriculturist, and he has adopted a
novel and by no means humane way of
making them less, or at least of destroy-
ing their power for harm, bounty or no
This farmer is Benjamin Groner of
the Pine creek region. Hisstudy of the
habits of both hawks and owls led him
years ago to the discovery that they al- |
larly upon going from a warm atmos-
ways perch on the branch of some tree
orona high fence postor other good
point for observation near a poultry
yard before swooping down upon the
contents of the yard. This set Farmer
Groner to thinking, and he thought out
a contrivance which he believed would
be the runination of every hawk and
owl that prowled around his premises.
He took a scythe blade made of the
finest stuff he could buy. He ground
and whetted the edge of the blade until
it was as keen as keen could be. Than
he fastened the butt end of the blade
with bolts fast to a long post, near the
top. The blade was fastened to the
pole edge up, and at an angle of forty-
five degrees. The pole he then set in
the ground a few rods from his poultry
yard, on the edge of a wood lot. For
several days an immense hen hawk had
been sailing around near the premises,
and from a perch on the dead limb of a
tree near the spot where the farmer set
his pole in the ground had swooped
down on a number of Groner’s fattest
chickens. The farmer chopped the
dead limb of the tree away after setting
his pole and scythe blade, and awaited
the result of the experiment he was try-
In the afternoon of the same day the
hawk came sailing along over the tops
of the trees. Farmer Groner saw the
hawk from his barn, and cautiously
watched it. The big bird sailed down
to the tree where it had always made its
perch, but {not finding thodead limb,
circled around a few times, and then
dropped down on the outstretched scythe
blade, which appeared as a convenient
place of observation. The instant the
hawk lit it began to slide down the
steep and smooth slant of the blade, and
sliced its claws off as quickly and neatly
as a meat cutter slices smoked beef.
The bird fluttered to the ground, but as
its wings were still at its command it
flew away and never came back to the
Groner farm again. The farmer went
out and found the bleeding talons of the
crippled bird, and knew that his experi-
ment was a success. The next morning
he fonud a couple of sets of owl toes on
the ground under the scythe blade.
Ever since then one of thesé traps bas
been on duty near his poultry yard, and
the frequent finding of an owl and hawk
claws beneath it and a steady increase in
his poultry flocks are incontrovertible
proof that it is doing well the work it
was planned to do. An owl or hawk
that lights on that terrible perch is for-
ever after unfitted for stealing chickens,
for both birds capture their prey with
their talons.
Waves 350 Feet High.
The waves that hurl themselves
against “Lot’s Wife,” one of the Mar-
iana islands, drench it to its topmost
pinnacle, about 350 feet above sea level.
A tremendous surf sometimes runs at
Buker island, even without any strong
wird, or perhaps the wind blowing
from a contrary direction. An unbrok-
en wall of water twenty-five feet high
and one-quarter of a mile long rolls in,
threatening to delude the island, and
affording one of the grandest sights
imaginable. These waves are said to be
due to the southwest monsoon blowing
strongly in the China seas, many miles
——The inquisitive woman is the
most objectionable and pestiferous afflic-
tion of summer resort life. She opens
her eyes in the morning with a deter-
mination to let them look at her neigh-
bors, and when she closes them at night
she is certain that they have stared so
that they willin the future recognize
any gown, are acquainted with the size
of every shoe and glove worn by every
woman, know exactly who have wine
for dinner, and have impertinently glar-
ed at every human being, as if looking
for the missing link. She is oftenest an
elderly girl or a young married woman
who has cultivated ill temper at the ex-
dense of her husband, and who be-
grudges to the other women any of the
pleasures of life.
~~ Itis said of David Jacks, the
Monterey county, Cal., millionaire, that
he can ride twenty miles in a straight
line on his own land. He is a Scotch-
man, and in 1849 stowed himself away
in a barrel on a vessel bound for Cali-
fornia. Now he has a fortune of $7,-
000,000. He is a devout Presbyterian
——The widow of a Revolutiorfary
soldier who prays increase of pension
should have it. If the deceased entered
the service when twenty-one and lived
out his three score and ten the widow
must have gone on the rolls in 1825, and
as the original pension has kept her
alive to date the good old soul should
have a further preservative.
——A Montreal police sergeant says
there are many hundreds of men, wo-
men and children in that city in such
abject poverty that they are almost desti-
tute of both fire and food.
——Illinois has a new law under
which criminals who have been found
guilty of robbery for the third time are
considered incorrigible and sentenced to
life imprisonment.
——A petrified moccasin was un-
earthed at Pendleton, Oregon, by some
laborers who were digging for the
foundation of a benk building. It will
be sent to the Smithsonian Institution.
Some Cold Weather Rules.
Always regulate the clothing to suit
the temperature. A too heavy wrapin-
duces copious perspiration, thus causing
debility, and consequently the danger
of taking cold is increased. Always
open or throw of a wrap on going into
a warmer atmosphere.
Keep the back especially between the
shoulder-blades, well protected, as well.
as the chest.
Never lean the back against any-
thing cold.
After exercising, never ride in an
open carriage or near an open car win-
dow. Avoid draughts, in or out of
Never stand still in the street, espec-
ially after walking, and most especially
where exposed to a cold wind. Also
avoid standing on ice or snow:
Keep the mouth closed as much as
possible when in the open air, particu-
phere. By breathing through the nose
the air becomes warmed before reaching
the lungs. A silk handkerchief, a
piece of loosely woven woolen cloth or
knitted woolen material, placed over
the mouth or the nose or the mouth only
when in the open air, is very beneficial
for persons who have weak lungs, and
should never be neglected when the tem-
perature is at or below freezing point:
Never take warm drinks immediately
before going out into the cold, and nev-
erstart on a journey in the morning be-
fore eating breakfast.
Keep the temperature of the house
even and secure good ventilation from the
outside air, without a draught. Every
room in the house should be thorough-
ly aired every day.
A firein a sleeping department is not
desirable, excepting for an invalid ; and
even for asick person the temperature
should be lower at night, and the rest
will be better if the room be thoroughly
aired before settling for the night.
If necessary to occupy a room that
cannot be heated, do not go to it when
over heated, always disrobe quickly and
wear flannel night clothes.
A person in good health should never
wear the same clothing at night, even
the flannels that are worn in the day-
time. After airing during the night
they afford more warmth the next day,
Never go to bed with cold or damp
feet. Ifsubject tocold feet, rub them
thoroughly with something rough be-
fore going to bed. Strictly avoid any-
thing beated—a soapstone, flat-iron, ete.
—for keeping the feet warm in bed. It
makes them tender. Use, instead. knit-
ted bed shoes or stocking, or use very
large woolen socks or stockings. Hos-
iery of the usual size worn will impede
i and the feet will remain
A quick rubbing all over the body
with a rough towel, a flesh-brush jor
horse hair gloves, is an excellent thing
to do just before going to bed, as it
quickens the circulation, and often in-
duces quiet sleep; but this should not
be done in a room where the tempera-
ture is so low as to suddenly chill the
body when the clothing is removed.
Never omit regular bathing in cold
weather, and systematic exercise and
rubbing, When the circulation of the
blood is good and the skin is in good
condition, one can resist the cold much
more successfully, and with less cloth-
ing. When the skin is inactive and the
circulation is poor, the condition is fav-
orable to congestion, ond one is liable to
‘take cold’ easily.
After “taking cold’’attend to it at once
—don’t let it “run its course,” and devel-
op into pneumonia or some other equal—
ly dangerous phase. If hoarse, speak
as little as possible until the hoarseness
passes off.
——7You can tell pretty well how a
girl feels toward you by the way she
takes your arm. Ifshe doesn’t care a
cent you know itby the indifference of
her muscles. Ifshe has a great confi-
dence in you the pressure tells it; and
friendship is as distinct from love in that
mode of expression as in words or looks.
A woman can take the arm of a fellow
she likes very much with perfect com-
fort, even if she is six feet high and he
is four. But even if the two are just
matched, she can make him feel disdain
contempt, discomfort, dislike, anything
she likes, by the way she does not hold
on to him.
——There are very few women who
keep their top bureau drawer in order.
It is the final test of neatness, and a
girl who keeps her ribbons, hairpins,
collars, cuffs, and the infinitesimal arti-
cles in separate boxes will always be
neat about everything. Most women
however, are dainty about their scented
sachets, and lavender bags, There is a
fancy now for having all linen scented
with lavender, as our grandmothers did.
The sweet stuff is put into little bags
of sweet cambric or silk, and placed be-
tween the sheets and tablecloths, as well
as in the drawers where the underwear is
kept. !
——Rach of the Justices of the Fed-
eral Supreme Court is allotted a body
servant, who is paid out of the contin-
gent fund of the court. These servants
report promptly every morning at 9 at
the residences of the Justices, whom
they attend constantly during the day.
They shave the Justices, do their er-
rands and occasionally act as coachman
for them. Bach Justice is also furnish-
ed with a private secretary.
Sitting Bulls war-club is now in
the possession of an Ohio editor. It is a
vicious-looking weapon, about two and
a half feet long, and bears the signs of
hard service. In the heavy or “busi-
ness” end of the club a short buffalo
horn is grimly embedded. The old
Chief gave the relic originally to Elroy
Post, the artist, who had made two
large painting of the Indian's favorite
——One of the most excellent of re-
cent innovations is the introduction of
metal ceilings in place of wood and plas-
ter. These ceilings do not shrink or
burn like wood, they will not stain,
crack or fall off like plaster; but being
permanent, durable, fire proot and orna-
mental, will eventually supersede both
wood and plaster, beside being in the
end far more economical than either.