Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 30, 1891, Image 5

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neighbor James H. Rankin, Esq., was
admitted to practice in the courts of
Centre county at January term, 1341.
He is the senior, in years, of all the
practitioners at our bar, and with the
exception of Ex-Governor Curtin, who
was admitted to the bar 1n 1837, is the
sole survivor of his contemporary mem-
be s of the bar down to the year 1854.
He very properly concluded to cele-
brate the fistieth anniversary of his ad-
mission by inviting the Judges and
members of the bar to meet him at his
house last Saturday evening. Some
thirty guests assembled at 6 p. m., and
partook of an elegant collation prepared
by his good wife and their excellent
daughter, Mr. General Hastings.
After the refreshments had been en-
joyed the guests resolved themselvesinto
a meeting over which Ex-Governor
Cartin presided. Wilbur F. Reeder,
with a capital off-hand address, greatly
surprised Mr. Rankin by presenting him
with a magnificent gold watch and
chain as a token of esteem from the
members of the bar. Mr. Rankin
was disconcerted by this unexpected
demonstration of his friends,but he suc-
ceeded with a few feeling remarks to ex-
press his surprise and grateful acknowl-
edgments. Then Governor Curtin
took a hand and in an hour's talk re-
lated many interesting reminiscences of
Bond Valentine, James Blanchard,
John Blanchard, James M. Petriken,
James McManus and other older mem-
bers of the bar. He was followed by
Governor Beaver, Judge Furst and
others of the guests in happy congratu-
latory addresses, after which the com-
pany departed with many thanks to
Mr. and Mrs. Rankin for the very de-
lightful entertainment.
The following one of the regrets
which Mr. Rankin received:
CLEARFIELD, PA,, Jan. 22, 1891.
James H. Rank, Esq. !
My Dear Sir—I have your card of invitation
to yourthome on Saturday, 24th inst., on the
50th anniversary of your admission to the bar.
If I could come I would surely doso, for I
remember vividly yourself as a young and
rising member of thebar both of Centre and
Clearfield counties, I remember too with
great clearness my experience as a scholar,
with yourself as tutor,in the Clearfield acade-
my when you helped my fathering steps to a
clearer knowledge cf Euclid, of algebra and of
Cwesar’s Commentaries.
The pathway of life has since been dotted with
many changes, sad and joyful, upward and
downward, for both of us, butI feel, as I
do not doubt you do, that a conscientious ef-
fort to do right under every situation in life,
has been and is the most consoling thought
that now revisits us.
With the kindest of memories and the
heartiest of greetings in memoriam
I am very truly yours,
Hastings WeLcoMEp Home. —The
public meeting that was held in the
court house Thursday evening of last
week was a proper expression of wel-
come on the part of the people of Bel.e-
fonte, inrespective of party considera-
tion, to Governor Beaver and Adjutant
General Hastings, to their old home af-
ter the expiration of their terms of office.
It was a spontaneous meeting including
members of both political parties, the
court house being crowded by both Re-
publicans and Democrats.
Upon motion of Mr. Isaac Mitchell,
J. L. Spangler, Esq., was chosen Presi-
nent of the meeting, with the following
assistant officers :
Vice Presidents--C. M. Bower, E.
C. Humes, J. P. Gephart, Daniel
Rhoades, J. A, McClain, John Noll, J
I. McClure, W. C. Heinle, Thomas
Donachy, J. L. Runkle, C. T. Ger-
berich, Wm. Harper, P. G. Meek, Wm
Shortlidge, Jos. W. Gross, of Bellefonte
borough ; H. T. Lucas, B. Weber, Jno
A. Woodward, D. W. Schenk, Howard;
0. E. Miles, E. H. Carr, Milesburg ;
A: J. Griest, J. W. Barton, Unionville ;
W. A. Ishler, J. W. Marshall, Benner;
C. P. Stonerode, 1. F. Adams, A. C
Moore, Boggs; J. G. Bottorf, Theo. =.
Christ, Wm. Thompson, Jr., College ;
Daniel Irwin, J. C. Henderson, Huston
J. A. Quigley, J. I. Delong, Liberty ;
Geo. F. Stevenson, Patton ; A. V. Mil-
ler, Thos. A. Shoemaker, M. F. Riddle,
Amos Garbrick, Spring ; B. W. Shifley,
Secretaries—John Youngman, J. A.
Fiedler, Chas. Kurtz, Chas. L. Gates,
Fred Kurtz, N. S. Bailey, O. M. Meek,
G. T. Bush, J. R. Hughes.
Governor Beaverand General Hast-
ings were conducted to the court room
by a committee consisting of Ellis Or-
vis, esq. J. A. Aikens, L. T. Munson
and Dr. J. L. Seibert. The expression
of welcome was made by J.L. Spangler,
President of the meeting, to which Gov-
ernor Beaver and General Hastings re-
plied in speeches in which they told
with what satisfaction they returned
and again became residents of the old
town hetween whose citizens and them-
selves the friendiest feelings had always
existed, and from whom they had re-
ceived so many assurances of regard
and favor. The remarks of both were
in excellent taste and happily and feel-
ingly expressed. Speeches were also
made by Messrs. J. C. Meyer, E. C.
Humes, D. F'. Fortney, D. S. Keller,
John Blanchard and James P. Coburn,
after which the hands of the two distin-
guished gentlemen were heartily shaken
by their old friends and neighbors who
hal assembled to welcome tuem home.
| wife, and Weaver and the lady who was
Court ProceEDINGs.—The regular
January term of the Centre county court
convened last week with the smallest
criminal calendar that a grand jury
had to deal with in this county for
many & term.
Mr. J. A. Aikens of Bellefonte, was
appointed foreman of the grand jury.
Application was made by D. F. Fort-
ner, Esq., for the appointment of com-
missioners relative to the sale of the
Centra Iron Company’s real estate.
The court deferred action. The various
county constables were called forward
and their reports taken.
The criminal cases tried were as
Com vs. Samuel Cooper, surety
of the peace. The defendant was
charged with making threats against his
wife. Mrs.Cooper claims that she obtain-
ed a divorce {rom her husband some time
azo, and ever since he has been in the
habit of making threats against her life.
He followed her to Williamsport and
then to Philipsburg. He there threat-
ened to burn the house down. Cooper
says that his wife is living with another |
man named Griffin and was thus untrue
to him. The trouble was caused by
Mrs. Cooper's having one of their child-
ren which he wanted. The defendant
testified in his own defense denying that
he made threats azainst his wife, claim-
ing thatall he desired was to recover
possession of his little girl for the pur-
pose of giving 1t to his parents for good
raising. The Court sentenced each par-
ty to pay half the cost and the defendant |
to enter bail in thesum of $100 to keep
the peace toward his wife for a period
of one year, and to stand committed un-
| yesterday as most conducive to the ear-
til the sentence was complied with.
Com. vs. Robert Derstine— Assault. |
and battery. The prosecutor, I. G.
Nuband, charged the defendant with
having struck him on the streets of Phil-
ipsburg. The defendant testified in bis
own defense, claiming that he did not
commit an assault, but merely took hold
of the plaintiff on authority of ths con-
stable, who wassorewhat disabled and
desired assistance in arresting Nuband,
for whom he had a warrant. Mr. Barr,
constable from Philadelphia, corrobor-
ated the testimony of Mr. Devlin. Ver- :
dict not guilty and prosecator to pay
Com. vs. Henry Pennington.—As- |
sault and battery and indecent assault.
Georgiana Beck, prosecatrix. D>fend-
ant pleaded guilty to two rourts and
was sentenced to pay a fine of $100,
cost of prosecution and imprisonment in
the county jail for one year.
Com. vs. Arthur Rothrock. F. and b.,
Bella Heverly, prosecutrix. Defendant
pleaded guilty and received the usual
sentence. The Court said that hereafter
all defendants under 25 years of age
guilty of this crime, who may be
brought before it, will be sentenced to
the Reformatory at Huntingdon.
Com. vs. Charles Stewart and Peter
May, Larceny. The bill ignored and
county to pay costs.
Com. vs. Frank Ingram. Assault’and |
battery. The defendant was charged
with striking his wife. He pleaded
guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine
of one dollar, and enter into recogniz-
ancein the sum of $100 to keep the
peace toward his family for the period
of one year, and stand committed until
sentence is complied with.
The Grand jury in their report con-
demned all the water closets in and
about the public premises and recom-
mended making better arrangements for
the accommodation of ladies. They re-
commended the removal of the iron
fence from in front of the court house
yard ; the removal of the telephone
pole down which Wilson escaped ; the
putting of a bath room in the jail for the
convenience of prisoners, and condemn-
ed the practice of allowing visitors to go
in the jail at any and all times, re-
commending that two days a week be set
apart as visiting days. They further re-
commended some needed repairs in the
court house.
L. F. Wetzler, for use of Wm Harper
vs. C. M. Bower, administrator of John
Fetzer. Without going to trial a ver-
dict was found for plaintiff in the sum |
of $2013.67.
C. M. Sellers vs. Buffalo Run Rail-
road Company. This was an action to
recover the value of a colt that had been
killed some time last spring on the road
of said company. Verdict for plaintiff
in the sum of $80. |
R. V. Weaver vs J. A. Cooper.
This was an action for damages involv.
ing parties in the Philipsburg region. !
On the 1st of August, 1889, Mr. Weav-
er, the plaintiff, drove from Osceola to
Philipsburg. While he drove up
Second street ani as he was turning the
corner into Beaver strest, he was run
into by the defendant, Cooper, who was
driving very fast aud had his wife with
him in his conveyance. Weaver also
had a lady with him. In the collision
both buggies were wrecked and the
harness damaged. Both Cooper and his
with him, were hurt. The horses were
badly cut and sprained. Me. Weaver
claim d damages sustained to himself, to
his horses, buggy and harness. He claim-
ed that Cooper was driving at such a
holders now have a full and unhinder-
| mediate starting up.
both of Loveville, Pa.
' for a short talk on Wednesday. He had about
' suppose he was right “in it.”
in this vicinity.
{| James C-
speed that he could not avoid being run
The court finally, adjourned on Wed-
nesday, the jurors being discharged at
5p. m., it being the shortest term the
court has had in this county in a long
Verdict for the plaintiff for
Sorp.— After a number of postpone-
ments, involving much legal intricacy,
the property of the Centre Furnace Co.
at this place has been sold. The pur-
chasers being the Fidelity Insurance
Trust and Safe Deposit Company Trus-
tees, of Philadelphia, and the consider-
ations $195,000. The purchase was
made through Messrs. Beaver, Gephart
and Dale, attys’, of this place, Mr. Gep-
hart acting, and the sale was consum-
mated in two bids. First the Furnace
property , proper, with appurtenances
and tenements, was sold for $100,000,and
then the balance,including the ore rights,
ete., was knocked down av $95,000.
"L'his puts the property directly under the
control of all the bond holders, as the
purchasers are merely agents. Specu-
lation has been running rife on the pro-
bability of the early resumption of the
plant, but Mr. Gephart would not ex-
press an opinion on the matter further
than to say that by this sale a number
of legal difficulties were gotten over and,
of course, in this way the condition of
the Furnace affairs is put upon a much
better basis.
There will be a meeting ot the bond
holders, in Philadelphia, on Feb. 6th,
and not until then will anything defi-
nite be known. We view the sale of
ly starting of the plant, for the bond-
ed option over the property, and their
interests will be best subserved by an im-
MARRIAGE LiceNses.—-Following is
the list of marriage licenses issued dur-
ing the past week : Harvey L. Ginter
and Lida Waite, both of Bellefonte;
George Harvey of Poe Mills,ar.d Nathan
Nevel, of Tusseyville ; James E. Poor-
man and Emma Walker, both of Boggs
twp. ; Sapariouse Reifsnyder of Spring
twp., and Annie Decker, of College
twp. ; William Cole and Mary Meese,
—D. C. Houtz, a very pleasant gentleman,
from Lemont, was noticed on our streets on
Monday. :
—Mr. Albert Hoy, of State College, was in
town on Monday and paid his respects to the
—Mr. Thomas Shoemaker, a prominent iron
man of Bellefonte, was in the city last even-
ing. Wednesday morning’s Altoona Times.
—Tuesday evening's train brought Miss Jen-
nie Lukenbach home from a pleasant week,
with her friend Miss Anna ITopton, in Tyrone.
—Ex-County Commissioner Jack Griest, of
Unionville, dropped in on Wednesday to see
if the present hoard was doing everything
right. -
—Miss Louisa M. Valentine, eldest daughter
of Mr. Jacob Valentine returned home, on
Tuesday evening, from a long sojourn in the
Oriole city.
—Col. Ed. Praner, of Tyrone and C. U. Hof-
fer, of Philipsburg, spent Sunday in our town.
Called hither by the serious illness of Mr.
Hoffer’s mother.
—(Col Jas. Milliken spent part of this week
at his home on Linn street. The Colonels
gold interest in Colorado mines keeps him on
the go most of the time.
—Genial “Billy” Tobias was up from Mil.
heim, on Tuesday, looking as good natured
and handsome as ever. William is not seen
here often, but when he comes he is welcom-
ed by a host of friends.
—Mr. Matlock Kephart, formerly of Fil-
more, with his son-in-law and his family from
Clearfield are saying good-byes, to friends in
this vicinity, preparatory to making their per-
manent home in Roanoke, Va.
—Chas, Nau, Bellefonte’s old pianist, got off
the 9-32, on Wednesday, to spend the dayat the
Bush House. Charley is entertaining the pec-
ple of Tyrone, with h’s charming music now
and he has given them a first-class cafe too.
—W. B. Turner, Esq., of Fleming, came in
finished his day’s business in town and was
favoring his friends with his presence. We
are glad to haye such friends as Mr. Turner.
—Jno. W. Stuart, the coal and grain opera-
tor at State College and Oak Hall, was in Bellc-
finte on Tuesday. Mr. Stewart don’t look as
though the “coal war” had effected him much,
bat, by the way he was flying about one would
— Britain Steel, esq., of Tyrone, spent the
fore part of the week with bis many friends
We understand that Brit. is
making quite a success of his contracting bus-
iness in his new home and he deserves it too,
for he is a good, honest, mechanic and knows
how to handle his work with efteet.
Honor to a Deceased Brother.
At a meeting, of Progress Grange,
held at Centre Hall, January 24,
1891, the following resolutions, relat
ing to the death of Jamas C. Ruble, whose
sadden and unexpected demise ozcurred Jan.
3, 1891, were adopted :
Wuenreas: It having pleased the Grand
Architect of the Universe to summon to a
statetof endless duration our worthy brother,
uble, we, while bowing with sub_
mission to the inevitable decree that “The
dust shall return to the earth as it was and the
splrit return unto God who gave it,” deeply
deplore the severance of another link from
our fraternal chain. Therefore be it
Resolved: That we extend to the be.
reaved family and mourning friends, over
whom sorrow/has hung her sable mantle, our
sincere sympathy, and pray that Infinite
goodness may bring speedy relief to their
burdened hearts and inspire them with the
consolations which Hope in Futurityjand;Faith
in God give even in the shadow of the tomb.
That a copy of these resolutions ba presented
to the family of our deceased brother and also
published in the Farmers Friend and county
papers. G. W. Boar, \
W, R. Nery, »Com. |}
Tribute of Respect.
A Tribute of respect of Boalsburg
Lodge No. 84,1. O. O.F., to the mem-
ory of a departed brother.
WHEREAS, In the providence of God
death has suddenly entered our frater-
nity and removed from it P. G. Martin
Grove, Jr, who was a beloved and con-
siderate brother, a kind and faithful
friend ; be it, therefore,
Resolved, ''hat we bow in humble
submission to the will of that supreme
and overruling providence that controls
the destinies of his people, so as to sub-
serve his divine purpose and promote
their spiritual good.
Resolved, That we tender to the be-
reaved and aged parents and friends
the most tender and cordial sympathies
of the Order.
Resolved, That the charter be draped
in mourning for a friend for thirty days
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu-
tions be sent to the bereaved family,
with the assurance ot our fraternal sym-
pathy, confident that “He who doeth
all things well will comfort and console
them in their affliction, realizing that
He is also abundantly able and willing
to supply their spiritual and temporal
Resolved: That a copy of these reso-
lutions be sent to the county papers for
A Terrible Mine Horror.
One of the Most Delstructive of Pennsyl-
vania Accidents.
PirTsBURGH, January 27.— A special
from Scottdale, Pa., says: By an ex-
plosion of firedamp in the Mammoth
shaft of the H, C. Frick Company to-
day eighty sturdy miners were ushered
into eternity, and a number seriously
The explosion occurred this morning
shortly after 9 o'clock and it is sup-
posed was the result of the igniting of
a miner's oil lamp. The after damp
which followed the explosion suffocat-
ed nearly every one of the workmen.
A few men realizing the awful situa-
tion fell to the ground, thereby prevent-
ing the gas from striking them. There
is not a soul left to tell the story of the
The persons not killed are in such a
critical condition that their deaths are
hourly expected. Up to this writing
forty bodies have beew discovered, all
without any sign of life.
The fire which broke out after the
explosion was extinguished by the im-
mense fans which were put in opera-
tion. The gas has.about all been driv-
en from the pit and the work of recov-
ering the remaining bodies has been
The Mammoth plant embraces 509
ovens, one of the largest plants in the
coal region, but hard of access. It is
situated near the United well, where an
explosion recently destroyed the entire
The coffins have already been order-
ed for eighty people. Only one man
escaped from the fatal mire.
It appears that there are sixty whose
families are left wholly dependent on
the charity of the world for support by
this disaster. In fact they are almost
penniless, as the plant has “hot been
running full force for some time, owing
to a decrease in the demand for coke.
Every means possible will oe resort
ed toin order to supply the widowed
mothers and children with the necessa-
ries of lite. The Frick company will
be liberal in this direction and it is un-
derstood that a subscription paper will
shortly be started to obtain money to
support the unfortunate families.
—2Mamyory, Pa., Jan. 27.—One hun-
dred and six men were killed in the ex-
plosion. Sixty bodies have been taken
out. The mine is on fire and it is fear-
ed the bodies will be cremated.
Count Von Moltke compels all
the members of his household to spend
at least an hour each day in the
open air, even if the rain be pour-
The trade has hubbed the skele-
ton overshoes that are bound by a band
about the heel as ‘‘foot-holds.”
School Report.
The following is the report of Belle Grove
seiiool (Union township) for the month ending
Jan. 8th, 1891: Number of pupils enrolled, 42;
average attendance 35; per cent of attendance
89; names of pupils who were present every
day: Julia Ammerman, Jennie Bennet, Gatha
Ammerman, Amanda Delp, Charlie Ammer-
man, James, Harry and Samuel Stere, and
Gilbert Parsons; names of those missing tut
one day : John Loughry, Howard Parsons, and
Carl Ammerman; those whose class reci-
tation and conduct entitle them to a place on
the roll of Honor: Misses Julia Keatley, Shaba
Hoover, Mary and Sudie Shipley, Mary Cal-
houn, Jennie Bennet, Mary Ammerman, Mat-
tie Sensor, Amanda Delp, Gatha Ammerman,
Emily Hall and Maud Calhouu, and Messrs
Eli Hall, John Loughry, Bert Ammerman,
Carl Ammerman, James, Harry and Samuel
Stere, Samuel and James Bowmaster, and El-
lery Parsons. Visitors: Wm. B. Rankin, C.
M. Thompson, Misses Emma and Maggie Hail,
Ida Lounsberry, Mrs. Lena Lounsberry, Mrs.
Bowmaster, and Messrs. Patsey and Thomas
Loughry and Toner Confer.
Parents are requested to visit us at least
once a month.
A. Curtin THomsoN, Teacher.
——The following letters remain in the
Bellefonte P. O. unclaimed, Jan, 26th, 1891.
Leone D. Angelo, J. J. Crotzer, Ella Kleck-
ner, Hugh D. Lucas, Sallie Lile, Mrs. Ellen
Miller, Mattie Miller, Ella Patton, J. B. Rus-
gell, Calvin F. Soit, A, B. Shirk.
When called for please say advertised.
New Advertisements.
We have the Largest Stock and Finest Line of
Wall Paper ever brought to this town.
season are especially beautiful in design
and coloring
WINDOW We havea large stock of Wind-
SHA DES ow Shades and Fixtures, also a
FIXTURES full line of Room Moulding of
various widths and qualities.
With the above goods all in stock, a corps
of good workmen and 25 years experience in
the business, we think we are prepared for a
good Spring Trade at
We ask all who think of doing anything in
our line to drop in and examine our goods
and prices. .
117 High Street.
A two story Frame Dwelling House, with
EIGHT ROOMS in each end, calculated for
two families. .
STORE ROOM in the basement 16x50.
Good Stable, Ice House and Outbuildings.
Grapes and Pears onthe lot, and good well
of water. Terms easy. Call upon
36 4 2m Unionville, Pa.
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of Arthur J. Brown, dec’d, late of Belle-
foute Brough, having been granted to the un-
dersigned, she requests all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly authen-
ticated for settlement.
Att'y. Administratrix.
36 3 6t. Bellefonte, Pa.
Pianes and Organs.
New Advertisements.
HERIFF'S SALES!—By virtue of
sundry writs of Fieri Facias issued ous
ot the Court of Common Pleas of Centre coun-
ty, to me directed, will be exposed to public
sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of
Bellefonte, Centre county, on Saturday, the
31st day of January, 1891, the following proper-
V, Viz:
All those three certain tracts or parcels of
land situated at Coburn, in Penn township,
Centre county, Pa.,
—=One thereof bounded on the east by land of
Jacob Evert’s estate, on the west by land of
Henry Feidler, on the north by land of Andrew
Stover’s heirs, and on the south by lands of
Adan Kerstetter,containing eleven acres more
or less.
Another thereof bounded on the north by
public road, on the east by land of Jacob Everts
estate, on the south by land of Meyer and
Motz, and on the west by land of Samuel
Eisenhuth, containing one fourth of an acre
more or less, thereon erected a story and a
half dwelling honse and other outbuildings.
And the other thereof bounded on the east
by Pine Creek, on the south by an alley, on
the west by lot of Susan Eisenhuth, and on the
north by other land of the deferdant, contain-
ing one fourth of an acre more or less. Siezed,
taken in execution and to be sold as the pro-
perty of Daniel Eisenhuth.
All that certain piece of land situated im
Spring tbwnship, Centre county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows, Beginning at a
post on west side of extension of Allegheny
street leading as such street is now fenced off
40 feet north of line of E. J. Emery and at
corner of lot of 8. M. Buck, thence in a west-
ernly direction 200 feet more or less to on al-
ley, between the herein described lot and
lands of Robert Valentine, thence in a western-
ly direction along said alley 40 feet to other
lands of S. M. Buck, thence in an easternly
direction along line of said lot 200 feet more or
less to said extention of Allegheny street,
thence ina southerly direction along said
street 200 feet to the place of beginning, being
about 40 feet on said street, and extending
back 200 feet to an alley. Thereon erected a
two story frame dwelling house and other ont-
buildings. Siezed, taken in execution and to
be sold as the property of W. H. Saunders.
Se to commence at 1-30 o'clock p. m. of said
Notice :—No deed will be acknowledged un-
til purchase money is paid in full.
Sheriff's Office, WM. A. ISHLER,
Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 6th, 1891. Sheriff.
36 1 3t.
winter goods to supply the demand.
Ladies’ and children under-
wear, woolen hosiery, also the
Musser woolen hose which is
the best hose in the market.
Fascinators, mittens, gloves; &
few children plush coats at cost.
For good goods go to the
No. 9, Spring Street,
Bellefonte, Pa.
35 21 1y
The best and lowest priced food for cattle and
Owing to the high price of Corn and Oats,
Cotton and Linseed Meal cost less per hundred
pounds than mixed chop; notwithstanding
that, it has been demonstrated by W. C. Patter-
son, Supt. atthe State College farm that one
pound of Cotton Seed Meal is_worth as much
as two pounds of Corn meal,and Linseed Meal is
worth as much a, Cotton Seed Meal for feeding
stock--One pound of Cotton Seed Meal, one
pound of Gluten or Corn Meal and four pounds
of Wheat Bran malze a most excellent feed for
milk cows ; and one handful of Linseed Meal
fed to horses and mules twice a day, promotes
digestion and prevents colic and other sick:
ness and makes them sleek in their coat.
We have recently sold W. C. Patterson, Supt.
of the State College farm, for feeding pur-
poses, 614 tons of Cotton Seed Meal and we are
quite sure that he would not buy it in such
large quantities, unless the use of it proved to
be profitable; therefore, we can recommend it
for feeding stock, with the full assurance, that
we are furnishing more value for the money
received than is offered in any other class of
We have a large stock of this feed on hand
and are prepared to furnish it in large or smal
quantities at the lowest price. an
Orders left at our office in the ¥el5 dg.
ellefonte, Pa., will receive prompt attention.
bi on McCALMONT & CO.
Letters of administration on the es-
fate of Samuel Woodring, decd, late of Wortls
Twp., having been granted to the undersigned
he requests all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate to make immediate
payment. and those having chaims against the
same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. DANIEL WOODRING,
35 49 6t Administrator.
CA nd Ee So
Poa !
At all prices from $25 to $1,500. We sell the best Pianos
from six ditferent factories, all of which have a standard
from $25 to $500.
cheerfully reply.
of excellence that is unsurpassed. Our stock is large
enough to suit every home, from the poor man’s rae
cottage to the White Hcuse at Washington.
various colors and designs of cases to please every eye.
There is the widest variety of tone, from the soft and pa-
thetic to the sharp and brilliant.
enough and the terms of payment easy enough to suit
every customer. We desire to place pianos within the
reach of everybody
or write us ful particulars.
through correspondence.
We take special pride in catering to Organ customers.
We have always given careful attention to this Depart-
ment and our reputation for selling good Organs is beyond
We have all styles, of course, at various prices,
Please call or write to us and we will
IF YOU CAN'T PLAY, then the Aeolian Organ is the
instrument for you.
ling a full Orchestra, and it can be easily played, by any
child, after five minutes instruction.
There are
The prices are low
1f you want a Piano, please call on us
We sell a great many pianos
It is a splendid Instrument, resemb-
Send for special
BARGAINS we always havea number of
good second-hand Pianos and Organs or care-
ful and economical buyers.
lists of them as the stock is always changing.
Prices range from $25 to §300, on easy monthly
payments when desired. Please write us and
we will mail a list of those now in stock.
We cannot print
) lo)
READ THIS You can soon learn to play’
by using Heppe's Music Chart.
arrangement that fits on the keyboard of any
Piano or Organ, and you can learn more
from it in five minutes than you can from’
a hundred instruction books.
address on receipt of one dollar.Z
It is a simple
Mailed to any’
30 30 6m
PmirapeELPHIA. Pa.