Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 30, 1891, Image 1
TR BY PP. Ink Slings. -—The Pepper legacy to the Philadel- phia free library should furnish spicy literature. —Bayonet rule would afford the South but little encourgement to attend the Chicago Fair. —Dox CAMERON isn’t the man to sell himself for forty pieces of silver. That's far below his price. —Liberty of speech, which was vouchsafed by the fathers, still prevails in the United States Senate. —The farmers of Kansas changed INGALLS's iridescent dream of victory into a hideous nightmare of defeat, —Chili affords a sample of the civil disturbance to which the United States may be brought by force billsand such like revolutionary measures, —INGALLS may be thoroughly ac- quainted with the crooked ways of Re- publican politics, but he doesn’t know anything about farming, --It should occur to the hypercriti- cal Press that Governor PATTISON used the same old language because he found that he had to tackle the same old abuses. —The senior Pennsylvania Senator doesn’t talk any himself, but he is liber- al enough to-object to putting a gag in the mouths of those who have something to say. —It is remarkable that when Senator CAMERON at last does something creditable to himself as a patriot and worthy of his high official position, he excites the anger of the G. O. P. Dox CAMERON did a greater and bet- ter thing for his country in putting his foot on the gag in the Senate than can be credited to his father during his en- tire senatorial service, long as it was. —The whitewashing seas>n, which attends the advent of gentle spring, will not anywhere show a neater job than was executed by the Raum investigat- ing committee during the present win- ter. —CAMERON testifies that his silver speculation netted him but $1100. No one can believe that Down, who is ac- customed to big operations, could be in- fluenced in his senatorial action by such paltry figures. —McKivLEY has expressed to a cor- respondent of a German newspaper his admiration for Bismarck. But Bis- MARCK i8 out of office and McKINLEY soon will be. Their policies didn’t en- able them to retain their grip. —The banana leaf is the symbol of friendship in some of the islands of the Pacific. But the banana skin on the side-walk is not calculated to excite feelings of friendship for the fellow who threw it there. —-The United States will soon again be honored with the presence of BerN- HARDT. Whenever the immortal Sa- RAH gets low in funds she comes to America and goes back to her native land positively loaded with shekels. -—When the tin-plate protected by the McKinley bill is being made by the ap- plication of foreign tin to English iron plates by imported Welsh workmen, it may not be impertinent to ask where in this arrangement Anerica comes ir ? -=The cloture question may be Vice President MORTON'S opportunity to distinguished himself by rising above party and casting a deciding vote against a political outrage. But it is doubtful whether he will size up to his opportunity. —It was but a few weeks ago that the Republicans considered INGALLS a model Senator and were proud of his pyrotechnic eloquence and vitriolic dia- tribes. Now they are beginning to say they are glad that the grangers beat him. Sic transit gloria Ingalls. — Whatever may be Governor HILLS senatorial qualifications, it can’t be ex- pected that he will make as handsome a Senator as EvArts, or that his hat will assume the antediluvian appear- ance that has made Evarr’s head-gear an object of interest to antiquarians. -—Merchants of Cincinnatl, St. Louis and Chicago are preparing to bring the McKinley tariff law before the United States Supreme Court to hear what the learned judges have to say about it. Merchants in all parts of the country have had the opinion of the shopping | women long ago on this important question. It is possible that the court will confirm the decision of the | women. — When we come to consider that all the agitation and trouble involved in the force bill movement comes chiefly from the desire of HARRISON to have himself re-elected, the whole thing ap- pears as absurb us it is obnoxious. The party, asa body, 1s notin favor of it, and if HARRIsoN’s bificial influence’ were removed the bill would be drop- ped in an hour. The case is one which shows what a nuisance a little creature invested with power can make of it- self. ! VOL. 36. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 30, 1891. Cameron’s Silver Speculation. A good deal of fuss is being made by the Republican enemies of Senator CaMERON about his buying silver with speculative intent before he voted for the Free Coinage Bill, the passage of which would have the effect of increas- ing the value of the commodity he had purchased. This is represented as committee is ofa stripe that was never known to be opposed to using the State money for party advantage, and although they will recommend a reduc- tion of the number of depositories, it will be merely to increase the size of the limited number of bites that will be allowed to be taken from the cherry. The banks to be favored are to be de- signated by the Republican Legislature putting the Senator in the light of be- ing a party to corrupt legislatation. It would make him a member of the silver pool. A committee is inquiring into that to the exclusion of the Democratic State administration from any partici- pation in the matter, The Democrats should resist this alleged combination of speculative statesmen, and on Monday Senator CAMERON testified before it as to his case. He didn’t deny that he bought silver, but he said that its purchase was the same as that of any other commodity. He hadn’t kept a memo- randam of the transaction, but he re- collected that his silver was disposed of in June aud that his profits were about $1,100. There is no doubt that Dox Came RON likes to make money—hé inherit- ed that disposition from his father—but it is foolish to believe that his little sil- ver speculation, which brought him in but comparatively a trifle, influenced his vote on the Silver Bill. His op- ponents in his own party show their weakness by bringing this up against him when he is open to so many sub- stantial charges as the head of a cor- rupt system of political bossism ta which they have for years willingly and complacently submitted. School Book Reform. It is gratifying to observe that the present Legislature is going to take some action for the suppression of the movement and insist upon the adop- tion of the suggestion contained in Governor PATriSoN's inaugural for the deposit of public funds impartially and under general laws. A ————————— The New Road Bill. Our readers doubtless are aware that a commission specially aopointed for that purpose has been having the sub- ject of road improvement under con- sideration and devising a law that is intended to accomplish that object. It has agreed upon the general features of the bill, one of the leading provisions of which is that when a township shall have built a mile of permanently improved road with some form of stone or grave foundation] and covering, approved by the county en- gineer, then the county shall build an additional mile of permanent road in “hat township, and the State build a third mile. The State need not = ait for the coun- ty in this work of road improvement, but the State and county shall stand pledged to make two miles of good road for every one made by the township, The county's hare is to school book combination that has so long afflicted the people of the State who send children to sehool. With an eye to their business profit the book publishers have been flooding the schools with text books far beyond the requirements of education, making the expense oppressive to parents. There is ground for suspicion that this im- position, to a large extent, has been brought about by collusion with schoo! authorities, and it is time that the sys- tem of extortion be broken up. The ohject of the school book bill is to bring about a uaiformity of text books and to prevent the frequent | changes that are made for the ad- vantage of the publishers. It is also proposed that the State should print and furnish the school books, but it appears to us that the ends of economy and correct business principles would not be served by the State going into the printing business in this line. It would be a better plan for the State to contract with some established publish- ing house to supply the text books and to adhere to a certain line of books that have been tested and found suita- ble for the purpose of common school education. More Good Appointments. The offices of Secretary of the Com- monwealth and Attorney General were admirably filled by the appointments of Messrs HarrITY and HENSEL. These have been followed by equally good se- lections for the subordinate positions in those departments, A. L. TiLDEN, of Erie having been chosen for Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth, and JAMES A. STRANAHAN, of Mercer, for Assistant Attorney General. Mr. TiL- DEN, who bears a Democratic name of the highest grade, was the Democratic and Granger candidate for congress in the strong Republican district of Craw- ford and Erie, at the last election, and cut down the majcrity from 3,500 to 800. Mr. StraNAHAN is a leading member of the Mercer bar and is re- cognized as one of the ablest lawyers of Western Pennsylvania, Bogus State Treasury Reform. | The popular expression at the late ‘State election indicated the desire of | the people to have the State treasury | | investigated. The Legislature met ful- | ly impressed with the conviction that ; the people want this, particularly so far as relates to the deposit of State funds with banking institutions. A committee has been appointed to do this treasury overhauling, but its com- position is of a character that gives the appearance of an intention to do the work in a perfunctory manner. The predominant element of that | “standard prices, an advance on the be } granting a warrant on the county treas- rid by the county coininissioners NO. 4. Side-Tracked Again. The Force Bill has been side-tracked again in the Senate. After it had been shoved aside some weeks azo to make way for the Silver Coinage bill, its supporters persevered in pushing it forward and hoped to get it through by the application of the gag. The Dem- ocratic Senators made a heroic resis- tence, resorting to every parliamentary means of obstruction that could throw an impediment in the way of the in- famous measure. On Monday the bayonet gang were ready to put the vote which they thought would succeed 1n gagging the Senate and stop any further discussion of their revolutionary project, when one of their own party, Senator Wowcorr, of Colorado, moved to take up the appropriation bill. The" effect of this would indefinitely postpone the bayonet scheme by setting aside the gag resolution which was pending. This was a test ot the strength of the revolutionists in the Senate. They strained every nerve in the vote on Worcort’s motion, but were too weak by one vote, the appropriation bill tak- ing “precedence of the Force Bill a vote of 35 to 34. The Republicans who did their country good service by voting with the Democrats on this question, were CaMeroxN, Joxgs, of Nevada, STEWART, TeLLer, WasusvrN, and Worcorr. The Pennsylvania Senator did the best work of his senatorial life in casting his vote as he did on this question. Senator STEWART, another of the Republicans who voted with the Dem- ocrats, gave his opinion of the bayonet bill in the following words : We aze not children. We have seen elec, tions, all of u 3, enough to know that a horde of officers at the polls with a purpose to con- urer to the township officers. The share of the expense to be borne by | the State will be paid with State funds. The assistance of the latter is intended | as an encoiragement of permanent | road improvement. The road building | itself is left in the bands of the town- ship. FE — A Bad Way to Pay Debts. The Alliance grangers of Kansas ' should go alittle slower ‘n devising schemes to relieve themselves of their | present financial embarrassment. Their combination to prevent purchasers un- der mortgage foreclosures from taking | possession of the property forfeited is contrary to the rules both of law and morality. The sale is allowed to take place, but when the purchaser comes to take possession of his property he is notified that it will not be healthy for him to remain. When heis fright- en off the former owner is reinstated. No doubt there has been a good deal of hardship connected with the Kan- sas mortgage system in the way of paying big interest and other excessive charges, but the mortgagors became a party to it with their eyes open, They borrowed the lenders’ money and used it. Itis both brutal and dishonest to resort to force to prevent the payment of their just debts. Becoming Acquainted With It. { The Republicans said it would take a year or two to understand the Me- Kinley bill and appreciate it, but its various beauties are being discovered long before the expiration of that length of time. To the shopping wo- men the rise 1a the price of general store-goods was made manifest within a few weeks after the act went into operation, and now we have a dispatch from Chicago to the effect that “the “ price of paints in small tin packages “ will be advanced next week 15 per ‘ cent. as a result of the increased duty ‘on tin plate put into effect by the “McKinley bill. The advance will be ‘ general throughout the country, The “ paint dealers have themselves borne “the extra cost since the law went in- “to effect, but as, in addition to the “duty, the zinc men haveincreased the “ part of the paint trade has become a “ necessity.” Thus ore by one the charming feat- ures of monopolistic protection are be- ing untolded to public view long before the time fixed for the people to fully discern its beauty and fall in love with it. Sl ———————— News and politics are equally fea- tures of the WarcuMaN. trol elections, having a right to inspect the ballots, having a right to arrest, having the right to keep order, having the rig.t of sup- | pressipg everything, will exercise an over: whelming power at a general election, With the prestige at the polls of the general govern- | ment we all know that local elections will be | dominated in every State, and we shall have the spectacle by mixing these elections to | gether of having the election of members of | congress and the election of presidential elec- | tors all commingled; they would be commin- gled in the next election, and probably forever | you would have the spectacle of a President appointing marshals a.d judges to assist him in continuance in office. There is now good encouragement ‘to hope that the political outrage so forcibly portrayed by Senator StrwarT will never be perpetrated in this free country, In all probability its sup- porters wi ll not be able to shove their | force measure off the side-track on | ‘which it has been pushed a second | | time. A Proper Protest. The Legislatures of Alabama and Tennessee are fully justified in resolv- ing to withhold appropriations for State exhibits at the Chicago Fair in case of the passage of the Force Bill. That revolutionary and destructive measure would intlict serious injury upon their industries and material prosperity through the political dis- turbance it would create. Under its operation the section most affected would be neither in a condition or a mood to participate in a demonstration intended to show the industrial pro- gress of the country. It is probable that other Southern States will take the same stand if the party in power shall persist in employ- ing the bayonet as an instrument of sectional oppression and political dis- turbance. Under such circumstances what encouragement would they have to take part in an exposition intended to exem plify the peace, prosperity and progress of a country one half of which would be brought under a political despotism enforced by military appli- ance ? The Proposed New Poor Law. The poor laws of this State are ac- knowledged to be very defective, and it was for the purpose of improving them that a commission was appointed by Governor Beaver to overhaul them and suggest such improvement as wonld make them better serve the object for which such laws are intended. This commission having applied itself to its work during the past, year, has re- ported a bill which the Legislature will consider and act upon at this ses- sion. It provides for a salaried State offi- cer to be call the Commissioner of the Poor, who will supersede the State Board of Charities and take charge of all the institutions and arrangements which the State has instituted and au- thorized for charitable work. : In regard to counties the existing poor authorities are to be superseded by three Poor Directors, one to be elected at every annual election, who will do for the entire county the work that is now done for the separate bor- oughs and townships by the overseers of the poor. This will furnish a more systematic organization, but unless it can be shown that great advantage will be derived from it, it is doubtful whether the Legislature will agree to such a wholesale revolution of the pre- sent system. I A ——— Ingalls Not Wanted Any More. It would be useless to deny that Democrats feel an especial gratifica- tion in the defeat of INcants whose ambition to be re-elected to the United States Senate failed in consequence of a majority of the Kansas Legislature electing somebody else in his place last Tuesday. His successful opponent is Judge W. A. Prrrer, who received the full Alliance vote. This is the end of INGALLS'S cavort- ing ia the Senate. He was possessed of an abusive style of oratory which gave him a reputation as a sharp tongue speaker, and too frequently he aired his blackguard rhetoric on the floor of the Senate. At the last moment he made aspeech, intended to secure the favor of the grangers, in which he went back on principles he had long advocated, but it failed in its object and INGALLS is now out in the cold. Judge PEFFER, his successful oppo- nent, wasja member of the Republican party until a year ago when he joined the Alliance. He avows himself as be- ing in favor of unlimited coinage of sil- ver and a conservative expansion of the | currency along other lines; he believes in reasonable protection, but is doubt- ful whether the best protection comes . from high tariffs. His preference is an average advaloram duty of twenty per cent. The State Should be Protected. We have already referred to a bill offered in the Legislature to reimburse the counties of the State for the money expended in rebuilding or repairing bridges destroyed or injured by the flood of 1889. The proposition embod- ied in this bill deserves favorable con- | sideration, for the loss incurred in that | way has been severe, and some of the poorest counties have suffered most severely in the loss of their bridges by the flood. But it has been suggested in connec- tion with this State bounty, that a pro- vision should be made to protect the State from imposition when it reim- burses the loss of these bridges, by as- certaining the real cost of rebuilding them, and not the fancy prices which county commissioners may have paid to favored contractors. If a couaty has paid more than a bridge was wokrth, through corrupt collusion between the commissioners and contractors, the State should know it and pay oaly what the bridge or bridges actually cost, to be ascertained by the investi. gation of competent engineers. This 1s unquestionably reasonable and just. The State can afford to assist its unfor- tunate citizens under extraordinary circumstances, but it should not be cheated. SC ———— Illinois Alarmed. The Legislature of Illinois is be- coming alarmed at the probability of the South's declining to participate in the Chicago Fair if the Republican Congress shall persist in using the bayonet to suppress the political rights of the Southern people. It is natural that Illinois should take a great inter- est inthe success of the exposition, and even the partisan rancor of its Republicans cannot be blind to the justness and propriety of the position taken by Southern Legislatures that held in a State whose Senators and Members of Congress shall have voted to bring Southern elections under the control of military force. It was on this account that a resolution was in- troduced in the Illinois Legislature in- structing the State's representatives in congress to vote against the Force Bill in the interest of the fair, which resolu- tion passed the ITouse. the South has no business at a Fair | Spawls from the Keystone. —An epidemic of measles prevails at Wer- nersvilie. —Bristol ice dealers have gathered 3000 tons of ice. —The Bucks county jail has thirty-two in- mates. —Pottstown capitalists will encourage enter- prises to locate there. —There were fifty-two arrests in Harrisburg on Inauguration day. —There were 861 inquests held in Pittsburg last year at a cost of $19,484. —The Chester county Prohibitory League is getting ready to fight applicants for license. —Nearly 6000 persons used the elevator at the Capitol building at Harrisburg on the 20th. —Mary Bradford and her 10 year-old son walked from Preston, Ky., to Pittsburg to find relatives. —A Lancaster shoemaker drove his children barefooted out of the honse into the snow-coy ered streets. —Reading Railroad ongine-cleaners will, after February 15th, have their wages reduced 24 cents a day. —Max Goldman, a hoot and shoe dealer of Shenandoah, was arrested for using the mail for lottery purposes. —Solomon Selig, a Pittsburg brakeman, has been arrested for bigamy. He had a wife at each end of his “run.” —Nearly two hundred concerns, with a total capital of $12,000,000, were chartered in Alle- gheny county last year. —Henry G. Wagner, of Straustown, killed a huge catamount with a club after it had maim- ed several dogs in a fight. —One faction of South Bethlehem’s new eon- gregation of Hebrews has seized all the fur- nishings of the synagogue. —Track-walker Erdley found a beheaded tramp on the Lehigh Valley Railroad near Sorth Bethlehem on Monday. —George Hallenbach, Sanatoga’s postmaster, will plant seventy acres of peach trees at Jack- sonville, Pottsgrove township. —Tramps on Wednesday night robbed the smoked meat warehouse of E. E. Rin’s Sons, of A ilen town, of $100 worth of goods. —Luzerne county is probably the only one in the State which can boast of a tipstaff doing steady duty in court who is worth $50,000. —Dudley A. Martin, of Duboistown, has a pair of handcuffs that were worn by a neighbor of his while confined in the Libby Prison. —Henry Eckert, of Gordonville, Lancaster county, died on Saturday, aged 86. He was one of President Buchanan’s pall-bearers. —The third annual meeting of the Pennsyl- vania State Association of Agricultural Soecie- ties met in Harrisburg and elected officers. —Michael Walsh, of Shenandoah, has been imprisoned for burglary in breaking into a saloon on Sunday and stealing a keg of beer. —Conductor Orwig, of the Reading Railroad Company, has been sent to jail at Doylestown on the charge of robbing North Penn freight cars. —During a fight at a ball in Reading, John Kemp was picked up and thrown over the balustrade in Maennerchor Hall. He was very seriously hurt. —Oliver Rhoads and John Haas, two victims of Monday’s culm bank disaster at Ashland, are d2ad, and the recovery of James McGrath and Councilman Fleming is doubtful. —A twenty-five-foot fall in an excavating bucket intoa well he was helping to dig at Montelare, Montgomery county, killed Wil- liam Wadsworth, aged 21, on Saturday, —At Allentown on Saturday two: new briek dwelling houses, belonging to James F. Galla- gher, collapsed and were completely wrecked in consequence of weak foundation. walls. —John S. Tice, ot Jonestown, who packed thousands of dozens of eggs last spring, is now engaged in shipping them at favorable rates, and has more orders than he can supply. —A man of 30 years, part of a hand eaff on his right wrist, was seen onthe Spring. field Mountains, near Shamok im,_on Thursday “evening, but he escapad offic ers who went in search of him. —In Order to get none bat resident contrae- tors upon city work and to secure none but union-made brick and nine hours a day’s. work, the Central Labor Union take a hand in Lan- caster’s coming election, —Theonly “kiting” ot checks: through the Tradesmen’s National Bank of Pittsburg was on the part ofa depositor,and was not done by bank officials. One hundred and eighty thous- and dollars was involved. —Harper Wetzel, an 11-year-old of North Middleton township, Cumberiand county, has just gotten a piece of penknife blade out of his foot which had been there for- fifteen months withouu his knowledge, —Frank L. Ackerman, a Pennsylvania Rail road conductor, had his headiout eof the win- «dow of the engine near Columbia on Monday morning and was struck by a coke-car stand- ing on the siding, fracturing his skull. —They have only just identified a skeleton found on the mountaln back of Mauch Chunk: on Christmas day as.that of Driver Algert, of Parrysville, who was employed by Dunn & Co., of Easton, to canvass country stores. —Dr. Conard, a veterinary surgeon, of Ken- net square, reports a case of a mother and daughter contracting lung disease from a cow they milked which had tuberculosis, and will advise legislation to guarantine such cattle. —William K. Arnold, of Reading, is presecut- ing Dr. John Ege. of that city, and Secretary Hoff, of the Merchants’ Protective Association. for conspiring to bla:ken his character by col: lecting a bill through the association’s. agency. —The work of Reading firemen in extin- guished a $7500 conflagratiqn was interfered with and delayed by the conduct of some drunken firemen who had beenat a ball, An investigation will be made by the department. —Alleghany’s Sandusky Street Reformed Presbyterian Church stands by its pastor, Rev. J. R. J. Milligan, recently deposed by the preshytery for advocating the rights of citi~ zenship and the ballot with or without God in the Constitution. —The trial of E. B. Entursee, H. O'Shea, an 1 A. J. Moxham, charged with an attempt to se- eure the plans of the Narth Branch Steel Com- pany, opened at Danville. A large part of the day was spent in the selection of a jury. Emis nent counsel are present. —The wife of William Russell, a book- keeper at York, was awakened on Thursday nigit by a burglar i1 her bed-room, and she at once grappled with him, but before her hus. band was aroused the burglar had escaped with the money he found in Mr. Russell's | pocket. —Farmer Mumma, who lives near While | Bridge, Dauphin county, late on Friday night found a stranger in his stable. who refused to answer any questions, whereupon Mr. Mumma | discharged a shotgun, tearing away part of an ! ear of the silent intruder, Amos Dinsler, a mae son who lived at Hummelstown,