Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 23, 1891, Image 1

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    Seat f
MemoreaiicA Tatdyuan
Ink Slings.
—The hayseed in Farmer TAGGART’S
hair wasn’t destined to sprout in the cap-
itol at Washington.
—Dox CAMERON can afford to be gen-
erous and refrain from writing to the
Press people : “Stop my paper.”
--In a few days the ground bog will
cock his weather-eye and take in at a
glance the climatic changes of the com-
ing season.
—It isn’t as cold in Kansas as il or-
dinarily is at this time of the year, na-
ture seeming to have tempered the
weather to the sockless feet of JERRY
—W esTingHOUSE had a good thingin
his airbrake. If he had applied it when
he felt the disposition to switch off’, cn
other lines of business he might! have
avoided the danger of a wreck.
—BarxuM and BarLy have joined
their circuses and will be on the road
together next summer. If BARNUM’S
alone was “the greatest show on earth,”
what will this combination be ?
—The Press no doubt is aware of the
fact that when the Republicans of the
Legislature made their selection of a
United States Senator its candidate
wasn’t the individual they required.
--Baby McKxE is on a visit to Bo:-
on and it is to be hoped that the hospi-
tality of the Hub will not derange the
interesting infant's digestion by over-
loading his stomach with baked beans.
—TIn view of the result of the Phila-
delphia Press's effort to defeat CAMER-
oN newspapermen will be shy of swag-
gering around and bragging about the
mighty engine of which they have con-
—Farmer TAGGART might have been
elected if he had followed JurrY Sive-
son’s example and discarded his socks.
The Press was deficient in political sa-
gacity in not giving him a pointer to
that effect.
--CAMERON’S re-election will be call-
ed a “walk-over.” Buthe didn’t even
have to walk. He just satin his Har-
risburg mansion and the Republican
legislators came to him and had the
Cameron collar readjusted to their will-
ing necks.
—General Burner is credited with
having a marvelous memory: Unfor-
tunately for him the public memory par-
takes somewhat of the retentiveness of
his own and can’t forget a certain trans-
action in silver he once engaged in
at New Orleans.
—The crank who has been arrested on
suspicion that he wanted to assassinate
GrovER CLEVELAND may have been
worked up to that dangerous disposition
by reading the New York Sun. Da-
NA’s effusions are calculated to have a
bad effect on weak minds.
—The Republic sustained a wrench
by the slaveholders’ rebellion, but re-
publican institutions are being menaced
toa far greater degree by such revolu-
tionary practices as have been resorted
to by Republicans in New Hampshire,
Connecticut and Nebraska.
—The Chilians have started a revolu-
tion to head off their Presidential incum-
bent’s intention of extendiag his tenure
of office. Had he been smart he would
have forestalled this opposition by se-
curing the passage of a Force Bill.
HARRISON could have given him advice
in this matter that would bave serv-
ed his purpose.
—1In reconstructing the orthography
of geograpical names some one has tak-
en the liberty of eliminating the h from
Behring Sea and knocking an i out of
Chili, the edict having gone forth that
the former is to have no hand that
an e is to be the terminal letter of
the latter. Conservative spellers will
resist this innovation.
—The story that QUAY intends to re-
sign his senatorship and have himself
re-elected by the present Legislature in
order to be vindicated, is very absurd.
‘Wasn't the vindication he got from the
last Republican State convention as
neat a thing in that line as could be de-
sired by even so sensitive a statesman as
— General MILES complains that in
the recent difficulty the newspaper re-
porters gave him more trouble than the
Indians. He might have stopped the
annoyance by allowing the dusky war-
riors to decorate their belts with a few
reportorial scalps. A reporter who has
had his scalp lifted would be an orna-
ment to any newspaper office.
—A plumber has sued Philadelphia
for the enforzement of a contract with
that municipality. The Quaker City
may be able to stand the loss of the
millions that have been squandered up-
on her public building ; she may sur-
vive the pillage of the many other
agencies of plunder that are sapping
her {treasury ; buy when the plumbers
organize a raid on her coffers she
might as well make an assignment at
» \
NO. 3.
Governor Beavers Exit.
Last Tuesday Governor Jamns A.
Beaver left the high official position
into which he was installed four years
ago and returned to private life. As
chief executive officer of the State he
did not come up to the high mark
which his friends and supporters ex-
pected he would reach, and yet 1t can-
not be said that he did not make a re-
spectable Governor. The defects of
his administration were more those of
omission than commission, He didn’t
do anything seriously wrong, but ne
glected to do many things that wonld
have been right.
When lie came into office he tounad
the corporations and the money inter-
est ruling the roost, as they had done
in*previous Republican admuistrations,
and he didn't say any thing or do any-
thing to disturb their rule. They had
the people down and were on them
with both feet, but he made no effort
to pull them off. He was content to
lot the policy of his party have its way,
and its policy is to put the corpora
tions above the people.
He found a large part of the State
constitution a dead letter, and nothing
that he said or did tended to put life
into it. The clauses regulating rail-
roads and restraining corporate power
are as dead to-day as they were when
he went into office, although he might
have exerted his official influence with
good effect in making them an opera-
tive part of the organic law.
He found the burden of taxation une-
qually distributed, the farmers and
real estate owners bearing the pringi-
pal part of the load, while corporate
property, money at interest and other
personal wealth contributed but a com-
paratively small share of the taxes; but
he made no motion to have this par-
tiality corrected.
There were other defects in Slate
matters which Governor Beaver made
no effort to remedy, but let them drift on
as they had been drifting through a sue-
cession of Republican administrations.
Therefore it may be said that his short-
comings were of a negative rather than
of a positive character.
Personally he filled the office in a
way that disarms the censor. His of-
ficial integrity is unimpeachable. He
illustrated the fact that an honest man
in the transfer of an honorable citizen
to an official station he carries his per-
sonal character with him.
wren — —————
—— The federated trades of Califor-
nia have taken a bold stand in favor of
an Australian bailot law.
mand that a bill embracing the main
features of that system be passed by the
1sh the legislators who will not heed
their demand. As the politicians of
California are of the practical class,
they will likely be led to see that their
interests as politicians will not be pro-
moted by disregarding the wish of so
large a class of their fellow citizens who
can inflict punishment through the in-
strumentality of their ballots.
Revolutionary Methods.
The Republic of Chili has always
been distinguished for having the most
orderly and well regulated government
in South America, its history ha ving
been less marred by civil convulsions
than has been that of any other of the
turbulent communities of that conti
nent.. But it is now announced that a
revolution his broken out in Chili, it
appearing to have had its origin in the
desire of President BarMAcEDA to be
re-elected. The party in power is
charged with seeking to control the
elections, and hence the difficulty.
In this South American case we see
nothing more than what the party in
power in the United States may justly
be charged with. They are seeking
to control the elections by forcible
means as embodied in a bill that au-
thorizes the emplovment of the army
tor this purpose, the immediate object
being the re-election of the President
who now holds the reins of govern-
ment. In pushing the bayonet Lill it
is the purpose of the Repulican leaders
to force a line of policy for the perpetua-
tion of power such as is common
among South American governments
and has been the cause of frequent
revolutions in that region. It is the
hove of every patriotic American that
this bad and dangerous scheme may
once and go into bankruptey.
not be successful.
can not be a dishonest officer, and that |
They de- |
State Legislature, and threaten to pun- |
Interesting Even 1f Not True.
There whs a suspicion that Presi-
dent Harrison didn’t favor Senator
CaMeroN’s candidacy for re-election,
aud by some it was believed that upon
cloze investigation of the wire that was
being pulled against the Senior Sena-
tor the President would be found tug-
zing at the end of it. There were
vague ramors to this effect, but the
public was unprepared for the state-
ment made in the Philadelphia Times of
Sunday, giving details of Harrison's
positive and active opposition to CaMe-
RON. A correspondent of that paper
states circumstantially that the Presi-
dent sent for Quay one day last week,
who, upen his arrival at the White
House, was told in emphatic terms by
the chief executive that if he (Quay)
wished to maintain amicable relations
with the head dispenser of official fav-
ors he must either directly help to defeat
CaMEeRoN, or keep his lieutenants in
the Legislature from supporting him.
In explanation of this hostile de
monstration the President is represent
ed as telling Quay that Cameron had
grievously offended him by calling him
a “chump” to a Florida Senator, and
had continued his offense hy declar-
ing his intention of never coming to
the White House while HarrisoN was
President, and had further declared that
in all the Harrison
“thoroughbred” could be found.
not a
these reasons he said that he had giv-
en his promise to prominent Pennsyl-
vanians that the administration would
assist in downing CaMERroN, and made
that if the Philadel
phia offize-holders expected to keep
it understood
thir heads on they must desist from
supporting the obnoxious Senator, and
“that no applicant for office in Penn-
svivania, sailing ander CaMeroN’s col-
ors. con'd liereafier successfully pre-
gent any claims to official favor from
tire President.”
Tus is the tenor of the remarks re-
vrésented to have been made by Mr.
flarrisoN (0 Mr. Quay, from which it
may be collected that the President is
in noamiable frame of mind toward the
Senior Senator from Pennsylvania and
entertains no ardent desrre for his re.
election. But grave doubts are admis-
sible as to the truth of this story. Mr.
| Hariisox is known to be a small man
in ‘many respects. but it is scarcely
possible that he would deliberately
announce his oppusition to CAMERON
for reasons that would so conspicuous
ly advertise his smallness.
Restoration ot Peace With the Indians.
The latest news concerning the hos-
! tile Indians is that most of them have
| come in and surrendered their arms
and that peace with the belligerent
wards of the nation will soon be an ac-
com lished fact. The whites certainly
want peace, and.if cannot be believed
that the Indiaus are so insensible to
the advantage of friendly relations
with the government as to wish to
continue a disturbance which has sub-
jected them to great hardship and dis-
tress. With the restoration of a bet-
ter feeling the authorities should satis-
fy the Indians that they are to be fair-
ty dealt with, and not made the victims
of white men’s tricks. The are not
fools, by any means. They have come
in, in the confidence that they will be
fairly treated, and General Miles must
see that that confidence is not betrayed.
Whatever promise is made it must be
sacredly carried out. The presence of
army officers in charge of the agencies
will go a good ways towards restoring
confidence, and, once restored, their
truthful and manly handling of the [n-
dians will keep it. The Government
has seen fit,froin its foundation,to recog-
nize the Indian tribes as independent
peoples, and have made treaties with
them, and the country should now in-
sist that the Indians be treated by the
government with the same fairness it
accords to other treaty powers. Be-
cause the Indians are weak is not only
no excuse for letting them become the
prey of designing white men, but it
makes the government more liable
to severe censure for permitting it to
be done. Let the new policy of put-
ting the entire Indian management in
army hands be tried. It will bring
honest treatment; honest treatment
means peace.
N:ws and politics are equally fea -
tures of the WATCHMAN.
The Subsidy Fraud.
Speaking of a new ship yard that is
about being established on the Pacific
coast, a Repablican exchange remarks
that “it Congress will do its duty and
give us the means to support an Amer-
can merchant marine there will be plen
ty of work for all the ship yards we can
This implies a paternal arrangement
by which the government will advance
money for the support of a commerce
which ought to be able to support it-
self by a legitimate and self-sustaining
business. In this is seen the purpose
of the Subsidy Bill which will take
about $100,000,000 anpually out of the
treasury to sustain a merchant marine
which can have no carrying trade in
consequence of a tariff that kills trade
with foreign countries.
The experience before the war, when
a Democratic low tariff was in opera-
tion, proved that a flonrishing com-
merce can exist without governmental
patronage. It wasn’t necessary at
that time for the goyernment to supply
means “to support an American mer-
chant marine” which covered every
sea, reached every portin foreign ccun-
tries and was but little behind the car-
rying trade of the merchant marine of
Great Britain. At that time the Ameri-
can flag was not a stranger on the
ocean as it has now become, with Re-
publican tariffs governing the trade of
the country.
Nothing could be a greater delusion
than that the active commerce of the
Democratic period can be restored
simply by applying the paternal agency
of a subsidy. Restore the Democratic
conditions; trade with
other countries on more eqnal terms;
take their raw materials in exchange
for our productions; let them have a
realizing sense that when they trade
with us it is not a onesided business,
and then there will be no need of the
government giving a bounty to induce
she véippearance of the American
flag on the high seas. A commerce
will spring up in which American ships
will take a legitimate part. It will
not be a sham commerce owing a sick-
iy existence to the aid it may receive
from the public treasury.
Not Popular With the Party.
There is a mistake in the assertion
of a Republican contemporary that “the
Republican party of the country is al-
most unanimously for the Federal elec-
tion bill.” The truth is that many in-
fluential papers of that pnrty in the
Eastern states have spoken out plainly
against it, while in Illinois, Wisconsin,
Missouri, Iowa, Colorado, Kansas,
Minnesota and Nebraska, all the promi-
nent Republican journals are decided
in their expression of opposition to it.
It is far from being a measure that has
the unanimous support of the party,
and it would have been dropped before
this time if Harrison hadn’t seen in
it an appliance that could be used in
promoting his re-election. In regard
to popular feeling concerning the Force
Bill it is a significant fact that of the
1,175 petition sent to the House rela-
tive to it only five have been for it. Of
the 523 sent to the Senate only four
nine favorable petitions out of 1,698.
higher compliment paid to the United
States than the willingness of the Eng-
lish authorities to submit the Behring
Sea question to the decision of the Su-
preme Court of this country. It shows
an entire confidence in the fairness
and integrity of our highest legal
tribunal. There can be no doubt that
if the matter shalb be brought before
that court 1t will be decided with strict
impartiality, and that is all that
should be asked for in deciding such a
A ——
——The little matter of the consti
tution declaring that the writ of babeas
corpus shall not be suspended except in
cases of rebellion or invasion, did not
deter Senator Quay from inserting in
his force bill a provision for the sus-
pension of that safeguard of personal
hiberty. As the object of the bill is
to carry the elections for the Republi-
cans, QUAY is probably under the im-
pression that voting the Democratic
ticket is such a rebellion against Re-
publican pow:r and invasion of the
right of Republicans to hold the offices,
as to require the writ to be suspended.
Have Learned Thelr Lesson Well,
Speaking of the recent Democratic
celebration of the 8th of January in
Philadelphia, the Evening Telegraph
of that city, a newspaper with strong
Republican proclivities, yet with a
broad liberality of sent‘ment, said that
it was the spirit of Jaexsox that pre
vailed at the banquet, but that it was
the voice of CLEVELAND that gave ex-
pression to that spirit. The senti-
ments of ANDREW Jackson, as he de-
clared them sixty years ago, are alive
to-day throughout the length and
breadth of the land. They are the
entiments of “true Democracy,” and
underlie our potitical system.
The Telegraph was correet in saying
that the party “looks back with pride
and satisfaction on that celebration.”
It proved among other things that the
spirit of Jacxsox is bringing about an
awakening among the people and they
can have no safer man to give utter-
ance to that spirit than Grover CLEVE
LAND. The Telegraph may rest as-
sured that “the campaign of education”
will be pushed “more vigorously than
ever,” and judging from the good that
has resulted from it in the past there
is worderful hope for the future. The
people have much to learn, aud they
are getting into the hands of a class of
teachers who are able to give them
proper instruction as to their rights
and duties.
The result of the elections last-fall is
evidence that the people clearly under-
stand the first lesson they received
from CLEVELAND and other teachers,
which was that the tariff is a tax which
the consumer hasto pay. They are rap-
idly learning another lesson, quite as
important, that their public servants
have no right to tax them to build up
monopolies, and that in levying taxes
the taxpayers have rights which must
be respected, The public mind has
wonderfully broadened out on these
and kindred subjzcts the last two years,
since Schoolmaster “GrovEr’’ took the
fernle in band. Since he began to
teach, the people have learned that
the tariff is not too sacred a thing to
be attacked, and they no longer feel
obliged to criticize “protection” with
bated breath. These are great points
gained; the initial points in the great
“Campaign of Education.”
Different Views of Free Coinage.
There is no lack of directness, nor is
there any useless verbiage in the Free
Coinage Bill which has passed the Sen-
ate and is before the House for its con-
sideration and action. It goes straight
to its mark.
The bill provides that the dollar
must be coined of either gold or silver
and shall be the monetary unitin the
United States. Of gold: 25} grains
shall be used, and of silver 412} grains.
No matter what the market value of
silver may be, the dollar will contain.
the same amount of metal and will be
a legal tender for all debts, whether
public or private.
All parties having silver bullioa. to
the amount of $100 or more may have
it coined at a mint for their own. use
and along with the silver certificate of
. deposit it shail be placed on an absolute
have been for it. In other words, only | : . :
‘equality with coinage.
It is difficult to tell in advance what
t f so radical a measure in re-
There could not have been a | he eflect of so radical a mea ’
gard to coinage will have upon the
monetary condition of the country.
There are statesmen who are sanguine
in the belief thatit 1s a salutary measare
and will afford. the relief to business that
is now so greatly needed. They point
to the fact that the Bland bill was not
attended with the injury which its ap-
ponents said woald follow its passage,
but has rather been beneficial in its
effect. On the other hand the enemies
of free coinage predict direful con-
sequences, including the flooding of car
country with silver from all parts of
the world, an attendant depreciation
in the value of the circulating medium,
a resultant inflation of prices, and the
inevitable panic and prostration that
come from such a monetary condition.
[t is probable that both these opposite
views are extreme. Whether the
country can carry a largely increased
volume of silver currency without a
heavy depreciation 1n its value is pro-
blematical, while on the other hand
there seems to be a demand for an in-
creased supply of legal tender that
will enable business transactions to be
carried on conveniently and expedi-
spawls from the Keystone.
—Wilkesbarre, with a population of 37,651,
has a debt of $144,947.
—Gambling will be prohibited at the Berks
County Fair next fall.
—The Pittsburg tableware trust is about
to apply for a charter.
—Air-brakes on street cars are being experi-
mented with in Pittsburg.
—A night; school exclusively for females
will be opened in Allentown.
—A pair of runaway mules plunged through
a plate glass window at Lancaster.
—J. T. Baker has been elected'Chairman of
the Union County Democratic Committee.
—Daisy Wagner, of Allentown,aged 12 years,
has been arrested for burglary and larceny.
—There were 13,117 rations issued from the
soup house in Lancaster the past four weeks.
—James Murray, a 16-year-old, has beon ar-
rested at Chester for complicity in a burg-
lary. y
—It is estimated that lumbermen in the
Warren district earned $1,500,000 by reason of
the recent snow.
—A colony of Italians at Fallston, near
Beaver Falls, are tearing down parts of their
shanties for fuel.
—A department of scientific readmaking
has been started av Lafayette College at
—Since the closing of the shooting season
the partridges through Berks county have got-
ten very tame.
—In Northampton eounty there were 539
marriage licenses granted last year. There
were four 15-year-old brides.
—There are two murder trials on the calen—
der of the session of Court which was opened
this week at Lancaster.
—Measles has broken out in' Buckman-
ville, Bucks county, among the school child-
ren, and the school had to be closed.
—There was an extraordinary run on the
Lancaster soup-house a few days ago, when
sourkraut was served instead of soup.
—Chief of Police W. T. Ache, of Bethlehem,
is under $500 bail te: saswer a: charge of ob-
taining money under false pretences.
—During the preparations attendaut on an
Italian wedding feast at Erie a child fell into
a caldron of macaroni soup and was drowned.
—F. J. Schautz, the Reading Railroad Com-
pany’s agent at Hummelstown, decamped
when the auditors arrived to examine his
— One hundred and fifty-six of the Doyles-~
town s5hool children are depositors in the sav
ing banks, and they have $6.75 to their
—A cat owned hy Farmar Dykeman, of,
Penton, Lackawanna county, attacked
and rode on Reynard’s back for a dozen.
—It is said tha £00 Reading merchants
have refused: to pay a city lieense, and
will stand suit to test the legality of the or
—Jacob Michael, known as “The Man. with:
the Iron Jaw” on account of his prodigious
Strength, died the other day at Lebanon, aged:
42 years.
— William. Reber, a Ti-yearsold farmer of;
Tilden township, Berks county, cut down a
large tree on his premises, and just as it fell
he dropped dead.
—All Reading Railroad employes are ander--
going a strict examination at Reading asto
their knowledge of its rules, with a view: of
improving the service.
—Levi Recker was arrested at Lebanon, and’
his trunk was filled with articles coamnecting.
him withat least four recent robberies-committ
ed there-and at Cornwall.
—Caroline Rudy, of Laneaster, has been
divorced from her husband, John W. Rudy, on
the ground that he is in the Penitentiary un-
der a life-sentence for murder.
—Charles Wertz, living at Hyde. Pask,
Berks county, committed suicide by shooting
on Thursday evening. The loss ctan eye: by
accident had made him melancholy.
— The members of the 300th Regiment; to-
gether with the. ragigments comprising: the
Third Division, Ninth Army Ccrps, wilh held
their reunion on Marcel. 25, at York.
—What is believed to be the largest wheel
in the world was recently made at the Dickson
Works in Scranton. It: is fifty-four feet in
diameter, and weighs 400,000 pounds.
—_Rev. John McClintock, a. Presbyterian
minister at Carmiehaels, who died recently,
was connected with one ehureh for-fifty years
and was never connected with any other.
—The Glenden Iron Works officials are
steadily reducing the force of employes, and
although two furnaces remain in. blast, the
outlook for the working people is gloomy.
—Barney Gallagher, aged. 45.years, while
crossing the railroad between Hazelton and
Audenried on Sunday night stumbled and fell
in front of a rapidly moving freight train and
was killed.
—An iree. shaft.15 feet long, 33 inches in
diameter and weighing. 19,007 pounds, intend
ed for the Market street Philadelphia cabla
road, has just beea made at the Reading Iren
Company’s steam fozge.
—A German entered Shoemaker Timen's
shop in South Bethlehem and had three $5
gold pieces sewed in a.pocizet on the inside. of
his shoe, and then started on a tramp. to a
brother in California.
—Samuel M. Henry, a school teacher at
Lynoport, Lehigh county, who whipped a
son of Charles Lprah, was beaten by Liorah,
and now the latter and the teacher are. under
bail to answer for assault.
—A child playing with matches on Thurs-
day set fire tothe stone barn of John. H. Bisp-
ham, in Middleton township Bucks county,
| near Langhorne, and the building, erops and
farm machinery were destroyed.
—The marriage of Miss Helen Douglass
Rulison, daughter of Right Rev. Bishop
Rulison, of Central Pennsylvania, to Charles
B. Coleman, will take place on, January 2T at
Bethlehem, where both parties live,
—An agent named Fisher has been in the
Schuylkill and Mahanoy Valley coal field the
past few days endeavoring to. se curs Hungar
ians and Polanders to go to Irwin to work in
the mines, where a strike has been on since
the summer. .
—Stephen Kauffinan, aged 77 years, of Mif -
flin county, recently paid a visit to his only
daughter, Mrs. William Zerby, of North Heid-
elberg township, Berks county, whom he had
not seen in many years, and while conversing
with her died in his chair.
_All the mail matter passing through
Pittsburg on the Pennsylvania Road is now
being weighed for the purpose of fixing the
compensation to be paid by the Government
during the next year. It is a tedious jab, and
must be done for seventy days.