Bellefonte, Pa., January 9, 183. THE THREE SHOPPERS. Three women went traveling into the town, Into Boston town inthe early morn, Each thought of the list of her presents set down, And wished it was not solong. : For men must work and women must spend, And it really seems that there is no end To this lovely Christmas shopping. Three women went traveling into the stores, Into the stores so crowded and gay. ] 3 Each thought of her money and wished it were more, - And kept on wishing the livelong day. For men must work and women must shop, Whether the purses are fall or not, To fll up the Christmas stockings. Threee women went searching everywhere, Everywhere all over the town. Each thought she had got a bargain rare, And cheerfully paid her money down. For men must work and women must trade, And somehow or other the bills are paid For this lovely Christmas shopping ! hr ee women went traveling home at night, Home at night in the twilight gray. Each hoped she had got the presents right ms would make glad hearts on Christmas ay, For oo must work and women must plan To do the very best they can For this lovely Christmas shopping. Three women laid down to their rest at night, To their rest at night all tired and wan. Each thoaght of the children’s faces bright That will early greet the Christmas dawn. For men must work and women must give Love and strength so long as they live To this lovely Christmas shopping. : Boston Transcript. RASC Inne DER ALTE CHAPERON. They all thought he was a fool ; but hen they often make mistakes like that. Kangaroos can’t jump like wo- men when the women are jumping at conclusions. You see, the trouble was that Collis Beattie—Collie they called him when they wanted to be funny— did not have much to say. He used to lie about the hotel veranda in a big steamer chair and read novels. He wore a yachting suit and cap and ‘a silk shirt. He did not look a bit salt, because the skin of his face was as white and smooth as a baby’s. So they laughed at him for wearing a yachting suit. All the other fellows wore them, because it was a yachting port upon the sound, and pretty much every one went in for sailing, which was about all there was to do at the place. Collie went sailing once or twice when some generous fellow took pity on him and invited him. Then the women laughed at him more, and in strange German called him Der Alte Chaperon—the Old Chaperon—because |. he always went down into the cabin, stretched himself on a locker and fell asleep. They said he was afraid the spray would spoil his complexion. Collie didn’t seem to know that he was being laughed at. If he did know it he did not mind it. He never said anything, but went on reading novels. German novels, too; and he read them in the original. It was most exaspera- ting. What business had a man at a gay, active summer resort to wear nau- tical toggery, have a skin likea queen’s and read German novels? Once some one said to him: “Come and playa game of billiards.” “Thank you,” he replied, “it’s a lit. tle to much for me you know.” He certainly was a fool—and a lazy one, too. They tried him on several things, but he lay in the steamer chair and read German. And there were at least six beatiful girls in the hotel. And every one of them had been piqu- ed into trying to interest him. Bat he just staid in the steamer chair and read German, or went to sleep in the cabin of the yacht. He didn’t get seasick. They remem- bered that after he was gone, as one of his good qualities. They had him out one day when it blew fresh and there was a lively sea on, but he went to sleep like a rocked infant. He certain- ly was the most torpid man that ever lived. “Never mind,” said Mrs. Bisbee one morning, “Miss Silvers is coming here next week. Perhaps she'll wake him u ,7? Dos don’t mean Mattie Silvers, do you?’ exclaimed Gertie Greer. ¢'¥Ves, 1 do.” “Oh, dear I” And Gertie’s mouth went down at the corners. “What's the mattter with Mattie Sil- vers?” inquired Ethel Brisket. “Oh, nothing.” answered Gertie, de- jectedly ; “only I was at a place where she was once.” “Well, what of it?’ demanded Sybil Fane, that tall, white girl, you remem- er. “Well,” sighed Gertie, “every man in the house dropped right down at her feet.” “0h, my! is she so very wonde ful?” sked Ethel. “Oh, nothing much,” replied Gertie; j ust the most beautiful woman I ever 8aw, and with two little millions in her own right.” There was a painful silence and all the young women looked glum. Ger- tie was not a girl to be sneezed at and she used her mirror, Her dejection was ominous. The girls gazed anxi- ously at Mrs. Bisbee. “IL don’t want to be disagreeable,” she said smoothly, “but I'm afraid it's true.” “What's her style?” asked Sybil. “Brown,” replied Mrs. Bisbee, sen- tentiously. “Brown?” “Yes; burnt sienna. Burnt sienna hair and eyes, dusky pink cheeks, dusky crimson lips, silk plush complex- ion—all cream and coax—and two millions from her uncle,” said Harold Beaver, who had just come up. There was a general biting of lips. “Haven't seen her for three years,” he continued, “and’’—— “Ah! Perhaps she has faded!” ex- claimed Ethel. “The dusky browns don’t fade much,” said Harold. “No,” said Mrs. Bisbee. “I saw her in a box at the Metropolitan last winter, and she was radiant.” “Why, she doesn’t belong in New York,” Sybil said. “No, Baltimore,” responded Harold. “I don’t see what she wants to come away up here for,” grambled Ethel spitefully. “What's the matter with Chesapeake bay ?" “Well, she's coming next week,” said Mrs. Bisbee, moving away with Harold. “I had a letter from her mother to-day.” “I hope she'll like him,” said Ethel, looking scornfuily at Collie in his steamer chair, “That will not do any good,” an- swered Gertie ; “the other men will all like her.” “Of course,” said Sybil; “we're not worth two millious, any of us.” “And we're not dusky browns,” snapped Ethel, caressing a stray raven lock; “‘all cream and coax,” Humph!” “Bat she's a lovely girl,” sighed Gertie; “or she was two years ago. I haven’t met her gince then. I was at Cape May. You can’t help liking her.” “Oh, yes, I can, and I will,” decid- ed Ethel as they rose to go down to the water. The day before this paragon of heir- esses was expected Phil Partridge in- vited all hands to go sailing on his sloop. And then he got a telegram which compelled him to go to the city. But he insisted on their going sailing just the same: His sailing master would take them, and they could in- vite Der Alte Chaperon to go along as his substitute. That made them laugh. But they got Collie out of his steamer chair and took him along just the same. Of course, he went right down into the cabin and prepared to go to #leep. “Bless my soul!” exclaimed Mrs. Bisbee, “that’s a little too bad. The only man in the party. I wouldn't stand it, girls.” “Man!” exclaimed Ethel. “Call that pudding faced gelatine a man! Lord forgive us.” “Oh, I say, Ethel,” remonstrated Gertie, “you ought not to talk like that.” “Don’t say ‘ought’ to me. of doing what I ought to do.” Ethel was 26 and her skin was grow- ing yellow under her eyes. “Go down into the cabin and keep Der Alte Chaperon awake,” suggested Sybil. “Do it yourself.” “Not such a bad idea,” said Sybil, slipping down the companionway. Collie Beattie was not asleep yet. He sat up and stared as the tall, white girl came below. “Awtfully good of you, you know,’ he murmured. “Oh, it’s not so very good; but what do you mean ?”’ “I mean your coming down here to keep me awake.” Sybil turned just a trifle pink under the ears. Had he been listening to their conversation on deck? It must have edified him, she thought. “I came down to keep myself awake, she said hastily, and then added, in- consistently. “Why don’t you go on deck and enjoy the breeze ?” “Because I can’t enjoy the breeze,” he answered. “It’s too strong for you, I suppose,” said Sybil, with a touch of scorn. “Yes, much too strong.” “Makes you chilly.” “Yes, makes me chilly.” “Might spoil your complexion.” “My what?” “Your complexion.” “Didn’t know I had any.” “You're as white and pink as a baby.” “That's true, brt I don’t think that’s much of a compleaion for a man, you know.” “Neitherdo I. Tshould think you'd get a little sunburn on you just from shame.” Collie laughed. He seemed to be immensely amused. He had a funny way of being amused at things that didn’t amuse other people, It was jolly for him, but it made the other people angry. “If you’re going to laugh at my con- versation I'm going back to the—the girls,” exclaimed Sybil, springing up the steps. 5 Collie laughed some more. Then he stretched himself on the cabin locker and laughed again. Next he closed his eyes and smiled. A minute later he was sound asleep. All the women came down and looked at him half an hour later. He didn’t seem much to look at. He had deep lines under his eyes when he slept, and a worn ap- pearance. Yet they all looked at him and despised him.” He just slept on and didn’t mind it. “Valuable person to have on a yachting excursion, isn’t he?” whisper- ed Lthet, with a genuine growl in her pretty voice. “If T had a thing like that for a husband I'd—but I'd never have one.” “Let's go on deck. I do belieye it's fallen dead calm,” said Mrs. Bisbee. So it had, The Clover's mast was plumb perpendicular. So were her main-sail and her jib, The water looked like molasses. And it was seething hot. The skipper said there was going to be a squall, and sent the one sailor, a boy, aloft to furl the top- sail. The skipper was right. There was going to be a squall. Big blue black clouds were piling up in the northwest. Lightning played around their lower edges. The skipper said it would not be a bad squall: The Clov- er would stand it under jib and main sail. It came along in a few minutes. You could see it strike the water over near the Connecticut shore. It made the surface six shades darker. The girls had their rubber goods on, but the skipper said it would not rain. However, they had heard skippers gay that before. The squall came bound: ing over the sound. . Then, they never knew how it hap- pened, but the boom gave a terrific Jump right across the yacht. It hit the skipper on the head and knocked him senseless. The next moment he was halfway over the lee rail with I'm tired . seven;shrieking women pulling at him. ' The yacht was pretty nearly on her beam ends and the sailor boy was par- alyzed. Then Collie Beattie walked up out of the cabin rubbing his eyes. “Did some one scream?’ he asked. “Oh, look at that useless thing!” cried Ethel, tugging at the leg of the skipper’s trousers. Whereupon Collie woke up. many flies and pulled the skipper into the cockpit. Then he let go the jib sheet, and the yacht righted partly. “Here, my lad,” he called to the boy, “take the wheel.” The boy obey- ed, and Collie pulled off his coat. There was a red spot in each of his cheeks. “What's he going todo?” inquired Gertie, awestruck. “Lord knows I'm glad to see him do anything,” said Ethel. “Hard down upon your helm!” ex- claimed Der Alte Chaperon. ‘Mrs. Bisbee, you and Miss Sybil please hold the wheel there a minute. Now, lad, main sheet; in with it!’ . Collie and the boy got the main boom trimmed flat as the yacht came up into the wind. The jib flapped madly. ‘Right your helm I" cried Collie. The boy obeyed the order. ‘Keep your head to it,” was his next order. Then Collie sprang forward and slacked the jib halyards, unbent the sheet, slid out on the bowsprit, which was plunging into the young seas like a crazy porpoise, reefed the jib, came back, bent on the sheet and hoisted away again, while the women huddled in the cockpit hike petrified mummies. “Now let her blow,’ said Collie as he went aft, put on his coat and took the wheel. ‘Get the captain below,’ said he to the boy, ‘and give him a good horn of brandy. He's coming to.’ The boy dragged the skipper down- stairs, the women all following in silence to see if they could do anything. Sybil Vane asked the boy when they were below whether he hadn’t better go up and gail the yacht, ‘Guess not,’ said the boy, ‘That fel- ler don’t need no help. 1 can see that without a telerscup.’ The boy’s judgment appeared to be right. It was blowing great guns. But the Clover was riding like a canvas back duck. Collie looked very com pos- ed at the wheel. The girls stared up the companionway at him. He seemed to be enjoying it. The captain recover- ed his senses presently and hurried on deck, “Go below and lie down, captain,” said Collie ; “your head must be rat- tling like a locker of shot in a gale.” The captain looked sarprised. “Who reefed the jib?" he asked. “IL did,” said Collie, humoring her neatly with the helm. The captain watched him do it. Then he went below and stretched himselt on Collie’s favorite locker. “That man’s the best amateur sailor I ever saw,” he said. The women looked atone another and heaved long sighs of relief, “That useless thing appears to be of some gooa after all,” said Mrs. Bisbee to Ethel. “Hum 1” said Ethel. Collie sailed the Clover back to her anchorage off the hotel after thesquall. They all went arhore and he immedi- ately retired to bis room and was seen no more until the next day. About noon he was discovered in the steamer chair with an unusually formidable German novel. They surrounded him and hegan to thank him for bringing them in safely, He didn’t seem to pay much attention to them. Just kept listening for something down the road. Presently the hotel stage came rattling up from the station. “Here she is,’ said Mrs. Bisbee,beck- oning the girls. their preserver to see the beautiful heir- ess. She was beautiful. There was no mistaking that. The girls groaned in- wardly. She came airily up the steps, her brown eyes aflame with expecta- tion. She. caught sight of Der Alte Chaperon lying in his steamer chair. She ran right to him, threw both arms about his neck and publicly kissed him on the lips. “Collie dear!" che said passionately. “But, dear old fellow, you look real done up, and I expected to find you so much better.’ Beiter? He must have been sick, then, when he came down. “Well, sweetheart,’ he replied, laughing, “I have been mending slowly but surely till yesterday, when I had to do a little work aboard a boat and'—— “Aboard a boat! Now, dear, you know the doctor said yon were not to exert yourself, and when you sail a boat you always'— “But we got caught in a squall and the captain—well, perhaps these young ladies will explain. Let me introduce you all to my fiancee.’ And then the whole crew of them figuratively got right down on their knees and worshipped Der Alte Chaperon, It isn’t much of a story, is it ? But then it has a moral. Two, maybe. — W. J. Henderson in New York. All Through the State, The Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company of Scranton will after Jan- uary 1st reduced wages about 20 cents a day. Reading’s School Board has voted against free text books, John B. Miller, of Columbia, fell down-stairs with his grandchild in his arms, and was fatally injured, but the child escaped harm. ——————— Inthe Common Pleas of Hunting- don county James A. Kohler,a salesman forS. Kohler & Co., of Philadelphia, has just recovered $500 damages from the Pennsylvania Railroad for injuries re- ceived at Juniata Bridge. He may ap- peal to secure a larger sum, He sought $10,000 damages. He brushed the women aside like so: And they all deserted: A Delightful Series of Tours to Wash- ington via Pennsylvania Railroad. For several years pst the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company has run a se- ries of exearsions to Washington, D. C., | at a season when the National Capital is in a whirl of pleasure and social activ- ity, and these tours have met with murked success. This year the com- pany has just announced a series of three ; to leave Pittsburg January 15th, Febuary 5th, and March 5th, Excursion tickets, good for ten days from date of sale, admitting of a stop- over in Baltimore in either direction within the proper limit, will be sold from Pittsburg at $9.00, and at corres- pondingly low rates from other stations in Western Pennsylvania. The tickets will be good for use on any regular train of the dates above named, except | limited express trains; and in addition to the regular service a special train of parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg at 8.00 A. M., and run through to Washington, stopping at principal stations. The return coupons will be valid for passage on any regular train within the return limit, except the Pennsylvania Limited. Washington is one of the most inter- esting cities in the Union. Itis esteem- ed by many the most beautiful city in America, and the fact that it is the seat of government and the location of the handsomest public buildings in the land makes it interesting to every cit- izen. Both branches of Congress will be in dailysession, and in fact, every branch of the public service may be seen in the actual work of conducting the govern- ment. The public buildings, embrac- ihg the capital, White House, Treasury, State, War, and Navy Departments, the great Smithsonian Institution, the National Museum, are open to the pub- lic every day, and offer a field for inter- est and study that cannot be excelled anywhere. The great Washington Monument, the highest memorial shaft in the world, ic in itself worth a trip to see. The rates are unusually low, and the limitation of the tickets ample for a most pleasurable trip. What It Is to Be a Child. What is it to be a child ? Sometimes 1 think it is to be as intelligent as grown people are, but to be at such a disadvan- tage as an advanced inhabitant from Mars would be should he visit our planet —ignorant of our language, which he begins rapidly to learn; ignorant of our laws and customs, which he learns more slowly, as they seem to him often quite senseless and disconnected, ignorant of the future and its possibilities; ignorant even of his own powers in this strange surrounding, and shut within the limit of his vision and imagination, tor he has no maps of the world beyond the place where he finds himself. This it is to be a child ; and besides this, it is to be a crea- ture of infinite sensitivenessand suscepti- bilty, to have affections of overpowering fervor, and faith in those who are bis rulers, as saints have faith in the Creator. This it is to be a child ; and besides this, to have a capacity for suffering that those hardened with the world’s expe- rience have often forgotten that they too once possessed, and with this power of suffering an incapacity for self-defence, a helplessness that makes the thoughtful earnestly remember the words of the great Child-lover—Christ, “Whoso of- fendeth one of these little ones, it were better for him that a millstone were tied about his neck and that he were cast into the uttermost depths of the sea.’ A Series of Winter Tours to Florida via Pennsylvania Railroad, Last year many people fled from the intolerable humidity of the Northern climate to that of the South, where uni- formity of temperature and bright sun- light together put a new phase on life. This winter the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, in pursuance of a policy in- augurated several years ago, and with many additional incidental improve- ments, has arranged a series of five tours to be run from New York to Jackson- ville, us follows : January 20th, Febru- ary 3d and 17th, March 3d and 17th. Tourists will travel in Pullman Palace Cars in charge ofa Tourist Agent and Chaperon. A limit must necessarily be made in order to allow each passenger a double berth, and this limit has been made one hundred and fifty. The round trip rate, including Pull- man accommodations and meals en route in dining car attached to the train, is $50.00 from New York, $48.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washing- ton. Tickets will be sold from all prin- cipal stations on the Pennsylvania Rail- road system to a connecting point with the special. For detailed information application should be made to ticket offices. ee ——— A Lake of Pitch. “Near where we live,” said William Greig, of Trinidad, West Indies, “is a pitch lake. I'ts at La Brea, It covers about ninety acres, and it 1s soft enough to take the impression of your shoes as you walk over it, bat take up a bit of it and strike it sharp and it breaks off with a conchoidal fracture likea lump of anthracite. I don’t know where it comes from, but I do know that it’s most awfully hot there. The sun pelts down like fun, and the black pitch ab- sorbs all the heat. All down to the coast and under the sea across in Vensu- ela there is a streak of this same forma- tion. The British government owns the lake, and a monopoly pays a royalty of not less than $20,000 a year.—-Chicago Tribune. EC ——— A Young Woman's Sad Death. The engine drawing news train Thursday of last week, struck a woman who was crossing a bridge over a small stream at Halifax, Dauphin county. She was thrown into the stream below and instantly killed Every particle of hier clothing excepting her shoes and stockings were torn from her body, and yet she was not mangled in the least. A young man, who was near by, gave assistance to the train men in caring for the body,and it was not until the men were bearing the body away on a bgard that he discovered that it was his own sister, KET Stoning the Raisins. He and shearesitting inthe window seat in the study. Enter her mamma with a pan full of raisins. Her Mamma—If you young people aren't doing anything, I’m going to make you stone these. I’m making mincemeat, and I’m just as busy as I can be. She—Why, of course mama. just fun. He—Delighted, Mrs Muzzerd | We'll turn the whole job out in justabout seventeen minutes and a half. Her Mamma—I guess not—there’s two pounds there. (Exit in the direc- tion of the kitchen.) He —Great scheme, isn’t it ? you stone the things, anyhow ? She—Why, you just squinch ’em up like this—so ! He—I don’t seem to get the hang of It'H be How do it. She--Why, how clumsy | You don’t hold them right. H—How, so ? She—No, so ! He—This way ? She—No—why, how stupid you are ! (Sets his fingers right with her own dainty hands.) There! He—This is great fun. draws her fingers abruptly.) (She with- He—Why does your mother make her own mincemeat ? What's the mat- ter with the cook ? She—Nothing. But there are two things that mamma says should never be left to servants—mincemeat and sweet pickles. He—Oh ! She—It's a religious duty with her. He-—T see. She—Mamma’s from New England, you know. He—Oh! (After a pause.) If you had a house would you make mincemeat ? She—Oh ! I don’t know. He—But would you? Just sup- pose. She—Oh, yes, I guees so. He—Chop up tho stuff and stone the raisins and all ? She—Why, I suppose so. adsurbd question ! He-—No, it isn’t. She-~Yes, it is, He—No it isn’t. She—Ridiculous | He—-Because, you know, if you want to, you ean have the house, don’t you know, and I'll help you stone the rai- sins. (One hour and a hal later.) Her Mamma (from the kitchen)— Come, you young tolks, are those raisins stoned yet ? I'm waiting for them. She—Oh, my heavens! Jack, how many have we got stoned ? One, two, three—gracious bless me, only four | He—Who cares ? Isit June? She—Let go of my hands—oh, do, do, do ! What will mamma say ? He—Well, tell me. Her Mamma—Ag-ne—e—e—c—e-—s | She--Let: go- -oh—yes—, June— May—April—anything I In one min- ute, mamma—we’re not quite through | Oh, Jack, do hurry up and help me stone these raisins.-Cealendar in Puck. Saving Souls in Africa. What an They tell of a powerful Irishman, out in Africa,who seized the wretched Arab who was paddling him across a stream, threw him overboard, and grabbing him by the back of the neck as he rose to the surface of the water hissed in his ear : . “Will you renounce the Prophet and become a Christian 7” “Allah torbid,” sputtered the Arab. “Down you go, then,” said the Irish- man, and he ducked th> Arab under again. In about a minute he pulled him up and shouted : “Will you believe God ?” “No,” gasped the Arab feebly. “Drown, then,” yelled the Irishman, as he ducked the unfortunate Mussul- Iran again. For the third time he pulled the man up and asked, “Will you believe ?”’ The Arab almost dead, was just able to whisper “Yes.” “Drown, then,” yelled the man, “be- fore you lose your sowl by recanting 1” and he put the wretch under once more and beld him there till life was extinct. —New York Tribune. I — A Disgusted Cayote. in Christian's Portland Oregonian. The Eureka flat country abounds in wild geese, and the hunters in that sec- tion are having fine sport hunting them. The geese swarm in the stubble fields to eat the scitered heads of wheat, and the hunters dig pits, in these fields, and lie in them, having first set out a num- ber of tin or pastal card decoys to attract the geese. A hunter named Adkins, a day or two since, while sitting in a pit near Fairfield waiting for geese, saw a coyote sneaking down on his decoys: The cun- ning brate crept along on’ his belly for about fifty feet and then made a spring of about twenty feet, landing on top of one of the tin decoys. He was one of the most disgusted looking coyotes ever seen in that section, and Adkins felt so sorry for him that he shot him, breaking two of his legs, and then knocked him on the top of the head with the butt of his gun. eee] Mr. Kerr on the Wallace Assignment. Chairman Kerr said to parties in Philadelphia that the assicnment was creditable to Senator Wallace. The bank was unable, owing to the string- ency of the money market, to float the paper it had, and, therefore, was com- pelled to assign and go into liquidation. and valuable coal property, whick, when developed, will pay all debts. If this property is handled properly it will leave the senator a nice surplus. The liabilities amount to $350,000 and the assets $600,000 in Pennsylvania alone. The Senator is also the owner of considerable mining property in the | west, which is considered very valuabie. | The failure will in no manner affect the local banks of Clearfield. strong and amply provided with re- sources to meet any emergency that may arise. There is absolutely ro dan- ger, as the banks have the entire confi- dence of the community. She —Now, see how many you can stone while I am doing one. = Senator Wallace bas much real estate | They are | XTIEmR TRANG Frills of Fashion. Figured materials are in high fashion. The black marten is the darkest nat- ural fur. The newest stockings are all in bright colors. Pockets in reefer jackets are cut on the outside Astrakhan is being used lavishly on cloth costumes. Bows are not knotted, narrow ribbon. Tailor made gowns are the rage for out of door costumes, A widow does ngt have bridemaide nor does she wear a veil. All the newest dresses flounce around the hem. Any amount of trouble and expense is still lavished on shoes. Feathers play an important part in the garnitures of the season. | All the underwear of fleshy persons i should be made with yokes. Tartan shoes are among the most striking voveities yet evolved. | Velvet sleaves will undoubtedly re- main in vogue during the winter. | Pretty fans are of, creps de chine, de- | corated with little crayon drawings. Lhe coiffure worn with a large hat lis either loosely knotted or twisted at | the back. | Collarettes made of velvet are consid- erably worn as a finish to street costum- | es of cloth. { Large hats intended for afternoon re- | ceptions are 1n white or very light col- | ored felt. | Pure white is used for | blue for boys and pink for color is desired. Round waist and narrow skirts are in vogue for those who are slender enough to wear them. If you have a light hat, wear a black bird on it; if you havea black hat, wear & white bird on it. Three feathers which form the crest of the Prince of Wales are used to trim both large and small hats. Lounging robes in plaided woolens are cut in redingote style, with seam across the hips and large pockets. The pelisse is an odd name revived for the new long cloaks which can scarcely be distinguished from gowns. Dainty sets for the toilet table are long, slender trays, little toilet boxes and candlesticks in Milton and Dres- den china, Some of the wioter gowns still have « small cushion in the back of the skirt, but this is only when there is a defic- iency in graceful outline. but tied with a have one all babies— girls when Two Stories of Von Moltke. Two pretty stories are told about Von Moltke. One is that on taking out his purse to pay a cabman after a rather long ride the cabman started his horse, and cried cut, “No, no; it has been a great honor for me, Her Feldmarschall,” and drove off, to receive next day the count’s photograph, with the words, To the cab driver.” And the other is that an American lady, with a voung daugh- ter, staying at the hotel where the great. soldier was attending a regimental ban- quet, sent him a photograph of himself, which she asked him to sign, and to give more pleasure to the girl on her seventeenth birthday than all her pres- ents had done. In reply mother and daughter were invited to the supper- room, were treated by Von Moltke with the kindest hospitality and received the photograph, on which was written, “I have been young, and now I am old, but I have not seen the righteous for-- saken.”’— Harper's Bazar. A Difficulty About Witnesses. “Mr, Smith,” said the electric mana-. ger to his foreman, “we want some men to testify to the absolute harmelessness. of the electric light current as used by us. You might send Roberts—" Foremen—¢“He was killed while fix- ing a wire last night, sir I”? “Well, Jackson will do then.” ‘‘He accidentally grounded a wrong wire last week, and is scarcely expect- ed to live, sir,” “Such awkwardness! Send Will- iams.” “Sorry, sir, but he was paralyzed | while fixing an electric lamp on Thurs- day.” “Really. It’s most annoying. Em- ploy some new men at once and send them to testify to the committee before they have time to get themselves kill- ed.” Sitting Bull's Slayer Dead. St. Paur, Dee. 19.—A Fort Yates special says: Bull Head, the Lieutenant of the Indian police, who led in the cap- ture of Sitting Bull ard fired off the two shots which kilied him, died last night at 5:30 p. m. Though he receiv- ed three severe weunds—one in the arm, one in the leg, and one in the stomach —the surgeons had hoped to save him. His brother policemen, who had been given to hope that he would recover, wre overwhelmed with grief. Reports. at the agency indicate that the fugitives from Sitting Bull’s camp are preparing to return to their abandoned homes. It is expected many will return to-day. It Wasn’t a Case of Jimjams, “Is is true,” breathlessly inquired the caller, who had climbed the four flights of stairs, “that Boston has gone Demo- cratic 7 “Yes,” replied the telegraph editor “It has elected a Democratic mayor br about 12,000. “No mistake about it?" “No. Here are the figures,” “That’s all T want to know,” rejoind the stranger, starting down the stair way. “I’m all right, I guess. When I saw the same thing on the bulletin boad down-stairs I thought I had en agai. Good day.” Be — | | | | —— Dr. Grimsbaw—¢Don’t you kniw young man, that it is very injurious to blow cigarette smoke down your rose in that way 7 Mr. De Apple—-Is it? I know it’s very agwehble inddo it, but all the other fellows do it, {onch- er know 2”