Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 26, 1890, Image 1
—-— De Ee ——— | —— i am BY 7. GRAY MEEK. —Murderer Writsox has run away, And left poor Sheriff C., Had he not sloped he would have hung, Butnot on a Christmas tree. —The cats of Kilkenny got their backs up when PARNELL asked to be vindicated. —This is the season when the pensive turkey may well ask “Why should the s pirit of gobblers be proud ?”’ —The cautious turkey looks askance at every passer by, and seeks to foil his enemies by roosting high, —1It isn’t probable that Mr. HARRI- s0N shall find a Force Bill in his stock- ing. SANTA CLAUS doesn’t confer such noxious gifts. —The gobbler, when he spreads his wings unto the topmost limb to soar, he gobbles, in his upward flight, “Excel- sior!” : —He is a poor chump who isn’t mer- ry at this festive juncture and doesn’t wish his neighbor to join him in a Mer- ry Christmas and a Happy New Year, —The presence of CAMERON in the Senate threatens to throw a shade of un- happiness over the Philadelphia Press’s otherwise glad New Year. —Ifyour stockings you've hung by the chimney with care— Those old ones of gray woolen yarn, And found in the morning no SANTA was there, The appropriate thing is to “darn.” —When Santa, CLaus her stocking filled, he held his sides a minute. Its amplitude! He laughed to think of the limb that had been “in it.” —This Christmas SitriNg Bunn will eat his jerked venison in those happy hunting grounds where it is supposed that all bad Indians become good. —-Svccr made a mistake in breaking his forty-five days fast last Sunday. If he had held on a few days longer what a vacuum he would bave had for turkey and cranberry sauce on Christmas. —Ifyou didn’t receive as much as you thought Was due you on Christmas day, Just put on your studying cap and think How much you gave away. Mayhap twill scatter the cloud on your brow, And make its dark shadow leave, If you shall remember on Christmas day “’Tis more blessed to give than receive.” —The people of Pennsylyania have given ROBERT KE. PATTISON occasion to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year preliminary to his giving them an honest State administration. —The county teachers have all left, and we've recovered from ‘the shock, but we'd like to find the pretty(?)face that wrecked our old town clock—which hasn’t been going since the Institute adjourned. —Senator INGALLS has left Washing- ton for Kansas to find out whether the opposition to him in that State 1s an iri- descent dream or a stern reality. He is likely to discover that its color is not that of the rainbow. —~While we wish the Democrats of Centre county a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we trust that the Republicans haven’t been set back so much that they won’t also take a hand in the festivities. —If there’s a dearth of toys and knick-knacks In the stocking of Baby McKEer, Old Benny can set it down as due To the McKinley B. No longer can SaNra’s Christmas goods Be brought over the houndless sea, Without paying increased tribute To the McKinley B. —The Democratic rooster is too high- strung a fowl to be used for holiday pur- poses. Besides, he has been crowing so much this fall that he is a little off in flesh. The lymphatic turkey is more suitable for the festive board. ~—The tariff hasn’t done mich in con- tributing to the holiday festivities of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company’s employes. A reduction of twenty per cent in their wages is poor sauce for their Christmas dinner. —No wonder the Farmers’ Alliance declared against the fashionable folly of six o'clock dinners. Imagine the tin- horn summoning the hungry granger to the dinner table about the time the chickens are preparing to go to roost. —When Uncle San on Christmas morn Looks for his gifts from Santa Craus, Though always a mild mannered man, There is indeed sufficient cause For him to imprecate like sin, As fearfully his anger waxes; For all that he can find within His hung-up stocking, long and thin, Is a lot of tariff taxes. —1It is questionable whether the right posy was selected in the choice of the Golden Poppy as the floral emblem of California. A flower of such soporific qualities is hardly a fit emblem of so wide-awake a State. It is too sugges- tive of Morpheus. —The Sergeant of the Senate is kept busy in hunting up absent members of that body. It may be the influence of the season that leads them to seek that apartment in the capitol building where “cold tea” promotes senatorial socia- bility. Teme = 4 p Vv Ee uk STATE RIGHTS AN D FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 85. The Events of the Year. It is interesting at the end of the year to review its most prominent events, at home and abroad, which in the fature will make it memorable. The following incidents, of leading op- portance, as happening during the year, have been extracted and condens- ed from an extended review of 1890: Early in the year the German parlia- ment was dissolyed. The new parlia- ment which was elected in its stead had a large majority against the conserva- tive or government party. Meantime the young Emperor quarreled with Prince Bismarck, and the Chancellor, after twenty-eight years of unbroken leadership in the affairs of Prussia and Germany, resigned,and General Capri- vi was made chancellor in his place. The year began with a dispute be- tween Great Britain and Portugal over the possession of a vast region in Afri- ca. By a show of force England made Portugal yield. This was followed by an understanding between several pow" ers interested, in which England's au- thority was extended in Hastern and Central Africa, and that of France in Northwest Africa and in Madagascar, while Germany, in exchange for Zan- zibar, received the British island of Heligoland in the North sea. In England, the commission which had been investigating Mr. PARNELL'S connection with alleged criminal con- spiracies virtually acquitted him. To- | ward the end of the year the proof or admission of certain charges against Mr. PARNELL'S moral character led | Mr. GrapstoNe and other liberals to | abandon him, politically, and this in | turn caused a division in the Irish na- | tional party. . | In France, the exposure of the plots of General BouraNeer with royalists, | Bonapartists and extreme radicals, to | overthrow the republic, destroyed what | remained of the Boulangist movement. Several events in the affairs of Eu- | rope in general were noteworthy. Pro- fesser Koon, of Berlin, discovered and experimented with a substance which, | 1t is believed, destroys the germs of | consumption in the early stages of the disease. The anti-slavery congress at | Brussels made important recommenda- | powers at Berlin, to consider the labor : question, The king of Holland's death, | in November, was followed by the ac- | cession of his daughter, Wilhelmina, 10 years old. : | It has been a year of political events | and excitements in the United States. The conference of the independent pow- ers of America at Washington recom- | mended several important measures, including a plan, since formally adopt- ed by several nations, for international arbitration. A tariff bill, considerably increasing the aggregate burden of tar- iff taxation, was passed by congress. The congressional election resulted in a very large democratic majority. The World’s Fair and Columbian exhibi- tion was located at Chicago and fixed for 1893. Wyoming and Idaho were admitted to the union. The census enumeration of the” people showed a population of sixty-two and a half mil- lions. Congress passed a new silver law, which provides for the purchase by the government of a great deal of bullion. It also passed a disability pension law and an anti-lottery law. There was great excitement among the Indians of the west over the ex- pected coming of an Indian Messiah. The Sioux apd some of the other tribes began threatening dances and depreda- tory movements, and a large body of troops was sent to their country to hold them in check. There has been a successful revolu- tion in Salvador, and an unsuccessful one in Honduras. In the Argentine tepublic the reckless and extravagant government of President CeLMaAN was overthrown by revolution, and a new governmenc set up. Brazil is at peace under the new republic. "As a result of rash speculation and inflation in Argentine and Uruguay, the great English house of Baring Bros. was embarrassed. Financial stringen- cy, with many- failares, prevailed in New York. The harvests of the world have not been abundant, and the wheat crop of the United States is below the average. Among the dead of the year are the king of the Netherlands and the Dowa- ger Empress Avcusta, of Germany, tions, as did also the conference of the '* Cardinal Newnan and Lord Napier, | of Magdala, in the old world; and in the new, Justice SAMurL F. MILLER, of the Supreme Court; Joux C.FrREMONT; Wirniax D. Keurey and Samuer J. RANDALL, statesmen of Pennsylvania, and Jory Boyvre O ReiLLy and Drow Bovoicavrr. The Methodists of Arkansas don’t seem to approve of shepherds of their flock laying aside their crooks and taking a hand in the worldly busi- ness of politics. Thus the confer- ence of that State has called Rev. N. B. F1zer to account for such an irreg- ularity. is offense of having run for Governor has been punished by a sus- pension of his clerical functions for a term of five months, But the confer- ence was too severe with the erring divine. The licking he got at the polls was punishment enough. rn ——— A Wonderful New Metal. The great thing of the future will be aluminium, The farmer hardly can be made to believe that in every six tons of the clayey material of his tarm there 1s a ton of metal, worth $350, which can be used for all the purposes to which silver, brass, tin or nickel is now applied. This is aluminium, which scientists have for years been trying to excwract from the clay at a cost that would make it cheap enough for general use. A Chicago party announce that they have discovered a process of production that secures the requisite cheapness of the new meial, and claim that they will revolutionize the arts by their dis- covery. They say that it will surpass | auy other material for plating purposes and entively change that industry, rela- gating galvanized iron to the shades of oblivion. One of the largest Chicago dealers in pipe and galvanized iron examined specimens of this new plating and was so well pleased with it that he ordered a million feet of aluminiam- piated piping. For pipes, burnished furnishings, kitchen utensils, stove and furniture mountings—in fact, for every kind of article that is now silver- mounted, nickel plated, tinned or guilt —it is claimed that at the reduced cost will be substituted. As for tin, the new metal will speed- ily settle the tariff on that article and turn the tables on the monopolists who have conspired to raise the price of the | workingman’s dinner bucket and the housewife's water pail. At least we | should be led to believe so if what the Chicago party say about their alumini- um discovery be true. But Chicago has the reputation of being a windy city and it is to be feared that her citi- zens, partaking of her nature, are given to blowing. -But if the new metal is really what it is represented to be, we hope that its discoverers won’t have it placed on the list of infant industries and get the Republicans to protect it with a high tariff. SS —————E—————— France is getting ready on a grand scale for her next misunderstand- ing with Germany, which will come sconer or later. The force she has now on a war footing reaches the tre- mendous number of 3,226,000 soldiers, and the reserve will make it about 4,- 000,000. At this rate there is one fighting man to every nine of popula- tion. This immense aggregate of sol- diers is armed with weapons of the most improved kind. Itis fearful to contemplate the use for which this vast force is intended, and that it has a sed- ative effect upon the warlike spirit of Germany is shown by the pacific de- clarations of the German Emperor. The nation across the Rhine of course is making every effort to match this immense military power, and when the collision comes it will be Titanic in its character. Whatever may be its out- come it is certain that France will not be taken unprepared and at a disad- vantage as was she in 1870, A ——————————— It is a benevolent act on the part of the President to find places for the untortunately Rdapublican congress- men who were treated unkindly by their constituents at the last election. Thus he has provided for Coxaur, of Iowa, by making him Minister to the Republic of Brazil. But what jos tion abroad could compensate McKix- Ley for the loss of his district ? / BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 26, 1890. NO. 51. | Responsible for the Disorder. A { | The many simpathizers with the Irish aational movement are pained by the disorder that attends the appeal which the two factions have made to’ the Irish people. ParNELL's conduct | is responsible for these turbulent pro- | ceedings and for the injury they are | doing the cause. After bringing dis- credit upon himself and ruining his standing as a leader, he endeavors to secure vindication from a people noted for their excitable nature and factional disposition. They have been wound up to the highest pitch by the long sus- i pense of the Home Rule question, and this episode, involving the reputa- tion of the leader in whom they had the utmost confidence, was sure to pro- duce intense feeling. It could not be otherwise than that he should have followers even while shadowed by the cloud of disgrace in which he is en- veloped; and on .the other hand it could not be otherwise than that under the circumstances the best Irish senti- ment should be opposed to his continu- ed leadership. Therefore it was en- tirely wrong, it was the next thing to being criminal, for him to throw him- self into a contest which was certain to be of a turbulent character, and which ' other object than the vindication of a personality that has been hopelessly damaged. An unselfish regard for the cause which Parent has hitherto championed with much ability and efficiency, would have induced him to withdraw after ordinary sense was able to discern that his objectionable moral conduct had destroyed his influence and usefulness as a leader. His persistence in ignor- ing decent public sentiment has thrown Ireland into a turmoil. He has been uncommon in Irish factional fights. his opponents was a brutal act, but such brutality by exciting the factional rancor that prompted it. The University of Pennsylvania has commenceed the use of the Koch | lymph for the cure of consumption,and of that material, aluminium plating | the result of the experiments made at that institution last week is awaited with great interest by the public. The Pennsylvania is conservative in the dence that it does not believe that it is be achieved by the healing art than would attend the success of this new method of curing tubercular diseases. Encouraging an Infant Industry. The Province of Quebec is adopting measures to stimulate the increase of its population. Its legislators are im- pressed with the truth that itis the people that make the State, and they want.more people in order that they may have more of a State. With this as their object they have passed a law which is intended to encourage the production of babies. This law pro- vides that the father of twelve children shall receive a grant of 100 acres of land, to which 100 acres shall be add- ed for every additional child. This should be an encouragement for every able-bodied Kanuck to do his full share in the patriotic work of peopling the sparsely populated Do- minion. In the United States the baby indus- try is not prosecuted with the vigor that characterized the earlier days of the Republic, large families being the exception in these degenerate times. Itis far from being a fad in our fash- ionable circles. The Canadians are wise in encouraging their infant indus- try in a way that will be of more sub- stantial benefit to the Dominion than a McKinley tariif would be. SA ————————————— —Senator Stewart, of Nevada, has made a strong speech ‘against the Force Bill. As he isa Repablican he deserves special credit for opposing that revolutionary and obnoxious par- ty measure. Itis often wondered what that unpopulous pocket State is good for, anyhow, with not enough people to | constitutionally entitle her to a con- ! gressman ; but when one of her Sena- | tor's takes a manly stand against such a scheme as the Force Bill it can’t be said that he is not of some_use. personally assaulted, an occurrence not | Par~yent made himself the victim of | The Movement for Ballot Reform, The Pennsylvania Ballot Reform Association notifies the people of the State that a movement will be made to have the next State Legislature pass an Australian ballot bill. They give a de- seription of the working of the reform system, including the de*ails connected with its operation, which we publish in another column. Itis the Austra lian plan pure and simple, without the complexities which have been added to it by designing or overzealous par- ties in other States, and which have in- terfered with the perfect benefits which result from its operations when not im- paired by alteration and 111 advised or ill intended amendment. The great majority of the people of the State, irrespective of party, want a reform ballot law. Their sentiment on this point was expressed at the last State election. The desire for this re- form was the motive that led to the election of Governor Pattison. There are politicians whe oppose it, but they must yield to the popular will. The Democyats are united in their deter- mination to have such a reform. We believe that a large proportion of the Republicans favor it, although their leaders prefer the old system which gives them the opportunity for crook- ed practices. They showed their aver- sion to honest election methods hy their rejection of an Australian ballot bill at the last session. But the party is pledged to a reform ballot law by its last platform, however insincere that pledge may have been. It is cer- tain that the Governor, whose election was not in their calculation when the Republican ballot reform promise was made, will call upon the Republican Leg- islature to show whether on the question of an Australian ballot law they were playing tast and loose with the confi- : Bho | dence of the people ai the last election, The throwing of lime in his eyes by | So far as the Governor is concerned the Democratic pledge of ballot reform wiil be fully carried out. —— American bistory will probably : record no more Indian outbreaks, as in all likelihood the one that is now ; occurring in the North West will be the final effort of an expiring race to assert itself against the encroachments of their white enemies who have push- ed them to the last limit. The number ; of wild Indians, who constitute the | { adoption of new medical methods, and tribes that are disposed to be hostile, that it has tried the Koch cure is evi- | Dave been reduced to a mere handful, and there 1s something in this last fee- quackery. No greater triumph could | ble and ineffectual stand against the millions who have despoiled them of their heritage, that would be pathetic if it could be divested of itssavage asso- ciations. cere m———— Bad Indians. Srrrive Burn has left this world with the reputation of having been a very bad Indian. Since his death, however, there are some who are dis- posed to revise their opinion of the de- funct savage and to attribute to him the qualities that belong to the hero, the prophet and the patriot. There was never an Indian who op- posed the whites that was not consid- ered by them as being bad. As. far back as King PmLip, of the carly New England colopial times, the oppo- sition he made to the encroachments of the psalm-singing Puritans was re- garded by them as extremely reprehen- sible. They were the Lord’s chosen people and any protest from the heath- en against being robbed of the land they had inherited from their fathers was sufficient justification for “smiting them hip and thigh.” Poxrtiac, who subsequently organized a formidable resistance to the threatening power of the white man, which tohim portended the destruction of his race, was also a bad Indian. The list of iniquitous ab- origines who have been subjected to the reprobation of the righteous whites, includes Tecumsen, Brack Hawk, Os- cota and other chiefs whose offense was their resistance to the ever increas- ing and encoaching power of intruders from another continent whom nothing could satisfy bat entire possssion of the land. White men actuated by the same motive have usually been called patriots. Sirring Burn probably was a bad Indian of this description. But he has gone to a land where the whites won't be able to crowd him off his res- ervation, and where he and his people will not be cheated by rascally Indian agents, Spawls from the Keystone, —The snow is thirty-five inches deep along the Lehigh Valley Railroad between Lacey- ville and Waverly. —DMrs. John B. Allen, of Chester, aecident- ally took an overdose of laudanum and died from its effects. —Reading Railroad express trains were this week loaded down with turkeys for the Philadelphia market. ~—Funeral services over the remains of ex- Congressman Jchn A. Hiestand were held at Lancaster. The interment was at Marietta, —Mrs. Joseph Finn scarediwo burglars away from her house in Pottstown by using her husband’s revolver. 4 —Horse disease of some kind has broken. out in Dublin, Bucks county. Three horses have died within a few days. —dJohn M. Donnelly, a Lebanon inventor and manufacturer, died on Friday ni ght from injuries received a week ago in a runaway ac- cident. / —There are said to be sixty-five deli nqaent collectors of county tax in Berks, and action upon their bonds will be taken by the Com. missioners. —David snd Joseph Nicely, the Somerese County murderers, spplied to the Beard of Pardons for a rehearing,on the ground of after- discovered evidence. —A demented Italian, known as Pedro, be- came violent and escaped from the poor house at Ransom, above Pittston, and was only re- taken after a desperate fight —Assistant Postmaster McMahon, of South Bethlehem, was beaten out of $10 on Saturday by a dapper young man worki ng: the “flim- flam” game on him, —The Pennsylvania branch of the Farmers’ League, in convention at Pitisbu rg, passed a resolution demanding equal taxation of all property, persondl and corporate. —The late Andrew Garrett's will did: not, as has been supposed, leave a large bequest. to Trinity Lutheran Church, Mechanicsburg. George Hummel gets the estate instead. —Ignatz Altman was robbed on Sunday even. ing at South Bethlehem of $350 by a sneak, thief entering the second story of his house and breaking open a trunk. —Morris Miller and Simon Shopswich are in prison at Hazleton in default of paying fines of $50 each for peddling without a lieense, the. result of: cross-char ges growing out. of a quarvel. —MeKee & Fuller, car manufacturers at Fullertown, Lehigh county, have received an order from the Lehigh Valley Railroad Com- pany for 1000 freight cars, all to be supplied with the air-brakes and patent coupl ers. —The commission created by the Legisla~ ture to examine into the present system of maintaining the poor, and to codify the exist: ing laws relating to that subject, met. at Har risburg to complete its work. —A man named Adams, itis said, has been fleecing the families of West Chester by repre= senting himself to be an agent for a- Philadel- phia photographic firm and collecting. money for pictures which he failed to make. —The announcement made that. Sheriff- elect Sides, of Lancaster, intends reappointing Isaac B, Lovan, a Democrat, as hls principal deputy, and Jacob Shenk as another deputy: has raised quite a commotion in. local po. litical circles. —Mrs. Jane Lewis was attacked by tramps on Saturday and beaten so that she died. Her Son, with whom she lived, six miles from Al- toona, was absent at the time of the assault, and when he arrived home his mother was unable to taik to him. —Sixteen arrests were made in. connegtion with the dispute-between the members of the Lutheran and Reformed Churches a Cherry- ville, Northampton county, coneerning the use of the cemetery attached to St. Paul's Luther- an Church there. —Tate, Shaffer and Downing, delegates ac: cused of accepting bribes at the Republican - Convention which nominated MeDowell, of: Mercer County, were commited to jail for re= fusal to testify at the trial of Attorney William D. Wallace, who is under iedictinent for bri bery. —Orders have been served by the Chief of Police at Norristown on St. Aloysius’ Church people, holding a fair in. the Opera House, not. to run their pool-wheel, and the wheel which was in motion during the past week by the Friendship Pioneer Corps was also stopped on the complaint of Rev. H. ¥. Dyckman, —The State financial officers, the State Trea~ surer and Auditor General, have finished their report of 1eceipts and. expenditures of the Commonwealth for the year ending November 30,as follows: The total receipts, $8,625,918, and a balance of $4,426,645 in the Treasurey, an inerease of $160,520 in the receipts. ———————— Who Is to Blame 2: Boston. Transeript. But much of what is written, of the present dispositson of the Indians to-. ward an outbreak is evidently exagger- ated, and, aside from this, we are strongly disposed to suspect plots to. drive the Indians out of their posses- sions by means of war on the part of those who covet those possessions for their own ownership. Our people may well think of the cost, as wall as the suf- fering, implied in an Indizn war before. they give countenance to these who. would bring it on. A Veteran Killed by the Cars. The Renovo News says that Isuac Swartwood, while crossing the Sinne- mahoning creek on the-P, & E. railroad bridge, Thursday monning, was struck by the engine of fast frieght and thrown on the ice some 20 feet below, and was picked up by friends and car- ried to the station, where he died in about two hours. Mr. Swartwood was an honorably discharged and pensioned, soldier of the late war, and was seventy- two years of age. His family and, friends deplore the sad end of this aged veteran. i ———————— Reguoalating Immigration. ” Norwich Bulletin. We are willing to welcome all who com: to us possessed of ordinary intelli- gence, capable of self-support, endowed with the instincts and ideas of common morality, and anxious to become of us as well as merely to live with us. But it if high time that some restrictions were put upon the incursions of ignor- ance and pauperism and vice and crime. In piain Koglish, we have the right to choose what guests we shall invite to enter our family, the right to refuse those whose company we find undesira- ble, and the time 1s fully ripe for exers cising thay right.