Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 19, 1890, Image 8

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A RA ee ——— = —— ———
Bellefonte, Pa., December 19, 1890
To CorrespoNDENTS. — NO communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
plate a change in my business, by the
1st of March, I now offer my entire
stock of clothing and gents furnishing
goods regardless of cost. This) is ne
humbug, but a straight offer.
——W. E. Gray, esq., has presented
to the Board of Pardons petitions na-
merously signed for the pardon of Fietta
Mrs. Thomas Merriman died at
Hannah Furnace on Thursday of last
week and was buried on Friday after-
——The schools of Bellefonte com-
menced their holiday vacation last Sat-
urday, which will continue until the
5th of January.
John Lehr, jr., of Philipsburg,
went out last week the first time in his
life for deer, and killed a big buck and
wounded another.
——The Jury Commissioners have
completed the work of filling the jury
wheel for next year and have drawn
the jury for January court.
This has been an unusually good
year for deer, more than the usual
number having been killed in the sea-
gon which closed on the 15th inst,
If you don’t dance you can enjoy
yourself by going and looking on at the
grand Masquerade Ball of the Logan
Hose Company on New Year's Eve.
Masters Ed. Haupt and Harry
Gerberick succeeded in killing a large
red fox on Monday last. This makes
the third that Ed. has had a hand in
killing, this season
——1TIt is reported that there is a pros-
pect of the establishment of a large pa-
per mill at Unionville, the material for
making the pulp to be supplied by the
woods of the neighborhood.
Ex-Gov. Curtin was taken with a
chill while in New York and became
quite ill, requiring his being brought
home in a special Pullman car on
Thursday evening of last week.
——Officer Gares had quite a time
identifying a prisoner whom he locked
up on Tuesday. The man was effer-
vescing with spiritual excellence and re-
quired the services of a brass buttoned
James D. Laying, general mana-
ger of the West Shore railroad of New
York, a part of the Vanderbilt system,
has heen appointed general manager of
the Beech Creek railroad, vice General
George J. Magee, resigned.
—1It is greatly to the credit of Reg-
ister John Rupp that he always refuses
to accept the regulation fee[for certifying
to the applications for pensions from all
old soldiers or their widows. “They
ueed it more than I,” is what he al-
ways says :
The only business done by the
borough council on Monday evening
was the signing of the new contract
with the Electric Light Company for
the new arc lights which will be up and
ready for use in the beginning of Jan-
——Judge Orvis was one of the at-
torneys for the plaintiffs in the big
ejectment suit of Daniel Shepp and
others which was tried in Pottsville last
week. Among the attorneys for the
defend ants was Hon. S. P. Wolverton,
-of Sunbury.
~——-The Centre Hall EBeporter says :
B. K. Jamison, the well-known Phila-
delphia banker who failed last week, at
one time drove stage through here, on
the Bellefone and Lewistown line, per-
haps 30 or 40 years back, and is known
to some of our people.
A hunting party consisting of
John and Wm. F, Parker, J. C. and
W. W. Barnhart and John Zimmerman
raturned some days ago from a hunt in the
Alleghanies, bringing with them eich
deer, one of which weighed 200 pounds.
J. C. Barnhart shot three of the eight.
—A Musical Convention and Coa-
cert which promises to be one of the
most entertaining and delightful ones
held in the county this season, is now
- being arranged for in the Lutheran
- church at Sanydertown (near Nittany
- Hall) for January 19 to under the
: Suparvision of Prof, J. A, Weaver of
‘Pine Grove.
The Philadelphia Record Alma-
nac for 1891, a copy of which is furnish-
ed to every subscriber of that excellent
and reliable paper, has already reached
us. Itis brim tull of just such infor-
mation as will be of interest and use to
the general reader and valuable for ref-
erence on any subject it tieats of, It
As not only good in matter but is neat in
makeup and typographic appearance,
and on the whole is a credit to the great
paper that sends it out.
CaxtnE Covnry.—Mr. Orrin Noble,
in the Lock Haven Democrat, says that
the first Teachers’ Institute in this part
of the State was held at Machaa-
iczville, now Mt. Eagle, Centre Co.,
about the 20th of December, 1853,
having Prof. William G. Waring, a
thoroughly educated Englishman, as its
principal instructor, Mr. Noble act-
ing as President. It was probably at
his suggestion that the latter was chos-
en president of this first institution in
central Pennsylvania, if not the firstin
the State. The teachers of Harris
township had a jear or more previous
to this time met in council, but this
session at Mt. Eagle was recognized as
the first session of the Centre County
Teachers’ Institute. Soon after this,
the first session of the Clinton County
Teacher’s Institute was held at Salona,
They were the outgrowth or result of the
zeal and earnestness of the teachers of
those days. These yearly meetings were
well attended by the people in the im-
mediate vicinity, more especially by
those who felt an interest in good
Centre county can truthfully claim to
have led the way in the matter of inter-
est in public education. Prof. Waring
and his associates in Penn’s Valley, and
the Bakers and their associates at How-
ard in the Bald Eagle Valley, were
the first to make their mark, first to
make teaching a profession and the first
to importune the Legislature for the
school law of 1854. The interest wi-
dened until teachers from these localities
were in constant demand elsewhere.
Teachers from Howard were in demand
in Lock Haven as early as 1848. =
In the earlier part of the year 1855
Prof. A. M. Browne and Ira C. Mit-
chell, Esq., taught a one term Normal
School at Howard, with a teachers’ de-
partment, and in a separate department
amcdel school. While Mr. Mitchell
was away on his wedding tour Mr. No-
ble acted as first assistant in this early
Normal School. Dr. Gibson, a highly
educated gentleman of more than or-
dinary ability, was the first Superinten-
dent of Centre county. He resided at
Jacksonville, only two miles from How-
ard, and frequently visited this embryo
Normal School. From the foregoing it
is evident that Centre county took the
lead in education at an early day. If
her schools are not now the best of any
in the State, outside the large cities, it
is thp fault of those who have failed to
act well their part since the above dates.
A ProGrEsSIVE Firm.-—The Belle-
fonte Fuel and Supply Company have
rented a new office in the Hale building
opposite the Court House, in this place.
Messrs. Thos. A. Shoemaker and Jos. S.
Montgomery, whose partnership forms |
the Company, have been working in-
cessantly for the last two years to give
the people of this community a complete
supply depot, and we are glad to say
that they have succeeded remarkably.
Connected with the Centre Coal Com-
pany and being the representatives of
the celebrated Acme Oil Co., they have
surrounded themselves with exhaustible
sources from which to supply their cuas-
tomers with the best stock at the lowest
possible figures. Their yards are ad-
mirably located for farmers who come
in with teams, being removed from the
railroad and well adapted for feeding.
They deal only in the best. No sup-
plies are purchased from them that are
misrepresented. The Company is
building up an extensive wholesale
business in the coal which is mined
from their own mines near Snow Shoe.
It is seldom that one sees two young
men build up such a business in so short
a time and we are proud to say that
Bellefonte possesses them.
Farmers’ Instrrure.—The farmers
of Centre county will have the benefit
cf two Institutes in the near future.
One will be held in the Methodist church
at Howard, on Friday and Saturday
Jan. 16th and 17th. The other will be
held in Academy Hali, at Pine Grove
Mills, on Jan. 19th and 20th. These
gatherings for instruction in higher ag-
ricultural methods are of recent incep-
tion in this community, but the ones
that have thus far been held have prov-
ed of such benefit to our farmers that
the two about to be hela are looked
forward to with much expectation. Rep-
resentatives of the State Board of Agri-
culture, State Grange, State College
Faculty, tate Horticultural Society,
and the Centre County Agricultural So-
ciety, will be present and enter into the
discussion of the questions which will
be under consideration. For the suc-
cess Of these Institutes our people should
attend and lend their efforts to the work.
Crosi oF THE SEAsoN.—-The time for
shooting quails and hunting deer came
to a close last Monday, 15th ; that is,the
law of the Commonwealth makes it a
fineable offence to kill deer and quails
after that date, though rabbits, squirrels
turkeys (wild) and pheasants may be
hunted until Jan. 1.
——A strong bund and orchestra ac-
companies the Peck and Furman’s
Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., which will play
here on Tuesday night, Dec. 23rd.
Two Topsys, two Marks the Lawyers
and thirty good actors,
A four-horse team drawing a
large engine hoiler, stalled on the rail-
road crossing, on High street, on Thurs-
day morning. The depth of the snow
banks made it impossible for them to
pull through.
——Among all the attractions at the
Institute this week none were more ap-
preciated, if prolonged applause counts
foranything, than the claronet solos ren-
dered on Wednesday afternoon by our
barber friend, R. A. Beck. The way
he played “America,” and the cheers he
got for it, were simply wonderful.
——On Wednesday last the employ-
ees of the suspended Cantre Iron Co., of
this place, were paid two weeks of their
back wages. They expect to be paid
in full, for the remaining two weeks
work, in a short time. The men are all
very much in need of the money, but it
is only a question of a few days now un-
{ til they get payment in full.
While Mr. Monroe Armor was
loading his wagon, near Gerberick,
Hale & Co’s Mill, on Tuesday morning
last, ho made a mis-step and fell off the
rear end of it. He untortunately struck
his head on a large rock, rendering him
unconscious. For a time it was thought
that his skull had been fractured, and
his condition is deemed critical yet, We
hope for his speedy recovery.
——The following are the marriage
licenses granted by Ragister Rupp
since last publication: John E. Tmel
and Amanda Jane Cain, both of Belle-
fonte ; Samuel Butler and Eliza Me-
Closky, both of Cartin twp; J. E.
Koon, of Pleasant Gap, and Laura L.
Gross, of Linden Hall ; Clyde E.Thom-
as, of Harris twp. and Alice R. Zettle,
of College twp ; Cyrus M. Johnson, of
State College, and Marion Miller, of
Pine Grove ; A. C. Eisenhuth, of Co-
burn, and Annie M. Haines, of Wood-
T. C. Kinzing, a prominent busi-
ness man of Lock Haven, and President
of the First National Bank of that
place, died at his home last Monday,
aged 72 years. He was born in Phila-
delphi, February 7, 1818. #When quite
young his parents removed to Columbia
county, where he was educated and start-
ed in business. In 1840 he went to Lock
Haven, continuing his commercial pur-
suits. In 1864 he became president of
the First National Bank, of that city, its
present prosperity being in great part
due to his careful and sagacious man-
ness interests. was a large stockholder
in the gas works of the town, and was
| the secretary and treasurer of the Lock
| Haven boot and shoe manufacturing
| company.
| haveaiready referred to the arrangement
| by which the Beech Creek Railroad is
reported to have been turned over to the
Vanderbilt interest. The following
from the Philadelphia Inquirer of the
11th inst, gives farther particulars:
General George J. Magee, who built
the Beech Creek road and has been its
general manager from the beginning,
has resigned, and J. D. Laynig, general
manager of the West Shore road, has
been appointed to succeed him. General
Magee’s retirement is said to be due to a
change in the ownership of the Beech
Creek road. The Vanderbilts, who
bought up the holdings of the minority
stockholders in the road, are understood
to have transferred their stock to the
New York Central Company, and it is
desired that the property be brought
directly under the management of that
corporation. General Mageestill retains
the presidency of the Fall Brook Coal
company, in which the Vanderbilts are
largely interested.
The Vanderbilts have purchased about
15,000 acres of bituminous coal land on
Chest creek, in the northwest corner of
Cambria county, and the Beech Creek
Road js to be extended thirty miles to
reach it. This tract is the only undevel-
oped coal territory of consequence east of
the Allegheny Mountains. It will afford
a considerable amount of traffic for the
railroad, which will turn it over either
to the Fall Brook Company or the
Reading. This extension will be made
next year.
The purpose of the change in man-
agement, however, is believed to be re-
lated to the recent acquisition of a char
ter for a road to connect the Beech
Creek with the Lake Shore at Oil City.
The construction of ninety miles of
track will close the gap and form a new
route from Chicago to Philadelphia.
For through all rail freight this route
would be of great advantage, as it would
be 905 miles long as against 1,023 by
the present route via Lyons and the
New York Central, Moreover, the
Uentral is always crowded with business
and would prefer the Philadelphia busi-
ness done over another line of which it
holds all the stock. The Central will
not lose any revenue because of a re-
duction in the distance since the Read-
ing which is its Philadelphia connec-
tion, gets an “arbitrary” for its services
and the Central gets all the rest. Of
course the Readings coal business
which is done over the docks at Buftalo
will not be changed. It is reported that
the Oil City extension will nut be fin-
ished for two years.
He had various other busi- |
nS a
~~ WHeRrge 18 SHE ?—Frederick Hom-
| mer, of this city, is desirous to ascertain
! the whereabouts of his daughter, whose
maiden name was Lizzie Hommer, and
who is said to have been married at
Renovo about ten years ago. The lady
is supposed to be in this section some-
where, and her father is anxious to know
where, as there is a fortune that will be
her’s upon his demise. Address, Fred-
erick Hommer, Lock Haven, Pa. Ex-
changes please copy.——Lock Haven
reopening of the public schools after
the holidays, Prof. Weber intends in-
avgurating a public school penny sav-
ing bank, which 1s a good idea, It will
be conducted on regular banking system
and each depositor will be furnished
with a bank book. The Williamsport
schools have such an institution, which
is a grand success, and Prof. Weber
will visit Williamsport during his ab-
sence to acquaint himself thoroughly
with the system. — Philipsburg Ledger.
A Surricieyt Exeradhrion.—
These are the days of Republican na-
tional and State administrations, of a Re-
publican congress, and of an increased
monopoly tariff, which perbaps explains
the following from the Bellefonte News:
“There is now great despondency
among the employes of the Centre Iron
Company. Not only are they out of
employment, but they got no pay for
their last month’s work, and then the
great uncertainty of when they may
| start up is good reason for feeling de.
spondent. Some think the works may
start up some time next month, but the
chance of their doing so is not very
great. It isreally too bad thatsuch a
valuable plant should lay idle.”
The most remarkable span of horses in
Clinten county is owned by Commis-
sioner H. B. Kleckner. These horses
were twin colts, jet black and look ex-
actly alike. They are now past twenty-
six years of age and have worked on the
farm since they were three years old.
Mr. Kleckner at one time refused
$1,200 for them. Every year up to the
present they have done their full share
of work on the farm, During the win-
ter season they are allowed to stand in
the harness on. Something remarkable
about this team is that when in the pas-
ture field they are never seen more than
twenty feet distance from each other.—
Lock Haven Democrat.
Hier Scuoon Exercises.—The ex-
ercises at the Bellefonte High School
preceding the Holiday vacation were
interesting and instructive. Orations by
| some of the brightest scholars was inter-
spersed with skillfully rendered music.
D, F. Fortney, Esq. delivered an address
in which he spoke highly of the good
ttendance of the High school scholars
thus far this season, averaging about 97
per cent. J, C. Meyer, Esq., after a
fitting address presented Prof. Johnston-
baugh with alarge lamp, Prof. Lieb
with illustrated histories of Palestine
and England, and Prof. Wolf with a
handsome port folio, in behalf of the
scholars. There were a number of
greatly interested visitors present,
appear to have a hunter’s paradise over
in Huntingdon county, judging from
toe following in the Huntingdon Local
News: During the deer season, which
began on the 1st of October last and
closed on the 15th inst., there have been
killed in Diamond Valley, this county,
the unprecedented number of sixty-nine
deer and two bears. The first bear was
shot some weeks ago by Martin Thomas,
of Tyrone, and weighed 210 pounds;
the last bear was shota week ago Ly
McClain Lingenfelter, of Union Fur-
nace, and weighed 176 pounds. During
the past week eighteen or twenty deer
have been shot in that region, which is
claimed to be one of the best game sec-
tions in the State, and it would seem
from the record this season that it is en-
titled to the claim.
Lost IN THE Woons.—One week ago
Tuesday Newton Graham and two com-
panions went on a hunting expedition
in the mountains north ot Clearfield.
The two friends missed Graham whilst
in the thickest of the wilds, and called
and shot their guns but all in vain, they
receiving no answer. They kept up this
calling for several hours, when they
reluctantly repaired to their homes
thinking he had preceded them, but
the barn stable, without even having |
Mr. Richards, of Julian Furnace,
is in town seeking monetary aid of his
friends, to enable him to send his son to
a hospital in Philadelphia. About a
year since the lad was suffering from
typhoid fever, which left such a bad
effect in his system that he is now a
cripple, but with the medical skill and
attention to be obtained at the hospital
it is hoped that strenght to his legs
might be restored, Mr. Richards has
been rendered poor by the drain upon
his limited resourses for medical treat-
ment during the past year.—Philips-
burg Journal.
Read the Cash Bazaar’s adver-
tisement of holiday goods.
The late falls of snow have made
sleighing quite good, but it requires more
than snow to give you solid comfort
while you are out. It takes a good com-
fortable sleigh to make your enjoyment
complete, and the place to get such
sleighs is at McQuistion & Co’s. They
have a line of beauties, including
the celebrated ‘old comfort’ sleighs. Call
and see them.
“Cabinets” at Moore’s gallery
for $1. This does not mean inferior
work. It means the very best.
Thursday of last week Mr. W. H. Ru-
pert, living in the vicinity of Blanchard,
killed a garter snake almost three feet
long. The ground at the time was cov-
ered with snow, and the snake was
seemingly as lively crawling over the
top of the snow as it would have been
in a blistering August sun.
The finest and largest line of
Foreign and Domestic woolens for suit-
ings and overcoats ever shown by us.
Full assortment of Ready Made cloth-
ing Hats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods.
MoNTGoMERY &Co. Tailors.
——The Uncle Tom’s Cabin Co.,
which will play the work upon which
Harriet Beecher Stowe unmortalized
herself, here on Tuesday evening, Dec.
23rd, is the best Company on the road
that plays Uncle Tom’s Cabin. If you
have never seen the dramatization of
the book which did more to hasten the
freedom of the slaves than any other
force that acted at the time, you should
go and see it. If you have read Uncle
| Tom’s Cabin go and ses 1ts pathos and
mirth portrayed by an excellent Com-
The 21st Annnal Masquerade
Ball of the Logan Hose Co., will be
held in Bush’s Arcade hall on New
Year’s Eve., Dec. 31st. The Logan
boys are working hard to make this the
most Successful one of the many nice
dances they have already given. The
proceeds will be devoted to help paying
for the new Steam Fire Engine. If you
are asked to purchase a ticket do so. It’s
for a worthy cause.
made arrangements with Dr. B. J. Ken-
dal} Co., pulishers of “A Treatise on the
Horse and his Diseases,” which will ena-
ble all our subscribers to obtain a copy
of that valuable work free by sending
their address (enclosing a two-cent
stamp for mailing same) to Dr. B. J.
This book is now recognized as standard
authority upon all diseases of the horse,
as its phenomenal sale attests, over four
million copies having been sold in the
past ten years, a sale never before reach-
ed by any publication in the same period
of time. We feel confident that our pat-
rons will appreciate the work, and be
glad to avail themselves of this oppor-
tunity to obtaining a valuable book.
Itis necessary to mention this pa-
per in sending for the “Treatise.” This
offer will remain open for only a short
time. 35 49 6t
FINE ENGRAVING.--If you want
fine engraved visiting cards, wedding
invitations, at-home cards, reception
invitations, ete., the WATCHMAN office
is the place to get them. Sole agent for
this district of the celebrated Dreka En-
graving House, of Philadelphia. Fine
engraved stationery of every description,
Crests, coats of arms, monograms and
initials in embossed colors or steel.
Prices low. Workmanship unequaled,
styles the latest.
Pine Grove Mentions.
Mrs. John Dennis has just passed her nine-
iieth birth day yet quite weil and active.
One of our great big Democratic farmers,
Frank Bowersox, will offer his extensive stock
and farm implements for sale, the best of
Mine host, J. A. Deckert, proprietor of the
St. Eimo Hotel, ie sparing no pains in making
liberal provisions for the comfort of the travel-
ing publie, especially during the holidays.
John and Milo, oldest' sons of ex-Commis-
they did not find him. No real alarm
was felt until Tuesday, as it was thought |
he had gone to visit friends in a nearby |
town. On Wednesday morning at an |
early hour one hundred and fifty armed |
men started in search of the missing |
voung man. Many of them were his in- |
timate friends and they were determined |
to find him dead or alive. The young |
man is very likely in a very perilous |
position. The great forest does not con-
tain a footpath or road. It is feared
that if he is still in the wilderness
he will not be found aliye, asthe cold |
during the past week has been quite |
severe. |
——The ever popular Uncle Tom's |
Cabin at the Opera House on Tuesday
night, Dec. 23rd.
sioner H. C. Campbell, of Faiibrook, are now
enrolled at Poughkeepsie Commercial College
where we trust they will graduate with highest
Jacob Kepler, esq., editor and proprietor of
the Forest County Democrat, spent a week at
his farm here. But on account of a severe
f rm of iritis in his eyes he again returned to
Pittsburg for treatment.
Our young friend, Luther Sunday, one day
last week while sleigbing,his horse took fright,
oversetting the sleigh by which Mr. S. was
| considerably hurt but managed to gather him-
self from his perilous situation and was gotten
home. The sleigh however will need repairs
as well as the horse which was considerably
The musical convention is now in progress
| in the Lutheran church under that skilled
convention leader, Prof. Weaver, with a class
of 120 singers, including three organs, over
. which Miss Annie Fortney, Miss Linie Krebs
and Elsie Housman preside, in addition to a
number of cornet and violin players which
copstitute an orchestra rarely heard in # coun-
try village.
J, Dunlap Tanyer brought down from the
mountain another fine buck and a large gob-
I r, just on the heels of the hunting season.
Jim is entitled to the belt this season. He is
making an efforts to equal his father, W. A.
Tanyer, the champion Nimrod of this section
who has killed forty-nine deer in his time.
This alone should have entitled him to a better
showing for the sheriffalty than he had at the
recent county convention.
On Friday evening of last week a large num-
ber of ladies and gentlemen, composing a
sleighing party, hauled up at the mansion
home of J. H. Miller, esq., where every body is
royally received. The eyening was spent in
listening to elegant music, besides indulging
in a number of innocent though facinating
games which always create much merriment,
During the evening all were invited to refresh-
ments including ice cream and many tooth-
some viands for which Mrs. Miiler is noted in
preparing; also in making her guests feel
quite at home by her social demeanor and
cheery countenance.
Rev. J. C. Kelley delivered his farewell ser-
mon to his congregation last Sunday morning.
The church was filled to its utmost capacity
by a deeply interested congregation who look-
ed the regret they felt at the very near depar-
tare of their highly esteemed pastor and
preacher. “Finally farewell, brethren” were
the words he based his remarks on. In the
course of his remarks he touched every
branch of his church, especially the Sunday
school, the children on whom depends the fu-
tare church work,and also the Ladies’ Mission=
ary Society, and the W. C. T. U. Society. The
church session he urged to go forward in the
work of the Master though they had no shep-
herd. He alluded to all who had been pear and
dear to him as the apple of his eye. He had
knelt at their bedside in illness, he had spoken
words of comfort at the graves of many, and
now by the Lord’s will and a hopefull spirit he
was going from among his people. Though
his departure is very much regretted by this
community irrespective of denomination,
all wish him God speed in his new field of labor
at Williamsburg where a unanimous call was
extended to hun. Of him it can be said. he
left no enemies after twenty years of service.
“Finaily farewell, brother.”
Hecla Titems,
Shurman Zimmerman lost one of his horses
last week.
Our farmers are busy harvesting their ice
crop which is as clear asa crystal and eight
inches thick.
Your correspondent was lately shown an
heirlocm of longevity: Two hundred and fif-
teen years ago, v lien Mexican dollars were
plenty, a great-great Aunt of Shurman Zim-
merman having a quantity of them had a
half dozen teaspoons made, each dollar mak-
ing one spoon., What the cost of making them
I did not ascertain. After having been in use
for over acentury, they have been distributed
around among relatives now as relics.
Newton Graham, of Clearfield Pa,, brother
of Alfred Graham, a lumberman of the firm
of Craham & Co. of this place, went out hunt-
ing on Monday, Dee., 1st, in company with
Wm. Falls, Geo. Stewart, Dean Livergood and
Joseph Leonard and proceeded to their shanty
situated on Crooked Run, a branch of Trout
run. They all started on Tuesday morning,
Dee. 2, with Graham and Leonard, tomake a
drive. About 10 o’clock Graham complained
to Leonard that his boot hurt his heel and
spoke as if he would go somewhere to get a
pair of lumberman’s gums. When he did not
return tothe shanty that night the other men
wanted to know where Newt was. Leonard
said he had gone to Clearfield to get a pair of
lumberman’s gnms, and as he did not return
tothe shanty on Friday evening, when they
were on their way home they made inquiry
for him, but no one had seen or heard of him.
The next place they went was to his brother
Harry who lives in Bradford twp. and not
finding him there, the alarm was given at
Clearfield. Alfred receiving the word Satur-
day noon, on Sunday morning at6 o'clock he
started out with 32 men, to search for his
brother. They scoured the mountains well, but
did not find him. On Wednesday morning
Mr. Graham formed another crowd of 75 men,
who were conveyed to the mountains in
sled loads, being old experience hunters with
good dogs, and yet they were unsuccesfful.
On Tuesday, when he was last seen by Leon-
ard, there was not much snow on the ground,
but on Sunday th ere was sixteen inches, mak-
ing the search almost impossible. There
has been parties searching for him ever since ,
and up to Dee. 15 no trace of him has been
found. Mr. Graham offers a reward for the
recovery of his bodywithin the next thirty days
The lost one was a single man, about thirty
years of age, a hard working, honest and up-
right young man. The friends of Mr. Graham
have the sysmpathy of this community in
the hour of their deep trouble. Y. P.O
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White wheat, per bushel.... 90
Red wheat, per bushel. 95
Rye, per bushel.......... 55
Corn, ears, per bushel. 27
Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 56
Oats—new, per bushel
Harley, per bushel......
Buckwheat per bushel..
Bloverseed, per bushel...
Cronnd Plaster, per ton..
Bellefonte Produce Jarkets.,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel 75
Eggs, per dozen.. 25
Lard, per pound ’
CountryShoulders 8
Sides 8
Hams 1232
Tallow, per poun 1
Buiter, per pound... v 25
Onions, per bushel. sseseeee 1B
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advanee); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
publisher. :
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance,
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
ows :
One inch (12 5188
Two inches.... 7110
Three inches. «1 10 | 15 20
Quarter Column (424 inches)......[ 12 | 20 | 30
Half Column ( 9 inches). .| 20 | 35 | 56
One Column (19 inches)... 1356 | 45 | 100
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.. . 5 ets.
Local notices, per line..... ry 25 cts.
Business notices, per line 10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The Warcnman office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line ean
be rxecuted in the most artistic mannerand at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor;