Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 14, 1890, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., November 14, 1890.
To CorRESFONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
aame of the writer.
plate a change in my business, by the
1st of March, I now offer my entire
stock of clothing and gents furnishing
goods regardless of cost. This is nc
humbug, but a straight offer.
——The report is correct that our
streets will be lighted with the Brush
light by the first of next month.
A meeting of the trustees of the
assigned Robert Hale Powell estate was
held in Tyrone on Wednesday last.
If you enjoy athletic sports go up
to the college to-morrow and see the Al-
toona-State College foot-ball match.
The “Black Hussar Band” of the
Social Session Co. attracted quite a
crowd to the diamond on Monday noon,
——When completed, Mr. Frank
Montgomery's new house on Linn street
will be oneof the ornaments of that fash-
ionable thoroughfare.
—— Mrs. Nolan having withdrawn
the charges against George R. Chambers
he was discharged from custody last
week and is now enjoying his freedom at
Snow Shoe.
——Mr. G. W. Mattern, one of Phil-
ipsburg’s well known citizens, has decid-
ed to make his future home in Florida,
He left for the land of flowers on Sat-
urday last.
Mr. J. A. Woodcock and family
will return to our city next spring.
Williamsport has not proven to be as
well situated for Mr. Woodcock’s busi-
ness as Bellefonte is.
——A rambling bear show excited
the people of Bellefonte on Tuesday.
Two large bears were the chief attraction
until policeman Garis put in an appear-
ance and stopped the show.
——The Gamma Phi Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity at State College
will entertain, the fraternity men of
that justitntion, in their handsome chap-
ter house, this-Friday-evening.
——Iavitations will soon be out for
the Senior promenade to take place at
State College on Friday evening, Nov.
28. Stopper and Fiske’s orchestra from
Williamsport will furnish the dance
On Tuesday last the county com-
missioners of Pennsylvania met in con-
vention at Williamsport. Jno. C.
Henderson was not there, however, so
we presume that the meeting must have
been a fizzle.
——Rev. Dr. Hammil, of Oak Hall,
the aged divine, who has for so many
years been pastor of the Lemont Pres-
byterian church, preached his farewell
sermon, to his congregation at that place,
on last Sunday.
—— Young Cleary, the boy who mur-
dered Policeman Paul of Renova last
year, will be given a second trial at the
January term of the Clinton county
court. Bighty jurors have been drawn
for the first week,
——The Democrats of Lock Haven
bad a grand jollification on Thuesday
night of this week over the election of
Pattison and the sweeping Democratic
victory throughout the length and
breadth of the land.
——We read in the Altoona Times
of an attempt to outrage a little girl,
made by an old man. There is getting
to be entirely too much of such things
in our midst and the punishment for so
heinous a crime cannot be too severe.
——Those in search of good farrus to
purchase will learn of several first class
ones by consulting the 6th page of this
paper. These farms are all in good con-
dition and productive. By calling on
or addressing the agents whose names
are attached, no doubt you can secure
——The unusually large crowd of
people that was in town on Saturday
last was brought here by the great
advertisements of M. Fauble, the Ro-
chester Clothing House man, in last
week’s Bellefonte papers. Oh! yes,
printers ink isa better drawer than
anything that can be had.
—Our little contemporary, the Daly
News, makes the following startling an-
nouncement in its issue of November
11th: “Housekeeping is about over and
‘he men are correspondingly happy.’”’
Surely it must have positive authority
that “marriage is a failure,” or Gates
contemplates an end of wedded blessed-
11088. ;
~——Messrs. Daniel Heckman, of Ben-
mer township, Jno. F. Short, of Clear-
field, and Edward Goldstien, of Lock
‘Haven, three solid aud substantial Dem-
‘ocrats, acting as Senatorial return Judg-
e for this district, met on Tuesday last
a‘ the Court House in this place and ful-
filled the requirements of the law by
computing the returns and certifying to
the results, a report ofs which will be
found elsewhere in to-day’s paper.
gs.—Harry Marsh, the young English-
man convicted of the murder of Clara
Jones, and now confined in the Ebens-
burg jail, has made a fall coafession of
his crime. He acknowledges the kill
ing and explains every detail of his hid-
eous crime, In fact his confession is a
biography of his life. On the morning
of the murder he and Clara Jones ieft
the house of a man of the name of
Guthridge, where they had been during
the night. Marsh had been drinking
before he started out. Their destination
was Amsby, and they went by the way
of the railroad until they reached Mitch-
ell’s mines, There they took a path
which led into a quarry road. At this
point, as Marsh avers, Clara Jones in-
formed him that she was pregnant and
that John Redman was her betrayer.
She then asked Marsh to kill her, as she
was ashamed of her condition. Crazed
with jealously he went to the railroad,
picked up a coupling pin, returned and
| dealt the girl a blow on th. head with
the pin. She sank to the grourd and
Marsh took out a razor which he had
and cut her throat. Marsh says it was
his intention to suicide, but he was pre-
vented by seeinga man and boy coming
down the road. He then went and gave
himself up. Marsh blames his crim®
and the condition it has brought him in-
to to the indulgence in strong drink:
and warns all yeung men to heed his sad
BURG.—The Democrats of Philipsburg
and neighborhood set apart last Monday
evening to jubilate over the great Dem-
ocratic victory in county, state and
country at large, and that they did it
in grand style must be confessed by all
who were witnesses of the demonstration.
Preparations were made for a brilliant
display, including the windows of many
private residences, stores and business
establishments. In the illumination
such mottoes as the following were
conspicuous : “And they turned on
the light.” “Victory inspite of boodle.”
“We have come to stay,” “Where is
McKinley 27 “Pap wasn’t vindicate,”
and others of equal pertinence. Many
comic cartoons were displayed.
The parade was large and imposing,
there being hundreds in line, and as
nearly all bore torches, the line was a
very brilliant one. There were nearly
4 hundred horsemen in the procession,
and wagons loaded with enthusiastic oc-
cupants helped to extend the line, and
while it moved blazing rockets, resound-
iug cannon-crackers, and brilliant pyro-
technics helped to swell the din and in-
creuse the glare. The procession, march-
ing to the music of bands, made the cir-
cuit of the town. The inscriptions on
some of the transparencies were as fol-
lows: “Reed won’t count as much in
the next congress, you bet.” “They
had their fill of the McKinley bill in
Ohio.” “Whatdo you think he was
whistling ?”” &e. A special train was run
from Oscola, and there were also many
participants from Curwensvill, Clearfield
and other places.
A BET PAID. —The citizens of Mill-
heim had 8 good time on last Saturday
evening, witnessing the payment of an
election bet. Mr. Samuel Ulrich, of
Coburn, made a wager with W. S. Mus-
ser, proprietor of the Musser House, that
if Pattison was elected Governor he was
to wheel Musser on a wheelbarrow
through the streets of Millbeim. Ul-
rich came to Millheim last Saturday
evening and made good the bet. The
Aaronsburg Cornet Band, No. 1, led the
procession, followed by Ulrich with
Musser on the wheelbarrow, and about
fifty men and boys each one carrying
a cow bell, making lots of noise and
creating a great deal of amusement for
the three or four hundred people who
collected together from the town and
country, to witness it. After the bet
was paid a large bonfire was started in
front of Musser’s Hotel, and the crowd
was addressed by W. F. Smith, W. H.
Alexander and H. E. Duck on the vic-
tories gained by the Democrats and In-
dependent Republicans. Everybody
was happy, and lower Pennsvalley has
more rejoicing Democrats to the squars
foot over the great victory than any
other section of the country can boast of.
GREAT MEN.--George S. Lenhart, of
the Williamsport Breakfast Table, and
Meade D. Detweiler, of Harrisburg
went out to Crawford Co. to ‘stump for
Delamater, and on the day before the
election the Meadville 7ribune Repub-
ican gave them the biggest sort of a
puff. It said that they were Republicans
from the soles of their feet to the crowns
ot their heads, and’ were broad-minded,
lozical, concise and eloquent, and their
work would bear good fruit on election
day, as they had come into the county
because of their earnestness, &e. The
result did indeed show just how much
their political influence amounted to,
for notwithstanding their presence Pat-
tison carried Crawford, Delamater’s
own county, by 600 majority ! The
Breakfast Table of Saturday last, four
cays after the election, with all of Len.
hart’s aspirations in the mud, republish-
es this big puff for himself and his as-
Call at Loeb’s clothing store, Ex-
amine his stock and prices.
——The fourth annual convention of |
the County Commissioners of Pennsyl-
vania met in Williamsport this week
—— William Killinger, of Sugar Run, |
killed a large catamount in the Scootac ]
region Saturday night. The animal
measured 4 feet and six inches in length.
Owing to a lack of work in the |
railroad shops at Renovo twenty of the
workmen have been laid off. The men
are relieved from work until the first of
the year.
——Atty. .D. F. Fortney was in town
this week and visited our public schools.
Mr. Fortney has been a school director
in Bellefonte for many yenrs, and is
deeply interested in educational mattors.
— Philipsburg Ledger.
R. A. Kinsloe, Esq., editor and
publisher of the Wage Earners’ Journal,
at Philipsburg, spent Sunday with his
wife and children in our city. Mrs.
Kinsloe is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Rankin, on ‘West Thomas
——The band and orchestra which ac-
companies the Waite Comedy Co., is
exceptionally good. While in Lock Ha-
ven this company pleased the people of
that city very much with their music
and its papers gave the company many
flattering notices.
——Bellefonters will be glad to know
that Mrs. Ed. Tyson, of Philipsburg, is
able to be out again. Mrs. Tyson has
been confined to her home for nearly
five months. At times her life was des-
paired of, but by careful nursingshe has
nearly recovered. May her health be
rapidly and completely restored.
——A Williamsport paper says it is a
fact that there is more fever of a malig-
nant type prevailant in that city than
was che case any time during the sum-
mer. According to a statement made
by a prominent physician a few day$
ago there has been a greater number of
deaths from typhoid fever within the
past three weeks than for a long while
——The Lotus Glee Club sang in the
Court House here on Tuesday evening
last. It was the second entertainment
under the auspicies of the Star Course.
To say the least the concert was highly
satisfactory, every number on the pro-
gramme having an encore, except the
last, and several were recalled a number
of times. George E. Deveil captur-
ed the audience with his exquisite
tenor voice, and Miss Minnie Marshall’s
recitations were enjoyed by all. We
have never heard sweeter melody or bet-
ter harmony than those which the Lotus
Club possess.
——The Undine Hose Company will
give its 8rd annual ball in Armory
Hall, Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 26th.
The dances given by the Undine boys
always prove to be very select and en-
joyable and if you go you will pass a
pleasant evening, we can assure you,
Every person should encourage the fire-
men by purchasing a ticket, as you well
know that our volunteer Dep't.
is practically self-supporting and this
is the only way it has of replenishing
its treasury. Let everyone buy a ticket
and then if you don’t care for a nice
dance hand it to some one who will go.
——The Universal Manufacturing Co.
of Bellefonte bids fair to become one of
our foremost industries. The growth of
this concern has been somewhat marvel-
ous. Krom the Logan Machine Shops
Co., occupying the old foundry build-
ings at the rear of the McLain block, it
has spread until now*it fills nearly the
whole of the old Car Shop's plant and is
extending its work every day. One of
the specialties of this company is steam-
heating appliances and equipment.
We are pleased to see such prosperity in
our manufacturing industries and con-
gratulate Mr. S. M. Buck on the busi.
ness he has built up.
——Tt’s not often that the Democratic
boys up at the State College have an
opportunity to send congratulations,
but when they have a chance they don’t
let it slip. Immediately after they re-
ceived the news of Pattison’s election
they wired him as follows :
“Please accept the congratulations of the
Students’ Democratic Club of the Pennsylva-
nia State College, on your election to the Gov-
ernorship of Pennsylvania.”
F. J. Poyp
W.P. ri, | Committee.
Foor-BALL.—To-morrow, Saturday,
the Penna. State College eleven will
play a game of foot-ball on the College
grounds. Their opponents will be the
| Altoona team, composed chiefly of col-
lege graduates in the shops in that city.
The game will be very Interesting, no
doubt, as foot-ball contests always are.
The game will be called promptly at
one o'clock.
A SuccessruL Hunt, —Mr, Ed. Leg-
acy and Mr. John I. Wetzel, two of
Renova’s well-known citizens, recently
spent a couple of days hunting in Sny-
i county. They returned with three wild
| turkeys, nineteen rabits, three dozen of
“quail, seven pheasants and three gray
squirrels. Up in this country a fellow
would think he was doing amazingly
well if he’d capture that much game in
an entire season.
The Democratic students of the Penna.
| State College, assisted by the people of
| the town, held a Pattison jubilee meet-
ing on Tuesday night, Nov. 11th. Be-
fore the meeting all the Democrats took
in a torch light parade.
headed by the College band and over
a hundred men were paraded through
the muddy streets of the village and
over the College Campus. A number
of houses were illuminated and the pro-
cession was marked by the hiss and boom
of Roman candles and sky rockets. Af-
ter the parade the crowd assembled in
front of the Colleze Hotel, where
speakers were introdgced. Mr. Rum.
barger acted as chairman of the meeting
and after a few briefremarks he intro- |
duced District Att'y J. C. Meyer,
Bellefonte. Mr. Meyer's talk was a
short, erisp one, full of congratulations
to Democracy on this its unprecedented
success. He was followed by D.F. Fort-
ney, Esq. also of Bellefonte, who held
the attention of his audience for nearly
an hour. Mr. Fortney gave an able
and sound address and his remarks were
highly appreciated.
During the fore part of the meeting
some Republican soreheads tried hard to
interrupt the proceedings, but their at-
tempts were futile, as they were soon
hushed , up by their more reasonable |
plentiful and the gunning season is here,
but our Nimrods will encounter not a
few obstacles in the shape of trespass
notices. Our rural population sees to |
be uniting for self protection, and the
sportsmen can scarcely move in any di-
rection without treading upon posted
land This is the result of previous
privileges having been abused. In not
a few instances have we heard of hunters
entering the very yards of farmers, mak-
ing it dangerous for life and lim b, fright-
ening stock, and sometimes killing do-
mestic fowls. Some persons are labor-
ing under the erroneous impression that
they can hunt with impunity upon land
that is not “posted,” but such is not the
case. The law makesit an act of tres-
pass to go upon cultivated or enclosed
land without permission. Yet an own
er or renter does not like to have a man
arrested and fined for hunting or fishing
on his premises where no special notice
of warning has been given, consequent-
ly the trespass Iaw thus far has not been
very strictly enforced in this immediate
A HEeRroic GIRL—Miss Lottie Huber,
daughter of a Lock Haven baker, had a
narrow escape from a terrible death last
Monday morning. The Young lady
was driving her father’s delivery wagon,
and was accompanied by a little child.
As she neared the railroad crossing on
Vesper street the horse she was driving
became frightened at the cars and the
young lady stepped from the wagon and
caught the animal by the head. The
horse became unmanageable and started
across the tracks, Miss Huber heroically
holding to his head. She lost her foot-
ing and fell but still clung to the horse
and was dragged for some distance. She
finally brought the horse to a stand still,
but was unable to rise to her feet. The
train was stopped and the train men went
to the young lady’s rescue. Her cloth-
ing was badly torn, but she was not se-
riously injured. Miss Lottie states that
her little brother in the wagon was what
caused her to hold fast to the horse, as
she knew if the frightened! animal
should get away from her the little fel-
low would be killed.
——The Huntingdon Local New’s says :
Friday evening about 7 o'clock, a num-
ber of boys congregated on the hill
above the car works to make a bon-fire,
Several of them rolled a barrel that had
contained tar or some other inflammable
material, to the hill; and while two sons
of John Winters and another boy were
standing over it drumming on the head
with sticks, a lad applied a lighted
match to the bunghole. Instantly the
gas inside the barrel exploded, knocking
the barrel to pieces. Bach of the boys
had the upper portion of their face bad-
ly burnel, and were bruised about the
body by the flying pieces. - The younger
Winters had one of his eyes seriously
injured, and it is questionable whether
he will recover the sight,
——Philipsbuag people are to enjoy a
real treat on the afternoon of the 18 inst,
(next Tuesday,) Messrs Graham & Herd,
lessees of the Opera House in that place,
have secured the celebrated Gilmore
band foran afternoon ‘concert, and the
date has been fixed for the time named.
Everybody in that section is living in
anticipation of the event and crowds are
expected from the surrounding towns.
Itis an opportunity that is seldom given
the people outside of larger eities, and
what first threatened {to prove to the
the enterprising managers a costly ex-
periment, now promises tobe a profit-
able investrent. Even from this dis-
tance people are talking of attending,
and we doubt not that the Opera House
will be packed to its fullest limit. Those
who want seats should order at once.
——The White Comedy Company
will hold the boards in the Opera House
all next week.
The line was
of Co.
~ Alexander Ewing, an employee of the
Tyrone Paper Mill, was going about his
duty a few moments before noon
| Monday last, his head was struck by a
| moving shaft and he was knocked back-
ward iuto a vat of waste alkali and li-
i quor. Luckily he alighted on his feet,
| but was covered clear to the neck with
| the scalding liquid. With great pres-
[ence of mind he quickly crawled out
{and undressed himself, much of the
skin peeling off with the underclothing.
He was taken to his home on main
street and a physician summoned.
| Everything was done to relieve his suf-
fering and his attendants have hope of
his recovery.
| Beware ot imitators. Union Clothing
Great sacrificing selling out sale.
| —The Latest Paris Novelty—The
| ostrich collarrette wm all shades at
| Strehle's Millinery. 43 4¢
| ri ve emma ——
Risvr ForgorreN His OWN LAND.
! — For months, Mr. Cameron Burnsides
and wife of this place have been ‘seeing
the sights” throughout Europe. On
| Friday last the editor of the WarcH-
| MAN received the following written on
a Carte Postale, on the top of sthe Eifel
| My Dear Gray :—Dr. Joe Brocker-
: hoff, my brother Tom und myself from
i the top of this tower send you greeting.
{ This is the tallest tower in the world
but all the same our Country is God's
' Country. Truly Yours,
——A big slaughter in men’s, boy’s
| and children’s overcoats at S. Loeb’.
| John F. Bair, esq., of the Daily
| Journal, Philipsburg, spent Wednesday
[last in Bellefonte, and ;was a welcome
| caller at the WATCHMAN office.
The finest and largest line of
{ Foreign and Domestic woolens for suit-
ings and overcoats ever shown by us.
I" Full assortnent of Ready Made cloth-
ing Hats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods.
: MoNTGoMERY &Co. Tailors.
tendance of the comrades of Gregg Post,
G. A. R., is requested at the next regu-
lar metting on Monday evening, 17th
inst., asit will bethe time for the
I regular nomination for officers for the
| ensuing year, and other very import-
ant business will be transacted. Fail
not By order of the, Commander.
——Now is the time to purchase a
boy’s and child’s suit for a mere trifle
for Loeb is determined to close his stock
out quick.
The Waite Comedy Company
opens Monday night, the 17th, with
“Uncle Reuben.”
—— We regret to announce, the death
of Mrs. W. W. Clark, of Eagleville,
which occurred at her home on Tuesday
morning of last week. Mrs. Clark was a
highly estimable woman, the mother of
a large family, a devoted member of the
Presbyterian church, and had long been
a sufferer from heart trouble. The im-
mediate cause of her death was pneu-
monia. Funeral on Sunday at 2 p. m.
Beware of imitators. Union Clothing
Co. Great sacrificing selling out sale.
stock train coming east jumped the
track, at a point called Port Royal, just
above Altoona. The engine ran clear
through the signal tower, completely de-
molishing it. The engineer and the
operator both jumped, but the }fireman,
a man named Sougacre, was instantly
killed. This tower was said to have
been the finest one ever constructed by
the P. R. R. It was built as ajmodel.
——Shirts, underwear, hats, caps,
trunks and valises at cost at S. Loeb’s.
A Granger Judge.
He Can't be Expected to Know Much
Kansas Ciry, Mo., Nov. 11.—In a
Kansas judicial district which includes
Barber, Harper and Comanche counties,
McKay, the Farmers’ Alliance candi-
date, was elected. McKay isa farmer,
has no technical knowledge of law, has
never practiced law a dy in his life and
has never been admitted to the bar.
The Typical American Patriot.
From the Connellsville Record.
The only regret we have to express is
that Chauncey F. Black, his brilliant
and genial running mate, has apparent-
ly ‘fallen outside the breastworks.”
Black held Pattison’s arms up during
his first administration, and in the bat-
tle just closed thought only of his chief.
He isin every way worthy to be Pat-.
tison’s colleague. He is honest, earnest,
democratic ; democratic not in a nar-
[ row partisan sense, but in the broad and
catholic spirit of a typical American
Tae Williamsport Sun says that
Charles A. Mayer, President Judge of
the Twenty-fifth district, elected to that
position by Democratic votes, is re-
| sponsible for the defeat of Mr. Elliott,
the Democratic candidate for Congress
lin the Sixteenth Congress district. If
the Sun be correct Judge Mayer has
; much to answer for. His official posi-
tion should have precluded such med-
dling, even if gratitude to his party had
failed to restrain him.— Philadelphia
—The following , letters remain in the
Bellefonte P. O. unclaimed, Nov. 3rd, 90.
J.C. Bardell ; Mr. Samuel Kern ; Miss Claud-
ie Coder ; Mr. David Cochler: A. D. Meyers;
Mrs. Marie Cleary ; W. A. Noris; Mr. Samuel
Gingeritk ; Mrs. L zzie Hall ; Charlie Orris ;
S. Harper ¢ (2) Mr. W. F. Packer; Miss Mary
Hoffman ; Mr. William Stenard.
—The following letters remain in the
Bellefonte P. 0. unclaimed, Nov., 10 1890,
Theodore Achey, George A. Barrett, Stephen
Despot, Samuel Feleeon, 2, Mrs. Li. F. Harris,
Miss Nellie Heupt, G. G ilall, D. Lippi, Mrs,
John H. Lloyd, Grizza Raliny, Mato Rebaric,
Stef L. Reklat, Johnathan = Searfoss, Mrs.
Susan Shultz, W. W. Woods, 2. Mr. G. F. Ward
Mrs. Le, Waket.
When called for please say advertised.
rn ———
School Report.
Report of Belle Grove School, for the
month ending Oct 31st. Number of pupils en.
rolled 41 ; average attendance 25 per cent. of
attendance 92 ; number of pupiis who were pre-
sent every day; Sarah Hall, Julia Ammerman
Gatha Ammerman, Amanda Delp, Mary Ship
ley, Sudie Shipiey, Emma Hosband, Jetsey
Hall, Charlie Ammerman, Carl Ammermans
Samuel Stere, Aaron Hall, James Bowmaster
and Jessie Hall.
Number of those absent only one day :—
Ella Bowmaster, Sallie Hosband, Mary Amer-
man, Carrie Hall, Jennie Bennett, Harry Steres
Geo Miller and Eli Hall,
Names of pupils whose conduct and general
average in class recitation were such as to en-"
title them a place on the Roll of Honor ; Julia
Keatley, Sheba Hoover, Jennie Bennett, Gath,
Ammerman, Sarah Hall, Amanda Delp, Emily
Hall, Mary Ammerman, Mattie Sensor, Eli
Hall, Harry Stere and James Stere. Parents
please give your children all the encourages
ment you ¢an in there work at home, and ers
courage them by your presence at school now
and then.
Resolution of Respect.
As passed by members of Victor Grange,Sept.
27, 1890, in memory of Miss Lucy Wortaz.
WHEREAS it has pleased the allwise master,
of the universe and heavenly father to remove
from our midst by death, the daughther of our
esteemed brother and sister, P.and C. Wortz,
Resolved That this dispeensation of divine
providence reminds us that life is short and
that we too must soon cross the river to meet
our loved ones on the other shore. That in
the death of this sister we have lost a friend
who was honored and highly esteemed by all
who came in contact with her. That in re-
spect to the memory of our departed sister our
charter be draped in mourning and during
our sessions for the space of thirty days we
wear an appropriate badge.
Unveil thy blossom faithful tomb,
Take this new treasurer to thy trust,
And give these sacred relics room,
To blunder in the silent trust.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be
presented to the bereaved family and a copy be
sent te some of the county papers and Farmers
Friend for publication.
SAMUEL FEusHoLer, Secy. ¥ Committee.
THOMPSON—SHAW.—At the residence of
the Misses Irwin, Curwensville, Wednesday,
October 15th, 1890, Mr. James I. Thompson,
of Lemont, to Miss Jennie Irwin Shaw, of
Clearfield. Pa., Rev. Charles Herron perform-
ing the ceremony.
BULLOCK—PETERS—At Milesburg, Oct. 23,
1890, by Rev. G. W. Bouse, Mr. L. C. Bullock,
of Milesburg, and Miss Ada M. Peters, of
Dicks Run.
CAIN—COMFR.—In Bellefonte, Cet. 28, 1850,
Mr. Peter E. Cain, to Miss Lizzie Comer,
bot. of Bellefonte.
ds Died i
CANDY.—Aft the State College, Oct. 11, Josie,
aged 4 years and 11 months, and Samuel,
aged one year and 16 days, children of W. xB,
and Mary Candy.
For Josis.
Two little hands laid o'er her breast,
Two little feet laid down to rest,
Two little eyes in slumber closed,
How our hearts are bleeding
None but God knows.
Dear little hands oft reached out to me,
Dear little form that sat on my knee,
Now she is watching and waiting for me,
When I shall cross the dark rolling sea.
Mary Canby,
For Samie.
How can I weep, the tear of pain
Thy placid beauty would profane,
Darken thy cheeks unsullied snow
And wet the white rose on thy brow ?
How can I sigh, the breathing deep
My baby migit disturb thy sleep,
And then with that unclouded smile
Would seem refreshing me the while.
But one hath whispered love to thee,
Suffer my child to come to me.
Then Savior meekly I resign
My baby, now forever thine.
Mary Cakpy.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White wheat, per bushel..... 90
Red wheat, per bushel. 95
Rye, per bushel.......... 55
Corn, ears, per bushel. 27
Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 55
| Oats—new, per bushel.. 50
Harley, per bushel...... 55
Buckwheat per bushel.. wee 50
Bloverseed, per bushel... $4 00 to $6 00
Cronnd Plaster, per ton.......u.u.eveereeessnsen “9
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes, per bushel .. 5
Eggs, per dozen... 25
Lard, per pound.... y
CountryShoulders. 8
Sides.... : 8
Hams.... 124
Tallow, per pound.. 4
Butter, per pound.. 25
Onions, per bushel Ascene 76
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in.
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol
lows :
SPACE OCCUPIED. $ |3m | 6m 1y
One inch (12 lines this type $588 (812
Two inches... 7110] 18
Three inches,.. 10 [15 | 20
Quarter Column
Half Column ( 9 inches)
One Column (19 inches)
Advertisements in s
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 8 insertions...... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.. .. 5 cts.
Local notices, per line......cunue. ..25 cts,
Business notices, periing.....o iii ....10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office hag
been refitted. with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH,
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor: