Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 31, 1890, Image 1

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ink Slings.
—Thé Voice oi the clergy “is heal in
land” protesting against the iniquity of
—The offer of “a trade’” should be tak-
en as a personal insult by every good
—MATTERN, as a legislator, would be
like a ball of putty in the hands of the
corporation bosses.
—The New York Herald is throwing
a flood of light on the expenditure of the
Johnstown flood fund.
— When Cooke takes the cork out of
_ pervades the political atmosphere.
—Democrats shouldn’t mind the
weather on election day. A rainy day
should only produce a heavier shower of
Damocratic votes.
—KUNES, as an electioneerer,displays a
suspicious familiarity with ‘bug juice.”
' As 2 commissioner he would be “the
same old KuNEs.”
—Governor ParrisoN didn’t waste
any time in handling withoutsgloves
the libelers who attempted to take liber-
ties with his fair fame.
--Put a Democratic ballot in the
} election ‘slot’ next Tuesday and see
how it will help to restore honest gov-
ernment in Pennsylvania.
—Two Democrats of an investigating
turn of mind in the Commissioners’
office will beable to get at the bottom
facts connected with bridge expenses.
—Prohibitionists can practically il-
lustrate the earnestness of their profes-
‘sions by rebuking Sheriff CooKE’S
whisky campaign in WOLF’s interest.
—The'tarm horses couldn’t do a bet-
ter day’s farm work than by hauling
voters to -the polls who will east their
ballots for equal and fair taxation on the
LS tarm lands of the State.
: —F1EDLER made a mistake in think-
ing that the mails belonged to QUAY.
Even WANAMAKER had to turn him
down when he attempted to run
the post-office in the interest of the
—Investigation in Clinton county in
regard to county bridge building would
seem to indicate that GALLAGHER ‘‘got
, there.” Wouldn't itbe well enough to
find out whether he didn’t “get there”
in Centre county also ?
el T— al LL OE, Lr ————
mn sp —
—HASTINGS, in the midst of his cam-
paigning for DELAMATER,wss taken with
an attack of pneumonia. Considering
the nauseous character of the work he
was engaged in,it 1s remarkable that his
stomach wasn’t also affected.
—The agricultural people and other
owners of cattle in this county, whose
- stock can’t b» run over and killed on
i the railroads without their receiving
compensation for the loss, should not
forget from whom this measure of pro-
tection to them originated.
how to deal with attacks on his official
reputation. But unfortunately for the
tricky little Meadville banker he isn’t in
a situation to do as PATTISON has done.
It is only the innocent who can safely
€1]1 their assailants to account.
—When the veteran Democratic
rooster shall make the country resound
with his lusty crow after the election,
there will be thousands of Independent
Republican roosters that will clap their
wings and crow along with him. It
will be a grand chorus of exultant
—-The Democratic candidate for State
Senate can point with pardonable pride
to the fact that the only two special acts
y that have afforded practical benefit to
Y farmers and laborers in this county were
passed at his instance and instigation
when formerly in a position of legisla-
tive trust.
—STROEM turned tail on DECKER
who gave him the commissioners’ clerk-
+ghip. Dxrcker and his Republican
friends are now cutting STROEM who is
trying to get Democrats to make up the
loss ; but he is looking in the wrong
quarter for protection against the wrath
of JOHNNY and his friends.
—Farm teams can do effective work
in helping to take unequal taxation
from farm lands, by hauling voters to
the polls who will vote for PaTTIsoN and
Democratic candidates for the Legisla-
ture. In such work Republican teams
-can do as much good as teams of the
Democratic persuasion,for unequal taxa-
tion, so long continued under Republi-
can administration, bears with as much
oppression upon Republican as upon
Democratic farms.
—At the Delamater meeting in Lan-
caster the other day, when a pouring
rain was giving the appearance of
drowned rats to the small crowd that
had turned out to greet QUAY’Ss candi-
date, Governor BEAVER got off the stale
old gag about the association of the
Democrats with rain, corn and whisky.
Probably his abstemious Excellency
hadn’t been informed of the lively whisky
Y campaign that is being run in bis own
county with the hopeless object of elect-
ing a Republican county ticket.
the campaign jug the smell of old rye
© 7
VOL. 35.
* 2NO. 43.
Misuse of the Johnstown Fund.
The New York Herald qf Monday
published a startling arraignment of
the parties who had control of the dis-
busement of the Johnstown relief fund.
It charges that the greatest charity
fund the world ever sa» was ‘at
the mercy of soulless politicians,” and
devotes many columns to facts and
figures that give a strong color to this
charge. The fund amounted to over
four millions of dollars, and according
to the Hearld's statement at least two |
millions were misappropriated, most of
which amount having been squandered
among contractors, superintendents,
overseers, clerks and other dependents
and favorites of the dominant po'itical
party in Pennsylvania.
The countryat large has been start:
led by the Herald's developments, but
in this section and neighborhood, where
there have been outcroppings and sur-
face indications ever since the flood,
the divaulegment by that paper has occa-
sioned. no surprise. In fact, some-
thing of the kind has been looked for
in this quarter.
Wher Governor PATTISON was
some weeks. ago a casual allusion he
made to the Johnsiown expenditures
sent a shiver of apprehension down the
spinal columns of -parties evidently
seusitive on the subject. - The Gover-
nor, in an executive capacity, would be,
by means of investigation, just the
man to getat this matter morespecifical-
ly, both as to facts and persons, than
the Herald has so far been able to do.
He stiowed his capacity for getting at
the bottom of such dark cases by the
manner in which he probed the abuse
of the soldiers’ orphan charity.
——TFarmers, there will be a new
Road Law passed by the Legislature
next winter. Be careful who represents
you. Hort and McCormick are hoth
interested. Vote for them if you want
to benefit yourselves.
s ve——
Vote for Democratic Members of the
The Philadelphia Press, in urging
the election of Republican members of
the Legislature, says: “The Republi-
cans had an overwhelming majority in
the Legislature elected in 1888. In the
Senate they outnumbered the Demo-
crats by twenty and in the House by
eighty-four, making a Republican ma-
jority on joint ballot of 104.”
And yet this overwhelmingly Re-
publican Legislature neglected to pass
the bills for the benefit of the working
people asked for by the Knights of La-
bor; refused to pass the grangers’ tax
equalization bill, and rejected an Aus-
tralian ballot bill intended to secure
honest elections.
Don’tsend another Legislature of that
kind to Harrisburg. Elect a Democratic
Legislature that will pass instead of re-
ject the above important measures,
Vote for Hort and McCormick.
——If you think thata pair of Quay
tools and Cameronian servants would
properly represent the sentiments and
interests Of this county in the Legisla-
ture, your vote will be cast for Fry-
BERGER and MATTERN. Butthe voters
are not doing that kind of thinking.
Be Ready for the “Last” Campaign
Be prepared for the last campaign
falsehoods which the Republican coun;
ty organs wiil publish in their issues
immediately before the election. They
are concocting false charges which they
will bring out at the latest moment so
that there may not be time to rebut
and disprove them.
In holding back his paper until the
Democratic papers have been issued,
FieprLeEr has no other object than to
prevent contradiction of the campaign
lies he will set afloat at the last hour.
Statements made under such circum-
stances bear the evidence of falsehood
upon their very face and the voters
will know how to take them.
What a Vote for Kribbs Means.
A vote for Greoree Kriss for Con-
gress is a vote against the employment
of the military at the polls by means
of force laws; against the suppression
of free speech in the halls of Congress,
and against monopoly tariff laws that
increase the cost of living for every
farmer, mechanic, laborer, and other
consumers, for the benefit of favored
and protected monopolists.
——Tax-payers, you can’t trust FRY-
BERGER and MATTERN on tax eqnaliza-
tion. It is against theirinterest. You
cin trast Horr and McCormick on
this question, for it is in line with both
, their political principles and their per-
interest. Go to the polls and
vote for legislative candidates who fa-
vor the on of taxes.
Boodle in the County Eicetion:
There is evidence that the campaign
! boodle with which Republican coun-
| ty committees have been well supplied
from the State headquarters, will be
used rather sparingly in this county
for the State ticket. Thering leaders
entertain but little hope of electing
DELAMATER, and as they have the
funds in hand they think that the use
to which it may be put would amount
to more by using it for their county can-
didates and letting the State ticker go.
They are correct in believing that DELA-
MATER i3 “past praying for’’—that he
isn’t any longer in the fizht—that it
would be a waste of money to expend
much, of the boodle on him; but as
Camerox ‘has contributed a hundred
thousand dollars to the boodle fund to
elect a Legislature that will give him
another term in the Senate, some of
this campaign ammunition is being
used in this county for the Republican
candidates for the Legislature, but most
of it seems to be circulating in the
interest of Worry. There is no other
way to account for the large amount
of whisky that is being used to secure
{ ware at his Philadelphia store.
——JonN Rupp has made one of the
best officials that ever filled an office in
the court house. He is going to get
one of the biggest majorities ever given
in this county. He deserves it, and
the Democrats will take pleasure in
giving it to him.
Where the Blame Belongs.
The merchants are not behaving in
a way to please the Republican news-
papers, nor are the manufacturers act-
ing to the satisfaction of the or-
gans. The latter are scalding both
the makers and sellers of manufactur-
ed goods tor being so precipitate in ad-
vancing prices to make them corres
pond with the advanced rates of tariff
duty. They ought to hold on at least
until after election before giving the
people such a practical realization of
the fact that the tariff is a tax and
that the higher the tariff the more op-
pressive the tax to the general class
of consumers.
The organs, however, are inconsid-
erate and unreasonable in their cowm-
plaint. The merchants find that they
will have to pay more for their goods
in consequence of ‘he raise in the tar-
iff, and as a matter of course they
must make their customers pay more.
Good JonN WANAMAKER saw that the
price of tin-ware would go up in con-
sequence of the sop given the infant
tin industry, and consequently he ad-
vertises an increase of the price of tin-
finds it necessary to advise his custom-
the drunken element for the Republican | ers of the advance of prices in other
candidate for Sheriff. It takes money | lines of goods rendered necessary by
to debauch a whole county with intoxi- | the increased tariff cost.
The mer-
cating beverages, whether it be beer at chants must adjust their prices to the
5 cents, or whisky at 10 cents a glass. !
CookE isn’t using his own money in
didate for Sheriff. Although his ob-
ject is to retain his connection with
the Sheriff's office, he evidently hag
other funds than his own to pay the
heavy liquor bills, and it is obvious
that the Delamater boodle is being us-
ed for that purpose. The Sheriff's of-
fice is of the first importance to the
:ing and its organs, and hence it is not
strange that they care more for the
election of WoLF than of DELAMATER.
Cooke has a personal reason for such
a preference.
Democrats can show their in-
terest in the election of an honest Gov-
ernor and a good county ticket by us.
voters to the polls. There are always
some who by reason of ill health or
remoteness from the polls require this
assistance. See that they get it by en-
listing your teams in a good cause.
Expensive Bridges;
An investigation has implicated two
of the Clinton county commissioners in
a fraudulent expenditure of the county's
mouey in bridge building. They are
charged with giving out contracts
for the rebuilding of two of the bridg-
es across the river,carried away by the
June flood, at figures much beyond the
actual cost of the work, with the alleged
design of swindling the county. E. T.
(GALLAGHER was given the contract for
two abutments and a pier, for which
he received $24,000. It has been shown
by an engineer of the Pennsylvania
R. R.,, an expert in.this kind of busi-
ness, that the work done by GaLLAGH-
ER should not have cost more than $9,
920. There was no advertising for
bids on this job, it having been given
without competition.
It is well enough to mention in this
connection that this is the same Gar-
LAGHER to whom the Commissioners of
Centre county gave the stone work of
the bridges they built since the flood,
without advertising for bids on the
work. This may acconnt for their
beening afraid to publish the full cost
ot the Karthaus bridge, and it may al-
go be the reason why the cost of the
Milesburg and Howard bridges is kept
go quiet. Messrs. Apays and Goop-
HART, when put into the commission-
ers’ office, may be able to make some
interesting developments on this sub-
Don’ t trade your vote. The bal-
lot should be considered too sacred to
be huckstered. Vote for your princi-
ples and for the right. Spurn every
offer to trade that may be made by
your adversaries.
advance in tariff rates. It is true, it
| looks like gouging for them to raise
the whisky campaign he is managing ' prices on goods which they had on
for the benefit of the Republican can- |
hand before the new tariff went into
| operation, but that monopolistic meas-
sure furnishes them with the excuse |
and opportunity for this sort of specu-
' .
lation, and merchants, as a class,
: ; : . .~ them a better chance to fleece cus-
ing their teams in taking Democratic | ie : :
' tomers 7—didn’t they give their money
have the weakness for making money
so commonjto human nature. But it is
the tonopoly tariff that is responsible
for the gouge.
And as to the manufacturers raising
prices immediately upon the passege
of the McKinley tariff bill, what, else
could che organs expect? The bene:
ficiaries might have been a little more |
considerate abont being in such a hur-
ry, in view of theapproaching election,
but wasn't that bill intended to give
to Republican campaign funds with a
view of securing this advantage ?—
wasn't it for this object they submitted
to having the fat fried out of them ?—
and under the circumstances is it un-
natural that they should begin to re-
coup their campaign expenses imme-
diately upon the passage ot the new
tarift law? What was it passed for if
the gouge is to berestrained ? The or-
gans shouldn't blame the manufacturers.
They ought to blame their congress
for being so imprudent as to allow
the new tariff robbery to begin before
the election.
—— Although Jouy B. MircHELL
and E. H. Carg, for Auditors, and Dr.
H. W. BuckiNgrawm, for Corouer, are
at the bottom of the ticket, they are
tip-top men and should receive every
Democratic vote.
Candidate McCormick's Family Afflic-
We greatly regret to learn taat Mr,
JonN T. McCormick has been sadly af-
flicted for the past several weeks by sick-
r.ess in his family. Four of his children
were taken down with diphtheritic
sore throat, and one of them died on
Monday. Two others at that time
were not expected to live.
"This is a very anfortunate circum-
stance, more particularly an account of
the personal affliction in which it in-
volves Mr. McCormick and his family.
in a less degree it is unfortunate on ac-
count of ita interfering with his
a candidate onthe Democratic county
ticket, Ie will not be able to give any
further attention to the campaign, bat
the Democrats will see that his misfor-
tune shall not interfere with his receiv-
ing the (ull party vote.
a mesthirteiiee
-——Uampaign charges brought out
at ihe last hoor to avoid contradiction
should be treated with
the contempt they deserve,
and disproot,
He Wants a Governor Who Will Be
Sure for the Australian Ballot
In a communication to the Scranton
Truth of Wednesday, Master Workman
Powderly declares positively for Gover-
nor Pattison, Among other things he
says :
“On July 18, 1889, I distinctly stated
that I would not vote on any other.con-
sideration in this campaign than the se-
curing of the Australian system of voting.
Ido not care what either gentleman
has done, or intends to do, on any oth-
er question. Banking all my hopes for the
future of Pennsylvania on a secret, pure
and official ballo ; believing that that
cannot be secured without a constitu-
tional canvention, I shall vote for that
man and candidate who favors both so
openly, so unequivocally, and so boldly
th at his fellow citizens may hear the
words from the forum,
“Mr. Pattison has stated squarely and
frankly where he stands on a constitu-
tional convention. Mr. Delamater has
not done so, and has contented himself
with repeating what was adopted by the
convention that nominated him. He
has not stated his position on the ques-
tion of a constitutional convention, and
I shall vote for Mr. Pattison.
ing this statement I violate no law of the
In mak-
Knights of Labor, for the constitution
of that order advises us to vote for that
man who gives a guarantee;of doing the
‘While I do not ask
any one to vote as I do, I believe that
the best interests of the state will be
served in the election ot Robert E. Pat-
| tison for governor.
most for labor.
——Don't scratch! Every Demec-
cratic ticket should go in unmarged by
erasure, interlineatioi“ior alteration
!of any kind.
Deception Practiced Upon the County
The deception practiced by the Re-
publican county commissioners con-
| cerning the expense of thie Karthaus
| bridge is an example of how they have
| been abusing the confidence of the peo-
ple in the financial management of the
In order to make an appearance of
managing the county affairs economi-
cally they deliberately misstated in the
last Auditor's report the cost of the
Karthaus bridge, setting forth that Cen-
tre county's share of that expense was
$4,498.28. By reference to the records
in the Commissioners’ office of Clear-
field county it is shown that the cost of
that bridge was $17,028.90, and as Cen-
tre county must pay half of this, it is
evident that HexpegrsoN and DECKER
misrepresented in this single item—de-
liberately lied to the people in their re-
port—to the amount of $4,016.17.
The share that Centre county has
paid toward the construction of this
bridge is $8,514.45, and this amount
will have to be reported and the truth
made plain to the tax-payers notwith-’
standing the dodging of the two incom-
petent and unfaithful officials who have
been mismanaging the commissioners’
office for the past three years. The
fact is, they have been making the
building of bridges so expensive by giv-
ing the contracts to political ' favorites
at pretty much their own figures, that
they are afraid to publish the true cost.
We have had an instance of their
deception 1n the case ot the Karthaus
bridge. The *expose of their false
statement is plain and undeniable, as
furnished by the records of Clearfield
county. What will be the exposition
in regard to the cost of the Howard,
Milesburg and other bridges where the
favoritism and extravagant expendi-
ture were greater because not checked
hy a connection with another county in
building them ?
A Democratic Board is what is need-
ed to show up this abuse in its crue
light, 1t is reserved for Messrs. Ap-
ams and GoopHART to give the people
the correct figures in this matter.
A vote for WoLr is a vote for
Cooke. There has been enough Cook-
ism in the Sheriff's office.
Spurious Tickets.
Democrats, we appeal to you to ex
amine your tickets closely before vot-
ing. See that the names of every can--
didate are upon it, and that all are
properly spelled. Mer. C. T. FRYBERG-
1 ER, one of the Republican nominees for
legislature, has been sending out a full
Democratic ticket, attached to which
is one of his stickers. On that ticket
Mr. GaYrer MoRrRrI3oN's name is spell-
ed wrong. Other candidates on the
Republican ticket may be doing the
same thing. We can scarcely believe
that Mr. FryBeracer would do this
thing intentionally, bat the fact that
it is being done makes it necessary
that every Democrat should examine
his ticket carefully before yoting, to see
that no candidate's name is left off, or
that none of the names are spelled
wrong. Democrats, be onyour guard
against spurious tickets. The ticket
as here printed is the correct one.
For Governor
Robert E. Pattison
For Lieutenant Governor
Chauncey F. Black
For Secretary of Internal Affairs
William H. Baiclay
For Congress
George F. Kribbs
For Senator
P. Gray Meek
For Legislature
H. Holt
John T. McCormick
For Sheriff
William A. Ishler
For Treasurer 4
James J. Gramley
For Register
John A. Rupp
For Recorder
W. Galer Morrison
For Commissioners
George L. Goodhart
T. Frank Adams
For Auditors
John B. Mitchell
EH. Carr
For Coroner
H. W. Buckingham
Candidate Rynder Bounced.
Philadelphia Record.
That horny-handed workingman, Cap-
tain T. P. Rynder, who, with the assis-
tance of ex-Chairman Andrews, of the
Republican State Committee, nominated
himself as an alleged Union Labor can-
didate for Governor some time ago for
the purpose of drawing off votes from
Pattison, has been bounced by his mas-
It will be remembered that the Cap-
tain and the ex-Chairman, by the liber-
al useof railroad passes, brought togeth-
er a baker's dozen of nondescript indi-
viduals from different parts of the State
some weeks ago, and that these, despite
the protests of reputable members of the
Union Labor party, put a State ticket
in the field.
Since that time Rynder has been liv-
ing in clover He had a very seedy ap-
pearance when he pecame a candidate
for Governor, but soon there was a won-
derful change. The Captain cast aside
his old clothes and appeared in a new
suit. He frequented the Girard House
and Continental Hotel, and showed a
marked fondness for promenading Chest-
nut street.
Quay, Cooper and Andrews had not
bargained for this sort of thing. They
wanted the Captain to go out among
the mill haads and miners to make
speeches and act as if he really were a
genuine candidate for Governor, In-
stead of this the Captain hung around
the rooms of the Repub’ican State Com-
mittee, and showed a marked fondness
for directing his canvass from the Con-
tinental Hotel. His appeals for funds
to carry on his luxurious campaign be-
came alarmingly frequent, and finally
it was decided that he was altogether
too ornamental and expensive. So _ex-
Chairman Andrews gave the gallant
Captain a yellow railroad pass good
from Philadelphia to Milesburg, Centre
county, one way only, and the Captain
retired from the scene. He is now sup-
posed to be at home, where he is assured
of at least one vote for himself,
The cost of the Captain’s campaign
has been such that Chairman Cooper
and ex-Chairman Andrews have about
decided that it would not pay to spend
any more money on the bogus Union
Labor party by printing ballots for eléc-
tion day. Probably not over fifty such
ballots would be required, but the dum-
mies might as well vote for Delamater
as throw their votes away, and they will
be ordered to do so.
The Republican conferrees of
the district composed of the counties of
Clinton, Lycoming, Potter and Tioga,
broke their long continued deadlock on
Wednesday by nominating A. C. Hop-
KINS, the rich lumberman of Lock Ha-
ven, for congress. With MoRTIMER
Eruior as their candidate the Demcs
crats stand a chance of carrying the
——The Republicans had better go
to see the Kintergarten ‘on Monday
night, as it will be the last opportunity
they will have of laughing tor some time,