= Bellefonte, Pa., October 24, 1890. To CorrrsroNpENTs. — No communications published unless accompanied by the real name of the writer. Mr. M. H. Guisg, of Penn Hall, is the duly athorized agent of the Warcuman for Gregg swnship. mm— THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY. — Charles Gummo, of Julian, has been granted an increase of pension. Assistant Bishop Rulison, of the Central Pennsylvania Episcopal Diocese, is visiting the Episcopal churches in this section. — The Centre Club consisting of about fifty members have fitted up com- fortable rooms in Crider’s Exchange building. about going into that fragaant industry, the manufacture of phosphate, in Lock Haven. Whew! We are glad to learn that Miss Ella Levy, a popular teacher of this place, is recovering from a dangerous attack of typhoid fever. ——John S. Morrison, a prominent citizen of Tyrone, who was connected with some of its leading enterprises, died in that place last week. ——Two Lock Haven hunters eaptur- ed two coons in Nittany Valley last Sat- turday night. They saw six others which they were unable to get. Mr. Joshua Sykes, of Benzinger, saw wild strawberry plants in blossom near his residence last week. Are we to have the mild weather of last winter re- peated ? Don’t forget the Madame Fry concert in the Court House on Satur- day evening. It is said to be a great company that will give a great musi- cal treat. ——A Buffalo Run valley man noti- fies Bellefonte sportsmen that hereafter when they go out after wild game not to fill his hogs full of shot, or there will be trouble. — The venerable Ex-Judge Dieffen- | bach, who spent some time recently in Lock Haven, is about to return to Philadelphia, and many of his friends are calling on him to bid him good- bye. ——Burglars have been operating in Lock Haven, visiting last Saturday night the residences of M. McArney, Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Rankin, entering two of them and stealing articles of value. Mr. Dave Crotty, a well known character in this place, noted for his fine physical development, is reported to be lying dangerously ill in the Al- toona hospital to which he was taken some months ago. ———Mrs. Catherine M. Dule, wife of Mr. C. Dale, died at Pleasant Gap last Friday, in her 54th year, after an illness that had continued for some time. In- terment took place in Pleasant Gap Lutheran cemetery on Monday. ——1TIt 1s reported that Manager Gar- man has arranged tor the return of the Marie Greenwood Opera Company some time in January. They proved them- selves to be so good that a crowded house will greet their return. — Barney McCue, who killed John Deeter near Muncy dam about 16 years ago in a drunken brawl, is still living, fat and hearty, in the penitentiary at Philadelphia, the death sentence having been commuted to imprisonment for life. At the annual meeting of the sur- vivors of the celebrated Bucktail Regi- ment, at Wellsboro last week, Gen. Hartshorne, of Clearfield, was elected President ; Col. Niles, of Tioga, Vice President ; Orderly Rauch, Secretary, and Col. E. A. Irvin, Treasurer. Our little neighbor, the Daily News, was so tickled with the result of its pumpkin contest that it has started a prize guessing match, It offers several nice prizes to the persons guessing near- est the gubernatoral majority in this county this fall. ——1In the Daily News’ contest for the big pumpkin between different members of town council, voted for as the most popular, the prize went to W. H. Crissman, he having recived 847 votes. The pumkin weighs something less than a hundred pounds. Miss Lizzie, the fair und accom- plished daughter of Mr. William Short- lidge has perfected her knowledge of type-writing at a school in Philadelphia and will hereafter act in the capacity of stenographer and type-writer in the office of McCalmont & Co's agricultural store. There wasn’t much business done at council meeting last Monday evening. The street committee reported the sewer fixed at the alley near Munson’s resi- dence, and the Finance committee was instructed to request Mr. Humes to have the floor of the hose house put in condi- tion for the reception of the new steam- er. The Daily News big pumpkin was then prasented to the most popular council by W. I. Swope, esqr. An Elk county man is talking | Tre Opp FELLOWS AT PHILIPSBURG. — Wednesday of last week was a great day 'n Philipsburg, this county; for the Odd Fellow’s fraternity. It was the occasica of the dedication of the fine new hall of Magnolia Lodge,in the cere- monies and exercises connected with which the lodges in this part of the State were invited to participate, an in- vitation to which many of them respond- ed with that fraternal spirit for which that order is distinguished. Great preparations had been made by both the Odd Fellows of Philipsburg and the citizens generally who always di play much publicspirit and hospital- ity on such occasions. The town was profusely decorated and everything put inthe most attractive order for the re- ception and entertainment of the visit- ors. Dinners were provided for between | 800 and 900 people at Brinton, Dun- can & Barnes hall, this essential feature of the occasion being admirably man- aged by a committee of ladies consisting of Mrs. R. A, Kinsloe, J. M. George, Sol, Smith, John Stine, H. O. Hofer, Matthew Elder, S. Cross, W. W. An- drews and Bertha Smidt. The parade was one of the largest and finest ever seen in that section of the State, including 32 Odd Fellow lodges, besides other organizations, num- bering in all 1400 and 1500 in line. The lodges were from Great Island, Broad Top City, Glenn Hope, Burnside, Tremont, Bald Eagle, Blanchard, Osce- ola, Clearfield, Mingle, McIntire, Beth- esda, Boalsburg, Allmanville, Karthaus, Bellwood, Coalport, Houtzdale, Snow Shoe, Half Moon, Mapleton, Lumen, Port Matilda, Allport, Bellefonte and other places, and in addition there were organizations of the Knights of Pythias, United American Mechanics, Patriotic Sons of America, Knights of the Golden Eagle, Royal Arcanum and fire companies. In the line there were bands from Bellwood, Hunting- don, Bellefonte, Milesburg, Clearfield, Philipsburg, Kylertown, and several drum corps. The procession was head- ed by carriages occupied by the officers of the Grand Lodge and the Chief Bur- gess of the town. The ceremonies of dedication com- menced in the new hall a few minutes | after three p. m., and were conducted | by Grand Master €has. D. Freeman and | Post Grand Sire Jamas B. Nicholson, both of Philadelphia. In the evening Post Grand Sire Nicholson delivered an interesting and eloquent address in the Opera House which was listened to by a large and attentive audience. This was followed bv a banquet of the. most sumptuous character at the Potter House. In all respects iv was a great day for Philipsburg and or the Odd Fellows. FATAL ACCIDENT TO A YOUNG Boy.— While Edward Riggles, of Howard, this county, was out hunting squirrels near that place on Saturday last, he was unfortunately killed by accidental dis- charge of his gun. In meking an effort to dislodge a squirrel, which he had shot from a young sapling, it appears that he used the butt of his gun to jar the tree, by which foolish act the gun was dis- charged, the load entering his abdomen. Dr. Mothersbaugh, of Beech Creek, was summoned, but the unfortunate lad died before his arrival. He was a son of Mr. George Riggles and was a little over fourteen years of age. When found by Mr. Frank Brown and several other men who were working near, he was praying and told them to tell his broth- ers and sisters not to worry, for he said «by tomorrow I will be in heaven.” Tt was a very sad accident and should teach parents not to leave such young boys go out with a gun. The funeral took place on Monday at Howard. A QueEr Rooster Fiaur.—The Lock Haven Democrat tells the fol- lowing tale which furnishes an intere:t- ing mixture of love, jealousy and bana- nas : “We are told of an individual who has been paying attention to two women and on Saturday night started out courting. As he entered the door of the oneon Grove street with a big bag of bananas in his hand for the purpose of treating her, the other,and for the time being deserted one, who had followed her beloved, entered with him. The re- sult was a scene of a very lively nature, for the latter fomale grabbed the bag of bananas and commenced to clout her rival over the head with it. The result was a regular squabble, which one of the spectators said looked like a ‘‘rooster fight,” but we don’t see how it could have looked like that either, considering that both the participants were only a couple of old hens.” A FuNNY PLACE FOR A DEpoOSIT.— Dr. T. J. Kean. veterinary surgeon, on Saturday extracted from the shoulder of a horse belonging to S. W. Caldwell, of the Irvin House, a ten-cent piece of the coinage of 1857. The only way in which the presence of the dime in the horse’s shoulder has been accounted for is on the theory that it may have been placed there for pow-wowing purposes. ——A mountaineer who attended the State street market yesterday says that pheasants and wild turkeys are fairly plenty this triot. season. — Harrisburg Pa- The town of Butler issaid to be suffering from a fearful epidemic of pro- fane swearing, and the preachers are making the evil the subject of sermons. Sermors on that sabject might not be out of place in Bellefonte wher: the disease is more sporadic than epidemic. —A careful survey of the country exchanges convinces us that the season of snakes stories is past, and that the fish yarns are all in. But there remains to be recounted the wonderful exploits of the turkey hunter, and the number of | partridges shot to make a sportsman’s holiday. — Ew. — Typhoid fever was the cause of the death of Mrs. Ada McClintock, wife of Howard McClintick, who died in this place last week, at the age of about 30 years, leaving a husband and one child. She was a devoted member of the Meth- odist church. Her remains were taken to Mill Hall for interment. — Wild turkey shooting began on Wednesday, and reports say that the woods are full of them. It will be a good season generally for game, owing to the mild winter. An old sportsman who never misses great sport during the open season, says that after a mild win- ter game is always plentiful.—Philips- burg Journal. ——George Bush was in Philadelphia the other day and is thus spoken of by the Times: “George T. Bush, the Belle- fonte citizen whose name covers the front of a famous hotel up that way, was in town yesterday. Mr: Bush's share in political commodities this year is small.”’——We ean’t see why the Times should rate George so lightly asa poli- tician. At an election by the Y. M. C. A. of this place last Friday evening, the following officers were elected for the en- suing year: President—Newton 8. Bailey ; Vice President—Charles Rhone ; Treasurer John Walker ; Secre- tary—Frank P. Basset; Board of Di- roctors—D. M. Lieb, A. Lukenbach, E. S. Garman, J. C. Weaver, J. W. Gep- heart, W. S. Zeller, A.Lucas and Dr. J. W. Rhone. Mr. Ed. Drumel was con- tinued as General Secretary. ——A New Stead FIRE ENGINE. — Upon an examination of the York steam fire engine which was offered the Logan Hose company for $900, it was decided that it was too heavy, and therefore the company declined to purchase it, but at a special meeting last Friday evening, at which an agent of the Sillsby Steam Fire Engine Manufacturing Company ap- peared, an agreement was entered into to purchase a No 5 Sill:by engine, which is to bedelivered within sixty days. One thousand dollars is to be paid upon re- ceipt ot the machine, and the balance in easy payments. — The executors of the estate of Jacob Gray, deceased, late of Half Moon valley, offer at private sale two of the most productive and desirable farms in Centre county. They are properties located in one of the best communities in the county, have all necessary im- provements to make pleasant and con- venient homes, have an abundance of water, good fruit and pleasant surround- ings, and in every way offer superior in- ducements to any one wanting lo make a profitable investment in a pleasant lo- cality. ——A staunch old Democratic lady, of Lock Haven, widow of an active Demo- crat of twenty years ago and former Treasurer of Clinton county, is mention- ed as follows by a correspondent of the Williamsport G. of B: ‘‘L'he venerable Mrs. Hitchcock, of Fairview street, al- though over eighty years old, takes a great interest in the political issues of the day, and is very enthusiastic on the subject of Pattison’s election. Mrs. Hitchcock has been a staunch Democrat all her life, is a very remarkable reader, and is versed in the polities of the last sixty years.” : — The work of repairing the Acade- niy ras been commenced and will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. Not only will the academy building be repaired, but a structure will also be built to be used as the residence by Professor Hughes. These improve- ments have long heen greatly need- ed and when completed will make the Bellefonte Academy as fine a private school as Central Pennsylvania can boast of. Meanwhile, during the time in which the repairs are being made the rooms over the Centre County bank will be used for the accommodatien of the school. ——Mrs. Mary, wife of Me. W. R Brachbill, died of consumption last Fri- day morning at her residence on Spring street, at the age of about 26, leaving a husband and two small children to feel the loss of a devoted wife and affection- ate mother. She was the daughter of Mrs John Powers, an old citizen of this place. Her funeral took place on Mon- day morning, with interment in the Union cemetery after services in the Catholic church. The following per- sons acted as pall bearers: Messrs. Corney Garman, Charles Shuey, Charles Cook, Hurry Valentine, Henry Brock- erhoff, Edward Brown, Joseph Ceaders, Jobert Gilmore. Rev. P. McArdle offi- ciated. gaa SESE i SET Katie RHOADES will be here next week. She has billed for the whole week, a week of comedy, and has better support than she has had in years; cheap prices will prevail every night. This company played at Wilkesbarre and this is what the News, Dealer says of them : “The Katie Rhoader comedy Co. made its debut to the }largest Wilkesbarre audience of the season last night at Music Hall in a manner that was both creditable and highly satis- factory. The play produced was ‘The Planters Wife,’a pleasing comedy drama. The rendition was excellent and: all the parts were well taken. Mis. Rhoader fill- ed the leading role faultlessly. She has a good voice and is handsome and makes a good stage appearance. She thoroughly captivated the audience that filled the hall from pit to dome, and there were rounds of applause whenever she was on the stage. Taken all in ali Miss Rhoader has a well balanced aad strong support. The show gave entire satisac- tion which was indicated by continuous applause. The mujority of high priced companies cannot do as well as did Miss Rhouaders’ company.” FUNERAL oF THE LATE; EX-JUDGE LinN.—The funeral of the late Hon. Samuel Linn occurred lust Saturday from his residence in Williamsport, the interment being made in Wildwood cemetery. The attendance was large, including many citizens and prominent lawers. The officiating minister was Rev. J. W. Boal, of the Newberry Pres- byterian church, assisted by Rev. Thom- as Mitchell of the M. E. church, and Rev Adolos Allen, of the Third Presby- terian church ot Williamsport. The following members of the Lycoming county bar acted as pall bearers : H. C. Parsons, H. W. Watson, J. A. Beeber, B. S. Bently, W. D. Crocker and C. K. Gaddes. Among the lawyers in attend- ance from a distance were : Ex-Govern- or A. G. Curtin, Hon. John B. Linn, Colonel D. S. Keller, James H. Rankin, and BE. M. Blanchard, of Bellefonte ; J. Merrill Linn, of Lewisburg ; H. T. Harvey and Paul S. Merrill of Lock Haven. A MUSEUM OF ART.--A large jewel- ry establishment, such as Bailey, Banks & Biddles’, Chestnut & 12th streets, Philadelphia, is a perfect museum of art. Tt is a rave one too. Soma of the finest artists and sculptors that have lived gave their best efforts to the designing of jewelry, It remained ,however,for the present generation to discover that a complete jeweiry store should have gems of household as well as articles of personal ornamentation. This idea seems to be the one that has prompted thig firm to have in stock masterpieces of European potteries, exquisite bits of sculpture in marble and bronze, in ad- dition to beautiful examples of the gold and silversmith’s art. REPUBLICAN SENATORIAL CONFER, kNCE.-Republican conferees from Centre Clinton and Clearfield counties met in Lock Haven on Monday to nominate a candidate for State Senate. The con- ferrees were S. M. M’Cormick,T.B. Reed and W. D. Harper, of Clinton ; J. H Odenkirk, J. A. Fiedler and M. F. Riddle, of Centre ; W. I. Shaw, Charles BE. Patton and Harry Washburn, of Clearfield. The conference organized by electing W I. Shaw chairman and S. M. M’Cor- mick secretary, and without balloting adjourned to weet at Tyrone on Wed- nesday, when they nominated A. J. Ma- lone, of Lock Haven. CHANGE oF Rures.—The following change has been made in the rules of the gymnasium connected with the Y. M. C. A, of this place: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 3 o'clock p. m. to 5 p. m., for ladies. Tharsdays from 5 to 6 p. m., Fridays from 4 to 6p. m.,and Saturdays from 10 to 3 p. m., for boys. The other hours of the week for young men exclusively. The experien- ces in the gymnasium during the past month: demand that such changes be made in the interest of the associa- tion. Broopep Smeep.—Mr. LS. Frain is now in Canada purchasing a car load of ewe lambs for breeding purposes. He expects to be home by Saturday, Nov. 1st, and will offer most of his flock for sale. His purchases included such well known breeds as ILeiscester, Cotswold, Shropshire, Oxfordowns and Southdowns. Mr. Frain lives in Marion Twp. below Jacksonville. —Mr. Charles Bossner died in this place last Saturday at the age of 47 years. He was an iron worker by trade, and some weeks ago while on his way to Pittsburg he was taken sick and stop- ped off at Bellwood, Blair county, from which place he was brought home. He grew steadily worse until his disense ended in death. He served in the Un- jon army during the war. ? If you need anything in the giove line you can get it at Mrs. Robt. Gilmore's, S. W. Corner Allegheny and Bishops street. Her stock of centem- eres includes all the latest shades. ——The very newest thing in ruch- ings at Mrs. Robt. Gilmore's. They are the latest. Tae Late June LiNN.--The fol- lowing interesting tacts connected with the life of the late Judge Linn, recently deceased in Williamsport, are given in the minutes and resolutions passed by the Centre county bar upon his death : He was born on his father’s farm ad- joining Bellefonte, on the 20th day of February, 1820, and was the son of Rev. James Linn, D. D., who was pastor of the Presbyterian church of Bellefonte for fifty-eight years. He was educated atthe Bellefonte Academy, and in early life manifested a taste for mechanics and science, and had he been led to pursue this as a calling he would have doubtless excelled ~~ Ros- tive during the progress of his education, when only fifteen yearsold he went to the State of Ohio with his uncle, James D. Harris, then principal engineer of the Pennsylvania and Ohio canal ex- tending from New Castle to Akron. In Murch, 1836, when Mr. Harris was ap- pointed principal engineer of the North Branch division of the Pennsylvania canal, he joined the corps of engineers and continued in the work upwards of five years, and although very young, earned an enviable reputation. He commenced reading law with the late Bond Valentine, Esq., in 1840, and after attending Judge Reed’s law school at Carlisle, Pa., returned to Bellefonte and finished his course in law with the late Hon® James T. Hale, and was ad- mitted to the bar of Centre county at January term, 1843. Ile opened an office in Bellefonte and in 1347 became a partner with Hon, James T, Hale, which firm was dissolv- ed upon the appointment of Judge Hale President Judge of the Twenty-fifth Ju- dicial district in 1851. He was married December 1, 1847, to Miss Augusta Moore, of Carlsle, and in 1856 associated his brother-in-law, the late William P. Wilson, Esq., in practice, which con- tinued until the Judge’s election to the bench. In 1857 Mr. Linn published his ‘A na- lytical Index Reference to the Cases Ad- judged in the Several Courts of Penn- sylvania,” a work involving an im- mense amount of labor, and of incalcu- lable value to the profession in the pre- paration of cases. Hon. George Shar:- wood, afterwards Chief Justice of Penn- sylvania, said of it: ‘To be able to ascertain almost at a glance where} ever a case is cited, the extent of its authority, will make it an essen. tial vade mecum of the practitioner ; | while to the student, the counsel and the judge to be thus assisted by reference to all future cases in which the princi- pal case has been cited and relied on as a1 authority, commented on, explained, qalified, doubted, shaken or overruled, will so materially assist legal investiga- tion that its importance can hardly be overestimated.” Hon. James Barnside died in office, July 1, 1859, and Hon. James Gamble, of Jersey Shore, was appointed, July 15, 1859, to fill the vacancy, and was nomi- nated by the Democratic Judicial con- ferrees for the full term, and the Re- publican county convention recommend- ed Samuel Linn. Judge Linn, at the October election of 1859, carried Centre county by a majority of 729 votes. Judge Gamble’s majorities in Clearfield and Clinton counties were 171 and 97 respectively, and Judge Linn’s majority in thejdistrict, 461 votes, was remarkable evidence of his popularity in a district overwhelmingly Democratic. Asa Judge his charges to the jury were clear and explicit; his decisions were marked by general acquiescence, and his sentences were just, but he was not satisfied with himself in the position, and resigned the office in May, 1868. He then resume] the practice of law at Belletonte in copartnership with Hon. A. O. Farst, which continued until Judge Linn’s removal to Williamsport in 1869. As an ejectment lawyer he had no su- perrior in Pennsylvania. He was one of the most eloquent of advocates; his elo- quence was not of manneror action, but of thought clothed in the most beautiful and appropriate language—elogquence brightened by his wit and enlivened by his humor, of which he had an inex- hausible fund. While a law student at Carlisle he be- came a member of the Presbyterian church, and after his return to Belle- fone was successively teacher and su- perintendent of the Sabbath school, and was elected and served asan Elder of the Presbyterian church of Bellefonte after representing it in the highest as- semblies of the church. ReMovAL.—On and after the 1st of Nov., 1890, any one wishing the servi- ces of Dr. W. 8S. Glenn will find him at his office, in his residence, at State Col- lege, instead of at Snyder's Drug Store. — Mrs. Rob’t Gilmore has just re- turned from the eastern cities with the lurgest. and choicest stock of millinery ever brought to this place. Her goods include all the latest styles and shapes in fall hats and -bonnets. Some of the hats displayed on her counters are sim- ply exquisite, and even if you do not need anything in her line it would pay you to call and examine such a great display. itm a SE a SSNS SR ——Hine's “Hearts of New York’ at the Opera House to-night. Read the changed advertisement of the Cash Bazar. It may be of benfit to you. —T¢ is said that the fire scene in the “Hearts of New York’ is “agrand stage effect.’’ ——$25 for a complete set of double - heavy draught harness, at Wm. Mec- Clure’s. Call and examine. High street. ——On Wednesday next, Oct. 29th, State College, populer young merchant, Mr. Phil Foster, will wed Miss Bertha Haupt of this place. ——Don’t forget to see James Quinn in his part of a dandy copper, and to hear Miss Remington sing to-night at the Opera House. ——Ex-Senator John B. Beck, an old-time Democrat and politician, is in a feeble condition in Williamsport, and fears are entertiined that his days are numbered. AN OBrruvary MISTATEMENT.—On account of misinformation we last week published a notice of the death of David Behers, of Patton township. The name should have been Jacob Behers, who was a brother of David, He had been working all day in the corn field on Wednesday of last week, and was taken at abont 12 o'clock at night, while in bed, by severe cramps which terminated fatally in about an hour. He was about 61 years of age and was one of the high- ly respected residents and farnfers of his neighborhood. — The finest and largest line of Foreign and Domestic woolens for suit- ines and overcoats ever shown by us. Full assortment of Ready Made cloth- ing Hats, Caps, and Furnishing Goods. MonraoMERY &Co. Tailors. For The Ladies. All ladies are invited to call and investigate Newton’s work now being taught at Newton's dress cutting school, 135 Willow Bank street. Thorough instructions given until the work is perfectly understo 4, Scholars can enter the class at any time. Time not limited for those learning. Fittings and patierns cut to order and guaranteed to fit. No refitting done. LIZZIE FLEMING, MARY E. THOMPSON, 35 41-4¢ Bellefonte, Pa. CRETE Trouble in Bucks Couty. The Doylestown Intelligencer, which for years has been the recognized Re- publican organ of Bucks county, in one of its recent issues says : “Boss Keeler and his henchmen are sick and weary of the discouraging task put upon them by the Quay chairman’s circular, sent out a few days ago, upon which was to be returned the number of dissatisfied republicans in the county. Through the western section of the county. already over 200 names have been returned, and still they come | In the language of a disgusted sub-com- mitteeman : ‘It’s all dissatisfaction. There seems to be no exception to the rule. It looks as though it would have been easier counting to have taken the names of those who profess to be satisfi- ed. The whole business is gone—county, state and congress.” —C————— Delamater and the Miners, Wage-Earners’ Journal. Delamater stated that he was in fav- or of the miners having better wages .than they are now receiving, yet in the last session of the Legislature he voted against the Factory Inspection Bill, voted against the “ Employer’s Liability Bill” by which miners injured in the mines by reason of the carelessness of bosses or the parsimony of operators, they, the miners, could recover dam- ages ; voted against the Anti-Company Store Bill ; voted against McCaffry’s Miners’ Dockage bill. It strikes us that it is the quintessence of cheek for Mr, Delamater to say, or for any one to say for him, that he—Delamater—is friend- ly to the miners or their interests. DP lt te a —— Rellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. JacksoN & Ce: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : . White wheat, per bushel........cccceeseenenns . 90 Red wheat, per bushel.. 95 Rye, per bushel Corn, ears, per bushel..... Corn, shelled, per bushel Oats—new, per bushel... garley, per bushel.......... Buckwheat per bushel... Bloverseed, per bushel. Cround Plaster, per ton Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes; per bushel Eggs, per dozen....... Lard, per pound.... CountryShoulders. Sides... Hams... allow, per pound. Butter, per pound.. Onions, per bushe 5e BaF wa -3 a The Democratic Watchman. Published everys Friday morning, in Belle. fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if pai strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year ; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver. fing by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol OWS : SPACE OCCUPIED. |3m | om 1y One inch (12 lines this type $588 (812 Two incheg...... oT: 1.10} 18 Three inches...... 15 | 20 uarter Column ( 20 | 30 alf Column ( 9 inches)..... 35 | 5B One Column (19 inches)... 56 | 100 Advertisements in special column, 25 per cent. additional. : : Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 cts. Each additional insertion, per line... 5 cts. Local notices, per line.........c.euue ....25 cts. Business notices, per line.....c.ocuiiiiiiiiinnne 10 cts. Job Printing of every kind done with ueat- ness and dispatch. The Warcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can be executed in the most artistic mannerand at: the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor: