Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 24, 1890, Image 1
Doms Y ©. GRAY MEEK. 8 Ink Slings. —Candidate DELAMATER begins ‘‘the aggressive” by trying to lie out of his bad treatment of a crippled soldier. —The only question in regard to the Republican OYSTER in this congression- al district is whether he shall be broiled or scalloped. —The success of PATTISON 1s only a quastion of getting out the full'Democra- tic vote and keeping within bounds the operation of the boodlers. — When the polls close, that OYSTER will be found at the very bottom of the tureen. There will hardly be a iadle long enough to dip him out of the soup. —The gay and fastive politicians who are managing the Wolf campaign will discover when the votes are counted that whisky is an unreliable political element in a moral community. -—If a premium were offered for reck- less political lying the most accomplished falsifiers of this region would hesitate about risking the chances of a competi- tion with the editor of the Gazette. —The Republican congressional con- ference of this distriot has supplied their party with an OysTER. Though served on the half shell that bivalve will be well stewed in November. That month has an rin it. —It appears from Captain MoRRIS’S case that DELAMATER’S love for the old soldiers is measured by the amount of money he can make out of them. If there is no money in it his affection for the veterans sinks to zero. —-The large number of clergymen who are declaring against QUAY'S choice for Governor is an indication that the clergymen are notin accord with INGALLS in excluding the deca- logue from American politics. —In taking charge of the whisky branch of WoLF’s campaign in Belle- fonte Sheriff Cooke is showing what a “halcyon and vociferous” time he can give the bummers when he applies his undivided attention to that kind of po- litical work. —QuAY challenged fate when he put his man DELAMATER on the state ticket and compelled the party convention to indorse his own rascalities, and fate has accepted the challenge. The boss will learn that to fool with fate is as danger- ous as to monkey with a buzz-saw. QUAY’s candidate is always on the make. Whether his service is required by the Standard Oil Company or a crip- pled soldier candidate, he must have a pecuniary equivalent. Captain MorRIs declined to pay for his service and there- fore DELAMATER defeated him, —The Press hopes to be able to open the pearly gates of political vic- tory through the agency of pearl buttons but the rise in the price of that class of goods since the passage of the McKinley bill contirms the conviction that has tak- en possession of the public mind that the tariff is a tax. —The eloquent remarks of young Mr. SWooPE in presenting the big pumpkin to tke most popular councilman the other evening, was evidence that he can speak more effectively about pumpkins than about politics. The subject usually is a correct gauge of the caliber of the speaker. —The use of boodle in politics is fre- quently attended with boomerang re- sults. The fellows who want some of it, but don’t get any, or not as much as they think they ought to have, usual- ly resent such a pecuniary slight at the polls, QUAY’S money may cause the loss of as many votes as it may buy. —If RYNDER hadn't been pre-empted by Quay for service as the Labor candi- date for Governor, the Republicans of this district might have put him to use by nominating him for the State Senate. He would be as serviceable, and about as creditable to them in that capacity as he was as; their congressional nominee two years ago. —Senator ALDRICH challenged the mention of a single article which would be increased in price by the new tariff. Tais challenge of the Rhode Island tariff champion is promptly met by the Buffalo brewers raising the price of beer to $7 a barrel on account of the in- creased duty on malt. There is some- thing more than froth in this beery ar- gument that the tariff is a tax. —The Press complains of the inde- cent campaign that is being waged against congressional candidate CANNON, of unsavory notoriety, in Illinois. But when it appears that twelve Repub- lican newspapers in his district have agreed to oppose him on account of hie blackguardism,; it is apparent that Republicans are waging a campaign against CANNON’s indecent mouth. —Candidate WorLr's headquarters at one of the hotels in this place is the scene of much conviviality and merri- ment. Some days ago that hilarious refrain, “We won’t go home till morn- ing,” was wafted from that apartment at about 2 o'clock, a. m. From the con- dition of the party itis altogether pro- bable that they didn’t go home at all that day. eT 6 A CIICEd NX ¥ yv. TRO ® ( { & X 3 d, 0 on —RE y m VOL. 35. = Afraid of a Joint Discussion. It having happened that the itiner- aries of the two candidates for Govern- or would bring them both to Carlisle on the same day, the 24th inst., Chair- man Kerr, of the Democratic State Committee, challenged the chairman of the Republican Committee to have a joint debate betweeu the candi- dates, at that time and place on the issues involved in the State campaign. There should be no good reason why this offer to have a joint dis- cussion of matters of interest and im- portance to the people, shonld not he accepted; but chairman ANDREWS posi- tively declines it, giving as a reason for his refusal that the campaign, as conducted by DELAMATER'S opponents, is too abusive, even going so far as to charge that Governor Partrison “has been aiding and abetting a campaign of personal slander and abuse against the head of the Republican State ticket and other Republican leaders.” This sounds strange to those who have heard the two candidates speak in this contest. They were both heard in Bellefonte. Governor Parrisox never mentioned Mr. DELAMATER'S name, nor personally alluded to Mar Quay. On the other hand the Repub lican candidate was very bitter in speak- ing of his Democratic opponent and abused the Democrats genetally. The joint discussion is declined also for the alleged reason thatthe Democra- tic campaign isn’t conducted “upon the grave national and State issues involy- ed.” [Itis difficult to see what grave national issues are involved, but the State issues, such as honest State gov- ernment and the supremacy of the peo- ple instead of the bosses, are very im- portant, Governor ParrsonN discus- ses them in all of his speeches, but DeraMater shirks them. Chairman Axporews declines to ac- cept. chairman “Kerr's challenge be- cause he is afraid to have his man stand up in debate with Parrison, but that is no reason why he should give such a “baby” excuse for backing out. They Are Going To Be the Assailants. The supporters of Quay’s candidate are going to stop acting on the defen- sive and have made up their minds to be aggressive. It is announced with a flourish that they will push the fight and become the assailants. Scarcely is this announcement made before Deramarer is called upon to explain his conduct toward Capt. Morris, the crippled soldier of Meadville, whom he helped to defeat as the Republican candidate for county treasurer because he wouldn’t promise to put the county funds in the Delamater bank. This is “taking the aggressive” with a ven- geance. The peculiarity of this campaign is that it is Republican enemies that keep the Republican candidate so busy in wardiag off blows that he hasn’t a chance to become an assailant. The hottest shot that have been poured into him have been aimed by such Republicans as Emery, Ruran and Capt. Morris, and also come from such Republican sources as the Lin- coln Independent Republicans, and other Republican organizations, and the six ;revolting Republican news- papers of Pittsburg and Allegheny county. But Quay and his retainers have at last determined to act aggressively in the fight, and they make a rush on their adversaries, waving the tariff flag. “The free traders are backing Parri- 80N,” they declare, “and the importers, who are the ever dangerous enemies of the American system of protection, are helping him with their money.” This is calculated to excite the de- rision of the people, who decline to re- cognize the tariff as a State issue, but have made up their minds to put an end to Quay’s corrupt personal rale and frustrate his scheme of electing a governor whom he would own, and who has proved himself to be just the kind of man that would be the willing and serviceable tool of his master, Er —————————— ———The Republican conference of this district met at Du Bois last Tues- day and nominated for congress D. C. OYSTER, Esq. of Ridgway, ex-sheriff of Elk county. It is a weak nomination, made probably because there was no better available timber out of which to make a nominee . STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. Shall This Congressional District Be Misrepresented ? Mr. Krises, the Democratic candi- date and nominee for Congress, should have, and no doubt will have, the un- divided support of the Democrats of this district. It is due him as the candidate of the party and the repre- sentative of the principles which are the object of Democratic policy. The majority of the voters in the district are Democrats, and it is due to their political sentiments that they should be represented by one who will give those sentiments practical expression in congressional legislation. They should not be misrepresented, which they would be if it should happen that a representative of the district should be sent to Congress who would sustain the tyranical action of Speaker REED and assent to the unconstitutional and revolutionary measures by which the right of free speech has been suppress- ed and the popular branch of the federal legislatare brought under the arbitrary control of a self-constituted autocrat. The Democrats of this district do not ap- prove of such high-handed proceedings, nor can they accord any thing but the most unqualified reprobation to the scheme of bringing elections under military control, as proposed by the passage of a force bill. Yet such would be the proceedings and measures that would be sustained by their rep: e- sentative should this district elect a Republican congressman at the com- ing election. Do they want such mis- representation of their sentiments ? They had a sample of misrepresenta- tion in the congress preceding the present one. When the Mills bill was lntroduced to curtail the advantages which the monopolies were deriving from excessive tariff duties, the major- ity in the distriel favored that measure of relief to the great mass of consum- ers; their convictions were on the side of tariff reform as proposed by that bill and recommended by Grover a high tarift is a high tax, oppressive to those who find the cost of the neces- saries of life increased by it, and bene- ficial to protected and pampered bene- ficiaries whose profits are increased without a corresponding increase of the wages of labor. Such were the con. victions and sentiments of the major- | ity in this district while MiLLs and ' CLEVELAND were trying to take the | monopoly feature out of the tariff and | bring itdown to that equalization of advantages which would protect labor : without encouraging monopolistic rob- bery. And yet they found themselves | misrepresented at that time by Jorn Parroxy who opposed this measure of tariff reform, voting with those who sustained the then existing tariff abuses, and have since increased them. The Democrats who compose the majority in the district certainly do not want arepetition of such misrepresenta- tion. They are averse to an indorse- ment of REED'S usurpations; to the employment of military force at the polls, and to a monopoly tariff system that increases the general cost of liv- ing to enlargs the profits of a protect- ed class. They can and will prevent such misrepresentation by giving their united support to Groree F. Krisss, the Democratic nominee for Congress. [a ————————————————— p- ——The Republican State Boss is so badly rattled by the desperate appear- ance of the Delamater campaign that he hae sent out word to his henchmen in the different counties to trade off the county tickets—in short, to sacrifice everything for the salvation of the head of the State ticket. The Boss is thor- oughly selfish, and as he knows that his political existence depends upon the election of DELAMATER, he doesn’t seru- ple about throwing everything and everybody else overboard to save him- self. The Republican nominees in the counties will be pretty sure to rebel against the Boss's order that they shall be sacrificed for his benefit. CameroN, who wants a Legislature that will re-elect him to the Senate, will also object. Let every Democratic voter bear ! well in mind that Governor Parrison | will need the assistance of a Democrat- tic Legislature. Therefore they should be solid for Horr and McCormick. Get out the full vote. CLEVELAND ; they were convinced that | BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 24, 1890. NO. 42, Money in the Campaign. It has now become evident that Derayater’s managers entertain no hope of electing him except by the use of money. The popular sentiment has set so strongly against him—the revolt in his own party is so extensive and de- fiant—that they are compelled to de- pend upon the employment of boodle as the only means of preventing a de- feat which is foreshadowed by the gen- eral appearance of the campaign. Money their sole dependence. Their corruption fund is of unusual size, and the desperate situation of their candidate impels them to a des- perate use ofa corrupting appliance. They openly boast of the money they have at their command. The hundred thousand dollars which CaMeroN threw into the pot is widely advertised,as if to whet the appetite of the venal and cor- ruptible class of voters, and there is no hesitation in letting it be understood that the corruption fund will be little short of half a million. The chairmen of the different counties have been call- ed to Philadelaphia to receive their al- lotments of boodle, to be used in their respective localities, and arrangements have been made to play the “blocks-of- five” game and other devices which depend for their success upon the use of money. It is a shameful and alarming fact that the vulk of DELAMATER'S sup. porters—men who otherwise are not deficient in morality--base their hope of his election upon the boodle that will be put into the campaign in his behalf. “We have the money” is their exultant boast, uttered with thoughtless disregard of the terrible consequences that must inevitably fol- low—that have already followed—the continued and systematic corruption of elections. Their apparent indifference to the deadly effect upon popular gov- «*anment that unavoidably attends cor- rapt political inethods,indicates the de- basement of public sentiment that has grown out of the protracted supremacy ot bossism in this State. But fortunately there are thousands of Republicans whose conscience and patriotism have been arrested by a sense of the evils that follow the cor- rupt practices by which Quay has ob- tained and maintained his political power, They have called a halt upon the Boss whose disreputable career has disgraced and injured both their party and their State, and refuse to support a candidate whose election would be an endorsement of eyerything that is base and degrading in Quayism. These honorable, patriotic and in- telligent men, putting temporarily aside party allegiance for a patriotic object, and acting for the occasion with a united Democracy, help to con- stitute a force against which all the money that Quay may be able to put into the campaign will be of no avail. — Harter’s Liberality. Some of the ring organs are trying to give Dr. Harter a big reputation for liberality by claiming that he hae never charged anything for allowing people to see the records in his office. One of the organs has figured this thing down so fine that it has caleulat- ed the amount to be $600 that has been saved to the people of the county by this liberal conduct of the Doctor. Grasping Democratic officers, it alleges, charged “anywhere between 15 and 30 ceuts” for this service, but the gener- ous Doctor denied himself the profit of fobbing these small sums, thereby putting the public under obligations to him to the amount of $600, for which, the organ might have added, he expects an equivalentin votes when he asks for a re-election. But wouldn’tit be a pity if such a reputation for liberality should be ruined in a second term by his taking extra fees to make up the loss sustain- ed by such liberal conduct in his first term? When looking forward to a re. election it wasn't bad policy to decline taking 15 and 25 cents once in a while for showing the records. In fact, it was downright smart politics. There couldn’t be a cheaper way of election- eering. But since it has given him such a reputation for big-heart gener- osity wouldn't it be too bad to allow him to knock it all to pieces by a thrifty desire to make up in a second term what he lost in his first three years for an electioneering purpose. The Importance of Electing a Demo- cratic Legislature. There can be no longer a question about the election of Governor Parri- sox if the Democrats shall do their du- ty to the honest candidate of the peo: ple polling their full vote. Money will be lavishly used against him, but with thousands of Republicans repudi- ating the corrupt Boss and his equally corrapt candidate, there will not be money enough to buy the election if a full Democratic vote is polled. But the objects to be attained by put- ting PATTISON in the Governor's office also require a Legislature that will as- sist him in effecting those objects. The farmers want such an equalization of taxation, repeatedly recommended 1n Governor ParrisoN messages, as will exonerate them of the undue burdens that has been imposed upon their lands to the advantage of money at interest, corporate investments and other forms of personal wealth. Repeatedly have they asked Republican Legislatures to accord them this measure of justice. Their last effort to secure their rights in this matter was made at the last ses- sion of the Legislature when DrrLama- | TER was one of the corporation agents who defeated their tax equalization bill. Their only hope now of just treat- ment on the tax question is in a Demo- cratic Legislature to act with Governor Parrisox in their interest. A Republi- can Legislature, as has been shown by past experience, would obstruct his best intentions. The laboring people—those who work for wages—have in vain asked Republican Legislaturers to give them legislation that would furnish protec- tion against pluck-me store robbery, secure them a fair system of wage payment, and shield them from the oppression of greedy corpo- rations ‘and extortoinate employers, | S os - Pennsylvania by the most profuse ex- Their appeals for justice in these re- spects have been treated with contempt by the legislators of the Delamater or- der,whose services were given exclusive. ly to the interest of wealth. The work- ing people intend to elect Parrisox, they having confidence in the officer who refused to sanction the use of Pinkerton’s thugs and declared that there would be no need of employing the militia to put down strikes if the men were paid fair wages. Their powerful force will constitute a part of the majority that is going to elect him, but they will not secure their righ‘s without a Democratic Legislature to back him. There is also the question of ballot reform in which every honest citzen is’ interested. Thelast Republican Legis- lature rejected an Australian ballot bill that was intended to protect the poor man and the dependent laborer in his right of suffrage. Nothing better could be expected of any future Legis- lature that would be under the control of the bosses who don’t want a secret ballot, but prefer having elections sub- jected to the influence of intimidation and bribery. The provisions of the constitution that are intended to restrain corporations require enforee- ment by legislation which Republican Legislatures have persistently acd pur- posely neglected to furnish. A law that will effeccually punish the use of State money by the class of favored speculators to which Deramagr be- longs is also needed, and it cannot be expected of a Republican Legislature. These aresome of the measures of re- form that are of vital interest to the peo- ple, in bringing about which a Demo- cratic Legislature would be helpful to Governor PATTISON, and therefore we call upon the people of this county, who want better government in this State,to join in the election of the Democratic candidates for the Legislature. ——State Treasurer Boyer, who is traveling through the State with Dera- MATER making speeches in behalf of the Boss's choice, should explain to his hearers by what authority he gave DeLaMATER the use of one hundred thousand dollars of the State sinking fund for banking purposes. He might also explain why he violated the law in not publishing this loan of State money made to the favored Meadville banker, We are sure that the State Treasurer could make himself interest- ing to the people by speaking on this gubject, Charges of Boodle. Speech of Chairman Mapes of the In- dependent Republican Committee. At a meeting held in York on Wed- nesday evening Chairman George E. Mapes, chairman of the Independent re- publican State committee, made the fol- lowing address : : During the past six weeks I have been in communication with people of every county in the State. Everywhere the men who think for themselves are in re-. volt and declare they will have none of this man Delamater. In many sections this sentiment is bold, outspoken, defiant. Notably is this the case in the west and. northwest, whera Pattison clubs have been formed that, in some cases, absorb a majority of the Republican voters of their respective localities. This condi- tion is especially prevalent in McKean, Warren and Crawford counties. Brad- ford city has a Pattison Republican club of more than 200 members, War- ren another even larger, and Titusville still another which contains members enough to entirely obliterate the Repub- lican majority in that city. Allegheny is organized in each election precinct, and the strong Republican counties of Erie, Mercer, Butler, Lawrence, Beaver and Washington are trembling in the balance. In the east, Chester has 1,500 Repub- licans who are known to be for Pattison, with a chance of a good many more hundreds who will vote for him and say nothing. Montgomery and Bucks will give Pattison majorities, and thousands of Philadelphia Republicans will vote for him. They have got used to it there, where they have voted three times before, and it comes easier by practice. The majorities in the strong Republican counties of the northern tier —Susquehanna, Bradford and Tioga— will be cut in two in the middle, if not entirely wiped out; while in the Demo- cratic counties the unsual majorities will be nearly doubled. This is no over- drawn picture, but a plain, unvarnished statement of facts based upon informa- tion obtained from the best posted: poli- ticians of the localities mentioned. The Allegheny greets the Delaware with a | promise of victory, and the response goes back that the east will not be out- done by the west in the effort to rid the Republican party and the people of Pennsylvania of the odious rule of Boss Quay. THE ONLY DANGER NOW. But I think I hear some one saying, why, Mr. Mapes, if what you say is true, the fight is already won: So it is if the vote were taken now. It would not be necessary to hold meetings or make speeches in York or any where else. A vote to-morrow would mean an over- whelming defeat for Quay and his ticket. But there still remains some weeks in which the largest corruption fund ever known in tke history of American poli- tics will be used to defeat the will of the people of Pennsylvania by the open, bold, shameless purchase of votes. While Mr. Delamater is tickling the ears of aforetime reformers with his pro- fession of devotion to pure politics, Mr, Quay and Chairman Andrews are pre- paring to test the virtue of the voters. of. penditure of money. This money is already flowing in many channels. Quay has his labor orators, his labor candidates, and his al- leged labor party to provide for; and this is a case in which each laborer con- siders himself worthy of his hire. He doesn’t expect to have to strike for wages until election is over. Jarrett has been brought from England and Delany from the West to labor for the labor vote. These are high-priced la- borers, of course, but Quay has fried the fat out of the Standard oil trust and other trusts and monopolies, and he can pay high wages. Twenty thousand dollars have been set apart to convince the people of Crawford county that ecan- didate Delamater is a candidate worthy of their suffrages. If this $20,000 state ment is denounced as a lie, it is a lie for which Delamater’s friends are re- sponsible. Mr. Delamater’s henchmen in his native county boast of it, and tauntingly ask their opponents, ‘Can you beat $20,000?” Republicans of Pennsylvania, how do you like this spectacle ? EXPLAINS THE NECESSITY. Republicans of Pennsylvania, what do you think of a candidate for govern. or who can’t carry his own county with- out the expenditure of nearly twice the sum that it required to carry the State for Lincoln? If you think, as some of you doubtless do that Mr, Delamater,. with a million or so to stand on, would not more than reach up to Lincoln’s knees in moral and mental stature, per- haps that might explain the necessity, But if that is the case, are Republicans under any obligation to vote for a can- didate whose only merit is Mr. Quay’s favor and the boodle he can spend to elect him? Whatever you may think ot Mr. Delamater and his chances, Quay and Andrews think he has no chance’ except what they can purchase with cold cash. What will your answer be? Can you beat $20,000 in Crawford couna ty? Can you beat Mr. Quay’s boast ful pile of boodle 1n the State? That is all you have to beat, for Mr. Delamater. is overwhelmingly beaten already. These are the questions thal the Quay heelers are tauntingly asking the honest voter of Pennsylvania. Let the answer be, yes, in God’s name, we ean and will beat Mr. Quay’s money, though the sum were ten times as great. Our friand Blankenburg, whom you have heard to-night, was the chairman of the committee on frauds of the com- mittee of one hundred in our city. That committee convicted twenty-eight ballot thieves and baltot box stuffers. The Lincoln Independent Republican committee and our State committee have a joint cor mittee on election frauds, of which Mr. Blankenburg is now a mem- ber, and it will do the same kind of work in the coming campaign. Mr. Blankenburg will be simply engaging in work he knows all about. ‘We warn Mr. Quay and his heelers that they will purchase the wrong men and fail into the pit they have digged for others. We warn them in advance that the election must be an honest ona or they will be the victims of their own dishonesty. A IEEE SRT HIT a ——The President scems to like outs ing even better than homiming. EE ————_—_——— ana EEUREIRIRE