Friday Morning, October 17, #890. THE FARMER. iL Who pays his tax with many a sigh, Wonders why they are so high, And fails to see the “how” apd wly 2 he farmer. Who has the weal pulled over his eyes, By partisan highiprotection cries, gut for gospel the plainest ies? The farmer. Who'll ery “protection” loud and long Until it becomes a worn-out song, And sudden]y find he bas been «ll wrong ? The farmer. Who'll rise some day in all hismight, When he sees ome things in asclearer light, And knoek the “machine” as high as a kite? d The farmer. Who'll say: “Less tax is what we need And a firmer chek on Monopoly’'s greed! And strike for reform with lightning speed ? The farmer. Who'll raise:a great political storm, For the 6. «Q. P. make it very warm, ‘When he takes his stand for tax-reform ? The farmer. Then haste the day when overy man Shall stand for the right, as surely he can, And noae shall prove more loyal than— The farmer. I. ‘Who loves:to plow and sow and reap, And oft’ times toils while others sleep, That heimey have ‘‘corn to sell and keep”? The farmer. Who ig up betimes withthe morning sun, And counts the day but.ill begun Until some useful task is done ? The farmer. Who pays his debts like an honest man, And he possibly can? (Which surely isthe wisest plan.) The farmer. Whose heart is free from dishonest taint, The knavery of the Sunday saint, : And with “ways that are dark” is not acquaint ? The farmer Who greets therobin and the wren And all the tribes of the leafy glen Secluded. from the haunts of men ? The farmer. Who studies nature’s wondrous power In bird and beast, in tree and flower, And yields her worship every hour ? The farmer. Then here’s to the man of honest face, Of earnest heart and homely grace, A noble honor to his race— The farmer. Locaxrox, Oct. 6, 1890. RErsik Nore—The farmer more particularly alluded to in Part I, is th2 Pennsylvania farmer. The farmer of the western States is fortunately and rationally and consistently as much the foe as the Pennsylvania farmer is the friend of “Pro- _tection.”—R. Re ————— —— JONAS’ WEDDING TRIP. “I never thought to come to this,” said Mrs. Aikin, dolefully, as she look- ed around the disordered kitchen. “And the cream all spoiling for lack of some one to churn, and the young turkeys all down with the pip, and the white calf ailing, and me tired, hand and foot like this!” “Don’t fret, mother,” said Jonas, who, after a most clumsy and ‘manlike fashion, was frying potatoes over the fire. “It'll all come right.” “It can’t all come right,” said Mrs. _Aikin, jerking out the words between the spasms of rheumatism. “Every- thing will go to rack and ruin. Oh, dear, Jonas, you'll have to hire a help. The men are coming next week to cut down the grass in the forty-acre med- der—four of ‘em, and all expected to be boarded here, and the doctor says it'll be a chance if I get back my strength in six weeks.” “I can put 'em off,mether,” suggest- ed Jonas, cheerfully. “And spoil the finest hay-crop we've ever grown,” said Mrs. Aikin. “That will never do. Hired help is the only way out of it.” “I don’t know of any one to be hired,” said Jonas, dishing up his potatoes in a way that struck a chill to his mother’s heart. “There's Phebe Potter, but she asks two dollars a week.” “She must be crazy,” said Mrs. Aik- in. “What does she take people for, I wonder? Twelve shillings is an exor- bitant price for any girl to expect. No one can earn it.” “Euretta Clay?” “Mrs. Hopkins had her once. She's as slow as Old Time, and untidy at that.” Jonas was silent; his resourees had evidently reached their limit. He be- gan to cut the breaa in big, irregular chunks. “Thinner, Jonas, thinner!” eried his mother. “Oh, dear, what a squealing them pigs keep up; they know it's past their reguiar feeding time, as well as though they were Christians.” “I guess the pigs'll keep,” observed philosophic Jonas, trudging slowly down cellar after a pot of butter, Mrs. Aikin moved uneasily in her chair, and uttered a groan. “Oh, dear! oh, dear! we vever can get along this way,” mused she. “Some- thing has got to he done. Jonas!” “Yes.” The curly head and sunburned face appeared at the top of the cellar stairs, like the Good Genii coming up through the stage floor in the pantomime. “Look here, Jonas—you must get married!” Jonas sat the butter-plate down on the table with a bang. “Me!” said he. “Good Lord, moth- er!” he exclaimed, “what are you thinking of 2” “Why, Idon’tsee any better arrange- ment,” said Mrs. Aikin. “You're six- and-twenty, and I'm getting feebler and more good-for-nothin’ every day. There aint no gal we can hireshort of twelve shillings a week. A wife would come a great deal cheaper, Jonas—and she wouldn't want no clothes for a ‘year, at least—and she'd sort o’ take an inter- est, and do lots o things a hired help wouldn’t undertake! There's Letty Hooper, Jonas, she's a right smart, stirring gal, and as pretty as a picter.” Jonas whistled; the idea commend. ed itself to him, on futher refiection, as eminently practicable. “It might be better economy,” re- marked he, “Of course it would,” said Mrs. Aik- in, “There's the new rag carpet ready An hiring a man to make garden when | stead of lefting her work herself into a |! y & » or > P. Ochiltree has not five minates to waste on him.” for the loom, and the spring house- cleanin’ mot attended to yet, and all the milk and butter, and the turke:s and goslings, and the young calves, and the vegetable garden—1 sold three dollars worth of green peas out of the garden last year; and there's no sense any smart woman can look arter it, odd times; and your clothes need at- tending to, and my new alpaca dress aint made yet,and—why, la me! there’s work for three- women, at least, about the place! Go and see Letitia Hooper this very afternoon, before Nat Pellett gets the start of you!” she added. Jonas Aikin came home at ten o'clock that night, and told his mother that Letty Hooper had accepted him. “Good!” said Mrs. Aikin. “Now we'll get something done about the premises. Hurry up the wedding as Soon as ever you can, my son; it’s an awful inconvenient time of the year to get married in!” ] “Are you sure you're doing a wise thing, Letty ?”” said old Eden Hooper, when his daughter showed him her wedding dress with blushing pride. “Why not, father ?* “Those Aikins have the name of be- ing very hard. And Mrs. Green, their neighbor, says Jonas is only getting married to save the expense of a hired girl.” “I think he likes me,” said Letty, shyly. “And I'm awfally sorry for his poor rheumatic mother.” “I guess you'd better keep your pity for yourself,” observed Mr. Hooper, shrewdly. “By all accounts, you'll need 1t! Going to Uncle Prickett’s for your wedding trip, eh? Well it’s a pleasant part of the country. I dare say you'll like it.” Uncle Prickett was a leather-com- plexioned old man, with keen black eyes, and sharp, yellow teeth, like those of an elderly monkey. Ie gave them a cordial welcome. “That’s a pretty little new wife of yours, Mr. Aikin,” said he. “And as smart as steel, too, though she is my niece!” “Yes,” said Jonas, with modest ex- ultation, “I calculate she’ll be helpful like around the farm. We need a stir- ring woman at home.” “Not too helpful, I hope,” said Un- cle Prickett. “Eh ?” said Jonas. “Look here,” said Uncle Prickett, “Sir?” stammered Jonas. “Fond of her, eh?” questioned Un- cle Prickett. “You bet I am!” Jonas prompily responded. “Then don’t murder her!” “Murder her |” “Look here again.” And Uncle Prickett drew Jonas towards the win- dow. “D’ye see the church-yard over there on the hill 2” Jonas shivered a little. “Yes,” said he, “I see it. white stones gleamin’ through trees, aint it?” ‘My wife lies there,” said Uncle Prickett. ‘Indeed !" said Jonas, alittle uneasily. ‘I killed her!’ said Uncle Prickeit. Jonas started back. ‘Eh?’ he exclaimed a second time. ‘Don’t look at me that way,’ said Uncle Prickett. ‘I didn’t stab her, nor poison her. I loved her, young man, Just as well as you love your wife. And yet—I killed her. Do you want to know how it was done?’ Jonas started at him. Had the man gone crazy ? ‘Work !” said Uncle Prickett ‘Hard work! We were proud of the farm and of the dairy. We liked to take premiums at the county fairs. We added up our bank account every night, Jenny was as anxious to save money as [ was. She rose at three o'clock in the morning, and sat up sewing until eleven at night. Well, here's the farm and there's the bank account ; but Jen- ny lies buried under the biggest gray shaft on yonder side hill. She died the day before her twenty-ninth birth- day, and I knew just as well as if a i Them the i been her death.’ ‘No, no!” pleaded Jonas. say that!’ : ‘As true as I stand here,’ said Uncle Prickett. ‘I should haye been careful’ of her. A womanaintan iron machine. I should have cherished her—aint that | what the ‘Marriage Service’ says ?—in- | ‘Don’t decline. What sort o' good do you suppose all that money does me now ? She ain’t here to share it with me. Now you know what I mean, young: man.’ : Aud Uncle Prickett turned on his heel and went out of the room. : ‘Letty,’ he said to his niece, who was gathering the first ripe raspberries that grew on the sunny garden wall, ‘I've been giving your husband a word of ad- vice, I've been telling him he mustn’t let you work yourselfto death, hke your Aunt Jenny did.’ ‘Do you think he needs advice,Uncle Prickett? ‘All young men do at one period or auother of their lives,’ said Mr. Prick- ett. It was of a Saturday night when Jo- nas brought his bride home. Mrs. Green, the nearest neighbor, had been helping around the house, and had pre- pared a savory supper. The evening meal was scarcely concluded, when a |e wagon drove up to the door, and out stepped a stout Welsh girl, with a bun- ble under her arm, and a yellow cotton umbrella. ‘Who's this?’ said Mrs. Aikin, view- ing the new arrival with disfavor. ‘It’s the hired help,’ Jonas answered. | v ‘The hired help! Why, I thought you'd got married to—' ‘The fact s, mother,’ said Jonas, kindly, ‘I've a sort o’ changed my |u mind about some things. You've most | d killed yourself with hard work. You never would have got this rheumatism fastened on you if you hadn’t stuck to it you'd whitewash the cellar yourself that damp spell in May, and I mean Letty shall start on a different platform, We aint rich, but we can afford to live comfortable, and I don't mean my wife shall lose her round ch color. Shel out turning into a drudge ; and so I've hired Joan Llannis for a year. said. house together.’ word of this. King Humbert of Italy to hear of it, you know. of me that I am afraid he would declare war on the United States if he heard I had been snubbed by Harrison, and I don’t want that, you know.” i She'll find enough to do, with- Mrs. Arkin uttered a hollow groan. ‘I do believe you've gone crazy,” she ‘We shall all go to the poor- But they did not. Joan Llannis proved a domestic treasure, especially as nurse-in-chief to the poor old rheu- matic Invalid. The Fall of the Petticoat. ‘We have the word of the New York Sun for it that the petticoat has fallen. Tt is curious to note the wane of the petti- coat. skirts began to dwindle it has fallen off steadily and perceptibly. evolution of the bustle it was a great in- stitution. nuisance was abated. Steels or reeds in the foundation skirts of frocks appeared, and one by one superfluous petticoats were dispensed with until at last Dame Fashion has decreed clothes a woman has on the better, only provided she is sufficiently warm, and so the old time petticoat has become lit- tle more than a memory. Ever since the five-yard hoop During the Then, little by little, this that the fewer “There is no reason on earth why a woman shonld be dragged to the ground by wearing enough undergarments at one time to stock a ladies’ furnishing shop A man doesn’t, and his sisters and cousins and aunts don’t either any more,” said Madame, and, being pressed for particulars, the following inventory was finally submitted: ¢ from knee to waist, a web of silk like a sword sheath. what is known to modern times as a petticoat, but is so delightfully different from the ancient significance of that term that it seems a pity not to call it by some other name, scription: you choose, or black or white. likely to be of washing silk, surah, or some soft Indian or chinese weave, ab- soluely devoid of stiffening. in front and sides, and fitted smoothly onto a round yoke with a drawing string at the back, and a shir of ribbons with bows and ends drawing the fullets together half way down from the belt. Silken tights Over it a corset, and Here is its de- It may be whatever color It is 1t is gored Next to the people who have scruples about the morality of starched petticoats come the objectors with whom nature has dealt kindly, who, therefore, dread the frankness of the clinging silken skirt, soft and sufficient substitutes for miss- But art is kind. Feathers are ng curves and cushioning sharp angles, and it is eaid that the India-rubber in- dustry has also been employed as a rec- tifier in such cases. a summer resort this beautiful hips and she constantly wore soft-clinging raiment of crepe or mus- lin that flowed in long graceful folds about the exquisite form. That she was an artistic success was undeniable. How that success was achieved: ought to have remained secret, but the stunning revelation in this instance was a long bonnet pin, operated by a wicked small brother, who had been locked up in his room windows opened on a veranda, where the beautiful girl promenaded slowly, with a train of admirers hovering around. Thesmall boy appeared gaz- There was a girl at season who had for some misdemeanor. Long ng through the shutters of his prison, and when his sister paused just in front of the window an expression of fiendish glee shone in his eyes. little paw was thrust through the slats, clutching a long hat pin, which the ur- chin jabbed into the young lady. She did not flinch, but her lovely form be- gan to fall away, until her superb in- flated hips were flat as the traditional pan-cake. her friends, a chuckle from the impish brother, and presently hysterical crying from the apartment into which the girl with the beautiful form had fled follow- ed in rapid succession. A very tanned Amazement on the faces of ERATOR To Be Kept From King Humbert. “Tom?” Ochiltree wanted to control a large slice of the patronage in Texas, and asked an audience with General Harrison for the purpose of explaining matters. The President sent out word that he would give the former member a , | from the cowboy district from Texas coroner’s inquest had said so that I had five minutes of his time in the library. ~ “What!” exclaimed Thomas Porter- house, “five minutes for me, for me who was almost raised in the White House, who has slept in the same. bed with a President, who has been the confident and chum of kings and princes—five minutes for me, for me! tle bow-legged lawyer from Indianapo- Tell that lit- is, that sawed-off Hoosier, that Thomas As Ochiltree sailed out of the White House he paused long enough to say to & newspa r man: eaven’s sake, don’t print a Idon’t want my friend “For Hummy, old boy, is so fond The Best Dressing. The best dressed woman is by no means always the one who is array- ed with the most splendor and costli- ness 5 and to know how to dress accord- ing to the occasion is as much an art as to know how to dress at all. In one’s own home to outdress one’s guest is a rudeness and an unkindness; the house, the equipage, the retinue, the ntourage, the whole establishment is there to speak for one; the personal attire can be of the most modest. on the other hand, an attire that is too modest is equally out of place on the guest, ‘or it seems to assume. that the entertainment is inferior and the con- But ives of no consequence. lt ig better for the guest to be overdressed than for the hostess—better for the guest than to be underdressed ; she need not feel ncomnfortable if she has come in a ress outshining that of every one else present, since the worst that can be said of itis that she thought the oceca- sion worthy of it,—Harper's Bazar, MisuNDERSTOOD.—She (as he places his arm around her waist) —Stop right where you are, sir ! He (taking a firmer hold)—Willingly, ceks and fresh my dear.--Epoch. wv Turkeys Routed by Grasshoppers. Farmer James C. Fuirchild, of the upper Paupack region in Pennsylvania, asserts that he has never known grass- hoppers to be so thick in that place as they have been during the past August. In a three acre field of late rye the in- sects were so numerous that they ate all the blades off the stalks and sucked all the juice out of them before the crop was ripe. , One day farmer Fairchild left his white vest at the edge of the lot and when he went to put it on at night he found that the grasshoppers had eat- en hundreds of holes in 1t. The grass- hoppers seemed to increase several fold each day in that particular field, and it appeared to him as though they came out of the ground nearly full grown. As soon as the rye was put into the barn, he turned the turkeys into the stubble. - A high stone wall surrounds the lot, and the turkeys drove the hordes of grasshoppers shead of them and gobbled up what they wanted. One day the turkeys drove apparently millions of the insects into a corner of the field. They couldn’t get over the wall or through it, and several bushels of the grasshoppers, Farmer Fairchild declared, turned upon his flock of tur- keys and came within an ace of swamp- ing them. The fowls were completely covered with grasshoppers, and the in- sects kept coming at them so thick and fast that the turkeys finally took to their legs and wings, and went squalling toward the center of the lot as though something had scared them half to death. After a little, one of the gobblers ral- lied the flock, and led them back to the corner. He gobbled a number of times on the way, and the other tom turkeys marched abreast of him and gobbled defiantly at the grasshoppers, the hens bringing up the rear and talking ‘sauci- ly as they marched. Well up toward the corner of the field the flock spread out, and in a moment innumerable wings were buzzing toward the wall Pretty soon the grasshoppers were as thick in the corner as they had been be- fore. There wasn’t room for them all, and again they turned upon the.turkeys and the turkeys turned tail in an instant, skedaddled across the lot, and flew over the bars into the roadway. The fowls had plainly been badly scared by the grasshoppers, and since then Farmer Fairchild has been unable to gel his turkeys to stay in the rye field for ten minutes at a time. Baa —————————————— PAIN. Iam a Mystery that walks the earth Since man began to be. Sorrow and Sin stood sponsors at my birth, An Terror christened me. More pitiless than Death, who gathereth His victims day by day; I doom man daily to desire of death, And still forbear to slay. More merciless than Time, I leave man Youth And suck life's sweetness out. More cruel than Despair, I show man Truth, And leave him strength to doubt. I bind the treest in my subtle band, I blanch the boldest cheek ; I'hold th hearts of poets in my hand, And wring them ere they speak. I walk in darkness over souls that bleed, I shape each as I go To something different. I drop the seed Whence grapes or thistles grow. No two that dream me, dream the self-same ace, No two name me alike. A Horror without form I fill all space, Across all time I strike. Man cries, and cringes to mine unseen rod ; Kings own my sovereignty; Seers may but prove me as they prove a God; Yet none denieth me. —Grace Denio Litchfield, in Independent. ——————— The Way Americans Sit, Kate Field says, referring to the day Chief Justice Fuller delivered in the House of Representatives his oration on a century of Constitutional Govern- ment: “In marched the President and Mer. Blaine, followed by the other Sec- retaries, and sat down in the first row of the amphitheatre. Sat? Yes, sit- ting is what it is called. Within five minutes every mother’s son of them, with perhaps one exception, had slid down so that his body was supported by his shoulder blades and the small of his back. The Justices of the Supreme Court followed, and down they went in the same way. So did the rest of the dignitaries, as bevy after bevy filed in. In contrast with them, there sat the foreign Ministers and the delegates to the two international Conferences, as upright as ramrods. What made the contrast so disagree- able was the fact that our own great men were by far the best-looking persons on the floor, as a rule. Itseemed a pity that they should spoil their fine effect by such an attitude. But. it is the com- mon fault of Americans in public places. Congress sits on its 400 and odd spines when it ain’t making speeches or writing letters, Our magis- trates do it on the Bench. Our State legislators do it. Everybody does it when. he hasn’t his hand or brain or both, too busily occupied to admit of such a thing. And why, pray?’ Well Paid Evangelists. “Thepay of evangelists is small,” says Evangslist Ben Deerings,when it is re- mem bered how exhausting and respon- sible their work is. I mean the ordinary evangelist—the man who is without a national reputation. I have preached in a Missouri town fora week and crowded the church four times a day, receiving only $60 at the end of my work, Of course, the evangelists whose fame is spread over the whole country make more money than this, but even their pay it nothing like what it is made by extravagant popular stories. Harrison, the boy preacher, is always in demand, and charges $10 a day for his services, whether he is en- gaged for a week or a month, He is worth about $60,000. Moody makes no charge for his services, but he is paid much be‘ter than Harrison. Wao WouLpN'T.—Clergyman—-How is Brown coming on since he failed in business ? Rather down hearted, I sup- ose. P The last Smith—No, I think not. time I saw him he was looking up and trying to be hopeful. “Ah, I'm glad to hear that 1”? The Grizzly Bear. A Most Interesting Critter With But a Single Fault. The Californian grizzly is a most in- teresting unimal. As Bret Harte used to say, he hus but one ungentlemanly habit, that of scalping with his fore paw and this he caught from the wicked red man. Otherwise, unless aggressively assaulted, he is the pink of good beha- vior. He will walk off the trail and give you the riget of way ; he will gather salmon berrics in the same patch, or dig roots on the hillside while you are sketch- ing or writing not many yards away. Ifit were otherwise—if the grizzly had the temper of the royal ticer—thousands of the pioaeers of California would have perished at his claws, ior a full-grown grizzly when aroused is a terrible an- tagonist. There was a family of pioneers who lived in the hills of Alameda County, not far from Vapley’s. The elder, Zachariah Cheney, took his son Joe and a young man named Allen and went out to kill a grizzly. They all knew very | well where to find him, in a wild un- broken canyon, or about the rocks at its head, where oak trees grew. They had come across his tracks many times and had seen him grubbing camass roots on the hillside when they were hunting up cattle. So they thought very little of the danger. Each of them had a gun and a revolver. Suddenly they met the bear at the head of the wooded gulch, who, seeing their warlike preparations, immediately charged them and treed all three in less than a minute. There was so little time for choice of trees that the elder Cheney and young Allen got into scrub-oaks hardly larger than rve- spectable quince trees. In less time than it takes to tell it the bear had Cheney on the ground, scalped him with one blow, crushed his arm with another and left him. The bear instantly turn- ed his attention to young Allen, seized him by the boot-leg and jerked him from the tree so violently that the poor fellow rolled 30 feet down the gulch and under some willows, where he lay in silence. The third man was beyond reach, so the grizzly, master of the cir- cumstance, rose to his full height, gave a roar of triumph and walked leisurely home. Not a single shot was fired by any of the men! Yet let no one too hastily shoot out the contemptuous lip, for 99 men out of 100 might have done as badly. Therush of a large grizzly from his chappara! shelter is a terrible thing to face. I distrust most of the current stories about successful hand-to- hand encounters with full-grown griz- zlies. There is an oak tree in Shasta county under which a miner who bad fired upon a grizzly was killed by one blow from the enraged animal. And when his companions had killed him it was found that the man’s bullet had passed entirely through the animal’s body. If it were not for poison placed for him in his haunts, the great master of the California forests would walk “alone as a rhinoceros” in almost every wild canyon of Cost Range and Siarra. Men learn to give him the track whenever they can, and if they go on the war path, it is with profound respect for their antagonist’s strength and courage, I once met five or six San Luis Obispo farmers who had shot a huge grizzly. Tkey took their guns and went down a gulch where the bear lived, They found him where he was bound to cross a ravine to get to them, and so they were able to put over 20 bullets into him be- fore he died at their teet. They had just skinned him and spread the great hide on the rocks when I rode up. I ask- ed them how they felt about it, and the leader said : “We none of us want to tackle another. If he had been on our side of the gulch, instead of his own, most of us would have been killed be- fore we could pump enough lead into him.” And that seeraed to be the gen- eral conviction. e———— Beauty of Spanish Women. If I were asked to state in one sen- tence wherein lies the chief advantage of Spanish women over those of other countries, says a writer in Seribner, and to what they owe their fame for beauty, I should say that if a Spanish girl has round cheeks, and has medium- sized, delicately-cut nose and mouth, she is almost certain to be a eomplete beauty; whereas, if an American or English girl has a good nose, mouth and cheeks, the chances are still against ber having a beautiful complexion, and fine eyes, hair and teeth, which Spanish girls are endowed with as a matter of course. But over and above every thing else, it is the unique grace and the exquisite femininity, unalloyed by any trace of masculine assumption or caricature, that constitute the eternal charm of Spanish women. ONE MoRrE UNFORTUNATE.—DOLLIE (snuggling quite close to his watch- chain)— What have you in that locket ? CHOLLIE—A postage stamp. Dorrie — Goosie. ‘What. postage atamp ? : CHoLLIE—The one on your last pre- cious love letter, I detached it care- fully. Tt touched your moist red lips. It often touches mine. DoLLie—You dreadful, awful fellow! I’m so sorry ! CHoLLIE—Sorry ! Why ? + DorLnie—Because I moistened that stamp on Fidos dear, damp nose. He SaouLp HAVE SEEN Her THEN. —Wire—Tell me, Reginal, dear, what made you love and marry me ? Her HusBaND—I fell in love with you at Snigger’s party, when the waiter spilled a whole dish of ice cream over your silk dress. You smiled so sweetly though you knew that your dress was ruined, that I made up my mind I ney- er had seen so angelic a woman. ‘ Sue—Ha ! ha I Is it possible. Why I never was so vexed in my life, I went home and upset the whole family. You just ought to have heard how 1 went on. —— Never a rose without a thorn’ is an axiom possessing much truth. It follows, then. that the thorns were creat- ed for the purpose of protecting the treasures of the bush. So do we often find in human life that beauties of the heart and mind are preserved by the thorns of unshapely bodies, unbeautiful “He was trying to drink from a jug.” faces, or lack of wealth. PST SE (LR WE Nuptial Multiple of Three. ! Polygamy i: practiced to an extrava- gant degree, says a West African letter to the Baltimore American. The more wives a man has the higher his social | standing. The number which a man | in private life may have is limited to the { ability to purchase and support them, but the number of wives which the i King may have is limited by law—Ilim- | ited to the modest numuoer of 3,333, and it is said that he usually does not far | exceed this limit. At any rate, he musthave more wives | than any of his subjects, or his respect- | ability will suffer. T was told by the | American consular agent at Elmirt that | the present king actually has the 3,333 i and that he has 600 children. All the king « as to do to get a wife is to choose any female he pleases, no mat- | ter how young she may be. Girls are often chosen when less than ten year cold, and in such cases they are left ‘with their mothers until of mature age, at which time they are taken to join the rest of the 3,383. Nomanis ever allowed to see the | King’s wives, and should they even uc- cidentally see one his punishment is | death, These wives during the work- | ing season, attend to the king's planta- tions, but the rest of the time they live ; at Coomsie, the Ashartee capital, where they cccupy two long streets. ‘When they go out for a walk body, as is often the case, they are | ceded by a number of eunuchs, who | herald their coming, that all men may disappear and avoid looking upon them; when this is impossible they must fall upon their faces to the ground. If a white man happens to be there, and understands not the law, eunuchs turn his face away from the advancing women, in a pre- CEO ———— Wise Words:* Not to sow means not to reap. A bad egg takes up as much room as a gSod one. If we could know all, we could for- give more easily. Get each nian right, and the nation will be right. It is better to fail in trying to do good than never to try. The more money a man hss the more. he needs religion. ‘Wrong doing people are the most ex- acting of all people. Heart work is something that can not be paid for in money. The man who loves others will try to make himself loveable. You can tell what a man believes by | finding out. what he does. - No man ever hears birds sing who goes into a cave to look for them. Necessity is not only the mother of invention, but the father of lies also. The great essential in saving men is to i convince them that you love them. The man who is always thinking evil finds ten thousand ways to speak it. The man who is always looking for an easy place will have a hard time of it. Every man on earth needs more cour- age more than he does more money. For a steady thing, the light of a tallow candle is better than that of a skyrocket. The preacher fails who tries to preach a doctrine that hasn’t been tested in his own heart. If you want to have plenty of oppor- tunities for doing good, be sure that you do not neglect the first one. If people would stop looking toward the wrong place they would find it a great deal easier to stay in the right place. & ee — An Optimists Awful Blow, This is about a young man who lives in the Pine Tree State, He is a young man of very deep feelings. ‘When he gets his mind on a thing, it takes strong hold on him. His is one of those intense natures that can brook no opposition. Yet up to the time of which I write he had alwaws been noted for looking upon the bright side of things—one of your real bright optom- ists who consider that every cloud has a German silver lining. Well this young man had centered his affections upon a young lady in the village, and on nu- merous occasions offered his escort on rides and to parties. These were 80 uni- formly and firmly refused that he at length brought matters to a kead by asking the lady, point blank, why she refused his attentions. : ‘‘Because,” she said, “I am engaged to another man, and do not think it would be right to go about with you.’’ The young man sat stupified for a moment, too absolutely stunneds for words. Thenhis former bright nature forsook him, as he looked, shuddering, ‘down the long black vista of the years that confronted him. Notone ray of light gleamed -athwart the said vista: The clouds seemed lined with black al- paca. Turning his mournful gaze upon the object of his soul’s worship, this one- time light-hearted,but now desolate man brought fotrh a groan from his inmost being, and said in a voice that tremb- lingly told ot his deep feeling in the mat- ter: ‘Abigail, T would rather have given $5 than have had it thus.”’— Lewistown Journal, SEIS TENS, No Use For 4 WarcH Pocrrr.— A young man had himself measured for a suit of clothes, When he got his clothes from the tailor he discovered that there was no watch pocket in the waistcoat. #What is the meaning of this ?’’ ask. ed the indignant customer. “Meaning of what?” ‘Why, this waistcoat has no watch pocket. Why didn’t you make the waistcoat like the one I sent you as a pattern ? It had a watch pocket. “J know. the old waistcoat had awatch cket, but as there was a pawn ticket in it for your watch, I didn’t see what use you were going to have for a watch pocket.” A GRACEFUL COMPLIMENT—Miss Robinson—How do you think this dress suits me ? Miss Tangle—First rate. You look charming in it. Why, I hardly knew you, w—rs