— Pe LL ER AIO TICE Ck SAAMI RD IONS SCRA sn Medical. AINTED BLOOD. SCROFULA ALMOST UNIVERSAL—SOME OF 178 . Many Forms. Attorneys-at-L aw. Married Life. Vinco Tobacco. Carriages. BARGAINS An Argument Between a Bachelor and Benedict as to Its Success. ARGAINS! o sada —e C. HARPER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, J. Pa. Office in Garman House. 30 28 “1s marriage a failure ?”’ “That depends.” “Quite likely ; but there were many famous men who gave the strength of their opinion and example to the view that marriage was something not to be desired.” ILLIAM 1. SWOOPE, Attorney-at-Law. Furst building, Bellefonte, Pa. 3425 1y A Lion and Tiger Drunk. Ny J EXTRA FINE o CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, o Scrofula taints the blood of almost F. PORN Yi Aluorney at Law hells every one,and it isthe cause of much ot fonts, Pa. ioe ES our ill health. If it attacks the breath- ing organs, the issue 1s consumption; if the digestive apparatus, the issue is AND SPRING WAGONS, Animals at The “Zoo” go on a High Old Spree, ing, forth of the Court House. M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- Philadelphia Record. 2 ; ? : is ersatl t the old Carriage stand of fonte, Pa. Office in ‘Garman’s new dyspepsia and debility; if the muscles : : : : This conversation took place yester- CHEWING ak ae, 8 Building. with W. H. Blair. 19 40 the Issue Is rircamatism ; ifthe nerves Those interested In the beauties of day between two disputar.ts at the Rus- x McQUISTION & CO the issue is paralysis; if the glandular natural history are Pe a decided | col] House. The bachelor continued : i 2) OHN G. LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- system, the Issue is in boils, and other treatby neglecting to make a visit to the | «Shall T fire off my list of famous TOBACCO NO. 10 SMITH STREET 5 e in the rooms formerl ! 181s ] Ss 24 by superficial exhibitiovs of corruption. T IT IS A MISTAKE to characterize it as unseen. What fes- ters your skin on every little abrasion? Serofula. What gives that hack to your cough exposure to the slightest damp and cold ? Scrofula. What makes your food an oppression? Secrofula. Zoological Gardens. There are more ex- centricities of animul nature penned up within the encircling fence than one meets with in a year of Sundays. And Head Keeper Bryne can put you in the way of more funny things about the members of his big family than all the books you can find in a modern library. men who abhorred marriage, or who, adjoining the freight depo married, were woefully unhappy. The married man replied : ‘Fire your head off if you choose. But I warn you before you begin that your argument is of no avail.” “How so 7’ ‘‘Because every man 1s entitled to his occupied by the late W. P. Wilson. We have on hand and for sale the best assortment of Carri: ges, Buggies and Spring Wagons we have ever had We have Dexter, Brewster, Eliptie, and Thomas Coil Springs, with Plano and isang) bodies, and cangive you a choice of the uitfereat patterns of wheels. Our work is the best made in this section, made by good workmen ] This stand « Special attention given to the collection andard brand of plug S D. RAY, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. 0! Office on High street. 251 claims. tobacco is acknowledged to D. H. HASTINGS. Ww. F. REEDER. I ASTINGS & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North Al- largest piece for the money egheny street. 28 13 What racks and twists the bones and fe JE perinelly Poni Jip €VErLy \ opinion ; and the opinion of a bachelor and of good material. “We claim to be wa sinews, as you grow old ? Serofula, It abit and characteristic of the Jlour-foot- | on marriage must at least bea mere in the market. Vinco tin the only party manufacturing in town J. L. SPANGLER. C. P. HEWES. ed children—for they are nothing in who ever served an apprenticeship to operates by withholding nutrition and defeating all efforts towards nourish- ment, life becomes a burden, and the victim knows not the blessings and hap- piness of health. matter of hearsay or the fancies of inex— perience and prejudice.” ty xe “T defy you 1” tensive sale for man ness, which certainly should give us y you! y years the advantage over i i - “Then go ahead.” tis sda tage over inexperienced par “Here they are, the famous bachelors has established its reputa- Inprice we defy competition, as we of the world, a list of men eminent in have no Pedlers, Clerks or Rents to the business. Along with that we have tag on each lump. had forty years’ experience in the busi- PANGLER & HEWES, Attorneys-at-Law, Sg Bellefonte, Pa. Consultation in English or German. Office opp. Court House. 19 6 the world but children, and they are given doses of physic, fed, petted and punished just like children in the hu- man family. NO CASTOR OIL FOR THEM. ODHN KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, g Pa. Office on second floor of Furst's new building, north of Court House. Can be con- IT IS YOUR DUTY . . ; : tion. There is nothing bet- pay. We pay cash for all our goods sulted in English or German. 29 31 to yourself, your family, and your race, Y esterday the lions and tigers went all lines of human endeavor, collected : : thereby securing them at the lowest = to manfully oppose and disiodge this on a big drunk at the expense of Mr. by me at great sacrifice of time and—— ter. Try it. For sale by figures and discounts. We are aeter- OHN MILLS HALE, Attorney-at-Law, demon. How? We can only say, that Bryne, and they certainly had a high “Bab.” mined not to be undersold, either in our own make or manufactured work from other places; so give us a call for Surries, Phaetons, Buggies, . Spring Wagons, Buckboards, or anything else in our line, and we will accommodate you. We are prepared to do all kinds of ins! | ions s thers, who were afflicted as you are dealers and grocers. 35 28 4 Philipsburg, Pa. Collections and all other a ers, oe y ; ’ nea 4 \ ' 1n- 1ave found relief and cure in a moder- legal Pusinens in Centre and Closrhgld ron ate use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, that ties aftenc = — compound in which the skill of the modern pharmacist and the science ot the most advanced medical knowledge unite for the benefit of suffering hu- old time. Their intoxicant did not con- | ‘“Youdo not want to be convinced. sist of the red, red wine ; neither was it ou ar: a married man, perhaps the foamy lager. It was simply catnip, | £ainst you will. Let us see bow the and the noble beasts took it straight. world’s most famous men have viewed “Before I start the pets on their spree” | the subject of matrimony. Are you C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- o fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s block, op Sour Moss, Al Diohsstonal sions manity. said Mr. Bryne, “I'm going to give ready for jus intellectual and scientific Pure Malt Whisky. 0—— -REPAIRING——o0 rm Cu——— “Serofula bunches in my neck disap- them a dose of castor-oil. They’ll make bom bshell 7 : bes on short notice. Painting, Trimming, rr Physicians. peared when I took Hood's Sarmaben all sorts of wry taces if they take it, and F or heaven’s sake go on ? : Woodwork and Smithing, We guaran: Ei la.” A. R. Kereer, Parkersburg, W. Va. maybe they won't take it at all. They “I will, then, as: Behold these dis- tee all work to be just as represented, = ~ | © N.B. Ifyou decide, from what you . D.. Physician and Sur- have heard or read, that you will take J B Ney ri) a his profes- Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not be induced oooh h 1 ne 20 21 to buy anything else instead. HOODS SARSAPARILLA Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Prepar- tinguished bachelors—Newton, Locke, Gibbon, Hume, Adam Smith, Harvey, Leibnitz, Boyle, Hobls, Hamgden, Sir Francis Drake, Earl of Essex, Hayden, Handel, Pitt, Michael Angelo, the three are just like children when it comes to castor-oil.” The head keeper passed into the rear of the lion’s cage to a room where horse flesh is kept for the carnivorous animals ion E'S so give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Don’t miss te place— alongside of the freight depot. $3415 S. A. McQUISTION &°CO. sional services to those in need. PURE BARLEY HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, o offers his professional services to the | ed only by C. I. HOOD & CO. Lowell Mass. and cut off three or four lumps of meat | Caracci, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Wolsey, MATT ToT ith oF Belin and vicinity. fete 3540 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. about the size of i) On each | Pascal, Fenelon, Pope, Whittier, Aken- MALT WHISKY Saddlery. N. Allegheny HILDREN piece he poured a few drops of castor oil | side, Goldsmith, Gray, Collins, Thomp- R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur- C ; and then fired a couple of pieces into Sn J. Bonita, Plats, Diana, DYSPEPSIA, geon, offers his professional services to each cage. Tt was almost feeding time | Epicurus Bion, Anaxagoras, eraclitus, : : the citizens of Bellefonte and vieiniy iy Dhue CRY FOR and the animals were raz enously hungry. | Democritus, and Diogenes. on Norn fier Sl Seow Saha Big “Dan” he of the shaggy mane the| ‘Now, then,” went on the bachelor, INDIGESTION, GOOD RECORD. vis’ law office, opp. : PITCHERS noblest Roman of them all, gulped ar fue ober tamous men wha, al- P.. Oculist and Aurist, No. 4 down his bit of meat, and a minute la- | thoug married, were supremely mis- d ull wasti Sion Steoet, Bellefonte, Pa. cece ter was the most disgusted looking lion erable: Aristotle, Socrates, Pittacus, $l wasiing disessey ean be THE OLDEST HARNESS HOUSE Qanonouiss id ihe oni C CA 2 ? TO RiItA A in the world: He made a wry face two Periander, _Buripides, Aristophanes, : IN TOWN. E py voit furnished. 32 18 y bL (lor three times, and then when he real- Sterne, Garrick, and Bacon. 3 Are you ANTIRELY CURED BY IT. —_ p >) os 4 S y 9 2 1 3 ; ized how completely he had been fooled | Satisfied with this, the testimony of 4 % wt i : ae : ver ears in € same gpot—no R. R. L, DARTT, Homeopathic Physician S he let out a roar that made the whole | 8g¢€s. ; iii Malaria is completely eradi onan of Bone fires—no going back D and Surgeon. Office in residence No. a Ccccce building shake, The others acted in And the married man sat dead in his | system by its Mp Y Gridioaten from fe but te and steady ig This RE rr the sume nner and then sat down in | chair. — Detroit Free Prov a church. Pr . 3 < . » gn . Tis. nn ever before. e are 0d pn. Telephone, 32 45 dejected attitudes in different corners of " SE — PERRINE'S up to the times with the largest and best —— the cages. Test of Character. Seaorment of Aialng Shel is to be ; . 7] ellefonte 3 A SURPRISI INK. STORE, And in R. R. L. DA of HESITH : XIsiNG DEUNR ,| Some one has well remarked that the PURE BARLEY STORE, and we So7y Somipstitien; sithier Bo Le Dav ‘Now let’s go on a drunk, my pets,” sharpest test of a man’s character is in INO HORT & WANT OF TRADE, sures and other Rectal diseases. Information and a Mr Be Sanding es to he his treatment of what is in his power MALL aise SOF IMEANY 0 FARINERS — No furnished upon application. : : ge axing irom his pocket a pack- | 31q wholly below him. Motives of self- A S SLEEP age of dried catnip. Instantly every y MY CUSTOMERS. 1am better prepared, interest are sufficiently strong and nu- merous to produce irreproachable con- g ] duct towards superiors or equals in brightened like that of a toper Who | strength or knoledge, or station, or has been invited to take a drink, Mr. wealth, or intelligence. They have in Bryne threw a handful of the fragrant | j; their power to defend themselves herb into each cage, and then the Anl=| from our attacks, to bring us to account mals began a series of extraordin- | gy, our misdoings, to resist injuries to ary and wildly amusing high jinks. | reward benefits. Much of what ren- They made for the catnip much | eps our lives valuable is in their hands this year, to give you more for your money than ever before.” Last year and this year have found me at times not able to fill ny orders. The above facts are worth consid- one for they are evidence of merit and e Sy I Ri y 8 Take part of a wineglassful on your arriva Joie aling. “There Is nothing so success home after the labors of the day and the same quantity before your breakfast. Being chemi- cally pure, it commends itself to the medica. profession. revives the energies of those worn with exces- sive bodily or mental effort. It acts as a SAFE GUARD against exposure in the wet and rigo- rous weather. lion and tiger in sight braced up and J. KEAN, V. M. D. Veterina took a fresh hold of life, Big Dan's eye ° rian, Lock Haven, Pa., Office 13 W. Clinton St. Hospital, Mill St. between Main & Church Sts. 25-25-3m S—————————— : LORAPLEXION—Is an absolute, Dentists. and permanent cure for Sick Head: : ache, Biliousness, Constipation, Nervous De- bility,Bright’s Disease,Diabetesand Consump- tion. It goes to the very root of all diseases caused by an impure state of the blood. —FLORAPLEXION.— Without Morphine. 32 14 2y nr ee = 0—AS SUCCESS—o E. WARD, GRADUATE OF BALTI- ¢ MORE DENTAL COLLEGE. Officein Crider’s Stone Bloek, High street, Bellefonte, and this is what hurts some. See my large stock of Single and Double Harness, Pa. ; : after the fashion ot an old-timer ; WATCH THE TARR Whips, Tweed Dusters, Horse Sheets, Col- ems == | is a highly concentrated and powerful extract ie oF “I'y to bestow or to withold. WATCH THE LABEL. 1 ii i 5 oe S AT of the most valuable and expensive herps | attacking his matutinal cocktail, When, therefore, we so order our oh og anole Pes: known to medical science, prepared from the prescription of a noted English physician, and cures when all others fail . Thousands of the highest and stongest testimonials from grate- ful patients ean be shown. The first dose in- spires you with confidence.—Go to your drug- Bankers. and after eating a little, began to roll about init, while a satisfied expression stole over each face. Big “Dan” and his helpmate seem- ed to have the most fun. For a little from $3 a pair and upwards. Axle, Coach and Harness Oils, Saddlery Hardware and Harness Leather SOLD AT THE LOW- ESI PRICES to the trade. Harnessmak- ers in the country will find it to their ad- conduct as to ¢onciliate and please those who can thus control our happiness and welfare, it may be a token of intelli- gence, but not necessary of noble char- None genuine unless bearing the signature of the firm on the label. F. REYNOLDS & CO., Bankers, Belle- « fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and M. & J. S. PERRINE, Notes Discounted ; Interest paid on special de- 3136 1y 38 N. Third St., Philadelphia. sits, Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits | gist pirchase a bottle, and be cured.—Valu- : acter. When, however, we come into yantage to get my prices before purchas- Feceived. 717_ | bie book sent free to all, Address, while they rolled about the floor of the | relations with those who have no rich BR ii Bil or So Ry Ye a ~~ | FRANKLIN HART, Warren St., New York. cages for all the world like little pup- power, w:o must accept without appeal Watchmaking-- Jewelry. promptly. Insurance. 35-14-19 n.r. pies at play, and then they grow some- | what we choose to give them, who have ALR LE —ee—— what poisterous ~Good-natured growls | no more substantial reward to bestow JAS. SCHOFIELD, filled the air, until “Dan” in the exu- 33 37 Spring street, Bellefonte, Pa. than gratitude or affection, and no severer penalty than secret and impo- G20 1 TUTTE & (0, VW AL RADAMS MICROBE KIT. oman, berance of his spirits rose up and and LER. hit his betterbalf a most unchivalrous 24d NERAL INSURANCE AGENTS TR DO Te 5 2 it 15) tent wrath, we show something of our | g— 1 t the best companies, and wie poli- Tan i ZRRORN blow with his Dighty paw. But this true selves by the way in whieh we treat SRNL AR on BETICTA RN, Represent the best companies, SEASES, did not seem to interrupt the harmony |! them. —N. ¥. Ledger, And dealer in cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason- : . 5 1 led a 2 Lo) m It is the only remedy that will kill Microbes of the veeasion in the least, {or the Heit, able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp. the | poh ave the cause of every di 4 s very disease. : mmc ut — : , Court House. Re Asa blood purifier, it has no equal. As a | €8s proved to be one of the amiable A Salt Water Proof Wood, CLOCKS, WATCHES, To Farmers. tonic i is Melons ju its action. Thousands | kind for whom there is not a cross word JEWELRY A oa whnon | Afonta wanted in very town. oolt_sontapn: | OF 8 blow in a whole bale of catnip. | One of the must peculiar and most and Sali $i! Standard’ Cash Compenies at lowest rates. | ing testimonials; also giving history of Mi-| She did not resent the cruel slap, but | valuable trees in Forida is the cabbage SILVERWARE. Yi pues SUPPLIES crobes ond the Microbe Killer, free on applica- kept right on having plenty of fun. A | tree. The tree, in fact, belongs to the Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna- does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. tion. game of leap-frog followed the rolling about, and it was the most exciting episode of the entire spree. Big Dan Special attention given to the Making anc Repairing of Watches. 2 IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this prin: —CONKLIN WAGONS, — +he favorite palmetto family. It grows to a height varying from twenty to forty feet, and there is scarcely an inch difference in the diameter from the roots to the THE WM. RADAM MICROBE KILLER CO. No. 7 Laight Street, New York City. 3412 1y A large stock always on hand. wagon. I. GARDNER. No. 8 Bush Arcade, . Agent for the best 0—FIRE, LIFE or ACCIDENT—o INSURANCE COMPANIES. All business in his line carefully and Dotpiy attended to. 35 Hotels. PUBLIC. In consequence of the similarity of the names of the Parker and Potter Hotels, the proprietor of the Parker House has chang- the name of his hotel to 0——COAL EXCHANGE HOTEL.—o He has also repapered, repainted and other- wise improve it, and has fitted up a large and tasty parlor and reception room on the first floor. WM. PARKER 33 17 Philipsburg, Pa. RAL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KouLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located op- site the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, as been entirely refitted, refurnished and re- plenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accom- modations offered the public. Its table is sup- plied with the best the market affords, its bar contains the purest and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive hostlers, and every conve- nience and comfort is extended its guests. Ba-Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 min- utes. 24 24 HE o——CUMMINGS HOUSE—o BELLEFONTE, PA. Having assumed the propri&torship of this finely located and well known hotel, I desire to inform the public that while}it will have no bar, and be run strictly as a temperance hotel, it will furnish to its patrons all the comforts, conveniences and hospitalities offered « Its table will not be sur- passed py any. Its rooms are large and comfortable. Its stabling is the best in town, and its prices to transient guests and regular boarders will be very reasonable, by others. The citizens of the town will find in the basement of my hotel a FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET at which all kinds of Meat can be pur- chased at the very lowest rates, I earnestly solicit a share of the public patronage. 83 13 GOTLEIB HAAG, Az=Agent for Bellefonte, Pa., C. M. Parrisu 352 1y. n.1. De MEEKER'S —SPEEDY RELIEF. — Sure cure for Cramps, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sore Throat, ete. 0—*BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. —o A regulator of stomach and bowels. A sure cure for disintery, cholera-infantum, summer complaint, ete. For sale by all Druggists. _ 35 22 6m pe STOPPED FREE.—Marvel- ous success, Insane persons restored. Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer for all brain and nerve diseases. Only sure cure for nerve affections. Fits, Epflept, ete. Infallible if taken as directed. No fits after first day’s use. Treatise and §2 trial bottle free to fit patients, they paying express charges on box when re- ceived. Send name, P. O. and express ad- dress of afflicted to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. See Druggists. Beware of imitating frauds. 35-21-1y ENUINE DICINAL T-0-K-A-Y W-I-N-E-S {Swrer AND Dry) HUNGARIAN ME. Direct from the Grower, . ERN. STEIN, ERrpo-BexyYE, Tokay, HUNGARY. ERN. STEIN'S TOKAY WINES have a wide European reputation as fine, agree- able Wines of delightful bouquet, ripe and rich color, and as appetizing and stengthening tonics ; they are peculiarly suitable for lunch- eon wines, for ladies, and for medicinal use. SUB AGENTS WANTED. Write for sample case containing one dozen fall pint bottles selected of four different quali- ties of these Tokay wines at $10. : ERN. STEIN, Old Cotton Exchange, N. Y. 35-30-1y * POROZONE. We GUARANTEE TO CURE eyery case of Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh and female dis- ease, WHERE ANY SPECIALIST HAS FAILED We can treat you by mail. Our terms are lower than any and we TAKE SMALL WEEKLY PAYMENTS. Send for particulars, SPOROZONE (CO. 218 W. 9th St. 35 32-6m Philadelphia, Pa. did most of the leaping, and the way he would shake his shaggy mane and fly || through the air high over his mate, wus a sight to put an expert acrobat to the blush. HOW THE TIGERS ACTED. But the tigers, the unamiable brutes, didn't appear to have a bit of fun. No sooner had the catnip been thrown into their cages than they {settled down to have a clawing and srarling match. In about two minates the cages looked like sections of Donnybrook Fair. The beasts clawed and yelled at one another, but, like most fights of the kind, no blood was spilled. Mr. Byrne said it was only a way they had of showing how they loved one another, and the ncise was all in fun. Itonly took a little while for the effects of the catnip, to wear away, when the most powerful members of Mr. Byrne's happy family drowsed away into a peaceful sleep. The chances are no headache followed the catnip orgie, for when feeding time arrived a little while later every beast showed up with his appetite all polish- ed and oiled and in splendid running order. “Catnip has a decidedly queer effect on ali animals of the feline specie,” said Mr. Byrne. “It makes them drurk just as surely as whisky will make a human being drunk. If you are inclined to doubt this statement get a little catnip and try it on the house- hoid pussy. She will show ycu an amusing time.” 1 Electricity in Street Cars. Two young electricians were disputing as they rode on an Albany motor car the other day as to wether they were in an electric field or not. One strenuous- ly insisted that no electric current pass- ed through the car, and urged that all the fluid went underneath the floor. “I will prove it otherwise,” replied the other, as he drew a bunch of keys from his pocket. Tossing his keys on the floor he nodded to his friend to pick them up. He did so, but found a perceptible re- sistance. Another part of the floor was tried and it was clearly shown that a strong electric current was passing through the floor. ¢“Well,”” he remarked as he handed the keys back to his friend and removed his watch to his upper pocket and buttoned bis coat, ‘I be- lieve it now.”’— Albany Argus. Poisonous germs : marshy land,or from decaying vegetable matter, are breathed into the lungs, taken up by the blood, and unless the vital fluid is purified by the use of a good medicine, like Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the unfortunate victim is soon overpow- ered. Kven in the moreadvanced cases, where the terrible fever prevails, successful medicine has effected remark- able cures. malarial or poisons should keep the blood pure by taking Hood’s Sarsapariila. eaves. The leaves or bayonets all grow in a cluster at the top. The wood is very porous and extremely light ; it resembles cork. fact that it is utterly impervious to the ravages of salt water and barnacles, which quickly destroy all other natural woods. much sought after for post and piles for building bridges and wharves in salt water. building through salt water have to be creosoted in order to preserve them any Its value lies in the Hence the cabbage tree is Pine piles that are used in ength of time, and the process is a very expensive one, but the cabbage wood needs no application of any sort. Exchange. Malaria literally means bad air. arising from low, this Those who are exposed to Ate Its Rival. An odd result of rivalry between two tiger snakes is recorded by D. Le Souef. assistant director of the Melbourne Zoo- logical garden. large, and the other small. ago both happened to fasten on the same mouse, one at each end. One of the snakes was “Not long Neither would give way, and the larger snake not only swallowed the mouse, but also the smaller snake. In about ten min- utes nothing was to be seen of the small- er snake but about two inches of its tail, and that disappeared next day.” A Family Gathering. Have you a father ? Have you a mother ? Have yon a son or daughter, or a sister or a brother who has not yet taken Kemp's Balsam tor the Throat and Lungs, the guarantee remedy for the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup and all Throat and Lung troub- les? is gladly given to you free by any drug- If so, why? when a sample bottle gist, and the large size costs only 50¢ and $1.00. distinctly by lamp or gaslight in the evening, at a distance of ten inches, your eyesight is failing, no matter what your age, and your eyes need help. Your sight” can be improved and preserved if properly corrected. It is a wron idea that spectacles ‘should be dispensed with as long as possible. If they assist the vision, use them. There is no danger of seeing toc well, so long as the print is not magnified ; it should look natural size, but plain and di- tinct. Don’t fail to call and have your eyes tested by King's New System, and fied with Combination spectacles. ~ They will correct and preserve the sight. For sale 4 2 F. C. RICHARD, 2749 42 High St., opp. Arcade, Bellefonte. Fine Job Printing. es JOB PRINTING 0 A SPECIALTY——o0 AT THE WATCHMAN o OFFICE. There is no style of work, from the cheapest ‘Dodger to the finest 0—BOOK-WORK,—o but you can get done in the most satisfactory manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of work by calling or communicating with this office. Flour, Feed, &c. G ERBERICH, HALE & C0., —BELLEFONTE, PA.— = Manufacturers of -:- F-L-0-U-R And Dealers in o—ALL KINDS OF GRAIN,—o B@=The highest market price paid for sevresere WHEAT ........RYE......... CORN .,....... (0) CHAMPION WAGON (o) A wonderful iavention to save horses om rough roads. BUGGIES, a aay CARTS EET AND ETE SPRING ESSE WAGONS, MTL Se {SOUTH BEND CHILLED PLOWS The South Bend is so well established as be ing the best Chilled plow, that it needs no commendation from us. The different suction Shares D, 8. P. 8.. and 8. S. are made es- pecially for plowing all kinds of Pennsyl- vania soil. (0)— THE ROLLAND CHILLED —(0) is far ahead of any other bevel land side plow in point of workman- ship and dura bility- Shares furnished for plowing soft, hard or gravelly soil. No better or lighter rrnning plow ever manufactured. Easy on man aud horses. —SPRING TOOTH HARROWS.— iit ai Steel frame spring tooth harrows’in which we defy competition in make and price, SEEDS—Farm and Garden Seeds a specialty fo)—(ot Wm. Shortlidge, can : Robt. Sides 1} Business Managers. 4 354 1y § S. WAITE & CO., * BELLEFONTE, PA. We do not claim to be finishad! mechanics, but we simply say to our customers and com. petitors that we use better stoek and employ none but good mechanics to manufacture our fine line of CARRIAGES, o BUGGIES, o SUR REYS & SPRING WAGONS. The best proof is that we find ready saié for our new goods, which some of our competitors do not. A second carload of celebrated Conk- lin Wagons now on hand, and the largest stock af Impleménts ever brought to Belle fonte. We are glad to have Farmers call any time to - examine these go¢ds, and if you find it will be an advantage to deal with us we will be ready and willing to pror.ptly replace any defective arts, as we fully guarantee all goods sold and handled by us. We make a specialty of Repairs and Repair Work on all kinds of Buggies and Wagons. 34 11 i a sii