Democratic: atclpan| Terms $2.00 A Year,in Advance 3, 1890. Bellefonte, Pa., October P. GRAY MEEK, - - - EpITOR mm— STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET. For Governor, ROBERT E. PATTISON, “Of Philadelphia. For Lieutenant Governor, CHAUNCEY F. BLACK, Of York County. For Secretary of Internal Affairs, WM. H. BARCLAY, Of Pittsburgh. For CoNGRESs. For SENATOR. P. GRAY MEEK. Subject to action of District Conference. Representatives EL NG Sherif —WILLIAM A. ISHLER. Treasurer.—JAMES J. GRAMLEY. Register—JOHN A. RUPP, Recorder.—W. GAYLOR MORRISON. GEO. L. GOODHART, T. FRANK ADAMS. Auditors, Jlous B. MITCHELL, Commissioners. Pattison, Black, and Barclay ! GRAND MASS MEETING AT BELLEFONTE, Tuesday Evening, October 7. Special Trains and Excursion Tickets. Governor Pattison, accompanied by Chauncey Black, Capt. Barclay, Hon, Robt. E. Wright, Maj. Veal, R. Jones Monahan, W. U. Hensel, aud other, distinguished speakers will will be here. A mass meeting will be held in the EVENING at the COURT HOUSE, and the above named gentlemen will address the meeting. All persons inter: ested in good government should turn out and hear the issues of the present campaign outlined and discussed. EXCURSION TRAINS. Excursion tickets will be sold at all stations on the Lewisburg & Tyrone, and on the Buffalo Run railroads, for Tuesday, October 7th. Special return trains will leave about 10 o'clock, that evening, running as far as Coburn, and to the College, but will not run over the Mattern branch. Let there be a general outpouring of the Democracy of Centre County on this occasion. Let us give Gov. Patti- sor a hearty welcome to onr home. Let the laboringmen, farmers, mechan- ics and all others turn out and hear a fair and honest presentation of the great issues before them. A special invitation is extended to our Republi- can brethren to come and see and hear what Gov. Pattison and his party have to say. x Let all turn ont on this occasion. The Bald Eagle Express will be held until 9:30, thus according the people in lower end of B. BE. Valley an oppor- tunity to see and hear Gov. Pattison. We see it announced by tele- graph that Grorer F. Kriss, Eaq., of Clarion county, was nominated for congress in this, the 28th, district, by the conference which met on Wednes- day of last week ; but as we Lave re- ceived notification of his nomination we delay putting up his name as the Democratic mominee for’ congress in this district until we shall receive anthentic intelligence as to the action of the conference. no offigial . That Proof Still Unfurnished. Curious newspaper readers in this county have been waiting to see Frup- Ler produce his proof in support of the $900 eharge a He has been challenzed to do so. inst candidate Isunugr. He Favoritism in County Management. Favoritism seems to be the rule in Republican management. In State ad- ministrations the agents of the machine and the servants of the Boss are the ones that receive the favors. Ia. con- gressional action the favorites are the rich manufacturers who farnish the campaign fat and get their reward in high tariff duties that protect their monopolies. In county matters, under Republi- can rule there is also favoritism. IEx- DERSON and DECKER had their pets who were allowed to dip in with a big spoon. No doubt the precentage they got for these favors was in proportion to the size of the spoon. Thus, when bridges were to. be built, bids for the con- tracts were not invited by open, fair and widely-published notice. This would not have done at all, for it would have caused competition, and compe- tition would have interfered with fav- oritism. It suited Hexpersox and Decker to give such work in an under- handed way to some one preferred by the ring—to some machine favorite— such as GaLLIGER. It simplified mat- ters very much, and made the “divvy” easier to manage. The result of this kind of manage- ment has been that the rebuilding of the bridges carried away by the flood has been much more expensive than if there had been fair and free competi- tion for the work. The Milesburg bridge, for instance, is a perfect monu- ment of unnecessary cost. Money was squandered upon it with reckless dis- regard for the in(evest of those whoge hard labor furnished the taxes. But what difference did that make if it benefited the pets of the ringsters who are manipulating the county funds? The cost of those improvements will be known only when the next Audi tors’ report is published. The “ring” organs have claimed, for the credit of the present Republican commissioners, and as an evidence of their great finan- cial ability, that they have expended “thousand of dollars for bridges and murder trials.” When the Report shall be published it will be found that, for an exhibit of good and honest manage- ment, too many thousands were spent on bridges. Much of the excess will have to be charged to favoritism. The orly way to stop this abomina- ble imposition is to restore the Com- missioners’ office to honest Democratic management by the election of Goop- HART and Apawms. A ———cta— A Foolish Misrepresentation. “Ex-chairman HeNseL says Mr. Dir- “AMATER is an officer of a national bank “and therefore ineligible for GGover nor.” After making this foolishiy false state- ment, the Williamsport Gazette and Bulletin says that Governor Parrison is also the President of a national bank, its object being to apply to Parrison the objection which it represents Hex- SEL as having made to Depayarig. Ex-chairman Hexsen did not say that Quav’s candidate was ineligible to the office of Governor because he was the President of a national or any oth- er kind of bank. It is idiotic ignoring of the “truth to say that he said so. What he did say was that DrraMareg, as State Senator, violated the constitu- tion by making use of State money in his business as a banker, the constitution providing that such a use of State mon- ez by any member of the General As- sembly shall be held to be a miade- meanor, one of the penalties of which shall be ineligibility to any office for, five years. Therefore, Denarmarer is not eligible to the office of now Governor, The Williamsport organ knows that Mr. Hexsarn eaid this, and it eannot be éxeused for » misrepresentation that Is as foolish as it is false. There is a reason why the Republican organs, in theirsupport of Boss Quay and his man, must be abjectly servile, and they may has had pros ented to him the alterna- tive ‘of ‘either faruishing proof of the truth of his charge, or being consider- | ed a liar: and -slanderer. This should | pat him on Lis metile. Itshonld stim- | ulate him to an effort to ‘vindicate his | veracity. But it has not had the effect | of making him produce proof support of his in | assertion. Ie simply can’t do it, Tlis silence, like that of | Quay, is an that he | had undertaken a dirty piece of busi- acknowledment ness, il Instead of proof that would be even i'l semblance of support to the Gazette's libelous charge against Mr. Tsu BR, it | | had nothing more forcible to Say | week agninst, him than: that .if hel should be elected Sheriff he would. be | too big for the office. Does this con- | vey the idea that a farmer would be so pufted vp by being elected to that of. | fice that lie wonlda't know how to have himself? This evidently is impression of the rj that kid been "soiled by “hard work, ‘ are best sters who holivve | gsters wiio believe, glove politicians, who haven't | 1 suited to fill the county. offices. i } 1 [it necessary i office? find it necessayy to be uatrath ful, but there is no reason why they should be hly idiotic, A “Ring? Scribbler. thorot When the Republican con nty papers hegin to publish commanications which purport to come from Democrats repre- senting themselves as opposed to the Democratic county ticket, itis a sure sign that they are beginning to find to resort to desperate means. Thus the Republic n prints a screed from a counterfeit Re (dP val “Pennsval- ley Democrat,” who is represented gs Tr { i betng quite sure’ that pretty much the whole of the Demoeratie ticket will be defeated. What a dance. of a Demo- erat he would be if he were really a Democrat aud not the invention of some “ring'? seribbler. I'n this ‘foolish ecommunicatich this | . | bogus Démoeratio correspondent] speak - | ing..of Mg, IsiisRysays. that She-is]. all right as a farmer, bat Centre coun- ty has no fise for "hith'in the “Sherif Ho iti appears: to be ithe Re: EERE A STI TIAN) sented as the expression of a Demo- crat, that a candidate may be good enough for a farmer, buc not fit for a Sheriff, thus insulting a class which in intelligence and probity,and in other points of fitness, especially sobriety, can furnish as good official material as can be found in any other class. Per sons of “sportive” dispositions don’t compare with them in stability and reliability, The pretended “Democrat of Penns Valley” pictures Dr. HARTER as going to wipe out the Democratic majority in that old strong hold—in fact wipe up the ground with it. What a nice time he will have in doing it ; but the Democracy of that region will have something to say about it. They will see the Doctor later on that subject. The bogus correspondent also has a fling at GraMLEY, “the farmer who the Democrats have taken up for Treasur- er.” It appears that the “ring” serib- bler doesn’t like the “farmers” on the Democratic ticket. But there is good reason why ringsters shouldn't fancy the steady habits and sterling qualities of the class of people to which those “farmer” candidates belong and whom they represent in this contest. re me————— ——The reasons why GayLor Mor- risoN should be elected to the office of Recorder are making a good impres- sion upon the voters. Democrats re. cognize the justness of his claim to their support. He has been a faithful member of their party ; he has faith- fully performed his political duties, which did not meet with the treatment three years ago that faithful service merited. Democrats, as a body, are just, and they will do justice to their candidate for Recorder, who is as worthy as he is competent, Harter’s Alleged Claim to Democratic Votes. Really we can’t see the validity of the mortgage which Dr. Harter claims to have on Democratic voters, and there is not the least question that when he comes to foreclose it at the election he will find it a delusion. As a ground for this mortgage he claims to have voted for Democrats in his time. This may be so, and it ought not to make the Republicans think any the more of him as a candidate asking their support. But if he did vote for Democrats, didn’t Democrats return the favor, and more than repay him, when they elected him Recorder three years ago? He knows very we'l that without their votes at that time he could not have made it. Does he want the debt paid twice ? We would advise him not to push it any further. His official situation bas been very comfortable. A profitable professional practice has not been neglected since he has been in. office, as it is well knewn that he has divided his time be- tween his professional and his official The teeth of Millheim and neighborhood have been attended to at least once a week by the thrifty Re- corder. His office didn’t stand in the way of his jerking out an aching mo- lar, or putting in a set of “store teeth,” at schedule prices, : We don’t biane him for this if it didn’t mterfere with his official duties, { publican impressioa, fraudulently pre- NH PE i} } \ 7 duties. _t was by such thrifty man- agement, and attention to a lucrative profession, thai he became so “well heeled” and comfortably situated that be can well afford to step out of the Recorder's office and give poor, lame Gavror MorrisoN a chance. He is just as worthy, and equally, if not more competent, It is" doubtful whether any Demo- crats will recognize Dr. Harter's al- leged mortgage on then vores, Passage. of the Monopoly Tawiff Bill. The McKinley tariff Gill was finally passed on curring in the report of the conference committee, and it will no doub provipt- r ly receive the’ denature of the Presi: | dent. his measnre, designed to rnake the many contribute to the profit of the fow, 1s the most prominent product of an unnsually Mang’ séssion. [It is represented to be a fulfillment of the promise” which the party made to the people. PRE “In fart’ ft only fulfills anagreement of the'Republican leaders with the protected interests which furl nished the campaign boodle in 1888. That was the consideration which chief ly influenced, the action of the. tari statesmen, This measure of monopsly will in- creas ingman without increasing Lis wages in the least. For the farmers it make the cost of their nee: will ssuries great er, while theyrhave the authority of Janes GF, not nish a-market for an additional bushet | of wheat or barrel of pork, Troe aa wy JLaiNe that it will fur- | ——The vote for Joun Reep at the | 9 . SPER SA4q 5. 9 Ite ing electtoh Will be'imfiidise. The of, the, eonaty know a wood af | ficer when they see him, and can’t be kept fiom voting for him, Paesday, both Houses con. the cost of living for everv-work- | | the House mia | pin silver following the pr A National Disgrace. Our navy, and through it our govern- ment, was disgraced by the craven man- ner in which General BarrUNDIA, of Gautamala, who sought refuge on a United States man-of-war, was deliver- ed over to his enemies, who barbarous- ly shot him to death. When on board of that ship he was on United States territory and under the protection of the United States flag. The Gautama- ian authorities had no more right to have him delivered from that refuge than if he had been on American soil. The United States consul, who proved himself unfit for his place, was nsed by the Gautemalans as the medium through which the demand for Bug. RUNDIA’S surrender was made, and the officer in command of the ship basely obeyed the summons to hand over to his merciless enemies a refugee who had a right to protection and safety on an American national vessel, This act, evincing a base and cow- ardly spirit on the part of both the consul and the naval officer, is done while a Republican administration is at the head of the government ; and there appears to be no notice taken of it. The honor of the government will remain disgraced until that consul is removed and that naval officer repri- manded. The Gautamalans can’t be held responsible for the indignity, as they did not invade the domain of the United States as represented by the vessel, but employed our own officers as agents in the perpetration of the outrage. y Amusing Assurance. Epwarp A. Greex & Co., manafac- turers of Philadelphia, indignantly de- ny the truth ofa report that they had con- tributed money to assist in re-electing tariff McKiNLey, who is up again for congress in his district in Ohio. They say that this charge “comes with bad grace from a party which endeavored to gerrymander Major McKixLry out of his district.” The complacent as- surance with which Republicans speak of the sin of gerrymandering is really amusing. They condemn the recent Democratic apportionment ir Ohio as it it was not merely a reversal of one of the most complete pieces of gerrymander- ing ever devised and perpetrated by the ingenuiy of Republican politicians who have never missed an opportunity to do a job of that kind. Er CS —— ——When the farmers and working men of this county vote for Messrs Hort and McCormick they can be sure that they are voting for representatives who will be on their side in favor of the equalization of taxation, and in the support of legislation that will protect labor against the robbery of pluck-me- stores and the brutality of Pinkerton’s raffians. Republican Legislatures have betrayed the farmers and the laborers on these vital questions, and they can look auly to a Democratic Legislature and Governor for relief. : T— Is He Dead—or Drunk ? 4 Milton Man Disappeared After Threatening to Commit Suicide. Milton Standard. : Manasseh F. Seaman is, or was, an iron worker employed by the Milton Iron company. Ie lived on South Front street with his wife and daughter. When he is not drinking he is rather an agreeable person. but when he gets on a spree whieh has been quite frequent of late, he was very abusive to his family. He has been drinking for some days past, and has threatened several times to put himself out of the way. He told his wife not long ‘ago that he would be found at the bottom of the river one of these days and that his” hat would be found with his nawe on it. Thursday morning Seaman left the house at an early hour. He eame up tothe Broad- way house bar and took a drink and started down town. Half an hour later he was noticed ooine toward: the il- tond bridge and when the switch en- i sed some time afterward he standing on the G t seen of him. cfound on the re, and the general impression is that he jumped into the fiver and was drowned, but some believe that he will, turn up when he g His dead body has since ‘been found in the river. ts sober. One of fis Beautiful Results, ing to duty load ore in mports of silver ore is to be inforced 4nthe ‘now: Tariff bill. A result of this poliey the great pswelling works in Kansas are’about to | be transferred: to. dlexico, where their | owners have made the nmr- { ehases of land" ih thd ndichitorhood of San Luis Potosi,. The lead rings of { | i t neeessary Colorado and Montana have completely l. The priee: of pig-iead has | already risen thirty-iive per cent. in the | market, and tuousands of American workingmen are threatened with loss of { employment andi with starvation of { their tawmilies, Philadelphia Record. cnt se A pe remronen a 1 1s. charged that Btutes Senators and fifteen le 31,000,000 by the raise triumphe United niembers of six nee of the sil- ver bill. The basis of this charge rests upon publications made in the St. Loui: Globe D the stancl Ropublican journals in the country This is & matter that sh uld be ated through the Criminal Courts. erat, one of 1081 rontil veniii- ty well posted on the sentiments -official record as Controller of Philadel. Seeretary, Windom’s decision subject- | Oil Men For Pattison. Prominent Republicans Vote the ev. Democratic Ticket, Braprorp, Sept. 29 —A thorough poll of this district discloses the fact that a large number of men heretofore prom- inently identified with the Republican party in this section will openly support attison for governor. Inside friends of Delamater, who re- fuse to be quoted, say they can only hope for 500 majority in Me- Kean County. A thoroughly posted Democrat said: “We have made a | ef canvass and I predict a majority of 500 | east in this county for Pattison.” The ordin- ary Republican majority is over 1,000.” A complete poll has been made of Foster Brook township. The district comprises the villages of Red Rock, Bell’s Camp, Gilmore, Derrick City and Babeock’s Mills. The poll shows 123 Republican voters in the district, of whom exactly thirteen, the unlucky number, will support Delamater. The others will vote for Pattison, and sixty declare an intention not, only to vote that way, but to work at the polls all day. The daily Record made its first appear- ance Saturday morning, containing Sen- ator Emery’s speech in full. Tt will he published as an independent Republican and pera erly and erly will weather country. sharp freezing, result di Septemb 11 be locked for, tempearature until storms of themselves on October Weather.’ Ira B. Hicks, who is considered 8 atithority, in the World and sives the following weather fore- casts for Uctober, should open with cool, bright svailing in most parts of the Heavy frosts, with some will be a most natural the night, tiding us from into October. On the 2d harp and sudden rise in tem- lowed by storminess, may and by the time the high- and storm touch the another blast from the north and 3d a ur west will have advanced past the middle of the continent. About the Tth it will quite warm, begin to turn With soft skies and south- which condition will grow marked energy show danger days—8th, 9th, Meteorological laws will currents, 10th. compel a period of three to four days of sharp freezing storms, which condition will break down progressively from west to east on and next to the 14th and 15th. W. and frost after these Warm south- winds, with reactionary storms, be the result—followed again by the regular cold wave. As we approach the 20th, eyes trained to meteorological changes will note the paper, supporting Pattison. gatbering elements of approaching number of prominent gentlemen | storms. Higher temperature, falling have been interviewed, with the follow- barometer, easterly to southerly winds ing result : —storms! The 20th, 21st, and 22d are Mr. Alex. Urquhart, oil producer— | the days in the period against which we Have always been a Republican. People | would especially warn our readers. here are very bitter against Delamater. He will get little more than 25 votes in this city. In the Foster Brook valley I know of only six Delamater men, though the voters in that district are nearly all Republicans. Mr. McCray—I'm for Pattison. I signed the paper published a few days ago. That list does not contain half the names of Pattison Republicans in the city. My brother is for Pattison. A C. J. Baylester—I have always voted the Republican ticket. I am for Patti- son this year. We nearly all are. I think there are only four or five men in this exchange who are for Delamater, and their connections azcount for their sentiments. My name was not in the published list. Mr. J. E. Haskell Yes, we are all for Pattison. T'm glad to see you here. Isigned the list. Ama Republican of course. Ex Mayor James E. Broder—I am a Democrat, and consequently don’t want to say much. Wallace was my choice, but there is no reason why any Demo- crat should not vote for Pattison. His record is unexceptionable, He is honest and clean. He didn’t do all he might have done for his par.y, but he did his best by the commonwealth. T am pret- of our voters. There are only two Democrats in the county who declare for Dela- mater, L. A. Brenneman—TI have been a Re- publican but will vote for Pattison. 1 think Emery’s proofs are all right. Our spines are stiff enough against Dela- mater, ness tend men and The and ina law. Mr. about this time, and the perturbation of Venus, other causes, will likely for Governor should meet Mr. challenge and fully and completely vin- dicate himself. At Chambersburg, on August 14, Mr. There is a noticeable tendency to stormi- in the regions of the northern lakes approaching together with aggravate this ency at this timeinto violent move- ts. Thedays following up the re- actionary movements about the 26th 27th ought to be crisp and cold, with freezing generally northward. storm prior in which Vulean, Mer- cury, and Venus are directly concerned. begins about the last day of October, month will go out with rising tem- perature and threatening indications, if not active storms, to the west. There is a longer and harder winter before us than last. time, what harm can come from care- ful preparation for a colder winter and for a drier, “The prudent man foreseeth the evil Let us see. Mean- hotter summer to follow ? himself, but the simple pass on and are punished.” What Are the People Going to Do About It? Philadelphia Record. On Friday, April 4, ex-Senator Emery public speech at Bradford charged Senator Delamater with bribery, perjury and forgery, and promised to make good his charges, if necessary, in a Court of The Press, on April 14, insisted that Delamater as a leading candidate Emery’s scan ——— Delamater, after four months silence Tie Whipping Post in Delaware, made a general denial ot Mr. Emery’s Sheriff Allen Plies the Lash Vigorously on a Negro Prisoner. WILMINGTON, Sept. 28—At New Castle jail yesterday Edward Dem bly, colored, received the severest whipping given a prisoner for several years. He received thirty lashes well laid on, and in addition stood one hour in the pillory. The first blow made great welts on his back, and by the time that the last blow had been struck Dem by’s back was in a raw condition. Although there was no blood great welts rose like ridges and seemed ready to burst, but the vie- tim never flinched. The sheriff held the handle of the whip at the end and struck heavier blows than he was ever known to strike. The exhibition was Sherift Allen’s last, and there was an unusual large crowd of spectators. The blows of the leather thongs as they fell on the man’s back were beard, 1t is said, a block distant from the jaii yard. He will also pay a fine of $500 and be imprisoned five years. Demby was convicted of an attempt to feloniously assault Mrs. George H. Huskill, a white woman, into whose wa- gon he had climbed whi'e she was driv- ing along the round near Middletown. He bore kis punishment without flinch- ing. This is the lust whipping adminis- terad by Shoriff Allen,’ as his term will expire before more are sentenced. mers c—— Pare and Untarnished. nial. The tical No clouds ‘of political scandal have gathered around the name of Robert XK, you Pattison. In the presence of his pure} i © Riot phia and Govérnor of Pennsylvania the shafts of partisan malignity fall harm- lessle 4t'his feet. His awn political op- ponents when free from part ar o his candidacy have rendered tary tribute to his worth and hi 1ess for the office of Governor of Pennsylvania, a : bers isan fe who you ——Thou ‘mayest be sure’that hie tht will'in private tell thee of thy faultsis thy friend, for he adventares thy dis- like, and doth hazard thy hatred ; for thereare few men that can endure it, every man for the most part delichtine in self-praisé ‘which 48 ona’ of the most universal follies that bewitcheth muna | kind. a and yal TS GT Aw pss ——— ~—— While the due preparation for and organization of lnbor deserve all the of th aureful and wise ‘adjustment that they oir receive: the intarvals of life shéuld ao never be suffered’ to be flied up by ont ¢hance. They too should be provided | “°° for and the necessity of employing the 1 aright should be impressed onal. 4 the A ITE ARE WERT D I 1y : i Soo ME ora v CREAM CARE ~=Five SEIS DR the cause of the revolt of 1882. i =were right to bolt in 1882, how much more so is it to scratch name from the ticket in 1890 2 Have Have you any 1280, and yaur practices ? but one owes a higher duty than to par- t 1 State at charges. At Bradford, September 26, Mr. Em- ery renewed, reiterated and re-exfore his ed original implication, and specifications supported by affidavits. Instead of “meeting these charges ful- ly and completely, and so strangling them that there should never again be a chance for anybody either inside or out. side the party to use them,” as he was besought to do by The Press, Mr. Dela- mater, at Bristol, September 26, con- tented himself with another general de- adding details The charges are, therefore, no longer a mere question of veracity between two men. out against Mr, Delamater; but he ap- pears to think he may be elected Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania while wearing the shameful bas fastened upon him. A prima facie case has been made stigma that Mr. Emery rr r= “Scratch Delamater's Name.” Advice of a Lancaster county Re- publican Journal, mae The Marietta Register, a republican ‘, paper, this week has at the head of its editorial eclumns, “Scratch Delamater’s nate from the ticket, of the paper are “Don’t torget that hy indorsing Dela- mater you indorse a worse ‘boss,’ In other parts these paragraphs : poli- methods and candidate than were If it Delamater’s thought of that ? recollection of the bill bribers who were purdoned in who' was one of the mem- of that Board ‘which so flagrantly outraged justice and “set at large mien. had well earned a term in the pen- itentiary ? That man has since, through machine polities, placed on the republi- can ticket his candidate for Gov. Will walk upto the trough, through fealty. to party mismanagement, vole {ur a represeatative, of such You may be g republican, one-—that js, to the good of all, and only then does he prove that the good! arty afiilintions! (the latter when right) quality of his citizenship and synonymous. Scratch Dolumator’s nate from the ticket.” TI TOT Ce, —The exhibit of Tndiameorn, and 2 various uses to which it can be which fortaed a feature of | tlio ‘ros exposition at Edinburg, Scotland, sto have borne fruit, and there is ) rospeet of its: introduc- ticle of diet for. the 43s of Jritish public. Mr. Charles J. Mur of Nebraska, who represented’ that Paris arid Edinburg, is visting sour cream, one cup of sweet and exhibitions in cup of butter, four cups of’ J igh ut that co niry, and his des rip- tenspoonful of'coda, four bl erent of tar. | tion of the cornfields ot America, eoup- tar, dour to puke, 87 Still batter. This | led with hig practical illus: rations of the makes a. very large delicious cake 3 many ways in whizh tha cereal may be dake forty minutes, | TE er rrr ww | Ramen Cane Pwo cups suear, two | dups bread! dough, {roofs cup butteryone cup. raisins, one ee, half- teaspoonful nutmec, cinnamon. Add didre flour if.the dough 'is too thin, sod , | | prey. | terest, | wed, has caroused a very keen in. FRC En a ee ve ~—Do vou sufferiwith catarrh ?: You {can be cuted if you take Rond’s Sarsie { purilla, the great blood wnnifier. Sold 0y ai ldruggists. ~