ai TEES PSY Attorneys-at-Law. PER, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, J . Caples in Garman House, 30 28 M I. SWOOPE, Attorney-at-Law. ALIA building, Bellefonte, Pa. 3425 1y y, Attorney-at-Law, Belle” F. FORT Totfice in Woodring’s build” ze on court House. 14 2 — tar -sICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- oF Mate, Pa. Office in Garman’s new eA«ding. with W. H. Blair. 19 40 OHN G. LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- J fonte, Pa. Office in the rooms formerly occupied by the late W. P. Wilson. 2% 2 D. RAY, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. eo Special attention given to the collection of claims. Office on High street. 251 D. H. HASTINGS. W. F. REEDER. ASTINGS & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North Al- egheny street. : 28 13 J. L. SPANGLER. C. P. HEWES. PANGLER & HEWES, Attorneys-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Consultation in English or German. Office opp. Court House. 19 6 OHN KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Office on second floor of Furst's new building, north of Court House. Can be con- sulted in English or German. 29 31 OHN MILLS -HALE, Attorney-at-Law, Philipsburg Pa. Collections and all other legal business in Centre and Clearfield coun- ties attended o. 23 1% C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle- W e fonte, Pa. Office in Garman’s block, opp. Court House. All professional business wih receive prompt attention, 30 16 Physicians. D. McGIRK, M. D., Physician and Sur- J o geon, Philipsburg, Pa., offers his profes- sional services to those in need. 20 21 HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, offers his professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 26 N. Allegheny street. 11 23 R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur- eon, offers his professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office on North High street, next door to Judge Or- vis’ law office, opp. Court House. 29 20 K. HOY, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, No. H. 24 North High Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Office hours—7 to 9 a. m.,1 to 2 and 7 to8 . m. Defective vision carefully corrected. Dats and Eyeglasses furnished. 32 18 R. R. L, DARTT, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in cesidence No. 61 North Allegheny street, next to Episcopal church. Office hours—8 to 9 a. m.,1to3 and 7 to9 p. m. Telephone. 32 45 R. R. L. DARTT, of Bellefonte, Pa., has the Brinkerhoff system of Rectal treatment for the cure of Piles, Fis- sures and other Rectal diseases. Information furnished upon application. 30 J. KEAN, V. M.D. Veterina rian, Lock Haven, Pa., Office 13 W. Clinton St. Hospital, Mill St. between Main & Church Sts. 25-25-3m Dentists. E. WARD, GRADUATE OF BALTI- J, MORE DENTAL COLLEGE. Office in Crider’s Stone Block, High street, Bellsfopis, Pa. Bankers. F. REYNOLDS & CO., Bankers, Belle- eo fonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Notes Discounted ; Interest paid on special de- posits, Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits received. TY Insurance. GE L. POTTER & CO, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the best companies, and write poli- cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason- able rates. Office in Furst's building, opp. the Court House. 22 5 C. WEAVER, GENELAL INSURANCE eo Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Sanaa Cash Compenies at lowest rates. Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna- does, Cy e,and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Howl, wi y I. GARDNER. ° No. 8 Bush Arcade, Agent for the best 0—FIRE, LIFE or ACCIDENT—o INSURANCE COMPANIES. All business in his line carefully and promptly attended to. 35 37 Hotels. THE PUBLIC. In consequence of the similarity of the names of the Parker and Potter Hotels, the proprietor of the Parker House has chang- 1e name of his hotel to 0——COAL EXCHANGE HOTEL.—o He has also repapered, repainted and other- wise improve it, and has fitted up a large and tasty parlor and reception room on the first floor. M. PARKER. 33 17 Philipsburg, Pa. (ina HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located op- posite the depot, Milesburg, Centre county, as been evtirely refitted, refurnished and re- plenished throughout, and is now second to none in the county in the character of accom- modations offered the public. Its table is sup- plied with the best the market affords, its bar contains the purest and choicest liquors, its stable has attentive hostlers, and every conve- nience and comfort is extended its guests. AF-Through travelers on the railroad will find this an excellent place to lunch or procure a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 min- utes. 24 24 HE 0——CUMMINGS HOUSE—o BELLEFONTE, PA. Having assumed the proprietorship of this finely located and well known hotel, I desire to inform the public that whilefit will have no bar, and be run strictly as a temperance hotel, it will furnish to its patrons all the comforts conveniences and hospitalities offere by others. Its table will not be sur- passed oy any. Its rooms are large and comfortable. Its stabling is the best in town, and its prices to transient guests and regular boarders will be very reasonable. The citizens of the town will find in the basement of my hotel a FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET at which all kinds of Meat can be pur- chased at the very lowest rates, I earnestly solicit a share of the public patronage. 83 18 GOTLEIB HAAG, Medical, VW BAK AND WEARY. In early summer the warmer weather is especially weakening and enerva- ting, and that tired feeling prevails everywhere. The great benefit which people at this season derive from Hood's Sassaparilla proves that this medicine ‘makes the weak strong.” It builds upin a perfectly natural way all the weakened parts, and purifies the blood. JUST THE MEDICINE. “For nine years I was ina state of constant sufering, scarcely able at any time to walk about the house, and part of the time unable to be out of bed. The physicians said I had a fibroid tu- mor. I begen taking Hood’s Sarsaparil- Ja and its good effect was soon apparent. I began to improve in health, and con- tinued taking the medicine till now I feel perfectly well and can walk six or seven miles a day without feeling tired. I think ‘Hood's Sarsaparilla is just the medicine for women and any- one who has bad blood.” Jens E. Swurry, East Broad Top, Pennsylvania. ~HOODS SARSAPARILYLA-— Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5, Prepar ed only by C. I. HOOD & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. 36 14. ne CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Passages Ely’s Cream Balm Cures Cold in the Head Catarrh, Rose-Cold, Hay-Fever, Deafness, Headache. Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sores. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. Easy to use. Price, 50 cents. A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at Duggists; by mail, registered, 60 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 34 361y 86 Warren Street, New York, (pen CRY FOR PITCHER’S ccee ¢A8 T.0:R. 1 A. 1 C A.8.7T:0 B.1 A 1 Cc A 2 T7T0RT A | ccece HEALTH and SLEEP Without Morphine. 32 14 2y nr JoonsvIR IONS an absolute, and permanent cure for Sick Head- ache, Biliousness, Constipation, Nervous De- bility,Bright’s Disease, Diabetesand Consump- tion. If goes to the very root of all diseases caused by an impure state of the blood. —FLORAPLEXION.— is a highly concentrated and powerful extract of the most valuable and expensive herbs known to medical science, prepared from the prescription of a noted