Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 26, 1890, Image 5

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    ————————————— ——— ——————————— ea EE lL oi a
____The members of Bellefonte As-
sembly No. 2333, Knights of Labor,
will hoyt theirannual Hallow E'en Ball,
Friday evening, October 31st. in
9 f age, and who wae em-
py pi Tatie at Morris’ lime
ise in this piace; dropped ever dead,
2 genase, on Wednesday morn-
from heart ?
ing. .
FoR THEFT.—-George
Chambers was arrested at Snow Shoe,
last Friday on a charge of having stolen
a sum of money amounting to $150
from a trunk belongingto a son of
Mis. Nolan, proprietress of the hotel at
that place. He is now in jail awaiting
——At a meeting of Encampment
59, Union Veteran Legion, on Wed-
nesday evening, Comrade W. H. Mus-
ser was unanimously elected delegate to
the annual encampment of the Legion
at Fort Wayne, Ind., on October 8th
and 9th, Comrade S. B. Wyland was
elected an alternate.
——The Union Sunday school picnic,
composed largely of the United Breth-
ren, which was held at Chestnut Grove,
on the 12th inst.,was a complete success.
Although the day was damp the people
gathered with their children, bringing
baskets well filled with good ‘things.
The dinner was served between 1 and 2
o'clock. The afternoon was spent in
having a general good time. Among
the interesting features of the occasion
was the exhibition of some curiously
grown wood, twisted into singular forms
and shapes. Among other interesting
articles exhibited was a barlow knife
bearing the date of 1760, making it 130
years old. It had theletters N. T. & 8,
stamped on the handle. These relics
are in the possession of Valentine Reese,
an old resident of the neighborhood.
List of Jurors for November Court.
Jared Hazell, carpenter, Miles.
S. H. Bennison, farmer, Marion.
Daniel B. Weaver, miller, Miles,
Luther B. Stover, merchant, Miles.
John R. Strong, merchant, Potter.
Clyde Kreps, farmer, Ferguson.
Alex 5 lumberman, Worth.
Scott Fravel, laborer, Rush.
Surres Taylor, gentleman, Boggs.
J.C. P. Jones, gentleman, Milesbnrg.
A.C. Bios, teacher, Gregg.
J. D. Miller, farmer, Walker.
Samuel Showers, laborer, Walker.
R. C. Leathers, contractor, Howarh twp.
W. M. Grove, farmer, Potter.
J. H. Reese, farmer, Penner.
A. J. Harter, farmer, Millheim.
John Wasson, farmer, Marion.
L. E. Bergstresser, photographer, Walker.
A. P. Weiland, clerk, Philipsburg.
M. B. Forcey, plasterer, Burnside.
Daniel Grove, gentleman, College.
W. H. Gardner, lumbermaan, Liberty.
Isaac Orndorff, farmer, Haines.
Robert Miller, laborer, Centre Hall.
S. 8. Lyon, gentleman, Bellefonte,
J. H. Karstetter, laborer, Penn.
Abraham Craft, laborer Burnside.
Jacob Fiedler, farmer, Haines.
Claude Hess, laborer, Rush.
Harvey Griffith, engineer, Spring.
Hiram Durst, farmer, Gregg.
W. H. Hale, agent, Rush.
Elias Hoover, laborer, Penn.
C. W. Hoffer, merchant, Philipsburg.
John F. Gray, grocer, Bellefonte.
George Baisor, carpenter, Patton.
Thomas Norris, painter, Philipsburg.
Rudolph Cryder, farmer, Ferguson.
Henry Rossman, mechanic, Potter.
James W. Heaton, farmer, Boggs.
Robert F. Holmes, merchant, Milesburg.
John J. Musser, farmer, Spring.
W. H. Smith, farmer, Penn.
W. Adams, baggage master, Philipsburg.
Wm. Lucas, laborer, Snow Shoe, twp.
W. B. Eckley, farmer, Benner.
J. LiThompson, gentleman, College,
D. H. Parker, blacksmith, Philips urg.
W."H. Wike, carpenter, “
Fred Yocum, laborer, o
J. W. Gross, baker, Bellefonte.
David Spotts, farmer, Union.
J. R. Reenner, laborer, Liberty.
Daniel Daup, farmer, Potter.
Thos. Turbridy, laborer, Snow Shoe.
J. C. Bathgate, farmer, College.
J. B. Ard, gentleman, Ferguson.
Wilson Haines, laborer, Haines.
W. Thompson, Jr., merchant, Howard.
R. C. McClintock, clerk, Philipsburg.
Arista Lueas, farmer, Union.
S. W. Griffith, axe maker, Spring.
Jacob P. Weber, shoemaker, Harris.
Samuel Dunlap, carpenter, Rush.
Daniel Ulrich, saddier, Millheim.
H. L. Harvey. farmer, Boggs.
Wm. Flory, laborer, Centre Hall.
Mathew Adams, farmer, Worth.
Henry Hamden, farmer, Halfmoon.
D. B. Kunes, gentleman, Liberty.
John Pachan, farmer, Gregg.
Israel Wolf. tailor, Miles.
G. G. Mattern, merchant, Patton.
G. M. Hubler, farmer, Miles.
Lot Jones, carpenter, Philipsburg.
John Kern, farmer, Penn.
W. G. Furst, farmer, Patton.
David Kinkaid, contractor, Rush.
Jobn P. Harris, banker, Bellefonte.
W. E. Tate, farmer, Patton.
J. H. Ross, merchant, Haines.
C. Alexander,|farmer, Penn,
W. H. Poorman, carpenter, Spring.
R. J. Haines, constable, Snow Shoe.
W. H. Williams, farmer, Worth.
Charles Smith, baker, Philipsburg.
Adam Krumrine, farmer, Potter.
James Dolan, storekeeper, Spring.
Charles Miller, cigarmaker, Bellefonte.
James P. Hale, laborer, Philipsburg.
8. M. Motz, gentleman, Haines.
T. C. Weaver, laborer, Haines.
Wm. Auman, laborer, Gregg.
Albert Smeltzer, farmer, Spring.
Hammond Sechler, merchant, Bellefonte.
J. A. Dunkle, laborer, Howard.
Wm. Stine, farmer, Pitton
Eugene Sterrett, Sarponist Philipsinre,
‘Wm. Clark, farmer, Liberty.
J. A. Decker, innkeeper, Ferguson.
Geo. A. Bayard, mou!der, Bellefonte.
E. P. Barton, laborer, Union.
Peter Robb, farmer, Howard.
W. W. Witmer, farmer, College.
John Holmes, farmer, Marion.
Geo. B. Weaver, clerk, Bellefonte.
Joseph A. Clark, carpenter, Snow Shoe.
Alfred Thompson, clerk, i
B. F. Hoy, farmer, College.
L. H Osman, laborer Ferguson.
R. J.;Gibbs, laborer, Boggs.
John Haworth, miner, Philipsburg.
John Williams, carpenter, College.
J. A. Zimmerman, laborer, Snow Shoe.
John Shreffler, laborer, Benner,
Rynder's Annex to Quay’s Party.
PHILADELPHIA, Sept.24.—The Execu-
tive Committee of the Union Labor par-
ty will hold a Convention at the Girard
House to-day and nominate a full State
ticket. Colonel Rynder is most talked
of as the nominee for Governor, while
Justice Watkins, of Tioga county; John
Q. A. Kennedy, of Butler county ; T. S.
Laird, of Sullivan county ; John O.
Exley, of Philadelphia, and Colonel IL,
L. Luce, of Erie, are claimants for the
other honors on the ticket.
Joseph Davis, a young man of
Unionville Items.
Father Fisher's apple crop is a complete
We have an infant paper-wood industry; gen
up a little more protection. .
Nearly all of the summer visitors have re-
turned to their city homes,
The fever which at one tim» threatened to
become epidemic has almost disappeared.
Supervisor faron has a force of men engaged
in making improvements on the streets.
A number df Unionville people were employ-
ed away from home during the summer.
George Tovell has returned from Baltimore
where he was under treatment for a chronic
. Travelers an the mountain road experience
delights whie1 cannot be equaled on General
Wahner's razle-dazzle.
Since the death of his wife, J. W. Hoover
has discontinted his business in this place,
having movedall the merchandise to hiz store
at Scotia.
The children are solemnly sharpening pen-
| cils with a view of drawing portraits of the new
teachers who will open school here next Mon-
John W. Siover has placed a small dark
room in front ot his jewelry store to enable
him to photograph views and groups for amuse-
ment. Mr. Stover is an old photographer, and
a good one, but his age prevents him from re-
suming business operations.
The attempt of the Gazette to create the im-
pression that A. J. Griest would, out of petty
spite, use his influence against a Democratic
candidate, shows a low propensity to misrep-
resent, or evinces an entire ignorance of this
gentleman’s character. The editor ought to
know the folly of publishing such rot. If the
many distortions of the Gazette were original,
we might possibly have respect for its genius;
but as it apparently only copies the methods
of others, we can have for it nothing but con-
Pine Grove Mentions.
Our friend, W. E. McWilliams, is confined to
his bed with typhoid fever. A
Dr. L.C. Thomay and family of Westmore-
land county, are visiting relatives in this and
Huntingdon county, all looking well.
Our Nimrods are doing a good deal of game
killing, or a good deal of make believe, as we
have heard of few being bagged.
Our mutual friend, Dr. A. J. Orndorf, of
Greensburg, Pa., accompanied by his wife,
tarried awhile in our town greeting hosts of
old acquaintances, They were on their way
to pay, probably, the last visit to his aged
mother, near Spring Mills, as she was report-
ed as being at death’s door.
Two of our sprightly young farmers, Newt
Hess and Simeon Musser, while at Williams
Grove picnic inspecting the different va-
rieties of machinery, was so well pleased
with a new traction engine and Gieser thresh-
er that they had it shipped immediately ready
for service to whoever may give them a call.
Our Pine Grove club to the front. While
the cheers of last Saturday were still ringing
in their ears and the vision of a large crowd of
spectators before their eyes, the Greenwood
club again attempted to jump into the harness
and carry off the laurels. But from a base
ball standpoint this was a failure. Although
the past record shows that both clubs played
about equally well as regards fielding and bat-
ting, heretofore the Greenwood club managed
their game and bunched their hits unconscious
of their opponent's errors, so that at the finish
of the’ several previous games they had the
better of the game by one. But in the game
played on our home field on Saturday last, our
home team regained its former reputation
and came out best, seven to nineteen. This
ends the playing for this season here.
In a recent issue of your paper you mention-
ed the injury Mr. Albert Inlow received while
in the act of undermining a fall of several tons
of clay by which he was caught and inter-
nally hurt. Death relieved his sufferings on
the 15th inst. He was immedintely taken to
the hospitable home of his father-in-law, C. H.
Struble, where his wants were attended to and
all that kind hands and loving hearts could do
was done for him by his young wife and fami-
ly. With the deceased we had but a slight ac-
quaintance, he having come from Kansas re-
cently and married Miss Sallie Struble. He
was engaged as an engineer, known by his fel-
low workmen as a good, industrious, trusty gen-
tleman. His untimely death is a sad blow to
his young widow who can but look to him who
does all things for his own glory. Hisremains
were laid to rest in the Pine Grove ceme-
tery on the 17th inst., where many had gather-
ed to view the last of one just in the prime
of life,and drop a sorrowing tear over his tomb.
D. N. Young, Esq, and wife, both old
timers, of, our town, were seen
on our streets greeting their old asso.
ciates. Theygwere summoned here by s mes-
sage to attend the funeral of Mr. Young’s un-
cle, the venerable Henry Bloom, one of our
old land marks, who died on the 13th inst. at
the residence of his son-in-law, Albert Hoy,
at State College, from disease incident to old
age. Mr. Bloom was born in Buffalo Valley,
Union county, May 1st, 1808. When he was 12
years old his father moved to this county, to
near Earleystown, and from there moved on -
to the farm now occupied by Mr. James Fort-
ney. But for the last half a century he lived
and reared his family a mile and a half north
of this town, on the White Hall road, where
health and honest toil enabled him to acquire
a good farm which he kept in most fertile con-
dition. Mr. B. was note for his affable, plain,
courteous manner. He was honorable in his
business from principle, and a firm advocate of
justice and right, Politically he was a Jeffer-
sonian Democrat. Religiously, a German Re
form, to which ehurch he consecrated himself
in early life,'and when health permitied, was
ever in his place jin the sanctuary. His wife
proceeded him to the grave some 18 years ago,
he remaining a widower to the close of his
life. Mrs. Albert Hoy and Mrs. Wm. Garner
administered to his wants in his ailing years.
The remains of the aged father were laid out
ot sight in the Pine Grove cemetery on Sunday
afternoon, 14th inst., attended by a large num-
ber of people. Revs A. A. Black, assisted by
Rev. C. T. Aikens, performed the funeral cere-
monies. Rev. Black took for his text “Ifa
man die can he live again?” The Rev. gen-
tleman, in eloquent and forcible language, por-
trayed the blessings in store for God’s people
who live and work in the Master's vineyard
to enjoy the blessing in the kingdom above.
The deceased's two daughters, Mrs. Hoy gn
Mrs. Garner; two sisters, Mrs. Dennis, aged 91
years, and Mrs. Moore, near 80 years, survive
one whose work was well done’in the family
in the church and in the community. To all
he was: loyal and true. ! Vier
——The following letters remain in the
Bellefonte Post Office unclpimed, September
22th, 1860. : :
Jennie Bird, John B. Clark,
Jennie Davis, Mrs. Willie
Holt, Jacob Baymer, Sarah Joslin, Charles W.
Lee, Maud Porter, Richard E. Packer, Andrew
\ Rough, Adam shugar, Jéemimah Tressler,
Lodal Ward, Mary Wilson, Capt. A, Wishart.
When called for please say advertised.
Foreman, Esther
Sallie Conrad,’
Howard Happenings.
The large double house which Mrs. Hewes
is having built is nearing completion and will
soon be ready for tenants.
If some of the people of this place were ask-
ed what they would rather be, the answer
would invariably be ‘a second class school
Several of our young men and ladies hied
themselves to Bellefonte on Thursday night
Sept. 11th, to see Frank Mayo play “Nordeck”
in Garman’s new opera house.
Mr. Wm. Jenkins, superintendent of the
Iron Works of this place, who now lives at the
works, intends moving to town in the near
future, in B Weber’s new house.
A very quiet wedding took place in town on
Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 16th, in the marriage
of Mr. Wm. Custard, of near Clintondale, and
Miss Minnie Smetzer, of this place. The cere.
mony was performed at the home of the bride
on Main St., Rev. Geo, King officiating. The
couple took the 4.48 train the same evening
and started on their tour.
An effort is being made to secure more stock
in the 5th wheel manufacturing business for
the purpose of enlarging the building and
getting more machinery here, instead of mov-
ing itto Lynchburg, Va., where they had in-
tended locating, Should they be unable to get
people to take the required amount of stock
they will direct their efforts to do =o in an-
other locality.
WILLIAMS—RUSH.—At Milesburg, Sept.16th,
1890, by Rev. G. W. Bouse, Mr. Theodore |G.
Williams, of near Unionville, to Miss Mary
L. Rush, of same place. :
DIXON—PARK.—At Snow Shoe, Sept. 19th,
1890, by Rev. G. W. Brouse, Mr. Adam Dixon,
of Snow Shoe, to Miss Mary Park.
Burp—On Wednesday morning, September 10
1890, of blood poisoning, at her residenc in
Aaronsburg, Pa., Mrs. Elizabeth Burd, aged
42 years, 5 months and 9 days.
TONER.—William Toner, son of John and
Adaline Lucas died Sept. 3rd, aged 4 years,
6 months and 24 days.
There in peace his dust is laid,
Jesus watches o'er his bed ;
There in certain hope to lie
Till the trumpet shakes the sky.
One more safe—the race is run,
Bright and brighter was the sun
Till the shining noonday glow ed
Q’er the pilgrim’s heavenward road.
Winter's cold and sun's bright rays,
Yet a few more flowers to dress
Earth's polific wilderness.
Then roundjthe believers tomb
Light from heaven shall cheer the gloom,
When the prison house shall shake
First the dead in Christ shall wake.
SHOPE.—Onessie, daughter of Daniel and Ma-
del'a Shope, died of diptheria, Sep. 16th,
1890, aged 5 years, 1 month and 25 days.
Wejlay thee in thy silent tomb,
Sweet blossom of a day,
We just begun to view thy bloom
When thou was’t called away.
This lovely child thus torn
From our fond home away,
With silent grief is gently borne
To its lone bed of clay.
But thou shalt yet in beauty bloom
A plant in Paradise,
And gladden with a sweet perfume
Our mansion in the skies,
New Advertisements.
O THE LADIES.—The fall and
winter styles are now being dis-
played and parties wishing to purchase goods
at city prices can do so by sending their or-
ders to Mrs. N. K. Dare, 247 North Street,
Philadelphia. Agents receive their commission
from the merchants and no extra expense to
buyer. 35-38 2m *
New Advertisements.
Farms for Sale.
Joseph Brothers
Just look this way a minute or two, -
I will try my best to interest you.
It’s a settled fact we all wear shoes,
And that is the subject I shall choose.
It’s a settled fact you can’t erase
That “MiNgLes” store is the only place
To get Boots and Shoes in all kinds of leather
Suited exactly for any weather.
We have men’s boots in calf and split ;
Also, cowhide, grain and kip;
And Brogans, pegged and sewed you see,
And long-legged boots that cover the knee.
Men’s calf congress, button and lace,
In different styles to suit the taste ;
Carpet slippers, grain and goat,
From twenty-five cents to a dollar note.
Boots and shoes that will stand the water ;
Ladies’ kid button for { dollar and a
quarter :
French kid for ladies, I have on hand
Glove kid, pebble goat, also French tanned.
Ladies’ serge congress for eighty-five cents,
Goat and calf buskins for a Jittle expense,
Common sense and opera toe I've got,
In kid and dongola and gipsy cut.
Ladies’ button shoes with patent tip,
Children’s “School Shoes” that never rip.
Dongola and goat, spring heel and opera toe,
Is something that’s selling not very slow.
On men’s congress we've had some fan :
On our “Nox Em All” line we've had a big
And another shoe that will fill your eyes,
Is a three dollar and a-half shce called the
Long-legged boots we are selling most ;
There’s nothing better to keep out the
We always try to do our best,
And that isthe cause of our success.
Now to all our customers, we wish to thank
For the kindness you have shown us, and
patronage too.
Please call this way when at your leisure,
We will show you goods with greatest
In closing this I wish to tell—
Chis fall we have goods that will sell,
We will show you goods that cannot be beat 7
Some or the best you ever had on your
Now to all we wish to say, :
To those whe have not called this way,
Don’t buy boots and shoes any more
Until you have visited
Brockerhoff Block, Bellefonte, Pa.,
; 35-38 4m
hereby given that the undersigned,
an Auditor appointed by the Orphans’ Court of
Centre county, to make distribution of the
funds in the hands of James . Boal, Trustee,
arising from the sale of real estate of John
Love, late of Patton township, deceased, to and
among these legally entitled to receive the
same, will attend to the duties of his appoint-
ment at the office of Wm. C. Heinle, esq., on
Tuesday, the lith day of October, A.D. 1890,
at 10 o'clock, a. m., where and when all per-
sons interested can attend and present their
claims or be forever debarred from claiming
any of said funds.
3537 3t Auditor.
late of Ferguson Township, deceased. In the
Orphan’s Court of Centre county. The under-
signed, an auditor appointed by said Court to
hear and pass upon the exceptions filed to the
separate accounts of Rebecca Robison | and
Harris}C. Robison, Executors of, &e., of said
John Robison, deceased, restate said accounts
in jaccordance with his findings, and make
distribution of the funds in the hands of the
said executors to and among those entitled
thereto, will attend to the duties of his ap-
appointment on Friday, Oct 10, 1890, at 10
o’dlock a. m., at his office in Bellefonte, Pa..
when and where all parties interested
maypattend if they see proper, and when and
where all parties having claims against the
funds must present the same or be forever de-
barred from participating in the distribution of
the same.
{ 85-37 3t. Auditor.
OTICE.—Is hereby given that an
appliciation will be made to the
Governor of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the
14th day of October, A.D. 1890, by D. Wilcox, T.
A. Love, B. Weber, Wm Lucas, C. M. Muffly
and others, under the act of assembly approv-
ed April 29, 1874, entitled an Act to provide for
the incorporation and regulation of certain
corporations, and the supplements thereto, for
the charter of an intended corporation to be
celled the “D. Wilcox, Manufacturing Com-
pany,” the character andjobject of which are
to manufacture carriage hardware, and for
that purpose to have, possess and enjoy all
the rights, benefits and privileges of said act
of assem bly and supplements thereto,
85-38-3t Solicitor.
ANTED. —Two reliable men
i who understand Loan Association
work to act as General Agents for The People’s
Building, Loan and Saving Association of
Geneva, N. Y. Write early giving age and re-
ferences to
S. F. GASCOIGNE, Manager,
35-38-21 Geneva, N. XY
WEEKLY for one order daily ;
8 something new for live :workers.
CHAS. L. WEBSTER & Co., Publishers
L dersigned, an Auditor appointed by
the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county,
to hear and [pass upon the exceptions filed to
the account of Daniel Irvin, Committee of
Joseph Kelso, a lunatic, and make distribu-
tion of the balance in hands of accountant,
will attend to the duties of his 2ppoiniment at
his office in the Borough of Bellefonte, on
Tuesday, the 7th of October, 1890, when and
where all persons interested are required to
appear and present their claims or be forever
debarred from coming in on said fund.
‘We GUARANTEE TO CURE eyery case of
Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh and female dis-
can treat you by mail. Our terms are lower
Send for particulars.
y 218 W. 9th St.
35 32:6m Philadelphia, Pa.
YE WANTED. — I want 500
bushels of good, clean rye for which
I will pay 70 cts per bushel delivered at my
3 East 14th St., New York.
2b 36 2t.
mill at Pleasant Gap. . .
2; 26 tf*
Pianos and Organs.
matter of tha estate cf John Robison, i cad.
By virtue of an order issued. out of the Or-
phans’ Court of Centre county, there will be ex-
posed to publi¢ sale on the premises, one and
a half miles east of Hublersburg, on
at1 o'clock, p. m., the following valuable Real
Estate, late the property of Daniel, Emerick,
deceased. A fine farm, containing
upon which are erected a good barn, all neces-
sary out-buildings and a :
The land is nearly all cleared, is in good con-
dition and locatgd in one of the best producing
sections of the ®ounty. An excellent spring
of water is at the house and a good orchard of
choice fruit. This property is handy to
churches and schools, and is an exceedingly
desirable one for any one wishing a home in a
good community.
TERMS :—One third cash, one third in one
year and balance in two years, with interest.
Deferred payments to be secured by bond and
mortgage on the premises,
YDUBLIC SALE of valuable farm
property. Will be offered at public sale
at the Court House, Bellefonte, on
SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 25th, 1890,
all that valuabie farm property situated in
Patton township, belonging to the estate of
George N. Hale, deceased, containing about
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, when condi-
tions will be made known by
Admr., Est of George N. Hale, dec’d.
35-37-ts Coatsville, Pa
UBLIC SALE of valuable farm
property will be offered at public sale
at the Court House, Bellefonte, on
all that valuable farm property situated in Pot-
ter township, belonging to the estate of Mrs.
Jane W. Hale, deceased, containing about a
Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, when condi-
tions will be made known by ,
Admr. Est of Mrs. Jane W. Hale, decd.
35-37-ts Coatsville. Pa.
OR SALE.—A farm in College
A township, by the heirs of Joseph Ba:
ker, deceased. Contains 150 acres ; 100 under
ood cultivation ; 50 well {timbered, Beautiful
or situation, good buildings, good water, ex-
cellent fruit of all kinds and but twenty min-
utes walk from Oak Hall station. For terms
Dauphin, Pa.
By virtue of an order issued out of the Or-
phan’s Court of Centre county, there will be
exposed to public sale on the premises, 214
4 east of Boalsburg, on
at 1.30 p. m., the following valuable Ireal estate,
being the property of the late Henry Meyer,
A VALUABLE FARM containing 190 ACRES
MORE OR LESS, on which is erected A GOOD
STONE HOUSE, BANK BARN and all neces-
sary out buildings. Plenty of running water,
and well atdoor. Good fruit, excellently fen-
Soil in excellent condition. Near
churches and schools. A most desirable home
and will be sold on the following easy terms.
Terms: One third purchase money to be
paid on confirmation of sale ; one third Jn one
yearand the balance in two years with interest.
Deferred payments to be secured by bond and
mortgage on the premises. :
53h » J. H. MEYER,
Surviving Admin. Estate of H. Meyer, dec'd.
ANTED.—Educated ladies and
gentlemen to sell Mark Twain's
new and remarxable hook “A Connectiout;Yan-
kee in King Arthur's Court” sold by substrip-
tion only. 300 striking illustrations by Dan
Beard. One agent sold 35 books in five 'days ;
another sold 31 in three days and ang er
took 25 orders in making thirty calls. ,000
already sold. Choice territory still unoccu-
pied. “Address Chas. L. Webster & Co., 3 East
14th St., New York. 32-34-3t—2,0,W.
we have a lot of nice new in-
fant sacques just received, a
leader at 25 cts.
Ladies facinators, for cool even-
Ladies and children’s under-
wear, a large assortment. We
carry the infant's knit shirts
all wool.
That 65 ct. bed spread is a
Don’t fail to see our new line
of infant silk and cashmere
caps. They are beauties.
Come in and see the new goods.
No. 9, Spring Street,
Bellefonte, Pa
35 21 1y
Prave !
At all prices from $25 to $1,500. We sell the best Pianos
from six different factories, all of which have a standard
BARGAINS we always havea number of
good second-hand Pianap and Organs for care-
ful and economical buyers.
lists of them as the stock is always changing.
Prices range from $25 to $300, on easy monthly
payments when desired. Please write us and
we will mail a list of those now in stock.
We cannot print
Yr —¢
PIANOS! of excellence that is unsurpassed. Our stock is large
: enough to suit every home, from the poor man’s humble
PIANOS! cottage to the White House at Washington. There are
various colors and designs of cases to please every eye.
. There is the widest variety of tone, from the soft and pa-
PIANOS! thetic to the sharp and "brilliant. The prices are low
enough and the terms of payment easy enough to suit
PIANOS! every customer. We desire to place pianos within the
reac oF EYeryhody. i you Wan: a 2 0, Dlsase call on us
or write us full particulars. e sell a great many pianos
PIANOS! through correspondence. ¥ ye
ORGANS! We take special pride in catering to Organ customers.
We have a ways Shen Seren) anenifon to $his Departs
ment and our reputation for selling go rgans eyon
ORGANS! reproach. We have all styles, of course, at ry ay
ORGANS! from 3210 $0. Please call or write to us and we will
cheerfully reply. -
IF YOU CAN'T PLAY, then the Aeolian Organ is the
ORG A NS! instrument for you. It is a splendid Instrument, resemb-
ling a full Orchestra, and it can be easily played, by any
ORGANS! oi] hs after five minutes instruction. “Send for special
0 J mn
Bellefonte, Pa.,
READ THIS You ean soon learn to play
by using Heppe's Music Chart. It isa simple
arrangement that fits on the keyboard of any
Piano or Organ, and you can learn more
from it in five minutes than you can from
a hundred instruction books. Mailed to any
address on receipt of one dollar.
o———(0) 0
35 30 6m
yy oorarns STORES.
The Largest amount of Floor Space Occup
The Largest Stock of Goods! The
Most Complete Assortment of Every-
thing! And the LOWEST PRI-
CES of any establishment
Owing to the continuous and rapid increase o
our business, which is now larger than that of
any other Mercantile House in Central Penn
Tisai, we have been compelled to Secure the
intire Building formerly occupied by S. &
A. Loeb, and connect it with
Giving us
And more floor space than is occupied by ai
four slores in Centre county. mi any
These are literally packed
with goods purchased after
the decline in Spring pri-
ces AT GREATLY R phic.
Thus securing the benefit of LARGE D
AFFORD TO. on eax
Is stocked with over $75,000 worth
of the very LATEST STYLES OF
DRESS GOODS, in every conceiv-
able material. NONE PINERTO
In this line we have car loads of
goods and can offer unheard of bar-
gains, and defy competitions, eith-
er in quantity, quality or price.
Is in the large room, formely oc-
cupied by the Messrs Loeb, and oe-
cupies the .entire first floor. In
this line we are just now having an
opening, and will hereafter make
it a specialty. It isthe LARGEST
in Central Pennsyivania, and is
Siooked with over $32,000 worth of
People in this section have never
seen such a stock and in fact it is
not equaled by half the wholesale
houses in the cities. It has all been
COUNTS, and will be sold AT
Is large and complete with-
in itself and covers every
rade of foot wear that is
Eran or used.
Shows goods in this line of all grades
and cgnsists of a full assortment, «
- running from the cheapest Ingrains,
to the finest Velvet, &c. We have
Rugs, Oil Cloth, Mattings and
everthing of the kind in larger
abundance than any store in the
country, and will sell them cheap-
er than any competitor.
In addition to these departments we have"
rooms full of
And in fact more Goods in every line than
you have ever seen in our establishment
and all of which we offer Cheaper
We want you to come and see us, We kuow
that we can accommodate you and give you
bargains, away ahead of all competitors. Come
aid ce our immense stores and unequalled
8 h
36 21 3m