Bellefonte, Pa., September 26, 1890. HEREAFTER. When we ave dead, whea you and I are dead, Have rent and tossed aside each ear hly fei- ter And wiped the grave-dust from our wondering eves 2 And stand together fronting the sunrise, I think that we s.all know each ovher beter. Puzzle and pain sha'l lie behind us {hen : All will be kuowan aod all wlll be forgiven. Wé shall be glad of every hardaess past, And not one eacihly shadow shall be cast To dim the brightness of the bright new heaven. And shall I know, and you as weil as I, What was the hindering thing our whole lives through, , hich kept me always shy, constrained, dis- tressed ; Why I, to whom you were the first and best, Could never, never be my best with you. Why, loving you as dearly as I did, And prizing you above all ear.hiy good, I yet was cold and dull when you were by And taltered ia my speech or shuaned your eye, Unable quite to sav the thing I would; Could never front you with the happy ease Ort those whose pecfect trost has cast out ear, Or take, Content, from Love his daily dole ; Bat longed to grasp anu be and have the whole, As blind men long to see, the deaf to hear. My dear Love, when I forward look and think Of all these bafliing barriers swept away, Against which I have beat so long and strained Of all the puzzlesof the past explained, I almost wish that we could die to-day. Ex-Governor Pattison’s Speech to the Democratic Socicties at Reading. At the meeting of the Democratic Societies of Pennsylvania in Reading last week Ex-Governor Pattison made the following address which is worthy of the careful and thought perusal ot every citizen : This occasisn is an auspicious one for inaugurating the active campaign on behalf of the people of Pennsylva- nia for home rule, honest government and clean politics. These issues pre- sent every consideration to attract the ardent and enthusiastic advocacy of the young men of the State, and it is fitting that they should be the vanguard of the popular forces. I esteem ita for- tunate event that'enables me to address such an assemblage of societies organ- ized for the specific purpose of interest- ing the youth of the land in those pub- lic questions that are at the foundation of all government, and which are of the first importance to the happiness and prosperity of the people. You will do well if at the threshold of your ex- istence you elevate your purpose above that narrowness which mistakes names for principles and semblance for sub- stance. There is nothing on earth more real than the science of politics, and nothing demanding more absolute devotion to truth for its own sake. The |shams and hypocrisy that so often hide beneath the mask of party would have little chance of ‘successful decep- tion if societies, such as yours, devoted to the propagation and defense of prin- ciples either than blind subservience to party.should become the general educa tors of the young in political knowledge. In designating yourselves “Democratic” societies you adopt a title at once dis- tinguishing and inspiring, and that amidst the mutations of parties should be as a lamp to your feet and a guide to your pathway. It should ever re- mind you that the good of the whole people is the touchstone by which all parties and all principles are to be tried, and it should enable you to de- tect and expose those false priests of Democracy who in her name scek to advance tlie few and the favored at the expense and to the detriment of the mass of the community. 0, Democ- racy !| “what crimes have been com- mitted in thy name |” Be it yours, be it ours, ever to preserve from the pollution of the demagogue and the spoilsman the sacred vessels of the temple of Democracy—to save its name from dishonor, its principles from mis- use. A DUTY THAT CONFRONTS THE PEOPLE. There has never been a time when the people of our State have been con- fronted more directly with the duty of rebuking an attempt to subvert the very basis of representative democratic gov- ernment. I would not emphasize un- duly a purely personal issue. But men often become by reason of circumstan- ces the exponents of a system or idea. In such instances it is impossible to disassociate the fortunes of the individ- ual from those of the cause. Hence, at the present juncture of our politics every consideration of self-respect as well as self-government calls upon the voters to take notice of the audacious personal domination by which our per- lic interests and political affairs are menaced. |All history teaches the danger of intrusting even to the wisest and most virtuous men absolute dicta. torship in affairs of the State. In a democratic government such absolute power can never be achieved by can- dor, integrity or public fidelity, and cannot be retained except by the abuse of official power and the corrupt sup- pression of the popular will. The present boss domination in Pennsyl- vania illustrates both these truths. The people have not willingly chosen either the chief or his agents under whose stigmatized leadership they manifest such hopeful unrest. There could be no more severe reflection upon the pa- triotism and virtue of the people than tosay that they knoWingly chose a supremacy so haughty and so malign, except to have to declare that they weakly submitted to its continuance. As to the firststatement I have already expressed my dissent, and I have a sure confidence that no man after the election in November will be able just: ly to cast the latter censure in the face | t! ) times greater tax upon his property of the sterling yeomanry of this Com- monwealth, PARTY LINES SHOULD BE IGNORED. This is a subject which, while pri- marily relating to one political organ- ization, is yet of deep interest to all citizens irrespective of party. As to those matters falling legitimately with- in the domain of pelitical controversy parties properly divide. Some questions, however, are of common interest to all pariies,’and one of these is the integrity and purity of each party organizasion. This is true for the potential reason that in our government it is of vital importance that parties shall be so or- ganized and controlled that the success from time to time of each shall be the means of giving prompt and faithal expression to the popular will, That is to say, that they shall be in fact the ever-ready instruments at all times to which the. citizens may confidenuly turn to redress a wrong or enforce a principle. Now, this cannot be where the leader- ship of a party is either corrupt or des- potic. "Hence tue existence of these vices in any pariy organizaiion may be justly criticised as a matter of general public concern. The par.y leadership of Tweed in New York was an evil of which every good citizen should have desired that ihe Democracy might purge iigelf for is own regeneration, and in order that a purer managemeat might guide and control its affairs. Similarly itis the duty of patriotism to desire that the Tweeds of all parties may be dethroned. and that political organizations may be made in fact rep- resentative agents, inspired and led by their best and purest men, rather than facial “ns ruments of seltish and cor- rupt power, absorbed and owned by their worst elements, BOSSISM MUST BE ERADICATE). The vice of bossism lies at its roots, however, and exisis irrespective of pe.- sonal character. Bossism looks for its strengih not in widely diffused and pop- ular support, but through agencies of concentrated and, therefore, easily con- trolled power. Hence it panders to the rich and powerful few rather tan de- vote itself to the toiling and dependent many ; to the syndicate and trust raih- er than to the consumer ; to the corpo- rate monopoly rather vhau to the indi- vidual; to the large employer raiher than to ihe laborer; to the special in- terest rather than to the general good. This is the universal character of des- potism, whether it wears a crown or dupes a multitude ; whether in the Ro- man or the American Senate. The history of our own State, however, pre- sents illustrations ofthis truth more eloquent because mcre recent and of immediate application. FARMERS ARE UNJUSTLY TAXED. Probably nc classof citizens have suf- fered more from the evils of boss gov- ernment than the farmer. The farm- ing interests of our State, the eldest and most widespread industry engaging the labor of man, have been burdened and depressed to the lowest degree of vitali- ty by a course of legislation systemadic- ally devised to build up various forms of momopoly at the expense invariably of agriculture. Taxed to sunport the State vastly in excess of its just propor- tion, land has become in many locali- ties no longer a sonrce of profitable in- dusiry, but its ownership is a positive burden.” The proceedings of the vari- ous Granges throughout the State ; the repeated declarations of the Farmers’ Alliances ; the complaints that, as a lengthening wail of woe, go up from the journals devoted to agriculture, all voice the emphatic grievance of the farming interests. At whose door lies the blame for this condition, and what is the remedy? With absolute control of the Legislature for almost a quarter of a century, the hosses have steadily defeaiel all laws proposed to relieve land of its unequal burden of taxaiion ; to exact of corporations full compliance with their chartered duties ; io prevent unlawful and unjust discrimination, and to prune off all needless offices and stipendiaries as so many leeches upon the substance of the people. No Anti- Discrimination law was passed until 1883, the first year of Democratic exe- cutive control, and then it was emascu- lated in its passage by boss dictation. In 1883 and 1885 more useless and ex- travagant offices were abolished than in the entire generation preceding. For the first time during the same years the Executive invoked the pow- er of the courts to enforce the fund- amental law and prevent iw defiant violation by cor )orations; and for the first time, also, specific and urgent re- commendation was made by the Exe cutive of a measure to equalize taxa- tion in the interest of farming. How much was achieved during those four years the record attests. How much that was attempted, was thwarted by. the bosses still in command of one branch of the Assembly, is also well known. PERSONAL PROPERTY ESCAPES TAXATION. In my annual messages to the Legis- lature in 1883, 1885 and 1887 this sub- ject was given particular attention. In 1887 I addressed the law making body as follows : “The ineffeciiveness and partiality of the laws for the taxation of personal property. must be confessed by every unbiased stadent of our financial policy. Of the taxes raised throughout the Commonwealth for all purposes, both local and general, real estate contrib- utes four-fifths, while its assessed val ue is only about one-sixteenth greater than that of personal property. If our laws were competent to an exact and truthful assessment of the value of per- sonal property, it would, without a doubt, equal and most likely largely exceed the value of the real estate. As a matter of fact, therefore, real proper- ty in this Commonwealth is burdened by taxation four times as heavily as personal property. If we should elimi- nate from this comparison the taxes paid by corporations, and for licenses and other privileges granted by the State, and consider only the taxes paid by individual citizens upon their pri- vate possessions, it would be tound that the owner of real estate pays quite ten than the owner of personal estate, + This inequaluy is a flarrant and inde. fengible act of injustice. The burdens of governmentshould be equally shared, or at least as nearly equally as human | laws can contrive. Since our legisla tive policy is to tax property rather than persons, there can be no possible excuse forselecting the housesand farms of the people to bear mavy times as much of the public burdens as person- al property. If things,and not persons, are to be taxed, common equity would dictate that the aggregate of a man’s possessions, irrespeciive of their kind, and simply accoruing to their value, should bear the infliction. What de- linquency hes real estate been guilty of that it should be thes unfairly discrim!- nated againsi? It is the most produc- tive, the most needful, and the most stable form of proper.y. It adds most to our wealin, remains always with us, shelters and sus.aius oar people, and at once attracis, and, if justly treated, retains and muliiplies * population, There is a baleful vice in the form of government that indlics a penalty up- on lands and houses, and makes their ownership difficult and burdensome, The farmer and householder has no right 10 any esempiion from his fair share of the public expense, but he has a right to just and impartial treatment that can not be iznored except at a cost to social tranguitlity thac must, sooner or later, be reckoned with. MUST STRIKE AT THE ROOT. “That the inequality referred to ex- ists cannot be successfully denied. Ii is pateat to everv eye. There is not a citizen in the Commonwealih paying a tax upon his home or ferm who can- not point .0 some neigubor owning many times as much in personal goods and idle capital, who yet pays an im- measurably less amount of tax. It is useless to answer such undeniable facts by any iatricate theory as tothe ul.i- mate dis.ribution of all .axation. Such unjust discrimination is working un- told evil to our people; is oppressing the poor; is exempting the rich; is day by day establishing unfortunate socal distinctions that are foreign (o our principles of government, destruc: tive of the happiness and energies of men, and blasting the hopes that we have all prayerfully entertained of our country becoming the home of a con- tented and happy people.” Daring the twenty years preceding 1883 the special interests favored by the bosses thrived and expanded be- yond the most lavish expectations. Monc polies of all kinds feasted and fat- tened at the public expense, and the fair fame of our State was sullied in the eyes of the nation. LEGISLATING FOR MONOPOLIES, No difficulty was met with, however, when the creatures and dependents of boss power sought legislative favor. The facility with which a measure could then be drafted over night, rush- ed through both Houses undebated and without jar, and receive Executive approval within a few hours, astonigh- ed the uninitiated farmer, the munici-, pal reforwer, the bankrupted oil-pro- ducer, and the friend of electoral re- form. Let a free pipe bill be presented, however, intended to enable individual enterprise in the oil country to lift its neck from under the heel of monopoly, and it met with doubt, friction and de- lay at every step. To such a remedial measure, demanded by the oppressed people of a large section of the State, constitutional objections were imme- diately discovered by bosses snd job- bers who were never known to men- tion the Constitution before but in scorn. The measure would then be re- ferred to a committee composed of Jeg- islators who for the first time would evince a solicitude for careful delibera- tion in suspicious contrast with the pre- cipitate rush with which they facilita- ted the passage of jobs in the past. Sud- denly these vigilant guardians of the bosses’ power would discover a right- eous desire to give the people “of both sides,” as they would say, a “full hear- ing” on the proposed legislation. The “hearing” woulda then begin by listen- ing to fine spun arguments from the at- torneys of the favored corporations, raising flimsy technical legal objections, or, under the cloak of representing some subsidized farmer's interest, explaining how the fiash would be destroyed and the wells and streams poituted if a free pipe line was allowed to be laid through the soil. Indignation would flash from the eyes oi the jobbing committeemen as they heard this statement of the wrong threatened to the importants fish- ing interests of the Pennsylvania farm- er. More meetings would have to be held fo consider these profound objec- tions; time would steadily be consum- ed, the session would close with the measure unenacted, and monopoly would have another two years lease of undisputed power in the oil regions. A similar fate befell all the important reform measures—the bills to equalize taxation for the relief of land from its unfair burdens; to abolish useless and costly offices made expressly to sup- port in idleness and fast living the bosses and their tools; to abolish a Recorder's office, a Delinquent Tax of- fice; to restore the streefs of our cities from the ownership ot the railways to the control of the citizens, and to en- act a secret and official ballot to puri- fy and elevate our elections. These and all similar measures ot reform were persistently defeated by the boss- ridden Legislatures of the period of ring control. Such of them as were enact- ed were only put upon the statute book by the union of Independent Republi- cans and Democrats, and after desper- ate conflict with the allied power of the bosses aud ringsters in the years 1883 and 1885. A WATCH-DOG FOR THE TREASURY. One other matter: After four years experience in the Executive office I can deliberately say that the most impcr- tant and laborious duty the Governor has to perform is the careful scrutiny of the legislation sent to him; to be ever on the alert to strike down with his veto every act that hasthe stamp of the boss and the trail of the snake upon it. Ile who in this respect per- forms his full duty to the people will probably make many political foes, but he will save millions to* the treasury and prevent innumerable burdens be- ing inflicted upon the cities, the coun- ties and the State. The good—the highest gopod—he can accomplish for the|people will bein the evil enactments he prevents, He will thus best fulfil the coustitutional command to “take care that the laws be faithfully exe. cuted.” THE PEOPLE AGAINST THE BOSSES. Again the people are summoned to a decisive strugg'e for their right to rep- reseniative government against the most dangerous and audacious combi- nation of boss power yet exhibited in this country. Let no man mistake, and permit no man to misrepresent the issue or the momentous consequences depending upon its decision. The fate | of no single party will be determined by the result; but the honest, popular and faithful management of all parties hangs vpon the decision. Should the candidates of the people triumph, it will be the victory of the party of the people. Should they be defeated, it will mean the establishment in power of a boss oligarchy more selfish, rape- cious and corrapt than any that has yet been known to our history. But failure I cannot regard as possible, if, faithful to our duties, we keep the peo- ple advised of the real dangers by which their interests are threatened and . . . “spread thealarm Through every middlesex, village and farm.” We want uo false pretenses, no fight- ing from ambush, no ambiguous and shifiy evasions. Let us have the real leaders to the front, aud no masquera- ding behind false issues. Let the Knight, and not his squire, enter the lists. I ask a trial by the record. Will our boss adversaries have the courage to face the jury of their fellow- citizens and allow their deeds to be passed upon, their official acts to be in- vestigated and their political methods to be exposed ? “By their fruit ye shall known them.” Nay! By their fru't they are already known. PERMANENCE. I wrote her name upon a rose That spread its pe‘als to the dawn ; But at the evening’s troubled close I came, and lo ! the rose was goae. I carved her name upon a tree, The stately forest's pride and mine, “Live there, sweet name! Long lease 0 thee! That night tne tempest slew the pine. I cut her name deep in a rock That crowned the beetling mountain-side, Alas ! there came an earthquake shock, And plunged the bowlder ia the tide. Then I perceived that outward frame Could uo sure stead to love impart, And last of all I wrote her name Warm on the tablets of my heart. —James Buckman, in Frank Leslie's. A Mountain of Pies. New York City Consuming 75,000 Daily—-Some Startling Figures. New Youk produces and eais more pies than any city in the world. There are eight or ten large factories that make nothing but pies, and there are five or six hundred bakeri.: besides that deal exclusively in pies. The largest factory is on Sullivan street. Its out- put of pie is something awful to con- template. One of the foremen in the big factory in Sullivan street said ; “We make every kind of pie that has so far been discovered, but apple, mince, lemon, pumpkin and custard are the fa- vorites.” “How much material do you use ina day ?” “We use about 100 dozen eggs, 850 pounds of lard, 12 barrels of flour, 600 quarts of milk, 2,500 quarts of fruit, and we turn out 7,000 pies daily, or about 50,000 a week, or about 2,500,000 a year. The output from the large con- cerns in the city will amount to 35,000 pies daily, and the bakers will turn out atout'40,000 more, or 75,000 a day, 525,- 000 a week, and 27,300,000 per year— an average of about 16 pies per capita. These pies cut into quarters, the usual size outside of boarding houses, would make 109,200,000 pi- 'es. Atan aver- age of five cents a piece, and tonier ones at ten cents—this would make New York’s annual pie bill $5,460,000, or more than we pay for | ablic schools, the Fire and Police departments, or send to the heathen. New York pro- Guces about one-thi. i .h of the pie crop of the United States.” These remarks roused the writer's statistical proclivities and hefigured un- til his brain grew dizzy. These ave some of the results: In the United States there are eaten every day 2,250,- 000 pies. Each week, 16,750,000. Each year, 819,000, )0, at a total cost of $164,000,000—an amount greater than the internal revenue and more than enough to pay the interest on the na- tional debt. If the pies eaten every day were heaped oneon top of another they would make a tower thirty-seven miles high. If laid out in a line they would reach from New York to Boston. ‘With the yearly pie product of the United States a tower 13,468 miles high could be erected, and stretched in & line they would girdle the earth three times. These pies of a year would weigh 803,- 000 tons. And, if, as has been so often stated, figures don’t lie, then certainly pie is a great institution.—New York Press. GREEN CorN PuDDING.—Grate the corn from one dozen large ears, and mix it well with the beaten yolks of five eggs. Then add one-third of a teacu of butier, a little salt, one tablespooniu of sugar, one quartof milk and, last, the well-beaten whites of five eggs. The more you beat this, the better it will be. Bake it slowly for an hour in a covered dish, removing the cover for ten or fifteen minutes before it is to be served, that it may brown. I'his is very nice as a side dish. TItis also made without the eggs, and preferred by many who do not Jike the taste of eggs with corn, In this case the corn is cut from the cob, mixed with only a teacup of rich cream to a quart of the corn, and a half cup of butter. Pepper, salt and sugar are added to taste, and the pud- ding is baked an hour and a haf. ——The best voice in the choir of St. Paul's Church in Des Moines, Towa, be- songs to a boy only eight years old. He can render solos from the Englise Cathe- dral services that would do credit to op- era singers. The Republican Plan of Campaign. In all the movements of the organiza- tion of the Republican party in .Peon- sylvania, it is manifest that the princi- ples of “Quayism’’ are strictly adhered to. Instead of denying, or aitempting to answer the charges made against Del- amater, the-managers of the party cam- aign have adepted & plan of sowing deat throughout: the State, in a series of documents of the most re- markable character, the mutilated re- cord of Governor Pattison. while in office. : As has been said, these documents are of the most remarkable character. Nothing like them has been impcsed upon the intelligence of the people of Pennsylvania by the manazers of a political party for many a day. Where the failed to insult the intellizence of the people, it is simply because they are too ridiculous to be seriously considered. | They must disgust the old veterans in their party and we can imagine the grimness of ex-chairman Coopei’s smile in his sleeve as he contemplates theic puerility. The document upon which these acute managers evidently pride themselves most is the one in which they atiempt to set forth the alleged hostility of Gov- ernor Pattison toward the soldiers. of | course their chief target is his veto of the | “Oldier’s barial bill,” and the lesser ones the veto of a number of personal pension bills. Ot course the same un- fairness which prompted such an attack has witheld in each instance the good and sufficient, the salutary reason why Governor Pattison felt compelled to veto the measures. These reasons are fully contained in the veto messages and no reasonable man, free of partisan pre- judice, can read them without admiiting the force of Governor Pattisons objec- tions. In not a single one of these cases was the objection which led to the veto directed toward the purpose of the bill, but toward the - careless manner in which it bad been drawn ; the utier ab- sence of the ordinary safeguards which well-digested legislation demands. In the case of the soldier's burial bill, it. elf, even Col. Thomas J. Stewart, its great champion, has admitted that an urgent necessity exists for its amendment just in the particulars objected to by Governor Pattison, and it is the purpose of Col. Stewart to have proposed just such an amendment in the next Legislature, While engaged in this futile appeal to the prejudices of the soldiers, the 1epub- lican managers suddenly recollect how their present standard bearer, Senator G. W. Delamater, on the occasion of his return from the republican state conven- tion in 1888, in the midst of an enthusi- astic speech at Meadville, “put his foot into it,” so to speak, by indicating very p:ainly that in his opinion “it was time for the “old soldier” to take a back seat and give the yung men a chance.” This intemperate utterance must be got- ten rid of insome way. The easiest way seems to be to print Delamater’s speech and omit this damaging part of it ; so tothis end a whole page of another of these remarkable documents, headed “Delamater endorsed,’’ is devoted to ti e defence of the Meadville speech. But alas, those who have undertaken to steer Delamater out of deep water, in their efforts to shun Charybdis have run into Scylla. Senator Delamater has been busy for some time past in quietly tell- ing the independent Republicans who he is quietly seeking out, that he is “not for Quay,” but will pro- mise to throw Quay overboard when he is elected. In the Meadville speech above referred to, appear these words. “Who can forget what the wise and peerless Quay, the stalwart Cameron and the gallant Beaver have contribut- ed in moulding ovr party policy.” So, | go, “the wis> and peerless Quay.” Ttis! this “wise and peerless” one whom Delamater now talks of throwing over- board. Will he do it ? Can he afford todo it? Ifhe does, is hea worthy o ject to trust ? What can be thought of the promises of a man who will pro- claim a political friend “wise and peer- less” when he is seeking his aid for a nomination, and then secretly prom‘ e to go back on him afterwards ? The only other one of the remarkable republican campuign documents which is worthy of particular notice is the bio- graphical sketch of their candidate for Governor. It issupposed to cover the whole ground. It goes into the ancestral history of Delamater. It shows that he is of the eighth generation of the family of De le Maitre. That his maternal ancestry is to be traced back for nine generations. In fact, it conclusively proves that he is a “horny handed son of toil” with a vengeance. Another striking feature of this biogra- phy 1s the naive description that is giv- en of the little Delamater sitting at the feet ot old John Brown of Ossawaitarnie and imbibing the spirit and principles of the great republican party. There is sufficient in this description to move all but the most hardened ones to tears. While this biographical sketch, admit- tedly, goes a great way, it does not in every particular go quite far enough. For instance, it tells that Senator Dela- mater is at the head of the banking house of Delamater & Co. ; a director of the Merchant’s National Bank of Mead- ville; president of the company, and owner of the controlling interest in the Meadville and Linesville railroad ; pres- ident of of the Meadville Fuel Gas Company, and that he is connected with numerous corporations. It tells all this, but fails to make any mention of Senator Delamater’s connection with the Stand- rrd Oil Company, that great monster that is crushing out the life of hundreds of business interests in Pennsylvania. This comprehensive biography is also silent with respect to the fact tbat the immaculate republican cat didate for ! Governor was closely identified and connected with the defunct bank of America which brought so much suffer- ing and distress to hundreds of the working people of Philadelphia. A fine representative, indeed, of the inter- ests of the peoples is this confessed cor- poration bound candidate of the Repub- lican party. CourpN’t Escape. — “Have you boarded long at this house ?”’ inquired the new boarder of the sour, dejected man sitting next to him. “About ten years.” “1 don’t see how you can stand it. Why havn’t you left long ago ?” “No other place to go to,” said the other dismally. “The landlady’s my wife.” ERT A Woman Killed by a Vampire, The wife of Senor Gonzales, a prom- inent citizen of this place, says a letter from Monterey, Mex., was found dead in bed this morning, with a large bat of the vampire varieiy fastened 1n her hair. She had been sleeping by an open window, and the creature had flown in and evidently killed her by sucking her blood, for two tiny wounds on her neck close to the jugular vein in- dicated the place it had punctured. Its escape had been prevented by the hair of the victim, which was very long and abundant, and had so entangled the vampire in its meshes as to hola it until it coud be killed. The death in flicted by these bats is a very peaceful one, for while draining the blood they keep up a continuous gentle fanning of | their wings, which soothes and lulls the sleeper until his slumbers glide imperceptibly into eternal rest. Senor Gonzales, who was asleep by his wife's side, says he was first awakened by the bat’s frantic endeavors to free itself from its nest of hair, and that he kill- ed the gorged and imprisoned creature without difficuity, and could scarcely believe that his wife was dead, so plac- idly and naturally did she she seem to sleep, TA TT rae Scotland's Old War Song. At a meeting ot the Town Council of Edinburgh, the Lord Provost said that at present there was for sale the origi- nal manuscript of “Scots Wha Hae,” and it was in danger of going away out of the country, but the Council could if for £78, and hz thought it would be a great pity that it should be lost to Edinburgh. It would bea great shame that the great war song of Scot- laad should pass to other lands, and he moved, therefore, that. the Council should authorize the purchase of the song. Councillor Auld Jo Jamieson said he thought it was just that it should be known that that monument of history had been pur- chased by a Scotchman (Mr. Kennedy, banker, New York), who desired that, before removing it to America and plac- ing it in a museum there, the metropo- lis of Scotland should have the oppor- tunitp of purchasing it at the money he paid for it himself. The Lord Provost said be thought they were extremely indebted to that gentleman. It was then agreed to purchase the song.’— Public Opinion. A Dog That Can Tell Time. Samuel Reid the truckman,is the own er of a very intelligent Irish setter, and he never tires of telling of the many wonderful performances of his pet, Last night Mr. Reid told his wife, in the presence of his dog, to arouse him atsix o'clock this morning, as he wish- ed to go to the Rosedale dock to begin work on a large siock of ireight which was awaiting his attention. This morn- ing Mrs. Reid failed to awake at the hour named, and Mr. Reid was aroused by hearing his knowiny dog scratching at his bedroom door. He instantly arose and upon looking at the clock dis- covered that it was three minutes past 6 o'clock. Mr. Reid says it would take ‘considerbie money to tempt him to dis- pose of the dog that seemingly so well understood the English longuage, and is withall so faithful and knowing.— Bridgeport Farmer. Wrong Ideas of Moral Training. Moral training has yet to be organ- ized and systemized before it can be carried on with efficiency on a large scale, and this will not be done until its importance is more fully felt than at resent. It is taken for granted, in a cose kind of way, that a good character will come of itself {0 most people. Who supposes that knowledge comes of itself, that a trade or profession can be success- fully pursued without previous system- atic preparation? Yet all or any of these are .more possible than that character worthy of respect and admira- tion should spring up without either care or knowledge on the part of the builder of the materials he uses, or the way in which to combine them.—N. ¥. Ledger. Tomaro Jam. —Take tomatoes just be- fore they begin to turn red, wipe them well, see that they are thoroughly dry, then cut into quarters. Prepare a strong sirup with one pound of sugar to half a pat of water ; put the tomatoes into this and boil very quickly for twenty min- utes. Take out the pieces of tomatoes very carefully, pour the sirup into an- other preserving-pan, and to each gallon of Jvuit allow one pound of loaf sugar ; put it on and simmer with the fruit for an hour. When cold put into jars and cover with brandied papers. A little lemon and ginger Hh flavoring are liked Ly some people. Mixp REeADING—Dinguss.—Hellow, Shadbolt ! How are you ? By the way, Shad, have you seen that big alligator down at— Shadbolt (cutting him short)—No, Dinguss, I havn’c seen it, but I know what it was going to lead me to. Alli- gators have hides, their hides make nice leather, the leather is made into pocketbooks, and pocketbooks hold money. TI havn’ta cent to spare this time. Good morning, Dinguss.— Chica- go Tribune. CucumMBER Carsup.—For this choose large, ripe cucumbers. Pare, remove the seeds and grate. To every pint ot this pulp aad a pint of cider vinegar, one-quarter teaspoonful of cayenne, ore teaspoonful of salt, two heaping table- spoonsful of grated horse radish, ——A horse known as “Jerry,” that died at Santa Cruz, Cal., 1 few days ago, was considered the oldest horse in the far West. He crossed the plains in a caravan in 1846 and has been in Santa Cruz since 1849. SC r—— A pauper in the almshouse of Berks County, Penn., has fallen heir to a fortune of $15,000, but says he docs not need the money, He will remain at the poorhouse but will pay his board. | |