A Vm Deora ac BY PRP. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —In regard to the $900 lie FIEDLER is now saying that some other fellow said it. —JouN RUPP has reason to be jolly over the prospect of the big majority he is going to get. —For a lame man GAYLoR MORRI- soN is making an excellent race. He is going to get there. —With two defeats within the brief space of three months HASTINGS can no longer be considered‘‘the spoiled child of fortune.” —Hze~xDERsON and DECKER’S slouchy management of the county affairs would not be improved any by StromM and Kungs. —4Love laughs at locksmiths.” Kir- Gore didn’t laugh, but it may he pre- sumed that he swore when he opened the locked door with a vigorous kick. —The cowardly attack on the drum- mer boy of Chancellorsville should have the effect of a reveille in arousing every veteran in the county to the support of candidate ISHLER, —GooDpHART and ADAMS would re- restore to the Commissioners’ office the good Democratic management that left the county treasury with the snug bal- ance of over thirty thousand dollars. —The Boss denies that he said he wanted to know how it felt to own a Governor. Now since he has got in the way of denial,why doesn’t he go further and put in a negative about that treas- ury theft ? —The tariff bill having been passed by the House and Senate with some va- ri ations, it is now being revised by its intended beneficiaries, ‘Submitting it to a conference’ is what they call this process. —1In the name of KILGORE there is a combination of terms expressing death to tyrants and bloody noses for the fel- low who happens to be on the other side of the door summarily opened by the application of a stalwart Texan foot. —Governor PATTISON could not have two assistants in the Legislature who would be more loyal than J. H. Hort and Jou~N T. McCorMIicK in backing him in his efforts to relieve the tax-bur- dened farmer and pluck-me-store-robbed employee. —The swelled heads that were pro- duced by the Republican county con- vention are beginning to shrink to their normal size. Their bigness, whichikept up for so long a time, has materially in- terfered with the electioneeringjof some of the candidates. —This is the period when a lot of con. ferrees get together and experiment cn each other’s patience and capacity to hang on. The experiment 1s frequently attended with considerable swearing and not a small amount of drinking. Those who have been there know how it is. —Ttis too bad that the first general election in which the ladies took part in the State of Wyoming is declared to be invalid on accountof a constitutional defect. They will be sure to charge some mean male politicians with having fixed the constitution that way on pur- pose. —This is the season for hunting. Probably there couldn’t be a better ob. ject to hunt for just now than the sur- plus which the Democrats left in the county treasury three years ago. As it is difficult to find, it would afford any amount of hunting. Sportsmen should make a note of this. —~Castor oil, which is the product of loyal western states, was kindly re- lieved of tariff taxation by this monopo- ly congress whose bowels of compassion were not moved to a similar {treatment of cotton seed oil which is made in the South. The old party is in danger of being physicked by her own tariff medi- cine. —RyYNDER has for years been the champion of greenbacks as the proper circulating medium. As the promoter of a State Labor ticket, in the employ of QUAY, he doubtless expects that green_ backs will circulate liberally into his de- pleted and necessitous pocket book to compensate him for service rendered the Boss. —It wouldn't have been well to specify the criminal charges against DELAMATER any sooner. His withdrawal at an early period would have stopped much of the fun which his predicament has afforded his opponents. Besides, at this late date it will be difficult for the machine man- agers to get rid of the load they assumed in nominating him. —In his Pittsburg speech INGALLS spoke of his “distinguished friend, the taciturn Senator Quay, who says but little and does a great deal.” As some- thing for the amusement of those who know why QUAY is “taciturn’’ ina mat- ter ofa peculiarly embarrasing character, that expression alone was worth the $600 that INGAL Ls got for that speech. J enocradic a STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 35. BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPTEMBER 26, 1890. NO. 38. Questions to Candidates. The miners of the Beech Creek and Clearfield region, on the occasion of their meeting on Labor day, adopted a series of interrogatories to be put to the candidates for the Legislature in Clearfield and Centre counties which involve points of the greatest interest to those who make their living by their labor. Among other questions pertinent to the material wants of the working peo- ple, the miners ask the legislative can- didates of both parties in the two counties, whether they favor the en- actment of a law prohibiting the em- ployment of Pinkerton’s detectives in labor controversies ; whether they would oppose the repeal of the semi- monthly payment law ; vote for a re vision of the mining law and for the abolishment of pluck-me stores ; favor ballot reform and equalization cf taxes and support other salutary neasures necessary for the benefit and well-he-. ing of working people ? No Democratic candidate could de- cline to answer these interrogatories in the affirmative. It is a principle of Democracy todefend the rights and ele- vate the condition of the laboring mass- es. There is scarcely a point in these questions of the miners that was not favorably covered by the official action or recommendation of Gov. PATTISON. There is scarcely an evil or abuse at which these questions are directed that has not been favored, or enforced to the extent of their opportunisy, by Republican governors and legisla- tures. The working people can de- pend with confidence upon their re- ceiving fair'and just treatment at the hands of Goy. Parrison, but his action in their behalf would be limited if he should not be supported by a Demo- cratic Legislature, They can depend with as much confidence upon the leg- islative.as upon the executive branch of a Democratic’ administration of the working for the benefit of the masses: will be the complements of each other. Promises from either Republican governors or legislators upon these questions will be delusive and in- tended only to deceive. They are interests, as the record of a quarter of a century abundantly proves. Their persistent neglect of such measures as the Knights of Labor in vain attempt- ed to have passed at the last session of the Legislature ; their failure to pro- hibit the pluck-inc store robbery ; their defeat of free pipe-line bills, tax equal- ization bills, and anti-discrimina- tion bills, and their contemptuous re- jection of a ballot reform bill, furnish such conclusive evidence of their sub- jection to corporate and monopoly in- fluence, and subservience to the power of political bossism, that any promises they make to the working people have no other object than to practice de- ception for the purpose of getting their votes. ——We publish in the inside of this issue the admirable speech of Ex-Gov- ernor PaTTisoN before the Democratic Societies assembled at Reading last week. It is the expression of an earn- est and honest man which should be read and well considered by the earnest and honest men of the State. We in- vite a contrast between it and the mis- erable pettifogging campaigning in which Quay’s candidate is engaged. a ———— The Game Won't Work. The decided disposition of the work- ing people to support ParTIsoNn admon- ishes the boss managers that some- thing must be done to turn them in the direction of the machine candidate. The men who labor are convinced, from his past record, that the ex-Gov- ernor is their friend,and have every rea- son to believe that if he should be re- elected their interests would be safe in his hands to the extent of his official opportunity and power to protect and advance them. Thisis why they are going to vote for Partisow, and this intention on their part has set the ma- chine men to devising a scheme that may distract their purpose and divide their suffrage, With this intention Quay is getting up a Labor ticket which he proposes to foist upon the working people as | representing their policy and interest, with the hope that it may take some of government of the State, which, in bound to the corporation and money | the labor vote that is moving so strongly in the direction of Pattison. In carry- ing out this scheme the Boss has se- lected T. P. RYNDER, of this county, as manager, who is now in Philadel phia organizing a Union Labor State Committee, with the ultimate object of having a Labor State ticket in the field. In getting Ry~NDER to do this work Quay well understands the character of the agent employed. The Centre county Labor champion is in. politics for “revenue only,” and as there will be an unusual amount of ‘revenue’ afloat for the purpose of electing the Standard Oil candidate, Ry~xper will be in clover while managing the Labor branch of the monopoly campaign. When the corporations and the big syn- dicates furnish the campaign fat in un- limited quantities to elect a Governor who will maintain their privileges, RyYNDER won't be backward in getting his share of the “grease.” That is the objective point of his solicitude for the interest and welfare of the working people. This scheme of Quay's won’t pro- duce the desired result. The object he has in view is well understood in labor circles, and the laboring people are well acquainted with the stool- pigeon he has employed to work his little game. Delamater Disqualified. Many difficulties environ Dgerama- TER in his candidacy for Governor. Not the least of them is the objection to his elegibility on account of his hav- ing been guilty, when Senator, ofa violation of the State constitution, the penalty for which is disqualification to hold office for a prescribed period. While acting as State Senator he was one of the proprietors of a bank in which money belonging to the State was deposited and used for the benefit of the bankers, who were the Senator and his father. In regard to such a use of State money the constitution provides as follows : The making of profit out of the public mon- | eys or using the same for any purposes not au- i thorized by law, by any member of the Gener- al Assembly,shall be a misdemeanor,and shall | be punished as may be provided by law ; but . part of such punishment shall be disqualifica- tion to hold office for a period of not less than five years. The Republican candidate for Gov- ernor made ‘“‘a profit out of the public moneys” as a member of the banking | i been favored by the treasury ring with this money for speculative purposes. He did it while he was “a member of the General Assembley,” the penalty for which offense, according to the constitution, is “disqualification to hold office for a period of not less than five years." This objection to DELAMATER was raised by the other Republican candi- dates before his nomination, Hasr- Nas and the others presented it to the machine managers as a bar to the nom- ination of QuaY’s man,but they regard- ed it as of no consequence, which was quite natural in politicians wi30 have always held the constitution in con- tempt. DeramMAaTER himself did not deny his guilt in the matter, bat he claimed to have the opinion of the best legal ex- perts that the disqualification to hold office arising from his guilt could only follow a convictionin court. No doubt be reasoned that when once elected Governor, and with all the power of the State government under Quax’s control,there would be no possibility of proceedings in the courts against him, and therefore no reason to apprehend an enforcement of his disqualification. This view entirely ignored the dis- grace of the State having a Gov- ernor who was plainly and admit- tedly a violator of its fundamental law. To the Boss the fact of DELAMATER'S be- ing such an offender made no difference. Such an offense is rather the sort of qualification that Quay. would prefer in a Governor whom he expects to own. The Republicans, for campaign effect, have photographed the vacant Democratic seats in the House. The camera turned on the next con- gress will be likely to show vacan- cies of Republican seats brought about by the outrageous proceedings of the present session. This will be a picture American people. firm of Delamater & Son, who had that will really interest and please the Hastings’ Speech Modified. It is now denied that General Hast INGS said in his Pittsburg speech that “even if it is true that a Republican leader did steal money from the State treasury he would still consider him better than the best Democrat A denial is some evidence that the General and his friends are capable of seeing what an outrage to decent public sentiment such an expression would be. But what is substituted as having been said by him is not much of an improvement on the expression originally attributed to him. The words that are now put in his mouth by his friends are to the effect that if thousands had been stolen from the State treasury by a Republican leader it would not bave been as much as the expense caused by Govern- or Parrrson’s calling a special session of the Legislature to pass an apportion- ment bill. If this is what General Hasrines really did say, it shows that his abili- ty to differentiate between a theft and the exercise of a legal and proper fanction by a public officer, is extreme- ly limited. The comparison is very inapt in a moral point of view, and has no force whatever as a logical proposi- tion. Quay's taking money from the State treasury was a theft. ParTison’s calling a special session of the Legisla- ture was an act required by his offi- cial obligation. If it took money from the treasury it was money expended with the object of doing what the law required to be done. Thelaw demand: ed of the Legislature that it should pass an apportionment bill. It neg- lected thisduty, adjourning without fal- filling a positive legal requirement. Governor Parison called it back to do what it was clearly its duty to do. It he had been a weak or indifferent ex- ecutive, careless of his official obliga- tiong-—or if he had been of the style of Quay and the other Republican ma- chine managers who have no regard for Jaw or constitution——he would: have given himself but little concern about the enforcement of the law’s command. But he called the Legislature back to duty because he felt it to be his duty to do so. If that body failed to perform this duty when it was recalled, and fritter- ed away the whole of the summer without passing an apportionment bill, it was to be blamed for the failure and the attending expense, and not the Governor. He is to be the more high- ly commended for his determination to have the Legislature do what was re- quired of it by both constitution and statute. To attempt to palliate treasury theft by comparing it with an expenditure of public money for a proper object and from a proper motive, is to hold the moral sencment as well as the intelle. gence of the public at a very low estimate. ’ INeaLLS, the big mouthedifellow who did a little job for Quay by making a speech for his man DELAMATER in Pittsburg some days ago, has been de- tected in playing the gouge game on the Kansas farmers, In the investiga - tion of the deiunct Abilene bank its President testified that INgaLLs had deposited $10,000 in the bank for specu- lation on his private account. With this money the notes of distressed farm- ers were purchased at a discount of 36 per cent, and INGaLLs is now collect- ing both the principal and extortionate interest on these notes. Certainly he is a nice character to come into Pennsylvania and tell its people how to vote. ——Congressman KENNEDY insists upon the truth and propriety of his strictures on the character of Mar Quay. On Wednesday the question of allowing his speech to go on the Record came up again in the House, and he declared his determination to stand by what he said concerning Quay, and asked that his speech be put on the Record unchanged, or not at all. The servile House paid a tri- bute to the Boss's rascality by deter- mining not to allow KENNEDY'S just excoriation to become a part of the record of its proceedings. —The Quay collar numerously ap- peared in Philadelphia this week ata gathering of henchmen who called them- selves a convention of Republican clubs. ' An Outspoken Colored Man. James W. H. Howagrp, a reputable and intelligent colored citizen of Har- Committee of the Colored State League of Pennsylvania, is doing some effec- tive work among the colored voters of customed to look upon the colored vo- ters as political chattels belo nging to the Republican party, it may sound strange to hear of a Colored Democrat- ic League, but to the more intelligent and independent colored men the neces- sity and expediency of such an organ- ization are becoming quite apparent. Such men as Mr. Howarp are fully convinced of this. They fail to see the validity of the claim thatthe Repub- ican party is their friend, but have abundant reason to believe that the interest which that party takes in them does not extend further than the use it may make of them. They see that in the Democratic South the con- dition of the negro, and the considera- tionithat is accorded him, are far in ad- vance of anything allowed him in the North where about the only privilege he enjoys is’ the privilege of voting the Republican ticket and keeping in office a set of machine politicians who have not liberality enough to ac- cord to their colored supporters the slightest official favors. Mr. Howarp denounces Quay and his methods, and tells his colored breth- ren that they will elevate themselves in the political scale by opposing him and his candidate for Governor. ——The importers are making a great rush to get their goods in from Europe before the McKinley tariff goes into operation, to escape the increased duties which that measure imposes. This is a singular proceeding on the part of the American dealers if it is true, as the tariff supporters ha¥> all along claimed, that the foreign Jro- ducers who send the goods here pay the duties. The increased duties, as is the case with all tariff exactions, will come out of the pockets of the Ameri- can consumers, the importers being compelled to raise prices to reimburse themselves for the increased tariff cost. A ComPLIMENT THAT SHOULD BE APPRECIATED.—During the absence of the editor of the WATCHMAN at the Senatorial conference in Tyrone, his as- sistant takes the liberty of clipping the following which the Altoona Tribune, of Thursday, says in speaking of the con- ference and the candidates before it : “As a nomination in the district is equal to an election, the plum is worth seeking after. For good, faithful service and honesty in party work,a straight-for- ward, don’t-care-whose-toes-are-tramp- ed-upon as long as we believe ourselves to be right, we are strongly in favor of the nomination of Peter Gray Meek, of Bellefonte Democratle = Watchman fame, and we earnestly hope the confer- ence will come to our way of thinking. If a Democrat is to survive, give us the blue blood, and we will know where to find him.” ——The dissolution of the Knights of Labor organization would be a pub- lic calamity. It would be likely to be followed by a rapid growth of social- ism, which is the euphemistic term for anarchism. A large class of working: men, who have been encouraged by the hope that organization would en- able them to hold their own against favored and protected wealth, would be led to look to the breaking up of social order as the only means of relieving their situation by giving them a chance to secure something from the general wrsch. -—Never was there an attempt made to restrain the freedom of the people's representatives by lock and key until czar REgp tried that tyranical expe- dient last week. The gag was to be supplemented by locked doors, but KiLcore’'s foot asserted the liberty of the House which a petty tyrant es- sayed to restrain by a method of im- prisonment. —The experiments by the German military authorities with a gun thatshot fifty times in a minute, do not encour- age the hope that peace will continue to extend her white wings over Europe much longer. ‘When nations are pro- viding themselves with guns that go off that fast it is pretty certain that they entertain a p. d. q. intention of shooting their enemies. risburg,and chgirman of the Executive the State. To those who have been ac- sSpawls from the Keystone, —Punxutawney’s pride is ‘a five-legged colt. —Lancaster county’s tobacco crop is better - this year than ever before. —An Allentown dog sold for $3 an ounce: It weighed only 26 ounces. . —A law suit is in progress at Norristown oy- er the ownersbip of six chickens. —Twenty-four hundred cases of leaf tobacco were sold last week by Lancaster dealers, —A woman nurse’ attending Mrs. Wuchter, the Whitehall faster, says she is bewitched. —Heavy shipments of potatoes to Philadel- phia continue from Berks and Lehigh counties. —A white rabbit with long, wooly hair was caught recently by J. 8. Fleckinger, of Mor- relville. —Only union men are received in a Pitts. burg boarding-house which is patronized by workmen. —Rev. Russel Stewart, of Danbar, picked tbree crops of bunch beans from the same vines. —A man was arrested at Greensburg for stealing a number of sealskin sacques from ga freight car. —Of the $211 collected for the sufferers from’ the Dunbar mine accident $153 was raised at Johnstown, —The pumping engine at the Friedensville zinc mines forces nearly 150,000 gallons of water per minute. —A Pittsburg minister condemned the . Kreutza Sonata, but upheld many of the senti~ ments in it. —Burglars robbed the store of Ira Bromsey, at Manheim, ofa large lot of jewelry early the other morning. —The biggest pipe in the world is being laid to pump natural gas into Pittsburg. It is 36 inches in diameter. —The Lutheran synod in session the past week at Columbia adjourned to meet at Mids dleton in 1891. —Rev. J. Dillon, editor of the Scottdale Hers ald, is a relative to John Dillon, arrested on Saturday in Ire and. —Atthe funeral of Abraham Laubach, of Easton, on Wednesday afternoon, his four song acted as pall-bearers. —Isaac Tyson, a Norristown horse-dealer had his shoulder pulled out of place by a res. tive horse he was holding. —Ten thousand tons of rock and ore in an old mine at Rittenhouse Gap fell a few days ago, and made a hole 200 feet deep. —The sale of Sunday papers is restricted at Altoona, and an effort is being made to have the trains and railroad ears stopped. —Abraham Drey and his wife, of Friedens. burg, died within a few hours of each other last week and were buried together in a single grave. if —Mrs. Adam Wuchter, of Whitehall, passed the 169th day of her enforced fast last Sunday and there was no material change in her con dition. . —Mrs. Rebecca Hanna, of Cecil county, Md., has entered a suit for $5000 damages for libel against the owners of the Lancaster Examiner. —A Philadelphia girl staying at Highland Lake picked up a small rattlesnake a few days ago and the reptile never made the least at- tempt to bite her. ' ~The fair at Cochrantown had to be aband« oned on account of the sudden rise of a stream which flooded the grounds. The goods were removed in boats. ' —Dr. Jonas Wiland, living near Allentown who for the past fifty years has been practic. ingin veterinary surgery, died on Tuesday night, aged 72 years. ~The fourth conference of the Lutheran ministerium, made up of delegates from Lane caster, Dauphin and Lebanon counties, is in session at Millersville. —A traveler alighted at’ the Easton station and his train went off without him. He pro ceeded to drown his sorrow, and gotso full that he was soon arrested. —Charles Henninger, a leading Democratig politician and one of che wealthiest farmers of Lehigh county, died suddenly near Henners. ville on Thursday night of apoplexy. —Some candidates for naturalization gq Reading displayed such ignorance of tha United States government that Judge Erdlich refused to grant the necessary papers. —Edward Fagley, aged 60 years a resident ot Pottstown, was killed Tuesday evening by attempting to cross the Reading Railroad track beneath a coal train which started while he was under it. —It is now asserted that the ghost of Barthol« omew, hanged atthe Easton county prison for the murder of Washington Dillard, visits the jail the first night following each new moon. —Peter Danoka, an Hungarian boarding boss and twenty of his countrymen, left Hazleton for Hungary last week. Donako carried with him $33000, the savings of six years as board = ing boss. --While assisting his father in making cider Harry Rohn, a 12-year old son of Asa Rohn, living near Catasanqua, was caught injthe press and had his legs so badly crushed that he died soon after. —William E. Patterson, President of the Common Council of York, who accidentally fell into the cellar of a new hotel being erected on Centre Square on Sunday evening last, died of his injuries on Tuesday. —Mrs. Elizabeth McHugh, while trying ta save her cow from an approaching coal train near Cork Lane Station, Lackawanna county? was mangled to death by a special train, the approach of which she did not hear. —Samuel Boley was given a hearing in Pitts. burg on the charge of assaulting Mrs. John O'Neil by kissing her. He is alleged to have agreed to pay $1000 to her husband, to whom he gave $500, but made default on his note for $500. —George Young, one of a gang of three men who were “shoving the queer” in $2 bills, is in the prison at Media awaiting a call from Judge Butler. He and two companions did the job in Chester during the gonvention of volunteer firemen. —Rabbi T. A. Moses, of New York city, 60 years old, who has been conducting the ser« vices of the Hebrew congregation at Hun tingdon during the past week, was stricken with apoplexy on Tuesday night immediately after dismissing the congregation and died at midnight. —During an electric storm on Tuesday evening the barn of John I. Force, Upper Providence township, Montgomery county, was siruck by lightning and destroyed ; fifty telephones were thrown out of service at Nor. ristown by the connections being burned, and much damage to shrubbery was done at Flours town.