Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 19, 1890, Image 4

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    Beware Wald
The Miners and Robert E. Pattison.
The Wage-Earners' Journal, publish-
Terms 82.00 4 Year,in Advance.
Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 19, 1830
ed at Philipsburg, a fair and able ex-
ponent and representative of the mi-
ners’ sentiments and interests, and by
no means a political paper, comes out
For Governor,
Of Philadelphia.
For Lieutenant Governor,
Of York County.
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
Of Pittsburgh.
Bubj ect to action of District Conference.
Subjeet to action of District Conference.
Representatives 5 TOMN 1 MCCORMICK.
Register.—~JOHN A. RUPP.
Auditors. yous B. MITCHELL,
Republican County Management.
In asking the voters of the county to
elect Stromy and KunNes commission-
ers, the Republican county managers
ask themto do something that for
their own interest would be a
risky piece of business. The Republi-
ean commissioners, whose terms are
about expiring, set such a poor exam-
ple of financial management that there
is very little encouragement for the
tax-payers of the county to try another
experiment in that line. HENDEReON
and Decker have furnished a suf:
ficiency of incompelent financiering
without having more of it inflicted up-
on the county by Srrony and Kuwes.
When the present Board got hold of
the county treasury, a little less than
three years ago, they found a hand-
some surplus , including available as-
sets, amounting to between twenty and
thirty thousand dollars. This gratify-
ing balance was the result of the care-
ful and conscientious management of
Democratic commissioners, who had
not only paid off a large debt that had
been necessarily contracted, but had
exercised such diligence in collecting
what was due the county, without op-
pressing any one,that the treasury had
an ample surplus, with the county en-
tirely out of debt. Its finances were
never in a more healthy and satisfac-
tory condition.
This was achieved notwithstanding
there were heavy demands on the
“treasury for bridge building and re-
sidering the friendship which the ex
Governor, in his former official capaci-
ty, showed for that class of working
people, instances of which the Journal
Parrisox who upon the earnest solici.
tation of miners, appointed a commis-
sion to revise the mining law.
the first attention which the toilers in
the mines ever received from an execu-
tive of the State, and if the present
mining law is not as effective as it
should be, it is still an improvement
on that which preceded it, and it was
not the Governor's fault that its pro-
visions fail to give all that the miners
could reasonably desire.
strongly 1n favor of Parrison for Gov-
It could not do otherwise, con-
Thus, it was Governor
It was
In the making up of the commis-
sion to revise the mining law, it was
required by the act creating the com-
mission that there should be a practi-
cal miner on it.
TISON'S atteniion was called to the fact
that the operators had succeeded in
getting a person in their own interest
practical miner,” as directed by the
act, he immediately removed the in-
trader and appointed Tuomas Lrovp,
a working miner, who had a practical
knowledge of what should be the pro-
visions of a mining law, and who per-
sonally sympathized with the miners’
When Governor Par-
this commission, instead of “a
The Journal shows another instance
of Gov. Parrison’s friendship for the
miners in the case of the big strike in
1886. When they appealed to him to
act as arbitrator he at once consented
to do so and compelled the companies
to take their books to Harrisburg and
permit an investigation of them.
fortunately for the miners they were
without statistics of their own, and the
Governor was prevented from doing
what he otherwise might have done ag
that time had he had the facts furnish-
ed him, showing wherein the books of
the companies did not show a true
statement of the miners’ earnings.
During his entire term as the chief
executive officer of the State, RoBERT
E. Parrison refused to give his consent !
to the employment of the Pinkerton
mercenaries to force workingmen into
accepting the terms offered by employ- |
ers. His opposition to the employ-
ment of such an outrageous agency
was shown when he refused to allow
it to be used against the coke-workers
in Westmoreland county,
ployees of the Cambria Iron Company
at Johnstown, and in other instances.
the em-
Such conspicuous illustrations of
Governor ParrisoN’s friendship for the
Potatoes as a Tariff Fraud.
A copy of the Des Moines, Iowa,
State Register, headsman CLarksoN’s
paper, has accidently gotten into our
hands, and we observe that it is cutting
some queer capers with that popular
esculent, the potato, on the tarift
question. It appears that potatoes are
now bringing a pretty good price in the
Des Moines market, and the heads
man’s paper, comparing it with the 10
cents a bushel which the tubers were
selling for last year, exultingly calls
the attention of the farmers to the
effect which the McKinley bill has al-
ready had upon the potato market.
Although that bill has not yet gone
into operation—in fact has not yet
been finally passed—CLARKSON'S jour-
the duty of from 15 to 25 per cent it
puts on potatoes has already increased
the price of that vegetable in the Des
Moines market.
The circumstance that the potato
crop is in a great measure a failure
this year all over the country, and
theretore the price is neceszarily ad-
vanced, ig coolly ignored, and the farm-
ers, as if they were a set of idiots,
are asked to believe that the increased
price is due to a tariff bill that has not
yet become a law.
It is for such humbug as .this that
the duties on agricultural productions
provided by the tariff bill, are intended.
The farmers having justly become
exasperated at the tariff taxes on the
articles necessary to their daily living,
the scheme of the tariff extortionists is
to fix up a bill that will have the ap-
pearance of doing something for them,
and may be used in making them be-
lieve that they are being compensated
for the gouge to which they are subjec-
ted in their clothing, implements and
other necessary commodities. But
there isn’t a granger anywhere who is
not sagacious enough to know that
when their crops are abundant there is
no competition with foreign agricultu-
ral productions, which are brought into
the country only when their crops are
short and they have nothing to sell,
and, as sometimes happens, may them-
selves be purchasers.
A Dissatisfied Old Organ.
The Lewisburg Chronicle, the vener-
pairiag, and other necessary improve-
Nor did it require an increase
of taxation to accomplish these desira-
There was actually a grad-
ual reduction of the tax rate while this
And it was not a sham
reduction for political effect, requiring
an underhanded increase of land valua-
tionto make up the deficiency. No
necessary for the Democratic commis-
gioners to resort to for the deception of
There was no jugglery in
It was open, above-
board, substantial and free from clec-
tioneering dodges.
There has been different manage-
ment since the county affairs got into
Republican hands.
was going on.
their financiering.
The surplas has
The accounts are beginning
miners and other laborers, and his de-
termination that they should be pro-
tected against oppression and extortion,
justifies the Wage- Earners’ Journal in
calling upon them to vote for him
for Governor.
Mr. Joun F. HaArTER is a Dig,
hearty, able-bodied man, has a home
better than those in which nine-tenths
of the people of the county live, and a
good profession from which can derive
a large income. He has never voted
a Democratic ticket in his life, and
since getting into office through the
aid of Democratic votes,has subscribed
largely to the campaign funds of the
Republican party, and done all in his
power to defeat the nominees of the
to show the biggest balance on the
debtor side. The Auditors’ reports
cannot be screwed into any shape that
will make a satisfactory exhibit.
Hexperson' and Drcker’s financial
ability is found incapable of mastering
the situation, and the pretense of hayv-
ing reduced taxation is resorted to as
an explanation of the declining finan-
ces, while the organs are set to claim-
ing that fabulous sums of money,
amounting to thousands of dollars,
were expended on murder trials and in
restoring the bridges that were carried
away by the flood, without giving any
figures or vouchers to sustain the
claim. .
This 18 by no means an exaggerated
picture of Republican financial man-
agement in the county, and to ask that
it shail be continued by electing
Stronm and Kunes is asking a good
deal too much ot the taxpayers.
——The docility with which the
Republicans of Philadelphia have ac-
cepted the local candidates furnished
by the machine managers is evidence
that the discipline under which boss
rule has brought the party in that city
i8'in no way impaired.
——The people of Centre county can
do themselses a pecuniary benefit this
fall by relieving the county of the
bad financial management with which
it has been aflicted for the last three
crat vote for him ?
Why should any Demo-
His opponent, Gavror Morrison,
18 a poor man, unfortunately a cripple
for life, is the better qualified of the
two for the place, and has always been
a straight-out, consistent, hardworking
money when he had any,for the party,
when Harter was spending his for
the Republicans. He hasalways done
his duty toward every candidate the
Democracy has placed in the field,and,
above all, is one of the most competent
men in the county for the, place.
there any question as to which of the
two should be elected in a Democratic
county ?
He has spent his time and
A Self-Confessed Falsifier,
‘FIepLER stands as a self-confessed
falsifier in the matter of the $900 charge
against Mr. ISHLER.
produce proof—nhis silence when con-
fronted by the affidavit of Mr. Tsu.
LErR—his slinking away from
RoperT VALENTINE'S testimonial to the
excellent character of the man whom
he has assailed—may be taken as a
virtual confession of his guilt in mak-
ing a false charge against the Demo-
cratic candidate for Sheriff, to serve a
“base and dirty political purpose.
His failure to
This is a shameful spectacle and
should make the Republicans of the
county blush for the grinder of their |
party organ.
able organ of Republicanism in Union
: county, is far from being satisfied with
i the way the head bosses are conducting
‘themselves and managing the politics
which their followers are expected to
accept. It not-only displays symptoms
of disgust in its own utterances, but
allows considerable latitude in its col-
umns to expressions of dissatisfied Re-
publicans. Thus in one of its recent
issues it finds room for sn emphatic
protest against boss rule and the con-
dition of affairs which boss rule has
brought about, from a life-long mem-
ber of its party, from which we make
the following extract :
The coming struggle will be one of the most
important since the struggle for our liberty
and independence. It will not be a battle of
sectional interest and party, but a battle be-
tween the oppressed and tax burdened farmer
and laborer—against the moneyed corpora
tions, monopolies and trusts; not a battle for
political supremacy between the Republican
and Democratic parties, but a battle for our
rights, our civil freedom, and for a righteous
form of government. I have been a life-long
Republican; I have marched and fought in
the Republican ranks, through its victories
and defeats, until it has the political power to
give justice to all pé®ple and to vindicate us
from our enemies. But, my Republican broth-
ers, what reward have we received? Our lead-
ers have marched us blindly into the very
jaws of hellish corporations and the damnable
monopolies, and our destruction will be com-
plete, unless we deliver ourselves.
This Repablican certainly has a
clear understanding of the issues in-
volved in the present contest. Surely
the “liberty and independence’ of ‘ the
people of the State depend upon the
overthrow of a combination of cor-
rupt and reckless political leaders who,
for the benefit of “moneyed corpora-
tions, monopolies and trusts,” have for
80 many years held them in thrall,
A Silent Organist.
The organist of the Keystone Gazette
has adopted the silent policy of Quay
and Derayater. When challenged
to prove the charge he made that the
Democratic nominee for Sheriff had
bought his nomination, he stands mute
before the public which he had at-
tempted to deceive by falsely accusing
an honorable man. Fieorer’s adopt-
ing Quay’s silent tacties in this dis-
graceful business will not free him of the
stigma of being a deliberate and’ pre-
meditated falsifier, Sneaking inuen-
does will not answer in place of proof.
When facts are demanded to support
his charge his utter failure to produce
them amounts to a silence as damag-
ing and damning as that of Mar Quay.
—If the election were held to-mor-
row PATTISON’S majority would be
100,000. Later on the money of the
corporations will begin to do its work in
the campaign, and to that influence the
patriotism and honesty of Pennsylvania
citizenship should be prepared to op-
pose its stoutest resistance,
nal wants the farmers to believe that :
The Single Tax Theory.
whole vale seemed ablaze with its gold-
en light and then, all of a sudden, the
fantastic shadows began to chase each
other o'er field and wood until they
reached the horizon where their fitful
playing on a field of golden corn gave
it the appearance of the camp of some
vast army. Then they disappeared and
twilight reigned supreme.
The habitable portion of the eamp
includes oue hundred and ninety
tents, each averaging six persons.
These! living tents are along the
north and west sides of the park
and the space inclosed by them is
filled up with the exhibits of machinery
and implements of every description.
Candy booths, pieture galleries, and
merry-go-rounds are in abundance and
in fact everything to make both old and
young spend an enjoyable week. Four
large frame buildings furnish accommo-
dations for some of the most extensive
exhibits. An auditorium, right near
head-quarters, seats one thousand peo-
ple. Under that caropy the public
speakers stood to address their crowds.
fifty substantial and convenient exhibit
stalls extend along the. north-eastern
part of the park for the blooded stock
and a number of small pavilions are
scattered over the grounds for general
convenience. The park is beautiful,
with its natural enhancements alone but
if the grangers carry out their intentions
regarding it, it will be far more beauti-
ful in a few years. The lack of shade
is not noticed, as the sun feels exceed-
ingly good these cool September days,
and then there is plenty of good water
to slake the thirst of those whom it
might affect. = The streets are all illum-
ed with powerful oil lamps so that night
in camp is almost as bright as day.
Most of the tents are occupied by par-
ties of young people, whose only object
is fun, and they have it, for during the
day they make themselves sick with
pop and peanuts and at night they for-
get their pains as they whirl about on
the giraffeor camel of the merry-go-
round to the inspiring strains of Annie
Rooney. The whole is a scene never to
be forgotten. People of all types.
Clothes of ever conceivable fashion.
Monday was spent in fixing up for the
week, though quite a number of visitors
were on the grounds. Tuesday was de-
voted to drying out after the big rain
Monday night but Wednesday proved
a delightful day. All mornin crowds
kept coming in and by noon there was
fully ten thousand’ people on the
grounds. In the the older
people assembled in the large anditor-
ium to her Mr, Benninger, of North-
ampton county, deliver a most able ad-
Hexry Grorer’s single tax theory
embraces so wild a proposition that it
is scarcely possible that its originator
is ip earnest in proposing it. This
theory suggests that all revenue for
federal, state and municipal purposes
should be raised by a tax exclusively
upon land values,without regard to im-
provements. According to his plan
land upon which have been erected the
most expensive improvements should
not be taxed more than land that is
entirely unimproved. That it would
simplify taxation by drawing it from a
gingle source, would certainly not be a
sufficient warrant for its manifest in-
justice. It would make land owners
the exclusive tax-payers, while other
forms of wealth would be exempt from
the tax burden.
That such idiotic injustice should
have any advocacy at all among peo-
rle of ordinary sense is a matter of sur-
prise, and yet this single tax theory
prevails to a considerable extent in
practice in Pennsylvania. Under our
tax laws land is made to bear the prin-
cipal burden, the land owner being the
chief victim of the tax collector. If
this isn’t the single tax theory put
into practice, it comes very near to it.
The arrangement is extremely advan.
tazeous to wealth that consists of
money and corporate invescments, but
it is mighty rough on the farmers
whose efforts to have taxation more
equally imposed has been frustrated
by the Quay, Delamater and Beaver
style of statesmen who have been
quite successful in protecting the cor-
porations from taxation at the expense
of the farmers.
—— The appeal ot the fifty eight
prominent and influential Republicans
of Philadelphia to their brethren in the
state, which we publish in the inside
columns of this issue, makes interest-
ing and instructive reading at this stage
of the political game. They are men of
the highest reputation, who have for
years been more or less prominent in
their affiliation with the Republican
party, but who now feel themselves
called upon to oppose their party's
candidate for Governor because they
believe that his election would be a
public injury and disgrace. They give
their reasons for the stand they have
taken in calm and dignified language,
basing their appeal to their Republican
brethren as much upon the regard they
should have for the credit of their
party as for the good name and good | dress. As his discussion cf the ubject
government of their state. he took was sa complete and logienl we
———t ue take pleasure in publishing our steno-
In What They Differ. graphic report of it :
Patrons and; Friends :—I am glad and ap-
preciate the opportunity of being with
you to-day, to discuss the true and honest
situation of the Farmers of this State, be-
cause there isno class that is similarly
situated, occupying as they do such a
pitiable and outraged condition, the in-
strument of political chicanery and in-
trigue for the past decade; and it be-
hooves us as a class of non-political men,
to study the present situation thoroughly
in order that we may cast our tranchise
We have been voting for the past 20
years for outsiders, who have been shear-
ing us continually, until there remains
but a tuft; and in order to retain this lit-
tle tuft, we have met here to-day regard-
less ot party, regardless of anybody per-
sonally, but to encourage one another in
the firm stand the Grangers have taken.
The Farmers are well aware that we pos-
sess all the land, that we do the work,and
that we are the majority of voters ; we
pay all our taxes and others besides, but
we have nothing to say. The grain prices
are made by N. Y.[& Chicago Trusts, and
in consequence we are forced to sell our
wheat for 20 cents per bushel less than it
costs to raise. We are not allowed to
.quote prices for one solitary article
They are having a lively and inter- |
esting contest in Iilinois for United
States Senator in which General Par-
MER, Democrat, is contending with the
present Republican Senator FarwgLr,
who wants to be re-elected. The Gen-
eral goes before the people and advo-
cates his own cause and that of his
party in speeches which be is so capa-
ble of making. His opponent, Fag-
WELL, is a millionaire who got into the
Senate through the influence of his
money. In a recent speech General
Parser drew the following neat com-
parison between himself and the afflu-
ent person who owes his place in the
Senate to his dollars, and who expects
that they will keep him there: “Mr.
“FARWELL and I in old times were
“Democrats. We went into the anti-
“slavery movement together. I went
“into the army; he didn’t. He made
“money ; I didn’t.” The secret of
the Republican preference for Far-
WELL lies in the fact that he made
money. In the estimation of the g.o.p.
it transcends General PaLMur’s quali-
fications of patriotism, military service
and civil ability.
A —
Grange Park a Scene of Excitement
and Pleasure.
Grange Park,the picnic home of Cen-
tral Pennsylvania’s grangers, is a beau-
tifully located plot of ground compris-
ing twenty-six acres. It was purchased
from Arney and Mingle, and Mus.
Curtin, for three thousand two hundred
and fifty dollars and is on the line of the
Lewisburg and Tyrone railroad about
one mile from Centre Hall,Centre coun-
ty. The park is on a slightly rising
ground and from head-quarters’ looking
down Grand avenue one of the most
complete views of agricultural beauty
mzets the eye. Rolling off to the east-
ern horizon are seen the celebrated
farms of Pennsvalley ; looming up just
in front of you one sees Brush mountain
rearing its mighty head heavenwards,
as though standing guard over the fertile
fields ; away off to the right Egg hill
stands boldy out in front of the Seven
Mountains, while the Nittany ranges
sweep majestically away forming the
northern boundary of this entrancing
scene. On going to the rear of the
quarters another view almost dazzling
in its splendor was disclosed. The sun
was setting ; and there in the West it
sank lower and lower until at last the
which we have tor sale. This being the
case, would it not be right and honorable
to demand of our grocer sugar at one
cent per pound ? For I heard Gov. Beav-
er say, which should be certainly good
authority, “that he gave the sugar ques-
tion thorough examination and was con-
vinced that sugar could be produced at
one cent per pound in the State of Penn-
I want to say right here that our State
Board of Agriculture has erred for the
bast several yearsin spending so much
money and time on the Sorghum and
Road Question. I will let you be the
judges of theamount of good it has aceom:
plished. Before I go further into expla-
nation I will state that in case I make
| any false statement, or that will conflict
with any opinions, invite a discussion
at once, for I come to speak the truth. For
such is the position 1 occupy in Grange
work since my enlistment in the noble
The great question and the one para.
mount above all others is the direct Tax
| Question. Not the Tariff, or Internal
Revenue, for these are only ‘indirectly
hurting us, and require deeper thought
and a much wider scope of investigation,
and which time, on this occasion, will not
permit me to enter,and therefore I would
advise all Brothers of the Order to read
carefully from time to time the discus.
sion between Senator G. C. Brown, State
Lecturer, and Mortimer Whitehead, Na,
tional Grange Lecturer, and decide when
the articles in Farmer's Friend have ended,
when I am satisfied you will not err much
' on the subject.
While there are differences of opinion
on the Tariff question, on the Tax ques-
tion we stand a unit, There are annual-
ly 41 millions of dollars collected for tax
purposes. The valuation on Real Estate
in Pennsylvania is 2 billion dollars, The
valuation of corporate and personal pro-
perty is two billion two hundred and fif-
ty millions. Out of the 41 million taxes,
the farmers of Pennsylvania,with a valu-
ation of 2 billions, pay 34 millions,
whereas the corporations, with a valua-
tion of two hundred and fifty millions
more,pay only seven millions tax, togeth-
er with corporate property worth one
billion, exempt from tax altogether. The
farmers pay $10 tax to one dollar of the
corporations. Of this we all understand
and are uaanimous. Now, allow me
to ask the ’'question, who made these
laws ? Master Rhone, Senator Brown and
others have labored incessantly for the
past ten years or more for the equaliza-
tion of the tax laws of Pennsylvania.
These personages occupy the position
of Gladstone to-day on this very subject,
and Ex-Gov. Pattison, the first one who
recognized the injustice of the measure,
came to their assistance in his first inau-
gural with the following language :
‘The ineffectiveness and partiality of
the laws for the taxation of property
must be confessed by ever unbiased stu-
dent of our financial policy Of the taxes
raised throughout the Commonwealth
for all purposes, both local and general,
real estate contributes four fitths, while
its assessed value is only about one six.
teenth greater than that of personal prop-
erty. Ifour laws were competent for an
exact and truthful assessment of the val-
ue of personal property, it would, without
a doubt, equal and most likely largeiy
exceed the value of real estate. As
a matter of fact, therefore, real property
in this Commenwealth is burdened by
taxetion four times as heavily as person-
al property. If we should eliminate from
this comparison the taxes paid by corpo.
rations, and for licenses and othérprivil.
eges granted By the State, and consider
only the taxes paid by individual citizens
upon their private possessions, it would
be found that the owner of real es.
tate pays quite ten times more tax up-
on his property than the owner of person.
al estate. This inequality is a flagrant
and indefensible act of ‘injustice.” The
burdens of government should be equally
shared—or at least as nearly equally as
human laws can contrive. Since our leg-
islative policy is to tax property rather
than persons there can be no possible ex.
cuse for selecting the houses and farms
of the people to bear ter times as much of
the public burdens as personal property.
1f things, und not persons, are to he taxed
common equity would dictate that the
aggregate ofa man’s possessions, irrespec-
tive of their kind, and simply according
to their value, should bear thie infliction .
What delinquency has real estate been
guilty of that it should be thus unfairly
discriminated against? It is the most
productive, the most needful, and the
most stable form of property. It adds
most to our wealth, remains always with
| us, shelters and sustains our people, and
at once attracts, and, if justly treated, re-
tains and multiplies population. There
isa baleful vice in the form of govern-
ment that inflicts a penalty upon lands
and houses, and makes their ownership
difficult and burdensome. The farmer
and householder has no right to any ex-
emption from his fair sharé of the public
expense, but he hin a right to just and im-
partial treatment that cannot be ignored
except ata cost to social tranquility that
must sooner of later be reckoned with.
That the inequality referred to exists
cannot be successfully denied. It is pat-
ent to every eye. There is not ga citizen
in the Commonwealth paying a tax upon
his home or farm who cannot point to
his neighbor owning many times as much
in personal goods and idle capital, who
yet pays an immeasurably less amount of
tax. Itis useless toanswer such undenia-
ble facts by any intricate theory as to the
ultimate distribution of all” taxation.
Such unjust diserimination is working
untold evil to our people; is oppressing
the poor; is exempting the rich;is day
by day establishing unfortunaté social
distinctions that ave foreign to our prin-
ciples of government, destructive of the
bappiness and energies of men, and blast-
ing the hopes that we have all prayerful-
ly entertained of our country becoming
the home of a contented and happy peo-
| ple.
The time ‘s ripe for the inauguration of
earnest efforts to eradicate the evil com-
plained of. The General Assembly should
promptly and heartily enter upon the
task of reforming the tax laws of the
State. That the subject is beset with dif-
ficulties, and has heretofore been consid-
ered without successful result, is no rea-
son for adandoning the attempt at this
session. - Some measure atleast should be
adopted as a stepping stone to the end de-
sired. ‘It was suggested in my last mes-
sage, and is again urged, that, as a prima-
Ty movement,a revenue law be framed by
Which the entire cost of the State govern-
ment should be met by taxation upon cor-
porations, and the receipt from taxes up-
on other forms of personsl property be
returned to the several counties, to re-
digve to that extent the real estate there-
Are his work and his untiring efforts
during his incumbency in office, not suf-
ficient to answer us why the farmers of
Pennsylvania are in favor of Ex.Gov. Pat-
tison ?
Why should vot our worthy Master
Leonard Rhone, who labored so faithful.
ly during the past ten years, be qualified
authority and in a osition to know who
Tepresents the farmers grievances sand do
not ;the pamphlets distributed at Wil-
liam’s Grove 1n direct detriment to our
worthy Master, show conclusively dis-
guised corporation means, and he who
had any hand in the contemptible trick
isa wolf with a sheep’s robe, and who in
disguise and in an unmanly way desires
the disruption of onr noble order.
In compliance with the party message
of Ex-Gov, Pattison, the committee of
legislation appointed by the State Grange
of Pennsylvania framed a bill, generally
known as thie Rhone Tax Bill.
This bill was eulogized Ly the press
throughout the entire State, met with
little opposition in bath Houses, and was
Unfortunately the President of the Sen-
ate. a Mr. Davis. who was undoubtedly a
respectable gentleman and had respect for
his character, was absent, and Senator
Smith, ex-detective of Philadelphia, pre-
sided. When this bill, together with oth-
ers, reached Gov. Beaver for his signa.
ture, thissingle bill failed to have the sig-
nature of the President of the Senate.
They say it was an accident. We Farm-
ers and Laborers say it was an intention.
al accident.
Many of us have repeatedly heard Gov.
Beaver say, “I had pen in hand to sign,
but to my great surprise this single bill
failed to have the signature of the Presi-
dent of the Senate.” When Beaver ex-
claims “this lets me ont,” we say this lets
him in,because of a unanimous ery through-
out the State for an extra session. The
Governor, through corporation influences
undoubtly, failed to call the extra ses
Sion, and consequently we hold Governor
Beaver personally responsible for the de-
feat [of the bill; and not only for this, but
we hold him personally responsible for
robbing the laborer and farmer of nine
tenth of all the taxes he pays,
We pay $1.00 we should pay but 10 cents.
\ 5.00 “ ‘ “ 50 “
“ 1.00 “ “ “10 “
witiigilin Jian th valigiline
‘e 51.0 4 “ “B00 “
For their expenses and other reasons,
which I have not time to mention, he at-
tacked our worthy Master Leonard Rhone
in a political harangue at William's
Grove, Pa., and he who can read between
the lines can see the source whence
sprang the order for withholding the dis-
tribution of the New York lurid at the
Grange pic-nie,
(Continued on 5th page)